Service Manual For CLG418 Tandem

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发布日期: 2012/08

Lssue :Aug 2012


Xuzhou Meritor Axle Co., Ltd.


徐州美驰车桥有限公司目前生产的 12、16、18 三大系列十八种基型的驱动桥是从

法国 SOMA 公司引进的产品技术,桥壳采用优质无缝钢管整体锻造技术。

Xuzhou Meritor Axle Co., Ltd., is a JV company that produces SOMA axles of 12,16

and 18 series. SOMA technology was introduced from SOMA in France and axles have

seamless integrated forged housing.

我公司的车桥产品可广泛用于 12~100t 汽车起重机,轮胎起重机;ZL30~ZL60

轮式装载机;5~25t 叉车;0.4~1.0m 轮式挖掘机;12~26t 振动压路机;8~30t 重



Axles are widely applied for 12~100t truck crane, terrain crane; 3~6 m3 wheel loader;

5~25t lift truck; 0.4~1.0 m3 excavator; 12~26t vibratory compactor; 8~30t heavy-duty truck

and desert truck; cement mixer, etc. It is the ideal product to replace export one.

我公司在技术上不断创新,吸收利用 SOMA 桥技术开发了平地机驱动桥。为便于用户更

好的了解、使用和维护 XPRC1333H023-1, XPRC1334H032-2, XPRC1334H033.


We work at technology and develop the grader drive axle by using SOMA Tech. This

book is published for convenient reference for helping users to use grader drive axle such as

XPRC1333H023-1, XPRC1334H032-2, XPRC1334H033.

目 录

一 桥的主要功用及适用范围…………………………………………………3

Main function and apply range

二 桥分解图及零部件目录…………………………….………...............…....3

Axle assembly exploded view and parts list

1. 桥总成分解图及零件目录.......................................……..……….3
Axle assembly exploded view and parts list
2. 主减速器总成分解图及零件目录 …………………………………4
Carrier assembly exploded view and parts list
3. 行星减速总成分解图及零件目录 ...............................................7
Planetary assembly exploded view and parts list

4. 制动器总成分解图及零件目录..............................………………..9
Brake assembly exploded view and parts list
5. 平衡箱总成分解图及零件录………………………………………10
Balance-box assembly exploded view and part list

三 桥的使用、保养和维修 …………………………………………………13
Operation, maintenance and repair

1. 轮辋与桥的联接 ......................................…...….………………..13

The joint between rim and axle

2. 润滑 .................................................……………..…….…………13


3. 使用与保养 ........................................…...…………………... …..14

Operation and maintenance

4. 维修注意事项 ................................…..............……………………14

Notice to repair

Main function and apply range

Axle is one of the main parts in the drive underpan. Main functions include increase
torque, transmit torque to two wheels with different speed. Also axle reacts all forces from
ground and load.
XPRC1333H023-1 和 XPRC1334H032-2 驱 动 桥 通 常 用 于 CLG418 平 地 机 ;
XPRC1334H033 驱动桥通常用于 CLG414 平地机。
XPRC1333H023-1 and XPRC1334H032-2 drive axle are usually applied for CLG418
grader, XPRC1334H033 is usually applied for CLG414 grader.

Axle assembly explored view and part list

1. 桥总成分解图及零件目录
Axle assembly exploded view and parts list
衡箱总成等部分组成(图 1/表 1)。
Drive axle assembly is made up of carrier assembly, planetary assembly, brake
assembly ,Left & Right balance-box assembly(Figure1 \Table 1).

