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The word Orica, the Ring device and the Orica mark are Orica Mining Services
® 1 Nicholson Street
trademarks of Orica Group Companies. Nitropril and
® ®
MMU , Reload and Pentex™ are trademarks of Orica Melbourne, VIC 3000
Explosives Technology Pty Ltd. Orica Explosives
Technology Pty Ltd ACN 075 659 353, 1 Nicholson Street, Emergency Telephone Numbers
East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Within Australia: 1800 033 111
Outside Australia: 61 3 9663 2130
All information contained in this data sheet is accurate and up- Notes:
to-date as at the issue date specified below. Since Orica (1.) Nominal Density Only.
Australia cannot anticipate or control the conditions under (2.) The actual VOD depends on the conditions of use including the
which this information and its products may be used, each user diameter of the hole and the degree of confinement.
should review the information in the specific context of the (3.) REE is the Effective Energy relative to ANFO at a density of 0.8
intended application. To the maximum extent permitted by g/cm3. ANFO has an effective energy of 2.30 MJ/kg. Energies
quoted are based on ideal detonation calculations with a
law, Orica Australia will not be responsible for damages of any 100MPa cut off pressure. Non-ideal detonation energies are
nature resulting from the use of or reliance upon the also available on request. These take account of blasthole
information in this data sheet. No express or implied diameter, rock type and explosive reaction behaviour.
warranties are given other than those implied mandatory by (4.) Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas produced. The
law. output is calculated assuming ideal detonation.
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