Chapter Ii Public Land Act (Commonwealth Act No. 141) : Agcaoili
Chapter Ii Public Land Act (Commonwealth Act No. 141) : Agcaoili
Chapter Ii Public Land Act (Commonwealth Act No. 141) : Agcaoili
CHAPTER II PUBLIC LAND ACT other areas not needed for or are not
(Commonwealth Act No. 141) being utilized for the purposes for which
they have been established;
- enacted on 11/7/1936 b. Advise the regional offices on the efficient
and effective implementation of policies,
Regalian Doctrine – All lands of public domain
programs and projects for more effective
belong to the State – the source of any asserted
public lands management;
right to ownership of land. All lands not
c. Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of
appearing to be clearly of private dominion
land surveys, management and disposition
presumptively belong to the State. (Sec. 2, Art.
of lands to ensure efficiency and
XII of Constitution)
effectiveness thereof;
Functions of DENR Secretary d. Issue standards, guidelines, regulations
and orders to enforce policies for the
a. Exercise supervision and control over maximization of land use and
forest lands, alienable and disposable development;
public lands, mineral resources and, in the e. Develop operating standards and
process of exercising such control, impose procedures to enhance the Bureau’s
appropriate taxes, fees, charges, rentals objectives and functions;
and any such form of levy and collect f. Assist the Secretary as executive officer
such revenues for the exploration, charged with carrying out the provisions
development, utilization or gathering of of the PLA, who shall have direct
such resources; executive control of the survey,
b. Promulgate rules, regulations and classification, lease, sale or any other
guidelines on the issuance of licenses, forms of concessions or disposition and
permits, concessions, lease agreements management of the lands of the public
and such other privileges concerning the domain;
development, exploration and utilization g. Perform other functions as may be
of the country’s marine, freshwater, and assigned by the Secretary and/ or
brackish water and over all aquatic provided by law.
resources of the country and shall
continue to oversee, supervise and police Delegated functions:
our natural resources; x x x
DENR Secretary
c. Exercise exclusive jurisdiction on the
management and disposition of all lands - approves the appraisal of public lands and
of the public domain and serve as the sole issues authority to conduct bidding
agency responsible for classification, sub- covering agricultural land sales above 5
classification, surveying and titling of hectares and leases covering 100 hectares
lands in consultation with appropriate and above;
agencies. - Approves transfer of public land
applications or deeds of sale/ mortgage of
Functions of LMB Director and Regional
patented lands above12 hectares;
- decides cases on appeal involving claims/
a. Recommend policies and programs for conflicts over public lands; and
the efficient and effective administration, - signs patents for areas more than 5
surveys, management and disposition of hectares for sales and more than 10
alienable and disposable lands of the hectares for homestead and free patents.
public domain and other lands outside the
responsibilities of other government
agencies; such as reclaimed areas and
omnia in bonum
NatRes 2
- verifies, approves and sign maps and plans a. Lands of the public domain
for public land subdivision, cadastral and - either alienable or inalienable
isolated surveys;
- approves survey plans for OLT and other b. Lands of the private domain
agrarian reform projects; - refer to “land belonging to and owned by
- verifies and approves political boundary the state as a private individual, without
surveys; and being devoted for public use, public
- issues survey orders for public land service or the development of national
subdivision and cadastral survey covering wealth xxx similar to patrimonial
land up to 500 hectares. properties of the State.
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m. Reservations for public and semi-public - shall succeed the original homesteader in
purposes his rights and obligations beginning with
the date of approval of said application of
Modes of Disposition the purchaser.
* The words alienation, disposition, or concession * any person who transferred his right may not
as used in PLA means any of the methods again apply for a new homestead.
authorized by the Act for the acquisition, lease,
use or benefit of the lands of the public domain * every transfer made without the previous
other than timber or mineral lands. approval of Director of Lands shall be null and
void and shall result in the cancellation of the
a. Homestead settlement entry and the refusal of the patent.
- any citizen of the Philippines * Registration court cannot be divested of
- over 18 yo or head of the family jurisdiction by subsequent issuance of a
- not exceeding 12 hectares of agricultural homestead patent over the same land subject of
land of public domain registration.
- the applicant must cultivated and
improved at least 1/5 of the land * The Director of Land’s jurisdiction,
continuously since the approval of the administrative supervision, and executive control
application, and extend only over lands of the public domain and
- resided for at least 1 yr in the municipality not to lands already of private ownership.
in which the land is located, or in the Accordingly, a homestead patent issued by him
municipality adjacent to the same over land not of the public domain is a nullity,
- payment of required fee. devoid of force and effect against the owner.
* when a homesteader has complied with all b. By sale
the terms and conditions, he acquires a vested
interest therein, and is to be regarded as the - any citizen of the Philippines
equitable owner thereof. - lawful age or head of the family
- not to exceed 12 hectares
* Even without a patent, a perfected - shall be sold through sealed bidding
homestead is a property right in the fullest - purchase price may be paid in full or in
sense, unaffected by the fact that the not more than ten equal annual
paramount title to the land is still in the installment from the date of the award.
government. Such land may be conveyed or - the purchaser shall have, not less than 1/5
inherited. No subsequent law can deprive of the land cultivated within 5 yrs from
him of that vested right. the date of the award and before any
patent is issued he must show actual
a homesteader may transfer his rights if: occupancy, cultivation, and improvement
of at least 1/5 of the land, until the date
- with approval of the Director of Lands
of final payment.
- not being able to continue with
- after the cultivation of the land has begun,
homestead is not through his fault
the purchaser, with the approval of the
- there is a bona fide purchaser
DENR Secretary, may convey or
- the conveyance is not made for purposes
encumber his rights to any person,
of speculation.
corporation, or association legally
after transfer qualified to purchase agricultural
public lands.
- the purchaser shall file a homestead
application to the land so acquired
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- in highly urbanized cities: the land should not Classification and Disposition of Lands for
exceed 200 sq m Residential, Commercial or Industrial
Purposes (Chapter IX, Title III of PLA):
- in other cities: should not exceed 500 sqm
- any tract of land of the public domain
- in 1st and 2nd class municipalities: should not which, being neither timber nor mineral
exceed 750 sqm land, is intended to be used for residential
purposes other than agricultural, and is
- in all other municipalities: should not exceed 1k
open to disposition or concession, shall be
disposesd of under the provisions of said
* provided the land is not needed for public service or public chapter and not otherwise.
Lands disposable under Sec. 9, Title III:
shall cover all lands that are:
a. Lands reclaimed by the government
zoned as residential areas, including by dredging, filling, or other means;
townsites; b. Foreshore;
c. Marshy lands or lands covered with
zoned residential areas located inside a water bordering upon the shores or
delisted military reservation or abandoned banks of navigable lakes or rivers;
military camp; and d. Lands not included in any of the
foregoing classes.
those of LGU or townsites which
preceded RANo. 7586 and NIPAS. Modes of disposition:
application shall be supported by the ff: a. Sale
a. Map based on an actual survey b. Lease
conducted by a licensed geodetic engineer
and approved by the DENR; - The lands may be leased or sold, as the case may
be, to any person, corporation or association
b. Technical description of the land authorized to purchase or lease public lands for
applied for; agricultural purposes.
c. Supporting affidavit of 2 disinterested Under the Constitution:
persons who are residing in the Brgy. of
the City or Municipality where the land is Private Corporation: may only lease Alienable
located, attesting to the truth of the facts land of public domain for 25 yrs, renewable for
contained in the application x x x. not more than 25 yrs, and not to exceed 1k
hectares in area.
Shall be filed with (CENRO) Community
Environment and Natural Resources Office; after Citizens of the Philippines: may lease not more
processing within 120 days, it will be forwarded to than 500 hectares, or acquire not more than 12
(PENRO) Provincial Environment and Natural hectares by purchase, homestead or grant.
Resources Office, who may approve or not the
same within 5 days. When approved, a patent
shall be issued; If there is conflicting claims, the a. Lands reclaimed by Shall be disposed of to
parties may seek proper judicial remedies. the government by private parties by lease
dredging, filling, or only, as soon as the
Restrictions on encumbrances, conveyances, transfers or
other means; President through the
dispositions is same as that imposed in Sec. 118, 119,
b. Foreshore; Recommendation of
121, 122 and 123.
c. Marshy lands or DENR Secretary, shall
omnia in bonum
NatRes 8
lands covered with declare the same as not rescission of the lease contract. However, the
water bordering necessary for public DENR Secretary may prescribe, waive the
upon the shores or service and are open to rescission, or extend the time within which the
banks of navigable disposition. construction of the improvements shall be
lakes or rivers; commenced and completed.
d. Lands not may be by sale or lease
included in any of * Where the land has been the subject of
Sale Lease foreshore lease application, the fact that the land
the foregoing classes.
(a) the has subsequently ceased to be a foreshore because
purchaser the land has been converted into a commercial or
shall make industrial land shall not result in the revocation of
improvements the lease. Since the said land was a foreshore land
of a at the time the application was filed, the right to
permanent lease the same should still be awarded to the
character applicant.
for the * Marshy lands, lands under water bordering on
purpose for shores or banks of navigable lakes or rivers which
which the have been improved and utilized for farming,
land is fishpond, or similar purpose for at least 5 yrs
purchased from the date of the contract of lease, may be
(b) The sold to the lessees thereof under Chapter V of
purchase Act as soon as the President xxx shall declare
price shall be that the same are not necessary for the public
paid in cash service.
or in equal
* Lands for residential, commercial or industrial
purposes shall be disposed of through oral
exception: (RA No. 730)
Conditions of the lease
by private saleprovided that:
Sec. 64 provides that the lease shall contain,
among other conditions, the ff: 1. the applicant has in his favor the
conditions specified therein, and
(d) The lessee shall construct permanent
2. the area applied for is not more than 1k
improvements appropriate for the purpose for
which the lease is granted, shall commence the
construction thereof within 6 mos from the date Qualifications of applicant:
of the award of the right to lease the land, and
shall complete the said construction within 18 a. Filipino citizen
mos from said date. b. Of legal age
c. Not the owner of a home lot in the
(e) at the expiration of the lease or of any Municipality or City in which he resides
extension of the same, all improvements made by d. Have established in good faith his
the lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, residence on a parcel of public land which
successors, or assigns shall become the property is not needed for public service;
of the Government. e. Have constructed his house and actually
resided therein.
