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Auxiliary Power Systems



'119 008
(TITLE)- Auxiliary Power Systems: Conference Proceedings of the Propulsion and

Energetics Panel B Specialists' Meetin8 (61st) Held at Copenhagen, Denmark

on 30-31 May 1983.






AD-P002 285 Secondary Power Systems for Figlitey Aircraft Experiences
Today nod Requirements for a Next ecreration.
AD-P002 286 Small Auxiliary Power Unit Design Constralots.
AD-P002 287 APU(Auxlliary Vower Unit) in Commercial Airline Operation.
AD-P002 288 Auxiliary Power Units for Wide-Body Aircraft.
AD-P002 289 Secondary Power Supplies for Small Single Engined Combat
AD-P002 290 Optimisation of Engine Power Offtake by Secondary Power
System Design.
AD-P002 291 Hot Gas APU Starter for Advanced Aircraft Applications.
AD-P002 292 A Jet Fuel Starter fur Lot'est System Life Cycle Cost,
AI)-P002 293 Cost Efficient On-Board Pewer for Airline Operation.
AD-P002 294 APII(Auxiliary Power Unil,) Operational Effi'ciency
A]) -P002 295 Ground and inflig'ht Operational Effec! ; (i APU's.
AD-P002 296 Super IntegrAted Power Unit for Fighter Airert ft.
AD-P002 297 'All Electric' Accessory Drive Systems: implications on
,- Engine De tgn and Performance.
AD-P002 298 Implementing Microprocessor Technology in Aircraft Electric
Power Generating System Control.
AD-P002 299 400 liz Generators Evolution, Efft" :, on Installation Ariaugements.
AR-POO2 391 Auxiliary Power Requiremente:rThei.._ RoJe in Aircraft Pero'0rmanice.

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AGARD Conference Proceedings No.352




SPapers presen•ted at the: Propulsion• awv Energetics Panel 61st (B) Specialists' Meeting, hield in

Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 31 May 1983.

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A ( •)Spuj. lists Mu-.tii e ld n -


The mission of AGARD is to bring togceher the leading personalities of the NATO nations in the fields of science
and teetnology relating to aerospace for the following purposes:

- Exchangirng of scientific and technical information;

Continuously stimulating advances in the aerospace sciences relevant to strengthening the common defence

Improving the co-operation among member nations in aerospace research and development;

Providing scientific and technical advice and assistance to the North Atlantic Military Committee in the field
of aerospace research and development;

Rendering scientific and technical assistance, as requested, to other NATO bodies and to member nations in
connection with research arnd development problems in the aerospace field;

Providing assistance to member nations for the purpose of increasing their scientitic and technical potential:

Recomnrending effective ways for tle menmber nations to use their research and development capabilities for
tine common benefit of the NATO community.

The highest authority within AGARD is the National Delegates Board consisting of officially appointed senior
representatives frorn each member nation. the mission of AGARI) is carried out throungh the Panels which are
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Authorities through the AGARI) series of publications of which this is one.

Participation in AGARI) activities is by ir"itation only and is normally limited to citizens of the NATO nations.

fir,: content of this publication has been reproduced

directly fromnimaterial suppliedl by AGARD or the authors.

Publi&,,d September 1983

Copyright © AGARD 1983

All Rights Reserved

ISBN 92-935-0339-2

Pri/nted yirStmpctird 1rinting Services Limited

41) (hige'ell lainn, I nug/t:rn. Esaex lGJO 317 t
/ V


One of the characteristics or modern high-performance aircraft is their high demand for power for electrical,
hydraulical or pneumatic subsystems. On board auxiliary power systems are installed to fulfil this demand. In past years,
the design of these systems was primarily determined by the increasing power levels required. For the future, new
requirements concerning the economics of auxiliary power generation and thd continuous availability of auxiliary power
have grown out of the general fuel situation as well as of the advent of new technologies, like fly-by-wire and active
control technology. The latter also undcrlim: the need for provision of emergency power. The increasing use of
electronics and avionics on board aircraft gives rise also to increasing cooling requirements, which must be taken care ot
by auxiliary power systems.

For the provision of auxiliary power various technical systems have been developed and new solutions discussed. It
was the purpose of the meeting to review the current state-oftthe-art, to exchange experiunces, and to discuss future
problems of auxiliary power generation.

' Les avions modernes hbintes performances sont caractlrisns, entre autres, par on besoin considerable en 6nergie
pour les sous-systkmes dlectriq aes, hydrauliques ou pneumatiques. Des groupes moteurs auxiliaires sont instalits h bord
pour repondee Ace besoin. Jusqu'ici, ces groupes moteurs 6talent essentiellement eontus en fonction des niveaux de
puissance accrus qui Rtaient reqsis. Cependant, des impftratifs nouveaux en cc qui concerne l'6conomie de la production
lie puissance auxiliaire et ]a disponibilit6 constante de cette puissance sunt apparus: ils r6sultent de ]a situation gen6-ale
an plan des carburants ainsi qu 'apparition de technologies nouvelles telles que le pilotage par filet Ic pilotage acif. Cos
dernidres technologies font dgalement ressortir Ia ndcesitd de Ia fourniture d'une 6nergie de seeours. L'emploi de plus en
plus 6tendu d'6quipernents dlectroniques I bord des aviuns se traduit 6galement paf un besoin accru en systilmes de
refroidissement, auquel doivent pourvoir des groupes moteurs auxiliaires,

Divers systimes techniques out ttd mis au point pour la fourniture d'6nezgie auxiliaire, et des solutions nouvelles
,'udides. Le but de cette riunion tait de pitsenter I'6tat de I'art dans cc domaine, de susciter des 6changes touchant
1', .tpricnce acquise, et d'sisudier Ies problmines que posera, A lavenir, Ia production de puissance ixiliare.


.,ripTt( II '

Ii' J Avi
. T'. it1011.

Av ssi.LM-t oe
! ,W
AiL ruid/,

''"II I

CHAIRMAN: Professor Ch. Hirsch DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Professor Ir. lt.Wittenberg

Vdije Universiteit Brussel Delft University of Technology
Dienst Stromingsmechanica Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
Pleinlaan 2 Kluyverweg I
105U Brussel, Belgium 2629 FS Delft, Netherlands


Professor Dr-lng. (.Winterfield (Chairman) Mr A.J.B.Jackson

DFVLR Rolls Royce Ltd, Aero Division
Institut fUr Antriehstechnik PO Box 31
Postfach 90 60 58 Derby D)12 8BJ, UK
5000 Ki1n 90, Germany
l)r AJ.Wenncrstrom
Professor D.Dini Air Force Wright Aeronautical Labs/POTX
Universiti degli Studi Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433, US
Institulo di Macchine
Via Diolisalvi 3 Professor Ir. Il.Wittenberg
56100 Pisa, Italy Delft University of Technology
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
Kluyverweg I
2629 ItS Delft, Netherlands


Professor B.Qvale Captain N.Fr~sig

La•oratoriet for Energiteknik Danish Defence Research
Polytekniske Lacreanstalt Establishment
j Bygning 403 B, Lundtoftvci 100 Ved Idractsparken 4
2800 Lyngby, Denmark 2100 Copeuhagen K. Dennark


Dr-Ing. E.Riester
e 7 rue Anoelle
92200 Neuilly sur Seine


The Propulsion and Encrgetics Panel wishes to express it! thanks to the Danish National Delegates to AGAR1)
for the invittion to hold this meeting in Copenhager, Denmark, and for the facilities and personnel made available
for this niL eting.

I °.







by E.Ecke-t I


par A.Romier et F.Calmeels 2


by W.Hausnann, M.Pucher and T.Weber 3


by C.Rodgefs 4



by H.W.C.L.Schoevem and ABuoy 5
by S.Riazuelo, M.Cenival and M.Eglem 6


by G.Jones 7


par P. Atlan 8 I
by ].R.Hopkins 9


by B.W.Schmiltz, L.D.Galbraith, W.E.Jorgeruon and D.A.I'abl 10

by R.Smith 11


by K.Mose 12


Iiby W.Hoose 13


Sby J.H.Renken 14



by A.D.Lucci, J.A.Wiliians, E.C.Beder and B.LMcFadden 15( .



by G,B.Tnyne and G.S.Hodges 16


by G.Ruffner. B.Mehl and S.Lorenz 17


by C.iacques 18



i' I

- i -1

AD P002 3 9 1 by

Dip-ing E.sFt

5300 IltNN I
Sumary I
x B--assed on the historical, development and the actual status of requirements, the trends
"Iofessential parameters are analyzed, physical and technical possibilities are assessed
and a prognosis Is offered.
Increasing demankds for secondary power for subsystems anid more powerful engines have led
to stronger secondar-y power components, thus creating a mass problem. Fnergy losses
add a thermal problem. Complexity rises rapidly with the number of Inputs anid outputs.
All of this, together with such aspects as redundancy, reliability, safety, maintain-
ability and life cycle cost, composes today's auxiliary power system.
The future system, in response to high performance requirements and budgetary and
personnel restrictions, should aim at less complexity Bindmore efficiency.
If we regard all sources of stored energy aboard a contemporary combat aircraft, we
can Identify about two dozens of different types of them. The largest by far, of
course, is the main fuel system destined to feed large and powerful engines in order
to achieve good performance characteristics, which usually means a high thrust/weight
ratio. The energy converted for the latter purpose is by magnitudes higher than that
required for the different subsystems which, on their part, are powered by the
secondary power system, drawing its energy in flight fro, the main engines, whose
operation as a propulsive force for ground operations involves a tremendous waste.

A modern military aircraft is expected to have a total lifetime of 150 000 to

200 000 hours; of this time, some few percent are airborne, while another percentage
in the order below 10 refers to ground operation.
For some thoilsand hours, orrrgy in different fors-4 must be provided. If there Is
a requirement for autonomous operation, the most reasonable energy sourcu is main
fuel, in terms of logistics maswell as of coat.
Today's tool for conversion of main fuel energy into usable energy forms, e.g.
shaft power to produce electrical current or pressure air for cooling and other
purposes, Is P small gas turbine, increasingly found in advanced aircraft systems
since about the nixtisa, as the operation of a main engine, equivalent to aboutI
6 000 kW - even ot "idle"' status - means very poor efficiency In the magnitude of
2 percent.
A glance into history shows the advance of flight vehicles under 'ifferent aspects,
such as

- speed (note the need for power-aided and non-linearily connected controls), Fig"I
- dimensions and masses (requiring "aids" for the human sensors),

-altitude (note the number of changing parameters up to detrimeotal/perilous

-. adverse weather
4 operation (requiring a controlled environmtent for crew and
U,5+-trL'_entm ion),

-capability for aerobatic operations,

- reliability (flights over sea or polar regions).

The effects of this development on equipment and, consequently, on its power demand
have bean tremendous:
2.1 Fuel System
Increasing engine power and nlight duration and, especially, the jump to jet

F egnshave led to considerable fuel loads. Today's combat aircraft are rated
ocarry Internal fuel of about a quart -r of their T.O. mass. Even when the stowage
problem is
solved, changes in weight/moiaonts of Inertia of this magnitude result,
Inprobleas of C/a, of ground and airborne stability. Inevitably, partition of
the fuel mass follows, resulting in a complex fuel system with a number 91
redundant pumping, fuel gauging, level sensing, switching, supervising, inert ng,
pressurizing, draining, dumping etc. equipment, a lot of which requires energy.
Modern engines need some kg/s of fuel; accordingly, the power demand of the
diverse fuel pumps is In the range of some 10 kW per engine, the load be-ing AN
about constant (except for drive
afterburner operation) and cunnec ted to the
electrical and mechanical subsystem.

The mass of the fuel system relative to the empty weight ia about 2 ... 3 % both for
combat aircraft and helicopters. The tendency is growing in proportion to engine

2.2 Hydraulic System

Hydraulic systems made a fairly late appearance in aviation. Their increase and Fig.2
sophistication is quite obviously connected to the advance of aircraft in the areas
of speed, dimension, mass (see above), automiatic flight control and critical systems
design as Controlled Configured Vehicles (CCV), with the need for high redundancies.
The power requested is about 15 ... 20 % of a total SPS-gearbox power, i.e. somewhere
between 8 ... 40 kW, showing a rapidly growing tendency, as this subsystem is
directly connected to the operational performances of the aircraft. The load during
a mission is greatly varying. All of the hydraulic power is finally converted Fig.
into waste heat, distributed by the system fluid end dissipated by the components 3
and their installation.

2.3 Electrical System

Electrical energy has been aboard since powered flight began, starting with negligible
power levels for Ignition and followed by ever more diverse applications. Thus
in the years before World War II, electrical systems resembled those of motor vehicles
that were fed by DC generators, the latter, in turn, being driven by air turbines
or from the engine() . Ever higher, faster and farther flying aircraft made it Pig.4
necessary to install ever more equipment to grant functionality, comfort and safety
for men; to provide for regulation and control, navigation, communication, super-
vision, lighting and deicing, in addition to all sorts of sensors and weapons.
There I , h rdly anything without electrical connection.
The ne-essary power could no longer be generated and distributed as direct current.
Today's heavy combat aircraft in general have alternators, three phase, 400 Hz.
with integrated or preceding constant speed drive (usually a hydraulically controlled
planetary gear), distributing their power via a bus system into a widely ramified
network. Bus systems have been used in this context for years. The electrical
system - as the other systems - must be designed for peak loads, which occur only Fig.5
sporadically or never during missions (e.g. deicing). It Is an interesting question,
whether the weight necessary for this design case can be diminished when a
continuously operating APU Isa constituent part of the secondary power concept
so that the total weight will benefit.
The electrical power generation rating is a good indicator of the complexity end
all-weeaiher capability of an aircraft and usually a clue for any significant Fig.6
secondary power installation. The power requ-ired in military aircraft is sbout
30 % of a total secondary power system gearbox, with generators rated somewhere
between 20 kVA ... 60 kVA each; however, this is by far exceeded in special
aircraft or large transporters (e.g. Advanced Airborne Command Post total generator
rating 8 x 150 - 1,200 kVA), and usually there are at least two generators.
Helicopters (sma.i) provide DC generation of about 2 x 5 kW up to 2 x 40 kVA (large)
and more. A special function is egine starting, which i, found essentially in
light attack
combined A/C and helicopters.
sterter/generator will bc Ifused
themost probably.system is a DC system, a

Almost all of the electrical power is finally converted inside the aircraft into
waste heat and must be carried overboard
- with the aid of new energy,
- within fairly narrow temperature and other limits, at least as far as crew and
electronics are concerned; but even for general equipment, Arrhenlus' Law
points to the benefit of moderate temperatures.
Another interesting relationship with thermal housekeeping and the mass problem
should be indicated: The electrical system can be considerably overloaded for
short periods, the main parameter in that case bei•g temperature Wduld-up/cooli.g.
Related to the empty weight, the electrical systems proportion is between 1.8
3.7%•, whilst in a medium transport helicopter this rises to about 7 %. The
tendency is growing.
2.4 Pressue Air and Cooling Air
Pressure air, for the air supply and environmental control system is usually tapped
from one or more of the engines compressor ntages in quantities of about .1 ...
I kg/s and some 100 degrees C. This bleed air is coole, by a ram air or ejector
operated cooler and then further processed, e.g. in cooling air turbine, additional
ram air/cjcctor assisted cooler( a, water extractors, and then distributed with
the aid of a variety of valves, chokes, regulators, sensors for pressure,
temperature etc. It is usad, According to its degree of preparation, for
- "air coolinG" for the crew (e.g. foot or body spray).
- operation of pneumatic drJres and devices,
- supply for anti-g-sult,
- canopy sealing or other movable parts/slot sealing,


- rein removal system (blow upon wind shield/front screen),

- canopy pressurizing and demistihg,
ooling/air conditioning of avionic, equipment gun and RADAR bays,
- supply of compresacd air to external loads (pods, tanks).

An this iz an e.orzoumly compljw x task, the ajykt;t iuubI be equally QUwleaX. ikrdly
anything is constant, neither the input sir (varying in temperature, humidity,
composition, pressure), nor the other envirormental conditions (heat rejection or
reception of the enviroment, depending on speed, altitude and other parameters),
heat rejection of The equipment(variety of operating condition and times), different
temperature gradients, heat conductance and much more. For illustration:
At 12 km altitude, the cooling sir requirement is about 4, at 18 km about 10 times
as high as at S.L.

Some basic figures for demonstration of the requirements:

Electronics with less than 6 mW/cm3 heat rejection and without "hot spots" need no
special cooling, those with more than 18 mW/cM3 need forced air coolingg when more
than 120 mW/cm5 are expected, air cooling is no longer sufficient.

During ground operation, a modern fighter's need for cooling air amounts to 10 kg/min;
if that i& supplied by small inlets, a n, ise problem for the ground crew will occur.

The power required for the air supply/environmental control system is considerable,
ranging from about 70 kW in small combat aircraft to some 100 kM.

As this air is bled from the engine(s), the energy by-passes the mechanical pert of
the secondary power system. Relative to the aircraft empty weight, the air systems
proportion is between 1.3 ... 1.7 %, in medium transport helicopter about 1 %.

Another remarkable feature is that the sirstream can carry all sorts of contamination
to every corner in the aircraft, cockpit included, be it oil dust or things related
to A, B, C warfare.

The sir and cooling subsystem is very closely related to equipment and performance
characteristics and, therefore, a design-dominating system, which cannot be stealthily
eluded, The trend is: Fairly rapidly growing system as the last resort for removal
of waste heat from all other systems,
2.5 Power off-take
* The requirements for mechanical/pneumatic power must be satisfied Fig.7
- by the engine: during all mission phases,
- from ground sources; precondition: aircraft at adequately equipped ard
functioning sites,
- from aircraft internal power source other than main engines.

Re dash No. 1: Fig.8

Power off-take, even if only in the percentage region of an engine's wper, can
lead to or favour engine operating problems in some areas of the flight -nvelope
nnd during critical flight manoeu',ers (engine surge/stall with possible lame out).

Re dash No. 3:
The only eligible source could be a battery. Batteries for military aircraft
including helicopters range between 15 Ah ... 40 Ah, energetically equivalent to a
kerosene mass in the magnitude of 100 g. Formerly sufficient for checks of moderate
duration, they cannot be used in most cases today for various reasons:
- DC most unsuitable to feed a three-phase current network;
- electrical battery power would be consumed in a very short time;
- no cooling air, electronics would be quickly damaged;
- no power/no operational condition/no test practicable for hydraulic, pneumatic,
mechanical, oil systems etc.

Thus, several unfavoureble trends add together:

A lot of equipment means a lot of (pre-flight) testing, requiring electrical and
other forms of energy and implying lorge generators and other power drives. All
these mechanical loads are connected to the shaft of the engine, thus aggravating
the already difficult task of starting a large engine, or they are connected vie
clutches end control mechanisms, thus contributing to complexity. As a rule of
thumb, the starting pownr is about 1 % of the engine compressor drive input at
rated rpm or, even more roughly, dry thrust/daN x 2 ... 3 - starter rating/kW.

* _ | ALL

As the trend in engine power (e.g. expressed by thrust/engine weight) is expected

to Increase and as this will be accompanied by higher pressures, one may expect
starting power to increase as well. Fig.9


3.1 Requirements
Actual requirements are governed by the effects of a tremendous Increase In Fig.10
equipment, especially in electronic equipment. This In due to the fact that
enhanced sensing, regulation and control is a prerequisite to optimally adapting
component or system to allrelevant operating conditions, thereby increasing
its effectivenesE. The rapid advances In electronics, data processing and
micro-minlaturization allow almost every imaginable parameter to be sensed,
processed and combined with others.

Inherent in these overwhelming possibilities, however, is the danger that

requirements may be established as an end In themselves.

A further danger is that the well-meant realization of all possible advances,

added together, may not unconditionally lead to higher weapon system effectiveness.
The letter may be seen as
- a capability to assert oneself against an enemy In a realistically envisioned
- s deterrent potential realized In the form of s continously available man-machine
weapon system, whose performance criteria surpass those of the corresponding
system on the opponent's side, and which sllOd be achieved at minimum
possible cost.

Given the aforementioned reservations, the list of actual requirements could

read as follows:
3.1.1 Sufficient electrical and hydraulic power (possibly cooling supply) for
- :•ubsystem check
- ground servicing.

3.1.2 ,ufficient electrical and hydraulic power (possibly cooling and environmental
control system supply) for operational stand-by.
3.1.3 Continous APU operation during aircraft and armament turn-around.
x.1.6 Capability to maintain for hours a rtady-for-take-off status (wi'i-in a few

3.1.5 Capability to serve as an emergency power unit for

- restarting the main engine(s)
- feeding the absolutely necessary subsystems/components with
--hydrau~li c and/or
-- electrical power
to permit contmlled flight -, to establish the parameters for ejection-seat

3.1.6 Capability to allow self-contained mtart of thr aircraft.

3.1.7 Capability to allow start with external power (e.g. electrical or other power).

3.1.8 Autonomous oil system.

3.1.9 Use of main engine fuel (primary/alternative/emergency fuels may be required).

3.1.10 Oil type same as for main engine.

3. . 12 During engine starting:

sufficient electrical power/cooling supply for aircraft operational stand-by.
3.1.13 Capability for some subsequent main engine starting cycles in a given time and
envi ronment.

3.1.14 Capability to relieve engine(s) of the burden of electrical, hydraulic etc.

drives in very critical flight status (e.g. helicopter hovering at low altitude,
at sea etc.).

3.1.15 Vulnerability requirements.


3.1.16 Capability to start the APU mar-slly (e.g. via hydraulic hand pump).
3.1.17 API/EPU combination for either
- air-breathin.i mode (jet fuel combustion lor ground power delivery inclisfvx.
engine start)

- gan generator system for emergency power (Ciydrazine or LOX with JP-4) to be
independent of altitude limitations.
3.2 Past and Present Hardware Solutions
Since more than half a cantury, there have been requirements and solutions for
auxiliary power aboard aircraft. Examples for oolutions:

3.2.1 Airships, eog. Zeppelin LZ 127, in the twenties, carrying a spark ignition engine
coupled with an electrical generator of about 1.5 kW, serving as "AP'J" for three
rem air driven electrical generators; LZ 12V in the thirties, equipped with two
Diesel engines of 33 kW each, generating AC as'd PC.
3.2.2 Flying boats/seaplanes as DO 24 in the late thirties, furnished with a sparic
ignition engine combined with an electrical generator of about I kW, supplying
auxiliary power for stand-by/lay-days/main engine start.
3.2.4 Jet fighters Me 262 JLMO 004-engine starting faci~ity, provided by a two-stroke
engine of lawn-mower type, housed in the front hub and swung manually.
3.2.5 The APU in its contemporary meaning, developed as a small gas turbine for
transport aircraft C 130 in the fifties.
3.2.6 The APUa for V/STOL aircraft, such as the HARRIER and VAK 191 B, the latter
supplying shaft power for i,• alternator 15/20 IVA and a hydraulic pump as well as
bleed sir up to 5 kg/min fur lectronic equipment cooling and tank pressurization
during ground operation and t eration throughout the flight envelope as wall
including in-flight start by battery or windmilling. As the sum of all possible
functions exceeds the API)'s rating, an automatic load sequence switching is
3.2.7 APU in A-10 as an example for a ground attack aircraft that operates at a
critical low altitude.

, ,
3.2.8 APU in special aircraft with a large equipment share, such as Maritime Patrol
Aircraft (rYA) :

- Breguet Atlantic ANG

- Nimrod
- E-3 Sentry as an example for C3 aircraft
tankers, such as
-VC- 10

- KC-135 R (two APUs).

3.2.9 A prototypu of an APU/EPU indwpendent of altitude and flight condition according
to the SIPU concept.
It is evident from the preceding paragraphs and slides that th.e power demand for
elec-rical, hydraulic, mir, fuel and other subsystems is rising; so is the demand
for removal of equally increasing amounts of waste heat and so is the demand for
starting power for engines.
S~mutual defined as the number of many "items" n and the raximum of their

rises. 2

This, in turn, causes the coat to ris , as it is a function of single parts' cost
plus cost fr all connections between all "items" (comprising these parts p',,s
all related quantifiable aspects) 2

Total coat V • (parts cont)i + (connections cost)•

where the first term reveals the cost sue, of all the parts of a W/S and the
second term reveals the cost sum of all hiterconnected "items".

parts, the
the whole is much more than just the sum of its
Tt is easily deducible that
second term illustrating

- the lion's share in cost and time,

- the danger of false assessments and loss
of control,
and waste heat problem, as far as energy
- the increase in secondary power demand
this dense network is concerned.
flow/energy conversion bc-tween "items" in
an aircraft with respect to achievable
Complexity, while unavoidable to optimize on reliably pre-
develop and operate aircraft
goals, is contradictory to the wish to
plannable cost basis.
flow c.ýn we get out of this dil-mma?
especially with respect to power system
Evaluation of the preceding formula, of
auxiliary power, shows that future fighter

- small,
- light, and consequently
- single seated,
- single engine design
would ease the problem, provided that
- a reliable and modern engine can be chosen.
- this engine is assisted by an adequate airborne operated
- the thermal housekeeping of the aircraft is as thoroughly desig' *d and optimized
as that of satellites.
- an emergency power facility (e.g. booster rocket) for short-time emergency
thrust is available

consequently, this dictates the renunciation of technical
of completely
as the flippant requirement for the development the stepwise
but recommends
new, large and super-complex aircraft, to even better ones.
evolution of recognized satisfactory mvstems



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Figure 2
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Figure 3


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11i3 I-f


10...20 Dita a&. 6 Pages some 10D Pages

Deg. of Integration doule all 2 years
Pric r bit A falaST ... dlls. ali...
Deg.of Integr. x Price p.bit about xamaanflt
--- iow•atRii....ware 1-io 1 1 oo/l .. -
No. of logic uninot. per chip about linear Increase with time -Z CC. 26k


Figure 4



Figure 5



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rend :
gecreasing Pewer/Functlon ISK /
(mg. nrW/Bit) in spite / 0 it
of this higher specific
heat rejection, tohigher

101 O Nicprewe...r

I [I
oliE 1ilryAutum , 94A.
aiic C mpuir 1-.
'- ' f I I Ei.tubesultratnic
Tetetype output. I1largeroom,I
m-/ / ] Micracomputer

N ie:ron tub',- - . LGOLF, T", pr;oram
L e
o controlI,, /am ianqv.. inr .....
I-usystem +
++ +- --
°"°n'] 1
-- Mcropro

137 196.9 1991 4, 1997?2 19B 1955 I•"0

Figure 0

i ........ '-
-A 11

Figure 7


-i- ~ t~t.~* mgd-II.

Ls2~J .dtaop~sg I
tT, *t~

t cm
I C%


A =

-- p. bV..

C= cn




- - IC-
cm- - - g

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Ltd. 'I-6J"

lowt -011,

.410 l"llli~k• Oil

1 1,,- UI IF
WO~id tH2 /~/
AIC11 S/


1,J A. tt ,4 .. .. 6 S., .

.. fl***".. ....... * '

Figure ()

--5 - 'i




J 0u

* ~ ~, ~between

the sam~e
~, levels and

I - ~Idifferent

- Figure I 0-2 -
QG.phi al diapl&X Of th* ".1.ti~n bt1e.en O'.sr of
1t..rfi24C OONW*tllfl b tV. hoat

o 2


:600 .. I








Wombr of 'It--

CI2 0 20 7

Figure I I



E.W.Fckert, (ti
(General comment after end of meeting).

At present there are a lot of discusions in NATO and European organizations and governments on future military
helicopters for Army, Navy and Airforce operations, (see footnote) e.g. capability to relieve engine(s) of the burden
of Secondary Power System in very critical flight status (e.g. Navy helicopter hovering at low altitude at sea etc.)
where every KW is needed fcr the rotor. Based on first known requirements at least some of them might be
candidates for APUs or JFSs.

I wonder why helicopter use has not been mentioned here. The PEP could certainly be helpful in providing support
for decisions on auxiliary power in this area.

Footnote In Gcriaany: LT1-I (Leichter Transport Hubschrauber)

MHS 90 (Marine Hub Schrauber 90)
PAll 2 (I nzer Abwehr Hubschrauber 2)

LTH = Light Transportation Helicopter

MIIS 90 = Marine Helicopter 90
PAH 2-- Anti Tank Helicopter 2

Socifld MICROTURBO- Bofts pootele
2090 -31016 TOULOUSE CEDEX (Frianc)


Los U~roupos oo
ullalren Ai turblins A gaz snitini-quis -tint:
AlAdt'oioppAo poor c~ptuidre A in dinntiuo
douto ~ijoitdes anions hors the 1eul
,Ise en t,.;,r-e ch.m,k lint, i1crnitic.onnein -l .01, d4ýramrg. cli
notei,r ~r-tinpaou.. (In enamninera!
1) Lee solutions ilfunioppAos Once lee domantaie mu itairsel at cm usB taut en qystAmsi holsrrs
pop Aýfonctiunnoateot couort (iiten groups auxi lairs A functloinnteqmnt uoivtlo-u.

2)lea tendanuos actosilos .r lea aniuns sondornes ob Is syotirso de d~marrago Pat capable dij font
tiunui-ent cootino en g, atiojillaire.

A3] LeB beauhus futoras quo Vi...peut rcoiror function tio Is omrpisaltd C-inrisard@e ies ojstfres
Warmsan enarqn6a. n~uoaaltauit on roodltioooweant ao so). don uiveuhripw'snts ilearianteura ut in
ulpaun tinposant ties puiseauo dos dmaisaraga tie pine eii plue lirportaites at us fomctionriomurit art
setroura dana 2' enaswitildiii ociarissl tie vol anou des twoms do miss on dennis eotrflisavet ridtittIs.


Lea (irouposAundhhairos entarpodla cot poo- ubjoct If prit,

lit~ l~n] oicnf~rorA 1 avion porteur uoo an-
tonoutie nonpitte liar rapport Aun nnoyons sci.

Ce besainiIauotnomio so Joutiflo suinanitIs type d'utilisatiso do 'attion I par In dlspoeibiiht4 10

giatiqno poor Ian anions nilitairos pounarit&itr.appohis A utiltoer (Jos torrains aomaanaros ot toorporairos
On tiraeuspotpal-avlon cargo. nolnerabloonophra
aot ridoossitant.
ans anropagnrnont drips inflaotrtcutur.
portant. at qu1 no peonont O1trotrlbutalres dJuno InfrastroctoreoA nsool ounitos. poor cunorli on noajire
auffissot inn nAruplorts ot poor on servicea pod fr~qttont ocr nortaina torirairs..

En IjsinslJautonosilo do i aironof pout aos-primor rIo pitisiourn fatr siesartiol losirt tiwasirrago
do no des Mnotrra pri-iriulp x poor los anions mioititslra. comfort en caltins (ulir-m sat ion, daierticis&A)
anant IQ vutrinotoora arr-fml. at il~nsrrage den irtotirs orirmuipano intor Ia. anion,- bu.vl.

Lhatioe cse a donnA lieo A dNs dvanotppoinonts ap0nifiques quo Irons ltoonntio hirilbnosst .maine,

1.2. UjyilcatknriLl)I lair

lumna onus I scoltnsouligriti, I ttijeotifprincipal sat Indmmlo tlorr-au tin lea

don naiteo printolsiat do
V.nylon.- Le t;roop Atinimlisre emutuiopifi not tnlntt I'll I)c qfitrvls IVtgntiot d.lnii-g for~tctonownsnt
tran court.

tea critAro5 prinolpano A satisfaire pour us type tie foriutiort sont

de mises
noonre -I
n ol an, onflairge
domains do topropiatorsaatats A partir riuno
anoirvsde puissance Aleutriqus ltratteriel
no irydrachiqusiaccuerslateurl
-rapirlitAdo else on osuvro :Ia ploirto dens on toerpaminisees(I10A
puissance dolt hitrertilapnibls
IS aerrunclos

3 - onttorunoirarit eat uni polnd iotLoi- aur

St mass55riAdoitai Is systtinodo Odinarrsge I avoin on vol.

diono usa prionipaun de r~aliaation doa-iathrne do timmarragosoivant

Ontpout dIiitInguor estypo do

transfert (io Is puissancoe

- socu~rperort pnouostatOiii.
DeaneI a~noeio ~uiiiot .,..-.---

Cotts solution ost ble, adaptido Adun, wuiosn Li no multi moteurs at pent aatifinlre dos ImpAratifs
dinatallatlos. lo g~ndratoir d'air pouvant btro instafl1 loin dos rwteots, ?a liaison avon las ddtsr-
tours A air. don.rrsntresent faiblo. Be fainant par do sirrplincondoitosq(pianoho 2).

Aut'uellornu. Ins siveaux do puissance repute pout los ,outnnrn ruilituirus nudndurrss ort de 1 urdro
do 2(10 uliovass.

r, nttruIrro pout Cir., Ulsulopp~s en use dizaino do sccndos par one turbine A gsz assllisiro
d'une omecoade ii5kg [suit 7 Ch/kg).

1.3. Application clvito

Dann lotlioatiun ulvIls dos Uroupas Aoeillalreo sotorgoAs, lee fustrtione

asauraoe ot Ia dorsaIncdo
funotlonnomnont snoutbeau coup pius 6tendue.

La groups assuro as aol

Is( girrirukiun diootriqrro do Lord.

- lulimantatiun os air comprisrA do cirnuit do nllsia isetlon at do prosasriestins do la cabins ut do.
balesa 61lotrnniquoa.
Is d6osrrago doe osouters principaux (planoko 31.
Lo fonatlonaoonst do ouspo oat aaourl6 pendant lee phases do dcanolags at dattorrlaoagouat pout Atro
jtillsi on succurs denis sri large dursaina d'aititudo (D - q 0(10 motruosi

Daoais nos.
r8o usroit~reB prinnipaus A satlefairs oust

- apanit6 do msso on oeuvre dons ons larga drumiso d'utlldamtioui (0 - 9 000Dm, i.S.A. u3l*C A
I.SA. - 40017).

-urncostruuont at uscao r~duite.

-performiances (ilse~e tconrsnrcsakln narbnrorrtl.

t~gulatiun do rdgims parfaita pourtnatisfaito lontralsomast O'aitcrnatsur A fi~quosue uanoadrito.

Kr coltatnabilitA, aptitudo A Io us ntonosoo Abovde pAr Is divaloppornest do tire-Ate d'antntncte at

ditnitouro do patina..

1.4. (;oscls!ýio

Dr usnatate quo los brospus idveolppc A ns ou

riiffd-rrto. otupurudnt,iris rr uopipurmorito
intcatisfont Liss orit~ras
toasnts our a(Wunautiqus militolr
an o unur nurtrent sirs too/stir, do rapprnu luamnt onto-slos loon concepts.
diffbronto at dqs functions
frn 1 iv) at las Itt/so

ortos a.usdii darnmesidr, ia par lour rsmplooit(3. nirossitoot do plus an pius 0 pussocnue ut fio
tests ovant vol csyatkmodo ndvlgationru uosurmndodo Vol dbOctriqusi. Do.no fait, poor conserveroIs nard-
*e tbrn O'matonsursIs syctimo do dksrarrAgo deviant on vlrltaslo GroupspAuxniaira capable d'astroisor lea
*glndrations AbuctiIqirs ot hydtaullquas do 1 aviis roottAcur In Dolts "structure".

(~ ~ ounnol
. non i syotiru do ddsuo.,rruo ont aopl§ A In bulte toalsi d'ao-ooocsio struniso a. ella-mAim
nonooct6. A us1 rdntoorat po"ut pot is juo. d'ooroyugos Iydrauliquocsr dloctr umrgnltlqun t antral-
n-r~uI'dbLtsU icil t. do no . ait, 1'1onusoottcdes ucýuvncnira,colt Otoartu In co lea "nutauor.to prlur
u/pa acotialcoot
oc ratoso cane is can daubso bi-nutour. Ie rodonion- sri vov ioi run dn 2Jiili do
71i too
ýs3towLuul !; 6uturi odsozir. s cystma do dfnrarrags so cord alour utilisA qi/so oil sin tank qua onuiaG
.dopasi. nno ocoidi
F (~~~~~~lass d
1-r naon ovususaton'-.il ost g~~onuuu.deo-ort ioru t'yrrrr !-, 06,!--i -r T.'d
It >t uo -~
Cr,Ký l~nce tu outnur pirtlipot on vol. 1 allomgo do no dorniot 55 unto rttvLrunm pouvant itro dais
nartuinos ronfigurraisnv do vol Otlirtotn et dK.ngorosces (-oiontsur Or Iri so da.ppol tsctiqo a.osui.

2.? Iir 2 ~c:pAuntI IIaitr-un upttLcýattour i, It

ur w, uotur or, u Co i
41119lcdi uno
Uis.a ontion rise fountlons ~
'ul, s
ttnffort In plus important ports nor In finbilisatten at In riductiuc is ls maintenancce pr6nantiva
des ix-nupas
Auniliniren. L~adiopnailbilit6 i6tantIs qualit~iprincipals do cnn tlernlars,i1 ott tidcossalre
dassurer In dIusl~nppenmnt den circuits annexes ds tests at tieceatrile.

L. d6ueicppestent d-s techniques digital.., Alectrunique rouoiriqun, pornint do progressur rapidaemott

dat; en domains.


Quinulsaront lee basoins ftutrs 0

En plusý dun functions is base cities astsal

- t~tcarrsgn ins sunteurn prioleipane.,

-giniratlan is puissance 5iac~triqus

at/au hydranlique,

-Alimntsattion don circuits de coulitiunn-minst anion,

is Canfceptiuc des lirauptus Anuxilatron donre parruettrs is satieifairs Is siceritli tn vol, coust-A-dira, In
slunurts totai do 1 snien.
11 cut adnniu-tqrs pour, .os d~ssuror ons redesisunse cus-oita dos souccess is puissance. II West duot;
plns suffisact Flue is systime do ddntarrugo suit capable is prosirn on ihargn, cent -A -dine i'entcalnnr, Is
giciratics principals is l'avian smails.1 faut; qu'it cult 6quliti do sn propre butte roisis dnccosssciros
nitt-attant nes prupros gisiratnure inR puisnancn capabins d'slinsetattr insq circuits nitaun tie I avian inns
tout son di-nrun do vol.

Ontpount dintinriptr duuN functions vol diffiractes.

Dans is dcc, na.sa altitilde 0) A ln n0(11 Antres, ta groups doepuissance pent Atre nitfunntIsusessnt Ln-1-
LienuA unoftlm
ri;;tattents at capabis sit2 no 3 snunnies d'almmentar Ion circuits aviun sn -s tie dIfait li-,
use den- g6 nrateurn; untraicis par is rhacteutr st iiasutiler cue aidesuant-nata pour In selati unin utot tonut
an sceurn-nt is gbnrn(1iiono (Iloutriqus.

Danai in domainon haute aititude ItI Di) Tt 30 0(11 nitren, ona source stinsce dolt siicentsr oct gaz dn curi-
bustlus In turbise du putnsasnun du troupe Atoiullaiire poojr asuorc is fauorititur taints-te doepuissanso aft
uassatra nuxonnanmssnis v at at u- peulant uos qosilques emontes avant is retreuvar la dentaina banns atlt-
tude d'utilisation nero-siu.

abesta Ins A us dvinleppeotoat scat Is patisi,

ten iprinc~ipaun I' ericetnuremeotiten in cult d'un t.1 systint.
Cas dennilrs tanbent d o-uixsse sJ, dii In ennuaptniu Lis 1'anlte anaaccepts in unlorisgorIn fnuntilo cill
GroupsuAuxIl mire at de In rnnununir uchtonun- inaercu(in pInlssnats:v ods-trrj(ui.

Paor nsnstpts, lan diustoppewnwta ricests, an 6isntuutechniqoe ticttaionet. pennant psi-ucitro ditudier tiesi
ginix-atunna Lis puissance aisptles 6 1 'cotrainaentnn par tutrbineA gmo aunitinirs, rwins coatraigneats qua
par ins mctenra prirnulpaun pnisqna isa sitasses da rotation suent muiec variables (rapport do 1 A 1,2 poulr
In groupe. centre ; ) 2 poutt Is neitotrl. Dn pirintIn vInesse is retation tuinI-ups sat nttttsnstt pins tic-
nie qu. call. do rotour prittcipai et Is toitotIen g.ITFtrstotr 6iectri-josant coujeorslnasrrsstost proper
tinulonl A -nr~trtigrr do rutation. tUnsot capable snjuurilttri do rialiser den aitgeratetirs A grutilevitessa
1ItDPUOl on it 000 tuux-s/tnitnutol tie4(1td tie pesanut,t p t~ils. Is Bi k, ci: nissuiis A oil aouevrtisaatr ainti -
tItle is IN kg; naniran ipour Attut-ti r ntto pttin, trm,, do 40(0 lie ir-tplasd, et
go-e. ftott coutrant ;uuttittt ilantt.
turtuinaen baoss tension.

Ltssglisnsteonts(in nIitnane chute de.r6gim,,dn grenpe. ptnadant Is db.arr-ag dent-isuIitr 'ittuI'lpatis. en

suet pas ressontis an [liven
ad ai roquence in ris.. n nt41 pI'li ,o. te nierniirs ianse etitettue
bt ioiipsrdsa ttt
do rigirnenitaroataur aun slyest in convertissaur stacina., Cs pulirnsot iris imptertant pour I 'allmetntstionr
-r dos nystimne de navigation qti ne penvent plus Airs cnupis apris; isut aigen.weat.

La trasmsissiton is puiesacce is dimarrage sara. scivant Is uase

miusnique, par cauptaga sntra )a belta in groupsaet Is bolts strouturala in rciacteor.imnn In canifun
j tr~mnorteajtur ot ni l1iostallistlat Is pertt.
-piteun-tique, par alimntantiont des dilirareors A air- mnotts sui.- IsitItto . r i dan~cessoiros do cintiaq
rutaUr danaIis c- du tnirtacteur.

toa nointicas sRnt riscUja8s sttr Is planrie 4.


OUndateur dogat

Soils roais
C -~AccIUcry gearbox


729,upin 4G4rrin

Bridesuivbimnorms NF34161
r~~t~ F ary
toF 34 161Std

H .,,'f,.,n1 u



(-) p


350Mm780 mm Encombrempmi

53 mENCOMBREMENT 542, mm -


Prilivement d'air Bougie

Aised mir Igniter plug

~~1 Comprssieur urbn

lF utrirner

imele ruNbill

I'l AHfl


dopuinann. auxiIlimif

Bof.s itncturs ayiwi

Conditiannament Ai


F11 Socauri
Conditionnment Air
- r~ondlf1oý1A
K't tEal
- ~- HAWN

Tbc sltitrnunt oftautrt tinmcof approximrntely 5 seconds. Is this or startinig the starter or the main engine?

Author's Reply
Actuellemient cii utilisantl des circuits dieiI~murrage oruiventionnels (batterie-moteur 6lectrique dc lancecient) Ia
pleine puissance est ilisponisible pour Iýlancemncri du inoleur principal en moisde 9 secondes.
Le temips total dcela sm~quence ilii d~iiarrcur
tie d6miurage duliinoteur principal. y compisnle teimpfs tie mise en umeuvro
esi dc l'nrdre die25 secondes.
'Cecipousr titcs syst~ines d~veloppant ujic puissnarce del'ordre die200 chi.

i.F.Ches'ahlir. Fir
Vous avez parkmd'une variante daiis laquelle la turbine do puissance peut tire alimnimtm~e,Ahaute allitudt par une
gull par le gu~iurateur tle gaz du
cismnbre s~parW Apsmpergols. Avcz vein cssay&' soit par cette utiarnbre sp~ciiilen,

Author's Reply
Non, aueun cssai WitsW cf~cctu.6 Acc jour MAiS Celic Conception esiten cows%

Walter Hausman!,
Manfred Pucher
Thomas Weber
0<? KHD Luftfahrttechnik GmbH
D 6370 Oberursel, Germany


A- The necessity of a continuous increase of fighting efficiency of weapon systems

1= sets forth a number of new requirements for the next generation of military aircraft 'in
r -rticclaF regarding th, distribution and use of the on board auxiliary power.

o Energy conversion methods will have to be applied which are readily adaptable
operation requirerants and also favour the thermal balance of the aircraft,

As an example of the pneumatic energy conversion the efficiency of a new auxiliary

system is presented together with a listing of those factors which play a role In its

Design concepts and options available for future4t-end-AtPiwsystems will 6eý,If'

presented. Today's experieoce, derived from a modern fighter aircraft systemefthat has
successfully entered production, willservei.as a basis for discussion of advanced re-
quirements and design features. -


ATM Air Turbine Motor

APU Auxiliary Power Unit
Co Compressor
C/D Cross Drive
ECS Environmental Control System
EM Electric Motor
FBP Fuel Backing Pump
FP Fuel Pump

GB Gearbox
Ge Generator
HP Hydraulic Pump
Inl Intenrated Drive Generator
ME Main Engine
PRO Power Take Off
SPS Secondary Power System
VSCF Variable Speed Constant Frequency

Modern military aircraft have deiteloped into complex flying systems. makina in-
creasing use of auxiliary power to enhance both their handling qualities end fighting
effntiveness. It is therefore that efficiency, reliability as well as cost of Secon-
dary Power Systems have become of significant design importance.

As next generations .f fighter aircraft are in their conceptual 'aqes of design

throuqhout the western world, it is felt appropriate tc reflect upon 1:e evolution of
Secondary Power Systems and to monitor incipient. nro ress together wi,;, future develop-
ments against todays experience and tomorrows requirements.


Seon,' y Power •vs'tms (IPS) for military aircraft have to oravidh, and distribute
auxiliary rgy 1, airframe .nd main Iroijlsion engines during flight and on the
i qr unud.


