Cfetp2w0x1 Munitions Systems (I.y.a.a.y.a.s)
Cfetp2w0x1 Munitions Systems (I.y.a.a.y.a.s)
Cfetp2w0x1 Munitions Systems (I.y.a.a.y.a.s)
Table of Contents
Section D, MAJCOM Unique Requirements 19
Supersedes CFETP 2W0X1, 1 January 2006; and CFETP 2W0X1C1, March 2006.
RELEASABILITY: There are no release restrictions on this publication.
Certified by: HQ USAF/A4LW
OPR: 363 TRS/TRR Number of Pages: 46
Note 1: This Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) replaces CFETP 2W0X1,
dated 1 January 2006 and all previous related messages and changes. Part I and Part II are a
single document. Maintain the complete document in the Flight and Element master training
plan and individual training records. Familiarity with the contents of the Part I and Part II is
necessary for proper understanding of career progression requirements.
Note 2: Training Business Area (TBA) is an AF Portal, net-centric, GCSS-AF level web-
based application that provides warfighters with global, real-time visibility into the technical
qualification and training status of maintenance members Air Force wide. All affected
MAJCOMs and Career Field Managers are fully engaged to implement TBA as prescribed in
implementation planning. Munitions managers are expected to have begun transitions to
TBA IAW implementation timelines.
Part I
1 This CFETP is a comprehensive education and training document that identifies life-
cycle education/training requirements, training support resources, and minimum core task
requirements for the Munitions Systems specialty. The CFETP provides personnel a clear
career path to success incorporating all aspects of career field training. NOTE: Munitions
managers should utilize Part II to support duty position qualification training for civilian
personnel occupying associated munitions positions.
2 The CFETP consists of two parts; both parts are used by supervisors to plan, manage,
and control training within the career field.
2.1. Part I provides information necessary for overall management of the specialty.
Section A explains how everyone will use the plan. Section B identifies career field
progression information, duties and responsibilities, training strategies, and career field
path. Section C associates each level with specialty qualifications (knowledge, education,
training, and other). Section D (not used) indicates resource constraints (some examples are
funds, manpower, equipment, and facilities). Section E (not used) normally identifies SSgt
through MSgt transition training requirements for merging career fields.
2.2. Part II includes the following: Section A contains the core task table supervisors will
use to determine if Airmen satisfied training requirements for 5- and 7-skill levels. Section B
identifies support material when applicable. Section C contains a training course index
supervisors can use to determine resources available to support training. Included here are
both mandatory and optional courses. Section D identifies MAJCOM-unique training
requirements, when applicable. Section E identifies the Specialty Training Standard (STS)
and includes duties, tasks, technical references to support training, Air Education and
Training Command (AETC) conducted training, core tasks, and correspondence course
3. Using guidance provided in the CFETP will ensure munitions systems personnel
(military and civilian) receive effective and efficient training at the appropriate point in their
career development.
Advanced Training (AT). Formal course which provides individuals who are qualified in
one or more positions of their Air Force Specialty (AFS) with additional skills and
knowledge to enhance their expertise in the career field. Training is for selected career
Airmen at the advanced level of the AFS.
Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM). An individual at Air Staff that
determines training needs and requirements and directs training programs for his/her
career field(s).
Air Force Combat Ammunition Center (AFCOMAC). The common name for the 9th
Munitions Squadron, located at Beale Air Force Base, where munitions systems personnel
train on combat ammunition planning and employment.
Critical Tasks. Tasks identified by the work center supervisor as having a detrimental
effect on mission accomplishment if not performed correctly. Critical tasks may, or may
not, be the same as core tasks but are mandatory if identified as „critical‟ to the individual‟s
position by the supervisor or work center.
Enlisted Specialty Training (EST). A mix of formal training (technical school) and
informal training (on-the-job) to qualify and upgrade Airmen in each skill level of a
Exportable Training. Additional training via computer assisted, paper text, interactive
video, or other means to supplement training.
Field Technical Training (Type 4 or Type 7). Special or regular on-site training
conducted by a field training detachment (FTD) or by a mobile training team (MTT).
Initial Skills Training. A formal resident course which results in the awarding of the
apprentice skill level within an AFS.
Master Task Listing (MTL). A comprehensive list (100%) of all tasks performed within a
work center and consisting of the current CFETP or AFJQS and locally developed AF Forms
797 (as a minimum). Should include tasks required for deployment and/or UTC
Master Training Plan (MTP). Employs a strategy for ensuring the completion of all work
center job requirements by using a Master task Listing and provides milestones for task,
CDC completion, andprioritizes deployment/UTC, home station training tasks, upgrade, and
qualification tasks.
Occupational Survey (OS). A detailed survey of tasks performed within a particular AFS.
Skills Training. A formal course which results in the award of a skill level.
Specialty Training. A mix of formal training (technical school) and informal training (on-
the-job) to qualify and upgrade Airmen in the award of a skill level.
Specialty Training Standard (STS). An Air Force publication that describes the skills
and knowledge an Airman in a particular Air Force specialty needs on the job. It further
serves as a contract between AETC and the user to show the overall training requirements
for an Air Force specialty code that the formal schools teach.
Task Qualified. Identifies individuals who have completed training on both core and non-
core tasks. Individual and trainer initial training completion blocks of the STS, the person
is then considered qualified to perform that task.
Total Force. All collective Air Force components (active, reserve, guard, and civilian
elements) of the United States Air Force.
Upgrade Training (UGT). Mandatory training which leads to attainment of a higher skill
Utilization and Training Workshop (U&TW). A forum of the Air Force Career Field
Manager, MAJCOM Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) functional managers, Subject Matter
Experts (SME), and AETC training personnel that determine career ladder training
Section A - General Information
2. Use. MFMs, supervisors, trainers and trainees use the plan to ensure comprehensive
and cohesive training programs are used for each individual in the munitions specialty.
2.1. AETC training personnel will develop and revise formal resident, non-resident, field
and exportable training based on requirements established by the users and documented in
Part II of the CFETP. They will also work with the AFCFM to develop acquisition strategies
for obtaining resources needed to provide the identified training.