* The violation of 1 or any of the conditions
specified in the contract shall give rise to the
omnia in bonum
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for other lands belonging to private parties,or If all lands included in the proclamation are not
registered under the Land Registration Act or
if the Congress disposes otherwise. Property Registration Decree, the SolGen, upon
recommendation of Dep. Secretary shall proceed
* The DENR Secretary may order the sale to be to a compulsory judicial (cadastral) proceeding for
made without public auction, at a price to be fixed the settlement and adjudication of title of lands.
by him, or the lease to be granted without auction,
at a rental to be fixed by him. In either case, the Special Patents
purchaser or lessee or their successors or assigns
shall not sell, transfer, encumber or lease the - a patent to grant, cede and convey full
land for the purposes of speculation or use it ownership of A&D formerly covered by a
for any purpose other than that contemplated reservation or lands of public domain and is
in the application. Violation of this condition shall issued upon the promulgation of a special law or
give rise to the immediate rescission of the sale or act of Congress or by the DENR Secretary as
lease, as the case may be, and to the authorized by EO of the President.
forfeiture to the government of all existing
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ex. Public Estates Authority, now Phil. - Once a title is registered, as a consequence either
Reclamation Authority, under PD No. 1085, over of judicial or administrative proceedings, the
3 reclaimed islands known as the Freedom Islands owner may rest secure, without the necessity of
located in the Manila Bay and pursuant to which waiting in the portals of the court sitting in the
the RD issued TCT in PEA’s name. mirador de su casa to avoid the possibility of
losing his land.
Registration of Patents and Issuance of CTC
The Certificate of Title cannot be defeated by
* Registration of patent is the operative act to adverse, open and notorious possession. Neither
convey the land. can it be defeated by prescription.
* It is the duty of the issuing agency of the A Certificate of Title cannot be collaterally
government to cause the same to be filed and attacked.
registered with the RD, and an owner’s duplicate
of CTC shall be issued to the patentee or grantee. PROHIBITED ALIENATIONS
* The patent or grant shall not take effect as a Prohibition against alienation of lands
conveyance or bind the land, but shall operate acquired under the homestead and free patent
only as a contract between the government and provisions: (PLA)
the grantee.
Sec. 118.
* It is the act of registration that conveys or
affects the land, and binds 3rd persons. - Lands acquired under free patent or homestead
provisions shall not be subject to encumbrance or
Certificate of title issued pursuant to a patent alienation from the date of the approval of the
indefeasible application and for a term of 5 yrs from and after
the date of issuance of the patent or grant;
* Public land patents when duly registered are
veritable Torrens title and become as indefeasible nor shall they become liable to the satisfaction of
as a Torrens title upon the expiration of 1 yr any debt contracted prior to the expiration of said
from the date of its issuance. It becomes period.
incontrovertible upon the expiration of 1 yr from
the date of the order for issuance of the patent, * improvements or crops on the land may be
hence, prescription cannot operate against the mortgaged or pledged to qualified persons,
registered owner. associations, or corporations.
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Approval of Secretary merely directory landholders which is the bulwark of peace and
- The requirement for the approval of the DENR
Secretary is merely directory, and its absence * The right of repurchase attaches to every
does not invalidate any alienation, transfer or alienation or encumbrance, and that right can be
conveyance of the homestead after 5yrs and exercised even in the absence of any stipulation in
before the 25 yr period. Such approval may be the deed of sale. It cannot be waived. It is not
secured at any time in the future. within the competence of any citizen to barter
way what public policy by law seeks to preserve.
Agreements which are considered a
circumvention of the law exception:
- prohibition applies to the sale of the land to the But where it is established that the intention in
homesteader’s own son or daughter, as a clever exercising the right to repurchase is for the
homesteader who wants to circumvent the ban speculative purpose of redeeming the land only to
may simply sell the lot to his descendant and the dispose of it again for greater profit, this has been
latter after registering the same in his name would held to be in violation of the policy and spirit of
sell it to a 3rd person. the law.
* the law prohibiting any transfer or alienation of Period of repurchase under Sec. 119
homestead land within 5yrs from the issuance of
the patent does not distinguish between executor 5 yr period for legal redemption starts from the
and consummated sales. date of execution of the deed of sale, and not
from the date of registration in the RD. This is
* alienation after 5 yrs from the order of issuance true even if full payment of the purchase price is
of patent of land acquired under a free patent not made on the date of conveyance, unless
does not need approval of Secretary. there is a stipulation in the deed that
ownership shall not vest in the vendee until
Sale of only a part of the land violates full payment of the price.
The redemption of extrajudicially foreclosed
- even if only part of the property has been sold properties is exercisable within 1 yr from the date
or alienated within the prohibited period of 5 yrs of the auction sale as provided for in Act No.
from the issuance of the patent, such alienation is 3135.
a sufficient cause for the reversion of the whole
estate to the State. Effect of void conveyance
Repurchase by applicant or his heirs - where the parties to a sale of a portion of the
public domain covered by homestead patent have
- Every conveyance of land acquired under the been proven to be guilty of having effected the
free patent or homestead provisions, when transaction with knowledge of the cause of its
proper, shall be subject to repurchase by the invalidity, the sale is null and void and shall cause
applicant, his widow, or legal heirs, within the the reversion of the property of the State.
period of 5 yrs from the date of the conveyance.
When the patentee-vendor is still living, he has
the right to repurchase; otherwise, his widow or Where its enforcement or application will run
his legal heirs have that right. counter to avowed fundamental policy of public
rationale/objective: to promote public policy, that is,
to provide home and decent living for destitute, * Where the subject of the transaction is a piece
aimed at promoting a class of independent small of public land, an heir should not be prevented
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needed for forest purposes and declare them as existing titles or approved by public land applications, or
permanent forest to form part of the forest actually occupied by prescription where the occupant is
reserves. He shall decree those classified not qualified for free patent.
needed for forest purposes as alienable and
disposable lands, the administrative jurisdiction Areas needed for forest purposes:
and management of which shall be transferred to
a. Areas less than 250 hectares which are far
the LMB. Mangrove and other swamps not
from, or are not contiguous with any
needed for shore protection and suitable for
certified A&D land;
fishpond purposes shall be released to and place
b. Isolated patches of forest of at least 5
under the jurisdiction of Bureau of Fisheries and
hectares with rocky terrain, or which
Aquatic Resources.
protect a spring for communal use;
* Forest lands which have been subject of pasture c. Areas which have already been reforested;
leases and permits shall remain classified as forest d. Ares within forest concessions which are
lands until classified as grazing lands. The timbered or have good residual stocking
administration of grazing lands shall remain under to support an existing, or approved to be
the Bureau of Forestry. established, wood processing plant;
e. Ridge tops and plateaus regardless of size
Forest in the context of Public Land Act does found within, or surrounded wholly or
not necessarily refer to a large tract of wooded partly by, forestlands where headwaters
land or an expanse coverage by dense growth of emanate;
trees and underbrush. f. Appropriately located road-rights-of-way;
g. 20 meters strips of land along the edge of
In Amunategui v. Dir. of Forestry, A forested area the normal high waterline of rivers and
classified as forest land of the public domain does streams with channels of at least 5 meters
not lose such classification simply because loggers wide;
or settlers may have stripped it of its forest cover. h. Strips of mangrove or swamplands at least
The classification is descriptive of its legal nature 20 meters wide, along shorelines facing
or status and does not have to be descriptive of oceans, lakes and other bodies of water,
what the land actually looks like. and strips of land at least 20 meters wide
facing lakes;
Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) RA
i. Areas needed for other purposes, such as
No. 8371 expressly converts ancestral lands into
national parks, national historical sites,
public agricultural land which may be disposed by
game refuges and wildlife sanctuaries,
the State. Hence, there is no need to secure a
forest station sites, and others of public
separate certification that the ancestral land is
interest; and
A&D in character, it being sufficient to show that
j. Areas previously proclaimed by the
the land is duly identified, delimited, and certified
President as forest reserves, national
as such.
parks, game refuge, bird sanctuaries,
Topography national shrines, national historic sites.
No land of the public domain 18% in slope or In case an area falling under any of the
over shall be classified as A&D, foregoing shall have been titled in favor of
any person, steps shall be taken, if public
nor Forest land 50% in slope or over, as grazing interest so requires, to have said title cancelled
land. or amended, or the titled area expropriated.
Lands 18% in slope or over which declared as * Mangrove swamps are under the category of
A&D shall be reverted to the classification of forest lands.
forest lands by the DENR Secretary, to form part
of the forest reserves unless they already covered by * Forest lands are not registrable.
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* The DENR Secretary may reserve and establish protection of that right for the generations to
any portion of the public forest or forest reserve come.
as site or experimental forest for use of the Forest
Research Institute. * A timber license is not a contract but a mere
privilege which does not create irrevocable rights.
* When public interest so requires, any off-shore
area needed for the preservation and protection * A Presidential Warranty cannot be considered a
of its education, scientific, historical, ecological contract distinct from a TLA or an Integrated
and recreational values including the marine life Forest Management Agreement (IFMA). The
found therein, shall be established as marine warranty covers only the right to cut, collect, and
parks. remove timber in a concession area, and does not
extend to the utilization of other resources, such
* In International Hardwook and Veneer Co. v. UP as mineral resources, occurring within the
wherein the President reserved to UP a parcel of concession.
land for experiment x x x part of which is under
timber land licensed to the petitioner, the court * The duration of license agreement shall be fixed
held that Republic has ceded and transferred the and determined in accordance with the annual
property to UP and made UP the absolute owner allowable cut therein, the established cutting cycle
thereof, subject only to the existing concession, thereof, the yield capacity of harvestable timber,
referring to timber license of the petitioner. and the capacity of healthy residuals for a second
Hence, the area in question having been, in effect, growth. The privilege shall automatically
converted into a registered private woodland, the terminate, even before the expiration of the
authority and jurisdiction of the Bureau of license agreement the moment the harvestable
Forestry over it were likewise terminated. timber have been utilized without leaving any
However, the petitioner as licensee may continue logged-over area capable of commercial
to cut, collect, and remove timber from the area utilization. The maximum period of privilege is
ceded and transferred to UP until its concession 25yrs , renewable for not exceeding 25 yrs. The
expires, but the forest charges or royalties shall licensee shall reforest the areas which shall be
now be paid to UP. determined by the Bureau. The size of the forest
land for utilization shall be limited to that which a
* Critical watershed and national parks shall not person may effectively utilize and develop for a
be subject to logging operations. period of 50yrs.
