In Re Max Shoop Facts Issue
In Re Max Shoop Facts Issue
In Re Max Shoop Facts Issue
FACTS WON under the New York rule as it exists the principle of
comity is established.
a. Comity would exist if we are a territory of the US
b. We are NOT an organized territory incorporated into the ii. New York uses the phrase "based on the English
United States but Common Law" in a general sense
c. We are NOT a "foreign country" or "another country" iii. And that such Common Law may become the
either basis of the jurisprudence of the courts where practical
d. Like Puerto Rico, we may not be incorporated but we are considerations and the effect of sovereignty gives round for
a territory since the US Congress legislates for us and we such a decision.
have been granted a form of territorial government, so to iv. If in the Philippines, ECL principles as embodied in
that extent we are a territory according to the US Atty. Gen. Anglo-American jurisprudence are used and applied by
e. It is not believed that the New York court intended the the courts to the extent that Common Law principles are
word "territory" to be limited to the technical meaning of NOT in conflict with the LOCAL WRITTEN laws, customs, and
organized territory or it would have used the more accurate institutions as modified by the change of sovereignty and
expression. subsequent legislation, and there is NO OTHER FOREIGN
f. Therefore, We have a basis of comity to satisfy the first case law system used to any substantial extent, THEN it is
requirement since the full phraseology indicates a proper to say in the sense of the New York rule that the
SWEEPING INTENTION to include ALL of the territory of the US. "jurisprudence" of the Philippines is based on the ECL.
Whether Section 10 (par 5) of RA 8042 is unconstitutional Respondents contend that the constitutional issue should
Proper computation of the Lump-sum salary to be not be entertained, for this was belatedly interposed by
awarded to petitioner by reason of his illegal dismissal petitioner in his appeal before the CA, and not at the
Whether the overtime and leave pay should form part of earliest opportunity, which was when he filed an appeal
the salary basis in the computation of his monetary before the NLRC.40
award The Arguments of the Solicitor General
The answer is in the affirmative. It is plain that prior to R.A. No. 8042, all OFWs, regardless of
contract periods or the unexpired portions thereof, were
Section 1, Article III of the Constitution guarantees: treated alike in terms of the computation of their monetary
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property benefits in case of illegal dismissal. Their claims were
without due process of law nor shall any person be denied subjected to a uniform rule of computation: their basic
the equal protection of the law. salaries multiplied by the entire unexpired portion of their
Section 18, Article II and Section 3, Article XIII accord all employment contracts.
members of the labor sector, without distinction as to place The enactment of the subject clause in R.A. No. 8042
of deployment, full protection of their rights and welfare. introduced a differentiated rule of computation of the
To Filipino workers, the rights guaranteed under the money claims of illegally dismissed OFWs based on their
foregoing constitutional provisions translate to economic employment periods, in the process singling out one
security and parity: all monetary benefits should be equally category whose contracts have an unexpired portion of
enjoyed by workers of similar category, while all monetary one year or more and subjecting them to the peculiar
obligations should be borne by them in equal degree; none disadvantage of having their monetary awards limited to
should be denied the protection of the laws which is their salaries for 3 months or for the unexpired portion
enjoyed by, or spared the burden imposed on, others in like thereof, whichever is less, but all the while sparing the other
circumstances. category from such prejudice, simply because the latter’s
Imbued with the same sense of “obligation to afford unexpired contracts fall short of one year.
protection to labor,” the Court in the present case also Prior to R.A. No. 8042, a uniform system of computation of
employs the standard of strict judicial scrutiny, for it the monetary awards of illegally dismissed OFWs was in
perceives in the subject clause a suspect classification place. This uniform system was applicable even to local
prejudicial to OFWs. workers with fixed-term employment.
The subject clause does not state or imply any definitive
governmental purpose; and it is for that precise reason that
Upon cursory reading, the subject clause appears facially
the clause violates not just petitioner’s right to equal
neutral, for it applies to all OFWs. However, a closer
protection, but also her right to substantive due process
examination reveals that the subject clause has a
under Section 1, Article III of the Constitution.
The subject clause being unconstitutional, petitioner is nine months and 23 days computed at the rate of
entitled to his salaries for the entire unexpired period of nine US$1,400.00 per month.
months and 23 days of his employment contract, pursuant
to law and jurisprudence prior to the enactment of R.A. No. SAMEER OVERSEAS PLACEMENT AGENCY vs. CABILES
Third Issue
JOY C. CABILES, Respondent.
Petitioner contends that his overtime and leave pay should
form part of the salary basis in the computation of his
monetary award, because these are fixed benefits that
have been stipulated into his contract.
Petitioner, Sameer Overseas Placement Agency, Inc., is
Petitioner is mistaken.
a recruitment and placement agency.
