History of Islam
History of Islam
History of Islam
The Muslim era dates from the Hegira - Arabic for 'emigration',
meaning Muhammad's departure from Mecca. In the
Muslim calendar this event marks the beginning of year 1.
Ali: 656-661
Mu'awiya, the leader of the struggle against Ali and his supporters, establishes himself after
Ali's death in 661 as the undisputed caliph. His power base has been Syria. Damascus now
becomes the capital of the first Muslim dynasty and the centre of the new Arab empire.
Mu'awiya is a member of one of the most prominent families of Mecca, the Umayya. Against
considerable opposition he establishes a new principle - that the role of caliph shall be
hereditary rather than elected. For the next century and more it is passed on within his family.
The Umayyad dynasty will rule from Damascus until 750 and then will establish another
kingdom at Cordoba, in Spain.
After the death of Ali, opponents of the new Umayyad dynasty promote the claims of Ali's two
sons, Hasan and Husayn (grandsons of Muhammad). Their party becomes known as Shi'at Ali
(the 'party of Ali'). The political cause crumbles after the death of the brothers (Hasan dies in
about 669 and Husayn, subsequently the most holy of Shi'ite martyrs, is killed in the battle of
Karbala in 680). But their faction has from now on a lasting religious disagreement with the
Islam of the caliphs.
The main group under the caliphate becomes known as Sunni (those following Sunna, the
orthodox rule) and the new schismatic sect acquires the name of Shi'as or Shi'ites, from the
original name of their party.
As early as the 8th century, a reaction sets in against the worldly interests resulting from the
rapid rise of the caliphate to the status of a great temporal power. Devout Muslims struggle to
retain the purity and mystical fervour of the early years of their religion. Insisting on a simple
life, like the desert fathers of early Christianity, they are recognizable by their choice of plain
woollen garments.
The Arabic for someone wearing wool is sufi. This name becomes attached, in later centuries,
to any Muslim inclined to the mysticism which has always been part of Islam.
There have been, and still are today, many different Sufi sects. They often begin as the
followers of one particular holy man, and pilgrimage to the tomb of a saint has been an
important part of Sufi devotion. So has the use by ascetic Sufis (or dervishes) of repetitive
phrases and actions, conducive to mystical experience. A well-known but extreme example is
the whirling of the so-called dancing dervishes, a Sufi sect founded in the 13th century by the
Persian mystical poet Jalal-ud-din Rumi.
But Sufism is a form of religious experience and commitment open to any Muslim, without
membership of a particular sect. In keeping with its name, it runs through Islam like a thread
within a woollen garment.
During the explosive first century of Arab expansion, the relationship subtly changes between
two concepts - Arab and Muslim. At first they are inseparable. The Muslim armies are made up
entirely of Arab tribesmen, and it is taken for granted that only Arabs can be Muslims. Between
campaigns the Arab armies stay together in winter camps or garrison towns. They are an
occupying force, having little link with the inhabitants of the conquered territories.
But by the early 8th century, when the Muslim expansion has reached something approaching
its peak, there are not enough Arabs to provide the troops.
Out of necessity, people of other groups begin to be received into Islam, fighting alongside the
Arabs. Berbers do so in the west, and Persians in the east. Inevitably there are resentments.
Non-Arabs often feel they are treated as second-class Muslims, particularly when it comes to
sharing out loot after a campaign. And the conversion of outsiders to Islam brings a financial
burden. Non-Muslims are charged a poll tax, which is not paid by believers. The spread of the
faith is a drain on the treasury.
These various tensions, and the inevitable difficulty of controlling the vast new empire, result in
a rebellion in 747 against the Umayyad caliph.
Persia is the region in which resistance comes to a head against the caliphate of
the Umayyads in Damascus. The uprising is partly a simple struggle between Arab factions,
each of impeccable pedigree in relation to the pioneers of Islam. A revolt in Persia in 747 is
headed by descendants of al-Abbas, an uncle of the prophet Muhammad. Their new caliphate,
established in 750, will be known as Abbasid.
The involvement of Persia is also significant. The Umayyad caliphate in Damascus derives from
the early days of Islam when all Muslims are Arabs. But many Muslims in the east are now
Persian, and Persian sophistication is beginning to divert Muslim culture from its simple Arab
Abbasid forces reach and capture Damascus in 750. Abul Abbas is proclaimed the first caliph of
a new line. Male members of the Umayyad family are hunted down and killed (though one
survives to establish a new Umayyad dynasty in Spain).