Principle Inter-generational responsibility Industrial tree plantation and tree farms
and Inter-generational justice
lease of 25 yrs renewable not exceeding 25 yrs
Sec. 16, Art. II of the Constitution x x x
may be granted by DENR upon recommendation
The State shall protect and advance the right of of Director
the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. any person qualified to develop and exploit
natural resources over timber or forestland x x x
- The right to a balanced and healthful ecology
carries with it the correlative duty to refrain from minimum area of 1k hectares for industrial tree
impairing the environment. x x x Every plantation; and 100 hectares for tree farm.
generation has a responsibility to the next to
*no lease shall be granted within critical
preserve that rhythm and harmony for the full
enjoyment of a balanced and healthful ecology.
The minor’s assertion of their right to a sound *DENR Secretary by himself or thru Director or
environment constitutes, at the same time, the any qualified representative may investigate,
performance of their obligation to ensure the inspect and examine records, books and other
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documents relating to the operation of any holder Criminal Offenses and Penalties
of a license agreement, license, lease or permit, ad
its subsidiary or affiliated companies, to determine Conveyance – any mode or type or class of
compliance with the terms and conditions vehicle or craft or any other means used for
thereof, the Revised Forestry Code and other transportation either on land, water, air, or any
pertinent laws and regulations. combination thereof, whether motorized or not,
used for or in taking and/ or maintaining
* When in the performance of their official duties, temporary or permanent possession or control,
forest officers or other government officials or gathering, collecting, processing, disposing of, or
employees duly authorized by the Sec. or Dir. otherwise transporting, moving or transferring
shall have free entry into areas covered by a illegal forest products.
license agreement, license, lease or permit. They
are authorize to administer oath, take Forest products – refers to timber including
acknowledgment in official matters connected lumber, pulpwood, firewood, bark, treetop, resin,
with the functions of their office, and to take gum, wood, oil, honey, beeswax, nipa, rattan,
testimony in official investigations conducted charcoal, or other forest growth, such as but not
under the authority of the Code and the IRR. limited to grass, shrub, flowering plants in forest
lands and others.
* Mineral reservations which are not the subject
of mining operations or where operations have Illegal forest products – means any forest
been suspended for more than 5 yrs shall be product(s) that are removed, cut, collected,
placed under forest management by the Bureau. processed and/or transported:
Mineral reservations where mining operations
a. without the requisite authorization or
have been terminated due to the exhaustion of its
permit; or
minerals shall revert to the category of forestland,
b. with incomplete supporting
unless otherwise reserved for other purposes.
* Wildlife may be destroyed, killed, consumed, c. with genuine authorizations or permits
eaten or otherwise disposed of, without the but whose validity; or
necessity of permit, for the protection of life, d. with spurious authorizations, permits
health, safety and property, and the convenience and/ or supporting documents.
of the people. However, the Director may regulate the
Sec. 68, PD No. 705 as amended. x x x
killing and destruction of wildlife in forestlands in order to
maintain an ecological balance of flora and fauna. - any person
- who shall cut, gather, collect, removed
* The privilege to utilize forestlands shall be
timber or other forest products from any
diffuse to as many qualified and deserving
forest land, or timber
applicants as possible. Increased Filipino equity
from A&D public land or Private land
and participation beyond 60% constitutional
without authority; or
limitation is encouraged. The applicant with more
- possess timber or other forest products
Filipino equity and participation shall be
without legal documents required under
Forest Laws and Regulations
* The DENR Secretary is authorized to negotiate - shall be punished with
and enter into, for and in behalf of the penalties imposed under Art. 309 & 310
government, joint venture, co-production, or or RPC
production-sharing agreement for the - in the case of partnerships,
development and utilization of forest lands associations, or corporations, the
and/or forest resources with any Filipino Citizen, officers who ordered x x x shall be liable
or corporation, or association, at least 60% of if such officers are aliens, they shall, in
whose capital is owned by Filipino citizens. addition to the penalty, be deported
omnia in bonum
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without further proceedings on the part of defense: may be legal if the is an authorization
Commission on Immigration and issued by DENR.
- the court (RTC) shall further order the * lumber is included in the term timber. It is a
confiscation in favor of the government, processed log or forest raw material.
of the timber or any forest products cut,
b. Unlawful occupation or destruction of
gathered, collected, removed, or possessed
forest lands
as well as the machinery, equipment,
implements, and tools illegally used in the - any person
area where the timber or forest products - who enters and occupies or possesses,
are found. or makes kaingin for his own private use
- the Department Head or his duly or for others
authorized representative may order the - any forest land without authority under
confiscation of any forest products a license agreement, lease, license or
illegally cut, gathered, removed or permit,
possessed or abandoned, and all - or in any manner destroys such forest
conveyances used either by land, water land or part thereof, or causes any damage
or air in the commission of the offense to the timber stand and other products
and to dispose of the same in accordance and forest growths found therein,
with pertinent laws, regulations or policies - or who assists, aids or abets any other
on the matter. person to do so,
- a reward to informant shall be given, in - or sets fire or negligently permits a fire
the amount of 20% of the proceeds of the to be set in any forest land,
confiscated forest products. - shall, upon conviction, be fined for
Php 500.00 to 20,000.00 AND
a. Cutting, gathering and/ or collecting
imprisonment for 6 mos to 2 yrs for
timber or other products without license.
each offense AND be liable to the
Offenses Defense payment 10x the rental fees and other
Cutting, gathering, May be legal if there is charges which would have been accrued
collecting and removing an authorization issued had the occupation and use of the land
timber or other forest by DENR. been authorized under a license
products from any agreement, lease, license or permit.
forest land, or timber - in the case of guilty of kaingin, the
from alienable or penalty shall be imprisonment for 2 to 4
disposable public land, yrs AND a fine equal to 8x the regular
or from private land forest charges due on the forest
without any authority products destroyed, without prejudice
Possession of timber or Since mala prohibitum, to the payment of the full cost of
other forest products mere possession of restoration of the occupied area as
without the legal forest products determined by the Bureau.
documents required consummates the - the court shall order the eviction of
under existing forest crime. However, the the offender from the land, and the
law and regulations prosecution must prove forfeiture to the government of all
that petitioners had the improvements made and all vehicles,
intent to possess (actual domestic animals and equipment of any
and constructive kind used in the commission of the
possession) (animus offense.
possidendi) the timber. If not suitable for use by the Bureau,
said vehicles shall be sold in public
omnia in bonum
NatRes 19
omnia in bonum
NatRes 20
- A forest officer or employee of the In Mamanteo v. Deputy Sheriff Magumun , the court
Bureau held that property impounded by DENR agents
- shall arrest even without warrant in the lawful exercise of their authority is deemed
- any person who has committed or is in custodia legis. The sheriff could not insist on
committing in his presence any of the seizing the property already subject of a prior
offenses define in the Code. warrant of seizure. The appropriate action should
- he shall seize and confiscate, in favor be for the sheriff to inform the trial court f the
of the Government, the tools and situation by way of partial sheriff’s return, and
equipment used in committing the wait for the judge’s instructions on the proper
offense, and the forest products cut, procedure to be observed. A suit against public
gathered or taken by the offender in the officers acting within the scope of their authority,
process of committing the offense. is a suit against the State which cannot prosper
- the arresting officer or employee shall without its consent.
thereafter deliver within 6hrs from the
time of arrest and seizure, the offender
and the confiscated forest products x x
x & file the proper complaint with, the
appropriate official designated by law to
conduct preliminary investigations and file
information in court.
- if the arrest and seizure are made in
the forests, far from the authorities
designated by law to conduct PI, the
delivery to and filing of the complaint,
shall be done within reasonable time
sufficient for ordinary travel form the
place of arrest to the place of delivery.
- the seized products xxx shall be
immediately disposed of in accordance
with forestry administrative orders
promulgated by the DENR Secretary.
- The Secretary may deputize any member
or unit of police agencies, barrio officials,
or any qualified person to protect the
forest and exercise the power or authority
provided by law.
- Reports and complaints regarding the
commission of the offense shall be
immediately investigated. The
investigation is administrative in nature
and is not governed by the rules on
Forest products confiscated upon authority of
the DENR Secretary is beyond the reach of
replevin – property lawfully taken by virtue of
legal process is deemed to be in custodia legis and
is beyond the reach of replevin.
omnia in bonum
NatRes 21
omnia in bonum
NatRes 22
right does not affect the right of navigation and exclusive economic zone, and reserve its use and
overflight of other states. enjoyment exclusively to Filipino citizens.
- under International law, the provisions on the The Congress may, by law, allow small scale
EZZ are both a grant of rights to and an utilization of natural resources by Filipino
imposition of obligations on coastal states relative citizens, as well as cooperative fish farming, with
to the exploitation, management and preservation priority to subsistence fishermen and fish workers
of the resources found within the zone. in rivers, lakes, bays and lagoons.”
Continental shelf, archipelagic or insular shelf * RA No. 8550
for archipelagos refer to:
- provides that the use and exploitation of the
a. the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas fishery and aquatic resources in Phil. waters shall
adjacent to the coastal state but outside the be reserved exclusively to Filipinos. Research and
territorial sea, to a depth of 200 meters or beyond survey activities may be allowed under strict
that limit, to where the depth allows exploitation; regulations, for purely research, scientific,
and technological and educational purposes that
would also benefit Filipino citizens.
b. the seabed and subsoil of areas adjacent to
islands. United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS) mandates States to protect
The coastal state has the right to explore and and preserve the marine environment
exploit its natural resources, to erect installations
needed, and to erect installations needed, and to Art. 192. x x x “States have the obligation to
erect a safety zone over its installations with a protect and preserve the marine environment.”
radius of 500 meters. It also has the exclusive
right to construct and to authorize and regulate - was emphasized by the Hague-based Permanent
the construction, operation, and use of artificial Court of Arbitration on its ruling in Phils.
islands and certain other installations. compulsory arbitration petition against China,
wherein it considered the effect on the marine
Obligations of coastal states environment of China’s large-scale land
reclamation and construction of artificial islands
1. Must ensure through proper conservation and at 7 features in the Spratly Islands and found that
management measures that the living resources of China had caused severe harm to the coral reef x
the EEZ are not subjected to over-exploitation. x x.
