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ILPH technical documentation

Ethernet - serial interface


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1SBC 260xxx R1001-d 02.02.2005
Ethernet – serial interface

1. Description
This interface realizes conversion from TCP/IP connection to serial link.
The TCP/IP connection use RJ45 connector for 10/100 Base T link
The serial connection is provided with RS232 and R485 signals.
The interface is able to work in slave MODBUS/TCP protocol (server mode), direct connection (tunnel)
in server or client mode, e-ILPH is also able to send mail via SMTP protocol using simple HAYES
command on the serial line.

Isolation: Serial lines (RS232 and RS485) uses common potential but are isolated from power supply
and network connection. Isolation is 1500V from network connection to power supply and serial lines.
The voltage isolation is 750 V from power supply and serial lines.
2. Connection

2.1. Power supply

Power supply use standard, removable, 5.08 mm size connector with ground connection. The voltage
might be from 10 V AC/DC to 24V AC/DC. The consumption is less then 2 Watt.
The following figure shows the power supply connection:
9 7 / 0 6 / 1 2 @ 0 9 : 0 9 : 1 5

Voltage input 1
Voltage input 2
Ground connection

Ground connections are also available with screw connection on the same side of e-ILPH, this
connection uses A and B connector as shown on the following figure:
Extra +24VDC power supply

Extra 0V power supply


Ground connection
Additional connector allowed extra power supply for redundant power management

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Ethernet – serial interface

2.2. Network
Network connection is realized through standard RJ45 CAT5 cable, the connection could be
realized when product is under power.
The speed of connection is automatically chosen between 10 or 100 mb depending on network

2.3. Serial port

RS485 connection:
This connection uses two plug of removable 5.08 mm size connector, the following figure shows
connection with indicated polarity
9 7 / 0 6 / 1 2 @ 0 9 : 0 9 : 1 5

B2 (-)

B1 (+)

RS232 Connection:
The RS232 connection uses standard male DB9 connector. Only 3 wires of connector are used (TX, TX,
GND), metallic part of connector is connected to ground. The wire configuration is the same as it is on
P.C. that means this configuration:
TX: 3 RX: 2 GND: 5


This configuration is able to replace any old serial PC connection with Ethernet connection using e-ILPH
with the same cable used before. Example with AC31: Any CPU could be connected to the serial port of
e-ILPH using standard 07SK50 cable

Additional connections of RS232 are available with screw connection on the same side of e-ILPH, those
connections allows using any cable for connection compatibility. The configuration is shown in the
following figure.



K : TX M : RX

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Ethernet – serial interface

3. Configuration
Configuration menu or switch is used to defined parameter such as IP address, TCP port address and
also serial parameters and working mode (tunnel, MODBUS/TCP …..)

3.1. Switch configuration

Configuration by switch is validated after a reset of the product, changes are effective only after power
off and power on sequence

The switches are accessible by opening product on the left side as shown on the figure



There are two groups of switches one with 4 switches, other one with 8 switches. First one (SWITCH
A) is reserved for hardware configuration of RS485. Second one (SWITCH B) is used for serial
parameter and main working possibilities. Following figure show location of switches:

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Ethernet – serial interface




9 7 / 0 6 / 1 2 @ 0 9 : 0 9 : 1 5



4: Unused
3: RS485 End bus adaptor resistance
2: Polarization line GND switch
1: Polarization line VCC switch

The on position is on the left side of the switch (keeping orientation of the previous figure)

Switch 1 and 2 might be in the same position, they are used to set polarization on RS485 lines, when
these switch are set to the on position the line is polarized.

