Contrast Arteriography: Reasons Not As A Preliminary Screening Tool
Contrast Arteriography: Reasons Not As A Preliminary Screening Tool
Contrast Arteriography: Reasons Not As A Preliminary Screening Tool
It is the test against which the results of other tests are compared.
The ability to subtract bone and soft tissue with DSA is an important advantage
IV-DSA Disadvantages
Frequent need for central venous catheters to deliver this large volume
Provides sufficient contrast for adequate imaging using DSA technology and
post processing enhancement.
The injected carbon dioxide is cleared by the lungs without deleterious effects.
No effect on renal function, Ideal for use in patients with renal insufficiency.
Smaller softer arterial catheters can be used for injection, minimizing trauma
to the arterial walls.
Also provide information that is not visualized using standard iodinated contrast
material, including small arteriovenous shunts, small tumor vessels, and minute
amounts of arterial bleeding