The word salaries in Section 10(5) does not include overtime
and leave pay. For seafarers like petitioner, DOLE Respondent Joy Cabiles was hired thus signed a one-year
Department Order No. 33, series 1996, provides a Standard employment contractfor a monthly salary of NT$15,360.00.
Employment Contract of Seafarers, in which salary is Joy was deployed to work for Taiwan Wacoal, Co. Ltd.
understood as the basic wage, exclusive of overtime, leave (Wacoal) on June 26, 1997. She alleged that in her
pay and other bonuses; whereas overtime pay is employment contract, she agreed to work as quality
compensation for all work “performed” in excess of the control for one year. In Taiwan, she was asked to work as a
regular eight hours, and holiday pay is compensation for cutter.
any work “performed” on designated rest days and
holidays. Sameer claims that on July 14, 1997, a certain Mr. Huwang
In the same vein, the claim for the day’s leave pay for the from Wacoal informed Joy, without prior notice, that she
unexpired portion of the contract is unwarranted since the was terminated and that “she should immediately report to
same is given during the actual service of the seamen. their office to get her salary and passport.” She was asked
WHEREFORE, the Court GRANTS the Petition. The subject to “prepare for immediate repatriation.” Joy claims that she
clause “or for three months for every year of the unexpired was told that from June 26 to July 14, 1997, she only earned
term, whichever is less” in the 5th paragraph of Section 10 a total of NT$9,000.15 According to her,
of Republic Act No. 8042 is DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL; Wacoal deductedNT$3,000 to cover her plane ticket to
and the December 8, 2004 Decision and April 1, 2005 Manila.
Resolution of the Court of Appeals are MODIFIED to the
effect that petitioner is AWARDED his salaries for the entire On October 15, 1997, Joy filed a complaint
unexpired portion of his employment contract consisting of for illegal dismissal with the NLRC against petitioner and
Wacoal. LA dismissed the complaint. NLRC reversed LA’s
decision. CA affirmed the ruling of the National Labor Ruling on the constitutional issue
Relations Commission finding respondent illegally dismissed
and awarding her three months’ worth of salary, the In the hierarchy of laws, the Constitution is
reimbursement of the cost of her repatriation, and supreme. No branch or office of the government may
attorney’s fees exercise its powers in any manner inconsistent with the
Constitution, regardless of the existence of any law that
ISSUE: supports such exercise. The Constitution cannot be
trumped by any other law. All laws must be read in light of
Whether or not Cabiles was entitled to the unexpired the Constitution. Any law that is inconsistent with it is a nullity.
portion of her salary due to illegal dismissal.
Thus, when a law or a provision of law is null
HELD: because it is inconsistent with the Constitution, the nullity
cannot be cured by reincorporation or reenactment of the
YES. The Court held that the award of the three-month same or a similar law or provision. A law or provision of law
equivalent of respondent’s salary should be increased to that was already declared unconstitutional remains as such
the amount equivalent to the unexpired term of the unless circumstances have so changed as to warrant a
employment contract. reverse conclusion.
In Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services, Inc. and Marlow The Court observed that the reinstated clause, this
Navigation Co., Inc., this court ruled that the clause “or for time as provided in Republic Act. No. 10022, violates the
three (3) months for every year of the unexpired term, constitutional rights to equal protection and due process.96
whichever is less” is unconstitutional for violating the equal Petitioner as well as the Solicitor General have failed to
protection clause and substantive due process. show any compelling change in the circumstances that
would warrant us to revisit the precedent.
A statute or provision which was declared unconstitutional
is not a law. It “confers no rights; it imposes no duties; The Court declared, once again, the clause, “or
it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is inoperative for three (3) months for every year of the unexpired term,
as if it has not been passed at all.” whichever is less” in Section 7 of Republic Act No. 10022
amending Section 10 of Republic Act No. 8042 is declared
The Court said that they are aware that the clause “or for unconstitutional and, therefore, null and void.
three (3) months for every year of the unexpired term,
whichever is less” was reinstated in Republic Act No. 8042
upon promulgation of Republic Act No. 10022 in 2010.
Manila Prince Hotel vs GSIS 1. Whether or not Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII, of the
1987 Constitution is a self-executing provision.
2. Whether or not the Manila Hotel forms part of the
The controversy arose when respondent Government national patrimony.
Service Insurance System (GSIS), pursuant to the 3. Whether or not the submission of matching bid is
privatization program of the Philippine Government, premature
decided to sell through public bidding 30% to 51% of the 4. Whether or not there was grave abuse of discretion
issued and outstanding shares of respondent Manila Hotel on the part of the respondents in refusing the
Corporation (MHC). The winning bidder, or the eventual matching bid of the petitioner.
“strategic partner,” will provide management expertise or
an international marketing/reservation system, and
financial support to strengthen the profitability and In the resolution of the case, the Court held that:
performance of the Manila Hotel.
It is a self-executing provision.
Whether RTC erred in holding that Sec. 47 of PD No. 198 is