NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 2 YouTube Lecture Handouts
NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 2 YouTube Lecture Handouts
NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 2 YouTube Lecture Handouts
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and Russia NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and Russia
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1850s -1880s: Debates over socialism in Russia.
1917: 2nd March - Abdication of the Tsar & 24th October - Bolshevik uprising in Petrograd.
18th Century: Divided into estates and orders & aristocracy and church controlled economic
and social power
In India, Raja Rammohan Roy and Derozio talked of the significance of the French
Liberals wanted a nation which tolerated all religions. It opposed uncontrolled power of
dynastic rulers. They argued for a representative, elected parliamentary government, subject
to laws interpreted by a well-trained judiciary that was independent of rulers and officials.
But these were not democrats (not believed in universal adult suffrage) and believed that
man of property should vote.
Conservatives: wanted change but wished for a gradual shift, respected past
Radicals: restructured society radically, wanted right to vote for everyone including women,
opposed privilege of landowners and factory owners, against private property and
concentration of property in hands of few
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New industrial regions developed
Railways expanded
Brought men, women and children to factories – issues of poor wages, unemployment,
housing and sanitation
Socialism: against private property (individuals owned property for personal gains but didn’t
thought of those who made it productive), change for social interest
Robert Owen: build cooperative community called New Harmony of Indiana (USA),
encouraged governments for cooperatives
Louis Blanc in France: encourage cooperatives (association of people and divide profit
according to work done by members)
Marx argued that industrial society was ‘capitalist’. Capitalists owned the capital invested in
factories, and the profit of capitalists was produced by workers. Workers must construct
socialist society where all property is socially controlled. This is called as communist society.
Workers in England and Germany formed associations to better out living and working
conditions – reduction of working hours, right to vote
1905: socialists and trade unionists formed a Labour Party in Britain and a Socialist Party in
Paris Commune of 1871: when the town council (commune) of Paris was taken over by a
‘peoples’ government’ consisting of workers, ordinary people, professionals, political activists
and others – occurred due to discontent of policies of French state. Two important legacies:
Association with the workers’ red flag – that was the flag adopted by the communards
(revolutionaries) in Paris
‘Marseillaise’, originally written as a war song in 1792, it became a symbol of the Commune
and of the struggle for liberty
Russian Revolution
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4/25/2018----NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and the Russia YouTube Lecture Handouts- Translation in Hindi, Kannada,
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October Revolution of 1917, fall of monarchy in Feb 2017 and events in October as Russian
Russian Empire in 1914 – ruled by Tsar Nicholas II included Finland, Lativia, Lithuania,
Estonia, parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. It stretched to the Pacific and comprised
today’s Central Asian states, as well as Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
Industrial pockets in St. Petersburg and Moscow; craftsmen near large factories; factories
were set up in 1890s, railway expanded and foreign investment increased; coal production
doubled and iron and steel output quadrupled.
Govt. supervised large factories to ensure minimum wages and limited work hours
(craftsman worked 15 hours while in factories people worked 10 or 12 hours)
Workers were divided social group – metal workers required more training and skill; women
included 31% factory labor force by 1914 but were paid less than men
Strikes about dismissals or work conditions in 1896-97 & in metal industry in 1902
Peasants were also divided and were religious; nobles got to power and position through
service to Tsars & not by local popularity
Peasants refused to pay rent and murdered landlords (in 1902 in south Russia and in 1905 in
overall Russia)
They pooled their land together periodically and their commune (mir) divided it according to
the needs of individual families
Socialism in Russia
All political parties were illegal in Russia before 1914. The Russian Social Democratic
Workers Party was founded in 1898 by socialists who respected Marx’s ideas.
