Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Towards Education Sector A. Sabeena & Dr. N. A. Krishnamoorthi
Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Towards Education Sector A. Sabeena & Dr. N. A. Krishnamoorthi
Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Towards Education Sector A. Sabeena & Dr. N. A. Krishnamoorthi
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)
Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145
( Volume I, Issue I, 2016
To improve quality while providing access to secondary schools at the same time, Rashtriya Madhyamik
Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA, 2009) scheme was brought into action. Sakshaar Bharat Mission was launched in
2001 to prevent alarming drop in female literacy. On the infrastructure side, District Information System for
Education (DISE) reported in 2012 that more than 91% of primary schools have drinking-water facilities and
86% of schools built in the last 10 years have a school building. But that is not enough because the challenge is
huge and not only government but everyone has to take efforts towards imparting quality education. This will
not only deliver workers but thinkers, innovators & leaders to the society.
Like government, Indian corporate sector can play a big role in improving quality of education. As per
government mandate corporate with at least 5 crore revenue have to devote 2% of its annual revenue to
Corporate Social Responsibility. That is where corporate can contribute to this worthy cause.
CSR in Education:
Several private organizations are joining hands with the Government to make that ultimate dream of
offering quality education in India come true. As an important part of it, the role of corporate with their
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India is crucial in improving the educational conditions in India. A
globalized economy and the privatization of higher education institutions have transformed the nature of
academia. Adopting a business-like approach which emphasizes a strategic CSR framework is key to survival in
this increasingly competitive arena. It does not appear as a surprise to see universities and colleges discover the
opportunity to move the focus beyond the classroom into their own institutional operations. Universities, as the
centres of knowledge generation and sharing, perform a very important role in addressing the world‟s socio-
economic and environmental issues by promoting sustainable solutions. Several private organizations are
joining hands with the Government to make that ultimate dream of offering quality education in India come
true. As an important part of it, the role of corporate with their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India is
crucial in improving the educational conditions in India.
CSR Activities:
TATA Group in Education Sector:
Tata group leads from the front with a whooping 1000 crores budget on CSR for the year 2013-14.
Among which Tata Steel is the highest spender. It aims at launching 1,000 schools project in Odisha, for
improving the quality of education in government primary schools. Tata Education Excellence Program is an
award winning education program in Pune, launched by Tata Motors. Every year it identifies 600 boys and girls,
enrolled in secondary schools. This program has helped improve the pass percentage of students to 98% and
reduced the drop-out rates from 35 to less than 5%. According to Gajendra Chandel, Chief Human Resources
Officer of Tata Motors, the company supports 11 schools in Jamshedpur, Asha Kiran a special-needs children
school and many municipal schools in Mumbai. They also organize coaching classes for weak students and
provide scholarship assistance to meritorious students. Tata Tele -service is also doing its best by
providing education for students from underprivileged community in government schools. They have Teacher
Training programs to enhance the quality of education being imparted to students studying in Government
Wipro in Education Sector:
Wipro‟s “Applying Thought in Schools” is a part of its CSR initiative “Wipro cares”. This program has
brought together 1000 schools, 10,000 educators and 30 social organizations across 17 states in the country to
create a complete reform in the field of education. Wipro also supports workshops and seminars that empower
ITC in Education Sector:
ITC Limited was ranked number 1 for the second consecutive year in the CSR category in the Nielsen
Corporate Image Monitor 2012-13. ITC‟s Primary Education Program has benefitted over 300,000 children.
ITC in its rural endeavor provides primary education in order to address the problem of economic weakness
rural families. Their initiatives aim at improving infrastructure in Government schools, providing supplementary
education to support children with school learning, building community and parental involvement with school
education. It also has a network of 353 libraries, resource centres‟, Roaming Laptops program and mobile
library services covering 310 schools.
Indian Oil Corporation in Education Sector:
Indian Oil Corporation rewards over 2600 scholarships to meritorious students every year as their CSR
initiative in the field of education. They reward students from all walks of life, especially girls, physically
handicapped and students from J&K.
