Patel 2732018 CJ As T 40664
Patel 2732018 CJ As T 40664
Patel 2732018 CJ As T 40664
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author AP designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and first draft of the manuscript. Author MS
managed the analyses of the study. Author MS managed the literature searches. Both authors read
and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2018/40664
(1) Amjad Iqbal, Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan.
(2) Abd Elmoneim Osman Elkhalifa, Professor, Department of food chemistry, Ahfad University for Women, Sudan.
(3) Surapong Pinitglang, Assistant Professor, Department of Food Business Management, School of Science and Technology
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand.
(4) Teresa De Pilli, Assistant Professor, Department of Science of Agriculture of Food of Environment (SAFE), University of
Foggia, Via Napoli, Italy.
(1) Mariana-Atena Poiana, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania.
(2) Chao Zhang, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 27 February 2018
Review Article Accepted 4 May 2018
Published 9th May 2018
Ohmic heating is a novel technology for food processing. This review paper summarizes the
research progress and application in ohmic heating technology used in food processing. Ohmic
heating is an electrical resistance heating method for the heat treatment of food products. When
electric current passes through the food, the food heats up because of its internal electrical
resistance. In this process heating rate depends upon the electrical conductivity and field strength.
By this method a product undergoes a minimum structural damage, retain its nutritional value. This
technique gives excellent processed quality products in minimum operating time. In this method
electrical energy is converted into thermal energy. This is an uniform and rapid heating method.
Electrical conductivity of food plays an important role in the ohmic heating process. Ohmic heating
is good for liquid products, milk desserts, yoghurts, eggs, fruit juices, condiments, gelatine, wine,
and hydrocolloids, etc which have electrical conductivity greater than 0.05 S/m. This method can
be used in several sectors of food processing such as thawing process, blanching, sterilization,
pasteurization, enzyme inactivation, expression, extraction, desalination and waste water
treatment, rice bran stabilization, tofu making process, semi meat ball cooking and drying process
Patel and Singh; CJAST, 27(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.40664
Electrical conductivity of food products should be temperature and ionic concentration. The
greater than 0.05 S/m for good behaviour of electrical conductivity of the ginger paste linearly
ohmic heating. Examples:- milk desserts, increased with temperature and it measured in
yoghurts, eggs, fruit juices, condiments, gelatine, terms of point and bulk electrical conductivity.
wine and hydrocolloids, etc. Point electrical conductivity was greater than bulk
electrical conductivity. The rate of change of
Electrical conductivity of margarine, marmalade temperature and electrical conductivity was
and powder type products are 0.005 to 0.05 S/m higher for higher salt addition at all voltage
which behave like low ohmic heating and which gradients applied [12].
food products have less than 0.005 S/m electrical
conductivity behave poor ohmic heating Palaniappan and Sastry [13] investigated that the
examples:- fat, frozen foods, foam, liquor and heating rate of particle liquid mixture depends on
syrup etc. [8] conductivity of mixture and the volume of each
phase. The reason of that, as particle content
Jae et al. [9] proposed the modelling of the increased, the path of current through the fluid,
thermal behaviour of multiphase food products forcing the total current to flow through particles.
with various electrical conductivities under ohmic This will be caused in more energy generation
heating system. Distortion of electric field due to within the particles and a greater particle heating
heterogeneous food properties. They developed rates. It was also concluded that the range of
ohmic heating pattern of solid-liquid food electrical conductivity of the food products should
complex that contained three different solid be in the range from 0.01 – 10 S/m. Food
particles with substantially different electrical products which are used should have pH more
conductivities and 3% NaCl solution. The solid than 4.6 and solid particulates food is solid to
food samples used in the experiment were liquid ratio 40:60 [13].
