Journal of Nephropharmacology
Journal of Nephropharmacology
Journal of Nephropharmacology
NPJ DOI: 10.15171/npj.2017.12
Journal of Nephropharmacology
Article Type:
Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most common autoimmune rheumatic
disease with a chronic and progressive inflammatory disorder manifestations leading
to articular cartilage damage, and disability, and also renal involvement. It seems that
Article History:
recruitment of tests based on high specific and sensitive serological immunobiomarkers
Received: 28 November 2016
removes these mentioned gaps. Additionally, the results of laboratory tests, assist to reach an
Accepted: 2 May 2017
accurate prognosis and real estimation of the patient’s clinical statue especially hospitalized
ePublished: 14 May 2017
individuals in intensive care units.
Objectives: The aim of this study is assessment and titration of some autoantibodies as
anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti-MCV), anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti-
Rheumatoid arthritis
CCP), C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in RA patients in
Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin
comparison to patients with other forms of rheumatologic diseases.
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides
Patients and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted from January to June 2012 in
Zanjan province on 100 patients with RA and 100 patients with other rheumatic disease that
were randomly selected. All necessary data of clinical history for the patients was extracted
from their medical records. After delivering antecubital venous blood (7 mL) to hematology
ward of laboratory, quantative ELISA test was performed for autoantibodies.
Results: Anti-MCV tests showed 72% positivity in RA group compared to 10% positivity in
other group of rheumatic diseases. There was a significant correlation between positivity of
anti-MCV and RA disease. Mean anti-MCV titer is 236.23 ± 2.319 U/mL in RA group and
28.75 ± 0.432 U/mL in other disease group. In this study anti-MCV antibodies had diagnostic
sensitivity of 81.7% (versus anti-CCP), diagnostic specificity of 72.22%, positive and negative
predictive value 93.05% and 46.42%, respectively.
Conclusion: According to results of this study, not only anti-MCV measurement but also
anti-CCP assist to early diagnosis of RA. Results of the recent study could not show definite
correlation between anti-MCV and disease activity. The result of this study may be helpful
for renal involvement in RA patients, whereas evaluation on this aspect of RA patients seems
was to assess the titration of four factors including anti- microtiter wells for 30 minutes at room temperature. Plates
CCP2, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive were washed three times and incubated with peroxidase-
protein (CRP) and anti-MCV in a group of Iranian labeled detecting anti-human IgG-conjugate for 15
patients with RA and other rheumatic diseases. minutes. After washing and substrate addition, microplate
was incubated for 15 minutes. Color development was
Patients and Methods stopped with HCl 1M solution, and the optical density
Patients (OD) was measured. Results were expressed in U/mL
This cross-sectional study was conducted from January using a simple point-to-point curve-fitting method.
to June 2012, at Valiasr Rheumatology Clinic, Zanjan, Values of 20.0 IU/mL or greater were considered to be
Iran. One hundred patients with clinically active RA were abnormal according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
randomly selected and enrolled, who met the ACR 1987 In all 100 RA patients, DAS28 was calculated.
classification criteria. The duration of RA ranged from ESR tests were measured by the Westergren method.
6 months to 6 years for them was registered. All patients Serum CRP concentrations were determined by immune
were treated with prednisolone, hydroxychloroquine nephelometry methods on a Turbox nephelometer (Orion
and methotrexate. None of them, received biologic agent Diagnostica, Finland). The titer of 6 mg/L was considered
therapy. Also 100 subjects were recruited as control positive for CRP.
including patients with other rheumatic diseases (SLE,
Behcet’s disease and seronegative arthritis). Ethical issues
DAS28 ≤2.6 was considered inactive disease, 2.6-3.2 as The research followed the tenets of the Declaration of
mild, 3.2-5.1 moderate and more than 5.1, high for disease Helsinki; informed consent was obtained. This study was
activity. approved by the Ethics Committee of Zanjan University of
Medical Sciences (Ethical code# 12/91-602-01).