- This includes the duty to maintain and restore Art. 194. x x x obligates State parties to take all
populations of harvested fisheries at levels which measures necessary to ensure that activities under
produce a “maximum sustainable yield” (MSY). their jurisdiction or will not cause damage by
pollution to other States and their environment,
2. Must promote the objective of “optimum
and adopt other measures necessary to protect
utilization” of the living resources. They should
and preserve rare or fragile ecosystems as well as
determine the allowable catch of living resources.
the habitat of depleted, threatened or endangered
If the coastal state does not have the capacity to
species and other forms of marine life.”
harvest the allowable catch, it must grant access to
other states. Philippine archipelagic baselines law not
Use of Philippine Waters
RA No. 9522 defines the archipelagic baselines of
* Sec. 2, Art. XII of the Constitution x x x
the Phils.
“The State shall protect the nation’s marine
wealth in its archipelagic water, territorial sea and
omnia in bonum
NatRes 23
- it is consistent with the Constitution as the e. Fishing with the use of prohibited gear or
Court held that: methods;
f. Falsifying, concealing or tampering with
“baselines laws such as RA No. 9522 are enacted vessel markings, identity or registration to
by UNCLOS III States parties to mark-out conceal vessel identity or lack of
specific basepoints along their coasts from which registration;
baselines are drawn, either straight or contoured, g. Concealing, tampering or disposing of
to serve as geographic starting points to measure evidence relating to an investigation of a
the breadth of the maritime zones and continental violation;
shelf. h. Assaulting, resisting, intimidating,
harassing, seriously interfering with, or
Thus, baselines laws are nothing but statutory
unduly obstructing or delaying a fisheries
mechanisms for UNCLOS III States parties to
law enforcer, authorized inspector or
delimit with precision the extent of their maritime
observer or other duly authorized
zones and continental shelves. In turn, this gives
government officer;
notice to the rest of the international community
i. intentionally tampering with or disabling
of the scope of the maritime space and submarine
the vessel monitoring system; and
areas within which States parties exercise treaty-
j. committing multiple violations which
based rights such as: the exercise of sovereignty
taken together constitute a serious
over territorial waters; jurisdiction to enforce
disregard of this Code.
customs, fiscal, immigration and sanitation laws in
the contiguous zone; and the right to exploit the unregulated fishing – refers to fishing activities
living and non-living resources in the EEZ and conducted by:
continental shelf.”
a. Vessels without nationality but operated
- UNCLOS III and its ancillary baselines laws by Filipino and/or Filipino corporation;
have no role in the acquisition, enlargement or b. Philippine flagged fishing vessels
diminution of territory. Under traditional operating in areas managed by RFMOsto
international law typology, States acquire or lose which the Philippines is not a party to;or
territory through occupation, accretion, cession c. Phil. flagged fishing vessels operating in
and prescription, and not by executing multilateral areas or fish stocks where there are no
treaties on the regulations of sea-use rights x x x. applicable conservation and management
- territorial claims to land features are outside
UNCLOS III, and are governed by the rules on Organizational Structure
general international law.
Department of Agriculture (DA) – is the
/* some definition of terms are found in the government agency responsible for the promotion
book*/ of agricultural development by providing the
policy framework, public investments, and
Serious violation – means any of the following
support services needed for domestic and export-
violation of the provisions of the Code:
oriented business enterprises.
a. Fishing without a valid license,
Powers and functions of DA:
authorization or permit;
b. Fishing without reporting the catch or a. provide integrated services to farmers,
misreporting the catch; fishermen, and other food producers on
c. Fishing in a closed area or during a closed production, utilization, conservation and
season; disposition of agricultural and fishery
d. Fishing of prohibited species; resources;
omnia in bonum
NatRes 24
b. promulgate and enforce all laws, rules and a closed season in any or all Phil. waters outside
regulations governing the conservation the boundary of municipal waters and in bays;
and proper utilization of agricultural and
fishery resources; for conservation and ecological purposes.
c. conduct, coordinate, and disseminate
- The Secretary may include waters under the
research studies on appropriate
jurisdiction of special agencies, municipal waters
technologies for the improvement and
and bays, and/or other areas reserved for the use
development of agricultural crops,
of the municipal fisherfolk in the area to be
fisheries, and other allied commodities;
covered by the closed season. This shall be done
d. provide the mechanism for the
only upon the concurrence and approval or
participation of farmers, fishermen, and
recommendation of such special agency and
entrepreneurs at all levels of policy-
the concerned LGU and FARMC.
making, planning and program
formulation. In municipal waters, fisheries management
areas and other areas reserved for the use of
Access to fishery resources
the municipal fisherfolk: closed season may be
- DA shall issue licenses and permits for the established by the concerned LGU in consultation
conduct of fishery activities subject to the limits with the FARMC for concervation or ecological
of the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of the purposes.
resource as determined by scientific studies or
FARMC may also recommend the establishment
best available evidence. Preference shall be given
of closed seasons in municipal waters, fisheries
to resource users in the local communities
management and other areas reserved for the use
adjacent or nearest to the municipal waters.
of the municipal fisherfolk.
catch ceiling - DA Secretary may prescribe
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
limitations or quota on the total quantity of fish
(BFAR) is a line bureau under the DA.
captured, for a specified period of time and
specified area based on the best available BFAR functions:
a. prepare and implement a Comprehensive
- may be imposed per species of fish whenever National Fisheries Industry Development
necessary and practicable. Plan;
b. issue licenses for the operation of
Provided, however, that in municipal waters and
commercial fishing vessels;
fishery management areas, and waters under the
c. issue identification cards free of charge to
jurisdiction of special agencies, catch ceiling may
fishworkers engaged in commercial
be established upon the concurrence and approval
or recommendation of such special agency and
d. monitor and review joint fishing
the concerned LGU in consultation with the
agreements between Filipino citizens and
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
foreigners who conduct fishing activities
Councils (FARMC) for conservation or ecological
in international waters, and ensure that
such agreements are not contrary to Phil.
Establishment of closed season commitment under international treaties
and convention on fishing in the high
- the Secretary may declare through public notice seas;
in at least 2 newspapers of general circulation or e. formulate and implement a
in public service announcement, whichever is Comprehensive Fishery Research and
applicable; Development Program, such as, but not
limited to sea farming, sea ranching,
at least 5 days before the declaration;
omnia in bonum
NatRes 25
omnia in bonum
NatRes 26
preservation of the quality of human life and permits for fishpens, fishcages and other
ecological systems, and the prevention of undue aquaculture structures is to effectively regulate
ecological disturbances, deterioration and and monitor activities in the Laguna de Bay
pollution. Region and for lake quality control and
management. The charter of LLDA embodies a
Laguna de Bay Region refers to the provinces police power and should prevail over the power
of Rizal and Laguna; cities of San Pablo, Pasay, of the LGC. The power of the LGU to issue
Caloocan, Quezon, Manila and Tagaytay; townsof fishing privileges was granted for revenue
Tanauan, Sto. Tomas and Malvar in Batangas; purposes.
Silang and Carmona in Cavite; Lucban, Quezon;
Marikina, Pasig, Taguig, Muntinlupa, and Pateros. Users of municipal waters
in Laguna Development Authority v. CA - all fishery related activities in municipal waters
shall be utilized by municipal fisherfolk and their
ISSUE: which agency should exercise jurisdiction cooperatives/organizations who are registered.
over the Laguna Lake and its environs insofar as
the issuance of permit for fishery is concerned? - the Local Chief Executive through Ordinance,
may authorize/permit small and medium
HELD: commercial fishing vessels to operate within the
10.1 to 15km area from shoreline in municipal
RA No. 7160 (Sec. RA No. 4850 (Section
waters, provided the ff. are met:
149(a)) 4(k)) as amended by
PD No. 813 a. no commercial fishing in municipal
Municipalities shall LLDA shall have waters with depth less than 7 fathoms as
have the exclusive exclusive jurisdiction to certified by the appropriate agency;
authority to grant issue new permit for
fishery privileges in the the use of the lake b. fishing activities utilizing methods and
municipal waters and waters for any projects gears that are determined to be consistent
impose rentals, fees or or activities in or with national policies set by the DA;
charges therefor. affecting the said lake
including navigation, c. prior consultation, through public
construction, and hearing, with the M/CFARMC has been
operation of fishpens, conducted; and
fish enclosures, fish d. the applicant vessel as well as the
corrals and the like, and shipowner, employer, captain and crew
to impose necessary have been certified by the appropriate
safeguards for lake agency as not having violated the Code,
quality control and environmental laws and related laws.
management and to
collect necessary fees - no authorization/permit shall be granted for
for said activities and fishing in bays as determined by the DA to be in
projects. an environmentally critical condition and during
- may determine new closed season.
areas of fishery
development/activities Registry of municipal fisherfolk
which it may place
under BFAR x x x. - LGU shall maintain a registry of municipal
fisherfolk, for the purpose of determining
priorities among them, of limiting entry into the
The Court held that RA No. 7160 did not repeal municipal waters, and monitoring fishing activities
RA No. 4850. The power of LLDA to grant and/or other related purposes.
omnia in bonum
NatRes 27
- the FARMC shall submit to the LGU the list of harvest of fish as measured by existing price levels
priorities for its consideration. is barely sufficient to yield a profit or cover the
cost of gathering the fish.
Priority of resident municipal fisherfolk
subsistence fisherman – one whose catch yields
- resident municipal fisherfolk of the municipality but the irreducible minimum for his livelihood.
concerned and their organizations/cooperatives
shall have priority to exploit municipal and Sec.2, Art. XII of Constitution aims primarily not
demarcated fishery areas of the said municipality. to bestow any right to subsistence fishermen, but
However, whenever it is determined by the LGUs and the to lay stress on the duty of the State to protect the
DA that a municipal water is overfished and that there is nation’s marine wealth. What the provision
a need to regenerate the fishery resources in that water, the merely recognizes is that the State may allow, by
LGU shall prohibit or limit fishery activities in the said law, cooperative fish farming, with priority to
waters. subsistence fishermen and fishworkers in rivers,
lakes, bays and lagoons.
