Khoury Bone Augmentation Tunneling-Technique
Khoury Bone Augmentation Tunneling-Technique
Khoury Bone Augmentation Tunneling-Technique
Bone grafting before implant placement has become a routine A tension-free wound closure is a key factor in the success
procedure over the last 20 years. A 5-year survival rate of up to of bone grafts. Periosteal incisions are a common technique
98.3% for implants placed in grafted bone has been reported. for flap extension. However, too many relief incisions in the
Autologous bone grafts are considered the gold standard. periosteum may also result in an excessively thin or stretched
wound flap. This type of soft-tissue management may result in
However, the success rate of the grafting procedure may be perforation or flap necrosis above the bone graft.
influenced by various risk factors. A particular challenge is
posed by an extensive graft of the alveolar ridge, with relatively In 1987 Härle reported on a tunneling access in connection
high complication rates of up to 20% being reported, most with a technique for preprosthetic jaw ridge grafting in the
commonly dehiscence. More serious complications such as mandibular side-tooth region with bone replacement materials.
dehiscence or mobilization of the graft were observed in one In the clinical experience of the authors the use of a tunneling
third of smokers compared to a complication rate of only 7.7% technique for preparation without a crestal incision can present
for non-smokers. Complications such as flap necroses, dehis- an alternative with autologous bone grafts to conventional
cence and resorption are frequently soft-tissue complications. surgical procedures with a trapezoid flap design.
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membrane tacks. The wound was closed in accordance with The advantage of the technique described here is the minimally
the vestibuloplasty after Kasanjian (Fig. 11) to establish stable invasive biological application with two key factors:
soft-tissue conditions in the region of the implant site (Fig. 13).
The positions of the implants were checked with a panoramic 1_Blood circulation in soft tissue unimpaired
x-ray image (Fig. 12). The implant was uncovered 12 weeks later 2_Biomechanical properties of soft tissue unimpaired
(Fig. 14). At this stage the crestal pre-implant bone was disco-
vered to have regenerated well clinically (Fig. 15). After the Flap necrosis and wound dehiscence are the two major pro-
soft tissue had healed (Fig. 16) the newly regenerated alveolar blems in bone grafting surgery. They both contribute to uncovery
process (Fig. 17 and 18) is visible and two metal-ceramic of the graft with subsequent infection of the surgical site and
crowns were cemented to titanium abutments (Fig. 18 and 19). failure of the surgical procedure. The soft-tissue complications
A clinical and x-ray examination was conducted one year after are frequently the result of damaged blood circulation resulting
the restoration. The soft-tissue conditions were stable and from inadequate planning, insufficient flap extension or excessive
showed no signs of inflammation. The x-ray showed no signs of surgical trauma.
peri-implant bone resorption, with the crestal bone still at the
same level as the implant shoulder (Fig. 20). Soft tissue is frequently stretched or even overstretched to cover
the additional volume of the graft. In many cases an incision
is made in the periosteum to enlarge the flap extension.
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Dr. Alessandro Ponte Dr. Arndt Happe Prof. Dr. Fouad Khoury
However, this can cause overstretching and excessively thin Dr. Alessandro Ponte
tissue. This reduces the mechanical quality and the blood Specialist in oral surgery Susa 50 10098 Rivoli (TO) Italy
circulation. The great advantage of the flap design with the
Via Frattina 119 00187 Rome, Italy
tunnel technique is the ability to avoid the crestal incision.
[email protected]
This technique retains the blood circulation and does not
damage the tissue. This is particularly important for patients Dr. Arndt Happe
with vascular problems, such as smokers, diabetics and Specialist in oral surgery
patients with scar tissue. ■ Schützenstr. 2 · 48143 Münster/ D
[email protected]
Literature can be requested from the authors.
Prof. Dr. Fouad Khoury
Privatklinik Schloss Schellenstein GmbH
Center for implant dentistry and dental surgery
Am Schellenstein 1 · 59939 Olsberg/ D
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