Nye Heather Siop Ell400

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Taylor Balser, Heather Nye, Alyssa Pamula

SIOP Lesson

Chart Comparing Three Sources:

Materials Scope Sequence Advantages Disadvan Similaritie Differences

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children lesson
spelling -
of farm
Siop Lesson: Taylor Balser, Alyssa Pamula, and Heather Nye
Grade Level: First Grade
Language Level: Intermediate

Lesson Concept: Animals on the Farm.

Content Standards:

Standard - CC.1.2.1.B
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Standard - CC.1.2.1.J
Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and responding to
texts, including words that signal connections and relationships between the words and phrases.

Standard - CC.1.3.1.C
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

ELL Standards:
Standard - ELP.1.R.1-3.1Proficiency Level: Emerging
Respond to icons, pictures, and/or words on board games or in activities.

Standard - ELP.2.R.1-3.2: Proficiency Level: Beginning

Match sentence strips to illustrations in a story.

Standard - ELP.2.R.1-3.4 Proficiency Level: Expanding

Identify phrases or sentences in a story that support the main idea working with a

Content Objectives Assessments

(State in measurable terms what the (The assessment should clearly state how
student’s should/will be able to do as a student achievement of objective will be
result of the lesson.) See Bloom Wheel. measured.) See Bloom Wheel.

1. The students will be able to match the 1. The teacher will watch the strips will
word strips with the correct picture. assess the children's comprehension of the
2. The students will be able to predict the story.
events of the story. 2. The teacher will stop and ask questions to
3. The students will be able to verbalize their get the students thinking about what may
level of comprehension of the story. happen next, while keeping them engaged.
4. The students will be able to read the 3. The teacher will use the matching game as
printed notes from the story. a lesson wrap up will clear up any confusion
5. The students will be able to form questions or misconceptions of the story.
about Farmer Brown. 4. The teacher will have the students read the
printed notes from the animal in the story.
6. The students will use context clues to 5. The students will ask questions about
determine what certain words mean (neutral Farmer Brown and things that happened
party, compromise, etc). throughout the story.

6. The teacher will help the students use

context clues to determine what certain words
mean, and help guide them.
Language Objectives:
 Students will become familiar with words associated to being on a farm.
 Students will use sequencing techniques to finish the sentences with their
corresponding matches.
 Students will associate farm animal names to their corresponding sounds.
 Students will be able to look at a picture of a farm animal and say their name.

 The book “Click, Clack Moo”
 A CD player
 Computer for the farm animal game.
 Sentence strip paper and pictures.
 Animal costumes for the song/lesson.

Key Vocabulary:
 Farm, Hen, Barn, Cow, Chickens, Duck, Farmer, Moo, Pond, Cold
 Put events in order and match animals to the proper names using the sentence

Connections to Student’s Background Experiences and Past Learning:

 The teacher will be dressed as a farmer.
 The teacher then will allow children to pick out of a box (that they cannot see in)
a pair of animal ears. This will be the animal they will be for the remainder of the
 The teacher will then introduce the song name (title) and ask the students if they
have ever heard of it before?
 Once the students answer the teacher will ask the students what they think this
song is about?
 The teacher then will play part of the song for the students.
 The teacher then will explain and go over the song line by line.
 Once the children learn the song, the teacher and students will sing the song as
a class and participate when their animals come in.
Links to Past Learning:
 Ask children if they have ever been to a farm, and if so to raise their hand. Then ask
children what kinds of animals they see on a farm, and if they know what those animals
do on the farm. Next ask the children if they know who is in charge of the farm. Lastly let
the children know that you will need six special helpers to help you with the reading of
the short story, Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type, and then choose six helpers.
Meaningful Activities (Lesson Sequence):
1. Students will listen to the Old MacDonald song as a class
2. Students will sing the song together as a class to introduce farm animals
3. Read “Click Clack Moo”
4. Hand out sentence strips
5. Have students work together to match sentence strips to picture of pages from
the book.
6. Guide students with questions, and make sure they are paying attention to the
farm animals along the way.
7. As a class, discuss our answers and review them together.
8. Students will play the farm animal game in teams to informally assess their
understanding and one another

Review and Assessment:

 Remind the children of how well they did and how hard they worked throughout this
lesson. Then ask them what part of the lesson they liked most and helped them
understand the concept of a farm and farm animals most. We can make a tally chart to
visually see what parts of the lesson were most beneficial for the class. Then you are
going to ask the students to either give a thumbs up (feel great) thumb to the middle (feel
okay) or thumbs down (feel confused) to how they personally feel about their knowledge
of the farm and different farm animals after today.

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