The centre of gravity of the Muslim world now moves east, from Syria to Mesopotamia. In 762
a new capital city, Baghdad, is founded on the Tigris. It is about twenty miles upstream
from Ctesiphon, one of the leading cities of the preceding Persian dynasty, the Sassanians.
Baghdad: 8th century
In their new city of Baghdad the Abbasid caliphs adopt the administrative system of the long-
established Persian empire. Persian Muslims are as much involved in the life of this thriving
place as Arab Muslims. Here Islam outgrows its Arab roots and becomes an international
religion. Here the Arabic and early Persian languages coalesce to become, from the 10th
century, what is now known as Persian - combining words from both sources and using the
Arabic script. Here Mesopotamia briefly recovers its ancient status at the centre of one of the
world's largest empires.
At no time is this more evident than in the reign of the best-known of the Abbasid caliphs,
Harun al-Rashid.
The luxury and delight of Harun al-Rashid's Baghdad, in the late 8th century, has been
impressed on the western mind by one of the most famous works of Arabic literature -
the Thousand and One Nights. Some of the stories are of a later date, but there are details
in them which certainly relate to this period when for the first time a Muslim court has the
leisure and prosperity to indulge in traditional oriental splendour.
The caliphate is now at its widest extent, with reasonable calm on most borders. The
international fame of Harun himself can be judged by the emphasis of Charlemagne's
biographers on the mutual esteem of these two contemporary potentates, who send each
other Rich gifts.
Muslims are instructed in the Qur'an to be tolerant of the two older and closely related
religions, Judaism and Christianity, which share with Islam the essential characteristics of
monotheism and a sacred book; they are all linked in the phrase 'people of the book'. Jews and
Christians have therefore, through most of history, fared better under Islam than has been the
fate of Jews or Muslims in Christian countries.
Zoroastrianism does not feature in the Qur'an. But it also has one god and a sacred book.
The Muslim conquerors of Persia therefore show a degree of tolerance to the state religion of
the previous dynasty.
By the end of the 8th century a distinctive Arab civilization is emerging in widely separated
regions. It is evident from the 8th century in Baghdad in the east and in Cordoba in the west.
By the 10th century, between the two, there is a similar centre in the new city of Cairo.
The shared characteristics of these great cities are Islam, the Arabic language and a tolerance
which allows Christians and Jews to play a full part in the community. The results include an
expansion of trade (making these places the most prosperous of their time, apart from T'ang
China), and a level of scholarship and intellectual energy superior to contemporary Christian
Together with the spread of Islam, a lasting result of the events of the 7th century is the
triumph of Arabic as a language in the middle east and north Africa. In Palestine and Syria it
gradually replaces Aramaic as the popular tongue; in Egypt it does the same with Coptic;
further west along the north African coast, it edges the language of the Berbers into a
minority status.
The sense of identity of Arabs in subsequent centuries does not necessarily involve descent
from the tribes of Arabia. It depends instead on the sharing of Arabic as both language and
culture (implying also in most cases a commitment to Islam). It is this which provides the
strong Arabic element in the civilization of the Middle Ages, from Mesopotamia to Spain.
Islam in east Africa: 8th - 11th century
The first Muslim ruler in the region is the king of Gao, from
about the year 1000. The ruling classes of other communities
follow suit. The king of Ghana, the most powerful realm, is
one of the last to accept Islam - probably in the 1070s.
The effect of Islam on African communities, with their own
strong traditional cultures, is a gradual process. In 1352 Ibn
Batuta visits Mali, the kingdom which in effect replaces
Ghana. He is impressed by the people's regularity in saying
their prayers, but he looks with stern disapproval at certain
practices which are more evidently African.
Many of them are sorties for plunder and booty among the
riches of India, sometimes as far down the Ganges as Kannauj.
But Mahmud's most famous undertaking, in 1025, is different
in kind. It is undertaken in a mood of religious zeal as much as
for plunder.
India is the first place where invading Muslims are confronted
with a highly developed cult of idolatry. The Hindu profusion
of sculpted gods and goddesses, often provocative or weird in
the disposition of their limbs, is well calculated to outrage any
attentive reader of the Qur'an - with its prohibitions against
idols and graven images. Mahmud's strenuous effort in
marching an army across the desert south from Multan, in
1025, has a holy purpose.