Extraordinary Sex Ratios
Extraordinary Sex Ratios
Extraordinary Sex Ratios
it thinks is in the best interests of the subject to administrativediscipline. But tional Science Board, we are likely to
country, should approval be obtained does the same reasoning apply to Board witness a gradual shift of the control
from the Executive Branch before such members? In fact, the question of giv- of national science policies and pro-
a policy is announced? ing testimony before a congressional grams from the scientific community
Some Board members object to the committee itself has been raised. Must to the bureaucracy-with a consequent
constraints of this sort of administra- Board members offer only "approved" weakening and distortion of the whole
tive discipline, and at least in the past testimony? If so, this would seem to scientific effort.
have felt that prior approval of this seriously weaken the Board's voice in Reference and Note
type should not be required. It might terms of the purposes for which it was 1. V. Bush, Science-The Endless Frontier, 1945,
be reasoned that the director-who is a established. In my opinion, the nation reprinted by the National Science Foundation,
Washington, D.C. (1960).
presidential appointee, who is on the would best be served by making that 2. I have commented more fully on this matter
federal payroll, and who is making a voice stronger. Unless some provisions in my letter to Science 155, 1489 (1967).
Table 1. Insects and mites having usual sibmating combined with arrhenotoky and spanandry. Blanks are left where clear data are not
available; in some cases equivocal evidence is mentioned in the notes.
in Tendency
toward Uales e oal Thelytoky
inMF Refer-
typicaltpcl inclusion Usual
site wings
prsn pug- known in
spce(s ens
ion on site of
of pU ences
Family, genus, and species Host batch of f one present species (s),
progeny male mating nac- and
batch familyIOUs genus (g), (f notes
Blasophaga psenes Wild fig 22 235 In fig - + (45)
Monodontomerus spp. Bee larva 1 12 + In host
cell. + + (46)
Nasonia vitripennis Fly pupa 2 19 Just outside
host + s (36, 47)
Dusmetia sangwani Scale insect 1 5 + In host +4 --i f (48)
Thysanus elongatus Parasitoid
larvae 1 5 + ,+ g (49)
Melittobia acasta Pupa of fly In host
or aculeate 1 46 + cocoon -. + + f (36, 50)
Melittobia chalybii Aculeate pupa 2 50 + In host
cocoon - + f
.+ (51)
Pleurotropis parvulus Leaf-mining Just outside
beetle larva 4 13 + leaf-mine f (52)
Trichogramma semblidis Alder fly
egg mass 10 60 On host + g (53)
Prestwichia aquatica Aquatic
insect egg 1 8 + In host -. s? (54)
Elasmus hispidarum Leaf-mining Just outside
beetle larva 4 8 + leaf-mine (52, 55)
Caraphractus cinctus Water beetle 5* 25* _
egg it 2t near host + + f (42)
Anaphoidea calendrae Weevil egg 1 6 + + + f (56)
Anaphoidea nitens Weevil ootheca 1 3 + Just outside
host + f (57)
Telenomus fariai Bug egg 1 6 + In host g (58)
Asolcus spp. Bug egg mass 8 40 + On host + + + f (37, 59)
Cephalonomia quadridentata Beetle larva In group of
or pupa 1 3 + cocoons f? (60)
Sclerodermus immigrans Beetle larva 4 20 On mass of
cocoons + s? (61)
Perisierola emigrata Moth larva 2 8 In group of
cocoons f? (62)
Xyleborus compactus Twig tissues 1 9 In parent
gallery + (29)
Limothrips denticornis Grass plant 3 20 + Grass, leaf
sheath _ f
+ (63)
Myrmonyssus phalaenodectes Moth Moth ear (64)
Pyemotes ventricosus Mother 4 86 + On mother - _--1! (52)
Siteroptes graminum Mother 7 140 + In mother - - (65)
Acarophenax tribolii Mother 1 14 + In mother- -- (35)
Tarsonemoides spp. Mother 5 65 In scolytid's
egg niche -- (66)
* In
Dytiscus egg. in Agabtus egg.
