Contraceptive Implants: A Review and Current Perspective in Southwest Nigeria
Contraceptive Implants: A Review and Current Perspective in Southwest Nigeria
Contraceptive Implants: A Review and Current Perspective in Southwest Nigeria
Review Article
Contraceptive implants are highly cost‑effective forms of long‑acting reversible contraception. They are the most effective
reversible contraceptives and are more effective than sterilization. Pregnancies are rare in women using this method of
contraception, and those that do occur must be fully investigated. There are very few contraindications to use of implants, and
they have an excellent safety profile with very high acceptability and continuation rate. Other benefits include noninterference
with intercourse, immediate onset of action, and return to fertility after removal, improvements in dysmenorrhea, ovulatory
pain, and endometriosis. Despite the numerous advantages, the uptake of contraceptive implants is still very low in the
southwestern part of Nigeria. This may be due to lack of public awareness about their numerous benefits. Efforts should be
made to increase awareness via campaigns and health education. Also, there should be easy accessibility to the contraceptive
implants and continuous training of family planning providers on the insertion and removal techniques.
Key words: Contraceptive; etonogestrel; levonorgestrel; long‑acting reversible contraception; progestin‑only; subdermal
How to cite this article: Kolawole OO, Sowemimo OO, Ojo OO,
10.4103/TJOG.TJOG_6_18 Fasubaa OB. Contraceptive implants: A review and current perspective in
southwest Nigeria. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol 2018;35:108-12.
108 © 2018 Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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implants and others. Contraceptive implants are progesterone Norplant: The Norplant contraceptive implant consists of
only contraception that are inserted subdermally. They are six silastic capsules, each contains 36 mg of LNG, and when
highly effective, suitable for nearly all women and it is gaining inserted under the skin, provides a continuous release
more popularity. It is used to space, or limit pregnancies. of LNG at the rate of 30 mcg/day. It provides protection
Contraceptive implants offer immense potential to meet the against pregnancy for 5 years. The associated pregnancy
need for family planning. They are readily reversible with a rate varies between 0.2 and 1.3 per 100 women‑years. Its
return to fertility within days of removal. Moreover, these use and acceptability was hampered by the six rods with
contraceptive devices can be safely placed in the immediate associated difficult insertion and removal,[10] which led to its
postpartum period, ensuring good contraceptive coverage. abandonment in many countries of the world.
Irregular bleeding is their common side effect.
Norplant‑2 (Jadelle/Sinoplant‑11): This method comprises
Historical Background two‑rod silastic implants each measuring 43 mm long and 2.5 mm
in diameter. Each rod contains 75 mg of LNG with a calculated
Norplant[4] was the earliest implant and it was first produced
mean daily in vivo release rate of about 100 μg/day at the 1st month,
in Finland in 1983 with a 5‑year lifespan. It contained six rods,
followed by a gradual decline to about 40 μg/day at 12 months,
each containing levonorgestrel (LNG). Continuing research
and to about 30 μg/day at 24 months, with stabilization thereafter
centered on reducing the number of units to facilitate
at about 30 μg/day. Jadelle was initially licensed for 3 years; this
easier insertion and removal led to its successor, Norplant‑2
has been extended to 5 years in most countries. Sino‑implant
or Jadelle® two‑rod implant, which was approved in the
(ll) is licensed for 4 years. Jadelle has been extensively evaluated,
United States in 1996 but its production, was discontinued
together with its predecessor Norplant, and had been found to
globally in 2008. Implanon[5] was launched in 1999 as a
be safe and highly effective.[11,12]
single rod of etonorgestrel, with contraceptive efficacy of
3 years. Its successor, Implanon NXT® (Nexplanon®),[5] with
Implanon: Implanon is a single rod contraceptive implant
a redesigned applicator to ease its insertion, was introduced
and it provides contraceptive protection for 3 years. It
in 2010. It is replacing Implanon in many countries. Other
is a nonbiodegradable implant, which contains 68 mg of
implants, such as Nesterone™ and Capronor™, consisting
etonogestrel. The rod has a length of 40 mm and a diameter
of different progestins, biodegradable rods, pellets, and
of 2.0 mm. This single‑rod implant with etonogestrel
microcapsules remain in development. Advancement in
was developed in order to achieve complete inhibition of
this area has also produced male contraceptive implants
ovulation during the total duration of use. A daily release rate
MENT acetate that contains 7α‑methyl‑19‑nortestosterone,
of approximately 30 μ getonogestrel inhibited ovulation in the
although still undergoing approval processes.
majority of women and within 8 h of insertion, etonogestrel
levels are sufficient to provide contraceptive protection.[13] A
Prevalence and Types of Implants continuous release of etonogestrel is maintained for 3 years.