2.2. MFMs will ensure their training programs complement the CFETP mandatory initial,
upgrade, and proficiency requirements. OJT, resident training, contract training, or
exportable courses can satisfy identified requirements. MAJCOM-developed training to
support the Munitions AFSC must be identified for inclusion into this plan.
4. Specialty Descriptions
4.1. Specialty Summary. Performs and manages munitions production and materiel
tasks and activities. Identifies munitions and equipment requirements. Operates and
maintains automated data processing equipment (ADPE) to perform munitions accounting,
computations, and research. Stores, maintains, assembles, issues, and delivers assembled
non-nuclear munitions. Routinely demilitarizes non-hazardous munitions. Operates and
maintains munitions materiel handling equipment (MMHE). Develops and implements
munitions materiel management concepts and procedures. Complies with explosive, missile,
and ground safety, security, and environmental directives and practices. Identifies munitions
by filler, color code, marking, or physical characteristics. Stores, handles, and transports
nuclear weapons.
4.2. Duties and Responsibilities. Tests, assembles, and processes non-nuclear munitions.
Prepares munitions for loading on aircraft. Checks safe and arm mechanisms. Installs
warheads, guidance units, fuzes, arming wire, explosive bolts, squibs, strakes, wings, fins,
control surfaces, and tracking flares. Prepares, assembles, and tests aircraft rockets and loads
in launchers. Processes aircraft gun ammunition. Maintains and reconditions munitions and
MMHE. Reconditions, repairs, and replaces defective or missing parts. Maintains shop or
bench stock materiel and secures replenishment. Modifies munitions and all MMHE when
directed. Inspects munitions for serviceability and applies munitions product assurance
procedures. Installs spotting charges in bombs. Inspects ammunition, components, and
containers for defects. Prepares documentation indicating identification and quantity of
assets. Performs routine demilitarization of non-explosive munitions. Repackages munitions
and applies container markings. Receives, stores, handles, and transports non-nuclear
munitions. Unloads and unpacks munitions. Checks shipping documents for accuracy.
Delivers munitions to assembly, storage, or maintenance areas. Prepares munitions for
shipment. Determines and maintains storage facilities, reports, safety and security
requirements. Performs inspections and maintains inspection and storage records. Issues
non-nuclear munitions. Performs operator maintenance on munitions vehicles and
equipment. Performs munitions materiel management and materiel accounting functions.
Performs and oversees management and procedural application of manual and automated
inventory control and accounting functions. Determines inventory control actions. Conducts
inventories and corrects discrepancies. Accomplishes requisitioning actions and maintains
due-in, due-out, and status files. Maintains source document control and ensures validity and
completeness. Recommends system and program changes to data processing methods.
Develops and maintains stock level data. Monitors excess munitions programs. Prepares
reports. Operates and maintains ADPE for munitions accounting, reporting, and status
configuration. Operates and maintains ADPE for munitions accounting, reporting, and status
configuration. Coordinates with maintenance activities on repairable munitions components.
Obtains material for equipment modifications, periodic component exchange, and
maintenance. Receives, stores, handles, and transports nuclear weapons. Establishes and
evaluates performance standards, maintenance controls, and work procedures. Computes
data to support financial planning and programming. Analyzes and validates munitions host-
tenant and interservice munitions support agreements and plans. Develops methods and
techniques to maintain and recondition munitions handling equipment. Evaluates munitions
account condition, identifies deficiencies, and initiates corrective actions. Ensures
compliance with policies, directives, and procedures. Evaluates munitions equipment
maintenance. Evaluates procedures for assembling, renovating, and storing munitions, and
procedures for demilitarization of non-explosive munitions. Provides status information and
expected completion dates. Analyzes mission effectiveness, program requirements, stock
control levels, and validates requirements. Analyzes stockpile requirements to determine
type and quantity of munitions facilities needed to safely store, inspect, maintain, and secure
munitions assets.
5.1. Apprentice (3) Level. Upon completion of initial skills training, trainees will work
with a trainer to enhance their knowledge and skills. They will use the 2W051 Career
Development Course and Task Qualification Training identified in the STS, AFJQS, and
MAJCOM-identified training programs to progress in the career field. It is highly
encouraged that Airmen complete the 5-skill level CDC within one year to be successfully
upgraded in a timely manner. The 3-skill level personnel must be qualified in core tasks in at
least one functional area identified in the core task table as well as tasks identified in the
Master Training Plan (MTP) as 2W051 upgrade tasks (UGT) for the duty position prior to
being awarded a 5-skill level. Once trained and qualified, a trainee may perform the task
unsupervised, except where prohibited by safety or security requirements.
5.2. Journeyman (5) Level. Once upgraded to the 5-skill level, a Journeyman will
enter into experience-based career-broadening continuation training. Our 5-skill level
personnel may be assigned to crewmember or crew chief positions in any of the nine
functional areas. Individuals will attend the Airman Leadership School (ALS) after
serving 48 months in the Air Force. 5-skill level personnel may be considered for
supervisory duties after attending ALS. Individuals will use their Career Development
Course (CDC) to prepare for testing under the Weighted Airman Promotion System
(WAPS). They should also consider continuing their education toward a Community
College of the Air Force (CCAF) degree. Journeyman must be qualified in core tasks in
at least two functional areas identified in the core task table, attend AFCOMAC‟s Combat
Ammunition Planning and Production (CAPP) course, and complete the in-residence 7-
Skill Level Craftsman Course prior to being awarded a 7-skill level. IMA may attend
AFCOMAC CAPP if vacancies are available.
5.3. Craftsman (7) Level. Craftsmen can expect to fill various supervisory positions
within an organization. They may also be assigned to work in staff positions at squadron,
group, wing, or command levels. Our 7-skill level munitions personnel should take courses
or obtain knowledge of management of resources. Continued academic education through
CCAF and higher degree programs is highly encouraged. In addition, when promoted to
TSgt, individuals will attend the Noncommissioned Officer Academy. ARC personnel may
utilize distance learning for the NCOA. Craftsmen must attend AFCOMAC CAPP again as
a SNCO (MSgt or SMSgt) prior to being awarded a 9-skill level.
