Goals/Key Questions
Goals/Key Questions
Goals/Key Questions
13 8:30-9:15
Goals/Key questions
Students will Practice bump passing the ball over the net
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
-Ask the students to begin warming up by -students should be shuffling
Introduction walking the outside green line sideways, then around in order to warm up.
other sideways, then backwards
Time - Have the students sit on the circle
estimation -Let the students know that they will be using
5mins the net again this PE class
Transition -Have the students line up along a line on one -Students will line up without
consideration side of the net touching the net
s -Choose a volunteer and stand across the net
from them
5 minutes -Remind them of the steps of bump passing
-Demonstrate the bump pass over the net to the
volunteer student, and they will catch the ball as
it comes.
-Let the students know that they will be bump -Some students will not get over
Activity 1 passing over the net and the teacher will be the net right away, remind them
catching from the other side of the net that they will have more chances
Time est: -Go through every student individually, if they
5mins are unable to get over the net, move to the next
student but remind them that they will have
another chance
-repeat once or twice
Transition -Have the students find a partner and line up to -Students will find a partner and
consideration grab a volleyball grab a ball
s -Have 1 student from each pair stand on one -Ensure that there is no fighting
5mins side of the net, and the other set on the other over partners
-Ensure that no pair begins until the teacher says
-Each person should have 5 attempts before
switching turns with their partner
*****Ensure that the above points are
discussed before handing each pair a volleyball
-Allow students to begin the next activity -Students will be doing their best
Activity 2 to pass over the net and
Time Est: switching after every 5 attempts
Grade 2 PE: Introduction to Volleyball - Bump passing over the net Dec. 13 8:30-9:15