Switch 3 connect RS485 line to 120Ω resistor, this is done to realize adaptation line on the end of the
bus. The connection is done when switch is set to the on position. The following diagram shows



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Ethernet – serial interface


+%)) (')) &*%)) & ))

( ( ( (
* * * *



! !" # $

1: Selection Soft / switch configuration, when this switch is set to on position the switch configuration is
ignored, configuration is fully made with software. When set to the off position, switch configuration are
valid. All parameter defined in the following switch can’t be modified by software
2: Selection tunnel or MODBUS mode, when the switch 1 is off position, the e-ILPH always works as
server mode. The switch 2 gives the possibilities of choosing if the working mode will be Tunnel mode
(transparent mode) or MODBUS/TCP slave mode. When switch n°2 is set to the off position Tunnel
mode (transparent mode) will be selected. Otherwise, e-ILPH works as MODBUS slave mode.
3: Selection AC31 program mode, this switch select, when set to the on position, particular working
mode to switch automatically from MODBUS TCP to direct mode automatically. This particular working
mode is used give the possibility of downloading program through the Ethernet connection. See
chapter 8.
4: Stop bits selection, when this switch is set to the on position the serial format use one stop bit, use
two stop bit otherwise.
5: Parity / No parity selection, when this switch is set to on position the serial frame include no parity.
When this switch is set to the off position the parity is determine by position of switch 6.
6: Even or Odd parity, the switch select even or odd parity when the switch 5 is set to the on position.
When is set to the on position even parity is selected.
7: Speed configuration 1
8: Speed configuration 2
Theses switches select serial speed from 4 values according the following table:

Switch 7 Switch 8 Speed selected

Off Off 9600
On Off 38400
Off On 57600
On On 115200

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Ethernet – serial interface

3.2. Software configuration

Software configuration is accessible using network or serial link. In both case the configuration menu is
the same.
Connecting to configuration menu with network connection
To connect to the e-ILPH use TELNET software, TELNET is a terminal mode under network
connection; this software is always included in windows software package. The command to invoke
TELNET is the following (under DOS command windows):
TELNET <IP> <port>
Where <IP> is the IP address in decimal mode separate by dot. Example
<port> is the TCP port used for connection, the default standard is 23, this is not necessary to add this
value in the command. For example connecting to brand new e-ILPH (with default values coming from
factory production):

On some recent windows package (WIN2000 ….) hyper terminal mode gives the possibility of network
connection using Win sock instead of COMx connection. This software could be use to configure e-
ILPH (in this case TCP channel might be set to 23)

Connecting to configuration menu using RS232 serial connection

Configuring e-ILPH is possible through R232 serial port connection. This possibility is particularly
interesting because there is no need to know the IP address affected to the product. To realize this
configuration do the following:
Switch off the e-ILPH
Connect it to the serial line of PC with cross cable.
Open terminal mode (hyper terminal or other), configure link with parameter 9600 bauds, 8 bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control. In this mode the serial configuration does not depend on switch or
software configuration and will be always the same.
To enter in setup mode hold down the x key then switch on the e-ILPH. By detecting xxx sequence
the e-ILPH enters in setup mode, and then the configuration process is the same and independent of
connection type.

Entering in setup menu

Immediately after connection e-ILPH display a first interface that give possibility to select setup or
monitor mode. The monitor mode is an advanced menu that allows getting and writing data from and to
the setup memory. This way is expert mode and not easy for human understanding. This mode will be
described in other specific document.
The first configuration menu wait few second for pressing enter key to switch to setup menu, some
interesting information are displayed. See in the following line some example of this display :

************* ABB ------ e-ILPH *************

MAC address 00204A8254AF

Software version 01.1 (050118) V3 550_XPTEX
Press Enter to go into Setup Mode

MAC address is unique hardware address of each e-ILPH,

In the second line software version is displayed (with date inside of parenthesis) followed by library
version number.
After pressing key ENTER the display goes to setup menu mode as following lines shows:

************* ABB ------ e-ILPH *************

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Ethernet – serial interface

******** Network parameters ********

Hardware: Ethernet ILPH TPI
IP Address :, no gateway set
e-ILPH is in slave MODBUS/TCP mode

******** Serial communication port ********

Baudrate 57600 Bauds
8 Bits, No parity, 1 Stop bit, No flow control

******** Configuration menu ********

0: Network configuration
1: Serial line parameter
2: Operation mode
3: Factory defaults
4: Exit without save
5: Save and exit
6: English/Francais