图1 桥总成分解图

Figure 1 Axle assembly exploded view

表 1 桥总成零件明细表

Table1 Axle assembly part list

XPRC1333 XPRC1334 XPRC1334
名称 代号 H023-1 H032-2 H033
序号 No.
Title Code 数量
右平衡箱总成 Right 85 607 400 1
1 balance-box 79 200 426 1
assembly 85 527 400 1
行星减速器总成 93 000 011 2
Planetary assembly 83 763 200 2
螺栓 M16x1.5x85
3 50 011 031 16
4 通气塞 Air plug 80 513 007 1
主减速器总成 82 607 600 1
Carrier assembly 82 527 600 1
螺栓 M16x1.5x110
6 50 011 032 16
7 垫圈 16 Washer 52 020 006 32
左平衡箱总成 Left 85 607 300 1
8 balance-box 79 200 425 1
assembly 85 527 300 1
9 半轴 Shaft 80 513 003 1
10 销 16X70 Pin 51 240 010 4
11 半轴 Shaft 80 513 004 1
制动器总成 Brake
12 58 000 021 4
13 花键毂 Hub 80 513 005 4
14 制动鼓 Brake drum 80 513 002 4
15 轮辋螺母 Rim nut 80 513 001 40
16 轮辋螺栓 Rim bolt 80 513 006 40
17 螺钉 M10X30 Screw 50 140 003 12
18 支承套 Sleeve 85 513 041 4
19 圆螺母 M75X2 Nut 85 513 040 4
紧定螺钉 M14X32
20 83 319 015 8

序号 3 和序号 6 螺栓的拧紧力矩为 200~220N.m

No.3 and No.6 bolts fasten torque is 200~220 N.m.

2. 主减速器总成及零件目录
Carrier assembly exploded view and parts list
主减速器总成由主传动副、差速器和输入法兰等组成。 主减速器安装说明表 2;具体的零
部件分解图见图 2,目录见(表 3)。
Key parts are gear set, diff. and input flange. Carrier assemble see Figure 2 (Table 2);Parts list see
Figure 2(Table 3).

图 2 主减速器总成分解图
Figure 2 Carrier assembly exploded view

表 2 主减速器总成安装说明:
Table2 Carrier assembly fixed specification

①、紧固主减速器法兰螺母,螺母的拧紧力矩为 750~800N.m
Flange nut of carrier ,flange nut torque 750~800N.m
②盖总成和轴承座紧固在主减速器壳体上,螺栓的拧紧力矩为 120~130N.m
Oil seal cover and bearing cage to carrier case fasten,
bolt torque 120~130N.m
③、盖总成和轴承座紧固在主减速器壳体上,螺栓的拧紧力矩为 90~100N.m N.m
Oil seal cover and bearing cage to carrier case fasten,
bolt torque 90~100N.m
④油封涂 3#锂基润滑脂
3#Lubricant in seal oil
⑤调整序号 16 轴承隔套,使主传动主动螺旋锥齿轮阻力矩为 1.5~2.6N.m
Adjust No16 bearing sleeve ,Pinion drive torque 1.5 ~2.6N.m
⑥紧固轴承,差速器螺母的拧紧力矩为 800~850N.m
Bearing cover fasten ,diff. nut torque 800~850N.m
⑦调整序号 15 和序号 24,保证主传动齿轮副的间隙为 0.3~0.4
Adjust No15 and No24,gear set backlash 0.3~0.4
结合面涂乐泰 598 密封胶,紧固件螺纹处涂乐泰 262 紧固胶
Joint surface sealing used Loctite 598,Nut sealing used loctite 262

表 3 主减速器总成零件目录
Table 3 Carrier assembly part list
序号 名称 代号 82607600 82527600
No. Title Code 数量 Qty.
75 500 270 1
1 锁紧螺母 Flange nut
75 500 269 1
82 513 602 1
4 连接法兰组件 Flange subassembly
82 763 602 1
5 螺栓 M14X1.5X55 Bolt 50 011 011 7
6 垫圈 14 Washer 52 020 005 7
7 螺栓 M12X1.5X55 Bolt 50 011 008 1
8 垫圈 12 Washer 52 020 004 1
82 513 616 1
9 盖 Cover
75 201 770 1
53 510 002 1
10 油封 Oil seal
53 500 007 1
53 510 001 1
11 油封 Oil seal
53 500 008 1
82 513 603 (1)
12 盖总成 Cover assembly
75 201 769 (1)
13 轴承 31313 Bearing 54 100 014 1
82 513 607 1
14 轴承座 Bearing cage
75 201 767 1
15 调整垫片组 Adjust washer 79 605 001 1