“Preferential right” of subsistence or
marginal fishermen to the use of water Sec. 7, Art. XIII of Constitution speaks not only
resources not absolute. of the use of communal marine and fishing
resources, but of their protection, development
in Tano v. Socrates and conservation.
Ordinances were passed which prohibits the The Ordinances in question are meant to protect
catching, gathering, possessing, buying, selling and and conserve our marine resources to the end that
shipment of live fish and lobsters for five years; their enjoyment may be guaranteed for the
and which makes it unlawful for any person/ present and next generations.
business enterprise/company to ship out from
Puerto Princesa City to any point of destinations the preferential right of subsistence or marginal
either via aircraft/ seacraft of any live fish and fishermen to the use of marine resources is not all
lobster except sea bass, catfish, mudfish and absolute. In accordance with the Regalian
milkfish fries. Doctrine, marine resources belong to the State,
and pursuant to the first paragraph of Sec. 2, Art.
Petitioners claim that said ordinances were XII of the Constitution, their “exploration,
unconstitutional. development and utilization…shall be under the
full control and supervision of the State.”
ISSUE; WON the ordinances are valid?
Moreover, their mandated protection,
HELD: Yes. development and conservation imply certain
restrictions on whatever right of employment
The same are police power measures, enacted by there may be in favor of anyone.
the Province of Palawan and the City of Puerto
Princesa, pursuant to the LGC which makes it in Commercial Fisheries
fact their duty to enact measures to protect the
Commercial fishing vessel license and other
environment and impose appropriate penalties for
acts which endanger the environment, such as
dynamite fishing and other forms of destructive - No person shall operate a commercial fishing
fishing. vessel, pearl fishing vessel or fishing vessel for
scientific, research or educational purpose, or
The Court noted that the petitioners do not
engage in any fishery activity, or seek employment
qualify as subsistence or marginal fisherman.
as a fishworker or pearl diver without first
marginal fisherman – an individual engaged in securing license from the DA, the period of
fishing whose margin of return or reward in his which shall be prescribed by the DA.
omnia in bonum
NatRes 28
- citizens of the Philippines, partnerships, - Fishpon lease agreement (FLA) may be issued
associations, cooperatives, corporations duly for public lands that may be declared available for
registered in the Phils. at least 60% of the capital fishpond development primarily to qualified
stock owned by Filipino citizens. fisherfolk cooperatives/associations.
- no person to whom license has been issued shall - upon expiration of existing FLA, the current
sell, transfer, or assign, directly or indirectly, his lessees shall be given priority and entitled to an
stock or interest therein to any person not extension of 25 years in the utilization of their
qualified to hold a license. respective lease areas. Thereafter, such FLA shall
be granted to any Filipino citizen with preference,
any such transfer, sale or assignment shall be null primarily to qualified fisherfolk
and void and shall not be registered in the books cooperatives/associations as well as small and
of the association, cooperative or corporation. medium enterprises as defined under RA No.
- for purposes of commercial fishing, fishing
vessels owned by the aforementioned must secure - the DA shall declare as reservation portions of
certificates of Phil. registry and such other available public lands certified as suitable for
documents as are necessary for fishing operations.
omnia in bonum
NatRes 29
fishpond purposes for fish sanctuary, settling ponds, reservoirs, etc. Failure to
conservation, and ecological purposes. comply with this requirement shall result
in the cancellation of the FLA.
- no fish pens, fish cages or fish traps shall be
allowed in lakes. Code of practice of aquaculture.
Lease of fishponds. The DA shall establish a code of practice for
aquaculture that:
Fishponds leased to qualified persons and
fisherfolk organizations/cooperatives shall be - will outline general principles and guidelines for
subject to the following conditions: environmentally sound design and operation to
promote the sustainable development of the
a. Areas leased for fishpond purposes shall industry.
be no more than 50 hectares for
individuals and 250 hectares for - shall be developed through a consultative
corporations or fisherfolk organizations; process with the DENR, the fishworkers, FLA
b. The lease shall be for a period of 25yrs holders, fishpond owners, fisherfolk cooperatives,
and renewable for another 25yrs. In case small-scale operators, research institutions and
of the death of the lessee, his spouse academe, and other potential stakeholders.
and/or children, as his heirs, shall have
preemptive rights to the unexpired term - The DA may consult with specialized
of his FLA; international organizations in the formulation of
c. Lease rates for fishpond areas shall be the code of practice.
determined by the DA. All fees collected
Reversion of all abandoned, undeveloped or
shall be remitted to the National Fisheries
underutilized fishponds.
Research and Development Institute and
other qualified research institutions to be The DENR, DA, LGUs, other concerned
used for aquaculture research agencies and FARMCs shall determine which
development; abandoned, underdeveloped or underutilized
d. The area leased shall be developed and fishponds covered by FLAs can be reverted to
producing on a commercial scale within 3 their original mangrove state.
yrs from the approval of the lease
contract, but areas not fully producing Absentee fishpond lease agreement holders.
within 5 yrs from the date of approval of
the lease contract shall automatically - holders of fishpond lease agreements who have
revert to the public domain for acquired citizenship in another country during the
reforestation; existence of the FLA shall result in the automatic
e. The fishpond shall not be subleased, in cancellation thereof and the improvements
whole or in part, and failure to comply thereon forfeited in favor of the government.
with this provision shall mean License to operate fish pens, fish cages, fish
cancellation of FLA; traps and other structures for the culture of
f. The transfer or assignment of rights to fish and other fishery products.
FLA shall be allowed only upon prior
written approval of the DA; - Fish pens, fish cages, fist traps and other
g. The lessee shall undertake reforestation structures for the culture of fish and other fishery
for river banks, bays, streams, and products shall be constructed and shall operate
seashore fronting the dike of his fishpond only within established zones duly designated by
subject to the rules and regulations to be LGUs in consultation with the FARMs
promulgated thereon; and concerned.
h. The lessee shall provide facilities that will
minimize environmental pollution, i.e.
omnia in bonum
NatRes 30
Areas to be utilized for this purpose for an fisheries reserves for special or limited use for
individual shall be determined by the LGUs in educational, research and special management
consultation with FARMC. purposes.
However, not more than 10% of suitable water Fish refuge and sanctuaries.
surface area of lakes and rivers shall be allotted
for aquaculture purposes like fish pens, fish cages, - The DA may establish fish refuge and
and fish traps; and for the stocking density and sanctuaries to be administered in the manner
feeding requirement which shall be controlled and prescribed by the BFAR and set aside areas for
determined by its carrying capacity. the cultivation of mangroves to strengthen the
habitat and the spawning grounds of fish.
- Fish pens and fish cages located outside
municipal waters shall be constructed and - no commercial fishing shall be allowed within
operated only within fish pen and fish cage belts these areas.
designated by the DA and after corresponding
- In municipal waters, the LGU in consultation
licenses have been secured and the corresponding
with FARMCs may also recommend fishery
fees paid.
refuge and sanctuaries.
Grant of privileges for operations fish pens,
- at least 15% where applicable of the total coastal
areas in each municipality shall be identified and
- no new concessions, licenses, permits, leases and designated as fish sanctuaries by the LGUs in
similar privileges for the establishment or consultation with the FARMCs.
operation of fish pens, fish cages, fish corrals/
traps and other similar structures in municipal
areas shall be granted except to municipal fisherfolk Prohibitions and Penalties
and their organizations.
The following acts are prohibited and penalized
Fishery Reserves, Refuge, and Sanctuaries under RA. No. 10654 amending RA No. 8850.
Fishing areas reserves for exclusive use of (Sec. 86) Unauthorized fishing.
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to
The DA may designate area(s) capture or gather or to cause the capture
or gathering of fish, fry or fingerlings of
- in Philippine waters
any fishery species or fishery products
- beyond 15km from shoreline without license or permit from the
Department of LGU.
as fishery reservation for the exclusive use of the
government or any of its political subdivisions, Except in cases specified under the Code, it
agencies or instrumentalities, for propagation, shall also be unlawful for any commercial
educational, research and scientific purposes. fishing vessel to fish in municipal waters.
omnia in bonum
NatRes 31
omnia in bonum
NatRes 32
eradicate predators and pests in fishponds in Sec. 103. Capture of Sabalo and Other
accordance with accepted scientific practices and Breeders/Spawners.
without causing adverse environmental impact in
neighboring waters and grounds shall not be Sec. 104. Exportation of Breeders, Spawners,
construed as illegal fishing. Eggs or Fry.
The discovery of dynamite, other explosives and Sec. 105. Importation or Exportation of Fish or
chemical compounds which contain combustible Fishery Species.
elements, or noxious or poisonous substances, or
Sec. 106. Violation of Harvest Control Rules.
equipment or device for electrofishing in any
fishing vessel or in the possession of any Sec. 107. Aquatic Pollution.
fisherfolk, operator, fishing boat official or
fishworker shall constitute a prima facie Sec. 108. Failure to Comply with Minimum Safety
presumption that any of these devices was used Standards.
for fishing in violation of the Code.
Sec. 109. Failure to Submit a Yearly Report on All
The discovery in any fishing vessel of fish caught Fishponds, Fish Pens and Fish Cages.
or killed with the use of explosives, noxious, or
poisonous substances, or by electricity shall Sec. 110. Gathering and Marketing of Shell Fishes
constitute a prima facie presumption that the or Other Aquatic Species.
fisherfolk, operator, boat official or fishworker is Sec. 111. Obstruction to Navigation or Flow or
fishing with the use thereof. Ebb of Tide in any Stream, River, Lake or Bay.
Other violations. Sec. 112. Non compliance with Good
Sec. 93. Use of Fine Mesh Net. Aquaculture Practices.
Sec. 94. Fishing in Overexploited Fishery Sec. 113. Commercial Fishing Vessel Operators
Management Areas. Employing Unlicensed Fisherfolk, Fishworker or
Sec. 95. Use of Active Gear in Municipal Waters,
Bays and Other Fishery Management Areas. Sec. 114. Obstruction of Defined Migration
Sec. 96. Ban on Coral Exploitation and
Exportation. Sec. 115. Obstruction of Fishery Law
Enforcement Officer.
Sec. 97. Ban on Muro-ami, Other Methods and
Gear Destructive to Coral Reefs and Other Sec. 116. Noncompliance with Fisheries Observer
Marine Habitat. Coverage.
Sec. 98. Illegal Use of Superlights or Fishing Sec. 117. Noncompliance with Port State
Light Attractor. Measures.