First part displays actual configuration values, with current IP address, current working mode (in the
example (e-ILPH is in slave MODBUS/TCP) and serial lines parameter.
Then it is printed the menu choice with number and the corresponding choice:

Menu description
0 Network configurations
This menu is configured network information; please ask to your local network manager before setting

Enter this menu by pressing 0 + enter key. E-ILPH asks you for IP address, the current value of each
byte is displayed in parenthesis, if you don’t want to change the byte value just press enter or dot key.
The following byte will be asked, if modification is necessary just enter new value in decimal mode
followed by enter or dot key.
After setting IP address display asks you if you need to set gateway address, each time this kind of
request is displayed the current value is displayed in parenthesis, if no modification just press enter
key. If you want to modify press Y, the answer is not case sensitive, y is also accepted.
Changing gateway IP address use the same process then setting IP address.

In this menu you are also able to change netmask, or TELNET password
Enter netmask is following the same procedure than entering IP address.

1 Serial line parameters

This menu is used to determine serial link parameter. Some parameters are not accessible is the
switch 1 is set to the on position (see chapter on switch configuration) . For each parameter, actual
value is shown in parenthesis. If no modification needed, just press enter.

Setting baudrate: enter desired baudrate value from the following list
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
if no modification from the actual value, just press enter key, this setting is not accessible if switch 1 is

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Ethernet – serial interface

Setting character size: input character size (7 or 8 bits), this value is not accessible is switch 1 is on

Input parity (0, 1, 2): 0 : no parity, 1 : Odd parity, 2 : Even parity, this value is not accessible is switch
1 is on

Input number of stop bit (1 or 2). This value is not accessible is switch 1 is on

Input flow control: 0 no flow control, 1 XON/XOFF control

2 Operation mode
This menu is used to select the working mode from the following menu that is displayed after:
e-ILPH is in slave MODBUS/TCP mode
0 : slave MODBUS/TCP mode
1 : transparent server mode
2 : transparent client mode
3 : MAIL mode
Each selected menu generates display of new menu with parameter required for the selected
operation, on the first line is indicated the current operation mode. If no modification are required just
press enter.
If 0 is press – Slave MODBUS/TCP mode is selected
The following menu asks for:
Source port: This is the TCP channel used for MODBUS/TCP communication. Usually the value is
502, but this value could be change (from 1 to 65536, except 23 that is reserved for TELNET
configuration) to be in accordance with the configuration of the master.
Slave Timeout: This the timeout value, expressed in ms, before waiting the answer from the slave.
This value is specifically used when there is two masters. This time is counted, in case of no response,
before sending the request of the second master.
Enable automatic switch MODBUS-DIRECT mode <Y>: This parameter enable function of
automatic switch mode from MODBUS/TCP to transparent mode. See chapter 8. If the parameter is Y
(Yes) the following parameter line is displayed, otherwise the following parameter is not necessary.
Communication port on AC31 PLC (1) : Enter the communication port which is used to connect to
AC31. 1 is the programming port, 2 is the CS31 port.

If 1 is press – transparent server mode is selected

The following menu asks for:
Source port: This is the TCP channel (from 1 to 65536, except 23 that is reserved for TELNET
configuration) used to communicate in transparent mode.
1st ASCII code for pack data (0): This is the ASCII code that is check for Ethernet sending decision.
The e-ILPH gives possibility of grouping character before sending frame to Ethernet. One or two
characters can be defined. The main example is to send frame when Carriage return followed by line
st nd
feed need to be detected to send frame to Ethernet. If both 1 and 2 character are set to 0 Ethernet
frame is generated for each received character.
2nd ASCII code for pack data (0): second ASCII code for pack decision.

