Antony, Jiju (2006) Implementing The Lean Sigma Framework in An Indian SME: A Case Study. Production Planning and Control, 17 (4) - Pp. 407
Antony, Jiju (2006) Implementing The Lean Sigma Framework in An Indian SME: A Case Study. Production Planning and Control, 17 (4) - Pp. 407
Antony, Jiju (2006) Implementing The Lean Sigma Framework in An Indian SME: A Case Study. Production Planning and Control, 17 (4) - Pp. 407
SME: a case study. Production Planning and Control, 17 (4). pp. 407-
423. ,
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Production Planning & Control,
Vol. 17, No. 4, June 2006, 407–423
Lean and Six Sigma are two widely acknowledged business process improvement strategies
available to organisations today for achieving dramatic results in cost, quality and time by
focusing on process performance. Lately, Lean and Six Sigma practitioners are integrating the
two strategies into a more powerful and effective hybrid, addressing many of the weaknesses
and retaining most of the strengths of each strategy. Lean Sigma combines the variability
reduction tools and techniques from Six Sigma with the waste and non-value added
elimination tools and techniques from Lean Manufacturing, to generate savings to the
bottom-line of an organisation. This paper proposes a Lean Sigma framework to reduce
the defect occurring in the final product (automobile accessories) manufactured by a
die-casting process. The proposed framework integrates Lean tools (current state map, 5S
System, and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)) within Six Sigma DMAIC methodology
to enhance the bottom-line results and win customer loyalty. Implementation of the proposed
framework shows dramatic improvement in the key metrics (defect per unit (DPU), process
capability index, mean and standard deviation of casting density, yield, and overall equipment
effectiveness (OEE)) and a substantial financial savings is generated by the organisation.
1. Introduction the market share and maximise profit. All the large
companies such as Toyota, Danaher Corporation,
The last two decades has witnessed an increased General Electric, Motorola, Honeywell, and many
pressure from customers and competitors for greater others, have achieved dramatic results by implementing
value from their purchase whether based on quality, either Lean or Six Sigma methodologies in their
faster delivery, or lower cost (or combination of both) organisation (Womack and Jones 1996, Harry 1998,
in both manufacturing and service sector (Basu 2001, Basu 2001, Murman et al. 2002, Sharma 2003, Arnheiter
George 2002). This has encouraged many industries to and Maleyeff 2005).
adopt either Six Sigma (as their process improvement Shah and Ward (2003) accentuated the importance of
and problem solving approach) or Lean Manufacturing plant size, plant age, and union status on the likelihood
(for improving speed to respond to customer needs and of implementing 22 manufacturing practices that are key
overall cost) as part of management strategy to increase facets of the Lean production system. The core thrust of
Lean production is that it works synergistically to create
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] a streamlined, high quality system that produces
Production Planning and Control
ISSN 0953–7287 print/ISSN 1366–5871 online ß 2006 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09537280500483350
408 M. Kumar et al.
finished products at the pace of customer demand with the integrated approach of Lean and Six Sigma business
little or no waste. Lean strategy brings a set of proven strategies is delineated in figure 1. Figure 1 is based on
tools and techniques to reduce lead times, inventories, the previous works of experts in Lean and Six Sigma
set up times, equipment downtime, scrap, rework and (Womack and Jones 1996, James-Moore and Gibbons
other wastes of the hidden factory. 1997, Hoerl 1998, Rother 1998, Breyfogle III 1999,
The statistically based problem solving methodology Harry and Schroeder 1999, Emiliani 2000, Hines and
of Six Sigma delivers data to drive solutions, delivering Taylore 2000, Pyzdek 2000, Antony et al. 2003, Snee
dramatic bottom-line results. Linderman et al. (2003) and Hoerl 2003). The use of the comprehensive set of
accentuated the importance of social and psychological tools mentioned above can help to reduce all kinds of
considerations in understanding Six Sigma phenomena waste (rework, over production, waiting, material,
and how effective use of goals helps alter the behaviour human skills, transportation and unnecessary move-
of organised members and their perceptions about how ment) from the organisation (Ohno 1988, Womack et al.