L __ -_ -- - vi
This auxiliary energy is needed as shaft output power, pressurized oil, electricity
and compressed air.

Two different installation schemes for auxiliary energy systems are known and have
been realized today (Fig. I):

- Auxiliary system integrated into the main engine frame

- Auxiliary systems installed in the aircraft coupled to propulsion engines by means

of a shaft.

For aircraft with only a low amount of secondary ei roy required and accordingly
small accessories, these were integrated into the main engine(s). The concept however
chanotid with the introduction of large propulsion engines and uulti-eneine applications.

Wereas previously the inteoration of accessories into the engine was possible due
to their size, the accessory nower now required and hence the dimensional increase of
the auxiliaries demands remote arrangement of the SPS in an appropriate location of the
aircraft. This also reduces the required cross sectional area of the aircr2ft. Additio-
nally in many cases SPS's of today are equipped with auxiliary power units (APU), which
provide for independence of ground support, availability of auxiliary energy for ground
system checks, alert capability at minimum fuel consumption conditions and for main
engine starting. However, these advantages have to be weighed against increased mess in
case the APU is operationed on the ground only, and cost of installation with respect to
air inlet and exhaust.

Fig. 2 summarizes the systems currently in use or in active design.

As already mentioned, .v-essories were previously installed directly on the main engine.
This arrangement is still found in some of today's fighter aircraft.

The next step is the remote arrangement of the SPS. This system is mostly used in
the current generation of fighter aircraft. For twin engine installations the gearboxes
are mechanically coupled to each other and to the main engines. Also the APU is directly
coupled to the gearbox (GO). For the immediate future this coupling will be replaced by
pneumatic energy transmission with the exception of nearboxes remaining mechanically
connected to the main engines.


Aircraft with mechanical SPS have been nut in operation for some time now. Their
performance standard can therefore be evaluated both by development- and service expe-
Requirements for uninterrupted energy supply durinq all flight conditions and emergency
situations result in very complex systems as they are found for example in Fl5 and

ago, when these systems were desnloed, the goal to achieve

Ten yearsefficiency was high
transmission which automatically required a complicated mechanic I system.

Furthermore, in the Tornado case, the start sequence and switching functions during
cmerqrncy conditions had to be automated to the fullest extent possible which again con-
tribuLed to the complexity of the system.
Fin. 3 shows the main features oi the Tornado-SIS. The arrangement provides the redundan-
cy rega ired in flight, i.e. it has two independent gearboxes (starboard and port) and two
generators (IDOG-Type), two fuel backino mumps and two hydraulic pumps.

Independence from ground power is achieved by the APU which is mounted on to the
starboard GB.
The SPS control unit monitors the function of APU and GB's including control of the
I, The system
achievement is activated
of full APU; speed bythestarting
clutch the APU with
between an Ft
APU and electric
is starter motor.
automatically Upon

Vnq.;)cment of fflthe a cross drive clutch n r oifuncti

permit•forto p rope
alsochecked drive uoaial
or. GBA Iso the cutd
fuin the
runni nq mode
APU ivmn I pe
Pacces h canlthbtwelP
so ries be the purt so that
supply of electrical and hydraulic energy is available.

The actuatiuon of an electrically controlled valve allows to fill either the star-
board or the port torque converter which initiates the start sequencE of the respective
main enqine. After engine idlP has been achieved the APU is automatically shut dcwn.
The second engine Is started accordinqly. In this case however, the already running
noine in now drivino the other enflino to be started. Finally the cross drive clutch
w"ill be opened and both gearhoxes are driven individually by their main engine.

The Sys; -Advanto yes are:

lhe SPS is in, iendent irom ground power supply and ('an le driven by the ,PU alone for
proirinqed periods of time.

S -

The start sequences are automated to a large degree, providing short times for
scramble start. The availability of the cross drive clutch allows power input into the
second accessory GB in the one engine failure mode as well as the inflight restart of a
flamed out engine, This cross drive system yields extreimly high mechanical efficiency.

The versatility of the system is payed for by high complexity. This is supported
by the choice of integrated drive generators and the integration of their oilsystems in-
to the GB's. The IDG's are susceptible to fast speed changes which necessitated a com-
plex acceleration speed control for the GB mounted clutches. The effort required can
also be seen in the oilsystem, where the oilsupply to the IDG's is of prime importance
and where variable distribution of the oil under all existing possible flight attitudes
has to be safeguarded.
Power losse.; generated in the accessory GB's and the IDG's are dissipated in fuel/oil
heat exchangers.
Substantial effort was required to develop this ambitious oil system.

The wide distribution of the oil users and depots such as cooling system and gene-
rators and the interconnecting high volume passages requirc a large quantity of oil
where on the other hand, due to size restrictions only small additional oil volumes for
torque converter function and viscosity compensation were possible. These demanded ex-
tensive optimisation with respect to econimical use of the oil.

In conjunction with the requirement for multiple functions of the oil system the
oilpumps had to be increased in size and number of stages which again adversely influen-
ced optimisation as regards power losses.

Fig. 4 shows the results achieved, they can be considered as a very successful de-

The extensive experience gained with the Tornado SPS will bear fruit for futute
systems. This esyecially applies for the following main components:

Multiple plate / dry disc clutches were selected for their higher temperature capabi-
lity. These components are wear prone by function, especially in the area of friction
surfaces and splines. Required component life could only be achieved by proper choice
of material.
The basic disadvantage of such clutches Is their sensitivity to thermal overload; be
it due to malfunction of their control system or mishandling. This can be of detrimen-
tal influence onto the system reliability.

For the hydraulic torque converter safe function ever a wide temperature range has
been demonstrated. This also applies to the low ambient temperatures where oil visco-
sities approach 10.000 cSt.
In service use so far has not '.hown any failure, hence this component can also be re-
commended for future SP5.

Overrunning clutches in the Tornado-SPS have shown that tailoring to the individual
requirement and test experience is mandatory.
Parts that have operated successfully under similar conditions will not automatically
function with the same reliability in a new design, even though high reliability and
life has been finally achieved.

Lxperience gained during development also suggests that a future system should be
equipped with generators that impose less stringent requir ments onto the oil system.
Furthermore the deletion of the mechanical cross drive bli~een the UB's would signifi-
cantly reduce complexity.

Fig. 5 shows the SPS of the F15 and F16 fighter aircraft with mechanical power


Future trends in the development of auxiliary systems for fighter aircraft are

directed towards a complete decouplinq of the SPS's from the main engine. The following
reasons dictate this development:

- Furth er increase of the auxiliary power demand results in accessory size increase which
does not allow their installation in close proximity to the engine

- ,terase in main engine performince and Mission flexibility by the deletion of power
extraction from the 1iP-spool of the propulsion engine

Q-uick-change requirement for main engines with the accessories and the SPS remaining
r in the aiicraft

- Electronic components are teheratuý sensitive; since Lheir application increases.

th,'v h.ve to be removed fr-a the h .h temperature enoine hay

a-vstirahle ronditions for the inL<oration of SPS and aircenditioning sy tem rcsulting


in more economic use of the energy Available.

For future generations of fighter aircraft various enerqy transmission systems are
being considered to replace todays mechanical coupling of APU and GB's. For the time be-
ing however, the mechanical coupling between SPS and main engine will be maintained,

Technically four energy transmission systems and combination thereof, can be

pursued, these being either mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical in nature.
In parallel with advances in respective technologies, the transition will be made from
mechanical to pneumatic and finally to fully electrical system. In spite of siqnificart
advances in the past, the latter will however, have to await the full development of the
required "high density" electrical generators and motors in order to allow for flying by
wire only. This type system has not yet achieved the maturity to make its way into the
next generation of fighter aircraft, presently being desiqned. Incipient progress will
be made here by the pneumatic systems, which is therefore described in more detail.


When changing to a new transmission system not only increased system flexibility
but also possible influence onto the aircraft ieat balance must be considered.
The dissipation of waste heat which is oroduced in all energy transmission systems re-
sults in considerable problems. The theoretical comparison of airframe waste heat based
on the useable energy shows Fig. 6. that out of the systems available today and invisag-
ed for tomorrow (pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical) the pneumatic system is not only most
simple but also the system with the lowest waste heat.

Waste heat is qenerated by the ollsystems of the APU, accessories and intermediate
gearboxes. Additional waste heat, resulting from losses when generating compressed air
and the subsequent expansion in for example airturbine motors (ATM), is blown overboard,

The advantage of a considerable relief of the aircraft cooling system suffers from
the wurst total efficiency of all systems discussed in this paper.

An additional advantage of the pneumatic system undoubtetly is that this form of

energy is directly available as bleed air from the main engine or the APU and that no
further means of energy transformation such as hydraulic pumps etc. are needed.

it is for this reasons, that new fiqhter aircraft as they are presently under deve-
* lopment, are equipped with pneumatic SPS
The functional features of these systems are

- Flexible and simple enerny distribution from "arious potential sources to many diffe-
rent users.

Free choice of APU location as reqards optimum arranqement for supply of consumers,
good maintainability and ease of installation.

Increased reliability, since rigid

ting from individual system defects couallinq is avoided and
are reduced. secondary failures resul-

Fiq. 7 shows the schematic of a pneumatic system. Not only can the APU, which now
mainly generates compressed air, energize the aircraft's pneumatic system but also bleed
air from the main engine and compressed air from ground supply can he fed into and
distributed by the system.
Pneumatic power will drive the GB and its accessories by means of an ATM.
Air is also available for nirronditioning purposes when passing through a cooler and an
expansion turbine.

u If such an energy distribution system connects all users the previously mentioned
flexibility is iinndlately dettctable. It Is then for example nossible for a main engine
already running and supplying bleed air to start th. next engine without again utilizing
the APU. As a future option the APU of one aircraft takes over the standby-supply of
other aircraft by means of umbilical lines.

Less effort is involved in treating emernency situations, such as *a main gnqine

failure where the GB could remain in operation by bleed air or monofuel onto the ArM.
Accessory qearboxes in turn become much more simple in desiqn and manufacture after the
deletion of interconnectinq shafts and the mechanical decouplinq of the APU.
A factor greatly contributing to lower system life cycle cost.
Fig. 9 compares gearbox losses of mechanical and pneumatic systems.
Even though the losses of the pneumatic system are lower a fut :1r improvement in waste
heat dissipation methods is mandatory.

Today, heat that cannot be dissipated by engine fuel to ambient has to be stored in
the aircraft fuel tank;,
Continuous heat flaw into the tanks together with a continous reducti, of the amount of
fuel will result in high fuel temperatures tIwards the end of a missi'..

SA 4

1I-i -

Therefore, in order to avoid overhea ing a minimum residuai amount of fuel has to
be available at the end of the flight.
This fuel has to be considered as unnecessary ballast which detrimentally influences
aircraft design and weight.

An increase in cooler size for the reduction of heat remaining on board does not
show any improvement since such size increase will result in higher drag with the con-
sequence of higher main engine power demand and fuel co .umption and last not least in-
creased takeoff weight.

When changing to a pneumatic system it becomes mandatory to emphasize the subject

of loss reduction.
It is important that not only the GB but also its oilsystem are simplified. Accessories
that utilize the GB oilsystem should be Improved to the extent where they do no longer
require additional treatment of oil with respect to temperature and air content.

Considerable effort is presently spent to improve the efficiency of the accessor

This is most obvious in the field of electrical generators. Initially the manufacture
changed the Integrated Drive Generator (IOG) used today to the new variable Speed Con
stant Frequency (VSCF), which is rigidly coupled to the gearbox, i.e. it can be driver
with variable and higher speeds.

The required constant frequency is generated by a power conditioning unit. This

electronic device however, poses a new challenge with respect to coolinq.
Since there have also been improvements to the IUG, it is not the purpose of this paper
to state, which type in the end should be favoured for a given application.


In the following, new avenues in heat dissipation will be described.

The rrduction in waste heat together with the application of new cooling techniques
allows operation of future pneumatic SPS'i making reduced or no use of airframe mounttd
coolers. The proposals are further in order of their evolution and show increasing im-
provements as well as a reorientation of cooling techniques.
It cart be stated that tihe max. allowable temperature In the fuel tanks Is achieved
at the earliest, during the last minutes of descent- most likely however during an in-
crease In mission length caused by an emergency situation.
The amount of heat generated in this segment of the mission is shown in Fig. 9. Once the
maxiamum fuel temperature has been reached, automatic starting of the APO will assist in
nilcoolinq by means of an air/oil cooler located upstream of its inlet. The APU Is now
operating in a flight segment where Idle operationi is of fu detriment, since fuel con-
sumption is minimal (Fig. 10).

A further reduction of heat flow into the fuel tank can be achieved by heat dissi-
pation directly overboard.
Fig. 11 shows an example for an aircooled gearbox. The finned wall of the qearbox forms
part of the outer skin of the fus,.laqe and Is cooled by air. Heat transfer Is very effi-
cient since the nil flow is forced along thu bottom portion of the qearcase.

Fig. 12 shows the typical mission profile of a modern combat aircraft with lines
of constant heat disspation over a finned gearbox wall. Heat dissipation is dependent
onu ram temperature and hence on mach number and altitude. The amount of heat shown
corresponds to a given area of finned surface. As would be expected residual heat exists
in extreme points of the flight envelope which cannot be fully dissipated. If increased
surface for heat transfer cannot be provided, a temporary Increase in oil temperature
could be acceptable.
If this is not possible or if the mission profile is extended to higher mach number,
where ,am air ronling looses its efficiency a supplementary expendable coolant system
will offer relief (FIg. 13).
A container is filled with water and equipped with a tubular nilcooler. Evaporation of
the water and overboard discharge of the generated steam through a valve reduces oil
temperature to approx. 1OODC. Upon reaching the maximum allowable oil temperature the
evaporative cooling is turned on automatically.
A sample calculation resulted in 1,5 kg of water being required for dissipation of 4 kW
of residual heat during 15 minutes of supersonic flight.

it could beAccording to use an expendable coolant system as the only
In addition
means for slicouling. to Fig. 9, the total heat nenerated during a mission
amounts to 5,14 kwh. 7.5 litres of water would suffi(e to dissipate this amount of heat.
This volume could be stored in a spherical container with a diameter of 250 mm.


In instances where aircraft system operation requires Independence from ground

equipment, this can only be gained by Installation of an APO, to provide pneumatic

starti',,v power.

-- LAI

The individual application will define APU design criteria, such as

- Split between pne'matic and mechanical power

- Space available
- Air intake and exhaust ducting
W - Gearcase and accessories.

Fig. 14 depicts the APU used in the Tarnado-SPS. This powerplant supplies mainly
shaft power and a small amount of bleed air. It is of single shaft design with axial air
intake and a laterally oriented exhaust duct. Fin. 15 shows design schematics for bleed
air supply, with a limited amount of mechanical power provided.
Variant "A" is a single shaft turbine driving a compressor. This system offers in-
creased flexibility with respect to customer requirements, it however also results in a
long slim unit. If space restriction require more short and compact features, single
shaft APU's to configurations B and D are available. In both cases the engine compressor
supplies the bleed air. This simplification with respect to design results in a lower
efficiency bleed air generation.

Case "B" shows a split-compressor where the pneumatic power is taken from an appro-
priate location within the compressor flow path where the required pressure has been
Case "D" however, shows an engine where bleed air is taken out at the end of com-
pression i.e. the air is first brought up to pressure required by the engine cycle. Sub-
sequent reduction of pressure to levels compatible with the pneumatic system results in
significant penalties for system efficiency.
Where good part load operation and minimum specific fuel consumption are of prime impor-
tance todays APU's are designed as two shaft engines with separate lead compressor con-
figuration 'C".
Fig. 16 finally compare torque and power of single shaft and two shaft designs.
The single shaft engine supplies no positive torque below 50% speed, therefore it cannot
ue started under load. The speed regime at which such engine can work is limited between
approx. 80 and 100%. The shaded area shows the performance map of a sinule shaft design.
It is narrow and drops of rapidly with decreasing speed.
The two shaft engine connects gasgenerator and power turbine pneumatically whereas the
load is mechanically coupled to the power turbine. Torque Is available from 0 to 100%
power turbine speed.

Together with advances in aircraft systems also SPS's will see improvements in
current and future applications. They have become an additional design aspect in its own
right and hene will influence system life cycle cost. This challenge has been accepted
by manlfacturers of SP''s and APU's. They are ready and urepared to make their contribu-
tion to improv , future generations of fighter aircraft systems.


(01) K. Piel: "Experience with the KHi APIIT31? for a modern Fighter Type", AGARD PEP
o 60th Symposium, Oct. 1982
S(02) K. Piel: "Mnuderne Klelngasturbinen im Rahmen von Hilfsenerqie-Systemen fur
flugzeuge", 85. Wehrtechnisches Symposium, Luftfahrttechnik II, 21./22.09.1977,
Rundenks dcmic fur nhrverwaltuui q ,id Wehle hoik, Mannheim

U (03) E. Schnell: "Auxiliary Power Units for Secondary Power System", AGARD converence

on Energetics for Aircraft Auxiliary Power Systems, June 1972


SPS installed on Engine

Propulsion Engine

SPS remoteily mounted - - '1

Power Take Off Shaft

Fig. Secondary power system for fighter aircraft

!'I \, (



SPS In' sgrated into SPS remotely Installed , New SPS with non wr-nha_•-_
Main Engine mechanical drive tranensission between G8's
and APU

Fig.2 i)evelopment trendts of srcondary power systemns


10 0

am Love 1&larboard - or

____Port - Gearbox

.4. Idle

- 40
L0 ao 100
00 Speed M¶1

Fig.4 Tornado seccondary power system gearbox lownse


ACCoeSOriOS Accatxorles

Torque Convwrter

Decouple f
Chlu tch /1cc1fl
PTO - Shaft PTO-Shaft
P PTO-Shaft

Two Shaft APU Single Shaft APU


Fig.5 SPS's with mechanical energy transmission

APO :Fuel

L - . .-. Shaft Power

Preaauriced ONl

> El. Currant


S• APU Exhaust Host

S~ATM Exhaust
-Heat Oil Hloat
Usanble Energy


ig.6 lpaiisoz SYSTEM
o difftrent energy
tran mission ýytcm-A

*estimated values Ion ELECRICA
of heat
SOl- i i SEaS ONS


Air Supply


Air Supply A'r Supply

Main Engine Main En

Fig.7 Secondary power system with pneumatic energy transmission

10 -

Cruise Gi of
9 . . ... .. ho:..Io~ System
GE-LOSS Loiter


Engine Btart*Taxi Nun ...

Check Out - ,lf

___Stand By PnateS
an of t

4 1--4.__ I I

Teke Off
0 ____ ___

40 s0 s0 0 s0 s0 100

Fig.8 Power loss nu different gearboxes

3-I 1

Chock Chock
4 out JP Stand by -0 Flight 0outm

4 -- Approach
Oil __ ______ Lotter

2 _

II-APU Ground Operation .4 APU

m-- Time Poamibia Extension Op*ration
['o APU Operation

Fig.9 Oil heat losses of apneumatic system-OHi

generated duringR a mission


Fuel Fih ahN


1'1 2 3 4 B

Flight Altitude

-- ~Fig. IC Fiel consuinption durinig 10nijisutes of APU

icration at full specd, without po~wer extiactiois

A-I 2


•, •!ll -~ ~ -. tank

I • m•F069i896, Outer skin

flow fe
" /-- ~Cooling fn

Fig. I1 Gearbox with outer skin cooling

20 FIIgh1 Envelope
18 Heat Transfer Conditions:

I ;16 Altitude2W
ISA , Hot Day
Wall Temperature 400 K

0 0
Finned Wall Dimension

400 mm

Fin Configmwatlon

.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

L Mach No

Fig. 12 (Colingthrough a finncd surface

Swhen subjected to rar- air

Ram Air cooled Wall Volvo

Fig. 13 Oil sdchematic with a new cooling systen

Fig.14 A'U Kill) T312 for Trnado SI'


A Single shaft APU with separate B Single shaft APU with split compressor
air splq~y compreesor

C Two shaft APU with separate D Single shaft APU with air bleed
air supply coiprosseor behind engine compressor

ligl 5 D)itfcrcnt ionfigurations of air delivering APU's

- Two Shaft APU with fixed Guide Vanes

- - -- Single Shaft APU

120 4 ro,
Geagonerator Speed 100 %

200 100--- Ilk,

• 0
12eýsign Point 0 -

4 20

t -40
! 20-4 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Output Speed ( % Output Speo 1 %)

Torque Characteristic Peformaince Map

-ig Ib (omparison ot torque ciharacteritic and -'rrformancr

between a Kingle shaft and a two & It1 APU


G.B.Toyne, UK
Fig.O of the paper shows how the heat is dissipated for each of the following systems; mechanical, hydiaulic,
pneumatic, electrical. Have the Authors done a comparison of the total weight for each system?

Authtr's Reply
Not yet, the weight analysis is under evaluation.

A,L.Rosanin, US
With retail to the rain air/fir ned oil cooling design: has this system beenr comipa ed to other cooling methods
regarding weight, resistance, volume and cost?

Author's Reply
As was said before weight analysis is under evaluation, volume and cost will lie dealt with later on. The resistance,
i.e. Ilight drag will be approximately 1%less compared with conventional rain air heat exchangers.

E.H.Warne. UK
I(low do you propose to overcome difficulties due to freezing of the expendable coolant, (Fig.13 of your paper)?

Author's Reply
Freezing of the coolant will be avoided by means of additives.

K.Moe, Ge
Amongst APU coifigurations preaented in Fig. 15, is their the APIJ model being offered for the Airbus A 320?

Author's Reply
For Airbus A 320 most probably configuration C will he used.

R.Smith, US
FIg.1 I and 12, Are the cooling fins raimned wilt a recovery dict or are they simply on the external skin?

Author's Reply
T'imecooling fins are part of the oiiter skin of the fuselage.



Chief Analytical Engineer
A Diisio
ofSolar Turbines Incorporated
00 4400 Ruffin Road
P.O. Box 80966
NSan Diego, California 92138

C AB Self-suffclTncy for military aircraft operating from remote advanced bases can be at-

tained with small on-board air breathing gas turbine auxiliary power units (APUs)
Smain engine start and aircraft secondary power. supplying

The small, fixed shaft, gas turbine configuration comprising the single-stage radial•
0 compressor and radial inflow turbine, mounted back-to-back, and overhung from a cold J.
Sbearing capsule has found favor in providing this duty due to inherent attributes of aw
cost, simplicity and high power-to-weight ratio.
This configuration of APUs first entered service in the early 1950s, and derivatives have
been designed, developed and produced to meet aircraft industry demands. Extensive experience
with these APUs has led to the formulation of several major design constraints, within the ob-
jective of minimum life cycle costs, that enhance development of both modified and derivative
versions, This paper highlights some of these design constraints and identifies advantageous
areas of research and development for future APUs.


b Blade Height
O Rotor Diameter
9 Gravitational Constant
H Head
hp Horsepower
Hz Frequency
k Constant
KW Power
L. Blade Length
n Exponent
N Rotational Speed
NS Specific Speed (Dimensionless)
q Compressor Work Factor
o Volume Flow
Rc Compressor Pressure Ratio
Re Reynolds Number
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
t Blade Root Thickness
T Total Temperature
T.I.T. Turbine
Rotor lipInlet
. U
I. Vo Theoretical Spouting Velocity
Lf Blade Angle
8 Altitude Correction Factor
A Difference
v Kinematic Viscosity
w Angular Velocity

I Compressor Inlet
2 Compressor Exit
3 lurbine Inlet
c Compressor
t Turbine
m Metal
Pol Polytrrpic
opt Optimu


In the United States, competitive bldding on major military, airborne and air breathing
S~Importance): APU programs has historically shown that the primary program requirements were (in order of

' Development and Selling Cost

* Reliability/Maintainability
Volume and Weight
. Fuel Consumption

To minlimze costs, the development of small gas turbine APUs has been constrained to the
modification, adaptation, or extension of existing engines and components. Only in special
circumstances have private sector or government research and developm',it funds been available
for the design and development of new APUs.

Self-sufficiency for both military and comnercial aircraft operating from r.note air-
fields can be attained with small on-board APUs supplying main engine start and ground check-
out power. In spite of increased fuel costs, APU fuel consumption has not been a major aspect
because most applications involve only intermittent duty. Fundamental design emphasis has
therefore been focused upon a reduced number of components for reliability and maximum power-
to-weight and power-to-volume ratios.

Life cycle cost (LCC) analyses may be conducted for comparative design evaluation when
detailed information concerning a specific mission profile has been defined by the user. In
most instances, development and selling cost constraints have dictated the selection of an
engine utilizing a maximum of existing hardware and experience. This is corroborated by the
fact that it is not uncomnon for a particular APU product line to have 40 or more Individual
variants for diverse fixed and rotary wing aircraft applications.

Under the constraints of minimum development, selling costs, high reliability, and min-
imum weight, a design philosophy has evolved which is the major topic of this paper. These
constraints can essentially be divided into two categories. For example, if an APU specifi-
cation is issued which can be satisfied by an existing model or derivative thereof, the major
constraint will be system integration for minimum LCC. Alternately, if the specification
demands an entirely new APU, LUC must be optimized within the constraints of the engine and
component design disciplines.


The major engine deslgn disciplines of cost, life, performance and weight must be inte-
grated to optimize the final APU configuration. Cost often mandates a simple turbomachineryI
configuration with a minimum number of components and simple external impingement cooling of
•_• • the hut-'end module.

The small gas turbine and turbocharger configurations having the largest production in
the United States to date are comprised of a slngle-stage radial compressor mounted back-to-
back to a single-stage radial inflow turbine. This configuration, shown in Figure 1, has

a found wide acceptance for small APUs in the 10 to 200 kW class.


Figure 1. Small Single Shaft Gas Turbine

Although "simplifying design through component reduction" can be construed as an over-
statemenL of probable engine reliability, the establishment of a design goal in the reduction
of components and parts is a big step forward in attaining the ultimate goal. Component re-
duction is also an obvious technique to minimize cost and tolerance stackup restraints. Con-
sequently, the compressor and turbine rotors are often single-piece castings similar to that
of the iass-produced turbocharger rotors.

The dominance of the single-stage radial or centrifugal compressor stems from its cost
attributes, Incremental improvements in turbine materials and progressive aerodynamic devel-
opment of centrifugal compressor technology have provided increased temperature ratio,
pressure ratio and airflow swallowing capacity (specific speed) to the extent that APU power-
to-weight ratios of 4.4 kW/kg, and power-to-volume ratios of 8DO0 kW/m' are attainable.

Other small gas turbine component configurations are also manufactured, retaining the
single-stage radial compressor, but in combination with a single-or two-stage axial flow


Design optimization normally begins with a design requirement for an engine of given
power output, specific fuel consumption, and possibly weight and size. Within these confines,
it Is customary to select an optimum combination from the following cycle variables:

* T.I.T.-to-Ambient Temperature Ratio

* Compre-ýor and Turbine Efficiencies
* Pressut Ratio
* Combustor Efficiency and Pressure Drop
* Mechanical Losses

Comprehensive performance analysis for small gas turbines using single-stage radial com-
pressors and turbines have been developed (Reference 1) and extended to include the constraint
of turbine rotor stress rupture life,
Current methods of predicting the peak component efficiencies demand lengthy computation
procedures and extensive input including complete turbomachinery geometry description and per-
formance requirements. Such prediction methods are too Inflexible for use in a cycle optimi-
zation procedure. To obtain a practical procedure, it is necersary to define component effi-
ciencies in terms of a reduced number of parameters without significantly sacrificing accu-
racy. The major parameters which influence component efficiency are rotational speed, Mach
number and pressure ratio, component size, operating clearances and state-of-the-art techno-
logy level.

influence of rotational speed and compressibility can be assessed from specific speed
c:harts such as those for typical single-stage radial flow compressors and turoines shown in
FiHures 2 and 3 respectively. Component state-of-the-art efficiency levels are depicted based
upon the defined limitations, and can be digitizcd for inclusion into cycle analysis routines.

Impeller Tip Diameters 100 - 300 mm Suisce Finish, Pollahed

-!mperlr r0- Tip r rj#2 -- 2
Impeller Tip Speeds 250 - 800 m1s WedgeTyeVndlios
MiAsltClearsnoelfisdo Heightvg% Averte Exit Mach No. 0.1
: S':Itlon Conditions Ambient Air t,= U2 b2 112v >1 x 105

Figure 2.
Intl CT, N,- --
(3rJ _,
Cnig i
Attainable Peak Efficiencies Single Staqe Centrifuqal Compressors

inlet Blade Angle - Radial

Pressure Ratio 2.0 to 5.0
%. UTbVl2vEx >1XI0 Tip Dia' 100-20D mm
Axial Claeamnlfmellade Ht < R% Optimum U39Vo


• o __ __k .l .. _ . _ L

0.3 0.4 0.5Fi 0,6 0.7 0.11 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1,8

Figure 3. Attainable Peak Efficiencies Single Stage Radial Turbines

For intermittent duty, there are incentives to provide higher specific power with In-
creases in cycle temperature and pressure ratios, commensurate with turbine life and reliabil-
ity objectives. Higher single-st~ge compressor pr'essure ratius are realized by increasingI
rotor tangential velocities:

U2 , AH/q(1
Hligher Mach numbers at the rotor entry and exit are incurred. The aerodynamic problems
associated with diffusion at these conditions are being resolved to attain efficient high
I pressure iaiio compressor operation. These problems involve careful selection of the blading
solidity, thicknpss chord ratios, nose radius, hub and shroud contours, appropriate rotor And
diffuser diffusion ratios. and strict control of the design dimensions.

At high~er pressure ratios, compressor surge and engine matching do not always al low oppr-
ation at. peak comprpssor efficienicy. Therefore, engine design point compressor efficiency
may be one to two percentage points below peak efficiency depending upon compressor
: characteristics.

Pressure ratio increase by itself drieps significantly impact turbine performance and life.
Efficient turbine expansion demands relatively high rotor tip speeds (650 m/s) at pressure
ratios above 5.0. High tip speeds consequently increase rotor centrifugal stresses and com-
promise turbine life and burst margin.

S~Optimum efficiency for radially bladed turbines occurs adjacent tu a velocity ratio of
i~ U./V =0.7. Other considerations often restrain the tip speed, U, to values less than
, the aerodynamic optimum. where turbine efficiency approximately decreases according to the
U3/Vu cnitin
atths r en eovdt tanefcethg
t .... etyadextaeTe
z eoyai
-Iopt (U3/Vo)

i opt
,.•Factors influencing the selection of allowable tip speed are:

. Turbine Life -Stress Rupture, Low Cycle Fatigue, and Burst Margin
. Turbine Efficiency (U /V° 0 U /V. opt) (3)

Envelope Dimensions
r Engine Svarting Characteristics

For a typical non-internally cooled superalloy rotor, the allowable tip speed for a given
life can be expressed as:
U3 a k1 (Tm-i 3 ) (4)

where: n = an exponent on the order of 0.5

Tm = Metal temperature near zero strength

The implication of this relationship is that the stress (stress rupture 0 and low cycle
fatigue) permissible tip speed decreases rapidly as the l.I.T. approaches 50 C of the "zero
strength" temperature level, which for current conventional superalloys is around 1400 K.

Engine envelope limitations and starting characteristics result in the selection of a

turbine tip diameter normally no larger than 10 percent of the compressor tip diameter:
03 = 1.1 02.


The simplicity of the radial gas turbine with single-stage compressor and turbine com-
ponents permits a computerized performance optimization incorporating all the aforementioned
design disciplines plus determinati . t the approximate APU weight, volume and cost from the
following correlations:

Weight a k2 (R - 1)02n , k 3 Of + k 4 (5)

Volume a k50Dn k6 (6)

Costa k7W n + k (7)

Weight and volume include the powerhead and gearbox but exclude accessories, driven
equipment, containment, ducting, or external oil cooling. APU cost studies indicate power-
head costs are a function of weight; whereas accessory, control, assembly and test costs are
essentially fixed in this size range. These correlations should be interpreted as represent-
ative of the weight, volume and original equipment manufacturer's cost trends, rather than
i ndicative of absolute values-



2I; 200 HPIFT 3

40 300 R, 41M/ Ambient -- S L. 15"CG

Turbine Inlet Temp 1280 K

0.5 0,8 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 4. 100 kW AP2 Optimization

- ----

46 A hypothetical 100 kW APU radial configuration was analyzed using the performance optim-
ization technique to assess the trends of weight, volume, cost, and fuel consumption at sea
level, 15'C conditions. A maximum uncooled T.I.T. of 1280 K was selected with compressor
pressure ratios of 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0. The results and analysis are shown in Figure 4 and
indicate the following trends.

* Optimum cycle SFC and minimum cost/weight occur at different specific speeds.

" Cycle pressure ratio has little effect on specific weight, volume and cost.
(The use of titanium compressors at higher pressure ratios can increase cost up to
10 percent.)

. With continuing emphasis upon minimum weight for intermittent duty APUs, compo-
nent development efforts should be channeled towards specific high speed compres-
sors and tujrbines, plus high heat release combustors.

The trends only relate to the optimization of an entirely new or hypothetical design.
In most instances, higher specific power is obtained by continued uprating in terms of speed,
airflow, pressure ratio and T.I.T. for an existing APU. Continued uprating within the same
envelope towards maturity in engine development may result in reduced fuel economy in spite
of increased power, as precipitated by component specific speed effects and increased duct
pressure losses.

It is of further Interest to examine the effect of engine power on specific weight,

volume and cost at a specific compressor speed of 0.9, as shown in Figure 5. Engine weight
departs considerably from the classic kW'-' formulation, since low cost demands utiTization
of existing accessory and control components.

Specific APU power and volume ratios rapidly approach zero at very low powers, as do most
other sources of secondary power. At lower powers (less than 30 kW), rotational speeds In
excess of 150,000 rpm are encountered near optimum specific power and volume.

' I

S.L. 15'C
Turbine Inlet 1280K


00 100 200 300 400


Figure 5. Influence of Power on Cost, Weight and Volume

-H ~I*

Small gas turbines (Figure 6) still have higher powe, volume and power-weight ratios than
intermittent combustion engines and stored electrical energy (batteries).
The cycle optimization example previously discussed was conducted at sea level, 15'C
cnnditions for comparative evaluation purposes. Most intermittent duty APUs for main engine
starting are designed to wperate at zmbient temperatures of 40' to 50 C where engine starting
difficulty is increased.


Typical trends for the effect of ambient temperature, altitude and flight Ma-" number
for constant speed, single-shaft radial gas turbines operating at constant T.I.T. are shown
in Figures 7 and 8. It is observed that output power decreases approxi, ýely 30 pprcent at
hot day conditions of 50'C. Thus, if the APU is sized for hot day aircr t starting require-
ments, the maximum T.I.T. for ground starts will only be Experienced at elevated ambient
temperatures. Since up to g5 percent of APU operating time is normally spent at ambient tem-
peratures below 32 C, the turbine is rarely exposed to the maximum rating, which is similar
to flat rated helicopter gas turbine engines. Emergency infliyht starting is occasionally
specified up to the altitude limits where consistent APU starts can still be achieved, de-
pending upon starting technique and ignition characteristics. In emergency conditions, time
from "power loss" to "power up" is vital, particularly for fly-by-wire aircraft. Air breath-
ing APUs have difficulty in meeting such altitude emergency restart requirements, due to
power lapse rate (Figure 1) which invari,.ly occu-s with no inlet ram. Consequently, supple-
mentary non-air breathing emergency power units are al..oinstalled in many aircraft, with
commensurate weight penalties,

Figure 6. T20G Gas Turbine

Conslant Speed
Constant Turbine InletTp

S... . L 1.0

ýe 0.5 -bo

-Q0 - 20 0 20 aQ eo

Figure 7. lyplcal Power Lapse Rate Single Shaft Radial Gas Turbine

i L ......

Reference 2 indicates that high adtitude start and power characteristics of air breathing
APUs can be enhanced by improvements in ignition, fuel atomization, and combustion, plus in-
stallation to maximize the significant effect of inlet ram (Figure 8). It Is now considered
feasible with appropriate res!arch and development to attain full APU power in an elapsed time
of six to seven seconds at 15,000 meters altitude.


For cost reasons, it is desirable to produce both compressor and turbine rotors from
single forgings or castings. A fundamental problem with monolithic rotors is their very high
response to excitation (similar to that of a church bell). There are many sources of high
frequency energy excitation within small gas turbines which can "ring" a belN-like structure;
therefore, cast rotors are susceptible to high cycle fatigue failure. Fortunately, Lecause
the small radial gas turbine normally operates at constant speed, it may be possible to de-
tune resonant frequencies out of the operating speed range. The two-shaft gas turbine, often
used as a jet fuel starter (JFS), operates at variable speeds and requires additional vibra-
tion testing to assess high cycle fatigue duraLility.
It is a standard and advisable practice to avoid any of the first three or four orders
of shaft speed resonance. This is difficult with specific high speed, high Mach number com-
prensors, and it is necessary to accurately control blade frequency between the second and
third excitation order levels, or compromise performance in favor of durability. Approximate
blade first flap frequencies for radial rotors can be calculated from the data shown in
Figure 9, which are useful in preliminary rutor design.

More accurate frequency determination is obtained from thrcc-dimensional, finite element

modeling in the detail design phase (Figure 10).

Eventually, holographic testing of actual hardware resolves the static resonant modes,
which, in combination with engine dynamic strain gauge testing, defines the resonant frequen-
cy (Campbell) diagram.




0.2 0


4'08 Shc 'pro.pmit

Effc't of Flight
0.06 Envelope Ver:_,.ej on APU Output Power for:
0 - Constant Speed
0.04 - Co.istant Turbine Inlet Temperature
0 Inlet RAM Recovery 75 Perceat
0.03 Includes Correction for Reynolds Number

0.02 Stindard Altitud~e Lapse Rlts

5 I0 15 20

Figure 8. Effect of Altitude and Flight Mach Number on Ga- iurbine APU Performance

- -
-- 4------

Static Frequency HZS v kI
k = 55,000 - 50,000

Dynamic Frequency /I + 2.0( Hn2 HZD

Static Frequency V
HzR = Rotor Shaft Frequency

Figure 9. Estimated Blade First Flap Frequency

Figure 10. 30 Finite Element Rotor Model

X Small gas turbine jet fuel starters are also susceptible to low cycle fatigue (LCF) life
llimltatiol,. These units are required to make between two to six thousand start cycles, de-
pending upon the installation. A typical start cycle endures up to 10 seconds for the JFS
start, followed by 30 seconds of maximum T.I.IF. to accomplish i main engine tart. Inondiate
shutdown follows and restarts are often required after a minimum cool down period of two
minutes. As most small APUs have minimal external or no turbine rotor cooling, the maximum
•. thermal gradients may be 3001C or more. The turbine rotor accumulates low cycle thermal
fatigue damage by repeated operation to full speed and temperature.

Turbine overtemperature and overspeed excursions impact LCF life. In some applications,
only one turbine exhaust temperature probe is used for engine control. Calibration of the
probe must be maintained, especially in hot climates, and should be accurately positioned at P

a point in the gas stream representative of the mass-averagod temperature. In general, LCF
life is extended by operating at lower temperatures and lower rotor stresses, which are con-
trary to the attainment of maximum specific power and are another example of demanding design

In addit on to high and low cycle fatigue 0 nd stress rupture constraints, turbir ;tor
burst overspeed margin and mode of burst influence turbine rotor design philosophy, rot .1

stress optimized rotor discs, the overspeed burst margin decreases with increasing pressure
ratios and turbine inlet temperatures. The mode of burst is a significant factor in deter-
mining APU containment weight, if required by specification. The disc can be designed for a
high burst margin with a tri-hub burst characteristic, or a somewhat lower burst margin, with
a more desirable, fragmented, lower energy disc burst.


The shaft dynamic characteristics of radial qas turbines with overhung back-to-back
compressor and turbine rotors (Figure 1) have been extensively studied.

Shaft critical speed is primarily a function of the following variables:

* Combined Rotor Mass
* Bearing Stiffness
* Shaft Diameter
* Bearing Span
* Rotor Overhang

Different vibration modes for a given rotor system with large changes In spring rate are
exhibited in Figure 11. The linear portion of the curve, at low bearing spring rates, corre-
sponds to the "rigid body" mode of vibration where little or no shaft bending occurs and all
motion is in the bearings and their supports. At high bearing spring rates, the converse is
true, and almost all motion is in shaft bending, with little motion in the bearings. In the
transition region, the vibration mode shape involves both bearing motion and shaft bending.
With bearing spring rates in the 3 x 10' to 4 x 10' kg/mm range, the rotor characteristic
lies in the transition region, with a critical speed near 10 percent design speed. This rotor
system would demonstrate the very desirable characteristic of having one critical speed in the
low speed range and no additional critical speeds in the high speed or operating range.

Fur a given rotor mass and bearing stiffness, the Important variable in the support
system is the shaft diameter, preceded by the bearing span/tn overhung ratio. Likewise, the
shaft diameter is also constrained by the bearing "ON" val, , limitations. Bearing span to
overhang ratios of near unity provide the higiiest system critical speed.

The significance of seeking the highest critical speed is to provide the stiffest overall
system in terms of combined shaft and bearing deflections which are of importance to ýompres-
sor and turbine shroud clearances.

Important factors controlling bearing life it overhung radial rotor systems are:

1. Selection of optimum bearing size and "DN" value

2. Rotor unbalance, prior to and after repeated dynamic and thermal excursions
3. Bearing environment aid lubrication
4. Bearing preload (angular contact bearings)
5. Bearing internal clearance (roller bearings)
6. Rotor static load and end thrust


Fig• r" I. tfte t of Bearing Stiffness on Critical Speed


The majority of field service related bearing problems stem from the above factors 2 and

3. Bearing "ON" limitations do not scale directly with engine size. One deviating constraint
arises from the larger ball size to withstand centrifugal stresses at high rotational speeds.

Current bearing materials and life requirements limit bearing "ON" values for small
radial engines to the order of 1.8 x 10' nn/rpm.

The "cold" location of bearings, shown in Figure 1, is an ideal environment where the
compressor inlet air bathes the bearing capsule. Sealing is required between the bearings and
the subatmospheric pressure at the compressor eye, and is accomplished with either a buffered
labyrinth, viscoseal or more expensive carbon face seal. Heat input to the bearing capsule
arises from bearing viscous drag, heat conduction from the turbine rotor down the shaft, and
possibly the buffer air. Buffer air heat input becomes significant as advanced technology
demands higher compressor pressure ratios and higher buffer air temperatures.

Higher compressor pressure ratios also result in elevated Mach numbers and impose a
trade-off between compressor hub size - thus bearing external diameter - and minimum inlet
relative Mach number.


The combustor and fuel system are not only vital to APU reliability but may also be the
only determining factors of consistent aircraft starting. Fast starting is required over a
wide range of ambient temperatures and altitudes for the APU and the main engine to which it
supplies starting energy. Starting torque characteristics of small aircraft gas turbines and
APUs are discussed at length in Reference 3. The dominant factors contiolling start charac-
teristics at sub-zelo temperatures are both the lubricant and fuel viscous shear effects. In
fact, the stored energy start system (with hydraulic accumulator) for rapid sub-zero starting
may weigh as much as the APU itself because of high lubricant shear stresses. Starting duty
APUs are further burdened with the Incompatibility of torque output dependent upon altitude
correction factor "a". However, main engine initial cranking torque is dependent basically
upmaonlubricant viscosity.

Combustion for the small radia' APUs is accomplished in either annular reverse flow or
single can scroll burners, which are common to many larger gas turbine engines. The principal
combustor requirements are mirimum envelope and an efficient short stable combination flame
over a wide range of environmental operating conditions. This must be achiered with fuel vis-
cosities of one or more centistokes. Efficient combustion over this viscosity variation
permits the use of a compact, lightweight, low energy, ignition system and allows simple,
open-loop acceleration fuel scheduling. With restricted volume, the time for fuel evapora-
tion, mixing, and reaction is small. Short residence time is critical to ignition, combustion
efficiency, flame stability and flame length. However, mixing and reaction criteria have less
influence 3n fuel evaporation. The principal combustion problem is to provide fine fuel evap-
oration with viscous fuel, thereby accelerating the fuel evaporation process.

HandlIng small fuel flows requires extremely small flow passages when conventional pres-
sure atomizing systems are employed. These small pa..adges are susceptible to clogging with
dirt or gum. This becomes even more restrictive in considering the importance of good atom-
izing requirements for lightoff and combustion (during lightoff and APU acceleration) with
about onc-'tiird of the full speed fuel flow. The problem is further compounded when the total
fuel i % distributed among several injection points, as required by annular burner designs.
J For these reasons, the combustion systems of smaller APUs emplny A single can-typo com.
.. bu.tor, in which all the air and fuel are confined to one location for atomization and
burning. A unique rotating cup atomizer, shown in Figure 12, permits fuel addition to the
combustor at low pressure through large flow passages, and atomization is accomplished by
thin film injection of fuel from the edge of a single, open, rotating cup with little possi-
bility of fouling or plugging. An additionaC significant advantage of the rotating cup
system is that the electric motor-driven cup can be at full speed and full atomization
potential when the fuel is first introduced for lightoff during the turbine start-up. The
Excellence of this system ensures reliable initial lightoff and high combustion efficiency
with all fuels, oarticularly at the extremely low temperatures required In typical military


lhe development history of small radial gas turbines has shown (cnclusively that it is
difficult to duplicate engine component performance in typical Individual component test
rigs. The major reasons for this difficulty are heat transfer, shaft dvnamics l"4age, and
flow distribution effects.
i w 1

I _ -_ _-_ _-,

Figure 12. T20G Gas Turbine with Rotating Cup Fuel Atomizer


Since clearance gaps must be provided between the rotor and its shrouds, leakriges from
the rotor blade pressure to suction surfaces occur sd derrpa-o the efficiency. The minimum
tolerable operating clearance is determined by a transient operating condition, and the
efficiency at the desired steady-state operating condition is compromised,
Test results indicate that the effect of clearances on radial compressors and turbine
efficiency can be approximated by:

Compressor efficiency loss % = 0.25 x axial gap/tip blade height % (8)

Turbine efficiency loss % = 0.15 x axial yap/tip blade height % (9)

A loss in compressor efficiency due to increased axial clearance is accompanied by a rp-

duction in matched compressor airflow at the rated engine speed and operating temperature.
This follows as a consequence of reduced compressor discharge pressure against an esentially
constant turbine flow function.

