FIRST - Is there proof Facially Discriminatory - Facially Neutral Law [terms treat in & out of staters NOT facially discriminatory but has
of a discriminatory generally per se invalid. alike] but has Discriminatory Purpose or Effect - affect on interstate commerce
purpose or effect? effects per Hunt - raising cost of doing business; [in-staters & out-of-staters treated
removing competitive advantage of another state's alike]
costly enterprise, leveling effect on local business
against better out-of-state people
Strict Scrutiny - Strong Presumption
SECOND - Apply Balance the burden on interstate
Against Discriminatory Laws -
proper test - commerce with the benefit of the state
Is the law narrowly tailored to fit a - does the burden on interstate
specific problem? commerce clearly exceed legitimate
Is there a compelling state purpose for local benefits? [note - clearly exceed is
the law? a high standard]
Does the state have alternatives
available? Is it using the least
restrictive means possible to achieve
their purpose?