much change is possible. Authors further emphasised on 1990, Shingo 1992, Hines et al. 1998, Liker 1998).
the understanding of the technical aspect as well as This paper presents a case study undertaken by
behavioural insight for successful deployment of Six implementing a Lean Sigma framework into an Indian
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
Sigma. Sodhi and Sodhi (2005) illustrated how a global small- to medium-sized enterprise (SME) in order to
manufacturer of industrial equipment applied Six Sigma reduce the defects which occur in the final product
to its price setting process for one product line. In this manufactured by the company and thus satisfy their
study, Six Sigma has transformed the tenor of the customers. The company was regularly receiving com-
relationship between the pricing and sales staffs from plaints from its customers on crack propagation in the
adversity to relative harmony for making joint decisions automobile accessories manufactured by the company.
that are aligned with strategic objectives of the business. This was the major cause of customer dissatisfaction
Each methodology proposes a set of attributes that and was putting customer loyalty at risk. To retain its
are prerequisites for effective implementation of the customers, the management realised the importance of
respective program: top management commitment, removing operational inefficiencies and wastes from the
cultural change in organisations, good communication organisation. The goal of the organisation was to reduce
down the hierarchy, new approaches to production and the defects in the product, work-in-process inventory,
to servicing customers and a higher degree of training scrap and rework cost.
and education of employees (Salzman et al. 2002, The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: Section 2
Antony et al. 2003). provides an insight into the die-casting process, the prob-
Companies across the spectrum have found the most lem encountered by the company and the rationale
effective way to eliminate the flaws that lead to rework behind selecting Lean Sigma methodology to tackle
and scrap, and create one unified idea of continuous the problem. The reasons for using Lean Sigma as a
improvement, is the integration of Lean Manufacturing continuous improvement methodology for this case
and Six Sigma (Smith 2003). The integration of the two study is cited in section 3. Section 4 elucidates the
systems can achieve much better results than either steps involved in implementing the proposed framework
system can achieve alone. While, Lean strategies play an to identify the root cause of the problem and propose
important role in eliminating waste and non-value- corrective action to minimise the impact of the problem
added activities across the organisation, Six Sigma, on customer satisfaction. The effectiveness of proposed
through the use of statistical tools and techniques, takes Lean Sigma framework is discussed in section 5.
an organisation to an improved level of process perfor- Section 6 throws light on some of the difficulties
mance and capability. The two methodologies empha- encountered while implementing the proposed frame-
sise the unfathomable involvement of top executives and work. The paper is concluded in section 7.
communication with the bottom line to develop robust
products and processes in their organisation.
Most companies using the integrated approach apply 2. Company background
basic Lean tools and techniques at the beginning of their
program, such as current state map, basic house keeping The die-casting unit under study was established in 1978
using 5S practice, standardised work, etc. After imple- with 150 employees, which comes under the category of
menting the above tools and techniques some wastes SME as per the classification given by Indian Trade
are eliminated from the system. Now, the tools and Industry. The organisation is engaged in designing and
techniques of Six Sigma are used to offer powerful manufacturing various types of precision machined
solutions to chronic problems. The comprehensive set of components using pressure and gravity die-casting
tools, techniques and principles that can be employed in processes. The main customers of the company are
Implementing the Lean Sigma framework in an Indian SME 409
ordinance factories, the automobile industry, and textile from where it is sent to the customer according to an
machine manufacturers. The company manufactures agreed schedule. Customer orders are taken care of
around 250 000 units of die casting products per year to on the basis of first come first serve (FCFS). Quick
cater for the needs of its customers. The employees work turnaround orders (QTA) are taken care of by
in three shifts per day, each shift of 8 hours, and six days rescheduling the batch processing as decided by the
a week to meet the market demand. production manager.