If 2 is press – transparent client mode is selected

The following menu asks for:
SMTP server IP address: Enter the server IP address, uses the same procedure then entering own IP
Destination Port : Enter server destination port (from 1 to 65536)

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Ethernet – serial interface

Connection with HAYES command <Y>: Enter HAYES mode command is used for connection. If N
(No) is answered, the following menu lines asks for characters (1 or 2) that are needed for connection
1st ASCII code for connection command (13): 1st character for connection decision
2nd ASCII code for connection command (0): 2nd character for connection decision. The procedure
is the same then for packing decision. If both parameters are set to 0, connection is generated with any
1st ASCII code for pack data (0): this character is used for packing decision (generate Ethernet
frame) when connection is established. The procedure is the same than in server mode.
2nd ASCII code for pack data (0): second character for pack decision, according to the same
procedure than in server mode

If 3 is press – mail mode is selected

In this mode e-ILPH is able to send simple and limited text mail to two different receivers with a simple
text command.
The following menu asks for:
SMTP server IP address: enter the SMTP server IP address (procedure is the same than entering
own IP address)
TCP port for mail server: Enter the TCP port for mail server, default value is 25, this value could be
modified to be in accordance with specific SMTP server

Mail recipient 1 :([email protected]): Mail recipient 1: Enter (with limit of 48 characters) mail
addresses of first mail recipient. To delete the value just press space bar and enter key. If no
modification, press enter

Mail recipient 2 :([email protected]): Enter (with limit of 48 characters) mail addresses of second
mail recipient. To delete the value just press space bar and enter key. If no modification, press enter.

Domain name ( Enter (with limit of 23 characters) the domain name of e-ILPH (sender of
message) .To delete the value just press space bar and enter key. If no modification, press enter.

Unit name (e-ILPH): Enter (with limit of 23 characters) the unit name of e-ILPH (sender of message).
The mail sender address will be generated by addition of Domain name and unit name separate by @
such as UnitName@ DomainName. To delete the value just press space bar and enter key. If no
modification, press enter.

Message 1 (This is the subject): Enter (with limit of 23 characters) the subject of the message. To
delete the value just press space bar and enter key. If no modification, press enter.

Message 2 (This is first line): Enter (with limit of 23 characters) the first line of the message. To
delete the value just press space bar and enter key. If no modification, press enter.

Message 3 (This is second line): Enter (with limit of 23 characters) the second line of the message.
To delete the value just press space bar and enter key. If no modification, press enter.

Connection with HAYES command <N>: Enter HAYES mode command is used for connection. If N
(No) is answered, the following menu lines asks for characters (1 or 2) that are needed for connection
1st ASCII code for connection command (13): 1 character for connection decision, the connection,
if successful will automatically send mail
2nd ASCII code for connection command (0): 2nd character for connection decision. The procedure
is the same then for packing decision. If both parameters are set to 0, connection is generated with any

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Ethernet – serial interface

3 Factory defaults
This menu, after confirmation by pressing key (depending on selected language, Y = Yes in English)
set all parameters into factory default according the following list:
Name Value Description
Speed 9600 Speed of serial line, valid if switch configuration is
Size 8 Size of serial line character
Parity No No parity in the character frame, valid if switch
configuration is inactive
Stop bit 1 One stop bit in the frame, valid if switch configuration is
Flow control 0 No flow control
AC31 Com 1 Default value is connection on com1 for automatic
port protocol switch management (programming com port)
MODBUS Yes e-ILPH is in server configuration mode with
MODBUS/TCP protocol
Source port 502 Default value for MODBUS/TCP protocol
Remote port 25 Remote destination port in client mode
CarCon1 13 Character trigger 1 for connection (default value is
carriage return)
CarCon2 0 Character trigger 2 for connection, only one character will
be check
CarPack1 0 Character 1 for pack decision (TCP frame will be created
on each character received on serial line)
CarPack1 0 Character 0 for pack decision, (TCP frame will be created
on each character received on serial line)
SMTP Port 25 Port number of remote mail SMTP server
Recipient1 [email protected] First mail recipient for automatic mail transfer
Recipient2 [email protected] Second mail recipient for automatic mail transfer
Domain Default domain name of sender
Unit e-ILPH Default mail address sender will be e-ILPH@e-
Subject This is the subject Subject of the mail
First line This is first line First line in the text of mail
Second line This is second line Second line in the text of mail

All IP addresses will be kept as previously defined

4 Exit without save

5 Save and exit
All the previous parameters are during configuration stored in volatile memory.
To cancel all modifications chose menu 4.
To valid all modifications chose menu 5, after store done e-ILPH will be reset automatically, if
connections are still active, they will be cancel
6 English/Francais
This menu allows you to change configuration menu language; the value will be kept in non-volatile
memory for the next connexion.

