Classical Transposition Cipher
Classical Transposition Cipher
Classical Transposition Cipher
a c t i o n
s p e a k s
l o u d e r
t h a n w o
r d s
1. Count how many letters are in the ciphertext. For this example in this case, the
ciphertext is 27 letters long.
2. Make all of the matrices that would fit such a length. For example (1x27),
(2x15), (3x10), (4x7), (5x6), (6x5), and (7x4).
3. For each size matrix, write out the ciphertext across the rows on one copy. On
the other copy, write out the ciphertext down the columns.
4. At each stage, see if you can find anything legible, reading perpendicular to
how you put the ciphertext in.
Classical Substitution Ciphers
We are going to use simple substitution that can be demonstrated by writing out the
alphabet in some order to represent the substitution.
1. People who want to crack this code should know the keyword that had been
using in this code.
2. List down the alphabet starting with the keyword and following with the
balance alphabet that never been use in the keyword and we call it ciphertext
4. Lastly, crack the massage using the combination of plaintext alphabet and
ciphertext alphabet.
There are a lot of usages of the transposition and substitution cipher. For
example, in World War II (WWII), the mechanical and electromechanical cipher
machines were in wide use, although—where such machines were impractical—
manual systems continued in use. Great advances were made in both cipher design
and cryptanalysis, all in secrecy. Information about this period has begun to be
declassified as the official British 50-year secrecy period has come to an end, as US
archives have slowly opened, and as assorted memoirs and articles have appeared.
The Germans made heavy use, in several variants, of an electromechanical rotor
machine known as Enigma. Mathematician Marian Rejewski, at Poland's Cipher
Bureau, in December 1932 deduced the detailed structure of the German Army
Enigma, using mathematics and limited documentation supplied by Captain Gustave
Bertrand of French military intelligence. This was the greatest breakthrough in
cryptanalysis in a thousand years and more, according to historian David Kahn.
Rejewski and his mathematical Cipher Bureau colleagues, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk
Zygalski, continued reading Enigma and keeping pace with the evolution of the
German Army machine's components and encipherment procedures. As the Poles'
resources became strained by the changes being introduced by the Germans, and as
war loomed, the Cipher Bureau, on the Polish General Staff's instructions, on 25 July
1939, at Warsaw, initiated French and British intelligence representatives into the
secrets of Enigma decryption.
Beside that, in modern world, these kind of chipers also widely use. Even we do
not noticed when we use it. Almost everyday we use them. Modern ciphers like AES
and the higher quality asymmetric ciphers are widely considered unbreakable, poor
designs and implementations are still sometimes adopted and there have been
important cryptanalytic breaks of deployed crypto systems in recent years. Notable
examples of broken crypto designs include DES, the first Wi-Fi encryption
scheme WEP, the Content Scrambling System used for encrypting and controlling
DVD use, the A5/1 and A5/2 ciphers used in GSM cell phones, and
the CRYPTO1 cipher used in the widely deployed MIFARE Classic smart
cards fromNXP Semiconductors, a spun off division of Philips Electronics. All of
these are symmetric ciphers. Thus far, not one of the mathematical ideas underlying
public key cryptography has been proven to be 'unbreakable', and so some future
mathematical analysis advance might render systems relying on them insecure.
While few informed observers foresee such a breakthrough, the key size
recommended for security as best practice keeps increasing as increased computing
power required for breaking codes becomes cheaper and more available.
From all of the explaination, we know that chipers are related to our daily life. We
merely use them in almost of all kind of activity that we do. Because of that, it is
important to us to know what to do, and when to use the chipers because they are
very close to us.
We had been given an assignment by En. Mazlan for the subject Application in
Mathematics. Based on the assignment, we had to create two codes by using the
method that we had learned in class. In order to complete the assignment, we had
chosen two methods to create the codes. The method that we choose were
transposition and substitution cipher.
Before doing the task, I was thinking that it is hard to do it. I had done many
discussions with my friends and my pair in order to gather information about the task.
First of all, I had to choose the method that I wanted to use. After making some
discussion with my pair, we had agreed that we wanted to use transposition and
substitution cipher method. We choose these methods because we think that they
were the easiest way to create and compile a code. Besides that, they also easy to
understand and elaborate.
When doing the task, I had started to understand a little bit more about the
usage of the codes and ciphers. The code and ciphers are used to communicate.
But, the communication that using the codes usually need to be secret. That’s why
the codes and ciphers were created. This can be seen when the usage of the code
and ciphers used in world war 2. The army need to communicate in secret ways and
because of that, they were using these codes as their way of communications. This
way of communication was very effective in order to secure the secret of ones
Besides the effectiveness of using these codes, there is some problems when
using these codes. For example, these codes based on their key to be breakdown. If
the key is not stated, the code cannot be break and the massage cannot be read.
This is one of the disadvantages of using codes. Besides that, in the war situation,
army always used these codes to send massage. When any army received the
codes, they need time to breakdown the code. To breakdown the code, they need
time to break and translate the code. This is when the army lost their focus on the
battle field and the cost is their live. So, I think that, in order to save time and live, a
code breaker should be invented. By using this code breaker, the code will be
breakdown in no time. This will save time and can make sure the army do not lost
their focus in the battle field.
Finally, code is provided for demonstration purpose only. We can only use
these codes as teaching aids or to be taught to pupils in classes.
Prepared by,