The die-casting process starts with placing Al-alloy
(AlSi9Cu13) ingots in the furnace and heating them for a
sufficient duration. When the metal melts and achieves a 3. Rationale for implementing Lean Sigma
suitable temperature in the casting furnace, it is inserted
into the dies by plunger pressure. As the metal solidifies The application of different quality programmes to
the cast product is taken out with the help of an ejector reduce the operational inefficiencies and wastes requires
pin and placed in a trolley. The cast product then goes to top management involvement and commitment in order
the trimming and fettling shop where extra projections to provide appropriate resources and training. The top
are removed. The trimmed product is moved to the level management in the SME were proponents of Lean
drilling section (MC1) where the different holes and and used to practice TPM, Kaisen, and 5S systems in the
grooves are made as per the dimensions in the drawing. organisation. Management showed confidence at the
In the next step, semi-finished products go to the beginning of the initiative and supported the quality and
de-burring unit (MC2) where the external and internal production managers with the variety of resources and
holes are cleaned and burrs are removed. It is then training required for successful deployment of Lean
moved to the chamfering and threading unit (MC3) principles. As a result, there was less work-in-process
where fine cutting at different angles along the surface inventory with reduced scrap and rework cost.
and the making of external and internal threads are Management interest in the quality initiatives under-
performed. Cleaning and polishing operations are per- taken started waning as the demand from its customers
formed subsequently in the next stage. Finally, the increased. The wish to maximise return on investment
finished product is stored in the dispatch department and the fear of not meeting the customer demand
410 M. Kumar et al.
compelled the management to concentrate more on overall complexity, and helps to uncover the value-
production than on quality of the product. This resulted added activities of a process, Six Sigma can solve
in an increase in work-in-process inventory, scrap and complex cross functional problems where the root
rework cost, and more defects (external and internal causes of a problem (in this case, crack propagation)
casting defects like foliation, cracks, cold shut, pinhole are unknown and help to reduce undesirable variations
porosity, etc.) in the final product. There were many in processes. The integration of two approaches elimi-
hidden wastes embedded in the manufacturing process nates the limitations of individual approach. The team
that were ignored by the company because their members decided to adopt Six Sigma over TQM because
manufacturing capacity was higher than their produc- of the following reasons:
tion requirements. Problems were tackled by increasing
. TQM focuses on long-term results and expected
the work-in-process inventory leading to higher inven-
pay-off is not well defined. Six Sigma creates a
tory carrying cost. In the last six years, demand for their
sense of urgency by emphasising rapid project
product became high due to globalisation and the boom
completion within 6 months.
in the automobile sector. In order to meet the customers’
. Improvement results from TQM initiatives are
demand, production of automobile accessories was
small and do not bring rapid changes. The die-
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
scrupulously studied the documents of the production spent many hours on the shop floor observing, in order
and quality departments to check on the defective to collect data and understand the different processes
products manufactured each day. This helped develop associated with the die-casting unit.
the Lean Sigma framework for implementation on the
shop floor. In the proposed framework, Lean tools are 4.1.2. Problem definition. A number of brainstorming
used within the Six Sigma (DMAIC) problem-solving sessions of team members were conducted to identify
methodology to reduce the defects occurring in the final critical to quality (CTQ) characteristics based on the
product. voice of customer (VOC) input. In the meeting the
problem of the die-casting unit, the size of the problem,
the impact of the problem, etc., were discussed among
4.1. Define the team members and it was apparent that most of the
customer complaints related to crack propagation in the
4.1.1. Management initiatives. An emergency meeting automobile accessories manufactured by the company.
was called by top level management with operators, The goal of the team members was to identify the root
engineers and senior managers of different departments cause of problem and reduce the defects occur in the
to discuss the restructuring required in the current product.
practices for enhancing the market share and customer
satisfaction. In order to instigate enthusiasm and 4.1.3. Current state map. In order to have an insight
motivation among employees for bringing about the into the current state of the die-casting unit, a current
required changes, senior management decided to com- state map is developed which gives a closer look at the
municate not only the successes but also the problems process so that opportunities for improvement can be
encountered while implementing Lean Sigma frame- identified. The movement of materials through different
work. This helped in identifying the mistakes committed processes/facilities during manufacturing is shown in the
in other projects and learning from such mistakes. current state map (figure 3).