The assignment of clearance %ettings for the compressor and turbine requires a compromise
among the requirements of the aerodynamicist, the mechanical designer, and manufacturing per-
sonnel, A thorough appraisal of these requirements is mandatory before clearance gaps can be
chosen, espec'ally since the above clearance loss relationships indicate that a gap-to-blade-
height ratio of 1U percent could decrease compresor efficiency 2.5 pnrcant and turbine effi-
riency 1.5 percent. Maintaining gap-to-height ratios may prove impractical to the mechanical
4 designer and manufacturing personnel when blade heights less than 5.0 mmar; necessary.

I an he number of components, individual component tolerances, turbomachinery arrangement,

and hearing clearances can magnify the problem of maintaining close gaps. A shinning process
is often used to satisfy clearance gap and component tolerance limitations with the widest
possible manufacturing tolerances.

Heut Transfer
Heat transfer from the hot section of an erngine to the compressor influences both the
direct aerodynamic proLesse, and the thieriial equilibriunm and positioning of tirestationary
%hruudinl (if the compressor. Assembly .Iraranirps which may be acceptable on a rig way result

Sinterferencrs on an actual
arid ac(essory cooling
engine. Gas turbine pacfagP systems often use inlet air for the
with resulting unmixedness and nonuniform compressor air. Com--
pressor rigs, nn the other hrnd, are rioted for their exairly defined and uniform inlet

Thermal modeling of the gai turbine engine asseembly during design can assist In assessig
the compatibility of rotor and sta'iooafy shroud deflections during steadLy-state and transient
conditions Solutions of the complex problems raised by the.e analyses benefit greatly from
uariy in th- compressor , -eiopment.
simulated engine tesiii,, SI

The magnitude of heat transfer effects on both the rotating and surrounding stationary
components increases with the trend toward higher pressure ratios, higher tip speeds, and
higher turbine inlet temperatures. External heat losses also tend to increase with surface
area, which is inversely proportional to diameter. The effects are further amplified on
small size components, in which potentially high performance losses are associated with large
ratios of clearance gap to rotor blade height.

Shaft Dynamica

The customary component development approach is to select a rig design that minimizes
potential mechanical problems associated with rotor support and drive-shaft dynamics. At some
later stage of development, it becomes necessary to superimpose the effects of the engine and
its support and shaft dynamics system. It can be seen that these effects are better measured
on an actual system when one examines some of the whirl patterns that characterile engine ro-
tor systems. The minimum rotor to stationary shroud clearances are significant only when due
consideration has been given to the rotor system at its critical speed condition on the com-
plete engine rotor. For the back-to-back system with overhung compressor and turbine, the
maximum rotor radial excursion occurs at the turbine exducer tip du.ing acceleration through
the first critical speed of the shaft system. Here, minimum clearance Is primarily contingent
upon rotor imbalance and the piloting system retaining the turbine nozzle. These factors
are, in turn, dependent upon thermal conditions throughout the engine components. Therefore,
it becomes evident that early engine testing is required to fully resolve these problems.
) Leakaem
L The sealing system, required to prevent external and internal engine leakages, may prn-
cduce performance defects which cannot be simulated on a simple compressor rig. Seal pressure
and temperature differentials vary with engine load levels and account for variations in these
leakage effects. In actual engines, these effects are rarely known directly, and therefore
annot be duplicated on a compressor rig. The sealing problem is further aggravated by the
realities of manufacturing tolerances.

Flow Diatribution
"The flow distribution in and: out of the engine compressor depends upon the final engine
design and, in some instances, the final package configuration. The compressor outlet influ-
ences the combustor design and vice versa. Performance is critically dependent upon flow sym-
metry and swirl and cannot be properly considered without correct knowledge of these flow

In spite nf the many pitfalls involved in individual component rig testing, it Is advan-
tageous to conduct the initial exploratory component performance evaluation on idealized rigs,
These tests confl m the validity of the flow swallowing capacity and provide a more reproduc-
Ible standard of :.erformanre evaluation. Such tests are particularly necessary in instances
where departures from established design procedures have been attempted in an effort to obtain
significant technological Improvements. However, the improvements must he immediately exam-
ined In a realistic engine environment when overall engitte performance is the ultimate goal.


life cycle costs for airborne small gas turbine APUs are highly mission dependent. For
basic start duty life cycle costs consists of:
V I I ! •
Acquisiti- n Cost
Cost per liverhaul
Maintenance Cost/Start
- Number of Starts per APU Overhaul
Start System lie-
l)evelopment Costs

Costs are fairly w• II defised with a generic APO overhaul and development, and depend
mainly upon labor rate, materiils and past experience. Mair enance costs may not b dictated
S by actual APU running hours oi number of starts, since envi, neental aspects play a dcmoinant
ro le. These aspects are, for example, acceleration (g) forces, vibration amplitude and fr,-Ž
quencies, and windmilling.
For combination start -id rontinuou- duly A:'Us, engine operating time and fuel
q consijop-
tion will enter [CC appraisal, depending upon the used life fraction for each mode of opera-

' lIfIni untis duty periods less ;i lOn
vsentlal by be omitted from LCC calculations.
huu between overhauls, fuel costs may 3
S| 'I

In a given installation, APU size may be determined by the main engine start time or by
the environmental control system for cooling of electronics.

demand for minimum weight (especially on intermittent duty APUs) necessitates thai
the APU operates close to its limiting T.I.T. at hot day conditions. The percentage of time
spent at this limit controls overhaul life. Typical start cycle requirements between over-
hauls range from a minimum of 500, to a normal of 2000, and to an uppe, limit of 8000 starts.
For installations where continuous duty consumes the major life fraction, the average time
between overhauls is on the order of 2000 hours. Fur mixed missions, either 2000 hours or
2000 starts may be used as an overhaul criterion.

An option for reduced APU life cycle costs is the selection of a derated APU with better
LCF and stress rupture life. lhis option involves a complete weapon system LCC analysis be-
cause this derated APU carries a take-off gross weight penalty.

The diversity of APU applications, modes of operation, geographical locations, T.I.T. and
stresses at rated power requires each LCC analysis to be conducted on a case-by-case basis.
In general, such analyses indicate that the In~tial acquisition cost can constitute about one
quarter of the total LCC. However, some major APU programs have been and are primarily
secured on the basis of acquisition cost.


Much has been written and speculated concerning the potential low cost, small gas
turbine. The cost yardstick has been the piston engine of equal power. Factors which have
so far prevented the realization of low cost, small gas turbines are:

* Low Production Volume

* Requirement for Specialired Manufacturing Machinery and Toulinq
* High Fuel Consumption
* High RotAtional Speeds R,.uiring High Reduction Ratio Gearboxes
Use of Strategic Materials
* No Low Cost Source for Accessories

Current Department cf Energy auto ,obile gas turbine programs (Reference 4) attack the
cost standard of superalloy strategic materials with the proposed large scale development of
ceramic casting technologies. Nearly all ui the large automobile manifacturers have triefd
the gas Lurbine venture, without yet entering volume production.

Relative engine component costs for small, simple-cycle radial engines currently in pro-
duction are listed In Table 1. Improved manufacluring technology has been suggested (Refer-
ence 5) as a way to T,'duce engine manufacturing costs to 60 percent of current standards.
However, there is little evidence to support a reduction in small gas turbine engine prices

The small radial gas turbine and turbochmrqer are related in that both use a single-
stage radial compressJr and turbine. This relationship has often led to the misconception
that a small gas turbine is really a sophisticated turbocharger with only a combustor and
gearbov added.

A cursory examination of the small gas turbine (Figure 1) and a typical turbocharger
a' shows the commonality of the single-stage compressor and turbine, but any other similarity is
purely uinmcident.,1.

lie relative uompunenit tusLs in Table I Id diLdte Lhat Lthe i'otaLiny assembly and hunusineqs
constitute one-third of the engine price. However, enen ii .maill gas turbines could be manu-

Table 1. Relative Costs of Small Gas Turbine and Turbucharger Components (1 82)

Component Small Gas lurbine, % Turbocharger, %

Rotating Assembly 23 2.0

SHousings CuzaLu L-,

"Gearbox ]8
fontf r;l s, and Accessories. ?7
AssemblYy and Test 13 1.0 I: l

Total 100 5.0.U


* factured in the volume arid at the percentage of cost of turbochargers, the price of the
turbine would still be more than three times the price of the turbocharger. Presently, thŽ
small gas turbine costs 20 times more than the turbochargers.
po Using the monorotor and monostator configuration (Figure 13 and Reference 6) is one
possible way of reducing powerhead costs up to 15 percent.
High rotational speeds of small gas turbines, 60,000 to 100,000 rpm, result in expensive
high speed reduction gearboxes with precision ground gears to obtain output power at speeds
compatible with existing driven equipment generators, engines, converters, hydraulic pumps,
and accessories. Engine accessories do not scale in cost or weight. Theoretically, the small
Specialized accessories are not always available and manufacturing constraints prevent direct
scaling. The net result is that small APU weight deviates substantially from the square cube
relationship (Figure 5).

The increasing demand for built-in test equipment for engine health monitoring, and
closed loop acceleration fuel scheduling is spearheading the advent of full authority elec-
tronic digital control, even in small, low cost APUs. As a result, the control system and
accessories may constitute the major portion of the acquisition cost. The opposite approach
is to provide an APU which has to be removed from the installation and returned to the manu-
facturer for failure determination.

LCC comparisons between existing and advanced fuel efficient APUs for typical airline
service indica+e the importance of fuel costs. Maintenance and overhaul costs are dependent
upon engine complexity and labor rates which are indirectly linked to fuel costs. More so-
phisticated fuel efficient APUs must be as reliable as their simpler counterparts in order-to
provide lower LCC. Emphasis towards design to cost, with early and extensive reliability and
maintenance testing of advanced APUs is then mandatory, along with the requisite development
e penditUres.


in The small single-shaft radial gas turbine APU was first introduced into aircraft service
In the early 1950s. Since that advent, extensive design and operating experience has permit-
ted r'finement and optimezation of the same basic featurev to higher levels of performance and

S, Ii

,•figure 13. Monorotor and Monostator of Titan Gas Turbine3
Iq l I

reliability. A direct example of this is the continued development of Solar's Titan T-62 APU
product line (Figure 14). The initial T-62T-2 model was rated at 62 kW, sea level (SL), and
151C conditions. The current Titan T-62T-45 model shown on test in Figure 15, is now rated at
280 kWwithin the same envelope dimensions, and later prototype engines will be deve!loped up
to 370 kW. During this development period, a host of design constraints have been identified
and categorized. Dominant in hierarchy are cost, reliability/maintainability, weight, and
volume, The bottom line is the LCC for the complete aircraft system of which the APU is only
a minou component.

An example of a new hypothetically optimized APU design indicated no apparent weight im-
provement through the use of higher compressor pressure ratios. On the contrary, however, up-
rating of an existing APU can be achieved by Increasing speed and pressure ratio.
Centrifugal compressor and radial inflow turbine techniques have come a long way since

the advent of the Solar's T-41 radial gas turbine in the 1950s. Design techniques now exist
to essentially confirm both component performance and life prior to cutting any metal. The
progress of technology in the last two decades has reduced potential performance improvements
and the rate of return on research and development investment. Performance limitations for
centrifugal compressor impellers are discussed in Reference 7 where it is reasoned that the
inherent friction limit is being approached for large high performance compressors.

Small radial turbomachimiery is more restrained by mechanical and manufacturing limita-

tions; thus, significant improvements are possible. Emphasis upon improving the investment
casting technology for thinner blades with better surface finish, plus thermal and dynamic
compatibility of the stationary shrouds and rotors is likely to produce higher performance

Performance Improvementý not only stem from increased 'omrponent efficiency levels but
also from Increased component operating ranges, either by decreasing incidence and diffusion
effects on both compressors and turbines, or by utilization of variable (low leakage) geometry
stators. Increased effim lency of the compressor operating range is particularly important for
small radial gas turbines with integral bleed and shaft power output. Compressor range can be
increased by designing blade tip sweepback angles o' 50 degrees. Higher blade stresses are
consequently Incurred and better materials must be sought for the task,

o1w0 "law Airflow l.".,0 pp!,Efficienclee

Fixed Component
2 2200 F Prea sure
3 4e Ratio

(L Turbine

SL 15r1

. so 1a o
M 140 1.0

Model Year nressure Ratio Airflow kg/n T.I.I., K kW
1. T-62T-2 19511 3.5 0.fe4 1087 62
2. T-62T-27 19;41.1 1 tii 1142 112
.1. 1-671-40-8 1975 4.1 1 127 1254 186

4. F-6?1-40 L/C 1979 4.4 1.32 1?211 215
h. T-62?-324 197'- 5.4 0,73 1254 i1.1
6. 1-62T-45 198 4.7 1.82 1282 280
7. F-62T-45 Monorotor 1'85 5.11 2.04 1367 370

Engine O/D Cnnstant ?20 ma

I i ... ....

Figure 15, T62T-45 Test Installation

As discussed previously, maximum T.I.T. for simple, externally cooled radial turbine
rotors bracket the 1350 K mark. Several government sponsored programs (References 4 and 8)
are currently being directed towards increasing T.I.T. up to and beyond 1500 K, both with
sophisticald, internally cooled, metallic and ceramic, radial inflow rotors. This cooled
radial turbine technology could provide higher engine specific power, if the manufacturing
costs are not prohibitive.

Continuous duty APUs have not been fully addressed in this discussion, but it is obvious
that increased fuel costs will eventually demand higher APU compressor pressure ratios to im-
prove fuel consumption. Acquisition costs of fuel efficient APUs will consequently increase,
and adaptations of proven medium-size turboprop and turboshaft engines for APUS will and are
beginning to enter the marketplace.
In concert with the increase in fuel efficient APUs, there will be an improvement in the
efficiency of secondary power absorption systems and energy conservation. Air conditioning
requirements for older commercial aircraft were on the order of 0.5 kg/m per passenger. This
could be reduced by 30 pe, ent fur fulure aircraft, which would decrease APU size requirements.

Finally it is suggested that the most profitable development avenues for higher specific
power, lower weight, intermittent duty, single-shaft radial gas turbine APUs with low LCC are
those focusing upon:

*.Higher specific speed, single-stage radial compressors and turbines.

* Higher temperature capability. liwer rnot hot end n.aterisls, such as cE ramrnis.
High heat release combustors wi h wider altitude start and operating envelop,
Manufacturing techniques to priduce near net-shaped components which will
minimize machinery costr and save critical materials.
4 Computerized design techniques to minimize development risk and time,
. integrating many of the design constraints disrussed herein.

1. Rodgers, C., "A Cycle Analysis Technique for Small Gas Turbines," In titution of
Mechanical Engineecs, London, 1969.
2. Rodgers, C., "High Altitude Titan APU/EPU," Turbomach Internal Report /8217.
.1. Rodgers, C., "Starting Torque Characteristics of Small Aircraft Gas Turbines and
.APUs," ASME 79-GT-95.
4. Byrd, J.A. and Helms, 1I.F., "Ceramic Applications In Turbine Engines," AIAA-8?-llCS.
q. Strack, W. C., "Tie Gate Studies," NASA lech. Memo 79075.
I'6, Rodgers, C., "Desigr, and Developmnent of a Muiourutor Gas lurbine Auxiliary Power 1
" Unit," ASM 7R-WA/GT-2.
7. Rodgers, C., "Spncific Speed and Efficiency of Centrifugal Impeller Performance
Pi 'diction of Centrifugal Pumps and Compressors," ASME Publication 1980.
8. t- , ,I M I,,'nlnd P-10i1 !cflc:: TuruI:, 1"A,, AjVWoILtU 65s iurbine Engines,"

* ----- -o, -



The author wishes to thank the Turbomach Division of Solar Turbines Incorporated, a
subsidiary of Caterpillar Tractor Company, for permission to publish this paper, and acknow-
ledges the efforts of his associates at Turbomach for their dedicated efforts in originating,
designing, developing, producing, selling, and supporting the small radial gas turbine APU
over the past years.



I ,


I-! _ -_


R.Smith. US
(I) What is the tip speed of thle fuel slinger driven by the electric motor?
(2) D)oyou rtn high tip speeds at low rpm and during starting?

Author's Reply
(I) The fuel slinger electric motor operates at a constant speed of 10 000 rpm,
(2) Tip speed is of the order of 25 m/s.

S.S'Slecco, It
According to your figS, influence of power on cost, weight and volume, it looks that over 300 KW of power the
ratio between power and weight first slows down and then decreases, Is this correct or is it a "drawing effect"?
And if it is correct how do you explain it? It seems to me that this ratio should have roughly asymptotic

Author's Reply
The effect is correct due to the square cube relationship of power and weight in terIns of engine dimensions

K.Mose, Ge
Not knowing the API's application to the aircraft typcs, did TURBOMACH ever have problems relative to APIJ
system weight restrictions as asked for by the aircraft manufacturers?

Author's Reply
Most API-, engine- and aircraft manufacturers have experienced weight problems at one time or another. Our
experiences with AVPUsfor large commercial aircraft is limited but nevertheless we have been confronted with
excessive weight. The difficulty mainly arises from the inability of accurately predicting complete installation
weights, sizing on the cooling system, noise silencing material etc.

A.L.Romanin, US
What material, overall length and diameters of monorotor(s) have been successfully tested'? What is the most critical
I (l'-problem by analysis or test?

Author's Reply
Monorotors of l65 mm and 114 min hase been successfully tested made from IJ)IMET 7tItt and hipped IN 792.
More specific details can be found in ASME 78-WA/IGT-2.

-- ---- --- - - - - - -



to II.W.(.L.SIo..ocs...... A.Bl,,y

K LM Royal Dutch Airlinc

:•xP0] Box 7700
00 II17 ZL. SchiphoI-Airport
IThe Netherlands

1. Introduction

O Early inthe sixties, while the jets we operate today were still on the drawing boards, it
was apparent that an efficient and repid ground handling could not be obtained when following
Sthe practices common at that time. The demands an ground support became larger than could be
handled by most of the existing facilities necessitating modification or, as in most instances,
procurement of entirely new equipment.

Therefore and for many other reasons the airlines whole-heartedly welcomed the introduction
of the auxiliary power unit (API)), which provides pneumatic and electrical power on the ground
for operation of the airconditi ;ng and electrical systems and far starting the main engines.

Operation and cantrol are fully automatic after start initiation, making a better use of the
manpower available.

Since the airplane's air pacds are run, the APU can provide a cooler aircraft at boarding time
on hot days than ground equipment. Moreover, individual temperature control of the cabin sec-
tions is possible.

The APU reduces dependance an ground equipment availability and reliability, thus enhancing
on-time performance. It reduces the quantity of required ramp equipment, thus reducing ramp
congestion and consequently turn-uround time.
Trouble correction an circraft on the ramp can be performed without the necessity to move
mobile units into position, which also means time saving.
It is interesting to note that many systems operate on air pressure us well as electricity
each requiring a mobile unit to be moved.
Even a water system may fall in this category.

On some airplanes, for instance the WC9 and the DCIO, availability of the APU Nmy be used to
replace a failing engine generator during specific flight phases.
Flight flexibility and last but not least safety can be badly hampered by loosing a generator.
For thezx and nut yet envisioned reasons the APU was gladly accepted by the airline as a
standard installation of every airplane to come.
The disadvantage of constantly carrying the weight and the costs at that time for maintenance
and fuel did not couse special concern.
2. Configurations

IL At this point it seams appropriate to mention some salient data of the APtJ't as r use them on
our aircraft.
Our first APU was on the DCg. This is built as a single shaft engine with a -stage centrifugal
type compressor driven by a radial inward-flow turbinq. It develops 60 shaft horsepower and
90 iiU of air per minute with a pressure of 47 psi.
The 747 APU contoina a 4 stage compressor driven by a 2-stage turbine both axial. The unit
drives 2 generators each 90 KVA; it develops 300 shaft horsepower and 500 lbs of air per minute
on a standard day.
lbs entire installation, that is the engine proper, the associate dacting, wiring, monitoring4
hardware etc. weighs 8OO kg.

- -.. ;t f 3 in I AThZ
-10 a
compress, driven by a mne stage turbine. It moves one 90 KVA generator. Ibis installation
, t-j kg. Fine.. ait Jelne.s 142 u1,;i I,.p ... j 3:; l6/:i,, >.. uii..

In both 74/ and UClO installations thý oir pressure supplied it 40-42 psi. 3
-t 4
The latest APU.in our fleet is the one for the A310. This APU is the first in our fleet with
,amodular construction and consists of a power section, a load compressor and a gearbox, all
mounted on a single shaft.

The power section consists of a two stage centrifugal compressor, a reverse flow anular combus-
tar and a 3 stage axial turbine. The single stage centrifugal load compressor is driven directly
by the power section and delivers the bleed-air to the aircraft system. The gearbox attached
f• Ito the load compressor, drives the generator and other accessories.
It delivers 135 shaft h.p., 250 lbs/min air with 43 psi air pressure.

3. Reliability and availability p

IThe APU is not on airýworthiness requirement, so it is an airline's choice how to use the APU
"most economically. Aspects such as passenger comfort, on-time departures and turn-around times
as wsll as possible alternatives play a role in the evaluation against costs and effort to keep
the APU in operation.

Baoel on the airworthiness cri*erium KLM used to classify the API r- a so-called go-item or at
e a consult-item, which meant that a defective unit was not considered prohibit: ve for
deporturv except for specil circumstances like doubtful ground equipment er extr-ee weather
winditiunu uL next stuLiuri, not to forget the selection of alternate oiri

, I We alsn have sufficient exaoples where airplanes had to be swapped in order Li,, ascertain a
punctual flinht schedule.
In a case where such an interchange is impossible, dispatch with a fly-away unit is the only
alternative. As a mtter of fact not a very attractive method, considering the weight of 300 kg.
and the dimensions that toke, a considerable curg9 hold spoce. The unit is kept as simple as
poosihie and is only meant to start on aircraft engine. No electrical power supply or aircondi-
tionink is provi,A~d.

However, the APU reliability or rather availability is infiuenced by its status of being a go
, or. or a no-go item. We experienced too many crew and passenger complaints due to :ow comfort.

Consequently we now consider an APU as a no-go item from home base.

A special APU worktoom has been instituted, consisting of maintenance and engineering specialists,
to overcome the low availability. They monitor the individual APU condition on each aircraft
closely, investigate chronic or trend problems in consult alsu with workshop and operational
specialists and try to define possible solvtions.
The actual reliability figures are roughly for the DCIO MTDF 350.iMTBUR 1600 (APUJ)hrs and for
the B747 MTBF 5100/ITBUR 2450 (APU) hr.

Some typical problem aioas we experienced, are

1. compressor damage
2. compressor de;-rioration

P. 3. incorrect troubleshooting

In the spring of 1981 we experasced a rather bad racard of unscheduled removals for the DC1O.
Investigation *evealed that deleterious matter enters the APU-air intake and settles in the
multiple-Lent, long duoting and fouls the compressor blades, thus causing a aradual decre"se of

Thy inprovsment wj uchieve, in1the sun-r season was attributable to the action, that the ducting
!- removed after every 10'W flying hours and thoroughly cleond. Also a perTcrmance-trend curve
"m ýaintained, using parameters such as Ni, K2, EGT and duct pvemsure, taken after every flight.
by accomplishmant of t"e rice-hull cleoning prorce, tht APO performance is improved if ne.J s-
As can be seen fro'. the MTSF/AITRMl figures something is failing in the troubleshooting or cor-
rective action implemeniution. I sntlo.,ed lread;, our APt] waokteom.
Furthegr emphasized the use at testequipminet and tn particular the FIN (Fault Isolation Module).
This is an electronic box ,connected to t0- Lontrcl Box of the APIJ, which contains circuits to
eonitor the prA-ctve shaLu;own Fonztions of tie API. When an jutomatic shutdown occur' the FIN
"ill tisply G nua, or.rcletter, 1.l o ou 1 ..oection was activated.

4. haintenance and weight costs

For our fleet of 16 Boeings 747 and 6 DClO's ,yearly expenditure for mointenance is
USD 750.000 based on an expense of approx. U)50 11 per flying hour being about equal or
slightly lower than figures of othur major airlines.
In addition we have to take into account approximately USD 125.000 to carry the weight of
these installations as well as the extra fuel that has to be lifted.

5. Fuel costs

The costs of a three quarter of a m.llion dollars for maintenance as mentioned before is sur-
mountable, but the situation have clhnged dramatically since the fuel prices started to

The 747 APU gorges 600 liters of fuel per hour under narmal load conditions e.g. when supplying
power for electricity and air for the airplanes pneumatic systems and aircanditioning. This
consumption will be a little less of course when extracting either electrical power or air. The
figures are then 425 and 550 1/hr respectively.

The DCIO APIJ is comparatively modest with 300 1. for normal load, 140 1. for electrical power
and 230 1. for air supply.

The A310 APU needs approximately 200 1. per hour to supply its air and shaft horsepower.
Recently, based on a fuel price of USD 1,20 per USG KLM has to spend 8 million dollars per
year to keep these precious machines going in the 747's and DClO's. The costs for our 28 DC9's
and yet two Airbusses does not leave much to be imagined anymore.

6. Fuelsaving measures

It stands to reason that these exorbitant expenses have set the airlinee about studying ways to
decrease this consumption.

Even the -emoval of the APU all together is contemplated.

The various airline-studies that were recently brought forward, clearly indicate that this matter
is complicated as could be expected. The problems are manifold and different for every single
airline and for every airport.

lhere are factore such as:

- the availability and capabilities of the necessary groundequipaent of a company along

its network;
- the climotalogical circumstances where hot and cold temper res require reliable and
powerfull units.
Until today we do not know of any airline that has decided to remove thn APU. To the best of
our knowledge only one airline has propnsed to commence a test on a limited scale with soma
freighter aircraft that reeuir close-to-base.

Since it is extensively cheaper to run groundequipment rather than the API), airline instructions
are issued that primarily aim at a drastic limitation of APU employment and use of the ground
support instead, even though the cap~bilities are at times insufficient to provide the re-
I 9 quired comfort. Again the inconvenience of apron clutter, noise and pollution associated with
----- ..r.. ' go
fgzu.d euppul- equipment has to be accepted.

These in pabilities will not only be manifest under extreme conditions. As a matter of fact,
stations in the Farhiddle and Near East as well as in Africa and South, Middle and Southern
part of North-America are often t-) worm and in Northern USA too cold to handle with even the
* maximum possible number of Airco t,,its. Only Europe is considered moderate in our network!
S.In many transit stationis passengers remain on-board requiring full airconditioning.

Dependent on circumotcnces such as directives by airport authoritles and the prefererce to

i• ced,•
certain procedures of the airlines a variety of departure and arrival procedures has been noti-

- Power-back instead of push-back from the boarding prte is done by some airlines in the U.S.A.
This is carried out on revurse power of the main engines. It is claimed that this procedure
offers a more rapid deprt ure than push-back, that less ground personnel, ground equipment
is required and thus the entire operation will be cheaper.

- Other companies like KLM use the push-back method and start the engines while being moved
backwards. Time between off-blocks and roll-oat is shorter. Shorter usage of API) and engines
is claimed.

.- -

- Regardless of the selected method some operators toxy out with one or two ejgines still dead.
These are started shortly before reaching the take-off position.

- In many cases the APU is started about 8 to 10 minutes before departure with the sole reason
to assist engine starting.
- The APU is on while taxiing to the gate after landirig, except at turn- ound stations where
grouiid power is used.
On behalf of passenger comfort and in order to meet our scheduled tight transit-staptives we
run the APM during the stay-over unless the airport rules prohibit such a proceduro. Parti-
cularly airports close to a dense population have very stringent rules. Since the APU is
sitting high above the ground (3 - 9 meter) its noise is carried out over a considerable
distance. While incessantly running at approx 40.000 rpm it can become quite a nuisance.

- Sometime- the aircraft is towed-in to the gate after arrival. APU has to be switched on if
the tractor does not carry a ground power unit.

However officiant these und other procedures may be, the exorbitant fuel costs hove urged the
industry to search for cheaper techniques for airplane groundhandling. The most economical way
to meet that requirement will be a fixed grourd-installation, which can operate on diesel fuel
or oni purchased municipal electrical power.

Such a centralized system feeds every boarding gate with electrical power and air for the
airplane's airronditioning system and for engine starting. If climatological circumstances per-
mit it is possible to provide electrical power only, leaving the air supply to mobile equipment
if needed. The facility to start engines makes the installation complicated and expensive.

Estimates indicate that the costs of an all-in system per hour will be about one fifth of the
APU and about equal or a little less for the mobile unite praviding the same services.
Consequential to these savings the building of fixed systems was started a couple of yearn ago.
More than 100 airports in the U.S.A. provide this service already but also in other countries
we will find these facilities either available or under construction.

7. APU or not?

- ,Knowing that the APU is the most :xpensive suppo t device, the temptation is strong tr entirely
a -,..'e
.Ar -gq'r "0" /-
remove it from "j commercial transports.
Even though it may be repetitive , u couple of adverse consequences are suemarized such os:
+ ossof the APU puts the burden on the ground equipment, of which the maintenance at the

einstations (leavesFs amee much to he desired;

- for some stations the removal of the APU could require a sizeable investment of ground support

toss of the ability to start engines during or after push-back;

'-ncreosed engine operating time at the gate;
engines have to be kept running after arrival until ground equipment is hooked up; - /

- lost but nut least She risk of deficient comfort for passengers at certain stations in hot
or cold weather. •:.,., ', . r ic -
it is our fire opiniornthat KLU cannot permit the removal of the APU since this is the nnly
Sdevice that prnvides prompt and reltinle service, iirrdepmndent of other facilities.q3ince KIL.

has a route network to every corner of the world we will have to live with these Attle giants
for many years to come.

t ib

- ¶
l JB

dtlf -Mb





DC9 2k~ I rad. 60 90) 47 150
4 2 300 500 41 800
77 w6axial aXial
(COc d~iai 3 1 21 142 385 41 560
A310 kingis 3 1.38 250 43 227

APU contwvum


typical problems:

-, Ucompreswo damage






fleet 75,000 125,000
(16) 747 ~a __

(6)Dcr0 11.00 1.80



- .--- APUrernoa7
APU fuel camnipntin annual
S.L. 1K F Virh_ Costs 0
nonm. pneu. $tw
$axlko srcu

77 600 550 45

7x - 10UG


fuel saving measures:

a IIs power-back instead of pushback
wengine start during pushback
out with dead
Istaxi engine! 51
Itm ulimited use of A.J,
m shiitdomv during to / taxi -inl
I * tEvgine Start Only


-...- ,
o t---.~"~.
Fixed Ground Power systemn

no APU...
Igrun eqipmtM -rmm~1teoafl

-e,, :-~op-m4&atgaM
- i e

Ilxii1) AlIRtUII [~NOI ING'

O 5 M. ill MOWING;illf Al'l WAS A COIl!! t1O AD'JERSVCONS!QiII NIl



N Ed,H.Warne, UK
D)o you feel it is justified to taxi out without all engines started since a failure to start at the main runway can affect
other flight operations.

Author's Reply
Failure to start during taxi-out will be inconvenient to the own airline, due to extra delay time and gives extra
. congestion of taxiways.

Starting the engines at t, main runway is unacceptable for the engines. They need at leaot 3 minutes tor warming-
up betfre TO. thrust setting.
kSo, taxi-out with one or more engines oft, only makes sense with long taxi times.
KLM will start all engines before taxying out,

P.Vaquez, Fr
I suppi,.' your APU's are "on condition '? What (1o you expect from trend mnoniotning?

Author's Repsly
Yes, our APU's arc on condition.
Trend monitoring is used for determining the health it thie APU. It the trend shows a deterioration, timely
maintenance actions (e.g. compressor cleaning, component- or APJ-clhanges) will he initiated to preclude en-route
breakdown and/or major damage.

C(RldRers, US
(I) Are you advocating changing the APU role roem auxiliary to "'emergency" power generating tle?
(2) II' fie APLI is to he used sparingly would you recinninend future APU's he designed for higher reliability and
Iwer cost or still for improved fuel ecunomy?

Author's Reply
t I) We do not consider our passengers' comfort an emnergency! Like already mentioned in our presentation, ltre
APIJwill he necessary as long as adequate ground equipment is not available all over the world. Since this will
bf! tire case in the foreseeable hirtur, the APU must be able to fulfill the functions like they do today.
(2) Although the use of the APU can he reduced further in future, fuel will still account for some million dollars
per year. In commercial airline operation passenger comfort and punctual flight schedule requires bigh
reliability antd fuel and low-reliability must be paid for the whole aircraft life. iaor this reason high reliability
Nuarid improvwd fol, Iv(li 'N, vill boutl have tile highest priority. ,




" t
* ABG SEMCA. 408, Avenue des EtaLt r2i7s - 31016 TOULOUSE FaRiNCE


SThis document is prepared by A DYNE pooling of common economic interests (GIE)

,Irouping Turbomeca and ABG/SEMCA -,,,panies for design and manufacture ot Auxiliary
Payer Units (APU).

r-PThe auliliary power units dusigned for wide-body aircraft shall closely meet
he requirement oncernin, ia the reduction of consumption,
weight, dimensions and maintenance cost.

S4 Meeting these imperative requirements is obtained thanks to a highly detailed

analysis of the various aircraft power requirements and utilization of a load
compressor and a digital-type regulation.

Further improvements in the near future consist in •' optimization of the APIJ
characteristics by using a free turbine generator and a load compressor flow
regulation which takes the variable air requirements of the aircraft into account.


The AST auxiliary power units are designed to be installed on wide-body

military and civil aircraft. The range from AST 600 to AST 950 covers a power range
from 400 to 700 kilowatts.

These auxil ,ower units consist of modules and are mainly composed of the following
elements :

- Power section
- Accessory gear box
- Load compressor
- Digital electronic regulation.

This modular concept an well as the complete interchangeability of each module without
adjustment enable maintenance optimization.
The AST family which comprises power generators Astazou I11, Aatazou XIV, Astazou XVII
Astszou XX, Arriel, TM 333 and TM 319 includes two typen of architecture in order
to meet the various installation requirements

- The in-line assembly formed by the gas turbine engine, the load compressor arid
the acceuruory qear box

Kb 7

I1 I 3.iIlil


Figure 2

- The assembly formed by the gas turbine engine, the offset accessory gear box
and the load compressor.
2.1 Power section
Derived from existing engines used for powering helicopters, the gas generator
is composed of :

I An air inlet.

2 AU assembly of one, two or three axial coaprenssrr In amcordance with the

type of generator in use.

3 A centrifugal compressor.

4 An annular or reverse flow comibustion chamber fitted with a centre or

.4r lateral injection according to the type of engine in use.
5 An assembly of three axial turbines.

6 A shielding ensuring the turbine stage containment.

Especially for the AST 950 built around the Astazou XVI, the internal generator
layout iý defined by the following section view

--- 1 1 I I I _Il I I II_




Axial compressors are supported by two bearings 7 8 and centrifugal compressor-

turbine assembly bearings R and 9.

The containment capabilities of all the generation rotary parts, have been proved
by fulL scale testa.

2.2 Load compressor

This module is composed of an advanced-technology *entrifuqal compressor stage

which is directly driven by the generator sh.ft.

It in supported by two hall bearings.

The supply airflow includes mobile guide vanes which control the compressor
performance while ensuring prerotation at the impeller inlet.

The position of these vanes is permanently monitored by the 1ijitsl regulation

module. At constant rotltional speed, this regulation provides a quantity of air in
conformity with the aircraft requirement in order to minlimize the power consumption.
Upon the APU starting phase, the vanes are closed to limit the power draw from the
gene retor.

mThese vanes are driven by a proportiona] control actuator as well an the air
dincharge valve conniected to the load compressor outlet and avoids surge during
extreme op,,rating phases.

The. utilization air bleed system consists of a device measuring tuýe delivered
*tr flow and pres.ure atio for controlling this moduil. A shut-off valvv isolates
thin system at the ai raft system -iterface.




Sb F t
SYSTEM a ____________ V







Figure 4
2.3 Ac• nnory. gear box

The purpose of accessory gear box is to transmit the power available at the
generator to the various connection flanges linked to the various accessories used for
aircraft &nd APU operation ancillary equipment. £

The accessory gear box consists of spur-gears stages lubricated with pressurized
oil and delivers power to the following equipment
- aircraft ancillary equipment

* Generator
* Hydraulic pump, if req'ired

- APU ancillary equipment

. Starter
. Fuel pump
oil pump
S.Oil -iynreim 7ooiir.u fain

When the equipmsnt uses an offset accessory gearbox, the primary reduction
gearbox is installed between the generator and the driven modules.


* - - - -



7PMG % 24MN30 Ip

120 rp

40288 rpm





2.4 Digital electronic control module

The control module, which can be divided into 2 units according to the aircraft
Snstallatlon requirements ensures two main functions

I The microprocessor regulation function, the measurement acquisition and

processing and the power controls.

2 The parameters monitoring, safeties and maintenance aid. A second microprocessor

covers digital processing for these functions and controls the failure
store BITE system.
The data relative to failures and their monitoring function can he d4splayed
on the control module front panel or transmitLed to the aircraft monitoring
system through an ARINC 429 type connection.


3.1 Reduction of the rated power hb a detailed analysis of the variousjPxwir

After describing a modern APU such as that proposed, let us study how it
can be improved in the future.

The first user's concern is the gain in weight.

it is worth noting that the weight to he covisidered includes the weight of tile
APU itself (power generator, accessory drives, load compressor...), of the driving
accessories (starter, fuel and oil pumps, radiators, fans, regulation...) driven
accessories (hydraulic pumps, ac and/or dc generatnors...), of the fuel, of the APU caoing.

Conouquctrtly, common efforts from the APU supplier, accessory manufacturers

and iircraft manufacturer shall result in weight gain.

For information, rigure 6 indicates the weight of the various elements in


Obviously fuel weight can con-iderably vary according to the type of operation.

S0 50 100 150 200 WEIGHT ',




Figure 6

Thu lifi., solution to gain weight is to install a smaller APU. This is made
possible by reducing the pvwer demand in the most critical configuration.

This: oftn-ý ece;1r2 .htl dci ,,lecirrcal supply demand, should one ot t.he main power
sources fall durinq high altitude cruis'. Power ving can he quite appreciable since
every kw saved at 35,000 feet permits to qne ;utor
a supplying 1 kw less at [,'ak rate
together wit h a power section providi ng 3 kw I _, on g round (air density ratio).

This operation also enables the consumption to be reduced in the most current
operational configuration, at low altitude and at a nearly standard temperature
operating with a power value close to the rated power, results in specific cornsumption

Let us tale. an example, with a single shaft turbine gas generator operating in
these conditions 30 % below its rated power. If, while supplying the same power, the
rated power in reliced by 1 t, the specific consumption is reduced by It, % approximately.
Thir means thAu If the extreme requirement (which is used rarely durirq the aircraft
service life) 1i been overestimated by 10 %, this will result in a consumption increase
of 5 6 per day oL otilization on ground.

It is neverthe'Žss recommended to he careful, since the power consumption of

oi aircraft generally tends to increase with its evolution.

,týle•,',Lo- operetional rise determining the APU dimension is the supply of

compressed &iL to start the main encines in "high and hot" conditions. For this case,
the load compressor ran be sligltly ciradersized, withstanding an APU overosped when
this case actually ,ccurs : in ti, operational zone of a compressor used at this moment,
the flow increase in relation to . speed is significant (approximately a 2 % flow
increase for a I I speed i'creas, to make this system efficient. Once again care must
he taken where new dimennios an. inquired for certaini generator parts and which could
resutlt in a frequency in(7ease of the current supplied by a simple generator.

This me v-3d is now being -dopted for some APtt.

').-,3.2 Utilizationi of a free t~irbine auxiliaaRy poer unit

The power generator weight and consumption can simultaneously be reduce-d by using
kI an engine featuring zAvanced t-chv;,logy. For design leadtimes and costs reasons and
to readily obtain a high reilab'lity and a long service life, an APU is often derived from
an existing gas turbine engine.
This particular case raises a problem.

Our high efficiency modern engines (MAKILA, TM 313,...) are of the free
turbine type whereas, up to now, single shaft turbine engines (ASTAZOU family)
were in use.

Such a modification
- Weight : Gain in weight in
Is beneficial at nearly all Levels

lhe power section due to its advaciced concept

"(5to 10 5)

tonsun tion smving ot partial power duc to th.- utilization or a

_u turbine (5 0 at 3U I of rated power, at equal technology).

Consumptioh saving at all speeds due to advanced concept (10, 15 I or


NI These two gains are added.

- Power section dimensions slightly reduced (advanced design).

Operation ; Startin-
- conditions improved since during this phase, the accessory
Sgearh, and ancillary cqcrpc[•c-'cI
arc cot driven. This results in a reduction of service-
time and a gain in welaht an th. -tnrtcr.

Nevertheleas, the response to an instantaneous oenerator loading is not to be

disregard-d. With a single shaft turbine, the unit rotates at consturt speed and the
power varies only in n-,nrdjn,'.sith thc fuIl fliw variation. With a perfect regulation,
the speed deviation might be null and in reality, the value e:-ily remains witilt
i-he + .J % tolerance requited by operators. With a free turbine, Zhe power varies by
increasing the gas flow through turbine, which presently Implies a I.ower section
S,'i elerat in.

Figure 7 aiyes an exami~le of this type of response.

, 1 It rep)cesect' i tt-r54ie iof aik ,tei" type (fTLItOWMECA TURMO III CA) with a
rtiled pjower of t,00S kw driv'ing a l0t kw generator.

,e4j IiI II
/ / 1 /TIME
1 40% 3.5 SEC
3, /2t 2.0
r .- 3 0% 2.5 SEC
S,,L _ . 5 4 40
4 6 . 0

1 2 3 4 i

Figure 7

The best acceleration time we can obtain on ground with this. type,of engine is
3. a between 0 and 1,000 kw. When applying a load of 400 to 500 kv to the a.c generator
instantaneously, response curwer 1 and 2 are obtained. These curves respectively show
transitory speed drop"o of the generator by 26 and 50 5.

When improving the erngine with currently used methods (reduction of the rotary
Asseshbly inertia), the acceleration time can be reduced to 2.5 a And to obtain cu-ves
3 and 4 with transitory drops by 22 aid 17.5 S.

If modern current gas generators can withstand suc-h ino- mpeed variations without
any excessive additional weight, no further step ts being required. If not, it will beI
ne cessary to find the way to reduce the power variation time significantly.
The relevant studies are now in progrese.

The power generated by the tree turbine depends on the gas flow, expansion ratio
and blade angle. At present, the first two parameters are made to vary while varying the
speed of the gas generator ;the third parameter is determined by the i-distributor geometry-
6 -
It is also possible to maintain the [cee turbine speed constant or nearly constant
and var~y the sir flow with
- -
vanes placed in front of the compressor and the blade angle
on the tree turbine with a new mu of vanes.
a~i inin nflf
The power variation Is then obtained by simultaneously varying the settinog of the
a' two vane *.ts ad fel flow.

Th' first tests prove t~at times for full poser initiatiron can be around 0.3 a.
Such a result appliet to the previous example, gives curves , and 6 with transitory

A.- alditionai advantage is that fluctuations of fiuli power initiation time

decrease, 'itt. altitude.

31.3 Tnstsitvtion and maintenance_ ýriveent.

A significant improvement of the pacif ic consumption can he obtained by using

a turbine outlet/comporessor outlet heat exchanger, but with the present technology.
the weight: and dimensions cA such a system are esceiaive.

As far as the driven eqý nsent are concerned, significant we jamns are
presently obtained :the weight of recent generators is less than h- h,- weight of
old generators, for -he name pow~er output.

New qains will he obtained by Increasing the speed of rotation.

Improveeents can also be brought up by the aircraft manufacturer.

For example if It facilitates installation, the location usually chosen for the
APU (in the fuselage raar con*) is certainly not quite satisfactory for in-flight
operation ithe pressure is generally higher at the turbine outlet than aý *h%. compressor
inlet which is in a thick boundary layer with a ram air pressure recovery null or
negative. moreover, it should be reminded that a gain of 1 4 on the inlet prresaure
given a gain of 2 % of the maximum power and a gain of I I of the specific consumption.
It is to be added that any favorable difference In prewouri results in a considerable
ecoling improvement.

Simplifications are already in progress. The control panel is simple, it comprises

an on/off control, an indicator light and a fault light.

Aditiona. data can be displayed on one Cf the flight compartment screens

through regulator on crow xequest.

The control module detects and snalyseso f tional fault@ (it particularly
monitors the indications provided by each measuri sensor) stored for maintenance
purposes. It also counts down the service life of the unit components into number
of cycles and operating time, allotod with a temperature coefficient IC necessary.
Obviously, this method con be Improved but its principle is establis) d.