5.4. Superintendent (9) Level. 9-skill level munitions managers can be expected to fill
supervisory and management positions within an organization. They should also strive to
gain experience in all major functional divisions of the Munitions Storage Area commonly
referred to as Systems, Materiel and Production, and should seek additional training in
budget, manpower, resources, and personnel management through continuing education
programs. They may also be assigned to work in staff positions at squadron, group, wing, or
command levels. All 9-skill levels will attend the Senior Noncommissioned Officer
Academy upon promotion to SMSgt, if not afforded the opportunity as a MSgt. Additional
higher education is strongly recommended. ARC personnel may utilize distance learning for
the SNCOA. IMA may attend AFCOMAC CAPP if vacancies are available.
5.4.1. Once promoted to SMSgt and CMSgt, individuals are added to a master listing at
AFCOMAC CAPP to accurately track attendance for these key ranks. Ranking on this list is
based on date, rank when they last attended. Priority for SMSgt classes will be afforded to
those who require AFCOMAC CAPP attendance to earn the 9-level. The SMSgt and CMSgt
attendee roster is then developed at the AFCOMAC Curriculum Review. These selected
individuals are expected to attend AFCOMAC CAPP when scheduled in order to ensure
proper class structure and appropriate training of all attendees is accomplished.
6. Training Decisions. Training decisions are made during Utilization and Training
Workshops. Functional managers use Occupational Survey, Field Evaluation Questionnaire,
and Graduate Assessment Survey data in their decision making process. Supervisors must
understand the importance of these documents and ensure they are returned in a timely
manner. The Air Force Career Field Manager, in conjunction with MAJCOM Functional
Managers (MFM) and Subject Matter Experts, works with training experts from the 363d
Training Squadron, Sheppard AFB, to develop and approve the munitions systems training
process. Changes to the process, including this CFETP, the STS, AFJQS, CDCs, and formal
course content, will be addressed through the unit munitions supervision to the MFM for
coordination and approval. The MFMs forward their recommendation to the 363 TRS for
coordination and consideration.
Note: The CFETP uses a building block approach (simple to complex) to encompass the
entire spectrum of training requirements for the munitions systems career field. The
spectrum includes a strategy for when, where, and how to meet the training requirements.
The strategy is apparent and affordable to reduce duplication of training and eliminate a
disjointed approach to training.
6.1. Initial Skills. This CFETP updates the 3-skill level course. The Apprentice course
now emphasizes accountability throughout the training process to mirror real-world
requirements. All 2W0 training is considered warskills training.
completion of CDC 2W051A and 2W051B. These may be completed in any sequence.
However, supervisors determine which CDC an upgrade Airman will enroll in first.
2W051A (3 vols.) covers systems and materiel while 2W051B (3 vols.) covers production.
6.5. Proficiency Training. Any additional knowledge and skill requirements that were
not taught through initial skills or upgrade training are assigned to continuation training. The
purpose of continuation training is to provide additional training exceeding minimum
upgrade requirements with emphasis on present and future duty positions. In order to
effectively broaden the knowledge base for personnel in this career field, experience in
several different functional areas of the munitions storage area is a necessity.
7. Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). Enrollment in CCAF occurs upon
completion of basic military training. CCAF provides the opportunity to obtain an Associate
in Applied Sciences Degree in Munitions Systems Technology. The Journeyman 5-skill
level must be held at the time of program completion. The following are CCAF requirements
for the Associate Degree. The weblink is provided to CCAF:
otherwise not applicable to program of enrollment.
Total 64
General Education Courses
Oral Communication 3 Speech
Written Communication 3 English Composition
Mathematics 3 Intermediate algebra or a college-level mathematics course satisfying
delivering institution‟s mathematics graduation requirement-if an
acceptable mathematics course applied as technical or program elective,
you may substitute a natural science for mathematics.
Social Science 3 Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, Government,
History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology
Humanities 3 Fine Arts (Historical significance, criticism, and appreciation), Foreign
Language, Literature, Philosophy, Religion
Total 15
Technical Education
Technical Core Technical Electives
CCAF Internship 18 Adv. Munitions Sys 12 Gen. Chemistry or 8
Algebra-based Physics
Munitions 24 Adv. Nuclear 12 Hazardous 3
Operations/Inventory Weapons Systems Materials/Environmental
Management Management
Munitions Systems 24 Enlisted PME 6 Heavy Equipment 3
Nuclear Weapons Systems 24 Principles of 6 Industrial Safety 3
Computer Science 6 Maintenance Management 3
Corrosion Control 3 Reactor Technology 3
Electricity/Electronic 6 Statistics 3
Engineering Graphics 3 Weapons Safety 3
Fluid Power 3
7.2.2. Additional off-duty education is a personal choice that is encouraged for all.
Individuals desiring to become an Air Education and Training Command Instructor
(including FTD) or AFCOMAC Advisor must actively pursue an associate degree. A
degreed faculty is necessary to maintain accreditation through the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools.
8. Career Field Path.
9. Purpose. Skill level training requirements in this career field are defined in terms of
tasks and knowledge requirements. This section outlines the specialty qualification
requirements for each skill level in broad, general terms and establishes the mandatory
requirements for entry, award and retention of each skill level. The specific task and
knowledge training requirements are identified in the core task table of this CFETP. The
2W0 AFCFM has established a core task table that specifically meets the needs of the 2W0
community. Due to the diversity of the 2W0 specialty, all core tasks for the career field
are not required for upgrade. Use Table 8.1 and Section A core task table in Part II to
determine core tasks required for upgrade. Tasks identified in the Master Training
Plan as 5- or 7-level upgrade tasks (UGT) for the assigned duty position are also
required. Work center task identified in the MTP as Proficiency or Continuation
Training are not required for skill-level upgrade.
Apprentice Journeyman
Knowledge Knowledge is mandatory of: composition and characteristics of munitions, storage, safety, security, and
environmental requirements and procedures; fuzing and arming systems; technical drawings; precision
measuring tools and equipment; wiring diagrams; handling, use, and disposition of munitions; munitions
materiel accounting systems; basic mathematics; techniques of munitions materiel management and
procurement; Air Force property accounting; munitions policies and procedures; inventory and stock
control; preparing and maintaining munitions records and documents; procedures for hazardous and
nonhazardous materials; and procedures for asset turn-in.