Laboratory methods
Participants were recruited to come to the laboratory. Statistical analysis
From the total 200 subjects, 7 mL of peripheral venous Data were analyzed using SPSS version 18 (SPSS Inc, USA).
blood was withdrawn aseptically by an authorized Descriptive results are shown as number, percent, mean
supervisor with sterile gauge needles from each of the two and standard deviation (SD). For comparing the results,
groups and collected in vacutainer blood collection tubes the quantitative variables were analyzed with independent
containing sodium heparin. Around 3 mL of collected t test and qualitative variables with chi-square test.
blood were left to clot for 15 minutes, then centrifuged. Fisher’s exact test was also applied. Sensitivity, specificity,
After centrifugation, sera were put into aliquots and correlation coefficient and measure of agreement (Kappa)
stored at -20°C until assayed for anti-MCV and anti-CCP2 was determined. Statistical significance was considered
antibodies for both patients and controls groups. Anti- when P < 0.05.
CCP2 and anti-MCV tests were performed on all samples
as follow: Results
The anti-CCP2 test was done by using Euroimmun kit Table 1 indicates demographic information of all patients.
(Lübeck, Germany). Anti-CCP2 antibodies were measured Of 100 patients with RA, 73 were females (73%) and 27
by quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were males (27%). The control group consisted of 40
(ELISA) kit supplies by INOVA Diagnostics (Cat. NO males (40%) and 60 females (60%). The mean ± SD age
570139, Lebanon) for the measurement of IgG anti-CCP2 of patients was 44.89 ± 1.427 years in RA group (range 18-
antibodies in patients’ sera. The level of greater than 5 RU/ 74 years old) and 34.89 ± 1.219 years in the control group
mL was considered positive. The CCP2 antigen is bound (range 13-70 years old) (Table 1).
to the surface of a microwell plate, allowing any present In the RA group, distribution of positive cases according
CCP2 antigens bind to the immobilized IgG coating to DAS28 was recorded 33 patients (22%) in remission,
antibodies. A second incubation allowed the enzyme 21 (14%) mild disease activity, 69 (46%) moderate activity
labeled detecting antihuman IgG bind to any patient and 27 (18%), high activity.
antigens that have been attached to the microwells and In the RA patients group, anti-MCV was positive in 72
formed a complex. After washing the unbound enzyme cases (72%) of RA and 10 cases (10%) of controls. Chi-
labeled anti-human IgG, the remaining enzyme activity
was measured by adding a chromogenic substrate. Next
to adding stop solution for color development inhibition, Table 1. Demographic information of patients and control group
measuring the intensity of the yellow color was done by a Demographic RA patients
Control group; other
spectrophotometric ELISA reader. A titer above 20 units parameters n = 100
rheumatic disease P value
n = 100
was considered as positive.
The anti-MCV antibodies test was done, using Orgentec Age (y) 44.89 ± 1.427 34.89 ± 1.219 0.264
Diagnostika kit (GmbH, Mainz, Hamburg Germany) Gender 0.221
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Serum Female 73 60
Male 27 40
samples were diluted 1:100 and incubated on MCV coated
square test revealed a statistically significant relationship Table 2. Distribution of anti-MCV tests results in RA patients and in
patients with other rheumatologic diseases
between anti-MCV positivity and RA diagnosis. Notably,
more frequency of anti-MCV positivity was observed in Study groups
P value
RA group than to other (Table 2). Anti-MCV RA patients Patients suffering other
The results also showed that the anti-MCV titer mean in (n = 100) rheumatic disease (n = 100)
Positive 72 (72%) 10 (10%) 0.001
the RA group is statistically higher than other rheumatic
diseases (236.23 ± 2.32 U/mL and 28.75 ± 0.432 U/mL
Negative 28 (28%) 90 (90%) 0.001
respectively; P < 0.001).