Scheduled maintonarkce is limited to a chock of the oil level and magnetic plugs
and, if required by the user, it can be extended to oil sampling for spectographic

The APII is modular without excess Yit coiaprises throw modules i the power section
the accessory gearbox and the load compressor.

I n case of utilization of a free turbine generator, this one can be divided in

two modules, one hot and the other cold. Each module is Interchangeable without
adjustment of the assembly.

It Is necessary that the time required for the APU removal be very shoert
0> .0 an) and that the operations carried out Irk-situ be limited to the replacement of a
measuring sensor or of a emall acceescry. For a major action like replacement of e
module. it is easier and quicker to perform it on workbench.

'A4 Winimiation of the AFIP air bleed

L.4.1 Gleneral

The main advantge" of the load compwesoor mechanically driven by the powor
ges~oratar unit is In that It can be suited to all the aircraft requirements thanks to the
regulation covered by the air intake vanes.

Another advantage is the pow, bility for the load compressor regulationI
to be entirely independent of the aircraft.

This is made possible by a good Integration of the APIJ into the aircraft
en accurate knowledge of the aircraft actual requirements itored In the electronic car-
tral module.

..4.2 Utilization sistemk (Airbloed) see fig. 8

Thi two main systems using pneumatic power in the eirczaft are the main
engine starting system and the air conditioning system.

The main engine starting oyster consists of a fise] sonic port through
which the ai eieyi h raetIn order r.o obtain the ShOiteet poesible
engine1 tarting phase. Generally, it is then considered that this requirement
dia r "i the =zit. capity of the load compressor. The very short 'uration of this
phase does not require the unit consumption optimixation.

Air, conditioning syste

Associated with the digital computers, the airc~raft air conditioning

cyvtee can vp:ry its tiow requirement In relation to the thermal Icad of the cabin
or flight compartmeont. TV.* air flow supplied to the air conditioning unit(s) in
limited by an adjustable flow regulation valve located u,,stream the sir conditioning
sy~ten. This valve is controlled hy a signal released by zone temperature regulators.

Thus it can be noted that the air requirement of the air conditioning unit(s)
varies in flow and pressore in a significant way, according to varivus aircreft

The long duration of this phase within the APU operating time results in the
optimization of the air supply to the aircraft with minimum losses (the flow regulation
valve of the air conditioning unit should be as much open as possible) and a maximum
c.'pressor efficiency.

2.4. cresor chsrarteriics - OpLoad

Operating points
The characteristics of the vnrl 'Is-vane load compressor are such that it is
possible to obtain a very wide operating ranye for flow as well as for pressure, without
discharging air for protection of the compress" impeller against surge.

Diagram in figure 9 defines the possible operating range within the unit
temperature range.

This diagram also shows the typical pneumatic bleed points on aircraft. It
can "' noted that the air requirement for starting the enginee is much higher than the
air conditioning points (except cabin heating duriig cold weather).

Air bleed points for air conditioning can appreciably vary in flow (from 70
to 1:0 1 of rated flow) and pressure (according to ou side tmpersture).

:.4.4 Load compressor regulation

With this type of regulation, our aim Is that unit should remain entirely
independent of aircraft controls.
The purpose of the pressure ratio and flow detection system consists in de-
terulning the position of the operating point of the compressor within the compressor
diagram at any time. When establishing one of the parameters, the pressure is regulated
to a reference value and the compressor outlet flow is automatically adapted to the
permeability of the downstream system. The inlet venes are controlled by the regulation
module to maintain the outlet pressure at the reference value.

In the air conditioning configuration, this type of regulation has been

chosen in order to observe at any moment the permeability variations of the downstream
ayrtem (position of the flow regulstion valve of the air conditioning unit), while
maintaining a fixed pressure level.
This reference pressure level can vary in relation to the data received by
the regulation module (external pressure, external toeperature and it is then possible to
optimiae the air delivery for air conditioning in the various attitudes of the aircraft.

In the case of a high air flow requirement (aircraft heati..g or main engine
start), the permeability of the system downstream of the compressor is greater than when
the flow regulation valve of the air conditioning system is open. Above a certain
cossressor outlet flow, a reference value of the flow-pre.sure is ensured at its
outlet i this reference value is euch that the compreo-,r corresponds to a higher
permeability of the downstream system. Consequently ti ompremsor vanes will fully open
thus allowing for rapid heating of the cabin or optimn..r starting of the main engines.

Figure 10 represents the reference operation line (for a given altitude and
tomsperature) that the load compressor regulation will follow to control the inlet von-s
according to the aircraft system requirements.

:.4.5 Machine protections

The APU control module comprises two control systems for protection purposes.
* Protection _aginst the load comressor surgu

U In cams of aircraft system air bleed lower than the compraeseo poseur a-

ties. a diachare valve, simultaneously slaved to the main regulation by the compute
protects the c'apresaor saoest surge. The difference between the required flow and the
possible m nimum compresmor flow at the reference pressure only is discharged.

Figure th represents such a functional configuration. The actual operati-

nel poiuit of the cumpxewsar Is in B whereas the requirement is in At
SProtection against the thermal engine overload

During starting phases of main engines in hot weather conditiona using

the ga. turbine engine bo in thermal overload condition. In order to avoid such a
problem. the computer permanently determines the thermal load value end co-Spares it with
the limit value ensuring the unit service life. If this difference bescies positive, a
signal is went to the load compreesor air inlet vanes to close by a value such that this
difference is CAncel11" or becomes negative as long &s the electrical supply from
machine in not reduce. m athe
S C-


mm M-0.


S, /

/ -10"

30" FLOW



Figure 9

RATIO (P4 ) 1p51
(P / )


/ ,, I


70%• RATED 130 %







FigUr. 9 bin

OEM -:-- -r-I





POINT >-- -




Pt t

a' 'I
7>, I

I , 0 •, I

I 30



C.Rodgers, US
flow rapidly can you clos the load compressor discharge valve without causing suige?

Author's Reply
The load compressor outlet is connected with two valves located in parallel disposition: a bleed valve and a
discharge valve. The discharge valve imnormally dosed and opens only when the bleed valve closes or if the bleed
flow decreases too much. In these cases, the APU digi2al control opens the disc.harge valve hefon the Wleed valve
will be completely closed or before the compressor wheel goes acrossrthe surge line, When the t. charge valve closes.
the bleed valve has begun to open before, This operation sequency does raspallow any APU suric due to bleed or
discharge valve closing. Minimum surge closing time is 3 seconds.