482 VOL. 156
No clear example of the biofacies is rather characteristic of the biofacies, group according to whether mating
has been found in the literature on the opposite combination is not so rare takes place prior to dispersion from the
arrhenotokous aleurodids and coccids. as might have been expected. Three larval host or after arrival at the new
For the coccids, an independent and species are listed in Table 1 which fit host; second, he subdivides the latter
detailed theory of the evolution of quite well in most respects but have group according to whether the males
male haploidy has already been pro- winged males and wingless females. I are usually polygynous or monogynous
posed, by S. W. Brown (20). This is see no simple explanation of this in the new borings.
based on an "island" breeding struc- anomaly, but in any case it hardly af- All three systems occur in the scolyt-
ture, with random mating within the fects the general correspondence, since, id subfamily Ipinae. The widest survey
almost-isolated subpopulations, and the from the accounts on which these list- of representatives of the first system
fact that all female coccids are wingless ings are based, it is clear that sibmating is given by Browne (28), who calls it
while males are often winged certainly usually does occur. the system of "extreme polygamy."
suggests random mating. The very com- Polygamy is extreme, but, since this
plex chromosome cycles known in vari- follows from the fact that males are
ous fungus gnats of the genus Sciara Sex Ratios with Polygyny produced in much smaller numbers
all have a common resemblance to than females, spanandry seems a better
the typical situation of male haploidy It is frequently suggested that biased term, and is used here. In all species
in that (i) virtually no chromosomes sex ratios are adaptations of the popu- of the tribes Xyleborini, Eccopterini,
of paternal origin are passed on by a lations that manifest them. In particular, and Webbini for which Browne gives
male, and (ii) the sex of an embryo the evolutionary ability to economize data, the males are not only relatively
depends on some influence transmitted in the production of males to the point few from birth but are also flightless,
by its mother (21). that gives maximum capacity for in- short-lived, and often blind. Obviously
Although all four combinations of crease (an ability which, according to this system closely corresponds to the
the winged and wingless condition ac- the model, is restricted to sibmating "extreme biofacies" discussed above;
cording to sex are known in the Sciari- lines) is sometimes imputed to any pop- some of the facts for Xyleborus com-
dae, cases in which the female alone ulation, whatever its breeding structure. pactus, the only species of these tribes
is wingless are more numerous than In one sense the idea of adaptation for which arrhenotoky has been estab-
the converse cases (22); in this respect for the benefit of the population is lished (29), are given in Table 1.
the group tends slightly toward the even less secure than that of adapta- With the other two groups consider-
condition of the coccids. Furthermore, tion for the benefit of the species. It able outbreeding is expected. Therefore,
almost entirely unisexual broods are is true that a population consisting of according to Fisher's principle, a sex
characteristic of some species, and it is numerous subgroups has many po- ratio of /2 should occur, irrespective
clear that, in these, outbreeding must tential sites for "mutation," and that of polygamy. This seems to be general-
result. It fits well with Fisher's principle "mutation" by genetic drift (for ex- ly the case. According to Browne, in
that the two types of female, arrheno- ample, the complete transience of an the Crypturgini, while Poecilips gedea-
genous and thelygenous, which exist in altruistic gene) is distinctly possible if nus clearly has the spanandrous system
these cases, are thought to be them- the subgroups are small (26). Species, (only 21 males were observed among
selves produced according to a simple on the other hand, can at least repro- 196 beetles reared in 18 broods), Car-
backcross mechanism which ensures duce in isolation from their competitors. posinus perakensis has typical "monog-
their numerical equality and, conse- The extent to which populations can amy" (28): "The young adult bores
quently fixes the sex ratio at 1/2 (23). do so without losing identity through directly out from its pupal cell"; the
Thus, the Sciaridae, like the Cocci- hybridization is not at all clear. As male is not degenerate and probably
dae, tend to support the view that the regards sex ratio, even occasional out- mates with the female in her incipient
evolution of male haploidy can take breeding should cause the breakdown new gallery, where he subsequently
place under relatively panmictic condi- of any population adaptation. Vagrant takes part in caring for the nest; and
tions. Nevertheless, with the Sciaridae, males arriving in the predominantly fe- "among 58 young adults examined, 26
the decaying plant bodies and fungi on male groups can so effectively propa- were male." It is implied (28) that
which the larvae feed are hosts of the gate the genes which caused their own the sex ratio of 1/2 holds generally with
kind specified in our model, and there production that male-producing tenden- monogamous species, and other authors
is one report (24), concerning Sciara cies must spread. This is the essence confirm this (27).
