Chapter 10 11 - Tompkin
Chapter 10 11 - Tompkin
Chapter 10 11 - Tompkin
1. How does having students play with words prepare them to write poetry?
As children experiment with words, they create images, play with words, and evoke
feelings. They laugh with language, experiment with rhyme, and invent new words. The
activities provide a rich background of experiences for reading and writing poetry. The
children can gain confidence in choosing the “right” word to express an idea, emphasizing
the sounds of words, and expressing familiar ideas with fresh comparisons.
2. What are the three types of poetry books published for children?
The three types of poetry books published for children are: comprehensive anthologies,
picture-book versions of single poems, and specialized collections.
6. What is onomatopoeia?
Onomatopoeia is used by poets. It is sound words, to make their writing more sensory
and more vivid; sound words include crash, slurp, varoom, and meow.
7. Look back at the vignette in the beginning of this chapter and point out five ways Mrs.
Harris taught students about poetry.
First, he holds a class meeting on a book talk about a new poetry book. Second, he holds
an independent reading of poems in the classroom. Third, students share in small group
the poems that they read and discuss their favorite ones. Fourth, they conduct a mini
lesson on how to use poetic devices, arrange lines in a poem, reviews, and poetry
formulas. Fifth, they conduct the writing where students write lots of rough draft poems
and choose their best to take.
Chapter Summary:
The chapter was all on poetry and the way that it helps students deepen a connection. It
allows students have a creative expression. Poetry is a way to get to know our students and
see the complexity that they might have within them. It is more than just rhyming words, its
about sharing a story, inspiring, and creating what is on their hearts. Poetry is a great
language arts lesson for students.
1. How do teachers teach grammar using a novel during a literature focus unit?
Teachers focus on the grammar construction concepts: parts of speech, parts of sentences,
types of sentences, capitalization and punctuation, and usage.
2. What are the most common types of usage errors that students make?
The most common types of usage errors are: Irregular verb forms, past-tense forms,
nonstandard verb forms, double subjects, nonstandard pronoun forms, objective pronouns
for the subject and double negatives.
6. Analyze this kindergartner’s writing sample to determine his current level of spelling
development: The student is at a letter name-alphabetic spelling level. Children are learning to
represent phonemes in words with letters, indicating they have a rudimentary understanding of
the alphabetic principle—that a link exists between letters and sounds.
2 da is mi mom brda. I hf a prt 4 hr. A nkls. E wl love at. [Today is my Mom’s birthday. I
have a present for her. A necklace. she will love it.]
Chapter Summary:
Grammar, spelling, and handwriting are important language tools. Students need to have these
skills mastered if they want to be successful in the classroom. As teachers, we need to help
students have these tools unravel in a productive way. We need to help them recognize these
tools and know what is going to help them become better spellers, readers, and literature