24 People V Tuazon
24 People V Tuazon
24 People V Tuazon
"The purpose of this rule requiring reservation is to prevent the offended There is no dispute that these so-called "independent civil actions" based on
party from recovering damages twice for the same act or omission. the aforementioned Civil Code articles are the exceptions to the primacy of
the criminal action over the civil action as set forth in Section 2 of Rule
"Substantial compliance with the reservation requirement may, therefore, 111.[3] However, it is easily deducible from the present wording of Section 3
be made by making a manifestation in the criminal case that the private as brought about by the 1988 amendments to the Rules on Criminal
respondent has instituted a separate and independent civil action for Procedure -- particularly the phrase " which has been reserved" -- that the
damages. "independent" character of these civil actions does not do away with the
reservation requirement. In other words, prior reservation is a condition
"Oft-repeated is the dictum that courts should not place undue importance
sine qua non before any of these independent civil actions can be instituted
on technicalities when by so doing, substantial justice is sacrificed. While the
and thereafter have a continuous determination apart from or simultaneous Sharing the same view on the indispensability of a prior reservation is Mr.
with the criminal action. That this should now be the controlling procedural Justice Florenz D. Regalado, whose analysis of the historical changes in Rule
rule is confirmed by no less than retired Justice Jose Y. Feria, remedial law 111 since the 1964 Rules of Court is equally illuminating. Thus,
expert and a member of the committee which drafted the 1988
"1. Under Rule 111 of the 1964 Rules of Court, the civil liability arising from
amendments, whose learned explanation on the matter was aptly pointed
the offense charged was impliedly instituted with the criminal action, unless
out by petitioners, to wit:
such civil action was expressly waived or reserved. The offended party was
"The 1988 amendment expands the scope of the civil action which is authorized to bring an independent civil action in the cases provided for in
deemed impliedly instituted with the criminal action unless waived, Articles 31, 32, 33, 34 and 2177 of the Civil Code provided such right was
reserved or previously instituted xxx. reserved.
Under the present Rule as amended, such a civil action includes not only In the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure, the same Rule 111 thereof
recovery of indemnity under the Revised Penal Code and damages under reiterated said provision on the civil liability arising from the offense
Articles 32, 33, 34 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, but also damages charged. The independent civil actions, however, were limited to the cases
under Article 2176 of the said code. xxx provided for in Articles 32, 33 and 34 of the Civil Code, obviously because
the actions contemplated in Articles 31 and 2177 of said Code are not
Objections were raised to the inclusion in this Rule of quasi-delicts under
liabilities ex delicto. Furthermore, no reservation was required in order the
Article 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. However, in view of Article
civil actions in said Articles 32, 33 and 34 may be pursued separately.
2177 of the said code which provides that the offended party may not
recover twice for the same act or omission of the accused, and in line with 2. The present amendments introduced by the Supreme Court have the
the policy of avoiding multiplicity of suits, these objections were overruled. following notable features on this particular procedural aspect, viz:
In any event, the offended party is not precluded from filing a civil action to
a. The civil action which is impliedly instituted with the criminal action,
recover damages arising from quasi-delict before the institution of the
barring a waiver, reservation or prior institution thereof, need not arise
criminal action, or from reserving his right to file such a separate civil action,
from the offense charged, as the phrase 'arising from the offense charged'
just as he is not precluded from filing a civil action for damages under
which creates that nexus has been specifically eliminated.
Articles 32, 33 and 34 before the institution of the criminal action, or from
reserving his right to file such a separate civil action. It is only in those cases b. The independent civil actions contemplated in the present Rule 111
where the offended party has not previously filed a civil action or has not include the quasi-delicts provided for in Art. 2176 of the Civil Code, in
reserved his right to file a separate civil action that his civil action is deemed addition to the cases provided in Arts. 32, 33 and 34 thereof. It is necessary,
impliedly instituted with the criminal action. however, that the civil liability under all the said articles arise 'from the
same act or omission of the accused.' Furthermore, a reservation of the
It should be noted that while it was ruled in Abella vs. Marave (57 SCRA 106)
right to institute these separate civil actions is again required, otherwise,
that a reservation of the right to file an independent civil action is not
said civil actions are impliedly instituted with the criminal action, unless the
necessary, such a reservation is necessary under the amended rule. Without
former are waived or filed ahead of the criminal action." (Emphasis
such reservation, the civil action is deemed impliedly instituted with the
criminal action, unless previously waived or instituted. (Underscoring ours.
