Quiz in Physical Science1
Quiz in Physical Science1
Quiz in Physical Science1
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
(formerly Balete National High School)
Long Test in Physical Science 11. Which of the following is the driving force that causes
the Earth’s axis of rotation to wobble?
Part I. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct a. gravitational force of the Sun and moon
answer. b. diurnal motion
c. annual motion
1. Which of the following are the two realms that make up
d. precession
the cosmos according to ancient Greeks?
12. Which of the following can be observed when the sun
a. terrestrial and celestial
intersects the celestial equator as it revolves around
b. terrestrial and natural
the ecliptic?
c. celestial and natural
a. The length of daytime is equal to the length of
d. natural and unnatural
night time.
2. Which of the following describes the motion of the
b. The length of daytime is greater than the
objects in the celestial realm according to Greek
length of night time.
c. The length of daytime is lesser than the length
a. perfect and circular
of night time.
b. perfect and rectilinear
d. Solar flares are more frequent.
c. unstable and circular
13. Which of the following is the shape of the Earth
d. unstable and rectilinear
according to ancient Greeks?
3. Which of the following describes the motion of the
a. sphere
objects in the terrestrial realm?
b. cylinder
a. unstable
c. octagon
b. perfect
d. flat disc
c. circular
14. What is the shape of the Earth as described by modern
d. rectilinear
4. . Which of the following refers to the surface where
a. ellipsoid
stars appear to be attached?
b. hyperboloid
a. ecliptic
c. oblate paraboloid
b. celestial poles
d. oblate spheroid
c. diurnal circle
15. Which of the following ancient Greek philosophers
d. celestial sphere
computed for the circumference of the Earth?
5. Which of the following is the path that the stars take in
a. Eratosthenes
completing diurnal motion?
b. Anaxagoras
a. diurnal circle
c. Pythagoras
b. celestial sphere
d. Aristotle
c. ecliptic
16. According to Erastothenes’ computations what is the
d. celestial poles
circumference of the Earth?
6. Which of the following is the path taken by the sun as
a. 250 000 stadia
it moves around the celestial sphere?
b. 500 stadia
a. diurnal circle
c. 7.2 stadia
b. celestial sphere
d. 40 000 stadia
c. ecliptic
17. Which of the following can be observed of a cruising
d. celestial poles
ship if the Earth is a flat disc?
7. Which of the following is a consequence of the Earth’s
a. It will shrink then only the sail will be visible
rotation around its axis?
until it completely disappears.
a. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
b. It will become bigger and bigger.
b. The constellations change their position with
c. It will not change its size.
d. It will become smaller and smaller until it
c. The equinoxes wobble.
d. The North Star changes from Polaris to Vega.
18. According to Eratosthenes, which of the following
8. What happens to the circle of circumpolar stars as you
explain why a vertical stick casts a shadow in
get closer to the poles?
Alexandria but not in Syene?
a. decreases
a. The Sun is directly overhead in Syene while
b. remains the same
in Alexandria, it is only almost directly
c. changes position
d. increases
b. The light rays coming from the sun are
9. During which time is the sun’s altitude at its maximum?
parallel, and the Earth is curved.
a. winter solstice
c. The light rays coming from the sun are
b. summer solstice
curved, and the Earth is flat.
c. autumnal equinox
d. The Sun is directly overhead in Alexandria
d. vernal equinox
while in Syene, it is only almost directly
10. Which of the following can be observed due to the
Earth’s revolution around the Sun?
19. How many concentric spheres accommodate the Sun,
a. The sun’s altitude changes with season.
Moon, planets, and stars in Eudoxus’ model?
b. Different constellations appear in the horizon
a. 27
throughout the year.
b. 37
c. Circumpolar stars can be observed.
c. 46
d. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Balete Road Balete, Batangas City. Tel. No. (043) 402 1471
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
(formerly Balete National High School)
a. C
b. A
c. B
d. D
25. In the image below, which of the
following best describes the part labeled
as B according to the Ptolemaic system?
Balete Road Balete, Batangas City. Tel. No. (043) 402 1471