* - -



cq GI. JONC13
cili lytem.i Enginee~r -Pwri
fin tili I~rop., luldii Limite~dGopy
cq Air.raft Group
liulgton'l~iro ugh )i,1-oin
- ~~~~North
* ~111115


- rP-i, 1 Inn.
d--c e a poiraaroiaypunar oupply .ymin- fara
;iaiicingl-,-nrgTied v.iniolia ai-ror f. it deerrhino illi, -. , in wh mu
i'il.iTblIty, ciTinvivalhi'li ty no] i an.Latintiin, ;ir'ofblr in fineicce the

typ of nyiten h.~lih in propinin for a~id .t aim aft. The, Inrticafar-
,ocI.ni r _-o
it urpiilfy I lie nT of a, egallil, V-:0t-1ei tI runt T!TigiTiý Ia
v'air - Orr Vertical landb~ing (SP;,OVI,)aiinroift arT' ailan'I .iaiooed.

al iecnjl Ilr~ in fl ighct. A

g.,ifiaInplnjiT yma~fi
ri lidoiirT API in ri1e
ul L.alrt Ithe rig itie biy .- i ,,ini
lo ' .
i Uk fiac. a lon .mTl--soria~ir. 'If, Alil11) ri'Ti N -- ae
r fiiroi -. 0i.b I Iim liv idoT gwifilratol' for grounid npi'riilirin and
T.i.rg'i.y nicrTi
, flight.

P.iili-, it
araI f fulOTI rTca-i.fc acitdinoevlTTjinet whicrl, oiL-dei to.


On.' 11, - . filt, 'u-w ap-i- liv'ii i oh terrlii'r irTgl liTvnT lineuiolnid in poJ air ýtwa i'? -vi
Itoriigi'- ca1 'md 0'l a ir t !;o o~if ~ iTri livne -iei trnveTOiifaal T arir-ft 1.11 the irajeritIy an
rili"tdile ho-n 'a
-i ii' olria with i? -o-i tliriirr to gcive a nirat take l arc?
- nrllea 1.0flog
,.roilI Till. !ioe! if t i' no- , il, ItiTTb-",i lii atlaho.tlii~a wi1.ito him, frirtoli A-'ii.c. rt Ira ,rih c

At I I ijrnicraf id-iIo Vnine i.- Ih '-ar~prom iii to noel thr -oonlici'fng roreaaof nivrniafilfity,
ri aiflify '-.i eoiiolnia ....iil y. l,, ddiit i~o, ih,-r it, A lind ta iuirijiio wigchi -0 ca0, lboth initIal
u~uI 01 lii'T~~o~it
aii fi~i11f''iOT
- t. A flIl~iPgfi ii'/ai~la k 'ii 'ri11 , JTinily prnnoeil -n or

"ii. aN
irajo 'o ,I opi~'aftiig friic-iirier'd ci em In, n'laioely prid tin.ioniiioii

'fInT ath cr loe1 n'irei u lde hyif roo i' y'o,-T, elootrical fiao 1jiIl-e air o th.' aIr-
Tin 'Tr i~ll , iTTtIT i oi l g)if ari.d ,in t.i'' ga ''ird. Iti 1, nunTliiu 'ipli' iflif
,tr irog the mlaii -,iguc -0il

if ainrntray octitigi to ,elight ? lgt

'Tine h-i liieon aictidy gi nail in, hi' enie Tif' sail lary power reqo iremeciteaonatr-ma t baeIia-
nilc rlmi a aa Tpinfu omnT ilT-.Tiilli .i-rrat fitterd w.i h' fly by wini- flight
ni'In] dli ea aoI 'A in Inre.d *lcadc on Iu hriraninovi, en. The r-I 1
, land floor-atnui I-o
rirena fni. iaof i -lag-r in r nu 1._ .iicnId fai, er -l u
na .-ann.cu decodd by noah nYuuinmnl.
An TI noawpe, -fehia'imr,
0--hu f-i rl. fleIit V'P - caon octal led hydranT In! cyies powr or about
''lw" ''ci' fi-fc lily , .i.c t 'Il i ",i i'c'.wi-. 'Iino hone i0 -1n ll . 0i'T~ Iinver thi i- intu)I.,

Kl-inI i- 'a Iear rd-i ode, ha.a, io-,~ia n at, i inraffi-lae 1- iea -r ecf
npiotianatel laed th
cuiil 'f' rT ic l ""iaTi l. l'0, 1,,i' Diic 1.' 1.1 i ITO -''ri-d i~ t
iii a,
-1. 1hal wit,h a i'- ,ti ino
'ilt'oiii-l "'ii t~iill. I I iui'i .UPm'enr tn
"i'io cI i'ii inef " io c riT i'ca - fi.n
r,,, -j i ii " ,i'

~ ~
lice irir
ienl thr
1f.,o 1y
a Fairra
fft Tul
iai trfei Ii,I
if-. it
-'olinf diVA o'eto'rP
?I a

c'aiii'c aicci
of - iici at-1 rf- Ii Fn .iiri
t ifili , f'',' __n lIa I? fraiuy
'pil -'~u in I

f'ly TI lfi''1ce'P. n , -i -iii'Tilng it,; led

Jol" hiil1 ha.t Ici
4h. iiht- cIi Iiciicii
...... .. lni tr -ra lo ar.

owl- yntni lult ~ti
Wýcardiv n hevguocd to power ototemn for ground checkout
fleet pow' inyotear itutti alouhe
otiilirye i c y ton du~oprced cite operation to protect late aircraft
fle.t.Thi, I-n
i 1-ienarl
fr 8R)V aicrat wlic gan mch f teiroperational flexibility fo
thia type of util intie"I. Power in alsoe required while Aircraft remain onl alert, possibly with crew
cooht-ing th e Mt reraft for quite l ong periods of time. During sttch alerts the crew would need to wear cult-
able clothing to pro'ect against nucle~ar, chemical or biological weapons. Gocoelquently, there. i!; a onu. -A
to copply tono, form of nor coaditioning to make their life tolerablel. Soein aircraft opertttors have
o;pci fied quite, tong periodo~ of aircraft madith tttt, one require~ment cas for 8 liour-u in 4 twou tour btlocks
WithU a c-e clckttgo at Itt-co1d of each block.


hWiah~killty Wttdies chow thnt. the pri~mary hydraulic potwer ituppl ic need to be. duplicaited. f'No
of air-croft dotulted with a typical empty wright around ,AYfl-3Y)O kg, each hydrattlic pump oeedtic to be rated
tit about 1.7 Litrfn/neic at a ntoninal delivery pressore of P'/(M Pita, l;one resenrob baa been done ont htighter
preinoure tyotemo, up to '22f)1Pa, intt the US4. Hloweover, there dones out yet seem to he a clear case for
stuch a Hocigt- inctNit't;t itt ttytmtern opeýra ing prenourro.

SIome novel htydratl i, pomp daoigatt hove brett- tried on r-cent aircraft. However,* thee covetitt.onial
totail, aol ti-pintott Pomp nuill appearo to offer the mao"[ reliable source. of I. ,raoltic lower. ltoltttively
Smvtit-ntiontal rot~tttonal speeda would be propound, i.e. a mauimum of about (ANe rpm frorxi ump of the slze
Ait-nea. fly~lraulic occonulntorn will he 'toed ic each nyotemi far 'peak lopping' to minimise the reqtuire~dp
Itlimp flow.

'11t "rettalilit~y of the electrical. power generationl channel to usually itetLer than the bydraul in
ejeitec mod tic, primary demood. calt he art by a single gatterat~or rated at, 40/6dA KVA. A typical breakdown
io tlthe 1 ood in givct-it u the tbtle, below.


Pads r/Weaponn .

j ~ ~Elec
tronic Warfte

Nacigi i Ion/G'tmmotticationI 1. 5
9Fl ight/tnginte Cioittrttln.

CoinpolingDiiaplayu ".

R.itsellrteoo '.5

f(YrAl. 59.01

It can l-c seen Ir-kid. lLM tale utl tor' In wittt provision for eleictriesily; drivent fuel booster pumps.
fhe tAn trough philonojthty fr. tii rexfl fit.1- nynhtee in basied cit the ace of , todrattllitaily dr.tei- fuel fliw
froporltioser for cr.gtite fuel h'ed atecAnd air, r-ileurisati-t far intertatto iranasfe.. fTtV aai't adeatitgi.
of tItlit, anytem Iit that its, inp~ut powetr reutstaare more la-0ti cttcncioica than electrically driven
U bostr pmps VThere in, therefore, lenia of a power petnalty incurredi by thte neced fto supply thte mallhaun
reheate engine fuel flow.

There ina t ignificant electrical load requi-t .,d1; -- fly rece-s the aircraft after a main generator
f Ifailure. t
w tile, the
lroavcir, al
aircraft in
astiesoten suggest that nthis adds up tu alet~wt
on alert in t about tlte tamme order.
2- PA. The. standby load requiratl
rne altoluata misimum flight crintical loathe are
Atiea,'ed to be about 1"f) wattn o keep the FCS;, ettgitt &a.I taciti iatrumienst powated.

Various t-t,ten of AC geterator htave he-ni '-csit 1mmd. Wheln relatively e11al powne levels are required,
iLe. i-no.lw 30 PVt, it Appears that Vsi.lrpeed Costrtatt Preqoo.ncy ('iSEPI istotoac are Iiegttttiag to tec
-jtestrt <. ;I- , It' evihid r-,- Ihe most appropriate syste-m seems t-.tibe aa intagratad dinca
r.-etor tising an, axial gear differential cnontalnl sfeedl 6i-te V,. -,I
i : ;l~ I ( '. i)
-o ctcceli noc.h
at the Luasr tCompact Coitatant Fr-qutney Gemerator ttaor pet to tic fracas at. this sort of power su~iielevel
I-ut took tri- oittg for htighi powe r yit-at, L'-. Wl PUP and atone

oArIudin. hae, lea tArried .. I into the pnscibkilty of at 'all edc.i -c i, I, -I.;..
hl ti Ill' 1-.111sn Cell
t1 teeplseed by high p-owe rivontric motor,. How-ocr, we arc yet o be cuneinced
* ~~ ~ ~ ~ 111
ia 1hi ie A, feasittle optinon for a -11l ciiiLac; Ii -i-f

2::re:i?:red :itir :2oud both for cheIcont of the aircraft gysitems and for powering essential
equipment while the aircraft is on quick reaction alert or operating in the 'cab-rack' role. In order to
cekthe elsirt nolirien o power it din necessary to cIte able to drive the main accessory gearbox from the
APU. Atogitý;ulklthtthis power will be needed for ver-Y long, or very often it is undesirable
to drive the engin, as well an the gearbox. However, for engine sterting the main power tahe off shaft
coot he covnecte`d to the acoessory gearbox -ir the same source of power he to be need. Various methods have
teen oneed to overnive the problem inclaidg overrunning clotehes, torque loccoertere -id fricticn clutchen.
However all then ie xelodn add to the complication and weight of ithe sytex. The propoosed cvi otion in a
s eiple eechaticsirl ci ntoh on the power take off chart from the engine to isivlate it when the, gearbox,
Iiydrsvl ic poepol or Min c grrticrsicor ynv to he. cbecbcd. The csyn-.hrc uctiorvticolly their looko like thma ohawn
i Fiur 1.

t-- MAIN 11111ff DI~tlVEllAlfr

IjktitlhATRl tn' vt;

Whetn i ti oler
g noi,, fi- onr
l: tkerindo of tIjme thet- ma in accetnory go&art-ox woul d reprectro t anr
niecoailty l-Age l oad for Itie rrnl.tinvely l ýittle amount of hycimi ie11and electrica-l power neoede~d. Toe
rot jed cototios in to hove a :ielafl hydrauli pomp and AG geoeranor ]rices dir-dlv by the APU. The
hraulic pump sized at at out o.1, tIree per mecnd woold proelide sufficient power to -ctk out the
no nI
fthe bydra~ilto ny:;tee. It would utno dcion the foei flow prop~octionier to cecoircuiete foel for
at a- cea ink. Tin- ... tora i -dc at l-out IR A would pi-ton I tuft iien lecftrIca tower 1u!
oqoicmrt needet on the ground.

Several seaon of proi-olting emergency power in flight laven been considered. tRomair torbn
trne are
i-i.li ve I oi are, of doubtful performavece at extreme attitudes orvry low airsfeed. which are
I....ib wIth seoiereemaiineucrahle aircrafrt. Etolrgency rootre unite opes og on herazine or istopropil
proti em vince add it ictal
eha". mlno 1-eec coc"oideed -'uoc
top iin ae
thee rcyrtte... tdn fr-srt
to t-e pette~d at each operating bane.
In addition, the fuels oled are relat ively

ftte Pegaot-ti "ine tostinqi te 1st, ge hicgi- pr-ecr re core atid ci ti-tnt tic at a rea-etibet in paed tnoa rmosot

Ii 0nia~nt igt 1
tth A tedi otet Nifard tetter is propore-d fro thte till an aigir ii't- nt
oil-i li-imctat -iiicti-.cienof msrigone fla-F.- cat Iuct- c.I f It, ii tic.nigr- te~rs ttce API
rout- tone I ancIt-edi-vale hydratulic pula andl genertor cati tie used toce..o...r the aircrft tobne.

lhi -ocitifu na t-joptu i ,o-igie fI.rIlure It.- atttft h'g t Ipie engind, will protai -
lot l- l. .y-rioiuli - xv- ter nccucieli or Kll provide a few aecandai of power to enat-le the oircraft 11 to.
eavuv-'vco iiii niect ottct fii- cit jt-o.

S. 4 1YTI-
'VP Alt i. ltl

1ti alt thu nl------------ -F -iihi ,.&,-, 5 ci -ectIoeorncased ctt heo ten to:- rc,aistiui -1irolei
tcclor-rct ft ih act -cctg the i rm-ntiitloti to winghorrcr flighit. Ac a rigtc guide then euatatsa toist of
ý on cc-jotaun
c-I atout 1 kg/ncr fur etery 10-M) kg; of aircoraft weigh'.
i lice onily pract ical --,urc, t, sc-h
tuarti irs ef air thu
H iaiis eniginiesince APtI sir- in generally at too It- a pirues-tr -An only a-id lall in
rim-ri quitn : -tee. 11vi--er, -tne ttc Apt cuot I- irle to p.- ni In leed a r to operate tiietc . togan
oi rorew rnicOrni-iantal i-ontrol eveteme on Itie ground there ia a vanre foe it cootitowing to toe osd dorin; caseK
off eu-I iatdiig fIon-i-ite marno engin, tPlead witc ita conaoquriot thrust loan. TypicalIly, earn, kg/se .- i-oil
from tc eta i g~egvoc-ito alicct 17",kg of engine the-oat foe a given 1ffr ano %oy caning is well worthwhile.



All the ST'fOVLaircraft studied at BAe Brough myve uned engine w'lich were derived |rim the Rolls
Royce Pega-u; vecto'red thrust tarbofan. Th, Pegasus engine in a major constraint on the installation Rnd
layout of the scoodalry power system. It large frontal area impones a severe aerodjcamic penalty,
par icu.lrty on a superisonic aircraft. The Harrier haa all its engine driven accessories mounted on top
of' the. en~ine lot thin; leads to en unacceptable increase in freilrtat
area onseripernnloic design.

In efforts to get around these installation problem! several meann of driving a remotely mounted snt
ofr censcr-ien have been situdied. These hove included urving a hydraulic driv,, pneumatic drive, mechani'al
drive shinftn and dedicated auxiliiry power units. Hodever, all these methodo have been found to be
Lrignificantly less efficient than a conventional clouae coupled gearbox with a direct slhaft drive. Itn
addition, they irepose reliability andI vulnerability problems which lead to weight invrea-en whey, attempts
ar-e made to ovcrcome then.

Altthough modern elecitrortic 'ontrolIn have reduced the n,'ed for large numhbiro of' onginr moiitLd
hydro e...hticaL tomponents there it; still a sulnta-.tir,i voliree occupied ty this equipment. On most of th,
proposed advanced ver-ivnet of the Pegasus engine thL- mCaJr parts of the f'-1 syntei are colcted together
in tfit aea Forward of the starboaird front niozle! to allow them to be fair, I within, its fr'ofile. rhie ar'a
forward of tite tort front nozzcIe in therefore a eonvoenent location for thb. -egine drivein aencori-en a,;
"thorn in ig ,Crt .


'In1,, location fttr tiahycee-toriet rertveely a,- ,t-I to a r'di.I

-ae drive from 1re- rron I r
ti,- tegirre tilt c-empreneor. 11owe-r, ther- ii rit uffiniernt ;•pre to fit the Ap!i as wP.!
- l a. t.1. ain
-. ar-
box. Iii .- y event irce It, APlt i, tot drioe the etprgrncy hyirTuRalic pum;- art generato- tt-ec i:t a g.ood
n-e fr muting nr it -waY fit. t,-. -in potc., upp].-

it' toil Il,.sil te me.r,, of It

Ii ngp Ih,, Ait' a,,,t thte eiaiia ncc'errt g-mnluon In by annrtg
-i a n ear
,rl., fr-tie art hl'it! l: irtu. id ccmfr,'-e; ccr. I'ri8 •,-t.a.'i. #-.,r {v.trm •ei-lart, attn unit,. ,tr.il . it ,,t~via ..tt I':

ý rt,-e v•' n<ut,,-,r t , i

ist t• tr'I r rul tie i 'Ar.r-,t- It
or-v arnu . Ar, tAi Thert lit.. Pre 1-dri-ox ti
citrl, a ttn,,oti; in{rit ce sm irt titd it, Lv, AI*T Re• il ror rti't{ .eh r gealtl in~~l)
artr '-nlflhlt. "ite Ait no~d ,-rnt~r..rtnitr
.',I•• ',,
I,. "im l',lf ,. ~ ), I-
ri~ in ,,• £'i{, v'u"• :r;, ' ,' *'r' ty Ihyr't- ]{, I'm Rln il
l ........
*ll , ;. ,,
o -tl re
tt-, irireuc. At"d
APr' ir-- Itie. A -e,rp- .or Ir A', to iurt trhPitt

4rAN]" } C.S.
E, OVý.iP;10st PU[MP'

ttitlbrtq IcY!AT-Et -C -

i"• B'~:'AfI
11i" "

-- -- I'IQ[{
]g!LI)IX --- •VAN11; ON.AI'LP'

S ,,-
The APII ncedu to ire capable of rapid starting in an emsergency arid alno he capable of operating oit
high altitude.. The preferred means of Apt starting is by using an electric motor sup~plied frome the general
services battery. Alternative. means of rapid engine starting have been consaidered and the moqt proeinifin
rio) tbton Becen to be to ulee a cartridge aterter. ;;oee preliminary assessmlents of this system have been
corried out by APP manufactureres. No0insuperable prubivosrs have beets revealed but it does have the
dioandonntage that cartridges would have to hr provisioned at nit operating b-aco.

There ban bee murb debat shoot the need to operate tile APU at high altitude in h vn fa
eniefilr. HA. Broughs experience the ma ,riy of.high ititud engine incidento oise either
frier surges during reheat lighting or exeesuive intake distortion whsile nanoeuvecing. IIt cayi be argued
that moder flight control syrsterta and engine control systems will prevent such incidents oncomrinK on the
next generation of aircraft. The Pegrasus engine will windmill fast enough to provide, hydiraulic, powe!r after
a larneout arid shou~ld permit a rapid derscent to a low enough altitude ho crelight. flowes, , it niolend be
possible to start the API) me a precautionary meafure at times of high rish anoen as arente of tile fl ght
cinvelope where the engine han a tow eurge margin. Thus, althiiogh it would be art adoanltagse il ti, AIt'l could
at such heighten.
able to start
it niot necessarily
high altitude
Spersie. at
From th, disrcussiorns ire the preiisrt nonctionrs of thin no'e iii symien which han evolved in an mhoen
in oilir lI





IIl Il
w011 NON 1 _____R

Mm aq-ý

A common ducting system is used between the engine, APU and environmental control system. This
allows the engine to drive the main accessory gearbox by means of compressor bleed air as a back up to the
shaft power take off. The Pegasus engine does not have any particularly severe limits on shaft power off-
take. However, on RB199 engines a compressor bleed air back up system can provide a useful supplement to
the shaft power available while at the sane time improving the surge margin of the engine.


As secondary power systems have grown in size they have begun to have a significant effect on engine
and airframe performe::ce. Bleed air offtakes and shaft power demands have become particularly important
with the advent of high bypass ratio turbo fan engines. The supply of even relatively small amounts of
engine bleed air brings a number of problems for the airframe systems designer. Typical environmental
control systems require an air inlet pressure between 400 and 600 KPa. However, in order to achieve these
pressures at low engine speeds the air must be taken from a high pressure compressor stage. At the
extremes of the0 aircraft's flight envelope this may deliver air at over 2200 KPa and at temperatures
approaching -90 K. As a result. precoolers and pressure reducing valves have to be used to dump much of
the energy which has been very expensively put into tne air by the engine.

One approach to this problem has been adopted on the Spey engines used in the RAF Phantom aircraft.
Air can be bled from either the 7th or 12th stage of the HP compressor, depending on the delivery pressure
of the engine. The principle of the system is illustrated in Figure 5.


SOLE240D TO AllrRAtv




After some teething troubles this system has been found to work well in practice even though the
changeover between stages operates as a 'bang-bang' system. The amount of bleed air demanded from engines
can also be minimised by rejecting as much heat as possible to the engine fuel supply. This rill often
entail complications such as recirculation back to the aircraft tanks to control temperature levels with
varying heat loads and fuel flow rat-es. The ability to transfer fuel around can in any event be a useful
aid in improving survivability after combat damage or system failures.

Such systems are only acceptable provided that they do not degrade the aircraft reliability or increase
pilot workload. The advent of modern microprocessors is making it possible to provide the intelligence to
- cope with the control of these advanced systems. In add;tion the use of a data bus such as wIL STD 15531
is making it possible to transmit all the necessary sensor and coac-ind information without the weight penalty
of vast amounts of wiring. With modern engine electronic control systems a much closer integration with the
airframe is possible. Data on airframe power and bleed offtak#s can be supplied to the controller and
i ~aný
compared wits
engwine what offtakes
-handling are t.hen
bleeds can available from tnethrougnout
be scheduled engine. The
the most
.hopefully of power, many
removing bleedof
the restrictions which exist on some of todays engines.

Modern auxiliary power units are becoming smaller and mor• efficient. Fowever, there are still very
few available which will operate at high altitude. There seems to be a growing need for such units as
aircraft power demands are increasing and their integrity 4s becoming more critical. One possible means of
improving high altitude performance is to 'supercharge' the APU by utilising a small amount of engine bleed
air. This presupposes that the APU will be started either as a precautionary measure under conditions of
j high risk or can be started rapidly as roon as an engine failure is detected.

Hydraulic pimpa are likely to become more sophisticated even if pressure levels do not increase very
* much 'eyond todays typical 27600 KPa. Dual pr-asure level pumps are now quite common with a lower datum
pressure for offloading the accessory gearbox during engine starting. The next stage would seem to be
viable delivery pressures as well as the almost universal variable flowrate pumps. Ey running at a lower
system pressure during cruise conditions, engine shaft power demands can be minimised at low engine speeds.
System internal leak rates will be lower so less heat will be rejected within the hydraulic systew. Again

I_ reliable microprocessor control will be needed to make such systems feasible.


-------- ,

In the field of elentrical power generation the development of vrriable ;peed, constant frequency
generators promises improvemen's in reliability over the mechanical complexities of constant speed drives
Ituweve,, there seems to be some way to go to get the electronic sufficiently reliable and able to with-
stand the temperatures associated with operation in close proximity to the engine. There is still A
requirement for a reliable battery, even after all the yeara experience with the available lead-acid and
nickel-cadmium types. A reliable charging system and state of charge indicator would go a long way towards
giving more confidence in the use of NiCad batteries for emergency power supplies.


There is still scope for considerable improvement in the overall efficiency of aircraft auxiliary
power supplies. Perhaps the greatest improvements would be achieved by a closer co-operation between the
various ;rframe systems designers and the engine designers at an early stage in the development of the
project. It is apparent that the prenunt situation where the project aerodynamicists seem to have first say
in what engine development is necessary is not always the best approach. It is essential that the necondary
power system, engine bleed air offtakes and engine design milst be considered as a whole rather than
developed in isolation.

P. Atlan
Ing~nieur Civil do 1'A~ronaotligue,
Chef de D~partersent so Bureau d'Etudem E~rle
78, qua! Gamuot
B. P. 300

La prlsente comunication a pour objet la description et is justification do syst~rse
de puisgsance hydcranulique secoors do MIRAGE 2000. Co systLAre do conoeption originain
rtpond en faiL A on prubli~me tout a fait particolilor et spfciflque de l'avion

En effet, ii m'sgimsait de troover one source (i'6nergie dcunn part et on rso-,ende

la mettrn en oumvre d'autre part, susoeptibles d'assorer is fonotionnemant des servo-
conraandem bydrauligoes de commrando de vol de l'ayton dans Ins conditions particuliAres

(a) Meteor 6teint



Cette "cluche" emst one figure acrebatigue no de combat compes~n des phases ''olvantes

*(a) One phase de prime d'assiette so coors de laquelle Is vitesse a~rodynamiqoe dicta 1
en memn temps gun lailtitode crelt. Pendant cette phase ins gouvernes sarodykiamiqoes
sont effinaces erm assurent Ie cuntr~le de i'sviun.

(h) line phase so coors de laqoelle i'&vion suit ma trajeotoire "par inertia", pendant
laquelle is vitesse a~rodynaisiqoe d~iiinoe et, a! i'sssistts initials prise pendant
Ia phase (a) eat soffisannent grande, passe cname par z~ro. Pendant cette pha-se, et
bien gun ins qoovernes afirodyrramiguns soienn inefficaces pendant on court laps de
Leaps, les commandos do vol 6lectrigucs rentent tin"(ours actives et positionnent lea
guovernes die facon A r~aqir A la situation pour 'gue I'nvion soit cuntrblable U'S gum
la viteamec reprend que~qos vaieor-
Ac coors de cette phase A viteasse quasi-went nulls, i'avion "bascule" vera l'avsnt dou
faiL 00 son hyperstabilitO lungitodinale A 'r~a forte incidence.

* ('1 ne phase dv repris-! do vitesso sarodynamique au coors do lsqoetl.e los qonvernes

redeviennent efficaces et de on fait recentrent i'sviun soos l'effet des coiraandes
6leotriquos, cc gui 6vite tout engagement en vrille Incontr86l et persist A i'avion
do suivre is llgne de vol choisie par in pilots, c~me ml. les rtirersdoutloe cot (.t6
donn~s pendant la phase (h) a'rannt Is reprise de vitnase.
J1 taut pr~cisor, que anile atabilisation de l'svion a lieu imcfdiatnment aprAs le
4 basmoolecent (nose down) ci A one vitesms encore tr~s faihln.

C riernipr po.tet est trAm int~ressant c Ame at le MIRAGE 2000 n'eat nsag le premnier
avion A entreprendre des m~anouevres balistiqoes
Impliquant on passage A vitsans nounl,
aur~s, sans gee In pilote sit bosoin ,s "toot mett so miilieu et d'attendre, eo
s arrAtant do respirer, one vitesme adrodynacique boffisoiie. 01, pooL dire quo ins
cuimmandes do voi restent effloaces A des viteszns do l'ordro do 40 Eta. Ao-deaaotis,
Is travail eat principalement da aux malnes qualit~s afrodlynsminoem do i's' ýn, en
parlicolier son byperstahillrA en tanqaqe une Incidence soptrieore i 10"

La figure qo1 vient. d'atre dicrite ust, c, tes, ria~lishiel str Avion A coccandlem de
vol cirasaigue, main nile condoirait !.n pius scuvent. A des situations difficiles A oontrb-
1cr Fans one hahilet6 exoeptiunnelle do pilot-c
Fn vffet, Al la premi?ýre phase de pnise d'assistte eat toujoura Possible, ii arrive
on mome-nt nQ 'avion Ochappe su o nurrr~i do pilots on no salt slurs pPLdire cc qui va
an pasver :A partir de cc moment on hien is viteman s'ancrnltt A nouveau, et 1'svlnn
redevient progmressiversent. contr~ilabie., masi alior- is figure caL rat~e, l'aviuji .,'est.
pam str~t(. en l'air, 00 LU~en ' uicieon v1i ie, cootlyur-at tor do aol plu;. ou isuin
£ tal I, d1' JiI ne sort Ia qcl'0) prelisnt. A nouveau do la vitesse- inros -m manounuer e
Lien d~ter-minima.
( 1-2

C'est grace aux commandes do vol 6lectriguos que dans Ie MIRAGEF 2000 la clocho est
rdalisabic en toute stcurit6 ot sans habilet(d oxceptiennelie du phloto

Le but des commandos do vol 6loctrigues eat do rendro l'avion contr6iable et pile-
table ena tou1te S6 cur it6 godls quo nojont lee incidences, lets charges ou les cas d'insta-
bilit6 rencontrls. Eli(-!tperacottent en particolior Io pilotage avec une stabilitAs
longit udinalo stetigec ndgative cc votnino do z~ro. Dana lo can Cie la 'cloche', cette
cara c trietigue facilito da'ailleors le lanomntent de l'avion cite le haut dans la pre-mi~tre
phase (a) de la figuare.

no plus, lee limfiations d'incidence et de facteors do charge automatiqoomont

introduitee darts le rcilcolateor do cortmande do vol permettent so pilote toeten lea
mantoeuvres sans risque do d~paer~er con limiten. En particoltor c'ent co caicolatour gui
pendanl.in cluche bragee A ploin piqu6 lea 6levons sans quo le pilate intervienne. Parr

la sortie l'aviuon soivo la trajecteiro d~sir~so et sans qu'il y &it A aucun moment porte
do contr~lo.

Bien n~r cen meovoments do gouvernos domandont uno certaine puissance et chest cc
gel noes amtlno au sujut essentiel.


* ~L'6nergio nltconnairo ao fonctiennersent des ceennandes do vol eat normaleaent feurnie

par Is motour Boos forme 6loctriqueeat bydraulique. Dana sl cas do MIRAGE 2000, le meteor
ontratne doox alternatoore A vitesse constants do type AUXIVAR do 20 KVA et deeM
por,,pes hyc~rauliqoes autordgolstriees d~bltant 112 1/mn scus 4000 PSi A 6100 t/mn, co qul
correspond I~ en Ltbimn meteor do 10 600 t/me. L'6nergie bydraulique fombni par los
pomnpon entra~n~iss par le meteor eat trbns largemont noffisante non neulemont poor alimentor
* lee sorvo-cemsutandea ot lee sorvitodee (train, hypersostsntateore, etc...) mais aunsi pour
ontralner don alterr.atours deatin(!n A foornir do l'6lectricit6 sex: commandos de vol,
indbpendamraont do colic fouonie par lon alternateers principaux entrsln~s par meteor.
Clost vourgeni, mams avec Is motour 6teint, 3 cendition quo is vitesse do l'avicn soit
auftisante peer ontralner lee pompon bydrauliqeen par l'intens~diaire do meteor en meoli-
net, eo fonrtionnemont des commandos do vol reete asserA aussi bien hydraoliqeement
gue6lec triquomont. A titus indicatif le rfgiino do meteor en moelinet eat encore do
2 380 t/mn peer coo vite~ss indiquoe do 200 Eta environ, co qui donne on d~bit hydrauliqee
adisipeniblo total do 5o 1/mn poor l'ayton.
Par centire, gum va-t-il no passer at le pilote de 1'avion exdcote one figure de vol
du type do cello quo noes avoos d~ciito pr~c~demmeont, so coors do laquollo is vitosse
U nylon passe par des valeors tr~s basses, caire nollee ? Si ie meteor rests a1 ",m6, ii ny
a pas do prebilise puiegee lo r~qimo do ralonti vol rests encore aupAriour A SO % do
r6tjimo maximal, co gui donne en d~bit hydraulique do 60 1/mn dispeniblo nor chaque pempo.

Il neon eat pan do crme at one extinction do moteer serviont avant oo pendant cetto
figure. En effet cotte extinction poorra conduire A one vitasse do Totlation meteor on
mflutt]joe tr~ls basso voire nulls, en toot can tr~s innoffisante poor issurer en debit
co~nvona5ie den pompnis bydranliqoes ontrainfen par ls moteor. 11 faudra done dana cc can
trluver one autolre ouree d'(norqie pear assurer Is fonctionnomont des cosssandeRs do vol
geli. comifse on 1'a vu pr~c~drnment: sent todinponjables ao ban posittennecont does gouvernon
pendant cuttu phase, en attendant gol lax vi ,tense rotrouu'Te peisve pormnettre on moo)u net.
seffiinant do meteor or. 6vcnteeil,ýemo,t. non rallurnage.


Il, -tiurr formos d'Anorgio do seceoua poovent 8tro envisag~ess le moolinet cal-our
est (I par byputhL~se, do mAine gee lea procodfs er0.iiauIt is vi~teRS a,'rodynamique
ecomic." saropninpen, cynt?6mes 'ram-air" et d~riv~s. II no noes reste go, 1'Anorgio quo
Il'n 1, i. s tocker A burd soon fo)rce ohimiqos : -arburants err batteries.

1Un %PU etilinant Iipt! r. Lie 1/acien so~at-i l'avaintage do no pan nticesnttet eiroport.
d'en carbersol- sp~cial. 1l a par centre 1'lnconvAnisni do necorsiiter one installation
d'entrtc d'ailr poor lo conborant et i! a surteot i'incuncdntonL. majour do son temps do
dIlmarrage et do mine on neuvre. Avant d'att-eindre son r~qimo nominal, i1 lot faudra
p1 unieorn di za Irro, de sceondes
n inigest t I nenmtstiblo avec ls problmest. Noun verrona
riles lint gee la nalso en osoyre do re systfme deit intorveel, en en tomps no d~psasant
pan 2 seconden. Do plea 11 -1 a teujours uceo lintro sepirlicur S 1) ltitude do raliumage

de ccý: genre do machine gui onterdirait 1i manoeuvre ao-deoqsus do cette altitudc . On no

putristareet depols le sel . Mai alors cci n6cossltorait des pr~cautiuna d' instailati to ut
tine e~ndurance dv la machine tr~s inject ifillee via-A-cms do la rarstA it Ic L'v*Neýrront. got
leon chorche a cone- it.
K'tin t
L.i'.U. 1 hrydrazine aurait cc Al-re envlna3qt :La faibloe puisnancep mine on joe et
lat I cubi teir~e de toner lonineniont' justi fioraicost iC usage d'one faibl! qutantiLtA do cerrie-
ranit vt do coinburant, maiq 15 encore no so bout to, qeciqlue darts OttO stuixdre irtee'rrc gee
darts I" cnn do l'AID, ae pjrublme de. ia rn 1,id1 rt do- misc "ti oeuvre do ysyt~me.

L'iddc la plus simple gui viendrait A llemprit merait d'utiliser une source d'&ter-
gie gui exists de toote fagun A l'int~rieor de lavion A savoir la batterie 6lectrique.
Er. effet, dans in MIRAGE 2000, cette battensa alimente one pompe hydrauliquc de secoors
de B 1/inn a fonctionnement discontino. Cette pompe gui existescur tous lea nylons du

da toute possibilitti de pr~li6vemcnt cPAnerqic Bor le motnur, dnilimcntsr 1em servo-

coeriandem de vol de fagon A perinettm au pilots de se msttre en position favorable A
l16jection, qui net la consigne nonnale dams ce cam extrame de panne.

) ~Si
on utilisait cette pumps de mecoura pour aliinenter ice servo-conmmandes dacs is
cam gui nous accupe, ii n'est d'abord pas certain qus son debit serait capable d'assumrv
les mouvements de gouverns ndcessairea. En effet, mettre on avion en position favorable
Aoi'8j~ection n'est pam in maine chase gue de le mnnoeuvrer de fagon X ex~coter one sortie
de cloche. Dn plus I utilisation intensive de cette pumps pendant le telips nifccasaire
risgoermit de vider substantieliensent la battense de liavion, cc gui in rendrait inapte
par ia suite A remplir son r~le de source dlectrigue de cecours, r~le gui canaiste a
assur~rountemps d'autonumic 6lectriquc A partir do moment uo lea sources d'6nergis
Cicctsiqoo noyrmac
lan soont trouv6es indinpaniblcs. En particulier cette batterie risque-
rait 6trindisponibie pour is rallumage do moteor par i& suite.

En r~mumO, cette source d'Anergie doit duoe Etre conservis pr~cicosemsent et on peout
done 6tre utilim~e pour 1 'usage gui nous occups.


Ii a fal 'I dunc crier on nouveau syst~ms de secaurs inid~pendant et disponible

isn~di atemen t

Ce syst~me cunmiste en one pompe hydrauliquc branch~s en paraillle sor on des cir-
cuits d'alimentation hydrauligue des slerva-comnandem (circuit N' 2) . Cette pompe eat
entraln~c par en incteur (i'ectrigoe aliment@ lui-mAinc par one pile ansorgabie duct i'Asncr-
gie devient ima6diatesent dimponibis pour on temps ltmiitt d~m ma mime en route. Cette
pompe Be substiton ao syst~me nurse I de miss en preesioc do circuit hydrauligue N* 2
dont cule assure taos lea services tent gu'une tension Alectrigue soffisante eat mainte-
cue asex bumnes do moteor.

La pumps p, uprement dite eat one pomps d~livrant 12 1/mn moos 230 bars (mappelons
gus is pression normals des circuits hydrauligucs est 280 bars). Elle cet nutorfiqulmtrice
c'emt-A--dirc qe'elie cumporte on plateau oscillent A 7 pistons dont Ilinclinaisun eat
conysand~n par on r~iqulateur cisintenant la pression de sortie cunatante, et Agale A
230 bars tact guo ie d~bit demand6 n'est pas sup~rieur A la valenir numinaic. Oe la sorce,
is d~plecement par tour eat variable et atteint 1 cin3 par tour environ pour 1'inclinsisan
maximale do plateau. La vitesse de rotation varie entre 10 000 et 14 000 t/mn suivant
la tension 6leutrigon d'alimeotntion.

Le moteer 6iectrigs neat do type compound cc qoi lui permet d'nllicr on couple ao
dfitarr age 6iev6 (indispensable pour vaincre in coupler r~sistant de Ia peeps) avec des
caract6 ristiqucs couple/viteese acceptabies lorague Ia tension baisse.
La pile tliermigue est cons itutsc par on ensemble dn pluselerm pagusts de 13 AltimentsI
m~imic branchts on parallile. con Alimnsets smut. constitu~s d'une Ailectrode, n~gative en
miill aicalin pom et d'one Eýlectrode positive en oxyde fort (Ca Cr 04) noy~es darus on
6li~ctrulyte solids constitoi par on mulanqe eutectigue de chioromn de lithium et de
potassium. Ces 6liments cc sent done pas actifs tact qua Iiilectroiyre rests a l'6tat
* auolide. L'initiat'uc de is pile consists en in misc A feu d'ene composition chauffants
gui amine 1Dilectrolyte nu-dsia dc sa temp~raturn Os fusion de 360*C, Is rendanit minal
* canducteur ionigun antif. La puissance mnximaic est disponibic no boo:- d'unc seconds
seolemnset, Lemap A parti~r dugucie ia tension sax barnes atteint 30 Volte. A partir de 7cc
4 ~moment in tension baisse progremaivement, cette balmnn dipendact Oe is consominstion.
Pourý l conwsommxttIon initlale imlmpnrfannl rip 1"Alectrooompr' (de l'ardre de 250 A), 15
chute de tension eat rapide. Au boot dc 20 secondes, ln tension aux barnes n'emt plus
gun 25 V . Ensuite In consmonmation diminoant, in chute net moiue rapids tenision env-oun
20 V nll bout de SC] oucondeu.

Cc typ~e de pil n at rittlisAs sum engin baliatique maim en gicimral ccc piles Mant A
injcctionr d'6iCC~txniyte liguide et cc ianclionncnt gu'cntre 10 et 30*C cc gui n'& en
ginfral pin d'mmportancn, vu la tempirsture des silos dana lesgelsl ccc engine sant
stockim. Au contmnirs Ber is MIRAGE 2000, il a 6t6 niceasaime de choisir one pile capable
de fonctiunner .A hasne tempimature initiale (- 3O*C no plus) Weoll is choix de lileoctra-
lyte solide.
r Lunate pile 3e pr~gents soues I 'aspect d'uc boitier mirallique cylindrique hermmtigue.
be minIatnyn chauftsant dn in pile unit mini A Lou par deux (!aupilies poor amnorer la
redundance. Lea 6toupilims sect Ageipies nl'on shunt dlo erection poor in transport.

Le systc~ms dn commaiine dainargagc eat automatiguc one tensio~n continue de 27 V

eatL envoyic aux h rues des 6t-upilles loraonu toutes leg conditions suivantes sont
(1) Vitesse de rotation do moteur inf~rieure a 15 %do regime maximal.
(2) Vitesse air do lVavion inftriouro A 100 Kts (50 m/s).

(3) Altitude avion r:upsrieurs A 10 000 ft. et inf~rieure A 70 000 ft.

(4) Train non surti dftectf par un rootmceisr triple.

Pour 6.vitor des risgues de fortctionnoment iniempestif au sol en maintenance l'avion

6tant Aol'arrratune condition N > No (environ 5%) a 6t6 ajout~e en plus des guatro
2 ~conditionsci-deasus.

La logigue de commands eat eoti~reimeot doubl~o, chague logigue attaquani chacuoc des
deux 6toupillas d'amorgags.

Enfin, cosine il aurait 6t6 regrettable do ne pan pouvoir utiliser on systsie aussi
simple pour ramsner l'mvion avec r~acieur 6teint qui no trouvorait par hasard asssz prits
d~uo terrain pour ase contenter d~un fonctionnement aussi court, on n'est doonn la pondi-
bilit6 d'uoe commande manuelle par poussoir moos opercule gui par moo action simn'le
moutes lea conditions do funictionneinent autoanaiioe.

on tfmo in d'amorgage indigos gee is syst~me est en fonctionnement.


Le choir d&un sysitsis auass rostiqie no se justifie qu'a cause de deux r(Ifynets
baportants tous doux dilment ;~rifi~s p, l expdrisnce
(1) La faible d u re pendant laguelle on risque d'avoir bosomn duane tells source d~fnorgin.

(2) La falible probabilitC de Iloccurrence doune situation n~cessitant son ompini.

En effot, le syst~me dfcrit ci-dessus a deux caract~ristigues :sa fatibis dur~s de

lonetionnement et le fait gulil ne peut servir goouns foip;, la batterie thermigus devant
dtro ronouvel~e aprifs chaqus percussion.

(A) En ce gui concernse la faible dur~e de fonctionnoment, le chiffrs de 1 minute environ

donnt plus haut resulte do calcul Ic plus dffavorablo de la do:de nfcessatro pour reirou-
ver unl r~qime suffisant en moolinet muteur. Pour cc calcul, on suppose quo l'extineiion
isoteur est survenue au moment le plus d~favorable de la cloche, c'est-&-dire au temps tI
tel quo la durts pendant laguello le rdgims moteur va rester inf~rieur a 2 SO0 i/mn
eni set maximiale. Ce temps correspond A oine vitesse avion do 1'ordre de 180 Eta. Et
c'not bien l'hypotbL'so la plus d~favorable

Avant, ic piloto, prdvonu do Ioexiinction motoor, a encore one vitesse e3uffisanto

pour interrompro la figure et amurcer la manoeuvre do rallomage. Apres, le temps gui
rosie A courlr A vitesse faible devient de plus en ples court et fnit p-ir Atre infflriour
au temps quo met le moteor A "dfbobiner" jusgumou r~gims do moulinet co~rrspondant A
Vi = 100 Kts (25 % do r~gime maxi.),? auquel can il West plus bosomn de source dl~noirgie
* autre gus le intour.
3 fDea esasis wu sul onit 6t6 conduits on mimolant la d~uruisbnaxce do d~bit foumnt p -r
la pompe priocipalo A partir do lextmnctiýn moteur gjrace A on groups hydraull quo pm qraimmf,
tout en demandant lo ddbit instantan6 siaxlisal correspondant mom valeurs mosurtie; en vol
dans la manoeuvre la plus d~favorabis )"cnntre" dea 6lovoos arrivant au moment oO le
motreur a enti~remeot ddbobind) . Ces; essais ont montrr' quo ls pilotago en 6lectrigue res-
taiL possible josgoA5 la fin de Sa manoeuvre et gue is capacitA do la pile, do 1'ordre

.1 de I minute A pleine puissance, plus on exc~dent A puissance r~duite pouvani alder jun-
qu'A 2 minutes et plus, couvrait largerment cette exigence.
B)fEl it cs gui coocernu la probabiliti] d'occurseotulid 1.Ia ualo la, ritn
ven route d'un tel systL~me, notro expfrience a monitH' guelle 6tait tr~s faiblo.
IJ De naiombex sais en vol ont montr6 quo I extinction du moteur pendant les cloches
t~s mprbabeet do toote fagon pas plus probable gue dans nimport, quelue

Dumanit lea essais en vol, plus de SOC cloches not 6t6 oxfcutdes doot 100 damn toutes
Ion configurations moteur possibles (tous m~gimes possibles, PC maxi, r~duite 00 6teinte,
mouvements brusques do manetteo de gas et- m~ine simulattion do passage en socours du r~ge-
latour (ECU) motour etc ... ) sans go' ml y ait ou ni xii not~ion of mfins autmeý anomnalie

Cetis bonne fiabilitt do motelu; SNECMA M 53 sit on fin de compto la meilleuro jueti-
fiation do choix do syst~mo do gfn~rat; o do asecuos du MIRAGE 2000 pulaqu'on est assorA
liust du o..vuir I Secn servir geec tout.. fait Prxceptlonoeilemeni.
On peut m~me dire, et ce sera la conclusion, que si lea essais moteors, qut ne sont
pas termin(sz, continuent A §tre ausslI bons, ii eat possible que tout le systAme d~crlt
ci-dessus s'av~re superflo, Ia probabilit6 d'extinotion moteor en cloche 6tant si faible
qo'elle ne jostifierait alora qua le si~ge Ajeotable do pilote, A l'exclusion de toot
aotro systimc capziblo do ramener i'nvion.


E.Eckert, Ge -
I refer to your slides "Emergency Power Sources" listing possible power sources and "Energy Storage System
Range". I could not find the silver-zinc (one-shot) battery system there. As this has very high energy content and is
well known for a long tine and even in use with military aircraft is there a substantial reason why this has not been

Author's Reply ",

It is a very good question: The silver/zinc "one-shot" batteries are used on ballistic missiles and have been actually -
considered for the application described. The reason why we discarded them is because these batteries arc "liquid-
injeled-elcctiulytc" type and cannot operate properly at a temperature lower than 0', while the thermal battery
used on the MIRAGE 2000 can start at -30'C.

MMetohianakis, Gr
Can we use the thermal battery which usually d ýlivers 30 volts to activate some other systems with different voltages

Author's Reply
I cannot see any reason why we coult not use a thermal battery to activate systems at other voltages (like 100 volts
for instance) provided an adequate number of voltages is added.
"Supplyingdifferent available voltages simultaneously would also be theoretically possible but I think not practically
feasible with the pesent technology of the battery which has been used in tine case of the MIRAGE 2000.



- ------- '
S- .. . . . . - -



Senior Engin er
British Aerospace Public? Limited Company
Aircraft Group
Warton Division
Preston PR4 lAX

I This paper examinen the configuration constraints presented to a systems engiveer when
desiigning a Secondary Power System, with particular reference to the manimisipg of
elngine power offtake. It briefly discusses the effects of power offtake on the e igiie
and looks at current solutionc available to the systems designer. The paper defines a
Secondary Power System which is optimised for a twin engined, agile, combat aircraft. .


For the purpose of this paper the term Secondary Power System may be taken as the
syntem which transmits power from the engines to and including the electrical and
hydraulic generation systems, together with the engine starting and ground power
systems. (fig 1)


APU Auxiliary Power Unit

ATS Air Turbine Starter
ECS Environmental Control System
F Thrust - Newtons
H. P. Hydraulic Pump
Hp Engine Shaft - High Pressure
Ip Engine Shaft - Intermediate pressure
TIDG Integrated Drive Generator

N Notational speed - rpm

P Pressure
POT Power Off'take
PTO Power Take Off
PRV Pressure Reducing Valvet
O Flow - Kg/see.
SFC Specific Fuel Consumptl,,n
--PS Secondary Power Sysi ,m
- T Temperature


""rDpjigliiig a Secondary Power System in an exerols: in compromise, halaocibig the full'imenl

orof 'densirable requirements" agsai tint onch factor:; ..i Mas.-, Volume, rlim]vir-menrtal
conditions and engine power ofttake, aod producirig the best system with in the many
oostraintot. Becrnse the S•croniý,ry P',wei' Systytem is driven by the engine, the system
nihouldbe esigied such tiat Its impact upon the engine's performance Is minimlsed.

Three traditional goals fur a fig-hter Prglior have bee-n higher powe-r-tn-weight ratio,
better SVC and improved reliability. These aims have resulted in the development of the
relatively high by-pass ratio multispool turbo fan engine, with its smaller Nmax ratio
au higher reheat-to-dry thrust ratio. The reheat boost oti a 3-spoot turbo fan engine
can be as high as 70% and this results In a much smaller engine than its single spool
eqji valent, aud gives a m.-h hetter crol;uc -'LC. liuwever, the smaller core engite has
a smaller core mass flow, Hp spool size, inertia and power, and because engine startfhg
is achieved by driving the Hp spool, it follows tlrt pon--r nfttc' most DcL"ii, tieM
the Hp shaft if a scud i.owel -- aft is to be avoided. this of'take now becomes a
greater percentage of the total energy generated by that spool. Power off-take has also
risen dramatically during the past 30 years (fig 2) due to the increasing sophi tication
and eranoeuvrsbility of the weapolns system reqoiring gre.iter electrical and hydraulic
generniting capacity. Both trend:; mnikr PCS dc';ign more dliffi"unt.

In order to appreciate the change in engino technology and power offtakte, let uis
'onsider the two typical engine-secondary power system combinations shown on Fig 3.
Engine A isr a single shaft tirb',-Jet in the 15-17,000 lb reheat thrust class weighing
in the order of 1,700 Kg. Fie Inc B is a 3-chaht turho-fan if a similar reheat thrust
capability bhut weighing otnly 1,0O0O1g. The relai lve SFC'! at mnx dry sit' 30 irtilto, for
i A atnd 20 inlits for ngirie 3. j
'* For th'. no xt •enerat liot of' fighter ai,-ra ft th "irncrvlv;btility" ti" itle oxpetu iVce pilot
and ,lt-,I['L will become a prime criterion of design., 'ltrvivabllity" in this coiit.'xt
* iv'Ivrles the 7billity L(i OlitmalOetlvre and outright th, ernmy wte;rnn nyytr-m. T"
* ait it-ilti, the mien.-'d liglt:, will te , 1- tlnn
til il jte entire sub


and supersonic regime. This aspect will have an immediate effect on the way in) which
the power offtake demands are made on the cngine, as well as on the basic engine concept
itse'.l t'.

The aim of this paper is to look at the configuration constraints presented to the
systems engineer and discuss the possible ways in which the system may be optimised
l.ingo the technology available today. The paper uses this rational' in order to
define a fall Secondary Power System for a twin engined, unstable, agile. supersonic

We will consider the following sslpeeti:

System Requirements

System Constraints

System Optimisation



Primarily we are concerned with two of the basite aras which make up the functional
requirements of any aircraft system.

Cus9toser requirements

Technological Improvements

Customer rei utreents will specify the basic parameters that the customer needs in
r e•-n meet H-e th -- he sees for his aircraft. For example these could be:-

- Aircraft sntte of readiness

- Engine start times
- Time from alert Lo aircraft getting airborne
- Type of' ntandby required
- Need to be able to start engines without systems interrupt following standby
- Failure modes
- Maintenance requirements

Theise, In turn, will -stahlinh:-

- Need for a dedicated seconrdary power system

-Need for an auxiliary pnwer nulnt
- Need for s;y.stem red~landaney
- I'Jeetor bleed reqtuiremlnts:
- Type off cool ing system

T'chnol 17-al Inproseents are the reTult of advances In the state-of-the-art and brlang
I a savngs in mass, volume, or life rye]le cost or Improve reliability and
iall nta tnabil ity .
Examples are; -

S- Evolution of the Ekeotrical Generating Sy:tem

- Use of new lighter materials, titanium magnesium etc.
- iiIgri worcd ae•css•orlcr,
I Mi croprocessor control

It shnoiil be noted that the requirremennts for art 'agile' 'itnintable' airecraftf by itecca-
ity force the systems desJglier Jiito seeking Improvements In technology over and above
the "evoiutluon" of a product.

All these requirements must, of courr:e, be aeonmpili:shed within accepted 'Design

2;tanl~idrd.' (national or internattionrul ) whllr will, ali establish terot requirements.

The engineering c(natririalt:; involve the considiratinon arid minimistinp of:-

EHogl oe Power r)fttake

iSptrier leat iiejcii...
Mar::; alilt! Voilme

- ~ -wt -

Engine Power Offtake

Fig 4 shows diagrammatically how the engine offtiahe is divided between uchanIcal and
bleed for a typical twin engine righter. Fig 5 gives us an idEa nf the waste power
which must be rejected as heat to fuel or cooling air dhen -11 the prucyýsses are
complete and it Is this factor which has encouraged BAe Warton to do extenuive Ene-gy
Management studies in,order to optimise the complete energy statement of the aircraft.

The engine is predominantly draignod to thrust, specific fuel conm'xmption, and handling
considerations. Power offtake will normally affect one or sore of these parameters and
to avoid unnecessary, u ndesirable effects on them, the systems engineer must design
systems to miniis the nfftake and must not be tempted to extract power irresponsibly.

Power offiake is not constant, but varies with the hydraulic and electrical demands
made boythe we apo.ns syste m and control surfaces. Pig 6 shows a typical generalised
compressor characteristic with lines of constant N/IT plotted against compressor
pressure ratio and non)-dimensional mass flow MWT . Efficiency Islands are shown In
order to give an indication of' the balance that the working line will need to take
between the most efficient line for the engine and the one which gives adequate surge
margin under all conditions. Fig 6 also shows the effects of power offtske and
_J compressor bleed both generally and, for a fixed rpm, condition. Mechanical power
offtake tends to push the engine towards surge, while air blecd moves the engine away
from surge. The wider aspects of engine acceleratton deceleration, and airflow
distortion have been added to Fig 6 in order to give a better understanding of the
total problem. It is normally the ndverr, combination of all these effects which
results in engine surge. It is for such conditions as this that an accumulator is
fitted to the hydraulic system. However all of these adverse effects are likely when
a pilot needs to take sudden evasive action. i.e.:- demands power for the aircraft
controls probably puts an acceleration demand on the engine and Inflicts airflow
distortion on the compressor inlet by Increasing incidence and yaw.
Fig 7 indicat es the specific qluanititative effects of mechanical power offtake and
compressor bleed on nett thrust, SFC and % surge margin for a parcicular flight case,
for one spool of a current military engine, in a form which the SF5 designer can use
From the above it can be seen that the extraction of power offtake reduces thrust anid
compromises engine matching and thereby component efficiencies. Good, cost-effective
systems design wiil result from a consideration of engine power offLake.
Secondary Poawer System Heat Rejection
Even for a fairly efficient Siecondary Power System the heat rejection is considerable.
Reference to Fig 5 shown that the predicted heat rejection from the total Secondary
Power System (including hydr oulics
and electrical generation) in the early 198nir
would be of the order of 1tKW ail normal operating conditions for a twin-engine aircraft.
However, optimiicssatio.n of current systems has resulted In considerable improvement
hi prediction. The engine and secondary power heat rejection is normally
orejected to fuelin the engine feed line and this is an excellent arrangement if the
flmw to the engine is suffiy ent to abrb all thes heat W ithout exceeding the engine
fol inlet t emperature limit. This lition sa normally met when the eoginpe 1s in
reheart or st ax dry ounditions. Howe lor, the efficiency of the small multispoulw d
turbo fan is such that at cruise engine settings when the fuel flow is lowfue must
either bhe recirculated to tank, which rengltsin a rise In bulk fuel temperature, or,
the pS oil must beh cooled by ram air, again dth the attendant drag penalty. Since
fuel may be used to root other systems it is more practical to use the fuel an a heat
sink and protect the ailrraft from exneisive ne1r tank temperature by Means of an air
cooled fuel cooler. This system involves the aircraft in a drag penalty, therefore,
reduction in heat rejection will be beneficial both directly, by reducing cooler weight
sodivolume,rand thrireotly, by reducing drag.

Mass and Vol one

These parameters are critical

for atny
whifh is part iof
Since larger and heavier systems must lead to a larger and heavier aircraft
that more fuel must then be carried in order to accomplish the same mission.
:ownet-craft syAem.

hy engaging in a cnmplete system evaluation, the systems engineer can establish the
it follows
f'a-..tteprtr ]~t for cthhsc,,ltn ci
exact diesiegn reqni, antcin snralymtwe
ii thei
opoent xyitcien. Thie will heegn
w coseeuro sithx
each component will. weigh only that which is necessary to obtain system performance.
Leeto tmxdyc~dtos oeot•efceo
Studeen show, that for each kilogramme saved at this etage
up to four can he saved
own tker-off gro(icuweight.. drI0n in tonrn resolts on:e-

SA cheaper- aircraft
Ho Heuererd fuel ftox tile ame misstion

-ee otreaded engine thrunt margin,


A good example of how technological advances influence the component weight can be
seen by considering the development of the A.C. generator. Fig 8 shows how the
specific power has increased fivefold over the last 30 years. The weight reduction has
been accomplished mainly by increasing the speed of rotation of the generator from
6,000 to 24,000 rpm.

This feature has been used in the development of other pieces of equipment the hydraulic
pump being one, where a proportional increase in flow results from an increase In rpm.

Some components have changed in form or pri.ncipal of operation. New materials have
been introduced, giving mass and other advantages. New processes make it possible to
use existing materials in a new way which may also produce a mass or volume advantage.

Reduction in accessory size means that the secondary power gearbox can be lighter
especially if the use of high speed accessories results in faster running, lighter
shafts within the gearbox.

However, not all the components on a Secondary Power System rotate and these are
unaffected by the introduction of high speed parts. Hence, there is a need to
miniaturise valves, electrical controls and connections.

Cost of Ownership

Cost of ownership is the factor which should determine the validity of technological
improvements and advances in the state-of-the-art. If "improvements" to any part of a
complex system like the Secondsry Power System are introduced st the expense of
reliability, maintainability .r oaerhul life, then timc and c,. t of repair and ',verhaul
do not justify the "improvements". This is particularly true when a completely iw
system concept is suggested, then great care must be taken to fully analyse all the cost
and spares requirements, and aircraft down time aspects before offering a solution.

It is worth noting, in passing, that cost savings resulting from weight reduction
amount to over £20 per aircraft for each £1 invested in technology aimed at weight
reduction, when considering a large aircraft fleet (500 - 1000).


Having l',cked briefly at some of the constraints placed upon the systems designer, we
may now consider some of the options which are open to him as a result of current
state-of-the-art technology.

3.1 The Hydraulic System (reference 1)

The aircraft hydraulic system has traditionally been a constant pressure system with
maximum pump power proportional to flow (stroke x rpm), the pump characteristic being
shown on fig 9. The ,gile aircraft with its manceuvrability and greater incidence
considerations puts increased demands upon the hydraulic system, and the problem tn not
helped by the advent of control technology which permits maximum demands to be made
anywhere In the f1 Ight envelope.

PAnumber of solutions have been investigated including "soft-cut-off" pumps and "constant
power" pumps whose characteristics are also shown oil fig. 9.

Design studies at BAe Warton have shown that a considerable saving In power offitake can
be made by varying the system pressure. Such a system wan developed for the P110
aircraft and will be briefly discussed here.

Consider a system which is required to deliver 3.7 I/sec at 27 MI/m' per puap (one pump
per gearbox). This is 10OKW of fluid power, or 125KW with losses, per engine. When
added to the other loads on the engine the total load approaches 20OKW at max hydraulic
demand. Hence the shaded area on fig 10 will effectively be out of bounds if engine
.onstraints are to he respected.
It has also been shown that variation in maximum hinge moment for a typical primary
control surface follows the curves shown on fig. 11. Thin means that at lower Mach
numbers and higher altitudes the control forces are reduced. If the load curves are
plotted then these can he converted into lines of constant pressure (fig 12) which in
turn can be smoothed oiut into curves which can be expressed in two variables Mach No.
and altitude.

OFc future aircraft the parameters necessary for pump "schedlinllg" will he obtained from
the ai" data system and by means of modern mieroprocessor-ba7ed computers, the pump
output pres:;ure will he controlled a. required.

Assuming that a minimum pressure of 15 MN/m2 is decided upon, the hydraulic power demand
in the case considered reduces to 55KW which results ini an inrerease of the 'unlimaiedI
t I ight envelope of' about 5, 0Sift. Pena den thin gain, a reduti on JIn total hydraul Ic
energy usage In each flight will give a saving in fuel and a reduction in heat rejection.

3.2 The Electrical Generating System

This is currently a fairly efficient and demand conscious system of power distribution
and the electrical loads on the aircraft tend to be fairly constant or switched on and
off as ,equired. Demand is not affected by Mach No or altitude. Some components, e.g.
fuel boost pumps a-'e a runction of engine condition and could be matched to engine rpm
rather than continot as constaiht speed A.C. pumps.

The advent of microprocessor based control would facilitate the matching of fuel boost
pumps to engine conditions,and the careful application of maximum heating loads to the
various missiles and stores. It would also allow load shedding following the failure
of on• generator. However. current studies at Warton indicate that the saving is small