Table 3 represents the frequency distribution of anti- Table 3. Anti-MCV positivity in other rheumatologic diseases
MCV positivity in other rheumatic disease. There was subgroups
no significant statistical difference between anti-MCV Anti-MCV Seronegative arthritis SLE Behcet’s diseases
positivity and each of three other rheumatic diseases. Positive 4 (40%) 6 (60%) 0 (0%)
Table 4 shows anti-CCP and anti-MCV positivity for RA
Negative 54 (60%) 29 (32.2%) 7 (7.8%)
group. 67% of cases were simultaneously anti-CCP and
anti-MCV positive and 13% anti-CCP and anti-MCV
negative. Table 4 displays sensitivity and specificity of anti- Table 4. Anti-MCV in comparison with anti-CCP tests results in RA
MCV in comparison with anti-CCP tests (sensitivity = patients
0.82 and specificity = 0.72). In RA patients group, both Anti-MCV
Anti-CCP P value
anti-CCP and anti-MCV were negative in 13 cases, while Positive Negative
positive anti-CCP and negative anti-MCV were detected Positive 67 (67%) 5 (5%)
in 15 cases and negative ACCP and positive anti-MCV Negative 15 (15%) 13 (13%)
seen in 5 cases. The kappa measure of agreement was
0.810 for these results. The kappa coefficient for ACCP
and anti-MCV was calculated at 0.443 (0.21-0.61). Anti-CCP Titer
Figure 1 shows statistically significant correlation between 1200
CRP Titer
to be 79.6% and specificity 96.6%. They detected that test
positivity was accompanied with a higher DAS28 (56). In
addition, this finding has been confirmed by Syversen et
70 al, who reported more advanced joint damage in patients
60 with anti-MCV positivity (57).
50 In most of researches, the sensitivity of anti-MCV was
40 somehow higher than anti-CCP, but anti-CCP was more
30 specific (34,56,58,59). The similar results have been
20 demonstrated in another studies while investigators found
10 R² = 0.0236 that in RF negative patients, the sensitivity of anti-MCV is
Anti-MCV Titer high (43.8% versus 30%) (56).
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Our study did not show obvious differences between
sensitivity and specificity of anti-CCP and anti-
Figure 2. Correlation between anti-MCV and CRP titers in RA MCV (sensitivity 85%, 81%, specificity 96% and
patients 95%, respectively). The analysis of the above results
displayed kappa of high agreement between these two
tests (kappa = 0.81), and correlation coefficient of 0.63
ESR Titer
140 (P = 0.001) which means that both tests have similar value.
In other words, anti-CCP and anti-MCV positivity usually
In the study of Arnett et al, a significant correlation
80 between anti-MCV and ACCP was seen (60). However,
in our study, in a small proportion of our cases, this result
was not accurate, while 10 cases (6.7%) had positive
anti-CCP and negative anti-MCV, and four cases (2.7%)
R² = 0.0311
20 had negative anti-CCP and positive anti-MCV. It was
Anti-MCV Titer
slightly different in the study of Majithia et al in which
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 the proportion of positive anti-MCV in ACCP cases was
equal to the proportion of positive ACCP in anti-MCV
Figure 3. Correlation between anti-MCV and ESR titer in RA
negative patients (61).
In ROC analysis, the level for each test with 100%
specificity was determined. This was 9.8 U/mL for anti-
Table 5. Relationship between anti-MCV titer and CRP and ESR in CCP (2 times of the laboratory cut-off point) and 89.5 U/
study groups
mL for anti-MCV (4 times of the laboratory cut-off point).
Anti-MCV titer The sensitivity of the tests was 81% and 57%, respectively.
Variables Other rheumatic RA patients, P value The latter means that anti-CCP with the level of 2 times
disease, n = 100 n = 100
more than normal and 81% sensitivity is specific for
ESR (mg/L) 39.5±2.15 43.95±8.98 < 0.001
diagnosis of RA. However, for anti-MCV, this level is four
CRP (mm/h) 17.28±1.48 19.22±1.71 < 0.001
times more than normal with a sensitivity of 57%. Below
these levels, anti-MCV has less specificity. This might be
Table 6. Pearson’s correlation test between anti-MCV titer and CRP a reason that anti-MCV has been introduced as a new
and ESR in study groups biomarker for diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis (62).
Pearson’s correlation P value Positive anti-MCV was also reported in SLE, Sjögren’s
Variables Other rheumatic Other rheumatic syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, Epstein-Barr virus and
disease disease hepatitis C virus infected patients (56,59). Because of low
ESR (mm/h) 0.09 0.12 0.220 0.356 proportion of non-RA controls in our study, we obtained
CRP (mg/L) 0.12 0.12 0.226 0.127
these results.
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