A cross-functional team was formed consisting of As shown in the current state map, the manufacturing
the operators, engineers from production, quality, and process starts with die casting and extends all the way
marketing department, and senior managers. This team through to shipping. Below each process, process cycle
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
3 month Production
Al manufacturer forecast Customer
control Forecast
Monthly 250 000 pieces/year
One month order
Tray of 14
Figure 3. Current state map. Lead time ¼ 5.76 days, Value added time ¼ 101 sec.
Implementing the Lean Sigma framework in an Indian SME 413
time (CT), machine uptime (U/T), the number of shifts, 4.3. Analyse phase
the changeover time (C/O), and the percentage defect
The objective of the team members was to determine the
are listed. It should be noted that data are collected
root causes of defects and identify the significant process
based on interactions with the workers at different work
parameters causing the defect. Out of six casting defects,
stations. During the development of these state maps
air inclusion, shrink holes, and gas holes porosity are
it was found that the defect rate was high and was
internal defects whereas cold shut, foliations, and
soldering are surface defects. The internal defects are
formed during the casting process as the metal solidifies.
The micro holes created inside the casting are due to air
4.2. Measure phase or gas entrapment and result in crack propagation
due to differential pressure and force created inside
The team was divided into small groups to monitor
the casting. This crack propagation impedes the proper
the defects occurring in each process involved in the
functioning of the final product and thus is very
manufacturing of die-casting product. The team had
significant to overall performance of the machinery
been collecting data of defective products for the last
where die-casting parts are fitted. The Pareto chart
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
60 60
parameter values and react in time for the necessary
corrective actions for the experimental procedure. What 40 40
the customers want is a sound casting with measurable
characteristics, such as the density of the casting. 20 20
Therefore the ultimate goal of the team was to increase
casting density. 0 0
The company was operating at a baseline capability of Type of Defects Internal Defect Cold Shut Foliation Soldering Other Defects
Count 67 20 7 3 3
0.12 with defects per unit (DPU) being 0.18. The desired Percent 67.0 87.0 7.0 3.0 3.0
Cum% 67.0 20.0 94.0 97.0 100.0
specification limit of casting density was 2.73–2.78 g/cc
and the casting produced before the implementation of Figure 4. Pareto chart for the internal and external casting
Lean Sigma had an average density of 2.45 g/cc. defects.
414 M. Kumar et al.
Table 1. Classification of defects and their contribution to total defect.
Casting—177 (all casting defects) Casting defects—160 Other defects—35 Casting defects—65 Other defects—16
Filling timing
Fast shot set point
Plunger velocity (2nd) Diameter
Pressure Lubricant
Gate density
Cooling system
Venting system Composition
affecting the density of casting, a ‘cause and effect’ At this stage, it was essential to identify significant
diagram was constructed and is shown in figure 5. parameters so that they are tuned properly to achieve
The cause and effect diagram shows that the most the desired range of casting density.
important process parameters that affect the casting
density are: piston velocity at first stage, piston velocity
at second stage, metal temperature, filling time and 4.4. Improve phase
hydraulic pressure. From experience, it was revealed
that non-linear behaviour of the parameters of the die- 4.4.1. Design of experiment. In the improve phase, the
casting process can only be determined if more than two team decided to carry out a designed experiment to
levels are used. The parameters along with their settings identify the significant process parameters affecting the
are given in table 2. casting density. The most appropriate orthogonal array
Implementing the Lean Sigma framework in an Indian SME 415
Table 2. Process parameters with their ranges and values at three levels.