semialata, of a combination of char- of Fisher's principle. Accordingly it is With the Ipinae of the third group
acters very suggestive of the biofacies, not surprising to find that highly poly- the male flies first to the new host,
although not in its extreme form. These gynous species with outbreeding habits where he cuts a nuptial chamber. In
characters were a sex ratio of about do not have female-biased primary response to the male's attractant scent,
1/4, winglessness of males only, and the sex ratios. In polygynous mammals and several females (but not more than
Sciara habit of migrating in a compact birds a nonbreeding surplus of males eight) colonize the nuptial chamber of
column prior to pupation. Furthermore, is commonly observed during the breed- a successful male, are mated by him,
facts which similarly suggest the bio- ing season, and, in mammals at least, and construct radiating egg galleries.
facies, although somewhat less strongly, the sex ratio at birth may be actually Sex counts show a primary sex ratio
are available for gall midges of the re- male-biased. of 12 (27, 30); I know of only one
lated family Cecidomyidae (25), and With insects, evidence on this point possible exception (31). What happens
this family has unusual chromosome might be expected to come from the to the surplus males is in no case
cycles resembling those of the Sciaridae. scolytid bark beetles. Chararas (27) entirely settled. Probably their numbers
Although it is clear from Table 1 gives a classification that is useful by are somewhat reduced by the greater
that winglessness in the male sex alone biological criteria. First, he divides the hazards involved in their pioneer role,
28 APRIL 1967 483
but, at the same time, there is evidence some mating might take place before horus, except that the sex ratio is less
that many males fail to attract any dispersal, since the "polygamy" amount- extreme and males are not degenerate.
mate and die as bachelors (27, 30). ed to the observation of some mono- At leaist very occasionally the males of
With bark beetles of the hylesine gamous pairs and some lone but insemi- D. micans fly to join the female in the
nated females. But Reid found that, in new gallery (27). Evidently, as a whole
genus Dendroctonus the situation is
rather less clear. Dendroctonus frontalis, fact, less than 1 percent of the females the Scolytidae support the view that
which is monogamous, has a primary had mated before dispersal. Such a polygamy is not associated with pri-
sex ratio of ?1 (32). So does D. proportion of inbreeding certainly could mary sex ratio bias unless there is also
pseudotsugae, which is slightly poly- not explain the bias in the sex ratio, inbreeding.
gamous (33). For D. monticolae a sex but perhaps it was not typical. Another
ratio of about /3, both before eclosure species, D. micans, is quite clearly
and after attack, has been given, on on the road to inbreeding and spanan- Thelytoky
the basis of numerous counts (34). The dry. In this case the social biology
system of D. monticolae suggested that seems closely similar to that of Xyle- Browne remarked tha,t "the evolu-
tionary trend in the extremely poly-
gamous Scolytidae appears to be to-
wards the elimination of the male."
.65 He considered, however, that the oc-
currence of thelytoky in the group was
by no means proved. There is no doubt
that in the Hymenoptera similar trends
have ended in thelytoky in many differ-
ent evolutionary lines. From an evolu-
tionary point of view, when sibmating
is invariable, the sexual breeding system,
.60 arrhenotokous or otherwise, gives none
., (
,/ !
of the usually cited advantages over
asexual reproduction; it is in effect al-
,, ready a tree whose branches all are,
or tend quickly to become after each
cO li
I Fig. 3. Equilibration of population sex
# ratio at /2, under conditions of random
t ;2 3 4 5 6 ' r 8 9. 10 lI 12 13 !4 ISI mating. In all cases, control of the sex
ratio is by the female, and it is assumed
; that the three genotypes GG, Gg, and gg
/b'^ ~~Generation give sex ratios 1, 1/, and 0, respectively.