Socialist Revolutionary Party in 1900 – struggled for peasants rights and demanded that land
to nobles must be transferred to peasants
Lenin (led Bolshevik group) - believed that peasants were not united (were rich and poor)
with differentiation – party must be disciplined, control number and quality of its members
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4/25/2018----NCERT Class 9 History Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and the Russia YouTube Lecture Handouts- Translation in Hindi, Kannada,
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1905 Revolution
Russia was autocracy and Tsar was not subject to parliament
Social Democrats and Socialist Revolutionaries along with peasants and workers demanded
They were supported in the empire by nationalists (in Poland) and in Muslim-dominated
areas by jadidists who wanted modernized Islam to lead their societies
4 members of the Assembly of Russian Workers, which had been formed in 1904, were
dismissed at the Putilov Iron Works – next day 110,000 workers in St. Petersburg went to
strike for reducing working hours to 8 hours, increasing wages and improving working
Father Gapon led procession to Winter Palace – 100 killed and 300 wounded – incidents
were known as Bloody Sunday with
Allowed creation of elected consultative Parliament or Duma (large number of trade unions
and factory committees made up of factory workers)
After 1905, many committees worked unofficially, 1st Duma dismissed within 75 days and
next re-elected in 3 months (not wanted any questioning); changed voting rights and packed
3rd Duma with conservative politicians
Russia’s armies lost badly in Germany and Austria between 1914 and 1916. There were over 7
million casualties by 1917. While retreating they destroyed crops and buildings – led to 3
million refugees in Russia
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1 world war – eastern front (armies moved) and western front (armies fought from trenches
stretched along eastern France)
River Neva – right bank (quarters and factories) & left bank (fashionable areas)
People wanted to preserve elected government and oppose Tsar’s desire to dissolve Duma
23 Feb: strike in 50 factories for sympathy and was called International Women’s Day,
workers crossed to center of capital Nevskii Prospekt, curfew was imposed
Cavalry refused to fire on workers; 3 regiments mutinied and joined striking workers
Striking workers met to form “soviet” or “council” and was called as Petrograd Soviet
2 March: Tsar abdicated, Soviet leaders and Duma leaders formed a Provisional Government to
run the country
After February
Soviets were set up everywhere with no common election system
April 1917: Lenin returned from exile – opposed war since 1914, war must close, land to
peasants and banks should be nationalized (3 demands as Lenin’s “April theses”)
Bolshevik Party renamed itself the Communist Party to indicate its new radical aims
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Soldier committees were formed in army
Land committees were formed for redistribution of land (b/w July & Sept 1917)
Conflict b/w Provisional government and Bolsheviks grew – Lenin feared Provisional
Government would set up dictatorship
Bolshevik supporters in the army, soviets and factories were brought together
16 October 1917: Lenin persuaded the Petrograd Soviet and the Bolshevik Party to agree to a
socialist seizure of power. A Military Revolutionary Committee was appointed by the Soviet
under Leon Trotskii to organize the seizure. The date of the event was kept a secret.
24 Oct: Uprising started, military under Prime Minister Kerenskii seized two Bolshevik
newspapers, troops sent to protect Winter Palace
By night – city under committees control and ministers surrendered, at a meeting of the All
Russian Congress of Soviets in Petrograd, the majority approved the Bolshevik action.
Land declared social property & peasants allowed to seize land of nobility
New uniform for army – after competition and Soviet hat (budenovka) was chosen
November 1917: Bolsheviks conducted elections to the Constituent Assembly, but they failed
to gain majority support.
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January 1918: Assembly rejected Bolshevik measures and Lenin dismissed the Assembly &
All Russian Congress of Soviets was more democratic
Later, Bolsheviks became the only party to participate in the elections to the All Russian
Congress of Soviets, which became the Parliament of the country
Secret police (Cheka first, OGPU and NKVD) punished those who criticized Bolsheviks
Civil War
When Bolsheviks ordered land redistribution, Russian army began to break up
During 1918 and 1919, the ‘greens’ (Socialist Revolutionaries) and ‘whites’ (pro-Tsarists)
controlled most of the Russian empire. They were backed by French, American, British and
Japanese troops – all those forces who were worried at the growth of socialism in Russia.
In Khiva, in Central Asia, Bolshevik colonists brutally massacred local nationalists in the
name of defending socialism.
Socialist Society
Industries and banks were nationalized
Centralized planning was introduced – officials assessed economy and set targets for 5-year
period (made five year plans)
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Govt. fixed prices to promote industrial growth during first two plans
Extended schooling system developed & arrangements made for factory workers to enter
In Magnitogorsk, construction of a steel plant was achieved in three years. Workers lived
hard lives and the result was 550 stoppages of work in the first year alone
Stalin after death of Lenin – introduced emergency measures – rich peasants were holding
stock in hope of price rise and aimed to stop speculation and confiscated supplies
1928: kulaks (well to do peasants) were raided, grain shortage was due to small size of
holdings and decision was taken for collective farms & eliminate kulaks
Collectivization Program – 1929 – all peasants to cultivate in collective farms (kolkhoz); land
and implements were transferred to ownership of collective farms
Peasants worked on the land, and the kolkhoz profit was shared.
Bad harvests of 1930-1933 led to one of most devastating famines in Soviet history when over
4 million died (despite collectivization)
Non-Russians from outside the USSR participated in the Conference of the Peoples of the
East (1920) and the Bolshevik-founded Comintern (an international union of pro-Bolshevik
socialist parties)
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Indian Views
M. N. Roy was an Indian revolutionary, a founder of the Mexican Communist Party and
prominent Comintern leader in India, China and Europe
In Hindi, R.S. Avasthi wrote in 1920-21 Russian Revolution, Lenin, His Life and His
Thoughts, and later The Red Revolution.
S.D. Vidyalankar wrote The Rebirth of Russia and The Soviet State of Russia. There was
much that was written in Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.
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