82 513 617 1
16 轴承隔套组 Bearing sleeve
79 605 010 1
17 轴承 31314 Bearing 54 100 015 1
82 513 601 1
18 主传动齿轮副 Gear set
75 202 362 1
19 挡圈 90 Ring 52 100 012 1
20 轴承 142807Y Bearing 54 500 006 1
21 螺栓 M8X16 Bolt 50 004 012 4
22 钢丝 2X100 Steel wire 56 000 012 2
23 锁紧片 Lock plate 82 513 611 2
24 差速器螺母 Diff nut 75 200 118 2
25 组合密封垫 24 Seal washer 53 200 005 3
26 螺塞 M24X1.5 Plug 75 500 197 3
27 螺栓 M8X25Bolt 50 009 008 8
28 垫圈 8 Washer 52 020 002 8
29 盖 Cover 82 513 613 1
30 螺母 M14X1.5 Nut 75 501 992 12
31 主减壳体组件 Carrier case 82 607 601 1
轴承 47686/47620A
32 54 500 003 2
82 231 603 (1)
33 差速器总成 Diff.
75 201 710 (1)
34 螺栓 M14X1.5X50 Bolt 75 500 003 12
35 铜套 Copper bushing 79 600 096 1
36 连接座 Joint seating 82 607 602 1
37 销 16X40 Pin 51 240 009 1
38 螺母 M20X2 Nut 51 070 006 1
82 513 609 1
39 止推螺栓 Bolt
82 763 603 1
40 螺钉 M12X35 Bolt 50 120 004 3
41 螺栓 M16X1.5 Bolt 75 501 981 8
42 牙嵌式差速器组件 NOSPIN diff. 75 700 269 1
79 800 003 1
43 差速器壳体组件 Diff case assembly
79 800 001 1
44 螺母 M16X1.5 Nut 75 501 993 8
50 垫圈 Washer 75 500 231 1

1、序号 4 连接法兰组件由序号 2 和序号 3 组成,若损坏则更换序号 4
2、序号 33 差速器总成由序号 41 至序号 44 组成。

3、序号 42 牙嵌式差速器组件由序号 45 至序号 49 组成,若损坏则更换序号 42

1.Number 4 flange subassembly are made up number 2 and number 3 ,please replace number 4 in
2.Number 33 diff.are made up number 45 to number 49。

3.Number 42 NOSPIN diff.are made up number 45 to number 49,please replace number 42 in repairing

3. 行星减速总成分解图及零件目录
Planetary assembly exploded view and part list

花键连接。行星减速总成的 安装说明表 4,零部件分解图见图 3,目录见表 5
Planetary assembly include sun gear drive pinion , spline connected with axle shaft 。Fixing
specification see Figure 3(Table 4),Parts list see Figure 3(Table 5).

图 3 行星减速总成分解图
Figure 3 Planetary assembly exploded view
表 4 行星减速器安装说明
Table 4 Planet retarder fixing specification

①密封圈涂 3#锂基润滑脂
Smear 3# Lubricant in seal oil
②固定序号 8 螺钉,保证拧紧力矩为 20-22N.m
Fixed No.8 screw to have torque 20-22N.m
③调整序号 6 调整环,保证序号 3 轴承和序号 7 轴承轴向间隙为 0.05~0.15 mm。
Adjust No.6 washer to have clearance of 0.05~0.15 mm between No.3 and No.7 bearing.
④固定序号 21 螺母,保证拧紧力矩为 500-600N.m
Fixed No.21 nut to have torque 500-600N.m
⑤固定序号 20 紧固螺栓,保证拧紧力矩为 60-70N.m
Fixed No.20 Bolt to have torque 60-70N.m
⑥结合面涂乐泰 598 密封胶,紧固件螺纹处涂乐泰 262 紧固胶
Joint surface sealing used Loctite 598,Nut sealing used locitite 262

