Future Interests
Future Interests
Future Interests
estate a lesser estate & doesn't say who takes property Estate automatically reverts to O on A's death. O's interest -
Life Estate
when lesser estate expires. May or may not become reversion - is transferable, descendible, and devisable. Future Interests
possessory in future. O conveys "To A for life."
Fee Simple Possibility of Reverter: owner carves out of his estate a Estate automatically reverts to O upon occurrence of the
Grantor (O) Determinable
determinable estate of same quantum. O conveys "to A as stated event. O's interest - possibility of reverter -is
transferable, descendible, and devisable.
long as Blackacre is used for X purposes."
Fee Simple Subject Estate does not revert automatically. O (grantor) must
Right of Entry: O retains power to cut short estate. O
exercise his right to re-enter! The right of re-entry is
to Condition conveys Blackacre "to A, but if A ceases to do X, O retains
descendible, divsable, and usually transferable intervivos
right to re-enter."
Subsequent (but some states say not transferable).
Indefeasibly Vested:
certain to become
O conveys " To A for life, then to B and her heirs." B is
possessory in the future,
certain to take possesion when A dies. If B dies before A,
cannot be divested B's remainder is transferable
B's heirs possess (Side note: if B dies intestate without
during life and at death.
heirs during A's life, B's remainder escheats to state,
Vested Subject to Open: which takes property at A's death)
vested in class of persons (such
as A's children), certain to take
possession, at least one of whom
O conveys " To A for life, then to A's children." If A has Either child can transfer or
VESTED: a is asecertained, but shares of a child, B, the remainder vested in B is subject to "open sell their interest during life
remainder given to an up" and let in other kids as long as A is alive and can
class members not yet fixed at death. If A dies, children
ascertained person
because more people can have more children. If A has a second child, C, that child own a fee simple as tenants
and is not subject to
become members of class also has a vested remainder subject to open. (Note: If A in common.
any condition
precedent has no kids, remainder contingent because no one is
Vested Subject to ascertained).
O does not have a reversion.
Complete Defeasance:
remainder is asecertained, O conveys " To A for life, then to B, but if B leaves the B's remainder is transferable
interest not subject to legal profession, then to C." B has a vested remainder while he is lawyer, but if he
condition precendent, but right to subject to divestmen by C. C has executory interest that leaves the legal profession,
possession is defeated by can become posssory only by divesting B's estate. If B not transferable.
happening of a condition
subsequent (appears after
forfeits estate by leaving law, C becomes beneficiary.
B doesn't have contingent remainder
language introducing
Remainder: remainder-main) or by inherent
because he is not unasecertained,
" To A for Life, then to B's heirs." B is alive. no condition precedent.
(always follows limitation of estate in remainder Takers are not ascertained, remainder is contingent
life estates) on B's death - when heirs can be ascertained. If B
dies during A's life, remainder will vest in B's heirs at
B's death