Education Completion of high school or general education Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2W031.
development equivalency is mandatory for entry
into this specialty.
Training Successful completion of the Munitions Systems Completion of the 2W051 CDC is mandatory.
Apprentice Course is mandatory for award of
AFSC 2W031.
Experience A minimum of 12 months experience as a trainee is
required for upgrade to the 5-skill level.
Experience is mandatory in performing functions
such as warehousing, accounting, mechanical
assembly, electronics, preparing munitions for
shipment, and preparing and maintaining
documentation and records for inventory
management actions involving automated systems.
Additionally, personnel must have been Qualified
in one functional areas identified in the core task
Other For entry into the specialty, individuals must have normal color vision, depth perception, and additional
requirements IAW AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards, no record of emotional instability
IAW Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory, and must meet qualifications to operate gov vehicles
IAW AFI 24-301, Vehicle Operations. For award/retention of AFSC 2W0X1, individuals must meet
eligibility requirements for a Secret security clearance IAW AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program
Training Sources The munitions systems technical school at Supervisors are responsible for enrolling trainees in
and Resources Sheppard AFB provides basic knowledge and skills CDC 2W051 and administering the course. The
necessary for the award of the 3-skill level. This CDCs provide much of the knowledge necessary
training can be reviewed by examining the 3-skill for upgrade training. The supervisor and trainer
level column in the STS. provide qualification training by assigning a trainee
to a duty position and using the STS to determine
qualification tasks to be trained.
Implementation Students are awarded a 3-skill level upon The 5-skill level is awarded to individuals that meet
successful completion of the Munitions Systems the requirements in Table 8.1.
Apprentice Course, J3ABR2W031-0A0B, or
successor course.
Craftsman Superintendent
Specialty Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2W051. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2W071.
Qualification Experience is mandatory in supervising or Experience is mandatory in managing functions such
performing functions such as: receiving, as accountable munitions materiel operations;
identifying, inspecting, storing, reconditioning, munitions storage, maintenance, and assembly
issuing, delivering, maintaining, testing, and functions; munitions inspection; equipment
assembling guided and unguided munitions; and maintenance; line delivery and handling functions;
preparing and maintaining documentation and and maintaining munitions materiel management
records for inventory management actions. accounts.
Knowledge Knowledge is mandatory of: composition and characteristics of munitions, storage, safety, security, and
environmental requirements and procedures; fuzing and arming systems; technical drawings; precision
measuring tools and equipment; wiring diagrams; handling, use, and disposition of munitions; munitions
materiel accounting systems; basic mathematics; techniques of munitions materiel management and
procurement; Air Force property accounting; munitions policies and procedures; inventory and stock
control; preparing and maintaining munitions records and documents; procedures for hazardous and
nonhazardous materials; and procedures for asset turn-in.
Education Craftsmen should pursue an Associate Degree in Superintendents are strongly encouraged to complete
Munitions Systems Technology. an Associate Degree in Munitions Systems
Technology and are encouraged to seek an advanced
civilian degree.
Training Completion of AFCOMAC CAPP course and Completion of AFCOMAC CAPP course as a Senior
completion of the 2W071 in-residence 7-Level NCO is required. All 9-skill level munitions systems
Craftsman Course are mandatory for award of the training is gained through experience and OJT.
7-skill level.
Experience Individuals must complete 12 months of OJT from Individuals training for the 9-skill level must seek
the 1st day of the 1st month of the SSgt promotion supervisory/management positions in the munitions
cycle they were promoted in. They must also be storage area and staff positions at group, wing, and
qualified in two functional areas identified in the MAJCOM level.
core task table.
Other For entry into the specialty, individuals must have normal color vision, depth perception, and additional
requirements as defined in AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards. They must also meet the
qualifications to operate government vehicles according to AFI 24-301, Vehicle Operations. For award and
retention of AFSC 2W0X1, individuals must meet eligibility requirements for a Secret security clearance
according to AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management.
Training Sources The supervisor and trainer provide qualification
& Resources training by assigning a trainee to a duty position
and using the STS to determine qualification tasks
to be trained. AFCOMAC CAPP is developed and
maintained by the 9 MUNS at Beale AFB,
California. Additional courses are listed in CFETP
Part II, Training Course Index.
Implementation The 7-skill level is awarded to individuals that The 9-skill level is awarded to individuals that meet
meet the requirements in Table 8.1. Note: If the requirements in Table 8.1.
previously qualified, requalification is not required.
The core task requirements are a career total and
are not meant to imply that 7-skill level trainees
have to be concurrently qualified in two functional
11. Purpose. This section identifies known resource constraints, which preclude optimal or
desired training from being developed or conducted, including information such as cost and
manpower. Narrative explanations of each resource constraint and an impact statement
describing what effect each constraint has on training are included. Also, included in this
section, are actions required, office of primary responsibility, and target completion dates.
Resource constraints will be, as a minimum, reviewed and updated annually.
J3ABR2W031 0A0B, Munitions Systems Apprentice Course need date: 1 January 2009.
Resource constraints: none OPRs: 82 TRG, 982 TRG, 82 MSG, SAFB, TX
Resource constraints: none OPRs: 82 TRG, 982 TRG, 82 MSG, SAFB, TX
J3AZR2W051 010A, Munitions Inspection Course need date: 1 January 2009. Resource
constraints: none OPRs: 82 TRG, 982 TRG, 82 MSG, SAFB, TX
J4AST2W051 010A, Munitions Inspection Mobile Training Team (MTT) Course need
date: 1 January 2009. Resource restraints: none OPRs: 82 TRG, 982 TRG, 82 MSG,
CDC 2W051A, Change Supplement 1. Course need date: 1 April 2009. Resource
restraints: none OPRs: 782 TRG, 82 TRG, SAFB, TX, AFIADL, Gunter Annex,
Maxwell, AL.
CDC 2W051B, Change Supplement 1. Course need date: 1 April 2009. Resource
restraints: none OPRs: 782 TRG, 82 TRG, SAFB, TX, AFIADL, Gunter Annex,
Maxwell, AL.