表 5 行星减速器零件目录
Table 5 Planet retarder part list
序号 名称 代号 93000011 83763200
No. Title Code 数量 Qty.
83 513 201 1
1 双排链轮轴 Two chain wheels shaft
83 763 203 1
2 油封 Oil seal 53 100 007 1
3 轴承 33022 Bearing 54 100 058 1
83 513 202 1
4 行星减速壳体 Retarder hub
83 763 201 1
83 513 203 1
5 隔套 Sleeve
83 763 202 1
6 调整环 Adjust washer 83 513 204 1
7 轴承 32026 Bearing 54 100 007 1
8 螺钉 M10X14 Bolt 83 513 205 3
9 行星轮架 Spider 83 513 206 1
10 挡板 Guard board 75 600 457 6
11 滚针 Roll needle 75 600 330 162
12 行星轮 Planet gear 79 001 547 3
13 隔套 Sleeve 75 600 334 3
14 行星轮轴 Planet pin 79 001 545 3
15 隔套 Sleeve 77 000 021 1
16 太阳轮 Sun gear 79 001 524 1
17 挡圈 50 Circlip 52 100 009 1
18 调整支柱 Adjustment pin 79 605 020 1
19 挡块 Guard block 73 520 042 1组
20 紧固螺栓 M10X1 Bolt 93 200 021 2
21 螺母 M85X2 Nut 93 200 016 1
22 锥套 Cone sleeve 93 200 018 1
23 齿圈支承总成 Ring hub assembly 83 513 208 (1)
24 齿圈 Ring gear 76 101 031 1

25 卡环 Lock ring 76 101 033 1
26 齿圈支承 Ring hub 77 500 940 1
27 垫圈 Washer 83 513 207 1

4、84787100 制动器总成及零件目录

Brake assembly exploded view and part list

4.1 制动器总成主要由制动底版、制动分泵、制动蹄总成和一些附件组成。具体的零件目录
见图 4(表 6)。
Brake assembly is made up of brake anchorage, brake pump, shoe brake and attachment. Parts
list see Figure 4(Table 6).

图 4 、84787100 制动器总成分解图
Figure 4 Brake assembly exploded view

表 6、58000021 制动器总成零件目录
Table 6 Brake assembly part list

序号 名 称 代号 数量
No. Title Code Quantity
1 销轴 Pin 84787109 2
2 制动蹄总成 Shoe brake 84787105 2
3 紧定螺订 M8X12 50130001 2
4 回位弹簧 Spring 84787104 1
5 制动底版 Brake anchorage 84787102 1
6 螺栓 M12X40 Bolt 50009020 2
7 垫圈 12 Washer 52020004 2
8 制动分泵 Brake pump 84787110 1

4.2 制动蹄隙调整
Brake gap adjustment
The automatic adjustment brake cylinder is used by this brake assembly. While brake friction
disk wearing to a certainty, it can automatically adjust the gap between the brake friction disk and
the brake drum.

Balance-box assembly exploded view and part list
左、右平衡箱为摆动式减速机构,采用重型滚子链传动。平衡箱总成的安装说明见图 5(表 7),具体
的零件目录见图 5(表 8)。
Left or right balance-box assembly are swing decelerate machine. It drives by heavy roller chains.
Balance-box assembly fixing specification see Figure 5(Table 7) ,parts list see Figure 5(Table 8).

图 5 平衡箱总成分解图
Figure 5 Balance-box assembly exploded view

表7 平衡箱总成的安装说明
Table 7 Balance-box assembly fixing specification

1、在序号 23 支承套、序号 11 油封、序号 8 连接盘内腔及轴承处应涂 3#锂基润滑脂。

Smear 3#Lubricant in No.23 sleeve, No.11 seal oil, No.8 hub and bearings.
2、调整序号 13 调整垫,保证序号 4 轴承和序号 10 轴承轴向间隙为 0.1~0.25 mm。
Adjust No.13 washer to have clearance of 0.1~0.25 mm between No.4 and No.10 bearing.
3、调整序号 19 轴承座和序号 8 连接盘,调整序号 29 滚子链张紧度,使松边的垂度(即链
轮的公切线与松边最远点之间的距离)调至 11.5mm。
Adjusting No.19 bearing cage and No.8 hub,adjusting elasticity of No.29 chain to have 11.5mm
distance between the common tangent of chain and apoapsis of flab side.
4、序号 21 螺栓的拧紧力矩为 110~130N.m。
No.21 bolt torque is 110~130N.m
5、调整序号 32 调整垫,保证序号 31 轴承轴向间隙为 0.05~0.2mm。
Adjust No.32 washer to have axis gap of 0.05~0.2mm for No. 31 bearing .
6、序号 36 紧固螺栓的拧紧力矩为 90~100N.m。
No.36 bolt torque is 90~100N.m.
7、序号 41 紧固螺栓的拧紧力矩为 193~257N.m。
No.41 bolt is torque 193~257N.m.
8、紧固序号 8 连接盘和序号 14 油封座的序号 48 螺栓,其拧紧力矩为 25~30N.m。
No. 48 bolt torque is 25~30N.m, that fixed with No.8 hub and No .14 seal cage .
9、序号 37 螺栓的拧紧力矩为 193~257N.m。
No.37 bolt torque is 193~257N.m.
10、序号 39 螺栓的拧紧力矩为 180~210N.m。
No.39 bolt torque is 180~210N.m.
11、结合面涂乐泰 598 密封胶,紧固件螺纹处涂乐泰 262 紧固胶。
Smearing Loctite 598 in link surface and smearing Loctite 262 in tighten screw.