potato, meat and carrot, which were less
conductive to carrier medium Hot spots existed
2.2 Effects of Ohmic Heating on
on the continuous phase in zones which
perpendicular to the solid cubes and cold spots Physiochemical Property of Foods
were in between the particles where the lack of
current density. Resulted the starch cellular Pereira et al. [14] studied the effect of ohmic and
structures of carrot and potato were collapsed conventional heat processing of different food
down by thermal gelatinization [9]. products on their chemical and physical
parameters. Parameters such as pH, total solid,
Kumar et al. [10] reported that the electrical ash, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, total sugar,
conductivity of food products usually increases total fatty acids, total phenolic compounds and
with temperature and water content. They anthocyanins content were determined before
suggested that knowledge of electrical and after ohmic heating and conventional
conductivity of food products is important for the pasteurization techniques. Goat milk samples
designing of ohmic heating system [10]. were treated by ohmic heating technology the pH
was 6.58 and total fatty acid was 86.5 %. Ohmic
Srivastav and Roy [11] prepared an ohmic treated samples show a lower content of lactic
heating system for heating of tomato juice acid 0.13%. Chemical analysis of food products
(temperature 32°C to 80°C) at different voltage indicated similar chemical properties treated by
gradient in the range of 50 to 70 V/cm. It was both ohmic heating treatment and conventional
found that the voltage gradient had significant treatment [14].
impact on conductivity and system performance
coefficient. It was concluded that the electrical Samaranayake [15] determined the minimization
conductivity values linearly increased with of electrochemical reactions during ohmic
temperature. The electrical conductivity of tomato heating. Ohmic heating is capable of reducing
juice was strongly dependent on temperature. the electrochemical reaction of stainless steel,
The rate of change of the electrical conductivity titanium and platinized- titanium electrodes
of tomato juice with temperature for 70 V/cm was compared with conventional 60 Hz ohmic
higher compared to other voltage gradients heating. In general, except at the highest
applied. As the voltage gradient increased, time frequency low duty-cycle heating, pulsed ohmic
and performance coefficient decreased [11]. heating was less successful in suppressing the
electrochemical reaction of graphite electrodes
Kautkar et al. [12] revealed that the electrical compared with conventional ohmic heating.
conductivity of ginger paste was dependent on Ohmic heating provides its best result for
Patel and Singh; CJAST, 27(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.40664
graphite electrodes. It is suitable for minimization potatoes tissues in the range of electric field
of electrochemical reaction [15]. strengths 40-500 V/cm, at temperatures 22°C
and 49°C in pulsed electric field treatment.
Viscosity of milk decreased with increasing Ohmic heating of potato and apple tissues were
temperature because increase in temperature evidence of the importance of the electroporation
leads to lower milk fatty blocs which are mechanism of tissues damage at moderate
responsible for the high viscosity of milk. The electric fields under 100 V/cm and effectiveness
relationships between viscosity and of this mechanism increased with temperature
temperature were first-order equations for all increased. He observed the importance of the
electrical fields. Milk density was reduced by electroporation mechanism in plant tissues
increasing milk temperature. This reduction was damage was induced by ohmic heating which is
started after the rising of milk temperature above controlled by temperature induced changed in
40°C [16]. the cell membrane structure [19].
2.3 Effect of Ohmic Heating on Microbial Cho et al. [20], (USA-FDA, 2000) investigated
Activity the incidence of electric field in the fermentative
process may cause membrane electroporation
Kumar et al. [17] studied the inactivation effects provoking faster and efficient nutrient transport to
of ohmic and conventional heating on total plate the interior of the cell, thus reducing the lag
count, molds and yeast, E. coli, coliforms and phase of the fermentation. Ohmic heating has
salmonella in buffalo milk under identical demonstrated to cause productivity decrease.
temperature conditions. Resulted the microbial This decrease may also be related to the
counts from ohmic heating were lower than electroporation effect which possibly allows the
conventional heated milk. Salmonella were transport of metabolites to the interior of the cell
completely killed by ohmic heating treatment. and consequently inhibits the fermentative
Microbial destruction was higher in ohmic heat process [20].
treated samples as compared to conventional
heat-treated samples. Soft paneer was obtained 3. APPLICATIONS OF OHMIC HEATING
by ohmic treated milk samples and sensory pane
list of this soft paneer was superior to paneer 3.1 Thawing
obtained from traditional method [17].
