"Chapter 2: Companies": Universidad Nacional Del Altiplano
"Chapter 2: Companies": Universidad Nacional Del Altiplano
"Chapter 2: Companies": Universidad Nacional Del Altiplano
Área: ingles técnico
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2 Chapter
Concepts relating to companies
Persons in a company:
Concept explanation
People who are appointed by the shareholders to run the company.
An auditor who expresses an opinion on the financial statements in
independent auditor
an auditor’s report but does not work for the company.
An auditor, who supervises the preparation of the financial statements,
internal auditor is responsible for internal control and is employed by the company.
concept explanation
Auditor’s report This is an opinion given by a qualified person on whether the financial
statements are reliable or not.
• Qualified auditor’s When the auditors find the financial statements acceptable eXCePT for some
report aspects that need to be changed, fixed or investigated.
• Unqualified auditor’s When the auditors find the financial statements acceptable in aLL respects.
• Disclaimer When the auditors are not prepared to express an opinion on the financial
statements (because they are too unreliable).
This statement reflects the assets, liabilities and net worth (owners’ equity of
Balance Sheet the company). Another term for this is ‘Statement of Financial Position’.
This shows the flow of cash in a company (money coming in and money going
Cash Flow Statement out).
This statement shows the profit or loss made from business operations (income
income Statement and expenses). Another term for this is ‘Statement of Comprehensive Income’.
This is issued by SARS to confirm the amount of income tax which the company
tax assessment has to pay based on profits.
Further concepts relating to companies
concept explanation
Authorised share capital The maximum number of shares a company can sell.
dividends That portion of the profits (after tax) which has been approved to be shared
amongst the shareholders (total dividends = interim + final).
• Interim dividends Dividends that are paid to the shareholders during the year.
• Final dividends Dividends that are declared (recommended) to the shareholders at the end of
the financial year.
income tax Tax the company pays to SARS on its profits.
The number of shares that have actually been sold to shareholders.
issued share capital
Use number of issued shares to calculate dividends.
The liability of the shareholders is limited to their investment in the company
Limited liability
(They cannot lose their personal assets).
No par value There is no value attached to shares until they are issued.
Payments made to SARS during the year based on estimated profits (every
Provisional tax
6 months).
A portion of the profits after tax that are not paid out to the shareholders in
Retained income
dividends but kept (retained) for future growth of the company.
issue price The price at which shares are issued to the public.
Shareholders earnings Net profit after tax.
Shareholders for dividends The amount still owing to shareholders for dividends declared but not yet paid.
Issued shares that have been repurchased by the company and are retired or
Buy back shares
GAAP concepts
concept explanation
Business entity rule The finances of the company are kept separate from that of the shareholders
Financial statements are prepared with the understanding that the company will
Going concern
continue operating in the future
All assets are recorded at their original cost price e.g. Land and Buildings are
Historical cost
recorded at the price that you paid for them
Income and expenses must be recorded in the correct financial year e.g. sales
and cost of sales
All important items must be shown separately in the financial statements (e.g.
Materiality directors’ fees) or when decisions must be made (e.g. is it worth having separate
accounts for wages and salaries if you have only two employees?)
Figures used in financial statements should be realistic (conservative – always
record the worst scenario). The aim of this principle is to show the reality “as it is”
and not make things prettier than what they are. E.g. you will show ‘net debtors’ in
the balance sheet (trade debtors minus provision for bad debts)
Wages 30 000
Water and electricity 7 000
Pension Fund contribution 4 000
Medical Fund contribution 2 700
Bad debts 1 000
Rent income 13 000
Commission income 8 700
Packing materials 1 200
Insurance 600
Bank charges 5 300
Discount allowed 1 000
Telephone 12 500
All the information needed for a cash flow statement and notes can be found on the
income statement, balance sheet and notes.
DIRECTORES: Personas que son nombrados por los accionistas para dirigir la
Conceptos GAAP
Explicación del concepto
Costo histórico Todos los activos se registran a su precio de costo original, p. Ej.
Los terrenos y edificios se registran al precio que pagó por ellos.
Las cifras de prudencia utilizadas en los estados financieros deben ser realistas
(conservadoras, siempre grabar el peor escenario). El objetivo de este
principio es mostrar la realidad "tal como es" y no hacer que las cosas sean
más bonitas de lo que son. P.ej. mostrará "deudores netos" en el balance
(deudores comerciales menos la provisión para deudas incobrables)