Admission Form

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Applica on form no.


Lakkadpura, Borsad Road, Petlad M. 99251 76000, 99135 7600


FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (Please leave blank)

Academic Year For Class

Marks obtained in Entrance test:

Date of applica on Admission granted / rejected

Documents verified by (Name and Signature) Principal / Vice Principal

1. Name of the student (in block le er)

Surname First Name Father’s Name

For class: Stream (for Std. XI) : Commerce Science

2. Date of Birth 3. Place of Birth 4. Mother Tongue

5. In words
6. Religion Caste
7. Category: Gen / OBC / SC / ST (evidence to be a ached)
8. School a ended last with address:

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9. Family Details:

Father Mother Guardian (if any)

First Name
Middle Name
Phone No. (R)
Phone No. (O)
Mobile No.
Wha sapp No.

Educa onal
Qualifica on
Occupa on
Annual Income

10. Details of other children (siblings)

Name Std. School




11. Reason if the child is with a guardian.

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12. Are the parents divorced / separated? Yes No

If divorced / separated, who has legal custody of the child ?

13. Mother Father
[A ach true copy of evidence to support the above]

Has the child suffered from any major disease / surgery in

14. Never Yes
the past? [If yes, provide medical cer ficate)
Does he / she has vision problem? [If yes, provide medical
15. No Yes
cer ficate]
Does he / she has any physical disability which requires
16. special a en on? [If yes, specify and provide medical No Yes
cer ficate]
17. Mode of payment of fees Yearly Termwise

Documents to be a ached:
1. Photocopy of birth cer ficate 2. Photocopy of aadhar card 3. Photocopy of leaving cer ficate
4. Passport size photographs 5. Photo copy of previous class result
Rules & Regula ons of the ins tute:
Parents are requested to read all the norms specified by the ins tu on in the Admission Form for
be er flexibility and further official processing.
(A) Instruc ons for Registra on and Admission
1. Registra on does not guarantee admission. It ensures that the registered students will be
considered for admission whenever there is a suitable vacancy and will be called for a test at an
appropriate me. The school has complete right in the ma er of admission.
2. The decision with regard to admission will be made on the basis of a candidate's performance in the
wri en test and interview with the Principal.
3 The tests are designed keeping in view the scholas c level of that par cular standard and age
group. The school reserves the right to refuse admission without showing any cause or giving any
explana on for its refusal.
4. The minimum age for admission to Nursery will be 2 years and 7 months as on the 1 of April of the
current academic year. The minimum age for admission to all other classes will be on the basis of
this criterion.
6. For admission to all other classes parents are required...
(i) to produce a school leaving cer ficate from the previous school duly countersigned by the
District Educa on Officer concerned, in case of states other than Gujarat.
(ii) to pay the fees and security deposit.
Rules for Withdrawal:
1. No ce for withdrawal of a student must be submi ed at least a month in advance on the prescribed
form given in the school calendar.
2. If a student fails to be present on the first working day of the school without prior informa on and if
there is no no ce of withdrawal in wri ng as required under (1) above, the defaul ng students will
be deemed to have withdrawn without due no ce and the parent / guardian is liable to be charged
fees for the following full term. The seat of such a student is also liable to be forfeited.
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3. The School Leaving Cer ficate will be issued only a er the full payment of school dues and other
claims, specially regarding Library books and any other school property made in accordance with
the rules of the school.
4. A student may be debarred from school,
(i) if he / she fails twice in the same class.
(ii) if co-opera on from the parent is lacking in ma ers of discipline and / or of regular payments of
(iii) for unsa sfactory behaviour
(iv) for persistent irregularity in a endance.
(v) if his / her presence is not conducive to the welfare of the school community.
General Instruc ons to Parents:
2. The children should at all mes be punctual and regular.
3. Parents will not visit the classrooms and teachers at any me; they must report to the school office
for any exigency.
4. Parents can meet the class and subject teachers on the 2ⁿ Saturday of the month between 10:00
a.m. to 1 : 00 p.m.
5. It is compulsory for the children to remain present on the day of reopening of school a er a holiday /
short break / vaca on.
6. The management will not be responsible for the loss of any valuable ornaments or ar cles.
7. The students must par cipate in the following ac vi es:
a) Picnic / Tour b) Sports / PT c) Cultural ac vi es d) Night stay at school e) Trekking camp
Extreme care is taken by the ins tu on to avoid any untoward incident during the normal ac vi es of
the ins tu on. In spite of this, in case of any mishap, the ins tu on will not be responsible in any
manner whatsoever.
Rules Regarding Refund:
It is clearly no fied to parents that if a student by any chance a er due admission and comple on of
formali es has to leave school for some unavoidable reason before / a er the actual commencement
of the school term, he/she will not be en tled to refund of any fees, for any reason whatsoever. -Only
the refundable deposit will be payable a er one month from the no ce of withdrawal.
Declara on by the Parent / Guardian:
I have read the Rules / Regula ons and Code of Conduct of the ins tu on as applicable to my ward /
child, and I hereby declare that I have no objec ons/ complaints whatsoever in regard to them and
solely / jointly will obey all the rules and regula ons as given in the Registra on form.

Parent's sign: Place :

Guardian's sign: Date:

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