(OA) design to meet the experimental requirement trial conditions. The average values of the S/N ratios
is a 27-trial experiment (L27 OA) and the exper- for each parameter at different levels for all the trials are
imental layout is depicted in table 3. The company listed in table 4 and plotted in figure 6. The influence
was initially operating with the following settings: of interactions on the casting density was negligible
A1, B1, C1, D2, E3. based on the analysis and was thus omitted from
The casting density is a ‘larger the better’ type the table and figure.
of quality characteristic. Thus, the S/N ratio used is From figure 6, it is clear that casting density is at
given by: maximum when the process parameters A, B, D and E
" # are kept at level 3 and parameter C at level 1. Once the
1X 1 optimum settings of process parameters were identified,
S=N ratio ¼ 10 log ð1Þ
n y2i the team members decided to implement 5S system and
total productive maintenance (TPM) to establish a clean
where yi is the casting density for a trial condition. Each environment within the shop floor and also to reduce
trail condition was repeated three times (i.e. n ¼ 3). the idle time of machine and employees on the shop
The S/N ratios are computed for each of the 27 floor.
416 M. Kumar et al.
Table 4. The average values of S/N ratios for each process parameter at different levels.
Factor A B C D E
S/N ratio
S/N ratio
8.768 S/N ratio of ‘A’ 8.765 S/N ratio of ‘B’
8.766 8.76
8.764 8.755
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
1 2 3 1 2 3
Levels Levels
S/N ratio of ‘C’ 8.768 S/N ratio of ‘D’
8.765 8.766
8.76 8.764
1 2 3 1 2 3
Levels Levels
S/N ratio of ‘E’
1 2 3
Figure 6. Average value of S/N ratio for the five parameters at three levels.
4.4.2. Confirmatory test. In order to validate the of actions to maintain an organised work place
results obtained from the improve phase, a confirmatory (Monden 1998). The following are the Japanese words
experiment was performed using the optimal setting that describe those actions—Seiri (sort), Seiton (set in
of process parameters A, B, D and E at level 3 and order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu (standardise), Shitsuka
C at level 1. The average value of casting density was (sustain) (Mastroianni and Abdelhamid 2003). Top level
computed as 2.75 g/cc. This resulted in an increase of management decided to implement the 5S system in
casting density by over 12%. In order to check that the order to establish a standard approach to housekeeping
results were valid and sound, it was decided to observe within the organisation and help reduce the non-value-
the value of casting density for the next three days of added time for employees (Dale 1994, Womack and
production. Jones 1996). Moreover, there was also concern about
the health and safety issues of the employees as the
4.4.3. 5S system. 5S was developed by Toyota to average number of accidents on the shop floor were
eliminate the hidden factory waste by describing a set increasing per year. The 5S training pillars were
Implementing the Lean Sigma framework in an Indian SME 417
implemented on the shop floor which helped the . Involving employees at all levels of organisation
organisation in the following ways: to achieve zero defects, zero breakdown, and zero
accidents in all functional areas of the organisation.
. A day to day floor cleaning programme was
. Accentuating the training programme for effective
initiated and it was ensured that the employees
implementation of programme.
had sufficient lighting on the shop floor to work in
the afternoon and night shifts.
. In order to minimise the idle time at each process, 4.5. Control phase
operators were provided with a rack to place the
items correctly in the respective block provided 4.5.1. Sustainability. The main purpose of the Six
in the rack. Sigma methodology is not only improving the process
. The trimming unit was moved nearer to the die- performance but also having the improved results
casting machine so that time was saved in trans- sustained in the long run. Hence, the standardisation
portation from die-casting machine to trimming of the optimal process parameters setting is required.
press. From time to time, control charts are plotted, as shown
. The cleaning of dust particles, grease, and oil from
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
UCL = 2.75885
Sample mean
2.750 X = 2.75
LCL = 2.74115
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
UCL = 0.02771
Sample range
R = 0.01215
0.00 LCL = 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 7. Control chart for casting density after implementing Lean Sigma strategy.
activities such as problem solving and team All these costs were incurred in the manufacture of the
building. product and it passing through various processing
. Use of control charts and graphs at each processing stages. A break up of all these costs in manufacturing
stage to keep the employees aware of the real time a single unit that passes through six sections is listed in
performance at the respective stages of production. table 5.