To increase the shelf life of meat products
Kim et al. [18] investigated the lethality within frozen storage is important. Meat thawing by
foods particles undergoing 5 kW ohmic heating ohmic heating is fast and less weight loss was
system used microbiological and chemical observed in the sample. The fast thawing
marker measurements. Meatball contains spores process gives better quality of meat products
of B. stearo thermophilus and precursors of because of decrease unwanted microbial
chemical markers were thermally processed in activity during thawing [21].
the solution of starch with 30 to 40 % solids
content. Higher lethality was observed, 3.2 Meat Ball Cooking and Poultry
microbiologically and chemically, at the centre of Products
the meatballs rather than near the surface. They
concluded that ohmic heating had a high Ohmic cooking procedure was found to be safe
potential for providing high quality of food in terms of PAH formation and mutagenic
products, shelf stable foods that were not activity. Sensory evaluation showed that overall
achieved by conventional thermal processing acceptance of the semi cooked meat ball
[18]. samples was good. High cooking yield,
moisture retention and fat retention values in
2.4 Electroporation Effect during Ohmic samples were obtained with ohmic cooking [22].
Heating The quality of the ohmic heated chicken breast
samples was similar or superior to that of the
Lebovka NI [19] studied the effect of temperature retort- heated samples based on the
on electroporation of plant tissues during the measurement of water content and glutamic
pulsed electric field or alternative current. He was acid in the treated sample. The sample
determined the effectiveness of the quality did not deteriorate or degrade during
electroporation effect in plant tissues damage for storage [23].
Patel and Singh; CJAST, 27(3): 1-7, 2018; Article no.CJAST.40664
Model of ohmic heating showed good 10 Kg rice bran was hydrated and heated by
performance when used for ohmic and enzyme flow of electric current through ohmic heating
assisted aqueous extraction of rapeseed oil system. The treated sample was observed to
[12]. Improve the extraction of soymilk from be stable even after 75 days of storage in the
soybeans by ohmic heating [24]. Diffusion of comparison of raw rice bran sample. The free
beet dye from beetroot into a carrier fluid was fatty acid (FFA) percent in ohmic heated rice
increased in ohmic heating and the amount of bran was observed to be 4.77% after 75 days of
dye extracted was proportional to the electrical storage whereas it was 41.84% in case of raw
field strength used [25]. rice bran. The FFA concentration of the ohmic
heated samples increased very slowly in
3.4 Blanching comparison to raw rice bran samples during 75
days of storage [30].
Blanching by ohmic heating permits the
effective damage of food product’s cells by 3.8 Drying
combination of thermal and electrical effects. By
ohmic heating osmotic dehydration of In the vacuum dryer ohmic heated sample take
strawberries enhances the water and sugar less time for drying compared to raw samples.
transfer [26]. Ohmic heating is popular due to The maximum reduction of time was 24% [31].
its volumetric heating rates, rapid process and Ohmic treatment helps in a significant decrease
the enhancement of mass transfer even at in time required for vacuum drying and
relatively low temperatures [27]. positively effects the economic and product
3.5 Pasteurization
Leizerson and Shimoni, [28] measured TECHNOLOGY
higher concentration of ohmic heated
pasteurized orange juice during storage and the In this technology high temperature for UHT
storage period was 105 days, resulted the processing can be achieved, surface fouling is
particle size was lower in ohmic heated orange not created, during the heating of the product
juice also prevented the growth of micro- and this method is very useful for pre-heating of
organism, and the shelf life of ohmic treated the products before canning process [32]. Ohmic
orange juice was > 100 days. It was second heating is used for continuous processing of food
time longer than these of conventionally products. Capital investment is low compared to
pasteurized juice [28]. conventional and microwave heating method [5].
In this technology there is no need of boiler for
3.6 Expression parboiling of paddy, this is rapid and uniform heat
treatment method for solid and liquid food
Enhancement of carrot juice recovery using 2- products, there is less heat damage of the
stage pressing with ohmic heating. products, less nutrient loss and less color change
Mathematical analysis for multi stage pressing of the products through this method [33].
applied to second stage expression process. Temperature of the system can be raised very
The total carrot juice recovery increased in the quickly, instant shutdown system is provided and
duration of first pressing. Maximum there is no extra heat transfer after switching off
enhancement in carrot juice recovery in second the current and there are no any moving parts in
stage expression with ohmic heating over the ohmic heating system so it saves the
control was 13.76 %, resulted that the ohmic maintenance cost of the system [27].
heating did not cause much change in the
colour of carrot juice. In the first pressing, 5. DISADVANTAGES OF OHMIC HEATING
maximum carrot juice recovery was 98.9 % in
2.72 minutes, in the second pressing ohmic Ohmic heating system is difficult to monitor and
heating temperature was 65.60C, voltage to control, lack of generalized information,
gradient was 15 V/cm for the time duration of complex coupling between the temperature and
10 minutes [29]. the electrical filed distribution [5]. Electrochemical
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