and suggests that this complication is not cost-effective on the current aircraft.

3-3 The use of the APO in flight (referencep 2)

This seems at first glance to be an ideal mechanism for improving the engine power
offtake situation, the APU taking part of the offtake otherwise supplied by the engine
In critical engine conditions (low speed, high altitudel. However, a brief examination
of this proposal hiehlights the following problems:-

,.A .1 Installation

The Intake/exhaust system must be so designed as to allow the APU to remain operative
even in nonditions in which the main engine may be subjert to apprecianle flow
distortion. An installation using a flush intake on the lower surface, feeding an
inlet plenum chamber, should he relatively unaffected by incidence and sideslip e.'fects.
AAn outlet on the upper surface would enable the benerit of any positive pressure
difference, especially at high incidence, to be used. This arrangem-nt reduces the
effect of ram pressure on power output with increasing speed, bit could eliminate the
necessity for a separate source of emergency power. However, this installation
requires considerably more volume than the simple ram intake/exhaust system and this is
considered an unacceptable penalty.

3.3.2 Light tip and Running the APU at altitude

Studies at Warton, which are borne out by existing in-flight APU application, (Civil
aeroplanes, etm). indicate that even a large AFPI will not rek,.lly light-up above 25,00Od t
or run reliably above 35,000 ft. This is mainly because of the effects or Reynolds
numberý blade thickness and blaIr tip clearance.

3.3.3 APP bay becomes a fire co,)ne

The use of a dedicated in-flight APO would require the APU to become a fire zone with
dedicated fire protection. This would add to the mass/volume penalty, as well as
increasing the hazard situation.

3.3.'4 APU Augmentation

It is almost certain that for the APU to carry part of the total power offtake over the
full flight regime, it would require some form of augmentation. Two systems have been
the subject of studies at Warton. The first requires the use of oxygen enrichment and
i., i-ut gencrul ly considerod to be mcnn and -t. efrective. The -enrid requires main
ojiginic bleed alr to bh fed directly to the APU combustion chamber progressively
0! closing down the passage between the APU compressor and combustion chamber with altitud-.
Although this second alternative appears to offer a viable solution it is again
expensive and heavy.

From the studies into in-flight APU's carried out at Marton it is found that the
efficiency of the main propulsion engine in producing power offtake even when the
penalties of so doing are taken into consideration, is still sufficient to render the
I• mass penaity of any appV-u&h utillltog an in flight APo u•aec.ptahtl for a twin-engined
f aircralti_

1.4 Tu.c , ii -guic- Ilo

,olo c Pw',s' ofrlih, capability

Two methods of optimiiing stage matching may be used:

(i) use of variable geometry guide vaner

(ii) use of 'blow-off' or 'bleed' valves

In the second cass wh, - the engine uses Ip and/or Hp blow-off valves, set to operate
at a certain engine inlet condition, e.g. Mach No. altitude, total pressure etc., these
bleed:. could be used to augment power offtake.

Ali bled from the enginie ouiappresor cxit 'hiow-off' valves at present,passes into the
ilvkuiju uy'vimoc duct, wIth :'rmf contdlltlcn to engine thrust. This will be small,
and the, air may he better used to provide power additlonri to the shift power offtake,
by exp:rtciino through a turbine. This would have the effect of reducing the shaft power
Icompream(nu! surge m;irgins, or enable a reduction In the 'bieem valve aiR iuwT .'t -' '

- fl
S.... .. i

Examples of the level or power which could theoretically he extracted from the 'blow-
rff' valve flow at say, 1.OM/50,00Oft are:- a

(a) I ble d, assume 0.5Kg/sec at 175 kPa and 500°K can be extracted. If expanded
tl ii;giatu-bine to ambient at 80% efficiency this wouol cc approxircately 10OKw
(neglecting duct losses).

(b) Hbleed, assume 0.25Kg/sec at 450 kPa and 700 K can be extracted. If expanded -
wMtn mom- reduction in tapping pressure to give a feasible pressure ratio, would
give approximat.ly 70Kw. Whilst these levels of power are not always practically
achlevable, the potential power available in compressor matching bleed flows is

Additional power could be 3enerated by the use of a bleed-and-burn system, with the
penalty of the fuel flow required.

The penalty or extracting and utilising such 'bleed' flow is:-

- the loss of thrust recovered when the flow is directed into the fan duct - this is
"small. however, when compared with the loss of thrust due to extracting that bleed
from the core engine.

the mass of the bleed ducting and turbine together with the necessary mechanical
drive from the turbine.

It is also worth mentIoning that bleed extraction is not normally required within the
normal (Ig) envelope so that we are talking of optimising the systems in order to achieve
the maximum potential of the aircraft.

" .5 dOne of Engine Bleeds to augment the mechanical offtake (reference 2)

One way in which this concept could be utilisel 1 by making use of a pneumatic link
between the aircraft APU and gearbox-mounted air urbine starter motors, which could
also be used in-flight for a pneumatically linked crossdrive. The necessary ducting
woild then be available to be utillsed in the Air Turbine Starter on the gearbox driven
by that engine to boost the power input available as shaft power, when the engine
compressor bleed valves are open. A schematic of a 'Pneumatic Link' system of this type
is shown In rig 13. Tn-flight when the system is required to operate, the air turbine
would extract a nominal bleed flow from either the Ip or lp compressor, as required to
optimise the engine spool matching. The torque/speed charmeterlstiý of the air turbine
would be arranged so as to provide a nominal pownr to the gearboxes. The control system
* would need to be so designed so as to prevent the air turbine motor, providInv the full
requirements, since this would allow the air turbine to drive the secondary 1wer system
completely, allowing the PTO shaft to become off-loaded and thus proucing a hunting
situation between the ti:o driven. It would also ensure that core engine thrust is not
compromised by the extraction of too much bleed air. Since we areout3ide thelg flight
envelope, th. engine is operaning at, or near maximum conditions, (including rpm).
Therefore ly making the air turbine characteristics follow some unique function of
engine intake total pressure (say), we should be able to obtain eo-pati.[ill ty be' 'nen
the two inputs and ensure that the air turbine power is always usi 'ully employed.

Other c)oiltol syutemo might be rnviapcd or thc gearbox conuld br dsigned so that part
of the gearbox (that driving the hydraulic pump for example), co,,Id be driven at a
higher speed by the air turbine, thus off-loading the P.T.C. shaft of that power


In this section we shall look at the design for a Secondary Power System for which the
requirementa were ouch as to need some of the features described in Section 3. BAe
IvWarton designed a complete Secondary Power System for an "agile" twin engined fighter,
the PiIO. This aircraft has now become the ACA being built in collaboration with our
partners M.R.P. and A.1.T. The system requireneuins are alsilar, ,equiing -,n ;ptimiai
tion of the Secondary Power System in order to maximise the full potential of the
weapons system.
The P110 system wan required to be flexible, simple, cost-effective and extremely
r 'iable, and because of the 'unstable' nature of this aircraft there was a basic
rqulrement to maintain, fully functional, at ill times:-

1 engine
1 Hydraulic Pump

The followiog additionsl featurer. were also necessary:-

- Ground ntnndho ospabilily

- Systems bhek-out capability
* n•tart
Fun£} ic(without clttri-,al systems luterrupt!
I deperdence of ground ruprK, ',ui pmeot


- I

The need for flexibility coupled with cost effectiveners suggested a pneumatic link

Two airframe mounted gearboxes which could be driven either by PTO shafts or the
gearbox mounted Air Turbines. Each gearbox drives:-
- 2.9 i/sec 27 MN/mr hydraulic pump
- 40/60 KVA I.D.G.
- 10 Kg/sec First Stage Fuel Pump

- APU remotely mounted delivering:-

Pneumatic power for gearbox checkout engine starting and ECS. It also provides
mechanical power to drive a 20/30 KVA Alternator ii order to provide standby electrical
Operating Modes
(i) Mechanical Each engine drives its own gearbox via a PTO shaft.

(ii) Pneumatic

(a) Engine driven Either gearbox could be driven via the air turbine by
compressor bleed air from either engine. Each engine was protected by a
check valve and the system was fed through a pressure regulating shut off
valve. Air could then be fed to the Secondary Power System via the SPS shut-
off valve and Air Turbine Control Valve and/or to the Environmental Control
System via an ECS shut off valve.

(b) APU driven The APU drove either gearbox via the Air Turbine Control Valve
in-nU- own check valve. ECS air was supplied via the ECS shut-off valve.

The system offered other advantages which we will look at briefly:-

(i) The APB was remotely located giving the desired installational flexibility.
AJn--eTectrical generator was fitted to the APU, large enough to allow electrical
oystems check-out and standby, but small enough so as not to compromise the APt!
pneumatic output. This feature meant that the ground running requirements could
be achieved without running the gearboxes, other than for a short durstion
hydraulic check-out (e.g. leakage check). It was envisaged that the complete
hydraulic system would nominally be fully checked following engine start. The
APU was self cooling.

(ii) The gearboxes were brriic spur gearboxes with no complex control functions, they
were simple, light aBr, inexpensive. By designing the APU to be used In the
ground running mode the overhaul life of the gearboxes was expected to be high,
and linked directly to engine running hours.
(iii)Seeondar, Power S stem Coolin was slmplified by not having to cope with heat
rejection n t standy mode. The fuel war not needed as a heat sink, which meant
an increase in mission effectiveness, following standby, particularly for the
'hot-day' considerations.

(iv) ECS air was realily available during APU running as was air for ejector cooling
lor any systems requiring thiL form or cooling.

v) E ne starti would be achieved by motoring up the gearboxes and engines 1,

means ofSeXn!Tr turbine starters ,eleetrical supply being maintained by the A;Ii
generator until the IDG came on-line. A mechanical disconnect between engine and
gearbox allowed for the gearbox to be driven in isolation but meant that the
gearbox needed to h. etopped in order to engage the engine.

(vi) Air urbine starters and control valves were existing, cost-effective equipment, which
kgave a 'soft' connectl-on iiiT ---
een-- -- APiI and gearbox/engine.
In the engine running mode the gearboxes were driven mechanically via the P.T.O.
shaft. Following engine failure or shut-down in-flight the gearbox of the failed
engine would be driven pneumatically from the gooo engine. This would maintain
surge margin on the engine at the expense of a small amount of thrust. The use of
a pneumatic link cross-drive system was calcualtpd to give full system capability
at altitudes above the '1g' flight envelope. The enhancement was certainly
desirable if not necessary, considering the role of the weapons system.

Although not specifically Included In the banic design the use of bleed air
augmentation would have been a very useful development exercise since this would
have given full systems enpabillty (fuil SPr capahili'y with air,-rart manoeuvring
and engine ha' oling) well 'ibve the 'ig' env lope.

i--i .. f -4m

(vii)Ilydraulle System

The variable pressure hydraulic system (Sect. 3) was also included in the basic
P110 design, giving a further enhancement of engine power offtake.


(i) Engines of the same thrust class have become smaller and more efficient. The part
of the engine from which power offtake is extracted has also decreased in size.
Fig 3.

(ii) Power offtake required from the engine by the airframe ystems has Increased over
the name timesnale, making the Secondary Power System problem more difficult.

(iii)Good component and syst( design can influence the amount of power offtake taken
from the engine, and tailor it to respect engine offtake capability.

(iv) A system designed to optimise engine power offtake can give full systems
capability well beyond the normal flipht envelope without compromising eitner
engine or aircraft performance.


(1) F. W. Greedwood, British AeronspAce document Concept of Variable Hydraulic Pressure

(2) P. F. Smithson, British Aerospace document TNAM 3346 Systems Power Management on
Military Aircraft.


The asthor wishes to thank the Directors of British Aerospace PLC (Warton Division) for
permission to publish this paper. The author also wishe:' to thank Mr. P. J. Keeling and
other colleagues within the technieal direntorates of BAe and Mr. I. A. Hall of Rolls
Royce (Bristol Engine Division) for their help in preparing and proof reading this

K '-




Fig I Secondary Power System

,0 /-


Li- 06



f uu

S19F50 ?NO 1970 195e0 19T90

;" ~Fig 2 Power Offtake Trends

- o6000

S815 NJ 70 kN PWh

.- y_5,0kw • 1700 kW

Engine A


~ 70 kN RYh

7 /150 kW

1000 kg

Engine B
Fig 3 Engine- SPS Comparison



f UT

Fig 4- Secondary Power Distribution


r-•/ tU
-,-" . .. ,, ,4i• . ., .. • ... i .. • •- .T .i,.. ... n
'*.-- - i" • ' .. .. - ---
... A A- -" -•Fr • •''-
9-I I


• 300 .. HYD'S & ELECT'S


/00 CABIN&

1950 1960 1970 1980

Fig 5. Growth of Aircraft Heat Rejection with

0 /





I,~ Flow M rf-

SFig 6. Generalised Compressor Characteristic



4-# 0



LI) 0.5

'0 300..


, .. 300

-. 0-)

Fig 7
Variation of Thrust, SFC & Surge Margin with PQT.

t -



1950 1960 1970 1980

Fig 8
Aircraft A.C. Generator Power to Weight Ratio



L I-

Fig 9 Hydraulic Pump Characteristics

S• -Lines of Engino PO T

Copp bi lity kW

Mach No.
Fig 10. Engine Power Offtake Capability


-• E- 2-

*1 II;
II/ -'K~

Fig 11, Typical Control Surface Hinge Moment , ,


/ -

/ A,\"-, /)/ / -

- 11

/ /

I~ I~


I Mach No.
I iI
Fig 12. Hydraulic
PumpI 1
Constant Press. Curves


"j~t- ~Fig .....13. Pneumatic Link Secondary

f__•_ Power System

PUMP loci4


.• B. W. Schmitz, Vice President, Engineering & Technology;

L. D. Galbraith, Director, Advanced Development;
W. E. Jorgenson, Project Manager;
D. A. Pahl, Project Manager
Rocket Research Company
A Division of ROCKCOR, Inc.
York Center
Redmond, Washington 98052

AR AD P002291
)Design, analysis, and testing has be-n conducted on a hot gas Lotary vare otos for
air 8 raft APU starting over the environmen, temperature range of -6SrF to +130,a,.!--4 C to
Lt5AC4- -,

testing of the motor was conducted with gaseous nitrogen and with hydra-
zinc based monopropellant hot gas decomposition products. Initial testing indicated prob-
lems with excessive gas consumption and binding of parts due to differential expansion.
Subsequent revision to the motor configuration reduced gas consumption by 52 *ereent'
compared to the original baseline and eliminated end clearance sensitivity. Analytical
studies, verified by test results, indicated the effect of friction coefficient, vane
weight, venting, and blade linking on overall internal friction. Desig;. approaches were
evolved to minimize overall friction and loads on the vanes,
With design revisions implemented to solve initial proble, a motor successfully
demonotrated operation at environment-al temperatures down to -65 F as well as repeated re-
start capability. Design criteria have been evolved to allow application of the rotary vane
motor to specific aircraft starting requirements. .-

A - base area of vane
A radial component of acceleration
AT - tangential component of acceleration
a - empirical constant, 0.25
b = constant, 0.7
F3 - tip force between vane and stator
FEND - contact force at end of vane
F - reaction force at base of vane
H - height of vane exposed beyond rotor
J - proportionality (7ostant, 788 ft-lhf/Atn
LV - length of vane within rotor slot
MV - vane maju
P = pressure
PF - force produced by pressure differential acting over exposed vane area
PFbase - vane base pressure
PFtp - vane tip pressure
QI - ideal. available energy, Btu
QA - actual available energy, Btu
OF = energy lose due to friction, Btu
- encegy lusu due to leakage, Btu

SQ . energy loss due to heat flow, :u

energy required to produce desired performance, Btu
• TV - vane thickness
V . volume
WN = radial fotrce due to acceleration acting on blade mas
WT - tangential force due to accleratlon acting on blade mass
XV - length of vane within rotor slot
A . actual efficiency
7 - ratio of speIfic. heatn
ii - coefficient of friction

I * I

a:'--''- J -

1 -inlet control volume between blades
2 - isentropic expansion from condition 1 to control maximum volume
3 t ambient atmospheric conditions

Current military aircraft auxiliary power units (APU's) are generally started with
either a battery powered electric motor or with a pneumatic accumulator driven hydraulic
motor. At low temperatures (-40'F to -65°F) these systems often contain insufficient
energy for a single start attempt and have no capability for restart.

A review of the problems and shortcomings of the current pneumatic-hydraulic APU

starter concept has led to the definition of an advanced APO starter system. This system
employs a high pressure hot gas source in a rotary vane expander as the prime mover to
start the APU. In the baseline design, the hot gas is provided by the decomposition of a
hydrazine-based fuel blend although other hut gas sources could be employed.

The major benefits to be derived from this type of advanced system include:
1. Reduced weight and volume for a single start.
2. Multiple start capability with minimal time between restarts.
3. True -65oF system start capability.
A conceptual sketch of the system is shown in Figure 1 which also includes a schematic
of the system approach. High-pressure nitrogen is contained in a removable pressure vessel
(2) and provides the gas source for pressurizing the fuel. The gas control valve/regulator
(4) may be permanently installed in the aircraft and regulates nitrogen pressure to the
fuel tank. The hydrazine-based fuel iupply is contained in a removable positive expulsion
pressure vessel (5). The fuel control valve (6) sequences startup flow to assure that the
maximum torque limits are not exceeded as the gas generator (7) decomposes fuel into hot
gas and delivers it to the hot gas motoe (8) . Fuel and gas capacity may be sized to provide
the desired number of starts prior to refilling the tankage.
Technology exists for all components of the system except for the hot gas rotary vane
expander. This paper discusses the design, analysis and test efforts conducted to develop
the device. This work was conducted by Rocket Research Company under contract F33615-76-C-
2148 with the Air Force Aeropropulsion Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-
Patterson AFB, Ohio.





fi . HydrIfe APU Stark,,

1. ,rept



TVe design requirements for the hot gas rotary vane expander were based upon the torque
speed characteristics of an advanced APU, which Is Celt to represent the most stringent
starting requirements for future aircraft. These requirements are shown in Figure 2 for
three ambient temperatures. 'saecritical requirement occurs at - 6 5 0F (-54°C) where a high
breakaway torque is required at zero speed, with a second torque peak slightly above 20,000
rpm (2,090 rsd/s). A 10:1 gearbox reduces the required motor speed to a reasonable opera-
ting range and increases the required motor torque by the same factor. Since the torque
speed curve for the rotary vane expander is relatively flat, the midspeed range was
selected as the design point for the motor, including allowances for gear box efficiuncy
(85 percent) and a 32-percent torque margin.
The dimensions of the motor and porting arrangements are shown in Figure 3. For high
expansion ratio and adiabatic efficiency, the arc of admission must be kept small,
generally less than 17 degrees (0.3 rad). In this range Reference (1) shows efficiency
improvement up to as many as 12 vanes. Tradeoffs of rotor and vane strength led to a
baseline motor design with eight blades.

,_____ - rR----------------OTOR LENGTH

358 .••

-WITS' 1.


?4.3111 , Y IH I


,ItI . ..

bURgOUe iiOrh r.1

o s o ,e11e e pif
rt PbearingS a ptIIoI
s or-•orendvarIusmeal
T Pf OLU),

Flllrim2,. re yte n~c~ Fig-3 . Rotary Vane Motor

The major parts of this motu , shown in cross section In Figure 4, include the ball-
bearing mounted rotor, e•ight rotor vanes, the sattor shell, end plates which support the
rotor bearings and position the rotor eccentrically in the stator bore, and various seals
and springs. Each end plate contains an eccentrically mounted bons. These retain flexible
split cam rings which bear on the base of each blade and provide a force to preload the
blades against the stator. The mating contact points on the hlades are provided with metal
I slippers, piKed to the vane. Segmented end seals located circumferentially between the
an at b th ends of the rotor are spring loaded against the end plates to minimize
arranged to
in the bearings.
labyrinth form rhe
together withare
bearings further
large protected
overboard vents from hot gas by deflectors
to preferentially duct gas
away from the bearings. The disasaemblied motor is shown in Figure 5.

Motor nominal
gas were
conditions based on apaig
assuming of 1,000 (6,895structural and t~ermal
kPa) and 1,600 F (8 71 analysis
C) n(
materials ofoccuring doe t', pressuve
construction include; loading as well as thermally induced stresses. Major

Rotor Waspaloy
Stator Nastelloy C
End Plates Hastelloy C
Deflectors & Bearing seats Titanium LAI-4V
Split Cam Rings Tnconel X-750 £
Vanes P-658 RCH Carbon

i i -*
i o-4

ig~~~SPI Vr RING~.~'k



A computer program was prepared to assist the structural design by predicting the temp-
erature of major piece parts in the motor. Thermal networks were established representing
conduction, convection and radiation modes of heat transfer. The conduction network is
shown in Figure 6.


0. 6H)Ay A•~f AT1• N


lit]2 I1 222/I5
I lU31 1201T
HOITR "I 511T 34554 G"
U , -iTO
S, 5 & 55 (
2 1. 0 NUM 52•-111 TI &6 ((GIFT 9R
1 . SINES [ N
USAIO Il 39M1 .4Y F.42 &b2 ATE T

Firr, I, 514Trr Motor Nodal BrJakdown fur TtrmJIalIPerfoITTans AnAlysh '

A detailed theisal network ,as employet to accurately predict local thermal gradients
and hot spots. Such predictions are import; t because they are used for thermal expansion
and rotor/vane/stator tolerance determination. Suci- '-lerancing is critical due to the op-
pnsing requirer-nts to minimize leakage losses whir :eventing metal-to-metal contact and
motor seizure.
The thermal-structural model consists of 62 nodes, 82 conduction resistance elements,
86 convection resistance elements, and 60 radiation elements. Nodal finite difference heat
balance equations are solved on a CODC6600 computir with a 500-node capacity thermal analy-
sis program.

the 8 otor was assumed to b2 exposed to ambient air ranging from -65o to
+130 F (-54 to 454 C). Fiee convection was assumed along with radiation to the ambient
environment. Conduction oouplin; of the motor by the relatively mussive gearbox and A1aU
was assumed to be minimal due to th-, rapid transient involved.

B'sod or, performance calculations and anticipated operational procedures, cold and Isot
environment thermal analyses were made assuming 12-- amn] "7-second firings for the low and
high temperatures respectively, followed by a 1-minute muakback, subsequently followed by
another firing and soakback period.

Major iorcl piece part temperatures resulting fom the a alysis are plotted in Figures
7, 8, and 9. Figure 7 shows significant thermal gradients exist in the rotor and vanes from
root (nol•' 17 and 19) to exposed endt (nudes 18 and 20). Node 17 is 0.7 inch (18 me)
radially io r' the rotor from the surface node 1B. Node 19 is 1.26 inches (32 am) inside
the v•I frou. uirface node 20.

* igure 8 shows tmperalure gradients for structi, es situated near the bearings, plus
1 radients within, the beati ins themselves. Figure 9 shows typical stator case temperature and

I I iTa


.. rmn~pnlye, weeonucedt
c t mot oi a or cs t C as T

a function of hot gas inlet pressure. The

anal yses also calculated shaft power
vailable out of the gearhor, torque _ I
(available and required) , motor efficiency
and heat, leakage, and friction energy
losses. For the analysis, the motor wasAl
divided into a nodal network (similar to the - ,
thermal- structural analysis bri with less
nodestias shown In Figure 1. s
and finite
difference transien t sl n ortechniques
were used for pernoreicance ana eis

Leakate and friction loss calculations I

were i
based pn-i work performed under
contract by Professor C. H. Wolgemuth of -

Pennsylvania State University. The

performsance model is developed ar -nd the , . ... ....
ideal energy available from the general °
expander open cycle depicted in Figure 11.
Summary work around the cycle qlves the
following expression (Eq. 1) f' r ideal FlgrreS. Stilts tcallranciest Tearcrn' (llocirwrecct)
er,'rgy available,

= (P I rj 1 - P 2V 2 ) _V 2
__ ( 1)

The heat, friction, and leakage losses must be subtracted from 0 to calculate the
actual output. This results in the following expression (Eq. 2) for thl efficiency of thU

A 1- ( + F OL) (2)
m, Ql

The available energy to produce useful shaft work is then calculated from (Eq. 3):

QA - 'AQI(
If 0 is greater than the energy requiredl by a sufficient margin, the motor Alesign t

,r AADIA NIccrIs
Tcicr Figur 10. TherncAltPerlf

-" - M d

I ri cli f t I for

n -a-

The thermal-performance computnr program

was utilized to analyze the motor
pergormancover the twperatuse range of
/-65 F (-54 C) to +130
that Fan (+54 C).pressure
- ,'
/ /analysiso indicated inlet
to the motor of 1,500 psals (10,340 kPa)
T. was
"acceleration required rates.
to produce the desired

o € Figure 12 presents typical performance

predictions for the motor over the
S/ environmental temperature tangn showing
- speed and propellant consumption versus
•'. 'a- time. As noted, the &nalysis predicts the
motor will crank the APU to 5,000 rpm (524
red/s) in 6 to 10 seconds and that the
T. fuel consumed per start ranges from 0.91
. .to 1.34 lbm (0.44 to 0.61 kg). More fuel
is expended at the lower temperature doe
to the higher APU torque requirements.
T" T. The analysis indicates that leakage
'do ' 0 ,. - ~" losses are predominant at low speeds, and
Fiar 12. PItktedSurlerPerfsance frictional losses control at high speeds.


Initial test efforts were conducted with high-pressure gaseous nitrogen to character-
ize the motor operation. The test schematic for this phase of the testing is shown in
Figure 13. As noted, the starter motor is coupled to a flywheel via an overrunning clutch,
and motor startup is controlled by a pressure ramp generator in the test system.

Th5 flywheel, plutch, shait and other rotating parts have a combined inertia of 27.7
5,000 rpm (524 rad/s)
to produce the same time to reach the
lbf-ft (1.17 kg-m) and were sized torque
as would occur with the actual APU curve of Figure 2 although slopes will differ
throughout the run. The nomindl flywheel is a compromise between ambient anj high temper-
ature requirements. A second flywheel with an aszembly inertia of 41.2 lbf-ft (1.74 kg-m
is employed to simulate the -65 F (-54 C) APU torque requirement.
rnitial cold gas testing consisted of stall torque tests to assure maximum torque
1, were not exceeded. With 1,000 psig (6,890 kPa) inlet pressure and the vane directly
urn the inlet, measured stall torque was 80 ft-lbf (10 N-m). The maximum permissible
torque is 120 ft-lbf (163 N-m) . With tPe inlet pressure held constant at 300 psig (2,070
kPa) and the vane position varied in 5 (0.09 rad) steps, the stall torque varied from 30
to 60 ft-lbf (41 to 81 N-m).
Following the stall torque tests, initial spinup tests were attempted. These initial
tests revealed clearance problems, vane breakage at the cam ring interface, and excessive
end seal drag. Subsequent t-sts with phenolic vanes mnd design changes to the cam ring
elimtinated thesu probleos, and vent uluts were added to the vane, to provide inmprrved force
balance and increased Vcrf,,rmantor.
Final cold gas testing was conducted with carbon/carbon composite vanes incorporating
a vented slot. A total of eight tests were conducted with the motor as shown in Table 1.
The time to speed achieved in each of these tests was consistent with the desired motor
performance; however, gas consumption at low speed was excessive. The gas consumption was
relatively independent of speed and slightly above analytical predictions at maximum
speed. The results were sufficiently successful that a decision was made to proceed with
initial hot gas testing.

- --------

.....- 77,'

\,.. ... " ...


Is m(no) n
Cubmzo/Ca~bem CompoedBle

(3,43n )


,- 2 Is (10) Ioo (5,.900) 1 7,6
,, so• (10) I,•(f,620) 1 6.6

g- r',14
l, nS~t'( I old(.,., I e1tin.

a I
* 10_X


The test system employed (or hot gas testing is shown in Figure 14. The pressure ramp
generator is retained from the cold gas installation and is used to pressurize a tank con-
taining a monopropellant hydrazine fuel blend. Flowmeters, fuel control valves, and a gas
generator are added as shown for the hot gas test system.

The propellant selected for the tests is a ternary blend consisting of 58 percent
- hydrazine (N H,4 ), 25 percent hydrazinium nitrate (N HNO3 ), end 17 percent gater (O) by
* weight (termbd TSF-2 fuel). This mixture has a fre-zing point close to -90 P (-67 ) and
has thermochemical performance as indicsted in Tables 2 and 3. It had been previously uned
in Reference 2 testing of a hydrazlne-fueled aircraft starter cartridge. The ammonia dis-
sociation frtction shown in Tables 2 and 3 varies from 0.4 to 0.6 depending uoron the envi-
r onmental temperature,
oe2.1bsibi"Frf an tha'adnebda
kwbt f
C-. ... ..
... ... ... ... .. Tsbll 2. Ths•msclemicsl
Fsd~msmrs• ef

I.wdM•I. .. .... W..,sv H.1

lesh,. T W
L_ti. .--- ------------- 4W . 1:'" Or) . im') .0- I

4 I16 (111) 2,033 (1.112P 16.500 12121

. 65 554) 1,74 J137) l15.3t (,2726
-L----7 -,71- 1)
7 ( 1,4)
310 1(2657

- i Tubks a ThF.2
3. Exhavat FWa

Fl t Nbnpa AeodA H,Aso WW,'

o4 244 23.4 27.3 28.9

gI 14. lest S " a etg 0.6 26.2 544 32,4 .

The ex:. low sp:ed gis leakage noted in cold gas testing caused thermal expansion
problen.s 1, ,:ial
J to, gas testing. The motor consistently jammed due to differential
heat .ng of parks
p., which eliminated end clearances. Increasing the end clearances re-
sulted in . iI Ž.. "ye and aggravated the problem rather than providing a solution. In
addition -s - excrssive leakage, some warpage of the cast stator was noted.

• efl'" j. lest problems associated with stator warpage, a new heavy-wall staetor was
mash. - r stork. The exhaust outlet in the stator was modified to a series of holes
from an -' Ant to equalize vane wear resulting from crossing the slot.

To reduce the differenti; I th,.rmal expansion problems, a series of tests were conducted
to a.,tluate means of reduocin leakage in the motor and thus total heat input. Results of
this testing indicated that:

1. The machined bar stator produced 34 percent less leakage than the cast stator,
apparently due to lower shell deflection and reduced leakage areas.

2. The end seals Produced significant drag and were not effective in reducing overall
motor leakage.
3. The major leakage path was occurring through the bearing vents. A 52 percent drop
in flow occurred when tHs-vent portn were plugged.
Results of the abuve tests, combined with binding and vane breakage noted in 'revious
hot gas tests, indic.ted four areas needing redesign. These areas were;
1. An improved method of maintaining vane-to-stator contact
2. Improved 'nd seals

3. A means of ipcreasing end clearance without increasing overall leakage

4. Reduction in the forces on the vanes or an increase in vane load bearing


To obtain vane-to-stator contact, the cam ring actuation system as replaced w:th f"•11
pairs of pushrods installed in t' e rtor between opposed pairs of vain s. The puohrds were
F ong loaded to accommodate an approximately 0.030-inch (0.76-mmj geometrical length
c nge which occurs between the stator diameter (0-degree position) end the chord across
t stator through i he rotor center (90-degree position). Several cold gas nitrogen tests

with unvented phenolic vanes resulted (n improved time of 7.8 seconds to 5,000rpm (524
rad/s) with 1,125-psia (f,760-kPa) inlet pressure. The gas flow rate was 85 percent of the
baseline cast stator run.
To improve end sealing and increase the end clearance, a design modification was made
to the motor as shown in Figure 15. The rotor and stator were each shortened by 0.5 inch
(12.7 mm). Closure plates, each 0.25-inch (6.4-mm) thick, were bolted to each end of the
rotor; and spacer plates, machined eccentrically with respect to the stator (concentric
with rotor), were also installed. Three-piece, spring-loaded carbon seals, installed in the
rotor end plates, contact the I. D. of the eccentric spacer to form the end seal. This
modification reduces leakage into the end cavlfy with a reduction in thermal distortion
effects; makes end-cavity leakage independent *f end clearance, allowing increased end
clearance as necessary to accommodate axial growth; and leakage around the ends of the
vanes is prevented from being vented overhoard, all,'•wing useful work to be done.
Cold gas nitrogen tests to charactrize the above design changes, along with spring-
loaded pushrods and phenolic vanes -ented on the trailing edge, demonstrated significant
improvement in motor performance. The tests indicated that addition of the end seals pro-
duced an order-of-magnitude reduction in end cavity pressure as shown in Figure 16. Time to
achieve 5,000 rpm (524 rad/s) was reduced to 5.2 seconds, and gas consumption was reduced
to 68 percent of ,ie cast stator run (Run 6 of Table 1) . other tests to evaluate leading
edge versus trailinlg edge vane slots indicated a 14 percent improvement in time to speed
with leading edge slots.

,f I,, It,POS- IF 16..LC(i*F.At .dLoJUUPT,4

iI |igmle 15_ Conprlrilon of Vam Motor Coillf[sration,

Several alternate blade materials were examined to improve the blade strength.
Included in the evaluation were various high-temperature lubricant coatings on metal
blades Lo reduce the friction coefficient. Alternate blade materials examined were:
1. Tnconel 600 blades coated with SURP-KOTE C-800, the trade name for a metal-glass-
fluoride, high-temperature lubricant applied per NASA Snerification PS-101 (Refer-
ences 3 and 4). The coating is applied an a plasma spray and consists of 30 percent
nichrome, 30 percent silver, 29 percent calcium fluoride, and 15' percent glass by
2. A sintered nickel-chromium ally,v impregnated with barium fluorlde-calcium fluoide
eutectic (Reference 5).
*3. A special high-temperature grq,' of cast iron containing high aluminum content.
The composition consists of 1.5 percent carbon, 3.65 percnt silicun, U.l percent
manganese, 21.5 percent alominum, and 72.6 percent iron by weight.
4. Carbon/carbon composite infiltrated with silicon carbide.
5. 7075 aluminum with a proprietary Eanadlzr coating (Lovalt Technology Covporation,
Santa Fe Springs, California).

Initial testing with the metal vanes raulted in slow 4times to achieve motor speed
and/or the inability to achieve the required terminal speed ndlcstinq high interllal fric-
tion. The high internal frictlon was due in part to the gre, I or weight of the metal vanes
(up to six times that of the composite vanes) and the higher fiiction coefficient of the
coated metal vanes. This problem was compounded by excessive wearing of the high-tempera-
ture lubricant coating. resting with the carbon/carbon compositLc vanes infiltrated with
silicon carbide resulteo in vane breakage during all tents.
• i• ~ To better Underitarid the el "ctm of van-. weight and friction coefficient, on moto*r per-

formance, a series of analyticý iudiRs was performed by Profensor C. tf. Wolgemuth under
s-ubcontract to RRC. The analAticalTi ofl prvvwoisly deveiopti was modified to Incltud e

punhrods between the vanes. A somewhat simplified approach was taken which igno'ed the
pushrod spring force, but allows transfer of force between pairs of vanes. IIhe van 5 frej
body diagram is shown in Figure 17. The model includes normal forces due to cc and d r/dt
components, tangential forces r'esulting from dw/dt and Corolis components, pressure
forces in the normal and tangential directions, and gravitational forces. In the axial
direction, friction force (identified as F in Figure 17) is developed only on that por-
tion of the vane exposed above the rotor asEVP contacts the eccentric spacer of the revised
In order t,, minimize or eliminate vane weight effects, a concept was analyzed in which
the opposing vanes are rigidly lined together to counterbalance the weight. A model of this
concept is shown in Figure 18.

PressULe in the control volume behind the vane (lagging control volume) was compir,'d
from the leakage wodel using an inlet pressiure of 1,115 psia (7,690 kPa). Results al.e
shown in Figure 19, where the centerline of the inlet port occurs at 6 - 215 degrees (3.75
rad). Forces, available gas power, and friction powec loss versus angle were computed for
vario*,A combinations of friction coefficient, inlet pressure, rotational speed, and vane
porting for both the rigid-linked vane and pushnod vane models. Results of thrue
calculations are summa.ized in Table 4.


~~ Al

-40 ( ~ V j LV

LAGGN - -- RT I-------- ----.
~42 *- -, !,=

StATUtS j ilIr N.l Ponisre lh i •lll{ol Volume a. A Fujetine afVa,, Anal.

~ "-
loire t ~ O
77 1IND -F

B.y lajram of%1.11I,Van

SI.1.•4 ~
•'rJ,'•,e~~l', M.dt.,4
4.0004 tno,- 1.4 5.. -
1-1. I
V4 aI .

Ii- e • r
. 4•p 3 i101,r..
l aIr I I'l 2IWE q a 1Q31 4• 41A
IIam) NI li

0)2 10 2.l 0)
A.1 b 1110) 2.4s
4O.0 IJI l

I 114 2U.04 4.W 1.11 1 l 1.51

6aq 1.1l 4; I~ 00
0.19 4,16
4 m
. 11
~ I
411:17) I 11910 Ml.
1 l
" '1" .41m
, 1.'W
14 III 4210 III) I412(il) 11.- 1 1( W,•8O

Dl 14
I 11 460WllS 1.)1
.110 ],115 I..iq
0.Aionm lii.•I
in 1411
1.> 1 411 2.,0
? 00100
I (11 1"')) II)
()4 i]
110i . 24, 1 I .1 .n I. 4411 i, ) I 04'll)
III)04I, 4.%00Q 1.11 2.nI li.i) 1 1 Ia%,Iu1

iit112 11. am
4OO 1,111 k.•I'0e 10.i 4)4 41) 141 2) 10t•
IuJ 4 .i1 4,110D 1,110 Iqpwin 10.0' 64
II 1116 0101i

[2 amI
,EI MA 4./) 4 ,
-4 r 1431 4,A1' ,11
[1 Z rl I,1•
I [ak.4na
4,•{1• ll it lI I+ + IJOI
541 'i ),
2:'- ,~
0, sU1

I ilsa I8. Mo-dl o I InkdJklgId V -n.,

Figures 20 and 21 summarize vane tip and end forces (F and F in Figure 17) versus
rotation angle for pushrod and linked vane configurations. 1s note;Wthe effect of linking
is to reduce the peak normal force by 33.5 percent. Also, as noted in Table 4, linking of
opposing blades results in a 40-percent reduction in friction horsepower. The effect of
leading edge venting is shown in Figure 22 for the linked vane configuration. Of major
importance is that the normal force on the vane is zero at maximum vane extension and
achieves a peak of only 250 lhf (1,110 N) nearly 75 degrees (1.3 rid) later when the vane
extension from the slot is substantially reduced. Also, friction power is reduced by 27
percent over that for trailing edge venting.
Figure 23 presents friction power per vane versus friction coefficient for cases run at
4,000 rpm (419 rad/s). The figure indicates the effect of vane mass, venting location
(leading or trailing edge), and linking of the vanes.
Major results of the vane friction analysis study arei
1. Venting of the vanes to the leading edge aie,low mass vanes result in the lowest
friction and vane forces.

Linking of the vanes further reduces frictional loads over those obtained with
spring-loaded pushrods.

One word of caution in interpreting the results of the friction analysis is that the
analyshi does not simultaneously evaluate changes in leakage which may occur. Thus, a
change that [educed friction may increase leakage and degrade overall motor performance.


.-. - _-.....z.

Flpe 70, "1, nid I nd rci PushroI Mod&l Vented to Fixue" IL Vai-ontattl.'Ies Lnked Rigid M del Vented to
I Ag&n nVolume LAIIInB Control Vnume


Si,. i';tL;i
VCI-, ,r

I Iuv2, V. ro- 1\o .Itd Ii o lV t
I............. iurD rlm o rw~ m ewf fketfrt~
7 - -... ... ,-, ,, . . 6....

i ~ iot[eidIegtUotrlf Voiume


Additional cold gas tests were

conducted on the motor to experi- ,,
mentally verify the results of the .---- "
friction analysis. A set of flame , .c
spray coated Inconel 600 vanes -
were subjected to machining to re- -

move hollow cores from the bane - -

end of the vanes. The vane weight -
was reduced 39 percent from 0.18
Ibm (82 g) to 0.11 Ibm (50 g). The -
vanes were installed in the motor -
vented to the leading edge and -

with spring loaded pushrods. This - -

configuration achieved time to
4,870 rpm (510 rad/s) of 6.3
seconda and was stll accelerati-
ng. Previous testing with this
vane with trailing edge venting
and at 0.18 Ibm (82 g) weight per 0
vane indicated inability to obtain 0 3 ,0
speeds above 4,000 rpm (419 0, ,,fs,
rad/m). Referring to Figure 24,
this implies a friction coeffi- |inrc 24. Ambleittciemplraurei HotGmMoirStarl Wili Smallflywheel
centa of 0,314.

linked vane con-

Initial testing o; a set of flame spray-coated Tnconel 600 vanes in a
figuration was conducted with venting to the trailing edge. Due to eccentricity, clear-
ances at the vane tip varied from 0.003 to 0.030 inches (0.08 to 0.76 mm) over half a
revolution. With this configuration a maximum speed of 3,000 rpm (314 rd/s) was achieved in
15.5 seconds. To reduce vane tip clearances, a special stator was fabricated. A second bore
(offset to the inlet side) was cut into the stator with a radius and location of the center
optimized for minimum clearances which were reduced from a maximum of 0.030 in. (0.76 mm)
to 0.004 in. (0.10 mm). The linked-vane assembly could not be reversed in the stator to
produce tihe more optimum venting to the leading edge and was thus run as previously. With
this configuration, time to reach a speed of 5,000 rpm was 9.7 seconds.


Results of the friction analysis and model confirmation tests were analyzed to select a
motor configuration for final demonstration tests. Results of lightweight vanes and vent-
ing to the leading edge demonstrated significant improvement in motor perf .t.nce.
Further, the analysis indicated that the forces are reduced significantly on the v-,se tip
area at maximum vane extinsion when venting t-c the leading edge is employed. The lower
forces led to reconsideration of using the catbon/carbon composite vanes since they are
Sliht in weight (0.06 ibm) and have a low coefficient of friction (less thin one-half of
any of the metal vanes te!;ted). The final configuration selected fo, confirmation testing
consisted of:
1. iCnrbon/carlion composite vanes with venting to the 'a1lil ''h,1

2. Ose of the oval stator, which allowed use of solid pumhrods

3. Use of carbon seals at each end of the rotor as shown in Figure 15.


With the above design modifications incorporated into the Sotor, tinal hot gas testing
£ .wan
.ondsctdu to demonstrate ambient temppramtre startlnq, -65 F (-54 C) starting, and hot
restarting t,,clowing an Initial start sequence. Excellenu operaticon of the motor was veri-
Sfled at each of the above conditions.

Figure 24 depicts motor operation 2tarting froi ambient temperature using the small
flywh,,el with ag inertia of 27.7 lbf-ft (1.17 kg-m ). Figure 2% preHents a test starting
from -65'F (-51 C) ambient 2 temperature conditions using the large flywheel with an Inertia
of 41.2 lbf-ft (1.74 kg-m ). A hot restart using the large flywheel is shown in Figure
26. Thin test wag made immediately foxlowing in ambient temperature stall to fulj speed
with the large flywheel.

As noted In Figures 24, 25, and 26, a pressice ramp start is used in which the inlet
is approximately 350 psia for 1.5 seconds; and then ramped up to 1,000 paia for the
remainder of the test. This procedure is employed to minlmise engagement forces during
startup and may or may not, be required depending gpon ingividual applications. Gas temper-
ature Inlet to the motor was approiximately 1 ,600 F (971 C) for all three test-s shown.

An noted in the figures, the time to accelerale to speed (including i imped start
effects) is approximately 7 seconds with the small flywheel nd 12 siconds wii , the large
flywheel. These times are cocnsistent with pe-rfcrmancre predici cnn fo'r the mot, hich were
previously discussed. 'I

Based on the flywheel iinertia and ,;t.

the speed-versus-time curve, the calcu-
lated torque output of the motor is ap- • -, - -
proximately 70 ft-lhf (96.8 kg-rn)up to
the cutoff speed of 5,000 rpm (524 _,
rad/s). This output is consistent with , -
the desired output of Figure 2.

Development testing has been suc- -

cessfully conducted to develop design 1
criteria and
successfully demonstrate the feasibil-
ity of a hot gas rotary vane motor for -
progiding airgraft AgU startiqg over a
-55 to +130 F (-54 to +54 C) temar
erature range. The hot gas rotary vane
motor overcome:; the temperature limits- " ,
tions of current systems and provides 5
multiple start capability. Figue 25.,6 F( 40C.)Hot(i aMotorltartWlit.arr Fly*ewrl

Initial testing of the original

motor design with cold gas nitrogen and ,, ,o.
hot gas hydrazine-based decomposition "'"'
products uncovered problems with the t'
cam actuation system, excessive " - - ... .
leakage, sensitivity to clearances, and
vane breakage. Analytical studies veri- "
fied by engineering tests demonstrated - -
design solutions to the problem areas.
Revisions to the motor configuration to
incorporate pushrod actuation, revised ' - -
eud seals to reduce leakage, and vent-
ing of the vanes to the leading edge all
demonstrated significant improvement in - -
motor operation and resulted in suc-
cessful operation over the required
range of environmental conditions. - -
Design criteria successfully developed
under this program may be effectively
used in the design of hot gas rotary ' ,
vane motors for specific applications.

* ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Fiurer6. Hot Resrt on Hot (GasMoto WithLArteFlywheel

This work in sponsored by the Air Force Aeropropulsion Laboratory, Air Force Systems
Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Bame, Ohio, under Contract F33615-76-C-2148. The
authors wish to acknowledge the guidance and contributions of Dr. B. L. McFadden
(AAPrT/POP) who has served as the WPAFB prolect manager directing the contract work.

(1) C. i1. Wlqgemuth and D. R. Olson, "A Study of Breathing in Vane-Type Expanders," Inter-
society Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 1971.

(2) W. F. Jorgenson and H. W. Schmitz, Rocket Research Company, "Hydrazine-Fueled Aircraft

Starter reasibility Demonstration', March 1977, AFAPL-TR-77-16.
(3) H. *. Sliney, 0
Plasma-Sprayed Metal-Glass and Metal-Glass-Fluoride Coatings for Lubri-
ca.... to 90 C., AST.? Transactions, 17(3) (1974) 182.

(4) 11. E. Slincy, "Wide Temperature Spectrum Seif-1,uhricating Coatings Prepared by Plasma
Spraying", International Conference on Metallurgical Coating, San Diego, CA, April

(5) H. E. Su1iney, "Self-Lubricatinq Composites of Porous Nickel and Nickel-Chromium Alloy

Impregnated with Barium Fluoride-Calcium Fluoride Eutectic", AHLE Transactions,
9(1966) 336.



H.Wittenberg, Ne
You have described a feasibility study including experiments about the hot gas APU staiter system. Can you
give sonic indication about the time required to develop the system ready for operational use in the field?

Author's Reply
The program described demonstrated the capability of a hot gas rotary vane motor to provide the starting capability
of advanced APUs for military aircraft. Rotary vane motor design cuiteria was developed which will allow
application of the motor to specific aircraft application. Based on the current devclopment status it is estimated I
that a tinm period of approximately 18 months would be required to develop a motor for specifi application and to
quality it for operational states,

W.Huoos, (Ge
Could you give an estimated figure of the total weight for such a system, dependent on torque of the applied APU?

Author's Reply
A r-igh weight of a system to provide 3 starts is 16 lbs. This weight is for a system sized to produce the torque
output shown in the paper. Vie weight includes all tankage, valving, fuel and the rotary vane motor,

Ph. Ramette, Fr
Pamni les ditff6rents niatriaux que vous avez examins pour les aubes, vous avez indiqui le composite carbone-
carbolie infiltrý de carbure tie silichim introduil?

Author's Reply
The exact amount of silicon carbitl material deposited on the carbon/carbon composite is n6t known, I would
estimate tile amount at approximately 30% by weight.


4 ,i
S•,, %R
ay 3 w,ith
A Tchn~l Pieening
1330 L.&ky Rd2
PO. Box"l071 anl i
Toledo,Ohio 43012


A evidular Jet Fuel Starter design ew-4ey4fj,,an L'pendable Gasifier (1LU) 0 ndicate a Substantial
life cycle cost savings over a conventional overhauled unit. To achieve these savings, a low cost
gasifier is a,mandatory requiremwnt. The EU does this by maximizing cast-in-teat-net-shape components.
using aluminum cold end castings and by minimizing the use of expensive high temperature alloys. To
allow these design approaches, gasifier performance parineters, specific power, compressor pressure
ratio, cycle temperature and fuel consumption. h-w bee-eIselected to minimize component stress ann
sensitivity to refined dimensions.

To further enhance future downstream cost savings, the gasifier interfaces have been established to fit
optional JFS and auxilarily power unit installations, and to include turbojets arid turbofans suitable
for unmanned vehicles,.
.i'erfurliance levels and initial structural Integrity have been validated by both coumune t ard ine
testing of a turbojet denonstrator. using hardware fabricated by production nianufac uring technogy


The on-board Jet fuel Starter (JIs) is an aircraft seconuary power systee which generally has a low
priority and receives near-last development consideration, hlowever, its life cycle cost lias significant
fleet system impdact. The United Statrs Air Force Aeru Propulsion Luboratory, Aerospace Power and
Propulsion Division, has ongoing progrurns to evaluate future requirenients, with a strong emphasis on
reducing life cycle cost. the Experiuable Glasifier concept is an outgrowth of these programs; the
gasifier of the dFS is Oiscarded at the end of its useful (2Util-start) life.

The leleoyyne CAL Model 20b Jet Fuel :)tarter (JFSI, Figure i, is designed to start large enmines in the
11,000 daN thrust class. this small, light-weight, I/I kw starter can be rmuntedeither directly oi an
engine gearbox or to a reinmte airlrame-muuioteu gearbox connecteo to the main engine through a power
take-off shaft. ]he design driver has been low system life cycle cost, achieved by reducing
developnrirt, acquisition, logistics aod ia interance costs. (,lFS fuel consumption does not have a
neasirabl, impact on life cycle cost, since the nominal operating time to start a large engine is only
30 seconds).

Inistal lation and Performanci-

lite unit is 35.6 cm wide, 48.0 cm high, /b.? cm long and weighs hI8. I kg; it IS rated at I/U kw and ai
SFC of 878 q/li/r/kw. ihe subsystems are functionally integrated to aut,-maticdly start the main engiie.
and include al electrical interface for cockpit instruiertitatiUn, cUlierilrd dald ntroruJ.

Once tine start sequence hia been initiated via hydraulic o•ituir power, the dl`Sý -enuire~s Oniily a fur'I
supply: its alternator provides all tie electrical power needed for uperatini; iicludirrg termination of
the start sequenice. In the event electrical power is lost, the starter will dutomatically terminate the
start sequence and close the fuel supply. The pilot (operator) nay also conriiaird a starter abort or a
motoring functloh. All shutdown commnandsare reset autortically so that no overt actions are reiuireu
prior to initiating another start.










Output power and torque characteristics are shown in Figure 2 as a function of JFS output speed. 1he
shaded hand indicates the starter design cutout speed range. lypical main engine starting requirements
are comparec to the JFS torque output characteristics fur sea level static (SLS) condition at 59'F and
125°F in Figures 3 and 4, referenced to the higher suainengine -,wer take-oft (PTO) shaft speed. JFS
and typical turbofan main engine acceleration transients are so ,Iin Figure 5 as percentage of shaft
speed vs. time for a SLS 52'C day. The gasifier accelerates to 'all speea in less than 1U seconds after
start command and holds at full speed until the cut-off of the Jl-soperation at approximately 29
seconds, whereupon the main engine continues to accelerate under ts own power to ",dle 't 40 seconds.

Optional application options include:

o Dlirect drive: the reduction gear anu overrunning clutch are eliminated, without change to the free
power turbine or its suspension. lhe unit is integrated with either an airframe- or an
engine-mounted Gearbox.

o Direct drive, front PT0: the power turbine output shaft drlves through the Ihllow ElG shaft.

U Aircraft systems ground check-out: combines main engine starting with mitoring capabiility to drive
the aircraft generator and hydraulic pumps. Addition of a small ?uxiliary compressor provides air
system check-out.

o Primary propulsion turbojet and turbofan derivatives for unmanned vehicles (described in Reference

Multi-apollcation use of the EG would reduce acquisition 'osts by increasing production rates, in
accordance with the initial program objectives.

me .

-00 (00l 5 i-
50] " ?
5•7311 it 1TKSAnTE-II TPI•T
50o 4 0 n

s ~ 'lENGI1NE






.. .. . 11.




* Description
The EG concept is an outgrowth of ongoing Air Force Aero
reduce the cost of aircraft power systems (Reference 2). Propulsion
The design Laboratory
is driven development programs to
by a requirement for low
acquisition cost, wherein it is cost-effective to niscard
the LG at the end of its useful life, rather
than overhaul the unit. Tihe design life to satisfy this criterion has been established
as a jet fuel starter, or 15 hours of maximnuom as 2,100 starts
power operation as a propulsion engine.
Tirejet fuel starter (JFS) (Figure 6) consists of three
output unit and the system management control (SPC). modules; the expendable gasitier, the power
ihe LG consists of a four-stage axial compressor.
a reverse flow annular combustor, and a single stage
aXial turbine, The power output unit includes a
single stage axial flow turbine, reduction pear, overrunning
System Manageoent Control (SMC) consists of the fuel clutch and the power output shaft. ihe
pump, the tL starter motor, an alternator and tire
control unit.
Air entering the engine passes through the compressor
anu bifurcates into two claannels. Uver 50% of the
air passes through the hollow turbine inlet nozzle vanes
and flows along the outer wall of the coeuiustor
liner; the balance flows along the inner wall of tire
coGrbustrr liner. The gas exiting from the
coedbustor passes through the LG turbine, the power output
single radial outlet. The folded corrutstor/corupressor arrangement anu then is aucted by a scroll to a
was chosen to minimize installation
axial lenrth.

S• -7 6.2 C M ------,

POWER 172KW CPR 2.06

TIT neroC N~-r 0 3600 RPM


lhe integrally biladed axial compressor rotors (Figure

/) are Ci55 aluminum, cast to site; only the
mrunting surfaces aridrotor tips are iri,clined. lhe four rotors are all identical castings anl only the
tirldiameters are macpined differently to provide the
proper compressor fiowpath convergence. A low
-ICumpressor tip speed (9(10 it/sec) was ',elected to permit the use of low cost cast
aluminum rotors.
14 These diam•etrs,
pilot rotors are att ched to the shaft by three radial nins
to 4-limilAtV %p!lnes and cluse tolerance

the compressor stators (Figure. 8 illustrates the first

stage) are also precision aluminum casting%, with
Only the mounting ard other, surfaces requireel for close
clearance control being machined after casting.
-• 1theco•rbustor
base (Figure 9)
plate, a forward is a flange
support multiplece
and fabrication
14 Last vaporizing
consisting of sheet
tubes. It is metal inner atandtheouter
supported forward
end a
by rivets attaching to the outer flange of the first stage
compressor stator and to the aft end by a
slip-joint connection to tire turbine inlet nozzle, lhe coemustor liner is cooled by the meanis of
closely-spaced small holes, prm-perforated in the flat stock
sheet oetal, elirirating the need fur
es ensive cooling bands. The comiTiustor sheet oetal is Hlaynes 556 (cobalt base) alloy
to es are cast IN 155 (iron base) alloy. and the vaporizer

S' Thie turbine inlet frrzzle (Figure 10) is a monolithic investment

casting ot fI55 (iron base) alloy,
selected for its good castability, weldability, oxidation
ann strength characteristics up to 1llUUF.
Tire hollow vane% provide regenlerat ine Vurrecooling
streaks. Tireturbine inlet iurone is also attached toto reduc(e the deleter ious effects of combustor hot
the male frame by neans of radial