. To motivate and recognise employees contribu- Some value is added at every stage of production as
tion in establishing best practices within the the raw material is processed through various machines.
organisation. Therefore, the occurrence of a defect at any stage of
. To reward and recognise the employees involved in production must be considered a loss to the organisa-
the project. tion. The implementation of the Lean Sigma framework
resulted in a colossal reduction in defects occurring at
5. Effectiveness of the proposed Lean Sigma framework each stage of production. Table 6 gives the details of
savings generated by the organisation when the defect
The team evaluated the financial benefits generated by is detected at a particular stage.
sustaining the Lean Sigma project. The cost incurred by It is shown in table 6 that the number of defects as a
the company in manufacturing die-cast products was percentage coming in each stage has decreased consid-
divided into four categories: labour cost, raw material erably. The savings generated due to reduction in defects
cost, operating expenses, and other overhead costs. was estimated around $46 500 per year.
Implementing the Lean Sigma framework in an Indian SME 419
Table 5. Total cost incurred in manufacturing a unit product.
The implementation of Lean Sigma framework also The following equations are used to calculate the
Downloaded by [University of Strathclyde] at 06:59 25 November 2011
Die casting 0.72 0.97 0.32 2.01 5 0.023 25 125 115.575 25009.43
Trimming 0.80 0.87 0.19 1.86 1.3 0.01 6045 46.5 5998.5
Drilling 0.70 0.82 0.24 1.76 2 0.017 8800 74.8 8725.2
De-burring 0.52 0.77 0.18 1.47 0.5 0.003 1837.5 11.025 1826.475
M. Kumar et al.
It is quite natural to encounter resistance from company with systematic implementation of the
employees if you try to introduce and implement some integrated approach throughout the organisation.
new business strategies in any organisation. The
The proposed framework for Lean Sigma implemen-
employees of the organisation under observation
tation needs to be validated in different scenarios for
thought that implementation of the new strategies
establishing its validity. This can be considered as one of
could endanger their job opportunities and poor per-
the limitations of the proposed framework. Moreover,
formance result in them losing their jobs. This attitude
in general there is no standard framework for Lean
was corrected by top management, convincing the
Sigma implementation. In addition to this, there is no
employees that their jobs would not be in danger and
clear understanding on the usage of tools and techniques
that they would be rewarded for better performance.
within the Lean Sigma framework. This is perhaps an
This gradually boosted confidence in the employees and
area of future research for the authors. It has also been
eventually they were ready to embrace the proposed
observed by the authors that there is no clear guidance
framework in their processes.
within the framework as to which strategy (Lean or Six
Moreover, resistance from management was also
Sigma or Lean Sigma) should be selected at the early
noticed when the team had decided to implement the
stages of a project. Further research is also required in
5S system in the organisation in order to ensure proper
identifying the critical success factors (CSFs) of Lean
housekeeping and to reduce accidents in the factory by
Sigma. The authors are extending and improving the
ensuring a safer environment. The management thought
proposed framework by implementing the framework in
that ergonomics would have no impact on the perfor- different manufacturing industries in India. More new
mance of the employee and, ultimately, production. The tools and techniques will also be added to the existing
management teams were convinced by showing them the framework as part of further research into the area
savings that can be generated if accidents are avoided of study.
‘right first time’ (RFT) and how proper housekeeping
can reduce the idle time of the operator and machine.