The prevalence of use has remained persistently low despite Within 1 week after removal etonogestrel is no longer
its overwhelming benefits and effectiveness. Contraceptive detectable in human serum.[14] It is very effective and safe,[15,16]
prevalence in Nigeria is 15.1% and implants accounts for only with a the cumulative pearl index ranging from 0 to 0.38.[17,18]
0.4%.[6] Ghana has a contraceptive prevalence of 17% with also a There is no significant difference in pregnancy rates between
very low implant use.[7] In Great Britain, in 2008, 1–2% of women etonorgestrel and LNG implants.[19]
of childbearing age were using the implant.[8] A lot of countries
are yet to start using contraceptive implants and countries that Nexplanon (Implanon NXT): These are single‑rod
have succeeded in raising the prevalence beyond 3% are Burkina contraceptive implants with special applicator for easier
Faso, Colombia, Ethiopia, Norway, and Rwanda.[9] and safe insertion. Each rod measured 40 mm × 2 mm, it
is embedded with 68 mg of etonorgestrel (formerly called
Implants can be biodegradable/nonbiodegradable, LNG/ 3‑ketodesogestrel) and covered by a 0.6 mm rate‑controlling
etonorgestrel based or female/male implants. Female ethylene‑vinyl acetate membrane. Nexplanon also contains
implants include Norplant, Norplant‑2 (Jadelle), Implanon, 15 mg barium sulfate making the rod radiopaque and this
Nexplanon, and Capronor. Contraceptive implants differ aids easy removal. It is as effective as Implanon.[20] This has
based on the progestin content and whether they are replaced the Implanon in most developed countries.
degradable or nondegradable. Norplant and Jadelle contained
LNG that is a second generation progestin whereas Implanon Capronor: It is a biodegradable polymer system for the
and Nexplanon contained etonorgestrel that is a third sustained subdermal delivery of contraceptive steroids. It is
generation progestin. a 4‑cm rod made of a polycaprolactone capsule containing
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Volume 35 / Issue 2 / May‑August 2018 109
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21.6 mg of LNG.[21] It provides 1‑year contraception, but it is use.[24] Risks include abnormal uterine bleeding that is the
not currently in routine use. most common cause of discontinuation, skin atrophy at the
site of insertion, acne, impalpable implants, neurovascular
Nestrone: It is a single‑rod implant containing 93 mg of injury, fractured implants. The implant should be removed
nestrone (16‑methylene‑17‑acetoxy‑19 norprogesterone), when pregnancy occurs with an implant in situ. There is
which releases about 40 µg of nestrone per day. Duration of no evidence of harm to the woman, the progress of her
effectiveness is 2 years. pregnancy, or the fetus if pregnancy occurs while using an
MENT®: Subdermal Implants for Men: Male contraceptive
methods under development at the population council rely Ovulation returns within 3 weeks of implant removal in more
on MENT® acetate (7α‑methyl‑19‑nortestosterone),[22] a than 90% of women.[30] Return to fertility after discontinuation
year implant that is placed under the skin of the upper arm. of implants is no different from other contraceptive methods,
MENT is created from a synthetic steroid that resembles excluding injectables.[30] Pregnancies, whether delivered,
testosterone. If approved by regulatory authorities, MENT miscarried, terminated, or ectopic, all have associated
would be the first long‑acting reversible male contraceptive. costs. Pregnancies averted result in cost savings. Use of the
progestin‑only implant is cost‑effective at 1 year of use.[3] The
Mode of Action, Drug Interactions, and Medical implant is more cost‑effective than even the contraceptive
Eligibility pills.[31]
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