表 8 平衡箱总成零件目录
Table 8 Balance-box assembly part list

85607300 85527300
序号 名称 代号 79200426 附注
/400 /400
No. Title Code Note
数量 Qty.
1 螺塞 M24X1.5 Plug 75 500 197 3
2 组合垫圈 24 Washer 53 200 005 3
85 607 301 左平衡箱用
85 607 401 右平衡箱用
平衡箱组件 79 900 425 左平衡箱用
3 1
Balance-box assy. 79 900 426 右平衡箱用
85 527 301 左平衡箱用
85 527 401 右平衡箱用
4 轴承 33113Bearing 54 100 059 2
85 513 031 左平衡箱用
链轮与轴组件 1
5 85 513 030 右平衡箱用
Sprocket assy.
85 763 003 1 左平衡箱用

85 763 002 右平衡箱用
6 油封 FB115X140X12 Seal 53 100 029 2
53 000 055 2
7 O 型密封圈 Oil-seal
53 000 063 2
85 513 019 2
8 连接盘 Hub
85 763 001 2
9 垫圈 Washer 85 513 043 2
10 轴承 32018 Bearing 54 100 002 2
11 油封 Seal 53 100 038 2
12 隔套 Sleeve 85 513 042 2
13 调整垫 Washer 85 513 035 2组
14 油封座 Seal cage 85 513 034 2
18 O 型密封圈 Oil-seal 53 000 013 2
19 轴承座 Bearing cage 85 513 015 2
20 垫圈 12 Washer 52 020 004 38
21 螺栓 M12X40 Bolt 50 009 021 24
22 油杯 M10X1 Dipstick 56 300 002 6
23 支承套 Sleeve 85763021 1
24 O 型密封圈 Oil-seal 53 000 016 2
25 盖 Cover 85 513 013 2 4
26 垫圈 8 Washer 52 020 002 72
27 螺栓 M8X20 Bolt 50 009 007 24 32
28 双排链轮 Two sprockets 85 513 022 1
55 420 002 2
29 滚子链 Chain
55 420 001 2
30 轴承座 bearing cage 85 513 027 1
31 轴承 22319C Bearing 54 900 008 2
32 调整垫 Washer 85 513 033 1
33 压板 Cover 85 513 021 1
34 盖 Cover 85 513 025 1
35 螺栓 M12X35 Bolt 50 120 004 8
36 螺栓 M12X30 Bolt 50 009 058 6
37 螺钉 M16X40 Screw 50 120 010 8
38 垫圈 16 Washer 52 020 006 60
39 螺栓 M14X1.5X40 Bolt 50 012 019 48
40 垫圈 14 Washer 52 020 005 48
41 螺栓 M16X32 Bolt 50 009 030 18
42 通气塞 Z1/8″Breather 56 100 001 3
43 盖组件 Cover 85 513 014 1
44 紧定螺钉 M6X16 Screw 50 151 002 (3)
45 盖 Cover 85 513 039 1
85 513 030 左平衡箱用
链轮与轴组件 85 513 031 右平衡箱用
Sprocket assy. 85 763 002 左平衡箱用
85 763 003 右平衡箱用
47 螺钉 M16X50 Screw 50 120 013 34
48 螺栓 M8X25 Bolt 50 008 006 48

Operation, maintenance and repair
It is very important for your axles to hold operation, maintenance and repair right. In order to help
users to use it better, we provide some of knowledge and tell you that good maintenance should keep your
axles with good performance and long life.