Part II
The core task table will be used to identify mandatory training for upgrade to 5-level and 7-
level. Use the task paragraph number located in the 5-level and 7-level column to identify all
core task requirements within each functional area. Duplication of core task requirements
between functional areas does not require duplicate qualification. Munitions Supervision
will identify additional tasks in the MTP for each duty section, based on mission specific
requirements that are mandatory for upgrade to the 5- and 7-skill levels.
Line D, 8.1.6, 8.2.1, 8.2.5, 8.2.8,,, 12.2.1, 12.4.4, 16.6, 16.7.3, 16.10,
21.1.1, 21.1.2, 21.1.3
Storage,, 8.1.6, 8.2.1, 8.2.5, 8.2.8, 12.4.7, 16.7.7
9.7.3, 10.1, 12.4.4, 13.1.2, 16.6, 16.7.3,
16.7.6, 16.10, 16.12, 19.5, 19.6, 21.1.1,
21.1.2, 21.1.3
Accountability, 8.2.1, 8.2.5, 8.2.8, 13.1.2, 13.3.2, 13.5.10,, 13.5.2,
13.3.3, 13.3.4, 13.3.5,, 13.4.1,
13.7.2, 13.11,13.7.1, 15.6
Equipment Maintenance, 8.1.6, 8.2.1, 8.2.5, 8.2.8,,, 12.2.5, 15.5.3, 9.7.3, 19.1, 19.2, 19.5, 19.6
Staff As Required As Required
1. Purpose. This section of the CFETP identifies training courses available for the
specialty and shows how the courses are used by each MAJCOM in their career field training
2.1. Air Force Formal Courses are listed at the Education & Training Course
Announcements site. Announcements are subject to change. A sample is listed
below. For the current list, visit: or
2.2. U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center and School Courses are listed at the
Directorate for Education catalog site. Announcements are subject to change. A number of
distance learning training courses are also available thru the Defense Ammunition Center.
A sample is listed below. For the current list, visit:
2.3. Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning (AFIADL) Courses are
listed at
2.4. Exportable Courses are listed at: The Defense Automated Visual Information
System/Defense Instructional Technology Information System (DAVIS/DITIS).
Announcements are subject to change. A sample is listed below. For the current list, visit: and
AMC FOD Prevention Provides AMC maintenance personnel information on the high cost of
A6ADO00TVT3686 FOD and emphasizes actions that can be taken at individual level to
prevent foreign object damage.
ACC FOD Prevention Provides ACC maintenance personnel information on the high cost of
C6ADO00TVT1762 FOD and emphasizes actions that can be taken at individual level to
prevent foreign object damage.
Maintenance Data Collection General course
(G081) A6MDU00TCB0082
Munitions Inspector 2W0X1 personnel assigned to stockpile surveillance and/or munitions
Certification Interactive storage flights.
Munitions Explosive Safety Munitions Maintenance Personnel
Program C6AGM00CCB7510
NCO Logistics - Plans, General course
Scheduling and documentation
1. Implementation. This STS becomes effective when published. Class start dates are
documented in the AETC mandated course development and course control document
2. Purpose. This STS defines the technical training requirements for in-resident and
non-resident upgrade courses and non-AFSC awarding supplemental courses. This STS is
also the job qualification standard when placed in AF Form 623, Individual Training
Record, and used according to AFI 36-2201,V3, Air Force Training Program On The Job
Training Administration. For OJT, the tasks in column 1 are trained and qualified to the
“go/no go” level. "Go" means the individual can perform the task without assistance and
meets local requirements for accuracy, timeliness, and correct use of procedures.
2.1. Lists in column 1 the most common tasks, knowledge, and technical references (TR)
necessary for airmen to perform in the 3-, 5-, and 7-skill level. These are based on an
analysis of the duties in this CFETP. The task statements are numbered sequentially (i.e., 1,
1.1, 1.2. 2, 2.1, etc.). Note: References and reference numbers are subject to change.
2.2. Provides in column 2A & 2B (Core Tasks are identified by a 5 or 7), core task
training requirements are for award of 2W051 and 2W071 AFSC.
Note: Due to the diversity of the 2W0 specialty, all core tasks for the career field
are not required for upgrade.
2.3. Provides in column 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, OJT qualification columns to record completion
of task and knowledge training requirements. Qualification is accomplished as outlined in
AFI 36-2201. Task qualification must show a qualification/completion date.
2.5. Is a guide for development of the Specialty Knowledge Test (SKT) portion of
promotion tests used in the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). The SKT is
developed at the USAF Occupational Measurement Squadron by Senior NCOs with
extensive subject matter area knowledge judged by test development team members to be the
most appropriate for promotion to higher grades. Questions are based on the study
references listed in the WAPS catalog. Individual responsibilities are in Chapter 1 of AFI
36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System. The WAPS is not applicable to the
Air National Guard and Reserve.
4. Qualitative Requirements. This attachment contains the proficiency code key used
to indicate the level of training and knowledge provided by resident training and career
development courses.
5. Documentation.
5.2. Air Force Career Field Managers (AFCFM) are authorized by AFI 36-2201,V3, to
designate core tasks that require third-party certification. The 2W0XX AFSC has no Air
Force requirement for third-party certifications of core tasks.
5.2.1. Mission-critical maintenance tasks or tasks with definite potential for personnel
injury or damage should be documented on Special Certification Roster (SCR) as outlined
in AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management.
5.2.2. Use AFI 21-204, Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Procedures, for certification
requirements associated with nuclear weapons tasks.
9.1. Training Munitions requirements are derived from the Munitions Systems Apprentice
Course as identified by specific STS line items in Table 9.1.
STS Element Munitions Comments MK-82 (INERT) Conical, AIR
M904, M905. and FMU-139 only
23.16.2 RR-170 (INERT) Expended assets used, MJU-11 Mod loaded
23.16.2 M206 (INERT) Expended assets used, MJU-11 Mod loaded
24.4.2 GBU-24 Mk-84 (INERT) FMU-139, No "EGBU"
24.12.2 thru 4 CBU-103 (INERT)
24.13.2 thru 4 GBU-31 (INERT) V-1 w/ FMU-152 and V-3 w/ FMU-143 or FMU-152
24.13.2 thru 4 GBU-38 Future Training when Assets become available
24.16.2 and 3 AGM-65D (INERT)
This Block Is For Identification Purposes Only
Name Of Trainee
Printed Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Initials (Written) Last four of SSAN
** A subject knowledge scale value is used alone to define a level of knowledge for a subject not directly related to any specific task, or for a
subject common to several tasks.