Sec. 99. Conversion of Mangroves. Sec. 118. Failure to Comply with Rules and
Regulations on Conservation and Management
Sec. 100. Fishing During Closed Season. Measures.
Sec. 101. Fishing in Marine Protected Areas, Sec. 119. Noncompliance with Vessel Monitoring
Fishery Reserves, Refuge and Sanctuaries. Measures.
Sec. 102. Fishing or Taking of Rare, Threatened Sec. 120. Constructing, Importing or Converting
or Endangered Species. Fishing Vessels or Gears without Permit formthe
omnia in bonum
NatRes 33
Sec. 121. Use of Unlicensed Gear. The Department shall, on its own instance or
upon verified complaint by any person, institute
Sec. 122. Falsifying, Concealing or Tampering administrative proceedings against any person
with Vessel Markings, Identity or Registration. who violates any order, rule or regulation issued
by the Department, pursuant to the Code.
Sec. 123. Concealing, Tampering or Disposing of
Evidence Relating to an Investigation of a (Sec. 132) Power to issue cease and desist
Violation. orders and to summarily evict without the
necessity of judicial order.
Sec. 124. Noncompliance with the Requirements
for the Introduction of Foreign or Exotic Aquatic The Department shall, subject to the
Species. requirements of administrative due process, issue
cease and desist order/s upon violator/s and to
Sec. 125. Failure to Comply with Standards and
summarily eject, without the necessity of judicial
Trade-Related Measures.
order, the holder of FLA, other tenurial
Sec. 126. Possessing, Dealing in or Disposing instrument, permit or license from areas of the
Illegally Caught or Taken Fish. public domain covered by such FLA, tenurial
instrument, permit or license.
Sec. 127. Unauthorized Disclosure of Sensitive
Technical Information. (Sec. 133) Authority of the Director of the
BFAR or the duly authorized representative to
Sec. 128. Other Violations. issue notice of violation and order
In all cases of violations of the Code or other
Administrative Adjudication fishery laws, rules and regulations, the Director of
BFAR or the duly authorized representative, may
Administrative adjudication
issue notice of violation and order the
(Sec. 130). confiscation of any fish, fisher species or aquatic
resources illegally caught, taken or gathered, and
The Department is hereby empowered to impose all equipment, paraphernalia, and gears in favor of
the administrative fines and penalties provided in the Department, academic institutions or LGUs
the Code. and to dispose of the same in accordance with
pertinent laws, rules, regulations and policies on
For this purpose, the Department shall organize the matter.
and designate the composition of the
Adjudication Committee, which shall be Prohibition on the issuance of TRO,
composed of the bureau director as chairperson Preliminary Injunctions, and Preliminary
and 4 other members to be designated by the Mandatory Injuctions.
Secretary. The Adjudication Committee shall be
supported by sufficient number of staff to enable (Sec. 134)
it to perform its mandate.
No injunction or restraining order from the MTC
The Committee shall promulgate Rules and and RTC shall lie against the Department and
Regulations for the conduct of administrative BFAR upon the ex parte motion or petition filed
adjudication and the disposition of confiscated by any person or entity in the exercise by the
catch, gears, equipment and other paraphernalia. Department and BFAR of its regulatory functions
It shall also issue subpoena duces tecum and ad in support of the implementation of this Code.
testificandum in administrative cases before it.
Alvarez v. PICOP
(Sec. 131)
omnia in bonum
NatRes 34
It should be clarified, however, that courts cannot b. The Department or other implementing
be deprived of their authority to take cognizance agencies with respect to orders, rules and
of the issues raised in the principal action, as long regulations issued inconsistent with the
as such action and the relief sought are within Act; and
their jurisdiction. c. Any public officer who willfully or grossly
neglects the performance of a duty
Hernandez v. NaPoCor specifically enjoined by the Code and its
IRR; or abuses authority in the
Indeed, on issues involving questions of law,
performance of duty; or, in any manner
courts could not be prevented from exercising
improperly performs duties under the
their power to restrain or prohibit administrative
Code and its IRR; Provided however, that no
suit can be filed until after 15 days notice
(Sec.135) Accompanying administrative has been given the public officer and the
sanctions for serious violations. alleged offender and no appropriate action
has been taken thereon.
The Adjudication Committee may impose the
following additional sanctions to the (Sec. 139) Strategic Lawsuit Against Public
administrative penalties imposed for serious Participation (SLAPP) in the enforcement of
violations: the Act.
1. confiscation of fishing gear; A legal action filed to harass, vex, exert undue
2. impoundment of fishing vessel; pressure, or stifle any legal recourse that any
3. temporary suspension or permanent person, institution, or the government has taken
revocation of license or permit; or may take in the enforcement of the Code shall
4. temporary or permanent ban from the be treated as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public
availment of applicable duty and tax Participation (SLAPP).
- The hearing on the defense of a SLAPP shall be
5. inclusion in the IUU fishing vessel list;
summary in nature,
6. denial of entry and other port services;
7. blacklisting; and the affirmative defense of a SLAPP shall be
8. increase in the amount of fines but not to resolved within 30 days after the summary
exceed 5x the value of the catch. In case hearing.
of repeated violations within a 5yr period,
the amount of fine may be increased up to If the court dismisses the action, the court may
8x the value of the catch. award damages, attorney’s fees, and costs of suit
under a counterclaim if such has been filed. The
During the pendency of the administrative or the dismissal shall be with prejudice.
criminal case, the Department may impound the
vessel/conveyance, gear and other paraphernalia - If the court rejects the defense of a SLAPP,
used in the commission of the offense. the evidence adduced during the summary
hearing shall be treated as evidence of the
(Sec. 138) Citizen’s suits. parties on the merits of the case. The action
shall proceed in accordance with the ROC.
Any citizen may file an appropriate civil,
criminal or administrative action in the proper - The Rules of Procedure for Environmental
courts/bodies against: Cases shall govern the procedure in civil,
criminal and special civil actions involving the
a. Any person who violates or fails to
enforcement or violations of this Code including
comply with the provisions of this Code
actions treated as a SLAPP as provided in this
and its implementing rules and
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- prescribe the use of mediation in environmental damages or defamation suit invoking SLAPP as
disputes. defense.
- minimize delays and ensure effective and Rule 2
judicious disposition of environmental cases by
providing for continuous trial, disallowing the filing Pleadings and Parties
of delay-prone pleadings, prohibiting the issuance
Section 1. Pleading and Motions Allowed:
of TROs against government agencies’ action to
enforce environmental laws or prevent violations - Complaint
thereof, proscribing the stay of judgments by
appeal and submission of memoranda in the form - Answer which may contain Compulsory
of a draft decision. Counterclaim and Cross-claim
omnia in bonum
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months from the date of issuance of the pre-trial “the rule on standing is a matter of procedure
order, and a period of one year from the filing of which can be relaxed for non-traditional plaintiffs
the complaint to try and decide the case. like ordinary citizens, taxpayers, legislators when
the public interest so requires, such as when the
* the complaint shall be verified and state that it is matter is of transcendental importance, of
an environmental case, and if not, it shall be overreaching significance to society, or of
referred to the executive judge for raffle as an paramount public interest.”
ordinary case.
- In Resident Marine Mammals v. Reyes:
who may file?
“ x x x the need to give the Resident Marine
any real party in interest, including governmental Mammals legal standing has been eliminated by
and juridical entities authorized by law. our Rules, which allow any Filipino citizen, as a
steward of nature, to bring a suit to enforce our
a Filipino citizen or an alien can file a suit so long
environmental laws. xxx”
as they are able to show direct and personal
injury. * Publication is permissive and non-jurisdictional
and is meant only to encourage public
* a person who suffers damage or injury arising
from an environmental prejudice which is also the
same subject of a citizen suit can file a separate to whom copies of complaint be served?
action under this section to recover for his
personal injury. DENR – as the primary agency charged with the
enforcement of environmental laws
Citizen suit – a suit filed by a Filipino citizen by
himself and in representation of others, including Office of the SolGen – as the law office of the
minors or generations yet unborn, to enforce government, its agencies or instrumentalities,
rights or obligations under environmental laws.
* to ensure that public interest is fully
- liberalizes the requirements for standing for all protected.
cases for the enforcement of environmental laws
and eschews the traditional rule on personal and * the Executive judge shall conduct special raffle
direct interest based on the principle that humans on the day the complaint was filed, should there
are stewards of nature. be 2 or more designated branches in a multiple-
sala court; or immediately refer the case to the
- may be filed for all types of environmental cases. designated branch if there is only 1.
- as to NGO and People’s Organization (PO), (EPO) Environmental Protection Order – is
proof of their juridical personality is required (ex. an order issued by the court directing or enjoining
accreditation, recognition or registration). Said any person or government agency to perform or
requirement is needed also in a Petition for Writ desist from performing an act in order to protect,
of Kalikasan. preserve or rehabilitate the environment.
- filed in the public interest, hence, no proof of - performs similar function as a prohibitory or
personal injury is required. A Filipino citizen may mandatory injunction, but specifically applies to
be an individual or a corporation so long as the environmental cases.
requirement of Philippine citizenship are
complied with. (TEPO) Temporary Environmental
Protection Order – integrates both prohibitive
- In International Service for the Acquisition of Agri- and mandatory reliefs in order to appropriately
Biotech Applications, Inc.v. Greenpeace Southeast Asia address the factual circumstances surrounding the
(Phils.) case.
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- stems from the same procedure for the issuance government agencies that enforce environmental
of TRO. laws or prevent violations thereof.
- a remedy available for both civil and criminal EXPN: the case pertains to matters of extreme
environmental cases. urgency involving constitutional issues such that
unless a TRO is issued, grave injustice and
- available under the writ of kalikasan and writ of irreparable injury will arise.
continuing mandamus as a relief or as a means of
expediting the proceedings and preserving the the prohibition does not deprive the lower courts
rights of the parties. of the authority to take cognizance of the issues
raised in the principal action, as long as such
who may issue? action and the relief sought are within their
by the executive judge of a multiple-sala court
before raffle or the presiding judge of a single- * but courts could not be prevented from
sala court if it appears from the verified exercising their power to restrain or prohibit
complaint that the matter is of extreme administrative acts involving questions of law.
urgency and the applicant will suffer grave
injustice or irreparable injury from the payment of filing and other legal fees
violation complained of.