The joint between rim and axle
轮辋螺母为 M22x1.5,拧紧力矩为 700~800N.m。一组轮辋螺母拧紧时,必须注意应对
Rim to housing assembly mounting fasten torque 700~800N.m, rim nut M22x1.5. Rim nut
should be tightly fasten and equality fitted .Regular inspection should be conducted for rim nut.

2.1.润滑油的种类 GL-5 85W/90 齿轮油
Lubricant type GL-5 85W/90 gear drive oil

2.2 加油部位及加油量
Oil added position and oil volume
Carrier & planet retarder assembly oil added position is located at both side of carrier assembly.
The oil level hole located at both side of left or right balance-box assembly is oil added hole. Put the
axle assembly into level position while adding oil.

推荐的加油量:主减速器及行星减速器总成加油约 28 升,单个平衡箱总成加油 约 23
每边平衡箱多加 35±5 升齿轮油,即每边合计约加 60 升齿轮油,保证密封圈磨损后齿轮

Recommended oil volume: about 28L for carrier and planet retarder assembly, about 23L for
single balance-box assembly.
油,油位下限在距油位孔口下母线下 8 毫米处。
While maintaining at working place, oil volume shall be measured by oil level. Top oil level
positions lower lip of oil inlet, the few oil leakage is allowed. Bottom oil level positions 8mm from
oil level to the lower lip.

Add lubricant grease into joint of balance-box and planet reduction and oil plug of balance-

Operation and Maintenance
3.1 经常清洗油污、泥土和尘埃,尤其是通气塞要保持畅通。检查各部位的紧固情况,特别是主
Keep axle out of dirt, oil and especially keep the air plug opening. Check each position fastened,
especially carrier, planet retarder and rim bolt, etc. If looseness happened, must tighten it in time.

3.2 经常检查是否有渗漏油现象,如有发现应及时维修排除。检查主减速器、行星减速器及左右
Regular check it up whether there is any leakage of oil and maintain it in time if leakage of oil is
found. Regular check the oil level in the carrier, planet retarder and left or right balance-box, if lack of
oil is found, must add it in time to keep the oil level right.

第一次更换润滑油:在第一个月或第一次工作 100 小时后;周期更换润滑油:每工作六个

月或每工作 1,000 个小时后。
Replace lubricating oil for the first time: after working for the first month or working for 100
hours. Replace period: every 6 months or working for 1,000 hours.

3.3 平衡箱总成与行星减速总成连接处、平衡箱总成各加油嘴处,每工作三个月后,需加注润
Add lubricant grease into joint of balance-box and planet reduction and oil plug of balance-
box every a month or working for 1,00 hours

Notice to repair

4.1 主减速器拆装时,需要通过涂色检查齿轮啮合区。要求啮合区在齿长方向上靠近小端,使
啮合印痕≥1/2 齿长,且在高度上位于齿高度中部。具体的调整方法见表 9 所示。
While assemble carrier, painting inspection should be done as specified to check the mesh section
of gears. The right mesh section is that close the little end in the length direction of gear,trail of mesh
is ≥1/2 teeth length and at the middle of tooth height. The way of adjustment is shown in table 9.

表 9 齿轮啮合接触情况及调整办法
Table 9 gear teeth mesh and adjustment

4.2 行星轮边减速器总成采用“槽螺母+紧固螺栓”的形式防松。见图 3。
Wheel-end “nut+ anti-loose screw.. Figure 3
装配时,应通过修配序号 6 调整环、使用序号 4、7 轴承的轴向间隙为 0.05~0.15mm,用
500~600N.m 力矩拧紧序号 20 螺母,此时序号 1 双排链轮轴 应能转动自如。然后装上序号 21

紧固螺栓,并用 60~70N.m 力矩旋紧。两个紧固螺栓交替、均匀拧紧。注紧固螺栓不能高于双
When assembly, elect No.6 adjust washer to make No.4 and No.7 two bearing spacer
control 0.05~0.15 mm. Adjust torque 500~600N.m for No.20 nut, No.1 two chain wheels shaft
rotate freely at the same time. Then fix the lock screw No.21, fasten torque 60~70N.m.