Prrrvides thre sapport franie hoc tire rear bzadrmtg and pins, and
tire turbine shroud.
ITbe gasifier turbine rotor is investment cast fr(;m INILiJ
(1riCL1 I base) alloy aird elestrun behom welded to
the U1-41,1 (iron base) alloy shaft, as shown ir Figure

' I ' !
T-23029 T-22036
57316 STATOR.

T-22469 T-22470

The main frame figure 12) is an aluminum sane casting

aftU contains fuel passages for primer arid main
fuel nozzl(s, as well as for rear bearing lubrication.
The shaft assembly (Fiqure 6) iu supporteu in
two bearings: the front thrust bearing is located in tile main If'ame
bearing is supported through the turbine litlet nozzle. center body, dru the rear roller
lhe front bearings andi gear set are lubricated by
a proven sell-containeu sump lube system originally
dev(iloped for tihe Teledyyne (.At J4(? engine (Reference
3). lhe rnse cone is injection ninlued from
tran;slucenL plastic to provide ai ready visual ildication
of the
compartment. the bearing temperature is stabilized by inlet air oil level in the front bearing
flowing over thie center body. ltie rear
bearing is fuel lubricated by a system I.o deVelopeu
arid proven on the J40?7 (Reference 4). ]he
compartment temperature is stabi i ized by c(umpressor
leakage air flowing through the bearlirg compartient
arid thoen up the back face of the turbirle rotor.

[retail design, fabrication, component testing,

ant dejuonstratiun gasifier teSting have been
to date (Reference 2). Preliminary design of the power accomplished
Sidentify Wriclhts, vuolume!;, control opUrdatiOii diln sailty output module and SW? has been conducted to
paruiieters of tCie JI-S.
Life jle cost
( LUC)

the primary objective of the

major contribulor to JlS ard JI-S
APU desior lias cost
lite cycle been is
to the
reduce secondary
gasiH power
oer, w10ich system life CyCle Lust. the
generaI ly requires alt overhaul
four times us often as the power output module
or the systems Mlanagement control.
lo address the objective, the J3l- is of modunar construction
gasifier, power output nmdule and tire sysLeill 'larlagement (Figure hi), consisting of the expendable
control module (SMC). Ihe three awudules are
asSoellled by rnear,s of quick asserribly and disconnect
(QAIO)rings, and tile assemudled Jl-5is mounted by a
I)Alt ring, the modular design permits quick replacement of the
EG on-board the airraftL.
the life cycle cost factors and the desigin approach
tri rnduchiiiitheisr trcturs are 5Oi.!riacd in table
1. Irible ? compares tire luai uteraner' rctions eerieuirrd
Ji-S. Replacemient of the LG requires ftive fuctional maintenanceto reiovec turd replace le to6 vs. a conVent inalI
operations. ,s upposeo to seven for the
J!f, a reduction of approximately dil% in both mainterrance
tanrours aria tur'rarouno time.
Service data show that the major LCC element for
a JFS or auxiliary power unit (APU)
us shiown in I igure 14; Life (rCycle Lusts were airalyzed for a 10 year weapon systLm lift'is overhaul cost,
!iU(Ntaircraft. tverhiaulI costs were ca lculatid by rlr',irnliniug repiaceLefnt for a fleet of
tiS after every 23o0u starts, as prtldlii:ei at a rate costs t tice LU module I t the
of sUbUunits per year for five years; actual user
overhaul rates werp applied itr Cite rurrent uperaliuiiaI
counept incorporated in an Ait will save $250 nil lion; in JIf Uatit. le. ara lysis showed that the Lt
a JifS, LUC sdvinlgs Would tie 2/ million ovu'r
a cunnlct iona l System,


6'- 57320

/ ,~SYSTEM -.- 10-1 '• ( CNECO



K•/r,, ' 1"-'' * 3(7''•,i o0

., 'II I~ (I I LW]






Deelopment Cost Conservalvs performanre and strnuctral rlovlgn using sImple hiatures, proven In
S,• , Advance" Development

Acqualtlion Cosl Maximize tAe use of cast components and minimize w,'tnys3%em compleilty:
- machning lImingitooling
r- Cap:ll ifvestment
Inspection problemslmanhours
}i -- parts couJnt
- assembly labor

Logislias Cost Reduce unit cost by Increased rate production - multi application capability.
?Alimhn!.-thI nltmnlr of painrl in Invonlrvpy (asliler Is exvpndahle), thus reduce:
- Icgistics managernent
- taech onLu
Main:. .,uce Cost leduca the number of na•ts to he nerviaed. Minirrize turns,...rIaurdtime. Maximize
ervIce on sircrtl and reduce:
- depot tooling Fnd faclilties capital

- overhaul
l- nginerIvng
lierechnicl-n support
skhilland training requirments
I I-6



Access Cover Yes Yes

Air Inlet Duct Yes Yes

Exhaust Duct No Yes

Fuel Line No Yes

Hydraulic Lines No Yes

Ignitor Leads Yes No

Electilcal Interlace No Yes

OAD Ring I Yes No

QAD Ring 2 Yes No

DAD Ring 3 No Yes


' IPrugrari Test Results

The EG has completed a four-phase program as tullows:

Phase 1 System Desivin '

Phr se 2 Or, ;IVt1., :ý ;I -- h i ý,l) n
!•' s,•,t5I' • Ijl an, .wl, idstor lest
s• gnlI
Pias,! t-abricatiun arid Testing of the Compressor drin Gdsitier (as lurbojet)

During phases 3 arId4 the total test time accumulated wis:

HUJ[Irs, TEST Itl, fI(s

Compressor Rig 1 23
Combustor Rig b 33
Turbojet Engine I3









~ , . •

Compressor rig testing showed the success of the coeamsnrotor blaing approach: adequate performance
(although slightly less than the design goal) was achieved in the first test, Figure l5. In the 23
hours of rig testing, no abnormal mechanical or aerodynamic conditions were experienced. Data analysis
revealed that the performance deficiency was related to low predictions of rotor exit aerodynamic
blockage for the high diffusion factor design. A direction for design nmdiflcstton and performance
i•provement was thus established; however, the achieved performance was deemed adequate for gasifier
den.onstrat ion.

The combustor rig tests were also successful. In addition to validating efficiency, temperature rise
and outlet pattern factor, a primary objective was to measure liner temperatures on the full-coverage,
film-cooled design. Premature failure in low cycle fatigue or oxidation could occur in the intended
20O0-start JFS if temperature or thermal gradient limits were exceeded. Liner hole nmodifications were
made during the six builds to achieve the desired characteristics, with results as summarized in Table
3. All objectives were achieved or exceeded, except for pressure loss, which was 7 percent higher than
the 5 percent design value. Initial test values were Il6percent, attributed to excessive losses in the
180' turn at the compressor discharge, coupled with the flow split at the hollow nuzzle vanes. lIe vane
entrance was neudifiedby rounding, and the diffuser was cut back, reducing the system pressure drop to
12.3 percent, the limit which could be attained without rediesign and new hardware. (Subsequent engine
testing indicated a I0. I percent pressure ioss in the gasifier environment).


Design Goal Rig Test Results

Pressure Loss - Percent 5.0 12.3

Efficiency - Percent 96.0 95.0

Exll Temperature - 'K ('F) 1255 (100) 1255(1800)

Tmpereaturo Rise - 'K ('F- 109. (1516) 1097 (1516)

Exilt Radial Temperauum 0.07 0.05

Profile Factor

Exit Circumferential 0.20 0.154

ProlIie Factor

Maximum Liner Temperature 1033 (1400) 922 (120(Y'

- "K'F)

During the combustion tests, turbine nozzle flow capacity and losses were also calibrateJ aula found to
be very close to design.

ihese .iupouient performance characteristics were combined in a computer prediction of gasifier

pertoruriace as a turbojet derronstrator, They showed that design power output couxld be achieved by
remnitching to a higher rotor speed (l1/ percent of design).

]lie expenrdable yasilier is sheie configured as a turbojet dtemorstrator in Figure 16. (he C'egine Was
tested with two different compressors, first with miachined rutor; arid then with cast aluminum rotors
over a range of altitudes and operating lines (jet nozzle areas). The engine performance with the cast


2 2
CM (INi)

t |', ",'Li WOHIIGINAL

DESIGN 1'O101141 •

1.2 a.OP.i AIN OIeFOR ~ ~ p ti . P R E TE u I I U~

I). me
1 02.22.
2.2 2.e 25.n 323.4 46


Sf ~ ~1 4
FIGU!h: 5 TES ::MPR:Jf~l
1 1


I .



comprep!.or rotors is shown in Figure 17 compared to predictions - good agreerent is evident, lhe
demonstrated sea level static thrust in this configuration was 82.J daN. Whet, tested with machined
steel rotors, the engine demonstrated 102.3 daN thrust at 97l1C turbine entry temperature, some 12'C
below the design value.

Comparisons of cast and machined rotor performance, in terms of sea level static specinic fuel
consumption vs. thrust are shown in Figure 18 and turbine inlet temperature vs. rpm ii' Figure 19. ihe
lower performanc,, of the configuration with the cast compressor rotors results from tihe reduced
efficiency and an flow shown In Figure 21). Inspection of the cast compressor rotor shuwed deviant
blade angle settiutis and hlade spacing; since the rotors were structurally sound (a. determined by spin
test to destruction), they were tested to demonstrate their structural Integrity ant to quantify the
performance degradation. To attenuate the problem, the compressor rotor casting tu,,ning was modified to
provide a stabilizing ring on the outer diameter (figure 21) in a manner similiar tu the cast stators.
This provides rigidity for mold removal and serves as a fixture to hold the blades during heat
treatment. Since all rotors are machined at the tip diameter, machining off the cast ring has only a
minimal impact on cost.

Engine data analysis showed that the compressor (Figure 15) and combustor performance closely
approximated rig values; combustor pressure loss wa', actually lower in the engine, and turbine
efficiency exceeoed design objectives by over 1.5 percent.

A start envelope wa,, established during testing, using manual fuel scheduling, a hydraulic starter and
windmill; successful starts were accomplished over the range of U to b5blm and at ram air Machl numbuers
from U to 0.5. It was judged that impreved start scheduling, as might be expected from a fuel control
development, would be required to enlarge his range.

Engine steady state operation over the altitude range was successful, with the only limit being a rear
bearing temperature rise which precluded sustained operation at the t07 percent overspeed condition.
Since this speed was an artifact of the limited advanced devehlpnent program scope, further lube system
refinement and component develulient to reduce nuaxlmumspeeds would be expected to all-viate the


-- --- i-
- -
4 ---- 0 TEST DATA

13• - -

o0-_- .

4W- 40

1Z -M


1 - - p

1.B1 1.8

U.z 15-., - 1.
0 .

1,4 . -1.4

100 120 140 100 180 200 220 240

-T- - --I r- --- daN
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110


"C 9 1 "C
1800 - D7WlE)
URATION5, 1600-

0. 15 -

1 -0
12001 35M(107%)
600--133000(100%) I

1100- I

24I. 26000 2810 3001O 32000 34000 38000



.61 *CONFIG.- 1



S•= r4.2;
L2 3.8




"-'. 1.25 2.8

60 70 80 90 Io 110
CORR•CTED SPEED - NI-,/(% RPM) T- 23157

Life cycle cost analysis indicates that substantial savings cen be realized by using the Expendable
Gasifier (EG) concept to power either a jet fuel starter (JFS) or an auxiliary power unit (APU): the
unit is discarded at the completion of its useful life - not overhauled.

Modest performance levels (pressure ratio, temperature, specific power, SFC volume and weight) are a
necessary consequence of the LG concept: incorporation of minimum proouction cost features, such as
c ast -to-near-net-shape components, self-contained lubrication systems, and low cost raw materials
requires relaxation of tip speeds, stage loduings and critical surface and clearance tolerances.

The potential EGipayoffs extend beyond a single JFS/APU application, to include optional JFS
configurations and propulsion units for unmanned vehicles using one or inre cononi mndules.

LG low cost production fabrication technology, performance and structural integrity have beon
demonstrated by component rig testing ano gasifier testing. Sufficient analytical, fabrication and test
data have been collected to warrant expanded development effort on a complete JFS, and to validate the
system over an equivalent 2olO0 starts.

Seconoary power systems are low priority, among the last to be considered in major weapon system
programs. Advanced demonstrator programs, typlfied by tl,, four phase EG effort, are necessary to
quantity and demonstrate the techno logy neeoeu for future weapon systems.


I. Due, H. l., Hall, U. C., "the Expendable Giasifier: A Low Cost Effective Approach to Turbine Power,
Journal of Aircraft, Vul 14, No. I1, lec. 1l9L loc. cit. pp 1234-12381.

2. Gabrys, A., lie, Ii. F. "Expendable Gasifier", AFKAL-TH-Bl-2Hi4.

3. Hamburg, U. W., Moyer, T. 0., Smith, R., Van Huysen, R. S.. 'Design and Development of Low-Cost,
Self-Contained Bearing Lubrication System for Turbine Engine, Journal of Aircraft, Vol 12, No. 4,
April 1975 loc. cit. pp ?5J-258.

4. Bird, C. R., Hagebush, C., "Flight lasting of Small Engines for Diversified Missionst, AIM Paper
75-999, Aug. 1975


H,l.H.Saravanamultoo, Ca
The expendable gas generator is designed for a life of 2000 starts. Is the power turbine also limited to the same
number of starts?

Author's Reply
No, A detailed design of the power turbine has not been completed, huwever it is expected that a life of 8,000
(or more) starts can be attained. The power turbine design problem statement is much easier than that ol the gas
generator due to its lower turbine inlet temperature.

A.L.Romanin, US
I Are the overhaul costs compared on a per start os direct comparable basis?
II Hlave the existing overhaul costs been itemized to the extent that you are comparing gas generator versus gas
gVnerator only7
HI The work was (looted as government funded. What is the contract number?
IV Is this unit designed primarily as an expendable jet engine?
Author's Reply
I The overhaul costs zrc on a direct comparable basis. The comparison is on a per unit basis for a 10 year
weapon system life and a fleet of I ,000 aircraft.

It The existing overhaul cust, have been itemized to the extent that the gas generator cost per overhaul, i%
separated from the cost (per overhaul) of the power output and fuel system management control modules.
III The work was done under government contract number I33657-76-C-2055.
IV The unit was designed primarily fur a jet fuel starter, therefoi the Intent was that the jet fuel starter
requirements have precedence over those of an expendable jel engine.


" C

i III iL


------ rDipl.-Ing. Klaus Mose

Lufthansa German Airlines
200i1 Hamburg 63, W. Germany

Summary 47 p bt 1.17~~vcsg
a1. Introduction / technical review of airline experience with
Auxiliary Power Units iAPU .)
9 5 nfluenced by the fuel crisis.

.,2. Typical APU design features and performance outputs,

supplying bleed air and/or electrical power on board
Othe airplane. a e2d -r ;LrA.
3, MconomicaY impact on APU operation due toi
CI fuel cost increase - c
high level of APU maintenance cost)' /....."..... '
C• Airlinri's remedy action by: gr-v id s -
E. - -
incorporation of fuel saving modification programs j4
reduction of A1,1ioperating time.
Tecorni~cal consequences and effects on operating procedures,, '( I,

4. Utllization of alternative power sources on the ground,

providing on boasd power, by means o4 mobile or stationary
systems for electrical and pneumatic supply with respect tot -

, 1 system compatibility with on board power requirements

availability and necessary cost investments.
S. ýPlans and practical approachesr aiming for optimized, cost
efficient on board power, een from an airline's point of

6. Conclusion / recommendations for future APU-operation.

I. introductJon: Technical review of airline experience with Auxiliary Power Units

(APU), influenced by the fuel crisis

When in 1964 the first Boeing 727-030 aircraft were delivered with an on board
Auxiliary Power Unit, known as the APU, being installed in the fuselage keelbeam and
capable of sunplying pneumatic and electrical AC power to the aircraft systems, this has
become a real technical novelty to everyone in the airlines business. The technical ad-
vantage of ti, APIU, mainly its practicability providing energy to the aircraft together
with a very hitjh leci"ree of operational independency of airfields and ground facilitles
has been the reason, why the AVIT became such a use-
fil equipment. During the subsequent years almost
i USS Bass 1982 every new aircraft desiqn in the commercial field
R35 has been certified and lelivered with an APU, what
would substantiate the usefulness of this modern
I Ii#I aircraft technology.
s0-j.- - The technical APU features had encouraged the air-
lines philosophy to take full operational advantage
of the APu as secondary power equipment on board
the aircraft. U~nfortunatley, already some years
S25 - later, tHits philosophy had to be chan,.-d and read-
justed, due to fuel eco-omical considerations,
q20 . When in 1973 the first Jiel crisis came up, this
has affected the economi.:s of aviation industry.
Latest in 1979, when the second but more severe
fuel price increase had followed, the fuel cost
- e fficiency of the equipment used lit the airline bu-
siness had to be evaluated. Particularily, commer-
cial airlines, amongst them Lufthansa, suffering
0,)0 .. ........ - from this sec. rid fuel cost impact, have been forced
now to review the economircal aspect of operating
main engires and APU's, aiming for optimized opera-
,05 tional procedrres, which woilrl reduce tire fuel con-
.umption, but still meet the technical x-eqnirements
rofthe system equipment and the power demands on
board thie aircraft.
7 " 4-- % 70 *-a*' 1 Finjuie I is showing tih ker-,int fuel p7 ice increase
1i1g. 1 FUEL COST INCREASE ro..r during the past 10 years. At the momeni we are
facing a somerwat: relaxed rupward itend of fur I cost
pe- liter, cniarud to 1979/80 with aji annual

[ I I

K__ I- - I I I J

l l I I l it I


escalation rate of approximately 11 percent (from 1979 to 1980 this figure had nearly

Lufthansa, like every other commercial airline has faced the burden and the eco-
nomical challenge, which had been imposed upon the airline operation since 1979, with
continuous efforts to search for a new economical operating concept of supplying cost
efficient on board power to the fleets. As a first step, in cooperation with an airline
fuel conservation group, an APU working group was established, consisting of system
engineering, flight operations, ground support staff, and airline economy experts. This
working gruup undertook the task of investigating following four major aspects:
- Determining the technical requirements of APU? ground power supply for different

- Investigating alternative power supply systems on the ground, their availability

and compatibility with aircraft electrical systems, pneumatics and air conditioning

- Development of cost efficient procedures for ground power supply.

- Necessary investments for an airline to establish ground power systems on major


2. Typical APU design features and performance outputs

Prior to the discussion of the study items and the results of the API? working group
it appears necessary to give a brief survey of the APU's, including their design and
performance, as being operated by todays commercial airlines like Lufthansa.

APU Performance Data 0

Alrcrsift IEqeivl s)0.Ioad SF Rlo
Model PU Model

7627-230 GTCP
Boeing 8,-B8CK • 2
245 ill 50/31

Boein GTCP 230 10 5/1 298 1,22 2,7

737-230 85-129B

Ben 822 507 63/4 945 1,15 1,9

747 660W-

Douglis TSCP 705 385 505 0,2 1,3

DC 10 700-4 5270
Alrbua TSCP 570 308 430 0,75 1,4
A300 700-5

Airbus 525 250 102/6 365 0,70 1,5

A 310 331-awr v 0,05,

* Figure 2 presents a review of the various APU's used in the field. Let me commence
with the APU model used in short to medium aircraft fleets. The first row of figure 2
shows a schematic of the APU, installed in the Boeing 737 and 727 aircraft. This 85-
i•-2 series PU is a single spool gas turbine with constant speed and integrated bleed air
flow oultput. A two stages radial compressor is driven by a single stage radial turbine
with an exducer to achieve the power requiremeyts, prioviding bleed air (111 lbs/min.)
and elt.-Lrical power supply (400 liz, 115V) by rilvilaya 40 KVA gYleeratUo. Ill its stali-
dard ersion this APU is very reliable.

A.The APU in the second row of the slide is the largest power unit on board our air-
craft being installed in the Boeing 747. This is again a bleeder type APU with a single
shaft deign, consisting of a two stages axial turbine driving a four stages axial flow
compresst,. To provide sufficient surge margin during start up of the APJ, an inter-
stage bleed valve is being provided between the 2nd and 3rd compressor stage, in ordel
to stabilize the compressor air flow in the acceleration regim. After having reached

I 'I'

• • a=

irh ..

the full governing speed (20000 rpm) a modulating surge valve controls the bleed air flow
required to maintain stabilized flow under all bleed load or shalt load conditions, pre-
venting the APU compressor from a surge or a stall.

in the third row of the figure 2 a schematic of the APU 700 series is shown, being
operated in the Douglas DCl0 and in the Airbus A300.

This is a two spool integral bleeder type APU with variable inlet turbine nozzle
guide vanes in front of the first stage low pressure turbine. The variable MGVF; of the
first stage low pressure turbine, controlled by a fuel actuated stator vane positioning
device, determine the actual Ni APU spool speed as required by the load/power demand.
The high pressure spool is kept constant regarding its speed and consists of a radial
impeller being driven ly a single stage axial flow turbine. The low pressure compressor
being driven by a two stages turbine consists of 3 low pressure axial st.ges.

The APt shown in the last row of figure 2 is the most recent design concept of
Garrett, being used in the Airbus A310, with a load compressor mechanically coupled to
the power section but aerodynamically kept fully seperated regarding its bleed air output.
This bleed air flow seperation is one of the great advantages of this new APU, apart
from its simplified design concept. In the rare case of a compressor bearing seal leakage
the leaking oil would not contaminate the bleed air supplied to the airplane fuselage
cabins, as this could occur in conjunction with the preceeding APU models belonging to
the blteder type. The A310 APU consists of a single shaft power section with a two
stages radial compressor and a three stages axial turbine.
The load compressor producing the bleed air output for the air conditioning system and
main engine start is controlled by variable inlet guide vanes which, regarding their
position, are automatically set to control the bleed air output.
Common to all APU's is an automatic starting system which only requires one switch posi-
tion, i. e- master switch in start. This is being achieved by a speed control device
which ts connected to the acceleration and load schedule, based on electronic APU con-

"a ADx' as the design concept of the APU models is concerned, illustrated in figure 2,
all APU's are lightweight design oriented, what has been one of the important design
criteria, set up by the aircraft manufacturers. To meet both,th' power requirements on
board the aircraft and the APU lightweight design, a gas turbine compressor power design
I only one practical
permanentlyh Installed
I' on board the aircraft. ofdeveloping
approach suha powerful equipment being
Of course, the rather low overall efficiency

of the APU gas turbine, under full load in Lhe order of 20 percent, is a negative factor
with respect to the high fuel costs. The performance weight ratio for the APU's is in
the range of 1.8 to 2.3, what is rather high, compared with the ratio of Diesel engines
being used as mobile ground carts. The APU manufsctureridue to the fuel cost impact to
airlineshas responded to the operators need of operating a more cost efficient APU by
having designed the second APU generation of twin spool compressor power APU gas turbines,
like the APU for the DC10 and the A300. Compared with the APU's being operated in the
Boeing aircraft these APU models have a high cycle pressure ratio and are n-ore cost

The proof, that the design goal of a more fuel officLent[ APU has been IMn., becomes
obvious when comparing tihe amount of fuel flow versus air bleed flowprepresented by the
rtoWF Over W, and shown. in the right hand column of figure 2. Accordingly, the fwlIn
spool compressor power APU TSCP 700 provides i 32 percent lower ratio than the APU
GTCP 660-4 of the Boeing 747 aircraft, i. e. less fuel required for producing the same
amount of bleed air output. This also compares to the lower specific fuel consumption In
pounds fuel per hour and equivalent shaft horse power of the 700 series APU's. All APIU
models are properly matched with respect to the bleed airflow demand of the aircraft air

1/ conditioning system, the bleed air discharge temperature and the electrical
frequency of 400 Hz, 115 Volts, alternate
3.Economica1 Impact on AIu o),rationand remed
current output.
power and its

What arc the APU costs, no alrlLne in nnc,;untering today 7

Figure 3 (see next page) illustrates the evaluation of the total APU costs per operating
hour for the various fleets in operation. The graph clearly states the enormous cost
impact to the airlines during the recent 3 years. Calculating the total variable cost
increase per APU operatinq hour during the period of 1980 - 1902 , an average increase
rate of 30 percent for this period, based on 1980 cost figures, is indicatel for the
APU's, installed in the Boeing 727, 737, Douglas DC10 and Airbus A300. For the APU
660-4 in the Boeing 747 the cost Increas, rat-,' per APE) operating hour is around 24 per-
cent, what is pn average figure of 8 percent cost increase per year.

The total variable costs per AI'J operating hour consist of the overall maintenance
costs (i. e. direct engine costs pes APE] operating hour, coverin;g tie repair andd Over-
haul shop expenses, including line maintenance costs, plus the fuel costs. As can be
realized from figure 3, the fuel co'ts are the largest porition of thu total APU ou,•t•;,
* betwecn 67 and 88 percent In 1982, depending on tile APU model. The total maintenance
cenlt - 'ncdl ng 1one maInl-enance and overhaul cost - nmornt- to a figure of 12 to
39 UND per operat I ig hour for thie API' s presented.


In- Evolution of Total APU Cost. ....

"17,. per Operating Hour ';
. ~150IS11"

Its- ,aaD.

24 CZ Figure 3

70, 2




ft562 556182 033

727/737 A 300 DC 40 747

Considering the APU direct en Ine costs per operating hour for the twin spool engine
Lype TSCP 700, installed in the Dl 10 and in the A3O0 aircraft, a higher percentage is
indicated than in case of thu sinyl, sjnol eno!nc, like the 85 series APU or the 660-4.
'this in fact would be expected due to the more complex APUI design, involving more parts
in the engine which might fail. It should be mentioned here, that the material -not has
been increased during 1982 up to 40 percent of the cost figures during the pre ceding9
time period. If comparing the DC1O APU total cost figures with those of the A00 APU,
both being of the same basic design, n slightly higher APU total cost figure in casr
'if the A300 APU is shown. This can he explained by the additional maintenance and over-
haul activities required due to the higher heat cycles/hour ratio of this APU when being
operated in the short to medium airplane AiCO.
Figure 3 again stresses the high fuel cost impact on AMU operation, and at that time.
is provoking a vital interest in taking measures to reduce the APE] costs or even intro-
duce alteraftive ground power sources wherever practicable. Consequently, one of the
first activities of the APP task force In our airline had been the reduced operation
of the APU's on board the aircraft. Whenever possible, we have been limiting the AltU
operating time to those occurrences, where Its use for producing electrical power arid/or
bleed outplit is inevitable, i. e. mainly for supplying pressurized air to air-tonditio-
ning systems for cooling and heating the airplane cabin and for main uein,!J start up.

Further, with respect to the fuel conservation effect, all modification programs,
offered by the manifacturers relative to, APU fuel saving were investigated andprovided
these modifications would pay off within an appreciable period of time, they had been
already or arc becng embo,,Ie T..- just mention here the most important fuel saving
modifications cmbodled on the various APt] systems:
~Boeefl,l, 747
Dowestrim of the exhaust gas temperature schedule during load application, with the
max. EGT under fuol comibined APr] load output limited to 550Ut: (This program under [,!rtLIu
operating conditions could conflict with airport/high field levation due to margyi-n,
bleed air flow, limited by the max. iossible EGT).

- Deletioin of tile rain air scoop at the APtU air inlet countre of the 747 fuselage. After
embodiment of this coning modification, which in :ituippos-d to reduce the aerodynamic drag
by 0.12 percent, thLu APU cannot be started inflight but 3ti11 can be o;'rated inflight.
loxt oui.. I,, 1i ýwru to 16j.000 f nl ltr-i pow-r it, to 23.000 ft.

* Manual load stanagumunt ( 2 pncumatic F('r 1 packs only).

IDouglas DC10 1
N1-speed inducttorij, liuiitii.' the 104 pr1• n,1-Our
•l•i(.r r•ina ,'iuleitioins to .- value
',f 91 percent Ni insterad 97 ;i'rc:ent with overridiugl capability to 100 percent NI I -r


Douglas DC10 continued

Revising the APU 700-4 starting fuel schedule to avoid EGT peak conditions and reduce
thermall stresses in the hot section, mainly turbine nozzle stator vane and high pressure
turbine blade distress.

Airbus A300
Ni-speed reduction with variable speed limit selection/normal and override mode
(91 per ent for environmental control system supply and for main engine start; in override
97 per enL for main engine start, retaining 97 percent for wing anti-iue under all cond.)

Boeing 27/737
Time( acceleration schedule during APU start-up, requires modification of fuel control
unit (s bject still under evaluation).
Let e. refer to the fact that the majority of the fuel saving activities is directed
towards down-trimming of the APU engine performance in conjunction with optimized fuel
flow ra Ing. The reduction of the material cost for engine high cost drivere primarily
hot section parts, Is an important side effect of the fuel saving modification program.
As a general maintenance step towards fuel saving the trailing procedure for airplanes
is performed without operating APP's.

4. Utilization of alternative power sources on the ground

From the high APU operating cost figures, presented In paragraph 3, it becomes ob-
vious, that alternative ground power equipment, being more economical than the APU's,
should replace APIU operation on the ground, IF practical; thus reducing the cost burden
to the airline.

Let us Invesiigate now the possible ground sources for on board power ýupply. There
are two major groups of altLinilativ*e ground power support systems. Both meut the on
board power requirements of commercial aircraft, and if available, can be used as
substitute for APU ground power operation. The first group comprises the fixed stationary
power systems and the titcond group covers th, mobile power systems.

On figure 4 today's most commonly used alternative ground power equipment in airliae
business Is presented in a block diagram, supplying all kind of secondary power required
on board the aircraft, either electrical power or pneumatlu power or a combination of

On Board APU / Ground Power Supply
Electrical I Ma., I Press.urizing/
Power 115v/Cli
40011r, Engin
IStsar Air
l Conditionuing
al. . Air/Anti Icing

AlternativeI Wound Power Supply


lFIxed Eetical Airconditlon Comblne

Elsetric.Fb war
Grun Ai Startlq Unt/obl tieo.tubn
I. ystem/I Powe nit/ Unil/Mli Stationary
Static Convert Mobile Sttinr et Cool) Poww Unit

1 4.

*- t-zsu- -s

Let us briefly review the technical feature of the ground support equipment, shown
in figure 4.

The electrical power normally is produced by a mobile electrical power generating

unit, known as the GPU, which is mounted on a mobile trailer or truck and is driven by a
Diesel engine. The engine is flexibly coupled to a brushless alternator. The GPU can
be self-propelled by the engine power through a gearbox , which is directly connected
to the rear axle of the truck through the propelling shaft. The generator power produced
is a continuously rated output of around 100 KVA, 115/220 Volts, 3 phase 400 Hz. The out-
put voltage of such a machine is maintained within 1 1 % of the nominal value of the
aircraft socket under all conditions of load and power factors. This output voltage con-
trol in most cases is achieved in the generator system by means of a transistorised vol-
tage regulator. The frequency is maintained within 1/2 percentage under steady state

Electrical systems if stationary are referred too as "Fixed Electrical Power Systemns '
Let us cons 'ur the most important details:
Fixed, high frequency ground power systems, capable of providing the electrical on board
power for narrow and wide body aircraft in civil aviation, consist of one or two statio-
nary electric motor/generator assemblies which convert 50 (or 60 Hz) city network power
to 400 Hz output by direct coupling to a 400 Hz generator. Normally a synchronous, brush-
less motor/generator set is being usedwith the rotating group axis mounted in a vertical
or horizontal direction. Due to a minimum of component parts, which rotate at relatively
low speed, requiring lubrication as the only maintenance action, a maximum of trouble
free operation is being guaranteed. Thus the motor/generator assembly is regarded a very
reliable piece of equipment amongst other aircraft support systems.

Based on worldwide experience three basic voltages are being used in 400 liz centrali-
zed systems of major airports:
- Low Voltage - 1l5/200V, 4 wires, 3--phase sy!;tem
- Medium Voltage - 575V, 3 wires, 3-phase !,-- -m
- High Voltage - 4160V, 3 wires, 3-phase sy,.

The low voltaesytem (115V) being used as decentralized system, requires an input power
of 380V, 3-phase, 50 Hz, with 1500 rpm speed for the brushless generator, which is of
the revolving field type. The generator output is 115V, 4 wires, 3-phase system, 400 I[z
power. One disadvantage of this low voltage system Is, that it can only serve one air-
craft with limited distance (appr. 20 meter) permissible between the motor generator net
and the aircraft ground connection, in spite of large muitiple conductors and 3 cables
per phase to compensate voltage transmission losses. The utilization of a line drop com-
pensator would allow increased distance up to approx.170 m. Thus for example from a single
motor generator set with a rated output of 200 KVA multiple yates (up to 10 ea) with
each gate rated at 60 KVA can be served in conjunction with narrow body power supply.
This is possibleas the average electcical demand of a B737 or B727 is not higher than
20 KVA. The advantage of the low voltage system is given by the fact, that no voltage
transformers are neededunlike medium and high voltage systems.

The medium voltAuq esystem (575V) is comparable to the low voltage system, showing
the same performance characteristics and construction details, except the generator out-
lpotIIs 575V, I wires, 3-phase, 4001 tz., The great advantage of the medium voltage system
is Its flexible capability, to serve multiple gates with normally sized ,-ables over
rt-markabl(, dlstances along the airport terminal.
Up) to now only electrical motor/generator power systems; have- been referred to. Another
means of generating
t 400 11z electrical power is Indicated by the possible use of static
converters, ins al led in fixed power systems. According to our knowledge static conve,
etrs should be moe50 economical than motor/generator power systems.

Pneumatic round oupport equipment, like the Air Starter Units (ASU) or the Air
Cond ti-anq U sMn ier from each other, regarding their principle design.
Typical for both designs is the requirement to deliver a well defined output flow and
p.-'nure. as well as a certain bleed air
nir output temperature. The most common way of
supplying pressurized air on the ground is achieved by upexating a Diczc! engline 11ii-•n
rotaryfscrew type compressor with a step-':p gearbox, which is attached to the engine
via a flexible coupling. Normally the rotary screw compressor is designed for starting
It-t aircraft. By reducing its output pressure the machine is also used to power air
:,nditioning ,n board the aircraft or to warm up engine air intakes and de-ice wind-
screens. The ecessry change in operation mode from starbair to low pressure all supply
is achieved by operating a switch position which reduces the air pressure from approx.
40 psi; to 25 psig for aircraft aircycle package ope-ration. The pressurized bleed air
is supplied from the truck through an air hose to a 3 inch diameLer connection fitted to
the aircraft.

The rotary screw compressors provide output air capacities in the range of 130 t, 300
pounds per minute, which is comparable to the bleed air output of the APU's. In each
case the air of the rotary screw compressor in warmed and totally oil free. Eilier moun-
ted on a truck, tvrai Ler or skid or eve:, statirý ary, somtimes as a parallel system to
prov id, ,h hr b,'ed air .otpiut ne eded, the rotax y screw compressor is capable of servicing
the wi•,, body aircraft like B747, DChO and A300, as well as all narriow body aircraft-
With ii 280 pounds per minute bleed air output ot the ol~a:y screw compressor tb,, speed
'If thQilITrlr I|hatgel lIt esel engine is around 2000 rpm. Tie noise of :;uch a machi.ne


when attenuated is around 85 dB(A).

The GTCP gas turbine type used as mobile ground power equipment and capable of supplying
all kind of combined power output does not mean any economical advantage, as its fuel
consumption is comparable to that of APU's.

Knowing the technical features of the various types of umbilical ground support
equipment, it has been of great interest to assess the hourly operating and maintenance
costs, comparing them with the APU costs.





'027 / 7 57. fi.' 'I1.o


D~C10 / AO00
(WItE 1ODY, 27 '.0 8.6 89.0

(W]I)E CiOaY 0o .9) I1 ,e) 179.0


CO;T F'OR{ I KWH 010h13 o. 1 WI -

(1,82$) 1

In figure 5 a calculation of the hourly based operating and maintenance costs (in
1982 ULU)) Is made for the supply of typical electrical power requirements to the different
fleets. To everybody's surprise the cost for the 400 Ftz Fixed Power System is only
a fraction of the cost for a GPU; the comparison becomes really spectacular with respect
to the APU costs, spent for the same amount of electrical energy (factor 60 1). However,
only the variable costs are being compared here. To make an accurate cost analysis and
assessment of ground power support equipment, the cost investment for desig-

YT,Ufthansa has made economical studies to optimize tile usage and the destinct opera-
tion of ground support equipment, also relative to the layout of future airports. In
conjunction wit); a new airport the return on investment would be reached within one or
two years already, considering the installation of a Fixed Electrical System.

Let me summarize the results of our studies:

Fil,[-i Power Systems. rsie available' utr suppling electrical power (400 17z/115V A.C.)
are most economical on major airports, depending on the number of take-offs and landings
per day and the number of gates. Apart from the great potential In cost and f(intl unergy
savings the Central Fixed Syst.em, when usud for supplying aircraft at terminal gates,
has the following additional advantage over the GPtJ and the AL'U; No environmental pullu-
Lion due to exhaust canes; no noise problem and no congestion around the parked airplane
at the ramp.
I ~Central ground -'ompressors for gate operation, supplyinq pneumatic power on boar-d
the aircraft, are j,,stlfied for major airports only in case a high landing frequency
per day and a uniform dispatch profJle are maintained More economical would be a dcccl-
tralized stationary pneumatic system, achieving highe.ti cost savings, when compared with,
the APU.

Mubile ACtJ's and ASU's, either used as single or combined system version, are cost
and fuel saving, when compared with the APIF. Wlhtrtcvý-r rroutid equipment is operated on
a rental has'ou (valid for most LH outside stations), the savings are reduced from
approximately 70 percent down to 25 to 40 percent per operating hour, depending on th"
ground support m-rlo oul thl type of aircraft operated.

- The APU Is fuetl and cost efficient, If opterart:d 1t-'4j pouoh L,4k jor main engine

1 I I-


starting and during taxiing out.

Iecent considerations during taxiing-out are to start those main engines, which are
not required for rolling the aircraft along the taxiway from its parking position to
the take-off point, as late as possible, i. e. by APU power. In case of a D110, for
instance, the fuel saved by the centre engine during taxiing out, due to delayed engine
start-up, would be 11 kg/min. compare. with 2.5 kg/min. roisumed for the extended APU
operating time at idle power (Ni = 63 %); i. e. 8.5 kg/min. saving. To give an example:
a taxiing-out time of 5 minutes and a delayed take-off of additional 10 minutes, due
to traffic congestion at rush hour, would mean a saving of 50 USD per event.

APU electrical power supply on board the aircraft is economical, provided the APU
has to be operated for air conditioning, i. e. cooling ''rheating at the gate position.
The economical decision, to either operate the APU or any alternative ground support
equipment, depends on a number oe airline operational factors a;l, therefore, shoi"d be
made individually on a station by station basis. The most important far'tors, inf acing
the operational requirements and power s, pply conditions at any airport, are:
"aircraft type, airport equipment availability, passenger load factor, passenger comfort,
transit or final destination stop, ground time, local temperature profile, seasonal
peaks, cabin temperature prior to landing, environmental control system demand, galley
5. Plans and practical approaches to achieve cost efficient on board power
From the cost comparison, presented in paragraph 4, it becomes obvious that the
highest potential of fuel and cost savings would bh achieved, if electrical ground power

A from a fixed system or a GPU is being provided as Lie only one requirement, without the
need for parallel cooling or heating of the aircraft cabin. This condition does exist
in those cases only, where the ambient temperature would permit the neglection of ;he air
conditioning supply to the cabins. Therefore, prior to establishing any revised opcratio-
nal procedures for pneumatic power supply, Lufthansa has reviewed the temperature of
the cabins and the cockpit, with s scial respect to the previous and revised temperature
ranges to be applied as temperature comfort zones. Several evaluation programs have been
perforaed, measuring the temperature profile on board our aircraft mainly the cooling-
down or heating-up time of the cabin on the ground with and without passengers, shifting
under the influtnce of outside ambient conditions (i.e. sun radiation, open cabin doors).
Also effects of cabin pre-conditioning by main engine bleed air supply during aircraft
approach had been evaluated.
support the experience mide with revised temperature comfort zones for different
fleets under the influence of environmental conditions, yearly statistics of a German
-IR weather research station have been reviewed to establish a guide line and estimate of the
average air temperature (OAT) distribution during an annual period.
Average Temperature Distribution per Year
OATverC (FRA Airport)

Ai15rcon. naE

Figure 6

" ~+5-
Hea... .Heating

... . .•
. ...

. F M

TheFigure 6 presents a plot of the average ambient temperature as distributed per year.
The local area is Frankfurt, being th, Lufthansa main base. As can be seen on figure 6
the lowest temperature in the airport region is in February, early spring time, and the
highest temperature peak in mid August. Based on the annual average temperature distri-
bution curve in approximately 50 percent of all events it would be necessary to heat
the cabin, c.ud only in 10 percent coolinr-down would be required. Although the annually
based average t(emperature distrilttion profile would differ from station to station, it
supported our basic understanding of critical and non-critical temperature zones in the
aircraft cabin. On figure 6 the temperature range, without air conditioning supply is
presented in its previous limits (10' C to 21, C) and in its revised limits (10% to
250 C for dispatch). Another reference line, at + 5' C is recommended for use under air-
plane transit conditions. Exceedence of the above mentioned non-critical temperature
zones in either direction (increasing or decreasing) would require air conditioning supply
by the APU or ACU equipment. The revised temperature reference limits are feasibic due
to the fact, that latest at time of passenger boarding the APU will be started for pro-
viding APU pneumatic and electrical power to the aircraft.

After a successful evaluation period of 1.5 years on board our A300 fleet, we have
gained a confidence level, which permits the application of the revised procedures
in close cooperation with flight operation and system engineering.

Airline Supplementary Pr cedures

for Economical Use of APU .Pr*:prred of
.. suply, required on
OAT°C GroundSupply APU comendel ProcedUres for
Airplane Ground
Operational Temperature I Cockpit Crew end Ground -
Mode Range HlItt. S laff/Mmintenance
belo 5°C'*'e on forecasted cold or hot
below50C AT'. w.rm up or -oul down cabi.n
Approach . .to .. t d te ti- during
ru aPUi hich on
not required
aIbove 25OC I •iMr1U-1ditoiK
beow 50 Pro-ldad. slectrical -rouod pocar

S Cs
below a soIsil. rod .round tIme 1,

Altar between
X (mEti
no t AI
' our , d .747 ,ar, Ar a eru

Landing Cand25
.osic.cJ). tlstri, P111should
above 250Ct
above 250Cbe
A , to Ai,.art
I--n -.
mseediately afst, block.

Transit C paL.,ngers,
With1rd APIU*ho"1drebe ltrtedonning r~e on

<ci Hour Isodiog, rcg.,dl sa re-sonded f)AT

tesr,-~tu'r. -dg. (Na~rr_ Andy)

below 50C X

Transit belweoal i F L t riP

I l F•tround power- (U1l chili .igtre 7
>1 Hour 2oCmdr p , .tt .
i5 tcrt.. b ro k.
2i0C psi AfswaI

X f....-.c . r ti•
.. t ltound tiato
.n.t... otr-st up APr cipr in.5 te o
between d
/O•.*2.•regar,.l* before dispatch. Prencipllty,
* OAT Fisure, APU should
ow c e otfted latest at peconomig

grond oron-bard PU Te pro edur[lesA1 reflec the conmiciue o

r- o
Sthe APt and can be described best by following general attn -[]irules
pi, for
,,,oground maintenance
Spersonnel and cockpit crews:
- At airplacfc dispatch Wli AT s between U "
iian Ž ai durin~g tranu;it :tween

S5• C and 25° 1 normally cabin and c•ockpit do not require air conditioning. ,

Taxiig o- I ]

Once cockpit and ground personnel have ensured - by checking a weekly updated status
list - that appropriate and reliable q',und power equipment is available at a specific
airport, this ground power shall be si Lied to the aircraft after landing, without
starting the APU.
- In general, the use of the APU for air conditioning should be initiated only, if
passenger comfort and/or cockpit cabin crew working conditions are impaired.
- The cockpit crew takes full responsibility to judge the need of APU operation for
air conditioning purpose.
- With APU running, both pressurized air for air conditioning and shaft load for elec-
trical power shall be provided, since economical.
Based in forecast OAT's on the airport the aircraft cabin should be pre-air condio-
ned during approach (i. e. cabin should be warmed up in case ambient ground temperature
is below 10' C and should be cooled down in case ground temperature is above 253 C. A
temperature differential of 3 to V C will already provide sufficient margin to rXtend
ground time without the need for air conditioning supply).
As a first step the supplementary procedures for the economical use of the APUIs in
our fleets have b.'n set up and introduced into the flight crew operations manual and
meanwhile are beinj applied to all fleets, operating on European and North American
routes. A similar cost efficient program on other routes will follow. We are aware of
the fact, that the recommended procedures are conditional procedures; this means, they
depend on the individual decision of flight crews, judging on the momentary spedific
requirements for air conditioning and passenger comfort on board the airplane.
As a direct consequence, after having started the APU reduction program, the
evolution of the APU usage factors, shows a drastic decrease, primarily in the wide
body fleets B747, DC10 and A300 (by 40 1, 35 1 and 48 S respectively, during period
198 to 1982).

Figure 8 is referring to the evolution of the APU usage factor.

Evolution of APU- Usage Factor 0



S0,I- Flaure_8


,.!!• I ji

o 81 12 f o01 32 o5815 2 Sof iS Io 11I I

Boeing 747 DC 10 A 300 Boong 727 Boeing 737

As can be seen from the graph, the narrow body APO's are still used more often

than expected. Apparently this is due to short to medium operation of the B727 and H737,
and transit times shorter then 1 hour.
The APU operatinic costs during the observed period have also decreased, as eipected.
The downward trend is indicating an APE! operating cost reduction in the order of
30 percent for 1982.

11"iI ,b

4 .r

6. C clusion and recommendailooi for future APU operation

The promising results, which up to now have been reached by the

[introduction of the cost ufficient airlines program, optimizing the
economical use of on board power support equipment, justify the
feasibility of the recommended operating procedures. The author believes
that the utilization of the Auxiliary Power Units in the Lufthansa
fleets can be further reduced, although, with respect to the Boeing 747
APU operation, the APU usage factor has already decreased to a level,
which would represent a minimum practicable APU operating time at all.

The Auxiliary Power Unit buing capable of supplying multiple power

to the aircraft makes commercial airlines entirely in ependent of ground
facilities and in addition will improve the airplane redundancy during
dispatch and in flight. This miqht be required because of a main engine
power generation problem or for wing anti-icing reasons. APU's, installed
in commercial fleetswill retain the operational flexibility of an
airline and, therefore,have still their technical and economical justi-
ficatior., in spite of fuel saving considerations.

It should be the task of the aircraft manufacturers and the APU

manufacturers, in close cooperation with the airlines, to specliy and
design future APU auxiliary power systems for commercial aircraft, which
are optimized regarding the aixcraft power demanus and at the same time
are more cost efficient to airlines.


L ili


P.Vaquez, Fr
What has been the influence of modifications recommended by manufacturers on maintenance cost?

Author's Reply
The incorporation of fuel saving modifications (A300 and l)Cl0 APU N I speed reduction) had a twofold positive
influence on the maintenance costs: First, the APU fuel cost per operating hour are reduced by 2, 5 percent, and
second, due to the reduced N I spool speed (i.e. 5 to 6% less than the certified value) the cyclic life of the APU hot
section pairts is being improved. This means reduced overhaul costs due to less parts replacement, mainly high cost

C.Rodgers, US
Have you determined ',dditional fuel cost required to pre-cool cabin on approach as compared to using the APU7

Author's Reply
Additional fuel costs to pre-cool or warm-up the aircraft cabins during approach, in Pccordance with hot or cold
ground temperatures, had been calculated for wide body aircraft, based on certain assumptions. Figures have still
to be verified by actual tests. Accordingly the additional enEine fuel costs due to engine bleed air subtraction with
distinct temperature requirement will be less than APU fuel costs on the ground (i.e. approximately 25% of the
actual APU fuel costs).

R.Smith, US
Fuel costs were shown in 1982 US $. Does tb;s reflect your cost tactual) as purchased over your route structure and
then adjusted to reflect currency exchange rates?

Author's Reply
Yes! But please note: As the actual APU fuel consumption per operating hour is not measured during operation
(there are no APU fuel flow-meters installed in Ilie aircraft!), oui calculation is based on average APU fuel
consumption figures, taken from APII test bench res.ults tinder typical load conditions, times APU operating hours,
recorded over the period of time.



: 13-i


Werner Hoose
Manager Powerplant Systems
Postfach 950109
2103 Hamburg 95, Germany

/SUMMARY I.bA 1 1 dr I1'1,;

>This paper presents some observations based on experience
with a new generation(es*Auxiliery PowerUnit (APU) installed
in -commercial transport aircraft. The subjects considered are
operational requirements and efficiency' of the APU in the various
operating modes _articular importance'is attached to suchar ters
3ncli - .ors t peofucmanm••a tterist
Swith respect
conducted wit to a a look
c ateffective APU system. trendslseen
evelopment Theme considerations
from the -pee /,
_or view of the aircraft manufacturer.

Increasing fuel Prices, and the resulting higher costs for the production of
energy have, over the past few years, made the airborne auxiliary power unitsaAPU)
1A1commercial transport aircraft a major point of interest.
In future generations of transport aircraft, the airborne APU will continue to
be the basis of the on-board, independent power supply and it is, of course, ob-
vious that, from the operator's point of view, costashould be kept to a minimum.
Initially, the Airbus A310 and its APU will be used tu illustrate ithe present
state of the art of APU development, and also to examine the possibilities of mini-
mizing the operational costs of the APU fromethe aircrait manufacturer's point of
view; eventually, specifications and requirements will be established as Design
guidelines for the APU manufacturer.
Another topic discussed under this title is the integration of the APU into the
"Inflight Auxiliary Power Generation System" of the aircraft, with due coneideratior,
of the effects on APE) design.



4Based on the history of APO development, this section further explains the pre-
asent state of the art of APP technoloy: three development stages lead to the gene- p
ration of APU's that are today flying in current commercial transport aircraft.
let stage - Integral-bleed, single spool APU
T 2nd stage - Interstaga bleed, twin spool AP[!
"rd stage - Direct driven Load c noipression, single spool APE].

SFigure 1 (see appendix) presentu a schema'Ic build up of an integral-bleed, single

L spool APU. The unit is made up of a sinqle-shaftgas turbine, a gear box, which is
direct-driven from the qas terbine, and a gen,,rator driven from the gear box. The APIS
is operated at constant apeet throughout, since the generator speed must be kept F
Kconstant; blhed mi- supply is bled downstream of the gqn turbhne compressor. Again,
this type of APP is identified by an unsophisticated construct tonal buildup and me-

chanlual cuntl The gcncLatiox of the Lleed air supply by thu gas turbine compressort
does, however, lead to a lower level of efficiency for the AISU under partial load
this concention, every effort has been directed towards [muroving the APU
1,251ri a5 a fCflIt1r,r ttcc,,nterarc t the Inereaslilc cct- of furl.


The interstage-bleed auxiliary power unit represents an intermediate stage in APU

development, a typical build-up is shown in Figure 2 (see app.) and is similar to
that of a twin-spool engine, each with it's own compressor, tarbine and controls.
Bleed-air parts are situated between the LP compressor and the HP compressor. The
high-pressure spool drives the gear box from which the generator drive is taken, and
thus this high-pressure spool speed must be kept constant, - this is a prerequisi'ee
for a generator driven from the gear box. The APU power output can be regulated to
meet the prevailing demand by controling the speed of the low-pressure spool according-
ly. Due to the fact that drive-power and usable-power generation are thermodynamically
coupled in this type of APU design, sophisticated and expensive controls are necesoary;
the resulting considerbbly increased complexity is responsible for the relatively high-
cost maintenance operations which are required for this APU type.

The latest stage-so far- in APU development is represented by the type described
in paragraph 2.2.1; this APU type combines system simplification with a high degree
of efficiency under partial load conditions. Full electronic control is a consider-
able contribution to the mechanical simplicity of the APU.
Summing up the above-described developments, it can be said that in the near
future few essential changes will be-made to the unsophisticated basic buildup *f the
APU; therefore, any plans for a cost reduction in the field of APU operation will
have to concentrate on, and probably be restricted to, the improvement of individual
components of the APUI; e.g. higher efficiency of compressor and turbine, improved
reliability, etc.

4 The airborne auxiliary power unit supplies bleed air and electrical power
for self-contained operation of the aircraft, that means that aircraft operation
18 independent of ground power souLces.