- shall be deferred until after judgment unless the
- the applicant shall be exempted from posting plaintiff is allowed to litigate as an indigent. It shall
a bond constitute a first lien on the judgment award.
- effective only for 72 hours from date of receipt - for citizen suit, the court shall defer the payment
of the TEPO by the party or person enjoined. of filing and other legal fees that shall serve as
However, within said period, the court where the case is first lien on the judgment award.
assigned shall conduct a summary hearing to
determine whether the TEPO may be service of summons
extended until the termination of the case.
- by the sheriff, his deputy or other proper court
hearing – so fundamental that failure to comply officer, or for justifiable reason, by the counsel or
with it amounts to: representative of the plaintiff or any ‘suitable
person’ authorized or deputized by the court
gross ignorance of rules and procedure; or issuing the summons.
outright denial of due process to the party - service by publication is deemed a sufficient
denied such a hearing. compliance with the requirement of due process.
However, plaintiff must file a Motion in order to avail this
- if after hearing it appears that the issuance or mode of service.
continuance of the TEPO would cause irreparable
damage to the party or person enjoined while the - within 15 days from the filing of answer, the
applicant may be fully compensated for such parties may avail of modes of discovery. x x x
damages as he may suffer, the TEPO may be
dissolved upon bond posted by the party or importance of modes of discovery:
person enjoined.
1. to narrow and clarify the basic issues
* The issuance of TEPO ex parte is an exception between the parties, and
to the GR of due process which requires the party 2. for ascertaining the facts relative to those
to be heard. issues.
* No court except the SC can issue TRO or Writ pre-trial is a mandatory conference and personal
of Preliminary Injunction against lawful actions of confrontation before the judge between the
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litigants and their counsels for the purpose of - the court shall schedule the pre-trial and set as
settling the litigation as soon as possible, or many pre-trial conference as may be necessary
simplifying the issues, without sacrificing the within a period of 2 months counted from the
necessary demands of justice. date of the 1st pre-trail conference, the purpose
being to persuade the parties to arrive at a
- Notice of pre-trial is issued within 2 days from settlement of the dispute.
the filing of the Answer to the counterclaim or
cross-claim, if any, to be held not later than 1 - A compromise may supersede all agreements
month from the filing of the last pleading. and proceedings that had previously taken place
and may constitute a final and definite settlement
- court shall schedule the pre-trial and as many as of the controversies by and between the parties.
pre-trial conferences as may be necessary within a
period of 2 months from the date of the 1st pre- Sec. 3. Referral to mediation. – At the start of
trial conference. the pre-trial conference, the court shall inquire
from the parties if they have settled the dispute;
Sec. 2. Pre-trial brief. – at least 3 days before the otherwise, the court shall immediately refer the
pre-trial, the parties shall submit pre-trial briefs parties or their counsel, if authorized by their
containing the ff: clients, to the Philippine Mediation Center
(PMC) unit for purposes of mediation. If not
a. A statement of their willingness to enter
available, the court shall refer the case to the
into an amicable settlement x x x
clerk of court or legal researcher for
b. A summary of admitted facts and
proposed stipulation of facts;
c. The legal and factual issues to be tried or Mediation must be conducted within a non-
resolved; extendible period of 30 days from receipt of
d. The documents or exhibits to be notice of referral to mediation.
presented, depositions, answers to
interrogatories, answers to written request The mediation report must be submitted within
for admission by adverse party x x x 10 days from the expiration of the 30-day
e. A manifestation of their having availed of period.
discovery procedures or their intention to
avail referral to a commissioner; Mediation – a process whereby an impartial 3rd
f. The number and names of the witnesses person called a mediator facilitates
and the substance of their affidavits; communication and negotiation between parties
g. Clarificatory questions from the parties; for the purpose of assisting them reach a
and voluntary agreement regarding their dispute. In
h. List of cases arising out of the same facts mediation, decision-making authority rests with
pending before other courts or the parties. The details of mediation are
administrative agencies. confidential and all communications between the
parties and the mediator are privileged.
Failure to comply with the required contents
of a pretrial brief may be a ground for - Mediator should refrain from making an
contempt. assessment of the merits of any issue.
- failure to file the pre-trial brief shall have the - The Philippine Judicial Academy is designated as
same effect as failure to appear at the pre-trial. component unit of SC for court-referred, court-
related mediation cases and other forms of
- a compromise permits the parties to make Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms.
reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or put an
end to one already commenced. Alternative Dispute Resolution is a system for
settling disputes between 2 or more parties, which
operates independently of, or, as an adjunct to the
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judicial litigation system, through the intervention public interest and public policy to protect and
of a qualified person trained to intercede in, preserve the environment.
facilitate and coordinate the interaction of
disputants in a settlement process. - not appealable, unless one side of the suit can
prove that they have been forced into consent
Kinds of ADR Mechanisms through fraud.
Court-Annexed Mediation (CAM) – advantages of consent decree:
mandatory, being a part of pre-trial.
a. it encourages the parties to come up with
- a mediation process conducted under the comprehensive, mutually-acceptable
auspices of the court after such court has acquired solutions to the environment problem,
jurisdiction of the dispute. and since the agreement was arrived at
voluntarily, there is a greater possibility of
Appelalte Court Mediation (ACM) – a actual compliance;
mediation program in CA corollary to CAM in b. it is open to public scrutiny;
the lower courts. x x x c. it allows the parties to address issues other
than those presented to the court; and
Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) – a process
d. it is still subject to judicial approval and
whereby the judge (JDR judge) employs
can be enforced through a court order.
conciliation, mediation or early neutral evaluation
in order to settle a case at the pre-trial stage. In Sec. 6. Failure to settle. – x x x
the event that JDR fails, then another judge
(called trial judge) shall proceed to hear and Sec. 7. Effect of failure to appear at pre-trial. –
decide the case. The court shall not dismiss the complaint, except
upon repeated and unjustified failure of the
Mobile-Court Annexed Mediation (MCAM) – plaintiff to appear. The dismissal shall be
a form of CAM whereby mediation proceedings without a prejudice, and the court may proceed
are conducted in a mobile court deployed in an with the counterclaim.
area for a certain period.
- after dismissal without prejudice, the court may
Court-Annexed Arbitration (CAA) – a proceed with the counterclaim, unless the
voluntary dispute resolution conducted with the counterclaimis determined to be a strategic lawsuit against
assistance of the court in which one or more public participation (SLAPP) suit. If the defendant
arbitrators appointed in accordance with the fails to appear, the plaintiff may present his
Arbitration Clause and as agreed upon by the evidence ex parte.
parties, resolve a dispute by rendering an award.
Sec. 8. Minutes of pre-trial. – x x x
Sec. 4. Preliminary Conference. - x x x
Sec. 9. Pre-trial order. – x x x
Sec. 5. Pre-trial Conference; consent decree. –
xxx Sec. 10. Efforts to settle.- x x x
The judge shall exert best efforts to persuade the The importance of compromise settlement
parties to arrive at a settlement of the dispute. are: it takes less time and money, the parties
The judge may issue a consent decree x x x. themselves exercise party autonomy, and they can
Evidence not presented during the pre-trial, except preserve their relationship.
newly discovered evidence, shall be deemed waived.
consent decree refers to a judicially-approved
settlement between concerned parties based on Sec.1. Continuous Trial. – The judge shall
conduct continuous trial which shall not exceed 2
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months from the date of the issuance of the pre- JUDGMENT AND EXECUTION
trial order.
Sec. 1. Reliefs in a citizen suit. – If warranted,
Before the expiration of the 2 month period, the the court may grant to the plaintiff proper reliefs
judge may ask the SC for the extension of the trial which shall include the protection, preservation or
period for justifiable cause. rehabilitation of the environment and the
payment of attorney’s fees, cost of suit and other
Sec. 2. Affidavits in lieu of direct examination. litigation expenses. It may also require the violator
–xxx to submit a program of rehabilitation or
restoration of the environment, the costs of
Affidavits are employed in lieu of direct
which shall be borne by the violator, or to
examination to obviate delays in procedure which
contribute a special trust fund for that purpose
often goes with direct examination. The use of
subject to the control of the court.
affidavits narrows the scope of the examination as
well as focuses the inquiry on the very merits of - no damages can be awarded in a citizen suit.
the controversy. This measure is in line with the policy that a
citizen suit is filed in the public interest, and, in
Sec. 3. One-day examination of witness rule. –
effect, it is the environment which is vindicated in
the action. The only recourse of a party or
a witness must conclude oral testimony in 1 day, person who wishes to recover damages for
but subject to extension for justifiable cause in the injury suffered is to file separate action under
court’s discretion. After the last presentation of Sec. 4, Rule 2.
the last witness, only oral offer of evidence shall
Sec. 2. Judgment not stayed by appeal. – x x x
be allowed which again is intended to save time
consistent with the policy to expedite the A judgment is immediately executor. It may
resolution of environmental cases. not be stayed by the posting of a bond. The sole
remedy lies with the appellate court. The
Sec. 4. Submission of case for decision; filing
appellate court can issue a TRO to restrain the
of memoranda. – After the last party has rested
execution of the judgment and should the court
its case, the court shall issue an order submitting
act with grave abuse of discretion in refusing to
the case for decision.
issue to act on the application for a TRO, a
The court may require the parties to submit their petition for certiorari under Rule 65 can be
respective memoranda, if possible in electronic brought before the SC.
form, within a non-extendible period of 30
Sec. 3. Permanent EPO; writ of continuing
days from the date the case is submitted for
mandamus. – In the judgment, the court may
convert the TEPO to a permanent EPO or issue
The court shall have a period of 60 days to a writ of continuing mandamus directing the
decide the case from the date the case is performance of acts which shall be effective until
submitted for decision. the judgment is fully satisfied. x x x
Sec. 5. Period to try and decide. – The court - the court may motu proprio or upon motion
shall have a period of 1 yr from the filing of the of the prevailing party, order that the enforcement
complaint to try and decide the case. Before of the judgment or order be referred to a
the expiration of the 1yr period, the court may commissioner to be appointed by the court. x x x
petition the SC for the extension of the period for
Sec. 4. Monitoring of compliance with
justifiable cause.
judgment and orders of the court by a
The court shall prioritize the adjudication of commissioner. – x x x
environmental cases.