4.3 更换行星减速器行星轮内的滚针时,须对所有滚针分组选配,使同组内直径差不大于
0.005mm;滚针圆柱度 0.003mm;滚针、齿轮内孔与行星轮轴之间的径向间隙为 0.015~
Separately selection of rolling cones in wheel-end planetary reduction when replacement. Cones
diameter difference is no more than 0.005mm. Roll needle column tolerance is 0.003mm. Backlash is
0.015~0.030mm between rolling cone , gear inter-hole and planetary pin.

4.4 行星减速器在检修或更换半轴后,应保证装配后调整支柱与限位块之间的间隙为 1~2mm

Clearness between adjustment pin and limit block should be control in 1~2mm after repairing
planet retarder or changing shaft.

4.5 制动器的额定工作压力为 10Mpa,最大工作压力为 15Mpa,制动器用矿物油。

Rated press of brake is 10Mpa. Max working press is 15Mpa. Using mineral oil for brake.

4.6 平地桥随主机工作 100 小时后,首次检查链条的张紧度,必要时张紧;以后周期检查为每

工作 500 小时检查链条的张紧度,必要时张紧。
Check-up elasticity of chains after working for 100 hours in first time. Check-up elasticity of
chains per 500h for period checking.

4.6.1 检查链条的松紧
Check-up elasticity of chains
拆下平衡箱的两个盖板,支起平衡箱,使车轮离地,如果链条松边的垂度大于 18mm 时 ,
Support the balance-box and made wheels leaving the ground; remove the cover of the balance-
box. You must adjust chain when elasticity of sprocket chain wheel is over 18mm in flab side.
4.6.2 重新张紧链条具体步骤(见图 5)
The way of adjustment chains (Figure 5)
a. 支撑起平衡箱,使车轮离地并把油放出;
Supporting the balance-box and making the wheels off the ground to let out oil

b. 拆下车轮,制动鼓,
Removing tyre and brake hub
c. 拆去连接盘 8 上的螺栓和轴承座 19 上的螺栓。
Screwing out bolt in hub 8 and bearing case 19.
d. 把连接盘 8 和轴承座 19 同方向转动相同的孔距,直到链条张紧适度为止;具体的要求
见表 7
注:拆连接盘 8 和轴承座 19 之前,应对其原始位置上做一标记以便识别,使调整后的位
Running sameness hole distance at hub 8 and bearing case 19 until chain strain
The method see Form 7.
Note:Do a mark in hub 8 and bearing case 19 before you repair.
e. 调整完成后,依次装上拆卸零件。
Setting up parts one by one after finishing adjustment.

4.7 维修工作中,对原涂有密封胶的部位,应用溶剂清洗干净。干燥后,涂抹厚度约 1mm 的

乐泰 598 密封胶;螺栓也应洗净,干燥后在螺纹端涂抹乐泰 262 厌氧胶,按要求的紧固力矩
Clean sealing position using repair . Paint Loctite598 in 1mm thick after dried as specified
requirement. Dry bolt and add Loctite262 at screw and also fasten as specified.

4.8 所有密封件,一经拆卸,必须更换,不得重复使用。
No permission to re-use sealing component after disassembly.

4.9 通过制动器观察孔检查摩擦片厚度, 当摩擦片磨损到 3mm 时,必须更换制动蹄。

Items should be given when buy for spare parts.
1. Vehicle model and OEM
2. Axle Model and Axle No.
3. Parts position on axle
4. Page number, series number or quantity.

1.本说明书目前所包含的信息有效并经过校对 ,因产品的变化而作的变动将不负责另
Information contained in this publication was in effect and the publication was approved for
printing and is subject to change without notice or liability. Xuzhou Meritor Axle Co., Ltd.
reserves the right to revise the information presented or discontinue the production of parts
described at any time.

In the period of quality assurance, if there is any product quality problem, customers should
contact with our company in time, we will appoint professionals to carry out maintenance. All the
damage liability brought from repairing unauthorized by customers, Xuzhou Meritor Axle Co.,
Ltd. does not respond it.

Customers should be carried out strictly in accordance with the user’s manual. All the
damage liability brought from operating against the user’s manual by customers, Xuzhou
Meritor Axle Co., Ltd. does not respond it.


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