- This mark is used alone instead of a scale value to show that no proficiency training is provided in the course or CDC.
X This mark is used alone in the course columns to show that training is required but not given due to limitations in resources.
NOTE: All tasks and knowledge items shown with a proficiency code are trained by AETC at the munitions systems technical school at
Sheppard AFB. All other tasks are trained by OJT.
Code Definition
K Subject Knowledge Training - The verb selection identifies the individual‟s ability to identify facts,
state principles, analyze, or evaluate the subject
P Performance Training - Identifies that the individual has performed the task to the satisfaction of the
course; however, the individual may not be capable of meeting the filed requirements for speed and
pk Performance Knowledge Training - The verb selection identifies the individual‟s ability to relate
simple facts, procedures, operating principles, and operational theory for the task.
Each STS element is written as a behavioral statement. The detail of the statement and verb selection reflects the level of training provided by
resident training and career development courses.
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
TR: AFI 21-101, 21-201, 38-101, 38-201,
36-2101, 36-2406, 36-2503, 36-2618,
36-2803, 36-2805, 36-2907, 36-3017;
AFMAN 91-201; AFECD and applicable
command directives
6.1 Orient new personnel - - -
6.2 Assign personnel to work crews - - -
6.3 Plan work assignments and priorities - - -
6.4 Schedule work assignments - - -
6.5 Establish
6.5.1 Work methods - - -
6.5.2 Controls - - -
6.5.3 Performance standards - - -
6.5.4 Work schedules - - -
6.6 Resolve technical problems for - - -
subordinate personnel
6.7 Evaluate work performance of - - -
subordinate personnel
TR: AFI 36-2101, 36-2301, 36-2201,
36-2232; Education and Training
Course Announcements (ETCA) and
7.1 Evaluate personnel to determine need for - - B
7.2 Schedule personnel for training - - B
7.3. Plan and supervise OJT - - B
7.4 Prepare job qualification standards - - B
7.5 Conduct training - - B
7.6 Counsel trainees on their progress - - B
7.7 Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of - - B
7.8 Maintain training records - - B
7.9 AF Form 623 and associated documents - - B
7.10 Integrated Maintenance Data System - - A
TR: AFCSM 21-Series,
7.11 Career Field Education and Training Plan A B -
8.1 Technical Orders
TR: T.O. 00-5-1
8.1.1 Technical Order System A - -
8.1.2 Responsibilities of the TODO, TODA, - - -
Library Custodian
8.1.3 Establish/maintain technical order files - - -
8.1.4 Technical order improvements A - B
8.1.5 Use Technical Order Indexes 2b - -
8.1.6 Use Technical Orders when performing 5 2b B -
TR: Item T.O.
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
9.14.2 Authorizations - - -
10.1 Perform lock maintenance 5 - - -
TR: T.O. 44H2-3-1-101
TR: AFMAN 23-110; T.O. 00-20-3
11.1 Prepare requests for equipment and - - -
11.2 Review/maintain supply products - - -
11.3 Maintain residual/bench stock - B -
TR: AFI 21-101
11.4 Monitor Test, Measurement and - - -
Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE)
11.5 Uniform Repair/Replacement Program - - -
TR: T.O. 00-20-3, 00-25-240
11.6 Reusable Container Program - B -
TR: AFI 21-101, 21-201, 24-202;
T.O. 11A-1-60
11.7 Manage Custodial Accounts - - -
TR: AFMAN 23-110
11.7 Supply Discipline
11.7.1 Supply Discipline - B -
11.7.2 Standard Base Supply System (SBSS) - - -
11.7.3 Use of supply products - - -
11.7.4 Equipment account management - - -
11.7.5 Maintenance supply concept - - -
TR: AFI 21-201, 31-101, 10-401;
AFMAN 91-201; DoD 5160.54-R;
T.O. 00-5-15, 00-20-2
12.1 MC2K/Sharepoint A B B
12.2 Planning and scheduling
12.2.1 Review flying schedule for munitions 7 - B B
12.2.2 Conduct scheduling meetings - B B
12.2.3 Work priorities - - B
12.2.4 Job Control Numbers (JCN) - B -
12.2.5 AWM/AWP program 5 7 - B B
12.2.6 TCTO program 5 7 - B B
12.2.7 Maintain visual aids - - B
12.3 Coordinating
12.3.1 Coordinate munitions requirements 5 - B -
12.3.2 Advise agencies of munitions - - -
maintenance plans
12.3.3 Coordinate entry procedures with security - A -
12.3.4 Advise security forces of building risk - A -
code changes
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
13.4 Expenditures
13.4.1 Process expenditures 5 B B B
13.4.2 Expenditure reconciliation - - -
13.4.3 Previous month expenditures - - -
13.5 Level and allocation management
13.5.1 Org record maintenance - - -
13.5.2 Load munitions allocations 7 B B B
13.5.3 AMST forecast and allocation module B B A
13.5.4 WCDO - - B
13.5.5 DLAR - B B
13.5.6 TAMP - A A
13.5.7 Optimum storage level - - -
13.5.8 Level record maintenance - - -
13.5.9 Time change levels - B B
13.5.10 Stock levels 7 - B B
13.6 Prepare and use inquires and reports
13.6.1 Asset balance inquiry by NSN/MSRG B - -
13.6.2 Complete round inquiry B - -
13.6.3 Weapons code inquiry B - -
13.6.4 Transaction history inquiry B - B
13.6.5 Due-out inquiry - - -
13.6.6 Inspection due date inquiry - - -
13.6.7 BIF inquiry - - -
13.6.8 Ad hoc inquiry - - -
13.6.9 ADR Inquiry - - -
13.6.10 Facility maintenance inquiry B - -
13.6.11 S/N cross reference inquiry - - -
13.6.12 Asset level inquiry B B B
13.6.13 Non-accountable assets inquiry - - -
13.6.14 Report print B - -
13.6.15 Report scheduler B - -
13.7 Inventory
13.7.1 Inventory accounts 5 B - -