Sec. 5. Return of writ of execution. – x x x
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(SLAPP) Strategic Lawsuit Against Public 1. that the case is not a SLAPP; and
2. the case is meritorious.
Sec. 1. SLAPP. – a legal action to harass, vex,
exert undue pressure or stifle any legal recourse substantial evidence – means that amount of
that any person, institution or the government has relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might
taken or may take in the enforcement of accept as adequate to justify a conclusion.
environmental laws, protection of the
preponderance of evidence – an evidence which
environment or assertion of environmental rights
is more convincing to the court as worthy of
shall be treated as a SLAPP and shall be governed
belief than that which is offered in opposition
by these Rules.
Sec. 2. SLAPP as a defense; how alleged.- In a
Sec. 4. Resolution of the defense of SLAPP. –
SLAPP filed against a person involved in the
The affirmative defense of a SLAPP shall be
enforcement of environmental laws, protection of
resolved within 30 days after the summary
the environment, or assertion of environmental
hearing. If the court dismisses the action, the
rights, the defendant may file an answer
court may award damages, attorney’s fees and
interposing as a defense that the case is a SLAPP
costs of suit under a counterclaim if such has
and shall be supported by documents, affidavits,
been filed. The dismissal shall be with
papers and other evidence; and, by way of
counterclaim, pray for damages, attorney’s fees
and cost of suit. - the dismissal of SLAPP suit constitutes res
The court shall direct the plaintiff or adverse party
to file an opposition showing the suit is not a - if the court rejects the defense of SLAPP, the
SLAPP, attaching evidence in support thereof, evidence adduced during the summary hearing
within a non-extendible period of 5 days from shall be treated as evidence of the parties on the
receipt of notice that an answer has been filed. merits of the case. The action shall proceed in
accordance with the ROC.
The defense of SLAPP shall be set for hearing by
the court after issuance of the order to file an since the evidence adduced in the hearing of
opposition within 15 days from filing of the SLAPP defense remains on record, the plaintiff is
comment or the lapse of the period. not required to offer again the evidence already
- Since a Motion to dismiss is a prohibited
pleading, SLAPP as an affirmative defense should - the court is required to prioritize the hearing and
be raised in the answer along with other defenses resolution of a SLAPP defense.
that may be raised in the case alleged to be a
- The hearing for the defense of SLAPP is Sec. 1. Nature of the writ. – The writ is a
summary to expedite the proceedings. remedy available to a natural or juridical person,
entity authorized by law, people’s organization,
- The party seeking the dismissal of the case NGO, or any public interest group accredited by
alleged to be a SLAPP may easily assert his or registered with any government agency, on
defense and prove it with substantial evidence. behalf of persons whose constitutional right to
a balanced and healthful ecology is violated,
- If the court finds a SLAPP defense is valid, the
or threatened with violation by an unlawful act
plaintiff is require to prove, by preponderance
or omission of a public official or employee, or
of evidence the ff:
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private individual or entity, involving convince the court to issue, within 3 days from
environmental damage of such magnitude as the filing, the writ of kalikasan x x x.
to prejudice the life, health or property of
inahbitants in 2 or more cities or - in case the petitioner prays for TEPO,
province./*or that which transcends political compliance with Sec. 2(d) is necessary to show
and territorial boundaries.*/ that the matter is of extreme urgency and the
petitioner or the affected inhabitants are suffering
- design to accord a stronger protection for or will suffer grave injustice and irreparable injury.
environmental rights aiming to provide a speedy
and effective resolution of a case involving the Sec. 2 Contents of the petition. – x x x (d) All
violation of one’s constitutional right to a relevant and material evidence consisting of the
healthful and balanced ecology. affidavits of witnesses, documentary evidence,
scientific or other expert studies, and if possible,
- those who will for writ of kalikasan must object evidence; x x x
represent the inhabitants prejudiced by the
environmental damage subject of the writ. - does not allow the payment of damages
consistent with the public-interest character of the
- exempt from payment of docket fee. petition. A party who avails of this petition may
file another suit for the recovery of damages since
- may be filed with RTC exercising jurisdiction the Rule on the writ of kalikasan allows for the
over the territory where the act was committed institution of separate actions.
(the magnitude of the damage or threat affects the
inhabitants of less than 2 cities or provinces) ; CA; Sec. 3. Where to file. –
and SC. Given the magnitude of the damage, the
kalikasan petition can be filed directly with CA or the SC Sec. 4. No docket fee. – x x x
(whose jurisdiction in national in scope).
Sec. 5. Issuance of Writ. – x x x
- exhaustion of administrative remedy generally
Sec. 6. How the writ is served. – x x x
does not apply in kalikasan petition.
Sec. 7. Penalty for refusing to issue or serve
- not subject to limiting timelines in filing.
the writ. – x x x
- discovery measures are available.
The writ shall be served on the respondent
- petition must be verified, which means that the personally, or through substituted service if the
affiant must attest that he has read the pleading former cannot apply.
and that the allegations are true of his/her
If a clerk of court unduly delays or refuses to
knowledge. The petition should also contain a
issue the writ of kalikasan, or a court officer or
certification on non-forum shopping.
deputized person unduly delays or refuses to serve
- petition may be filed even if the respondent is the same, the court shall punish the offending
unknown. persons with contempt. This is without
prejudice to civil, criminal, or administrative
- petitioner must specify the particular actions that may be taken against them.
environmental law, rule or regulation that is being
violated or threatened to be violated. Sec. 8. Return of respondent; contents. – x x x
- there is no requirement that the cities or Sec. 9. Prohibited pleadings and motions. –
provinces are contiguous to one another.
a. Motion to dismiss;
- all the relevant and material evidence must be b. Motion for extension of time to file
alleged and attached to the petition, enable to return;
c. Motion for postponement;
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the court shall proceed to hear the petition ex - the reliefs may granted under the writ are broad,
parte. comprehensive and non-exclusive. But the scope
of the writ is not limitless. The reliefs regarding
Sec. 11. Hearing. – x x x the monitoring and periodic reports ensure
enforcement of the judgment of the court.
the hearing, including the preliminary conference
shall not extend beyond 60 days and shall be - award of personal damages is prohibited as it
given the same priority as petitions for the writs would require the reception of evidence which
of habeas corpus, amparo and habeas data. would delay the immediate resolution of the
petition. Thus, the filing of a separate civil,
- the hearing is not summary, since the subject of criminal or administrative action against the
the writ may involve issues that are of a complex respondent is allowed.
- writ will not lie where alleged environmental
- the preliminary conference takes the place of damage is not substantiated.
Sec. 16. Appeal. – x x x
- from filing and within the 60 day period, the
court is allowed to entertain verified motions for - the appeal is by means of Petition for Review on
ocular inspection and for the production or Certiorari under Rule 45 of ROC. It may include
inspection of documents or things. The Rules an application for Writ of Preliminary Injunction
allow any of the parties to avail of these discovery or other Provrem.
measures to establish the magnitude of the
violation or threat thereto, or to show the absence appeal to raise questions of fact is allowed, given
or exact degree of magnitude of the damage or the extraordinary nature of the circumstances
threat. surrounding the writ.
Sec. 12. Discovery measure. – x x x Sec. 17. Institution of separate actions. – The
filing of a petition for the issuance of the writ of
a. Ocular inspection; order.- x x x kalikasan shall not preclude the filing of separate
b. Production or inspection of documents or civil, criminal or administrative actions.
things; order. – x x x
Sec. 13. Contempt. – x x x
any person who refuses or unduly delays the filing
of a return, or makes a false return, or any person Sec. 1. Petition for continuing mandamus. –
who disobeys or resists a lawful process or oder When any agency or instrumentality of the
of the court may be punished for indirect government or officer thereof unlawfully neglects
contempt under Rule 71 of ROC. the performance of an act which the law
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must prove by substantial evidence that his acts scientifically. In this context the proponent of an
for the enforcement of environmental law are a activity, rather than the public, should bear the
legitimate action for the protection, preservation burden of proof.” – Wingspread Consensus
and rehabilitation of the environment. The party Statement on the Precautionary Principle
filing the action assailed as a SLAPP shall
prove by preponderance of evidence that the b. Precautionary principle under the Rules
action is not a SLAPP.
- when there is a lack of full scientific certainty in
Section3. Resolution. – The court shall grant the establishing a causal link between human activity
motion if the accused establishes in the summary and environmental effect, the court shall apply the
hearing that the criminal case has been filed with precautionary principle in resolving the case
intent to harass, vex, exert undue pressure or stifle before it. The constitutional right of the people to
any legal recourse that any person, institution or a balanced and healthful ecology shall be given
the government has taken or may take in the the benefit of the doubt.
enforcement of environmental laws, protection of
- requires those who have the means, knowledge,
the environment or assertion of environmental
power and resources to take action to prevent or
mitigate the harm to the environment or to act
If the court denies the motion, the court shall when conclusively ascertained understanding by
immediately proceed with the arraignment of the science is not yet available.
- the quantum of evidence to prove potentially
PART V hazardous effects on the environment is relaxed
and burden is shifted to proponents of an
EVIDENCE activity that may cause damage to the
c. Factors to consider in applying the
Precautionary Principle precautionary principle
Sec.1. Applicability. – When there is a lack of to wit:
full scientific certainty in establishing a causal link
between human activity and environmental effect, 1. threats to human life or health;
the court shall apply the precautionary principle in 2. inequity to present or future generations;
resolving the case before it. or
3. prejudice to the environment without legal
The constitutional right of the people to a consideration of the environmental rights
balanced and healthful ecology shall be given the of those affected.
benefit of the doubt.
- the principle should be treated as principle of
a. Precautionary principle, formulation last resort, where the application of the regular
rules of evidence would cause in an inequitable
“it is better to be safe than sorry”
result for the environment plaintiff – (a) settings
“In order to protect the environment, the in which the risks of harm are uncertain; (b)
precautionary approach shall be widely applied by settings in which harm might be irreversible
States according to their capabilities. x x x” –UN and what is lost is irreplaceable; and (c) settings in
Conference on Environment Development. which the harm that might result would be
“When an activity raises threats of harm to
human health or the environment, precautionary - when in doubt, cases must be resolved in favor
measures should be taken even if some cause-and- the constitutional right to a balanced and healthful
effect relationships are not fully established ecology.
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omnia in bonum