Justice Jose Y. Feria [Ret.], 1988 Amendments to the 1985 Rules on Criminal In fact, a deeper reading of the "Yakult Phils. vs. CA" case[6] relied upon by
Procedure, a pamphlet, published by Central Lawbook Publishing Co., Inc., respondent court reveals an acknowledgement of the reservation
Philippine Legal Studies, Series No. 3, 5-6).[4] requirement. After recognizing that the civil case instituted by private
respondent therein Roy Camaso (represented by his father David Camaso) Civil Code, should no longer be controlling. There must be a renewed
against petitioner Yakult Phils. (the owner of the motorcycle that sideswiped adherence to the time-honored dictum that procedural rules are designed,
Roy Camaso, only five years old at the time of the accident) and Larry not to defeat, but to safeguard the ends of substantial justice. And for this
Salvado (the driver of the motorcycle) during the pendency of the criminal noble reason, no less than the Constitution itself has mandated this Court to
case against Salvado for reckless imprudence resulting to slight physical promulgate rules concerning the enforcement of rights with the end in view
injuries, as one based on tort, this Court said: of providing a simplified and inexpensive procedure for the speedy
disposition of cases which should not diminish, increase or modify
"The civil liability sought arising from the act or omission of the accused in
substantive rights.[7] Far from altering substantive rights, the primary
this case is a quasi-delict as defined under Article 2176 of the Civil Code as
purpose of the reservation is, to borrow the words of the Court in "Caos v.
"The aforecited rule [referring to the amended Section 1, Rule111] requiring
" to avoid multiplicity of suits, to guard against oppression and abuse, to
such previous reservation also covers quasi-delict as defined under Article
prevent delays, to clear congested dockets, to simplify the work of the trial
2176 of the Civil Code arising from the same act or omission of the
court; in short, the attainment of justice with the least expense and vexation
accused"(Underscoring supplied).
to the parties-litigants."
But what prompted the Court to validate the institution and non-suspension
Clearly then, private respondent PISC, as subrogee under Article 2207 of the
of the civil case involved in "Yakult" was the peculiar facts attendant
Civil Code,[9] is not exempt from the reservation requirement with respect
therein. Thus,
to its damages suit based on quasi-delict arising from the same act or
"Although the separate civil action filed in this case was without previous omission of petitioner Javier complained of in the criminal case. As private
reservation in the criminal case, nevertheless since it was instituted before respondent PISC merely stepped into the shoes of Ms. Jao (as owner of the
the prosecution presented evidence in the criminal action, and the judge insured Toyota van), then it is bound to observe the procedural
handling the criminal case was informed thereof, then the actual filing of requirements which Ms. Jao ought to follow had she herself instituted the
the civil action is even far better than a compliance with the requirement of civil case.
an express reservation that should be made by the offended party before
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed decision of the Court of
the prosecution presents its evidence"
Appeals dated February 24, 1995 and the Resolution dated April 3, 1995
The distinct factual scenario in "Yakult" simply does not obtain in this case. denying the motion for reconsideration thereof are hereby REVERSED and
No satisfactory proof exists to show that private respondent PISC's damage SET ASIDE. The "MANIFESTATION AND MOTION TO SUSPEND CIVIL
suit was instituted before the prosecution presented its evidence in the PROCEEDINGS" filed by petitioners is GRANTED.
criminal case pending in the Pasig Regional Trial Court. Neither is there any
indication that the judge presiding over the criminal action has been made
aware of the civil case. It is in this light that reliance on the "Yakult" case is Regalado, (Chairman), Melo, Puno, and Mendoza, JJ., concur.
indeed misplaced.
Now that the necessity of a prior reservation is the standing rule that shall
govern the institution of the independent civil actions referred to in Rule
111 of the Rules of Court, past pronouncements that view the reservation
requirement as an "unauthorized amendment" to substantive law - i.e., the