13.7.2 Relief of accountability 5 B B B
13.7.3 Report of survey - - -
13.7.4 Identify warehouse locations B B -
TR: T.O. 11A-1-61-1
13.7.5 Reverse Post - - -
13.7.6 Inventory Adjustment - - -
13.8 Complete round management
13.8.1 CRA main menu - - -
13.8.2 Determine components of CRC B - B
13.8.3 Complete round build-up B - B
13.8.4 Complete round tear down B - B
13.8.5 Weapon code nomination - - -
13.8.6 Local CRC update/load - - B
13.9 Inspection
13.9.1 Regroup lot numbers - - -
13.9.2 Lot number, condition code, and - - -
selective identity change
13.9.3 Ammunition disposition - - -
13.9.4 Conventional Munitions Restricted and B - -
Suspended (CMRS)
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.3. 5 ton truck - 15 ton truck tractors
TR: T.O. 36A-13-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.4 25/40 foot trailer (including rollerized)
TR: T.O. 36A9-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Tow - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.5 MB-4 Series tugs
TR: T.O. 36A10-3-(series) Characteristics - A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.6 Forklifts: 4K/6K/10K/15K, Gas/Diesel
TR: T.O. 36M2-2-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection 2b - - Drive/operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.7 Forklifts: 22K/40K/44K/50K, Gas/Diesel
TR: T.O. 36M2-2-(series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.3.8 Container handling equipment:
TR: T.O. 36M2-2-(Series) Characteristics A A - Perform pre-use/post-use inspection - - - Drive/operate - - - Perform user maintenance - - -
22.4 Munitions Materiel Handling Equipment
TR: AFMAN 91-201
22.4.1 20MM Universal Ammunition Loading
TR: T.O. 35D30-4-15-1 Characteristics A B - Perform operational checkout 2b - - Tow - - - Operate 2b - - Perform user maintenance - - - Perform periodic maintenance/inspection - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course Characteristics A - - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.5.2 BDU-33, BDU-48, and MK106
TR: T.O. 11A3-3-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.5.3 BDU-38/B, BDU-46/E
TR: T.O. 11A3-6-7, 11A3-8-7,
11A17-12-7 Characteristics - - - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6 General purpose bombs
TR: T.O. 11A-1-63
23.6.1 M117, M117-AIR
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.2 MK82, MK82-AIR
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect 2b - - Assemble/disassemble 2b - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.3 MK83
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics - - - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.4 MK84, MK84-AIR
TR: T.O. 11A1-5-7, 11A6-13-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.5 BLU-109/BLU-113/BLU118/BLU122
TR: T.O. 11A1-11-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - - Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.6.6 BLU-126
TR: T.O. 11A1-11-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course Assemble/disassemble - - - Maintenance - - -
23.7 Bombs, countermeasure and leaflet
(PDU-5/B, M129 Series)
TR: T.O. 11A3-2-7
23.7.1 Characteristics - B -
23.7.2 Inspect - - -
23.7.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
23.7.4 Maintenance - - -
23.8 Cluster Bombs CBU-87, 89, 97
(SUU-64/65 Dispensers)
TR: T.O. 11A9-31-7, 11A-1-63
23.8.1 Characteristics - B -
23.8.2 Inspect - - -
23.8.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
23.8.4 Maintenance - - -
23.9 Bomb fuzes/sensors and components
TR: T.O. 11A-1-12-7, 11G7-7-8-7, 11A4-
(Series), 11A7-(Series)
23.9.1 Mechanical Fuzes Classification A A - Application A A - Characteristics A A - Safety devices A A - Accessories A A -
23.9.2 Electrical Fuzes Classification A A - Application A A - Characteristics A A - Safety devices A A - Accessories A A -
23.9.3 Proximity fuzes/sensors Classification A A - Application A A - Characteristics A A - Safety devices A A - Accessories A A -
23.10 Airbase ground defense munitions
TR: T.O. 11A8-2-1, 11A8-3-7, 11A8-5-7,
11A13-6-7, 11A13-10-7
23.10.1 Small arms A B -
23.10.2 Grenades A B -
23.10.3 Mines A B -
23.10.4 Mortars A B -
23.11 Pyrotechnics
TR: T.O. 11A10-(series)
23.11.1 Signal flares A B -
23.11.2 Smoke producing munitions A B -
23.11.3 Illuminating flares A B -
23.11.4 SUU-25 series flare dispensers
TR: T.O. 11A21-7-7 Characteristics A B - Inspect/test - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course Load/unload - - - Maintenance/reconditioning - - -
23.12 Characteristics of ammunition for cannon
23.12.1 20MM A B -
TR: T.O. 11A13-4-7
23.12.2 25MM - B -
TR: T.O. 11A13-16-7
23.12.3 30MM A B -
TR: T.O. 11A13-14-7
23.12.4 40MM - B -
TR: T.O. 11A13-11-7
23.12.5 105MM - B -
TR: T.O. 11A13-13-7
23.13 Demolition explosives characteristics A B -
TR: T.O. 11A20-7-7, 11A20-8-7,
11A20-9-7, 11A20-10-7, 11A20-16-7
23.14 Impulse Cartridges
23.14.1 Characteristics - - -
23.14.2 Maintenance - - -
23.14.3 Inspect - - -
23.15 CAD/PAD characteristics A B -
TR: T.O. 11A18-(series), 11P-(series)
23.16 Chaff/flare and dispensing systems
TR: T.O. 11A16-7-7, 11A16-39-7,
11A16-40-7, 11A16-41-7 , 11A16-46-7,
12P3-4-89-2, 12P3-2ALE-102
23.16.1 Characteristics Dispenser A B - Countermeasure munitions A B - Squibs/impulse cartridges A - -
23.16.2 Load/unload 2b - -
23.16.3 Inspect/test - - -
23.16.4 Maintenance - - -
23.16.5 Inspect/use wrist strap 2b - -
