Ccss Writing Mental Markers

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Caleb Crum

Dr. Hunter

ELED 508

CCSS Writing Mental Markers

September 26th, 2018

College and Career Ready Anchor Standards for Writing

Anchor Standards for Writing

CCSS Anchor Mental Markers Your OWN Key Draw or Clip Art a Picture OR Create a
Standard (A Shortened and Words or Short hand or body language sign
Synthesized Phrases to Help you
Version) Memorize and
Text Types and Purposes:
W.1 W.1 To Note: In K-5 we use This is a detective or a reporter.
Write arguments to Write arguments to the term OPINION and
support claims in an support claims using move toward Claim and
analysis of substantive valid reasoning and Evidence; in 6-12 we use
topics or texts using evidence the terms ARGUMENT,
valid reasoning and CLAIM, EVIDENCE.
relevant and sufficient
evidence. I will do this one for
 Write an opinion
or argument with
a claim and

W.2 W.2  Write an analysis
Write Write of information to
informative/explanator Informative/explanator break down
y texts to examine and y texts to examine and complex ideas.
convey complex ideas convey complex ideas  Breaking down
and information clearly and information texts to find the
and accurately through theme, and
the effective selection, supporting
organization, and These are blocks that depict how a structure is built,
much like writing.
analysis of content.
W.3 W.3  Write a work of
Write narratives to Write narratives to fiction/nonfiction
develop real or develop real or .
imagined experiences imagined experiences  Fantasy, science
or events using fiction.
effective technique,  Non-fiction,
well-chosen details and autobiography.
well-structured event
sequences. This image shows the difference between
imagination and reality, and how it can impact
writing styles.
 Production and Distribution of
W.4 W.4  Write with
Produce clear and Write with structure.
coherent writing in development,  Writing that
which the organization, purpose flows.
development, and audience  Clear purpose,
organization, and style and audience.
are appropriate to task,

purpose, and audience. This hamburger depicts the different parts of what
makes a hamburger, a hamburger. Much like writing,
it needs to have structure, flow, and a clear purpose.

W.5 W.5  Word web.

Develop and strengthen Plan, revising, editing,  Draft basic
writing as needed by rewrite, write anew thoughts.
planning, revising,  Form the body of
editing, rewriting, or your writing.
trying a new approach.  Revise, and

This image depicts the different stages of writing.

W.6 W.6  Use technology
Use technology, Use technology to to publish your
including the Internet, produce and publish work.
to produce and publish writing  Research ways to
writing and to interact publish, and
and collaborate with produce your
others. own writing.

This image helps me remind that publishing can

be like selling your own work.
Research to Build and Present Knowledge:

W.7 W.7  Focus on an
Conduct short as well Conduct short and investigation.
as more sustained sustained research  Provide more
research projects based projects credible
on focused questions, resources for
demonstrating your writing.
understanding of the  Research
subject under relevant topics.

This image helps remind me of the components to an

investigation and research, and to find importance
and pertinence.
W.8 W.8  Gather credible
Gather relevant Gather relevant sources.
information from information and  Be able to access
multiple print and evidence; source texts a multimedia
digital sources, assess archive of
the credibility and information and
accuracy of each evidence.
source, and integrate  Be able to write
the information while and provide
avoiding plagiarism. informational

This image reminds of the various ways credible

sources can be gathered, and how different
platforms of media can also be used for the
writing experience.

W.9 W.9  Use in text
Draw evidence from Use textual evidence to citations and
literary or informational support analysis, evidence to
texts to support reflection, research support an
analysis, reflection, and argument, or
research. opinion.
 Conduct relevant
 Connect your
writing to your
textual evidence.

This helps me to remember that this standard

involves using relevant research, and using
appropriate sources for in text citations.

Range of Writing
W.10 W.10  Tip: What this
Write routinely over Write Routinely over means is that ALL
extended time frames short and extended students write,
(time for research, time. either short or
reflection, and revision) longer pieces,
and shorter time EVERY DAY!
frames (a single sitting  Record daily
or a day or two) for a writings in a
range of tasks, journal.
purposes, and  Record longer This helps me to remember that the focus of this
audiences. pieces in student standard is for students to write both long and
published books. short pieces on a daily basis.

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