Aditya Birla Group in Education Sector:
Aditya Birla Group fulfill their CSR responsibilities by concentrating on awarding merit scholarships
for girls to pursue higher education and technical education for boys to make them industry-ready. Aditya Birla
Schools are spread over 11 states along with Balwadis and Aditya Birla Vidya Mandirs providing education for
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)
Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145
( Volume I, Issue I, 2016
every genre of kid. They also promote computer education and distance education for schools all over the
Maruti Suzuki in Education Sector:
Maruti Suzuki‟s CSR initiative in the field of education takes a technical education-oriented route.
They have adopted over 10 state-run ITI colleges in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Goa and
Haryana to transform them into centers of excellence in their respective fields.
Reliance Industries in Education Sector: Reliance Industries partakes in CSR activities by constructing &
renovating school buildings, providing free note books and text books to students, rewarding the meritorious
with scholarships, building remedial centers and spreading awareness about the need for computer education in
rural India.
Canon India in Education Sector:
As a part of its CSR responsibilities, Canon India has adopted 2 government schools in Ferozepur
Namak village and Maharaja Katta Village. They take care of these two schools by improving the basic
infrastructure, building resource centers and libraries, providing training for the teachers and equipping the
schools with sports kits.
Tech Mahindra in Education Sector:
TMF is a CSR player within the Mahindra Group is a leading social organization at a national level.
Tech Mahindra‟s social initiatives are carried out by Tech Mahindra Foundation (TMF), its corporate social
responsibility (CSR) arm. It has worked tirelessly towards the vision of „Empowering through Education‟ with a
budget of INR 35 Cr for 2015-16. The Foundation is running 150+ projects in ten locations of India. More than
50 schools where the Foundation intervened in 2014-15 have shown better performance on academic, social,
organizational and infrastructural domains. Corporate in India have already seen the opportunity in spending
their CSR share in Education in India. And there is a scope to do more. Corporate can look at innovative CSR
ideas in education to reach remote areas. One such innovative Corporate Social Responsibility idea is Mini
Science Centre.
Mini Science Centre for CSR Activities:
A Mini Science Center includes 60+ interactive table top science and math working models along with
informative backdrops. The Mini Science Center includes working models for subjects like biology, chemistry,
physics, astronomy, geometry and mathematics. These working models are often based on textbook syllabus of
class 5th to 10th of SSC, CBSC and ICSE boards. These are available in English as well as regional languages.
Recently Maharastra State Government Resolution (GR) has approved the installation of Mini Science Centers
in Government, Aided and Local Self Governing schools. Government is planning to sponsor these Mini
Science centers through MLA funds. Once installed Schools will be responsible for maintaining the center and
monitor the effectiveness through self assessment. Corporate can also pick this government initiative and
sponsor Mini Science Centers to government schools in India through their CSR share.
STEM Learning Pvt Ltd is a pioneer in installing Mini Science Centers in India. STEM Learning has
developed Mini Science Center models based on textbook syllabus of class 5th to 10th of SSC, CBSE & ICSE
boards. STEM Learning has installed over 250 Mini Science Centers all across India in Government & private
schools. STEM Learning is associated with CSR initiatives of JSW Foundation, L&T Infotech, Bank of Baroda,
Lupin Foundation & Ultratech Cement.
India has to restructure the education system at all the levels i.e. elementary, secondary and higher
education level. This is possible when the corporate also perform their responsibilities towards society. In order
to reap concrete benefits they must help these universities /colleges to produce such skilled and trained
manpower by providing funds for research and development, organizing various workshops, training and
development programs, cross over exchange programs, infrastructural support and last but not least providing
facilities for qualitative education that quantitative. The role of CSR in education is thus mitigating the skills
gap with considerable experimentation, and learning-by-doing along the way. In this process, the affected
individuals, companies, and society at large are likely to benefit.
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International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities (IJIRAH)
Impact Factor: 4.675, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3145
( Volume I, Issue I, 2016
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