TR: T.O. 00-25-234
24.1 Principles
24.1.1 Guidance systems A B -
24.1.2 Control systems A B -
24.1.3 Warhead systems A B -
24.1.4 Propulsion systems A B -
24.2 GBU-10 Series
TR: T.O. 11K10-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.2.1 Characteristics - B -
24.2.2 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.2.3 Maintenance - - -
24.3 GBU-12 Series
TR: T.O. 11K10-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.3.1 Characteristics - B -
24.3.2 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.3.3 Maintenance - - -
24.4 GBU/EGBU-24 series
TR: T.O. 11K20-2-7, 11A-1-63
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
24.4.1 Characteristics A B -
24.4.2 Assemble/disassemble 2b - -
24.4.3 Maintenance - - -
24.5 GBU/EGBU-27 series
TR: T.O. 11K25-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.5.1 Characteristics - - -
24.5.2 Assembly/disassembly - - -
24.5.3 Maintenance - - -
24.6 GBU/EGBU-28 series
TR: T.O. 11K28-2-7, 11A-1-63
24.6.1 Characteristics - - -
24.6.2 Assembly/disassembly - - -
24.6.3 Maintenance - - -
24.7 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)
TR: T.O. 11K39-2-7, 11B29-3-73-1
24.7.1 Characteristics A A -
24.7.2 Inspect 2b B -
27.7.3 Perform BIT/Reprogramming 2b B -
24.7.4 Upload/Download to/from Carriage - - -
24.7.5 Maintenance - - -
24.8 Digital Test Set TTU-373 or TTU-595
TR: T.O. 33D5-24-16-2, 33D5-24-23-2
24.8.1 Characteristics A B -
24.8.2 Prep for storage - - -
24.8.3 Perform checkout 2b - -
24.8.4 Perform user maintenance - - -
24.9 GBU/EGBU-15
TR: T.O. 11K15-2-7
24.9.1 Characteristics A B -
24.9.2 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.9.3 Maintenance - - -
24.9.4 Support equipment - - -
24.10 AGM-130 series
TR: T.O. 21M-AGM130-2
24.10.1 Characteristics A B -
24.10.2 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.10.3 Maintenance - - -
24.10.4 Support equipment - - -
24.11 Test Set, AN/GJM-64/65 (GBU-15,
TR: T.O. 33D5-24-14-1, 33D7-77-81-1
24.11.1 Characteristics - B -
24.11.2 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.11.3 Perform post-use inspection/self-test - - -
24.11.4 Checkout Target seeker - - - Guidance section/target detecting - - -
device Control section - - - Receiver/transmitter group - - -
24.11.5 Perform user maintenance - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course AGM-65E - - - AGM-65H - - - AGM-65K - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.16.8 SM 787/DSM Target Simulator (IR)
TR: T.O. 33D9-14-70-1 Characteristics A A - Prep for use/storage - - - Checkout AGM-65D 2b - - AGM-65E - - - AGM-65G - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.17 AGM-88 series
TR: T.O. 21M-AGM88-(series)
24.17.1 Characteristics A A -
24.17.2 Inspect - - -
24.17.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.17.4 Maintenance - - -
24.17.5 Test Set AN/GSM-396
TR: T.O. 33D9-45-42-1 Characteristics - B - Prep for use/shipment - - - Perform checkout - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.18 AGM-114 Series (Hellfire)
TR: T.O. 21-AGM114-2
24.18.1 Characteristics - A -
24.18.2 Inspect - - -
24.18.3 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.18.4 Maintenance - - -
24.19 AGM-158 Series (JASSM)
TR: T.O. 21-AG158A-2
24.19.1 Characteristics A A -
24.19.2 Inspect - - -
24.19.3 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.19.4 Maintenance - - -
24.19.5 Perform BIT/Reprogramming - - -
24.19.6 Support equipment - - -
24.20 AIM-7M
TR: T.O. 21M-AIM7 (series)
24.20.1 Characteristics - - -
24.20.2 Inspect - - -
24.20.3 Assemble/disassemble - - -
24.20.4 Maintenance - - -
24.20.5 Test Set AN/DSM-162
TR: T.O. 33D9-30-36-1 Characteristics - - - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform checkout - - - Perform operator maintenance - - - Perform no voltage test - - -
2. Core Tasks 3. Training For OJT 4. Proficiency Codes Used To Indicate
Training/Information Provided (See Note)
1. Tasks, Knowledge And Technical References A B A B C D A B C
3 Skill Level 5 Skill Level 7 Skill Level
5 Level 7 Level Tng Tng Trainee Trainer (1) (1) (1)
Start Complete Initials Initials Course CDC Course
TR: T.O. 21M-AIM9M-2
24.21.1 Characteristics A A -
24.21.2 Inspect 2b - -
24.21.3 Assemble/disassemble 2b - -
24.12.4 Maintenance - - -
24.21.5 Test Set TS-4044A/D
TR: T.O. 33D9-54-67-1 Characteristics A A - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform checkout 2b - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.21.6 GCU-30/E Recharging unit
TR: T.O. 35D18-5-1 Characteristics A A - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform purge/shutdown - - - Operate 2b - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
TR: T.O. 21M-AIM9X-2
24.22.1 Characteristics A A -
24.22.2 Inspect 2b - -
24.22.3 Maintenance - - -
24.22.4 Perform BIT 2b - -
24.22.5 TTU-574/E24A breakout box 4 Prep for use/storage - - -
24.23 AIM-120 series
TR: T.O. 21-AI120A-2
24.23.1 Characteristics A B -
24.23.2 Inspect - - -
24.23.3 Maintenance - - -
24.23.4 Test Set TS-4108/G; AN/GYQ-75A
TR: T.O. 33D9-30-38-1, 33D9-53-108-1 Characteristics - B - Prep for use/storage - - - Perform checkout - - - Perform operator maintenance - - -
24.24 Miniature Air Launch Decoy (MALD)
24.24.1 Characteristics A A -
24.24.2 Inspect - - -
24.24.3 BIT/Reprogramming - - -
Note: BLK #4: Columns (1) & (2) can be relabeled to meet CF Requirements; i.e., 2 phase 3 skill level course, 5 lvl QTPs.