Beta in Garhwali Population
Beta in Garhwali Population
Beta in Garhwali Population
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Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate Beta (β) angle variation in different facial types among
Garhwali population and also to evaluate the differences in Beta angle in male and female subgroups.
Materials & Method: The sample included pre-treatment lateral cephalograms of 90 native Garhwali subjects
(age 16-24 years) who were divided into three groups: normodivergent, hypodivergent and hyperdivergent; of 30
subjects of each group 15 were male and 15 were female.
Result: In Garhwali population subjects with a β angle between 28° to 32° have a normodivergent facial type
(ANOVA p < 0.01).
Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the mean values of β angle in Garhwali population among various
facial types.
Porion Orbitale
Hence this study was undertaken with the aim and
objective of evaluating the β angle variations in Pterygo maxillary fissure Anterior Nasal Spine
Garhwali population. Posterior Nasal Spine Point A
Table 1 shows mean, standard deviation and variance of β angle among three groups for males. There is highly
significant difference between the measurements of β angle among the males of these three groups (p<0.01).
Table 2 shows mean, standard deviation and variance of β angle among three groups for females. There is highly
significant difference between the measurements of β angle among the males of these three groups (p<0.01).
Table 3 shows the comparison of mean β angle value of the gender within the group, which shows non-significant
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of β angle and difference between the groups among male samples
Table 2: Descriptive statistics of β angle and difference between the groups among female samples
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