Dawn Farm Residential Brochure
Dawn Farm Residential Brochure
Dawn Farm Residential Brochure
are treated with a consistent therapeutic approach. We During initial treatment, residents participate in two
do not consider one addiction more difficult to address Spera Recovery Center
group therapy sessions a day, a variety of supportive
than another. activities and individual treatment planning. They attend Dawn Farm has a limited number of beds available for
numerous 12-step meetings each week. Residents short-term detoxification from alcohol and other drugs.
We believe that addicts and alcoholics must become For information, call the Detox office at 734.669.8265.
are invited to join a small but important community of
actively involved in the recovering community in order
recovering individuals. Jail Program
to maintain sobriety. Our primary role as a treatment
program is to identify and help to remove any barriers In addition, work therapy enables residents to learn Dawn Farm conducts an on-site therapeutic program
to entering and engaging in that community. basic work habits, responsibility and self esteem. Resi- for inmates at the Washtenaw County Jail, providing
dents are involved in farming—planting, harvesting and education, group sessions and discharge planning.
The ideals and principles that established Dawn Farm
caring for livestock. Dawn Farm Downtown residents
Dawn Farm have proven their value in 1000's of young people who,
because of their treatment experience, have main-
also work at our Spera Recovery Center, assisting
newly-recovering individuals with basic needs. Work
Education Series
Dawn Farm offers an annual series of sessions for the
tained stable, drug-free lives. In follow-up studies of
RESIDENTIAL SERVICES residential graduates, a significant percentage remain
therapy enables residents to learn basic work habits,
responsibility and self esteem.
education and growth of families and other interested
persons. Please ask our staff for information.
Information for prospective ABOUT OUR SERVICES
Residents may complete GED or high school classes Outpatient Services
residents and their families No recipient shall be denied appropriate services from Dawn
through the Dawn Farm Learning Center. Recreational
activities encourage development of new skills and
Dawn Farm offers complete outpatient services for
individuals requiring a less intensive level of care. For
Farm on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, healthy alternatives to chemical use. information, call the Outpatient office at 734.821.0216.
sex, age, mental or physical handicap, marital status,
Dawn Farm is a private, non-profit organization with sexual preference or political belief. Staff will also work with residents on job hunting, Family Treatment
a number of sites in Washtenaw County. We offer co- budgeting, locating a place to live and forming strong The extent of family treatment is determined on an
educational addiction treatment programs, licensed by Dawn Farm has a strong commitment to providing qual- outside supports. Some residents may utilize vocational individual basis. While families and significant others
the Michigan Center for Substance Abuse Services ity services to underserved populations—especially mi- services while moving closer to discharge. can expect some involvement in the total treatment pro-
(CSAS), and accredited by CARF. norities, women and pregnant addicts—and welcomes
cess, the program will evaluate family treatment on an
such referrals. Following discharge, we expect a six month commitment
individual basis. A monthly Family Program and regular
UNIQUE RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS to our weekly aftercare services. Aftercare is an important
ADMISSIONS INFORMATION family dinners are held to support farmer families.
part of lasting recovery.
Our residential programs are designed to assist individuals Dawn Farm accepts referrals from individuals, families, AN OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT
in achieving lasting recovery from chemical dependen- health services agencies, courts and other sources. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING
cy. We have tracks from one to two months and three to We encourage prospective residents to visit the Farm
Admissions are made dependent upon bed availability Transitional housing and support services are available for
six months. Individuals can reside at either our 74 acre program at this time. Tours of the Farm and other sites
and other program needs. Farm residents following their residential stay. Qualified
working farm in Ypsilanti (Dawn Farm) or our house in are also available during regular business hours. We
women and their children may also utilize the Women’s
Ann Arbor (Dawn Farm Downtown). HOW TO APPLY discourage unscheduled visits in order to preserve the
Transitional Program.
The individual in need of treatment must initiate the integrity of treatment.
intake process. A waiting list is common but fluctuates WOMEN’S TRANSITIONAL PROGRAM
Dawn Farm residential sites offer group and individual
therapy and other supportive services based solidly in length. Persons seeking admission must meet the Transitional housing and support services are available
upon 12-step principles. All residents are expected to following criteria: for qualified women and their children, providing transi-
develop and maintain a personal recovery program • Age 17 or older tional housing and parenting support.
utilizing tested principles of recovery. In addition, a • Detoxified and chemical-free
strong work ethic and meaningful work activities are an • Free of warrants and not on sex offender's list
integral part of the treatment process. We encourage • Without a severe primary psychiatric disorder Fees for treatment and for room and board are deter-
mined based upon existing program costs. Third-party
family involvement in the treatment process. • Motivated and willing to participate in program
insurance programs and HMOs generally do not cover dawn farm
ADMISSIONS INTERVIEW non-hospital care. Some residents can obtain subsidies Community of Programs
OUR PHILOSOPHY from the State of Michigan. 502 West Huron Street
When an opening exists, an individual will be contacted Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
Addiction is a disease that can be effectively treated, and an admission interview scheduled. Prospective 734.485.8725 office • 734.485.6103 fax
and recovery is available to individuals regardless of Many residents are indigent. No one who lacks insur-
residents should come prepared to stay. Admission
their drug of abuse. Our staff believes in the dignity and ance or funds will be refused treatment, but we always May 2010
interviews are usually held at the Farm facility during
value of each resident and in his/her capacity to develop have waiting lists for donation-funded beds. Current Licensed by the Michigan Department of Public Health/Center for Substance
normal business hours.
a lifestyle of honesty and recovery. . resident fees are also subsidized with donations to make Abuse Services (MDPH/CSAS), and accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), Dawn Farm offers treatment
treatment more affordable. for chemical dependency, with facilities in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, Michigan.