4th Quarterly Report 074-75-Statement

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Nepal Telecom
(Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited)

Unaudited Financial Results of Forth Quarter of Financial Year 2074/75 (Shrawan 2074 - Ashadh 2075)
Statement of Financial Position

As at Ashadh 32, 2075 As at Chaitra 30, 2074 As at Ashadh 31, 2074

Rs(Unaudited) Rs(Unaudited) Rs(Audited)
Non- Current Assets
Intangible assets 99,262,899 115,447,149 163,999,899
Property, Plant and Equipment 38,833,342,156 37,144,574,929 37,143,110,564
Capital Work-in-Progress 4,367,226,520 5,908,327,030 6,131,524,342
Investments 10,009,764,905 9,652,368,215 8,156,708,029
Deferred Tax Asset 5,052,400,245 4,678,494,643 4,347,506,855
58,361,996,725 57,499,211,966 55,942,849,689
Current Assets
Inventory 327,484,443 489,621,375 459,033,801
Prepayments and Advance Tax 1,491,679,800 2,140,649,275 1,180,592,652
Loan, Advance & Others 2,831,493,137 2,258,130,535 2,705,565,030
Trade Receivable 2,828,504,506 3,438,221,255 2,673,822,703
Investments 41,270,740,000 41,697,640,000 34,389,750,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 22,613,255,046 22,379,446,554 24,255,209,290
71,363,156,932 72,403,708,994 65,663,973,476
Total Assets 129,725,153,657 129,902,920,960 121,606,823,165
Equity and Liabilities
Share Capital 15,000,000,000 15,000,000,000 15,000,000,000
Reserve and Surplus 83,474,723,657 79,690,515,236 76,330,848,229
Total Equity 98,474,723,657 94,690,515,236 91,330,848,229
Non-Current Liabilities
Post Employment Benefits 10,653,362,365 10,184,761,676 9,180,167,297
Subscriber Deposit 1,983,675,990 1,971,852,260 2,037,519,310
GSM License Fee 1,958,161,866 2,454,307,016 3,942,742,468
Non-Current Liabilities 14,595,200,221 14,610,920,952 15,160,429,075
Current Liabilities and Provisions
Taxation Liabilities - - -
Provisions 4,885,450,309 2,140,880,483 2,109,700,681
Current Liabilities 11,769,779,470 18,460,604,289 13,005,845,180
16,655,229,779 20,601,484,772 15,115,545,861
Total Equity and Liabilities 129,725,153,657 129,902,920,960 121,606,823,165

Statement of Profit or Loss

Shrawan 2074 - Ashadh 2075 Shrawan 2074 - Chaitra 2074 Shrawan 2073 - Ashadh 2074
Rs(Unaudited) Rs(Unaudited) Rs(Audited)
Income from Services 39,320,406,408 29,392,137,852 40,346,817,951
Other Income 6,245,463,678 4,461,133,043 4,242,171,171
Total Income 45,565,870,086 33,853,270,895 44,588,989,122
Personnel Costs 6,234,013,528 4,745,981,340 5,328,759,586
VRS Expenses - - -
Operation and Maintenance Costs 6,711,923,359 4,981,440,791 6,533,320,864
Sales Channel, Marketing and Promotion Costs 1,647,309,368 1,172,170,293 1,593,405,851
Administrative Costs 1,344,974,123 1,024,597,427 1,289,039,635
Regulatory Fees, Charges and Renewals 3,647,476,837 2,647,999,953 3,495,780,251
Finance Costs 513,309,460 379,887,483 810,278,845
Depreciation 4,678,177,015 3,203,408,247 4,372,057,500
Impairment Loss 249,504,564 - 157,531,918
Equity Loss in Associate 8,618,000 - 8,618,802
Exchange Loss/(Gain) (383,045,255) (71,239,579) 424,340,522
Total Expenditure 24,652,260,998 18,084,245,955 24,013,133,774
Net Profit Before Tax 20,913,609,088 15,769,024,939 20,575,855,348
Provision for Income Tax 5,246,108,561 3,912,618,466 (5,203,091,224)
Net Profit After Tax 15,667,500,527 11,856,406,473 15,372,764,124
Other Comprehensive Income:
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans - -
Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 15,667,500,527 11,856,406,473 15,372,764,124

Ratios as at Forth Quarter Ended Ashadh 32, 2075

As at Ashadh 32, 2075 As at Chaitra 30, 2074 As at Ashadh 31, 2074
Rs(Unaudited) Rs(Unaudited) Rs(Audited)

Earnings Per Share(Rs.) 104.45 105.39 102.49

Closing Market Price of Share (Rs.) 721 733 675
P/E Ratio 6.90 6.96 6.59
Net Worth Per Share(Rs.) 656.50 631.27 608.87
Current Ratio 4.28 3.51 4.34
1 Above presented figures are subject to change as per the directions, if any, of Statutory Auditor
2 The issue of quantification of the GSM license fee that expired on 2071.01.28 is still not settled within the regulatory authority. So, the company renewed its
license fee by paying Rs. 18.90 crores and has amortized the cost accordingly based on its validity period. The fee liability, if confirmed and quantified, may result
in further cost to the company and hence, net profit after tax will be adjusted by that extent.
3 Finance costs comprises of the unwinding of the GSM License fee liability carried at fair value using the applicable discount rates. These are non-cash
expenditures charged to Statement of Profit or Loss to comply with requirement of NFRS.
4 The company follows requirement of Security Exchange Board of Nepal (SEBON), Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) and the requirement of Companies Act, 2063 for
publishing interim financial reporting. Condensed Financial Statements prepared as per Nepal Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" is published
in the website "www.ntc.net.np" of the Company
5 Previous quarters' figures have been regrouped and rearranged whereever necessary

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