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Ethernet – serial interface

4. Hayes commands
Hayes commands are used in Mail mode; there is command for configuration, display values and
command for connection. All commands are not case sensitive
Configuration command:
ATM1 or ATM2: Set mail recipient 1 and 2, followed by 48 characters max. if command is send alone
(with no following characters) the mail recipient will be deleted
ATMU: set unit name, followed by 23 characters max. if command is send alone (with no following
characters) the unit name will be deleted
ATMD: set domain name followed by 23 characters max. if command is send alone (with no following
characters) the domain name will be deleted.
ATMS1, ATMS2, and ATMS3: set message 1, 2 or 3, message 1 is the subject of mail, others are lines
of body. Limited to 23 characters. if command is send alone (with no following characters) the message
will be deleted.

Display command:
ATL: Display command; show the actual configuration (IP address of server mail recipient etc.)

Connection command:
ATDT: Connection command, this command will automatically generate connection to the remote
SMTP server and send mail to the recipients

5. Display (LED) description

Serial transmit activity Connection indication

Serial receive activity Power indicator

+24V 0V





Ethernet speed indicator

Ethernet activity indicator
Power: indicates correct power supply on the product
Link: indicates TCP connection is currently active on this e-ILPH
TXD: light during emission on serial port
RXD: Light during reception on serial port
Ethernet speed: indicate current network speed: Amber colour: 10 base-T connection, Green colour:
100 base-T connection
Ethernet activity: Momentary amber colour: Half duplex activity, Momentary green colour: Full duplex

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Ethernet – serial interface

6. Update firmware
Update firmware is done through Ethernet connection. The functionality use tftp function implemented
into windows package. The update firmware is ROM extension file, to update launch this command into
DOS windows from the directory where is located the eILPHxxx.ROM file, xxx is the version number
tftp -i PUT eILPH100.ROM X2
Where is the remote IP address of e-ILPH that might be updated
And eILPH100.ROM is the code file that contains updated firmware (example with 10.0 version

Update time is about 1 second using 100 Mb network, the e-ILPH will be automatically reset after
update is completely done.

7. Monitor mode
Monitor mode is expert mode that gives possibilities of setting configuration with more efficiency than
configuration menu.

Enter in monitor mode with serial link

Connect terminal to serial port; configure serial line parameters of terminal with 9600 bauds, 8 bits,
no parity, 1 stop bit
Switch off e-ILPH, hold on z key on terminal, switch on e-ILPH, by detecting zzz the e-ILPH will
automatically switch to monitor mode.
The connection is realized when the terminal prompt with a number followed by >, the value of the
number depends on previous command (see following table with command response code)

Enter in monitor mode with Ethernet connection

Connect to the e-ILPH using TELNET or hyper terminal with sock IP connection, in the first menu,
instead of enter key press M key this will switch automatically to monitor mode

Command Response Codes

Response Meaning
0> OK; no error
1> No answer from remote device
2> Cannot reach remote device or no answer
8> Wrong parameter(s)
9> Invalid command

All command that is accessible on monitor mode is described in detail in specific document. Here is the
description of the most important one as is it could be used often to set IP address during production or
installation tools

Command co:
Command used to set IP address and gateway address, also define port number and number of host
bit. The command memorize the new value then generate a reset, communication will be lost because
of this reset an X is sent by e-ILPH before reset if command is successful

IP1.IP2.IP3.IP4 is IP address of e-ILPH
N is the number of host bits

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Ethernet – serial interface

GIP1.GIP2.GIP3.GIP4 is gateway IP address

P is port number. Entering 0 will generate factory default configuration after the reset.