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Maneesh Kumar is currently pursuing his PhD studies at Glasgow Caledonian University after the
successful completion of a BTech in Manufacturing Engineering in May 2004 from the National
Institute of Forging and Foundry Technology, Ranchi University in India. He is working on Six
Sigma implementation in SMEs as part of his doctoral studies. He has published eight referred
papers and seven conference papers in the area of Six Sigma, Taguchi methods, multi response
optimisation, supply chain, and artificial intelligence. He has published articles in journals such as
Journal of Operations Research Society, International Journal of Production Research, International
Journal of Systems and Logistics Management, International Journal of Quality and Reliability
Management, Institute of Mechanical Engineer Part-B, Journal of Manufacturing Technology
Management, and Managerial Auditing Journal.
During his undergraduate studies in India, he had carried out a real life Six Sigma project with a
leading automotive manufacturer in India, which resulted in savings of $100 000 for the
organisation. His research potential was used during his undergraduate course to draft an eligibility
criteria document proposed for Technical Education Quality Improvement Program and, based on a
strict evaluation process of the project, $16 million was sanctioned. He was heavily involved in
organising three national and international conferences on Six Sigma.
Implementing the Lean Sigma framework in an Indian SME 423
Dr Jiju Antony is currently leading the Centre for Research in Six Sigma and Process Improvement
(CRISSPI) at Caledonian Business School, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. He received a
BE in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kerala, South India, a MEngSc in Quality and
Reliability Engineering from the National University of Ireland and a PhD in Quality Control for
Manufacturing from the University of Portsmouth, UK. His work experience includes 2 years as a
maintenance engineer, 3 years as a quality/reliability manager and 7 years as a quality engineering
consultant for a number of multinational companies such as Nokia, Parker Pen, Vickers Systems,
Siemens, Rolls-Royce, Bosch, Motorola, Philips, Motorola and a large number of local SMEs.
He has published over 100 refereed papers and three textbooks in the areas of reliability engineering,
design of experiments, Taguchi methods, Six Sigma, total quality management and statistical process
control. He has conducted training programmes in design of experiments, Taguchi methods and Six
Sigma for a number of companies in the UK and abroad. He is currently working on his fourth book
entitled World Class Applications of Six Sigma which was published in June 2005 by Butterworth
Publishers. He successfully launched the first International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive
Advantage in August 2004. He chaired the First International Conference on Six Sigma in December
2004 in Glasgow, Scotland. Dr Antony is also leading a ‘Lean Sigma and Quality Improvement
Network’ for local companies in Glasgow. He has been considered for Who’s Who in the World by
Marquis and will appear in the 2006 edition as an acknowledgement of his contribution to the field
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Manoj Kumar Tiwari received his BE degree from VRCE, Nagpur and ME degree from MNREC,
Allahabad, India. He completed his PhD at Jadavpur, India. He was with NERIST, India
(Mechanical Engineering Department) for 8 years as a senior lecturer. He has been with NIFFT
Ranchi since 1998 as an assistance professor and professor respectively. He is currently associated
with Research Promotion Cell (RPC) NIFFT and also contributed in running TEQIP a project,
sponsored by NPIU, Noida, India.
Dr Tiwari has contributed more than 100 articles in various leading international journals of
repute and international conferences that include European Journal of Operation Research (EJOR),
International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Part-B,
etc. He reviews articles for 18 international journals and serves as an editorial board member for two
international journals. He has been pursuing collaborative research with several faculty members
working in various universities such as Loughborough University, University of Wisconsin at
Madison, University of Missouri Rolla, Rutgers University, Kansas State University, Bath
University, Caledonian Business School, University of Windson, University of Hong Kong, etc.
He is well known for training bachelor students in several research areas and involves them in
meaningful research. Some of his students are pursuing doctoral and post doctoral work in at least
10 reputed universities.
Daniel Perry is currently a lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University within the operations and
quality management team. Before joining the university he was employed as a research engineer by
Ferodo (Federal-Mogul) and UMIST whilst conducting his doctoral research (currently being
written up). The research was sponsored by the company and the EPSRC. The research involves the
relationship of high and low level systems of control within the manufacturing and business
environment. Prior to this he was employed by the Ministry of Defence working within an embedded
unit in the RAF which involved a variety of capital infrastructure and engineering projects.