Dashed lines represent male haploids.
s' \1 fe^
Equilibrium frequencies of the genotypes
GG, Gg, and gg are known, by analysis,
to be as follows: in females, /2[(2)3-1],
2--(2)2, and 1/[(2)-1-1]; in diploid
, 2 8 '; D 1 2 ? 4 l males, /2, (2)3--1, and 1?2- (2). For
?, ; females, the equilibrium under male hap-
loidy is the same; for males, it is G,
1/(2)i, and g, 1-1/(2)i. Runs were
,4< _r
panmixia, the formula correctly gives are pugnacious. The possessive fighting parative studies have shown a more
the ratio as 12. of the females when parasitizing new distinct phenomenon-that the sex ra-
It would be interesting to see how hosts (37) would tend to prevent mul- tio rises immediately when females are
some other characteristicsof the model, tiple settling-although not very effec- kept in crowded cultures. In some such
besides the unbeatable ratio, alter as tively, to judge from the behavior de- cases (see, for example, 40) experiments
n is increased. In the case of panmixia, scribed. But the pugnacity of the males indicate that this rise is due, at least
if a population sex ratio of 1/ cannot must, on the contrary, tend to cause in part, to the greater survival of male
be attained homozygously, it is yet es- outbreeding, since all but one of the larvae under conditioins of superpara-
tablished as an equilibrium, provided males released from a batch of host sitism. But recently cases have been re-
of course that the range of genotypic eggs are driven away and must at- ported in which a female, on being
sex ratios covers this value. This is tempt to acquire sexual ownership of crowded or on detecting previous para-
shown in the runs of the appropriate other batches. It is doubtless quite pos- sitism, seems to alter her oviposition
deterministic model which are graphed sible for them to do so if they find behavior so as to produce a higher
in Fig. 3. The outcome is different batches where emergence has not yet proportion of unfertilized eggs. Wylie
with the model for random settling in begun. Thus the pugnacious behavior (41) has shown that this happens in the
pairs. Thus, in a run in which the must both reflect and aggravate the case of Nasonia vitripennis. The nor-
female genotypes were assigned sex ra- biological need for it. mal sex ratio is variously given as 0.10
tios 0.4, 0.25, and 0.1, the equilibrium The somewhat anomalous cases, al- to 0.30, and this is one of the cases
sex ratio was 0.175 [p(G) = 0.25]. ready mentioned, wherein the male is where, under conditions of superpara-
With ratios 0.3, 0.2, and 0.1, there winged and the female is wingless may sitism, more male larvae survive. In
was a stable equilibrium sex ratio at be interpreted rather similarly. With spite of this usually obscurative factor,
0.267 [p(G)= 0.835]; but it wa!s evi- Dusmetia sangwani and Cephalonomia by manipulating eggs so as to prevent
dent that for some p(G) between 0.888 quadridentata,occasional outbreedingis overparasitization, Wylie showed that
and 0.999 there was also an unstable encouragednot only by the males' abili- females laid more male eggs in re-
equilibrium. ty to fly but also by the not uncommon sponse both to the detection of previ-
Although the theoretical position is occurrence of all-female groups. In C. ous parasitism and to the simultaneous
even less clear for n > 2, the ratio quadridentata, Van Emden (38) record- presence of other individuals walking
now lies, at least in some respects, with- ed, among 108 groups of progeny over the host, especially if these others
in known bounds. Since the great ma- from females known to have mated, were females. When both factors
jority of recorded sex ratios of 30 which were wholly female and, as operated together, a sex ratio of 0.59
28 APRIL 1967 485
was obtained, as against 0.20 in the in so far as it contributes to the gene
controls. More tentatively, Jackson (42) 1 1 0'9 0-6667 0-3571 0 pool at large. Evolved instincts will
reached similar conclusions with Cara- cause it to seek the highest payoff in
phractus cinctus. The factor of dif- the sense of expression 4; except, per-
3/4 1 1 08 0-5 01429
ferential mortality could not be con- haps, when the populationis very small,
trolled in this case, and it must be ad- it could have no interest simply in out-
mitted that, on the basis of the results 1/2 1 11667 1 0-7 0-3333 scoring its co-parasitoid. But if, on the
published, the effect in this case does contrary, the players of such a game
not seem to have been established are opponents motivated to outscore,
absolutely. The response appeared to
1/4 /1-3333 1 0'6
they would find that ?/4 is beaten by a
be connected with crowding of the higher ratio; xt, the value of x which
adults and not with perception of previ- 0 - 2-5 2 1'5 1 gives its player the greatest possible ad-
ous attack, even though an experienced vantage over the player playing x0, is
female certainly could detect such at- xo
found to be given by the relationship
x-> 0
tack, as Jackson showed. 1/4 1/2 3/4 1