Command NC:
This command show actual network configuration
Example of result gives by NC command on e-ILPH which IP address is, with no
gateway set and mask definition is (network class A)

IP GW Mask

Command QU
This command quit the monitor mode; this is not necessary when using co command

8. Automatic switch from MODBUS/TCP to direct mode

This specific mode is used when connected to AC31 PLC range series 50 & 40.
This mode gives possibility of automatic switch from MODBUS mode to direct (transparent mode). The
change is done when connection is in MODBUS mode and connection arrives with frame that is not
MODBUS frame.
When this new connection or new frame comes to the e-ILPH, it sends specific frame (depending on
COM1 or COM2 selected in the configuration) to convert the PLC into programming mode. When the
connection is closed, the e-ILPH comes back to MODBUS mode, after having sent a frame to switch
back the PLC into MODBUS mode.
While direct connection is open, if already exist a MODBUS connection, on each request exception
code 6 (device busy) is sent to the master. This, normally, generates no timeout and keeps efficiency
to the whole network.

WARNING: This automatic possibility is allowed if ONLY ONE PLC is connected to the e-ILPH

9. Expert debugging mode

Trace debug with telnet
Telnet connectivity gives possibilities of debug serial communication by tracing communication
exchange on serial port. This debug tools is accessible on the main menu by entering menu 66 (this
menu command is not shown on the list to keep accessibility on to expert team

Trace debug in MODBUS communication

The following trace show example that could be encountered in MODBUS communication:
Connection established
From TCP:[73][2][0][0][0][6]<1><3><0><99><0><10><53><211>Wait:31
)(101)(100)(13)(10)(0)(32)(67)(111)(110)I = 31/CRC OK /Packed
From TCP:[74][2][0][0][0][6]<1><3><0><99><0><10><53><211>Wait:31
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11)(110)I = 31/CRC OK /Packed

From TCP:[75][2][0][0][0][6]<1><3><0><99><0><10><53><211>Wait:31
00)(13)(10)(0)(32)(67)(111)(110)I = 31/CRC OK /Packed
Passive mode: Listen for Connection on port: 502

All data are displayed in decimal mode, each byte is inserted in ( ) or [ ]. Data in ( ) are exchanged
physically on the serial line, data in [ ] are additional byte exchange on TCP level.

The byte with indication From TCP is the request, this message is followed by Wait: nn. This is the
number of byte wait for response, this number is calculated with function code and number of data
The trace which follows this request line are the byte received on serial line, at the end of frame I=nn
indicates the number of received characters, CRC OK indicates that CRC coming from serial line is
OK, and Packed indicator shows that message has been sent to the TCP connection.

When connection is stopped a message indicate on which port TCP connection might comes.

Trace debug in SMTP communication

In the following example is shown exchange between e-ILPH and SMTP server mode
DEBUG TELNET Press any key to exit

Trace:<10><13>Active mode : Connection to port : 25

Trace:<13><10>Connection established<13><10>
From TCP:220 ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version 1.8 (<13><10>
To TCP:HELO<13><10>
From TCP:250 Welcome [], pleased to meet you<13><10>
To TCP:MAIL FROM:[email protected]<13><10>
From TCP:250 Sender "[email protected]" OK...<13><10>
To TCP:RCPT TO:[email protected]<13><10>
From TCP:250 Recipient "[email protected]" OK...<13><10>
To TCP:DATA<13><10>
From TCP:354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself<13><10>
To TCP:Subject: This is the subject<13><10><13><10>
To TCP:This is first line<13><10>
To TCP:This is second line<13><10>
To TCP:<13><10>.<13><10>
From TCP:250 Message accepted for delivery. <vfohn5tzvdms0uo.220720041023@FR-W-K
To TCP:QUIT<10><13>
From TCP:221 Aba he<13><10>

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Ethernet – serial interface

In this trace text we could find trace information, such as Active mode : Connection to port : 25 when
connection is started
Some messages are specific to SMTP protocol, such as command like HELO, MAIL FROM etc.
At the end of connection we encountered information trace for Disconnect.

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