The major design criteria of the APU are dictated by the primary tasks to be
performed on the ground, with main engines off. The following tasks are typical of
the APU installed in the A310 -
* providl bleed-air for main-engine starting (MES)on the ground, at airfield
attitudms ranging from - 1,000 ft (-305 m) to 8,000 ft 42,440 m) AM!L.
* provide bleed-air for air conditioning of passenger and flight crew com-
partmonts, at airfield heights ranging from -1,000 ft (-105 m) to 8,000 ft
(2,440 m) AMSL.
provide full rated shaft power to drive a 90 KVA AC generator, while meeting
the demands of air conditioning and/or main engine starting bleed-sir supply
Oa the A110, no provision is made for the direct supply of the hydraulic system,
via an APU-drven pu~mp, it is- however, possible to provide hydraulic power supply
during APU operation by uslno the airborne electrical power system and an electrical-
ly driven pump.

The APU, which is primarily designed for ground operation, Is also available in
flight to fulfill a number of tasks, viz:
to provide bleed air for air conditioning only, up to an altitude of 20,000 ft
(6,096 m).
to provide blned ai- tnr emargency anti-icing of wing lwadizig edges, up to an
altitude of 20,001) ft (6,096 m), whilst also meeting minimum environmental
,ou•t.•i system pet tc,.nance requirements.
* rnovid,, shaft power to drive a 90 kVA generator, whilch can be loaded with
90 kVA up to 35,001 ft 410,668 a) and with 75 kVA up to 41,000 ft (12,497 m).

With a view io obtaining and maintaining the above mentioned in-flight perfor-
mance values, litedesign of the APU installation has been adapted to flight condi-
tions, whlle,at the same time, :,.e retaining of low installation pressure losses for
'jruund operation was given due ,ronsideration as an overall condition.
In-flight performance data fur the APU are of particular impor ince for twin-
engined aircraft. With one main-engine generator - or one main-engine bleed-air
syntem - failed, the aircraft remains fully operational, 'a the APO, togetiher with I-h1
a viusabie •yste. of the other engine, will provide redundancy of systems. Thus
th APr; contributes considcrably tr the high disalatch reliability of the Airbus,
whirch stands at 98 percent or high c for the AJOC in airllne service. The APU
, oporating envelope for the A310 in presLeed in Figure 3 (see app.) : it shows that
the APU can be operated throughout the t- tire flight envelope of the tircraft, this
is a typi cal featurn of the new (qezewat Ion of 2)i0-'-'" •'rt/mcit.. bilge [isluSpa t
aircraft. .

* S-

_____ A



Design and construction of the APU should be aimed firstly at economical

operation, whilst, as far as possible, meeting the following particular require-

. low weight combined with high performance

* low fuel consumption (even under partial load condition)
. economical maintenance
* long service life
* simple handling.

Here, aqain, the APU of the Airbus A310 can be used to demonstrate the pr sent
state of the art, particularly with regard to the above detailed engineering


The constructional and control features of the APU are prerequisite to the
economical operation of the unit. The present qeneration of auxiliary power units
is exemplified by

* modular design
* direct driven load compressor
load compressor output regulated by inlet guide vanes (IGV)
* full digital electronic control
single spool / constant speed

Fig. 4 (see app.) shows the schematic build-up of an APU incorporating thsee
featuresl it is, basically, a single-shaft design, but is divided into three
modules - power section, lead compressor, gear box. The single-shaft gas turbine
provides direct drive for the load compressmor and the gear box.
To comply with the constant-speed drive requirement of the gear box-driven
generator, the entire APU thus operates at constant spsed.Nevertheless, to en-
sure an individual supply to the aircraft penumatic system, variable inlet guide
vanes are lonited upstream of the load compressor. The airflow is controled by mo-
Sdolating these inlet guide vanes based on aircraft demands, as defined by an
electrical demand signal from the APIUelectronic control box. Air developed by
the load compressor which is not utilized by the aircraft pneumatic system, must
be vented overboard through the surge control valve.

The control features of the APU comprise essentially the fuel supply control.,
IGV adjustment and load compressor surge protection by means of a surge control

This type of APU has a minimum number only of al frame interfaces; thus, the
load compressor, the powsr section and the cooling fan are supplied from ont
c-,-mon air intake. Exhaust gas, gear box vent and surqe air
within the APt! exhaust duct.
are ducted together
The build-up philosophy of this API] conforms to.the i ceral requirements
specified in 2.2 with the foll'.:Lng featurest

By sep;,ratlni- th- power section and bleed air generati ,, It in possible to

choose a siinple thermodynamic design ior the power sectiot , and, hence, to com-
bine a hJih dogree of efficiency with a low power-to-weilit ratio and a relatively
low specific fuel consumption.

j •
The load compressor output is
•~~rcraf,. syston demand, an.d power
bi p •
by IGV's,
where output is
a function of
to a minimum, if shaft power only is demanded (approx. 2f percent of max. power
output). The advantages of this arrangement are qood adaptability, and a resultant
low fuel coisumption for the APU under partial load conditions.

The APU also offers a good in-flight performance wheii power is demanded for
generator operation only, since load compressor power can be considerably reduced.

The simple build-up and the modular coneruction provide for easy installation
and good accessibility. As a result, the unsophisticated APU system , feras many
advantages in maintunance end handling characteristics.

The full-authority microprocessor electronic controler is a major element in

the API; technology advancement achieved. Ti., cuntroler providea safe, precise,
p amd fuel efficient o peratiuv~.

S _•
Equally important, the use of the microprocessor, in conjunction with other
Built-In-Test Equipment (BITE), makes it possible to isolate quickly component
malfunctions, and display this information on an LCD back-lit panel, see Figure 5
(see app.).
The system checks for faults prior to each APU start and then continues to
monitor system operations while the APU is running. A Self-Test mode allows a
quick check of maintenance actions, and mini-flag interrogation permits detailed
system trouble-shooting. Non-critical faults are recognized, and alternate values
are substituted into controi logic to allow continued operation.

An adjustment feature incorporated in the front panel of the ECB allows re-
duction in APU output power, if a particular airline route structure allows APU
de-rating in order to minimize APU fuel consumption, and maximize APU life.


Power rating of the APIU installed in the Airbus A310 is governed by the output
demands of the various aircraft systems, as represented by the power demands of the
airconditioning system during operation on the ground, the airborne electrical power
loads, and the pneumatic power required for main engine starting;these principally
define the dimensions of the APU power output.

The power requirements of the air conditioning system, when suppJied by the APU,
are identified by short-term cabin cool down/pull up periods, e.g. at an ambient
temperature of 3W'C on the ground, it is possible to cool an aircraft interior which
has heated up to 38*C,down to 27PC,wlthin 30 minutes.
The power consumption of the engine starting system is governed by the planned
start-up time; thus the A310 is able to reach a start-up time of t - 30 sec., or less
(ISA Atandard conditions, sea level).
The APU installed in the A310 is able to satisfy full rated generator load
demand together with the required max. bleed air output; electrical power loads are
independent from the air conditioning or the engine starting system (pneumatic) loads.
In practice, extreme loading of the APO occurs only occasionally, and Figure 6
(see app.) shows a typical APU duty cycle. This illustrates that the full thermo-
dynamic performance of the API)is used during only 5 percent of its operational time;
during 95 percent of the operational time, the demanded power output Is considerably
lower than the rated power of the APU. Since, due to the unsophisticated build-up arid
the high degree of reliability to be achieved, the thermodynamic design is rather
conservative, 1'aecomparatively low average loading of the APU will have a positive
effect on the -liability and on the service life.


The APO operating costs are influenced by tV following factors:

operational time
level of dfemanded power output
degree of efficiency of APU
maintenance and overhaul costs (reliability)
indirect costs shared by APU 'a part of aircraft wciqht.
The APU manufacturer can contri ite considerably to the efficiency of the API
and to the level of maintenance/ove haul expenses, as he is responsible for the
bLild-Up and the thermodynamic design characteristics of the APUI he will also
select suitable materials to limit the APU weight. The design of an APU, therefore
reflects the continuous effort to achieve the synthesis between fuel consumptlon
(efficiency), weight, reliability and material costs, as related to the required
performances. Based upns the principle of the direct driven load compressor, the
APU build-up has now Leached an optimal stage of development, so that any further
improvement of the APO in the immediate futur, will he restricted to the uptimi-
ration of detail parts, as previously stated.

The operational time of the APU is directly controled by the aircraft operator.
Cost-conscious operation will considerably reduce APU fuel consumption, for example:
- By switch ig off the APU, where a demand for aircraft air conditioning does
not exist; and hence, by making use of available ground power sources for the direct
supply of the airborne electrical power system.

- By fully utilizing the power rating of the Al-U for the air conditioning system,
i.e. rastriction of APU operation to a period of 20 - 40 minutes before boarding
of passengers, where cooling-down or heating-up of the cabin is required.
- By always starting main engines on APU whenever possible (the most efficient
the power output
The levels byof the demands, which control the fair of the APU,
size conditioning,
starting, electrical relevant
governed power) and their system
aircraft power requirements. The performance data

of these aircraft systems are again defined by the aircraft manufacturer, with
contributions from the customer, as the eventual operator. Possible improvements
of APU design, particularly with regard to specific physical properties, may now
be considered in the following paragraphs.


A current-generation APU is characterized, among other features, by effective

utilization under in-flight conditions at higher altitudesp this feature seems
to recommend the utilzation of the APU throughout the entire flight envelope.
The auxiliary systems of the Airbus are basically divided into two se.rate
supply circuits, partly due to the design philosophy, but always the result of
the relevant redundancy requirements. Engineering problems are, however, created
by the incorporation of the APTUinto the entire flight envelope.
With parallel operation of main engines and APU supplying the air conditio-
ning system, no direct coupling of the systems can be allowed, due to mutual
interference. For this reason, a considerable - and unjustifiable - technical
expenditure would be required, for example, the provision of a third air co'idi-
tion pack.
The addition of a third generator to the airborne electrical power supply
system of the Airbus would mean the addition of a third supply circuit, or the
synchronization of the three generators. The generation of electrical power
by the APU under in-flight conditions in loes economical than by main engine
generation, and this factor also, does not commend full utilization of the APU
under in-flight conditions.
The integration of the APU into the in-fllqht auxiliary power generation"
concept does not offer any engineering or economical advantages, therefore,
APTJdesign should be confined to grouxid ,perationi in commercial transport air-
craft. In-fliqht operation of the AP' will renmalu ricted to the replacement
of a main engine generator or bleed air system, in -- e of failure, within the
limitations of the design as defined by ground operation conditions. In order
to utilize the APU load-potential to the fullest extent: for in-flight operation
also, the special requirements of air intake and exhaust must be complied with,
as fur example, a "Scope" inlet.


The design philosophy for an Airbus APT) hen, sr) far, been governed by the
demands of the relevant aircraft systems - air conditioning, starting system,
airborne electrical power supply. This philosophy resulted in a wide variety
t of loads. As an example, Figure 7 (see app.) presents a graph illustrating the
APU load in cabin conditioning mode as a function of ambient temperature. As
shown in 2.2.3 above, full APu rating is demanded only under extreme ambient
temperature conditionsi that meanni that some 5 percent of the APU operational
j modeo define the power rating and the dimensions of the APU, as the design is
to be based un smex. demand conditions.

-' I
I.• The specific consumption of current APU types is satisfactory, even under
comparatively low output demand conditions. The efficiency does, however,
deteriorate with decreasing output demand, so that a design, which is based
on hiih peak demands, will produce a negative effect on duty cycle fuel ourn

I "i

When considering the definition for a 150-seater commercial transport

aircraft for the nineties, the question of a new APU design philosophy, to
be based with preference on the physical characteristics, was first die-
A comnercial transport of the new generation will have comparatively
high m weights in compa-tson withAystderivatives of previous aircraft
typesl this stems from,among other causes, the high system performance
fore - including a that
th deiniionof of the APU -APPforwasthe
new-generation now aircraftl
influenced there-
by a wide
variety of demands, similar to those for the APU of the Airbus A310.
In practice, an improved APU design represents en imuroved utilization
of all available APU power rating. Less efficient utilization of the AlU
rate, power output may arise from:
* trends to cut main engine starting time.
. comparatively high air conditioning output demands at extrelhe
ambient temperatures.
• generation of maximum bleed air output combined with full rated gene-
rator load.
Figure 8 (nee app.) illustrates the influence of train engine starting
time on the bleed air output available. Whereas today, starting time values
of 30 sec. or less are practised on the Airbus A310(ISA standard conditions,
sea ievcl), eItend-1. startinq time values - up to 40 sec. - would considerably
reduce the APU rower output lemand in the main engine starting mode.

The full power rating of tht APU will only be demanded under high
ambient temperature conditions, when air conditioning and airborne elec-
trical power have tnbe supplied simultaneously. As mentioned above, for the
A310, the APLYdesign point is defined by the cabin cool-down time to be
achieved. At sea level, for example, with an ambient temperature of 30'C,
tile time reqcired to cool down the cabin from 38C to 27°C is 30 minutes.
if, however, this period were to be extended to 40 minutes, the APU load
would be reduced by 20 percent.
Nevertheless, the design of the APU need not be bard onthe simultaneous
supply of max. bleed air output and full rated generator load. During normal
ground operation of the aircraft, there will boly be a short-term peak demand
for max. blood air an,! 1i.
. Ircal power to be supplied by the APU at the
same time; 'herefore, the A'll; could be designed to 'upply max. bleed air
output together with normal electrical load. Figure I (see app.) shows that
the adaption of the APU dosign to such physical charbi'teristics leads to a
reduction in the APU performance requirements at extreme ambient conditions
(operation under "hot-day" conditions); thus the APU design could be based
on a reduced power rating, with improved fuel consumption and a lower APU
weight. However, an APU designed along these lines would have to carry
bigger looads than the APU in the A310. it will, therefore, be important
to ensure that the experience gained from the operation of the first gene-
ration of n w APU's is incorporated in the design of any new APU, so that
hi-;her lobr can be combined with constant (or improved) ieliability and
economics, maintenance.

A certain reduction in convenience Ill result from the reduction of

APU sian, and customers will need to de do whether future APU designs will
tend to have physical properties as the primary consideration.


timnds. Evenfeatures
it it Inof assumed
future that
APU's there
will will
be strongly inft
be few majLc weed by to
changes fueltheprice
basic in tile sense that tbh direct driven io&J compressor concept
Sin retained, rising feel co-s will encourage the introduction of more
Seconomical equipment u.g. Integrated drive generator (IDG) or variable speed
constant frequency ay..lem (VSCF1 - into the APU concept. With '.,CF or mlK;,
the variable speed feature is added to the single spool APU, which would pro-
Vill tor the further Improvement of efficiency under partial load conditions.

Chanqinq from the sinaIle shaft drelit Io fit,' "Itlutt dcniyt, witli
retaining the direct driven load compressor concept, presents another
opportunity to Improve APti efficiency. Figure 9 (see app.) illustrates
the schematic build-up of a twin-shaft APP; this differs from tli single-shaft
"0APin that gas generator &nd power tu-btne are mechanically separated.

S e

F.. T... " I I - m .. .... . . . . .. . .


of the twin-shaft design with those
A comparison of the control features
uoes not show any fundamentaO diffe ce, since the
the generator duedesign
tah single-shft to its design, v~ries its speed as a function of the load
on the constartsPeed operated power tirblne. Therefore, any control function
is restricted to fuel injection meter.hg with this 1TU type. ts the rate of
airflow through the twin-%POOl APU is a function of the output demAnd, operation
of thi r design is
APu sore economical than thatýsidrbly APU under
singleshaft ApU desiqn
of theinfluence and
pfrtial i alloa
conditions "nce
"ence", it is the load spectrum Of the future pU for
Tosmfercial transport aircraft that will con 0 idq -.-abi ctru", then the
te h
c&Anbe based on a narrOM-106a 1spect~ esor type.
ftedsin nlo ad c
cusrC! i
r , the sf•
f o atucturi ll beI f thed e ; e o t h e -,a
ig leg 5
I dir
(s defid
ec -drive
r i aleh,Ve " .. ..by a Wide . load spectrum.
If oeetedsgilýeOfteHnl"PU'5ffuture
type ort
then either I the ,
additional VG or VSCt, will be employed
on I 0 hieving a balance between the
The final decisions will thus be based
•eight and reliability-
three malGr condiderattons, fkuel consumption'

I .............. ...... _ -.. . .






0o >






-Dt 0 t-
* 13-10




i - - -- I
I -o

C. u

tr -I

I( <


980 .i _T _O T_- LL IT -- -_-- -L-


0) 900





- 700


71 600

0 70

CL 0

-20 40 0 10 20 V0 4.0 50
Unit Inlet Temperature tt2 ['C1


Fig. 6

-J I

__ __

_ _ _ _ 1 d








FIg. 7


Starting Analysis
Ambient Tempeaue To dle[s
130 2 00 30

, - -g. 7


30 4050
Engine Time To Idle is]
Fig. 8

'-- -01--


CL 0

0 0



i _ .


E.H.Wame, UK
What percentage change in airflow rating of the load compressor is achieved by operation of the inlet guide vanes
over their full range of movement?

Author's Reply
The turn-down ratio will he approximately 3.5, that means from full open (280 lbs/min) to closed position of the
IGVs (80 lbs/min). IGV angles:
6 full open= 13*
0 full closed 480

C.Rudgers, US
What will passenger reaction be to reduced comfort as they have small tolerance range?
Cannot you strictly trade s.art power with start time since starter torque and engine resisting torque are nonlinear?

Author's Reply
We think that passengers will hardly notice this if we Increase passenger compartment temperatwe at hot day by
about two degrees centigrade in combination with a higher use of recirculation air and improved compartment air
It is correct that starter torque and engine resisting torque are not linear and therefore the benefit for the APU start
period is Tot overwh'lmng.

M.Fglem, Fr
In order to reduce the APU's SIC at partial power a free turbine ga. generator should lbcused. Electric energy then
would be made by an A/C generator with VSCF to give "clean" 400 llz and a variable frequency A/C generator for
other users (frequency moving from 601to 0%Y).
Can this solution be used on an aircraft?
What is the percentage of the electric power needing a fixed frequency?

Author's Reply
The reduction of the APU's SFC was mainly mentioned in connection with minimizing the APIJ operating costs by:
improved single spool concepts using the electronic digital controls
conversion/component efficiency
increased cycle efficiency by increasing inlet temperatures and pressure ratios
IIX, or VJCF systems used on single AI'U's could improve the efficiency under partial load conditions.
Variable generator efficiency beyond certiin limits (400 Ilz f. 1% at normal steady slate conditions) is not
acceptable for the aircraft consumers.






. .. Dr. Ing. J.H. Renken
MlBt/Verelnipte Flugfechnische Werke (mbi-, U-2800 Dr~men,

- The Airbus.APU has to deliver well defined quantities of bleed air and electrical power under two very different
conditions-: on-ground and infil1ht. This requirement may Imply a compromise. The on-ground opaert'jn is essen-
tially governed by probenm•e s, .10" Ilseon...t Ion d -eonisslon , w sgeitIonof not get)caaaJn"ininw"
the possible ri~ae of Intake and exhaust positionS The Inflight operr'lon Is domlnated thn external fuselage
flow conditlonsmintake and exhaust ere exposed t - yn he instelletlon pressure-
ratio andwith that3 the Inflight restart envelope and Inflight performance. Depending on fuselage surface p;essures
and boundary layer conditions, Intake end exhaust-geometries and -ductIng have to be designed e" that a fa-
vopJrble P1 Is provided during APU starting as well as APUi-operetion,'iepIng)at the s.en tlmrne.nogtlve effects s,
-oss-htse-es ars far lnateno* dragjIncrease at a minimum. The effect of these environmental conditions on the
APtJ-perfurmancc Is discussed.


Since the on ground operation of an APIJ Is very simular to that of a wall known land based shaft power
plant, the main attention is paid to the Inflight operation. Although the APU Is only an auxiliary oibruand
uhaftpower genertaor and rot a main angina, it Is consuming fuel, demands space, reduces payload capacity
and courtilbutvu to the custs of ownership. i-or this reasons the APU has to he sized such that It meets end
only meets exactly the power demanded by the aircraft systems. Consequeintly a well aimed prediction of
Installed APU-performance, which is. available under the governing fluiddynamic environmental conditions is
necessary. The Intention of this paper is to discuss mainly on the basils of A310-APU-rherectarlstlics some of

these environmental conditions APU-Intake and exha', t are exposed to essentlally, when the aircraft Is In-
flight, and which may effect the Af'tl Inflight ralight capability and the performance.


A typIcal Airhuo-APUJ-configurnthin Is presented In a cross sectional view In Fig. 1 . It Is a single shaft APtJ
that provldon pniouunatic: ard olectH,: power for tihe aircraft. Pneumatic energy 15 provided by meansi of a load-

comprossamr electric power Is provided by as airf rame -furnished generator, that rinounts on the APU gear boo.

The APU Is a modular design comprIzing is powri section, module, load compressor module and an acceesory gear
box. The load compressor Is driven divectiy by the power section with a single shaft arrangement, the load com-
pressor and power section share a common Inlet.

flantrrfl-gna compratsor impeller! -re used In the !cod sscti.oncc -misc) and ln th, powor Fvctlon (;ro trtges);
the afirflow through the toad compreassr Is controlled by variable ,d -t qide, vanes natisfying the variable bleed
demand when the engine in running at constant speed due to generair constant frequency demand. A rernotely
tic cLt
.i c-lbin) h•_.at.ad L(I (I LI. ,...cl• c Hrnruliox) nrvidss hill nrothnrity dnigital APII control from start on-
thint throuhnhont acreinrptlin to govrn, d 5peeni.


,Similar to most of the modern aircraft, the Atrbus-API In installed in he tallcone compartment hehind fin and
•. [ /_ tallplan.u. Althouglh as 5h-~in h,. I y. '21 this pu'ilti(un In ittl,i ,iomol, with= leiop-t to lte~ APU-.supplied uutiturneri;

such as o.g. main engines and aircondltion-pefks , theia are a lot of reson.i for this particular installation such

on eg aisbesa.,ni- plulnbyehutdgith ikfunccetroilelI AFU firs rid uncurl-

tae isc explosIons.

Tlne APU -intake pn'Ition Lse to be on the lowr, side 0f the fuselate as howe, ii, I Ig. 3 In rll Atr•us Installs-

" ....

I ions whereas the latest aircraft of the Boeing-family have the intake on the upper side between fin and

tallpiane, U 4 ActJelly these or* the two relevant positions, It the APU is decided to be Installed In

49 the tailtono.

The hot gas usually is exhausted through the tip of the tailcone.


The Airbus APU'a are designed to operate on ground end inflight. The characteristic operational demands are

exemplified by means of Airbus A310 and summarized In Fig. 5

In case of a main engine generator failure on ground before take off, the A310-APU Is requested to be an

essential unit In order to Increase the dispatch reliability of the aircraft, in this case it has to supply electri-

cal power with a priority over blood supply Ir the total range Up to 30.000 ft.

Since thi APU essentially Is operated during turn arounds when passengers are boat dling an the ground crew Is ser-

vicing the aircraft, the noise emitted by the APlJ Is an important feature. During ground operation, the Installed

APU should meat the noise levels as defined by ICAO, Annex 16

An APU Installation (when tested under certain conditions) should nrot exceed the noise levels
at the following points, Fig. 6

a. fixed servicing points at which ground personal normoilly 13 workirng for extensive periods

during turn-erounds such as cargo doors, passenger doors and re- fuelling points (max. 85d8(A))


bi any point, 1.2 m (4ft) above the ground on the outer perimeter of the rectangular pattern
descrihod In Fig. 6 (max. g0 dB(A))-

Usrially the compliance with print a. Imposes severe constraints on the potential positions end on the

ducting of Intake end exhr .I t and furthermore requires a considerable amount of noise-suppressing measires,

which unfortunately In thu most cases are compromising the aerodynamic design. Fig. 7 characterizes some

contributing difficiltles participating In the derislon upper- at liwer Intake-position and Fig. 8 (, to c)

Illustrates some floilddynemic round sbouts whict may In certain circumstances be necessary to suppeis the

noise emitted by the engine Itself In order to crrmply with acoustic requirements.

Furthar contradictory requirements arlre from the fact that on rae devices (flaps, scoops et..) ingeneral sharp

edges are not avoidable In order to produce the nor isaery Inflight IPt, whersas the APU- on grounid operation
requires a kind of flush Intake having large radii and no vortex-I.e. noise-genereting corners, edges etc.. Also

here s compromise has to be accepted.



In order to prepare tire cuisvideratiuns In the nrxt chapter, some APU-relenant thermodynamic aspects are


The gas turbine ase may be devided Into two large groups

"sha, nower cycles and

- aircraft propulsion cycles,

Important distinction between the two groups arlses from the fact that the porlormance of aircraft

(main engine) propulolori cycles depends very signilficently upon forward speed and altitude, Normally these two

variables do not enter Into performance calculations for the lend based shaft power plant.

__ An APU appears to be somethingl l,.., ai*xld between these two gtoups : Preveiling, nsn APU is operating as a




land based shaft power plant, because in esnence it has to provide auxiliary shaft power when the A/C is
on ground.

For the remaining part of Its operating time It has to serve tinder different conditions not on ground but
inflight, profiting In some types of In! taiation by ram pressure provided by the forward speed of the air-
craft and suffering In other types of Installation from adverse Instaliatlon pressures due to unfavourable
static pressures and boundary layer conditions APU-intake and -exhaust ere exposed to . It will be the
mlIn concern of this paper to discuss this sort of Inflight phenomena, exemplified by Airbus APU-Instai-
latlons and to relate them to the APU-cycle thermodynamics and further to Inflight relight capability and


At static conditions or at vary low forwnrd aircraft speeds, I.e. when the APU Is working Iti!e a land based
powerplant, the Intake, Fig. 9 Is acting asr a nozzle, in which the ambient air accelerates from zero ve-
locity or low Ca to a velocity C1 at the compressor Inlet duct. The anthalpy-entropy ( h, )-diagram
elucidates that the anaigy which Is necessary to acncelrratf the amblent air from zero to C1> 0 at the
engine face Is extracted from the compressor. All these events are simil ar at the aircraft's main engine.

At normal forward speeds (C,., hrwever,tho Intake face, Fig. 9 performs as a diffuser with the air decele--
rating from C. to C 1and the static pressure rising from the local ambient pressure p to p, at the Intake
duct via the external diffuser forming In terms of ýitreamlines around the Intake. i.e. kinetic energy from the
ambient flow field on the aircraft skin (oi01ineting Vrom the forward speed) Is converted into static pressure

p 1 , which can be added to the comprers "'pressure rise and canbe regarded as a benefit to the APU-cycle,
as shown In the ( h,s )-diagram. Opposil .,aln engine which has to pay for this kind of kInetlk energy
by a part of It's own thrust, the APU (Whl, . vd.ces Inboard shaft power only) takes profit from the air-
speed and penalizes at the same time the main engine by the amount of extracted klnetik energy. In a very
extreme (but of course also very unrealistic) extension of this kind of kinetic energy extraction, the APU
compressor would be substituted and with that the turbine power In total would become free shaft power
(This situation is given for the ram air turbine located in the lower wing root and extended for emergency
supply of hydraulic systems).

Since It is the stagnation pressure p 1 1 at tie compressor inlet which normally is required for cycle calculations,

It Is the pressure rise (Ptl - pa) which is of Interest cud which is referred to as the 'rari pressure rise'.I

UstMoly e high ranin prosursie, rise is expected to be beneficial to the cycle performance because It contributes
to tite static pressure ii A done by the compressor.Bnt this is only true, If the stagnation (rem) device Is
designed such that It recovers pressure and delivers at the same time that amount of air flow which Is de-
manded by the APU.

Fig. 10 Is given to remember the energy conversion i.s the displacemnent work jpV)dV In the elementary

therrodynamic cycle. The pressure in tite term p(V).dV Is a static and not a total pressure by definition
f thermodynamic laws . Fig. If Is given to relate this fundamental thermodynamic context to the conversion
of kinetic energy Info static pressure (ram pressure rise), whet In the subsonic flow rerrilse only can he done by
o diffusor and what has to be done by anlntae ram device. In this figure~the various stagnation oremlariin• •e•iwed of thiz
ram flap, (the first line upon the fuselage ski,, end the text one somewhere in the ambient fluid-volumro),occur
successively during thn starting procedure of the APU, or ti some extend also during variation in bleed demand
of the load orrmpressxr,whlie the APUIs rJnnitwg at constant spied.

At zero mrmJ-RPM (lowest stagnation streamline) the full ram (stagnation) pressure Is offered to the APUI-Inlst
duct, but the volume flow V, which is taken into the inlet In zero. With increasing RPM the demanded V in-
creases, and the stagnation streamline moves away from the skin, at low RPM still forming a diffusing stream
tube end providing a rise In static pressure, which is beneficial to the thermodynamic cycle because of the
external compression work supporting the engine coropressor. At higher RPM, the demanded volume flow
further Inccesas, and the stagnation streamlines change over to form a nozzle flow asclated with a drop In

,tetlr prosslire, which In turn penaltizes the cycle. It is the ArmJ inflight starting capability, and otnce tha, AFUp
1i running also the performance, which is highly dependent on these Inlet characteristics.

SI • F


As mentioned before, the APU is designed to produce only shaft power and not a let like the main engine of
the aircraft I.a. any kinetic energy which remains in the gas exhausted by the APU Is wasted.

Usually In an Industrial shaft power plant, the gee Immediately leaving the turbine Is recovered In an ex-
haust diffuser which In effect Increases the pressure ratio across the turbine and with that the work done
by the turbine. Fig. 12 exemplifies this for an exhaust diffuser which reduces the final velocity to a negli-
gible value, so that the diffuser discharge pressure pa Is nearly equal to the ambient pressure p6 . Ref. 1,.
gives evidence of the beneficial potential of an exhaust diffuser.

From this short discuslon aliso follows that e.g. an exhaust pipe which may have a certain lenght necessary
for nolse suppression acts like a nozzle and raises the turbine's back pressure which In turn Is followed by a
degradation of turbine power.


In addition to the APU-Intake end exhaust pressure situation, the APU-performance is affected by the Intake
flow swirl, which In the physical sence Is an angular momentum us exemplified In Fig.13 a, depending

;n the first compressor rotor into static pressure as exemplified In Fig. 13b by means of the velocity-triangles.

Thusa benefit or a penalty to the thermodynamic cycle has to be expected. The origin of the swirl Iselther
on sayrnatrtc Inlet geometry, as e.g. on the A310 Inldtor any asymetric flow condition across the Intake face,
slch a• eqo. a velnclty gradient or non orno cro,,iflrw •omponpint. Fig. 14 oormpiltlov thu conauquarrcou of tire
oilghtly asymetric arrangement of the A310 Intake. During on ground operation, there occurs a non zero swirl,
which in this case benefits the cycle, because th- APU happens to perform optimal at non zero swirl.

Fur completeness annrther potential source of performance degradation In mentioned : the Inlet distortion
which describes any iriomogentous distribution of the cross sectionai flow properties (in most cases the total
pressure) at the engine face und whiL,, penalizes the cycle via the mechanism demonstrated by the velocity-
triangles given in Fil.13 b.


Based upon the relevant thermodynamic aspects of gas turbine cycles, summarized In the previous chapter the
Impart of f'uilddynsnmir environmenti conditions which are aosociatod with an airborne aircraft ard which
affect the APO-cycla will be discussed in the following chapters.


The fuselage of en airborne aircraft Is aim liar to the wing covered by a certain pressure field. A calculation
"hyG.g. a filly 3JI.,,. pa.i-uire.iirud u, a curirpte aircraft, whose teil--geometry and surface panel distribution

are shown in Fig. I5 gives access to details of this pressure distrihutirn, which is pbotted in terms of
C - Isobars In -ig. 16 for the upper and the lower aide of the rear fuselage for a typical cruise condition
of M - 0-8, C- 0.6,. The CG pattern on the upper side of t0u rear fuselage, where a APU
Intake may be located, is rather complex and Is mainly dominated by the pressure field of fin end tallplane,
both Inducing strong pressure gradlents. Steeper gradients will occurs, when e.g. In the 2. segment climb after
take off or in the descent a high tellplane load i1 reqUilred and the tallplene Is set at negative trim angles. Or,
In case of one engine oit (which Is among othL .3 one case where the APU Is expected to perform satisfactorily)
a distinct rudder deflection may ;euse steeper or even fluctuating pressure gradients. In addition, the entire
flow level in tite channel formed by fin, fuselage end tailplsne is rather high, and with that the r cal static
pressures are relatively low, penalizing the rvompressor'n wnrk due to reasons explained In the chrytar before.

the situation is different and more favrnurahle to the compressor on the lower side of the rear fuselage, where
due tj tite upsweep of the uoselaý tile velocity level in considerably Ilower, the static pressure higher and
where gradiants are more moderati momd lns• sennitiyo o geoinotrical Vusistions u!h thle empaerrote.

- rj

In order to keep the aircraft drag at It's minimum, the afterbody-iarodynamicclot ails to deuign the aircraft
tael such, that the static prassure al the base of the tailcona, where the exhaust pipe uses to be located, is
as igh as possible. In the theoretical case of no energy dissipation i within the flow along the fuselage, the
p ressure at the base of the tailcone would recover to the full stagnation prossure, which also occurs at the
aircraft nose.

From this isobar pattern It becomea obvious, that the APU on en aircraft Inflight Is esxpected to operate
under adverse pressure conditions with the unfavourable thermodynamic conr.rquences Illustrated in Fig. 17
followed utually if no counter measure is taken by ruverse APU-wlndmllilng and reduction in performance
and relight capability.

Consideringrunly this particular situation it appears to be usefuli to turn the APU by 1800 and let it breathe
through the exhaust pipe, taking profit from the high base pressure, the earodynamiciat attemps to verify.
This 1800 - turn Improves the thermodynamic cycle as sketched for comparison in Fig.17 . Of course it is
rather obvious that there are a lot of other good reasons to abstain from a 1800 turn, such as e.g. exhaust
noise, hot gas ingestion etc.. With the APU.-Intake in the normal forward facing position other well known
means are necessary (and of course widely used) such as stagnation-noses, ram-flaps, scoopes etc.,Fig. 18,
which are designed to catch the approaching surface flow and convert part of the kinetic energy Into static
pressure In order to compensate the unfavourable low static pressures originating from the flow around the
airframe geometry.
Of course there is a strong limitation imposed on allpressure rising rem devices : lhuy all have to become
Invlisibla, when, the A/C Is Iuiflight end the APU is not operative in order not to increase the aircraft-drag. This
requirement leads to moveable flaps, scoupes etc. which have to be controlled by the APU-vtart stop-switch,
and whose geoometrical design becomes difficult because of strong acoustic requirements during APU ground


As discussed In the chapter before, the efterbody of the aircraft Is covered by a certain pressure distribution.
Fig. 16 indicates an extended low pressure area on the lower, convex ride of the fuselage, which In addition
is augmented by the lower side (suction aide) of the tlelplsne. This low pressure area attracts all the low
energy boundary layer material accumiiulated in the flow starting from the aircraft nose and removes at the
same time part of the boundary layer material front the tipper side of the fuselage. A phul, recorded during
watertunnel Investigations, Fig. 19 Illuutretes thesa events.

*ttcundary layer neasurenoents In a winrdturral by meant of pitot rakes in the vicinity of potential intake po-
sitions on the upper and lower side of the fuselage, Fig. 2o , confirm this special character of 3 dirt. boon-
dary layer flow and Indicate a higher deficit In total pressure on the lower side than on the upper side.
Flight test results from AS00 Iand B707 verify the energy-rkrflcit on the lower side. Even In one meter vortil-
cal dlstan, , from the aircraft skin the total pressure ratio is still well Ihlow the velue 1.0. The emount of
kinetic energy, which Is dissipated within the boundary layer at the location of the lower intake position

and which I fependerlt predominately on the flight machnumber Is Indicated by Fig. ;1 which presents
A2t10 flight t..t revults recorded ot different machnumhrýir, altitude arid AFU-vntreatun eiudes.


[he flulddynasmir snvironmental conditions during aircraft ilflight, which arr, discussed in chapter 6 nsay
be entered Into the snthalpy-entropy-diagram, which is normally used for cycle consideration5. To prepare
this, Fig. 22 shows streermwnwe pressure distributions exfracted from Fig. 16 for a streamline on the upper
iandthe lower side of the fuselage respectivoly.

A discrete fluid volume approaching the al raft nose, and floating along the fuselage to the Uip of the tail,
is submitted to several displacement worhes(as exemplified , Fig. 10 ) which are different, dependirrg on
the pressure dilstribution along the upper or the lower surface until the volume passes the upper or the lower
intake sitlon arnd finally reaches the tip of the tail.

In addition to the differr-t pres-ures, the fluid volume experiencnes rn Its we/ a certain anergy-dissipation
i.e. a loss in stagnation pressure, whl It is usually expressed in tarnrr rf boundary layer total pressure ratio
profiles or velocity profiles as exemplified In Fig. 20 . For the reasons discussed in chapter 6.2, the Iris

I- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ U '~'

In total pressure is higher on the lower side, then on the upper side.

Since no work Is done to or extracted from the fuselage flow, the flow may considered to be Isocner-
getlc with the total enthalpy hIn h. v c_ /2 = const., determined by the speed of the aircraft
c- by the static temperature and by the static pressure of the ambient air at that particular flight
level. Thus all changes In geedynamic properties due to the varling pressure along the fuselage and due to
the dissipation of kinetic energy within the boundary layermay be entered into the (hI, o-diagram what Is
done only qualitatively for exemplification In Fig. 23 with the total anthalpy ht, as the upper limit foi the
total available energy. in order to maintain a rest of clearness, the energy contributed by the A.PU-startsr
motor and the fuel burned in the APU are neglected In the Fig. as well as is the kinetic energy In the
exhausted gas. Thus the (his) -diagram comprizes only the thermodynamics of the fuselage flow.

Some special stations on tne fuselage are labeled by the numbers 1 to 7 and are related to the corresponding
stations In the (h,s)-dIngram labeled in the same sense. Depending on the amount of the local dissipation within
the boundary layer, the state-connecting lines are more or less steep, Indicating a change in gasdynamlc
properties, which Is more or less away from being Isentropic fnd of course different between the upper
and the lower side of the fuselage.

h / 2 which Is plotted as a bend below the line ht cost. Is not available for cen-
version into static pressure, because after the ram pressufe rise Is completed an intake flow velocity c 1
has to be maintained in order to provide thb' volume flow demanded by the APU e.g. at the particular RPM 's
during APU-stertlng, as has been dicuseed in chapter 5.1.

The sequential change In geedynamic properties entered into the (hs)-diagram Indicates, that In order to
provide a favourable Installation pressure situation any ram device feeding an upper or an low r Intake
and providing an Intake flow velocity c 1 at the same tine has to perform with a better isentropic diffusslon
then is Inherent In the diffusing fuselage flow moving from the upper or the lower Intake position down-
stream to the bees of the talicone. Since the aerodynemicist are doing a tremendous effort to reduce the
aircraft drag, a more efficient diffusion on the afterbody and with that a trend towards a higher base pressure
has to be envisaged, what in turn requires botte I.e. more carefully designed and more efficient ram devices.

Depending on the overall character of tire fuseIbil pressure end boundary layer distribution certain constelle-
lions mey occurs twhlch easily car he verified In the (hs)-dlegrern e.g. by a hlilhor base pressure) where It
Is not possible any more to rise the atilc hitake pressure by means of any ram dovIcR above or even only
to the vahl,! of the base pressure and i,, maintain a certain velocity ci at the same time. In this cane a
reduction In rnllght altitude is In*t•uviod, and of course, once relight was successfull In a lower altitude, also
a penalty In performance.
During the APU- starting procedure, the most rritical phase occurs between start Inliation and ignition, because

in this tirnenpac the APU-staiter motor is the only energy supplier, which ires to accelerate the rotating parts
of the engine end In case of an Insufficlentely performing intake also has to provide the energy whiih is ne-
cessary to accelerate the ambient air into the Intake. Once ignition was succassfull, for further acceleration
tthere notmally Is ensogh energy available delivered by the fuel, which starts to be burned in the APU. Never-
theless even if the starter cut out speed has been exceeded successfully, an unsuccessfull APLJ start is still
possible. The series of Inflight start attempts given in Fig. 24 indicates that critical start conditions occur at

high altitudes. Fig. 25 displays two comparable start attemps In sim liar marginal conditions, whore one of
which failed. In this Fig. the developement of EQT, RPM and starter current versus time Indicates In both
cases a comperahle acceleration to starter cut ou, speed, but thendat still similar FGT's In the unsuccessfull case,
the utuilne torque obviously was insufficient to further speed up the rotor and to further accelerate via the
LcUvpInJiLl the in take flow coutresponld liWto the IIost SsTlgnV)l,,t,,e dath, lid, whici• in toW 1il 13ooaclated with
decreasing static Intake pressure as exeinpified In Fig. 11 end disuissed In chapter 5.1. The dIýreaslng
static Intake pleasure arid with thea tire iecreasing contribution of external flow compression work finally
results in a penalty to the cycle irtd in an uneuccassful start-

If an insufficient relght capability can be related to a lack In energy extraction from the exteral flow field
via the ieo. mechanism (arid of course if there era no other reasons as e.g. operating limits of the combuetion
t'? .chembei), the concluslon can be drawn, that In this case also s penalty in performance is Incirred, On the
uthe' head a good relight caphlility irrdicates that in this particular situation iro a benefit to the inflight
4 performance can be expected.
4 . ,,



On the thermodynamic-flulddynamic grounds a variety of aspects 13 governing the positioning and the design
of intake nd exhaust of a tallcone installed APU. In the typical Boeing or Airbus Input-exhaust arrangement,
th natural conditions Inherent in the fuselage flow on the A/C inflight create a non cycle supporting environ-
ment; the fuselage pressure field by Itself tends to move a masaflow Into the exhaust, furtheron through the
APU and finally ejects It through the intake, whereby this massflow is driven by a higher pressure drop when
the intake Is located on the upper side than it Is the case with a lower Intake. For this reason, especially
the upper Intake requires a highly efficient rem device, which converts high kinetic energy Into static pres-
sure to that extend, that It at least overrides the back pressure acting at the exhaust pipe. The ram, device
has to be designed such, that this override capability is conserved from APU-start initiation tinroughout
acceleration until governed speed, If fuselage flow related penalties to the APU-cycle shall be avoided. If
necessary, an extended ram device could extract still more energy from the fuselage flow In order to support
the cycle such, that a shortftll in performance or relight capability somewhere In the APtI operation envelope
could be compensated without ovesizling the APU and without demanding e.g. two batteries Instead of one
for the APU-starter supply.

Certainly the amount of energy extraction from the fuselage flow by a ram device Is limited by the total
enthalpy Inherent In the flow and by the fact that there Is a boundary layer. At the upper Intake location,
the unfavourable low static pressures coincide with the presence of a high energetic boundlary layer, admitting
to a certain extend th. compensation of the static pr-ssure deficit by the ram device. At the lower intake
location however, the static pressures especially on the A310 afterbody are higher and very close to the
base pressure level, thus providing nearly excellent conditions, especially because the static intake pressure Is
backed up by the large surrounding fluid volume having the same pressure level which Is created by the
diffusing flow around the A/C-efterbod'y. For this 0s5son this volume carries a high and stable onergy in teris
of pressure times volume, thus the static pressure level Is more resistant against being 'succecl down' es it Is
the case In the volume just upstream of e.g. a ram flap at the upper Intake position, where high APU suction
(due to high APU-RPM's) Immediately starts to cancLI the diffuslon-process in front of the ram nap face;
depending on the size of the flap, more or less diffusion takes place, thus at higher or lower RPM'S

(or Intake volume flows) the APU-cycle Is more or less supported, which finally Is an Important Item for the
relight capability, the APU performance and of course also for Intake volume flow vrilations due to variations
In blood demand.

If the pressure level at the lower intake position is to low In compprison to the base pra•! roe,.g. due to
different afterbody design (as e.g. less upsweep) a worth mentlunIng compensation by a rao, device may be-
come difficult hecarria in the thick lower bmomodary Isyor ronly x rather small Rerornt rf kineti,: energy is
Ifr conversoln into static pressure.A ram device would have to have no.unacrxlrptatlo leright (because
of ground clearance, when the A/C rotates )in order to penetrate Into higher ene'gy levels of the boundary
aIyer. In this particular situation measures at the exhaust pipe should be examined, as e.g. a ring diffusor,
which erthausts the gas through a circumferential slot Into an are5 with" lower pressures upstream of the base.
A solution III s this also facilitates acoustic damping of turbine noise In connectionwith exhaust noise reduction
(because of I war exhaust ges velocities ) end finally provides a potential to reduce exhaust pipe lenght (a
corto.In tcnght I- roqulrod for ungi oulnnoa
damping during ground upuratlon)..in thls cootp,
niOOt and , ith
respect to the thermodynamic c;ycle It should be mentionad, that In genoral any noise which is generated by
the Intake- or the euhaust-flow strongly Indicates an origin of energy--dis ipotlon and with that Indicates
also a poor aerodynamic design. Thus there should be aprenriae to avoid the noise already Inrstetus nescendi'
by a uarefull design and not let it arise and then danip it.

These concluding remarks should contribute sorine support to the deilsiour upper or lower hItake position. favi1des
the constraints Imposed by accoustic requirements during ground operation and besides constructual and main -

teneruce aspects, the thermodynamics and fluiddynamics of the fuselage flow and their relation to the APU
cycle-thermodynamics gives a clear answer to this question.


I.e rences

1 AMANN, C.A The Power Turbine and Its Diffusor

DAWNSON, D.W. Society of Automotive Engineers

International Automotive, Engineering Congress,

Detroit, Mich. January 13. - 17., 1969

2 GENSS, ER, H.P. Test Results and Analysis of the APU GTCP 331-250 F
Ground and Flight Tests on Aircraft A300, No. 3, A310, No. 162
and No. 172
"- Intake and Exhaust Duct System -

19. Januar 1982 M3B internal report




lRING e~lj


i\U A-P








'30A,1Hw APU GARRETT GTCP 331-250



or O~oFt i.WW FT



ij tP1 To 14n FT ULECTRCAL3h






ý2A3'eO ah psort. handling


lie12 I
ah qon j

u.6 AN NI~ttIL1 zvNI1ONPWS


F~~~g.~ E


NINK -A---------SI-


Fig 8 A-O si EUR~:T


F ~ 9 IN~r~t~CONVI

UN A~)

_ _ ____ _ _ ___ __ _ ___

ji 14-11






GINERfl~IOlN 'uql'
V~q- 13



10 0,310-AVI' WAFllUlMAN(A






ISOBAR9 %Cp 0.. 05

M 0.




h 9F,I
T Turbine

SFA C Comprassor
FFA Forward Facing APU
BFA Backward Facing APU


4Coll I


SFig. 18 V,,l(ItJS VYPk9. OF RAM [',FI.3



(Wate itunrin Investigat lols)



U.1:1R i



-.... LOWER



htL "-JL ,

ul c u







. ,



25 *



0,..i2 0.3 0. 0.5 0.z'0.7 0.

wIý as4u1
ftfi i i
I I "I

----- ----

i-u. ;? A Ij;: SIl1I AND) AN JNtrrl3Ft[A'PU




t.C.M.Hogenvorst, Ne
I. What is your definition of Relight capability: is this restart after an inilight shut down or an inflight start after
unspecified cruise with an APU not operating?
Whcc doc.s this requirement orlginatc (to• ;t:,rt the APUI at highiiltitnide)?

Autheo's Reply
I. The relight capability is defined as the ability of an APU to be relit after unspecified cruise within the aircraft-
flight-envelope at arbitrary altitude, Mach number and aircraft altitude with an APU not operating.
"2. The relight capability and with that the operational readiness of the APU is required to be consistent with the
aircraft flight-envelope, such that in a case of emergency, provision of bleed air and electrical power is covered
by the APU, an important item with respect to the increasing demand of electrical power for e.g. the avionics
and other onboard consumers, and also with respect to the dispatch reliability of the aircraft.



I. •.• ,..v
. . . ..• . :':' ... _ .. • . a.. .. . .:
.,-" i-' .l l I -N ai. ' I te

Armando D. Lucci, James A. Williams,

and Earl C. Beder

Rockwell International/Rocketdyne Divsion

6633 Canoga Avenue
Caroga Park, California USA 91304


Buryl L. McFadden

Air Force Aeropropulsion Laboratory

Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio USA 45433

),An SIPU is a multifu"ctional aircraft power unit capable of providing:
(1) electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic power for ground maintunance
and standby operations; (2) normal and emergency main engine start
powerr and (3) emergency electrical and hydraulic power. Power is ob-
tained either from jet fuel combustion with air for ground operations
and normal engine starts, from a gas generator system using onboard
stored propellants for emergency functions, or from the aircraft main
engine compressor air for the emergency electrical and hydraulic power
function. Rockwell International's Rocketdyne Division conducted a
programasp•opsored by the Aeropropulsion Laboratory at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base,hto design, fabricate, assemble, and test the SIPU con-
cept by operating a demonstrator in all modes. This paper provides a
description of the SIPU concept, the designs of the demonstrator, and
each of its subsystems. -Tfie',benefits resulting from +hP',use of an SIPU
are presented. -.


Airraft secondary power systems, e.g., normal electrical and hydraulic power sources,
environmental control systems, engine starters, emergency power units, etc., characteris-
tically cunsist of individual devices for performing each function. Not all of these de-
vices are aircraft mounted, but rather some are parts of cumbersome ground support equip-
went. Future 'military aircraft will demand more and more self sufficiency, requiring more
compact, lighter weight, totally aircraft-mounted secondary power equipment that may best
be realized by using an integrated multifunctional device. Furthermore, increasing demands
for sec-indary power system operation at high altitudes will require performances beyondI
those of the current strictly air-breathing combustion typeb. These needs have led to the
concept "i the Super Integrated Power Unit (S114U.

An 5IU (I a single asircraft power unit capable of providlnq (1) electrical, pneumatic,
and hydraulic power for ground maintenance and standby operations, (2) main engine ground
start power, (3) emergency in-flight electrical and hydraulic power, and (4) in-flight
emergency main engine restart power. Power can be obtained from jet fuel combustion with
ambient air for the ground operations, engine ground starts, and low altitude emergency en-
gine restarts; from a gas generator system using onboard stored propellants for the emer-
gency power and high altitude emergency engine restart functions; and from the aircraft
main engine as a second source for the emergency electrical and hydraulic power function.

For n ieo::u
uoce d - ntrrtin progr- i being conducted at Rockwell Internaticnal/
Rocketdyne Division, sponsored by the Aeropropulsion Laboratory at Wright-Patterso Air
Force Base. The program is for design, feb,iaJiosl, dassembly, and test of a liquid oxygen/
let fuel-based demonstrator SIPU capable of accomplishing all the secondary power functions
listed above except the pneumati-, ground power function.

Studies and experiments at Rocketdyne show that the SIPU concept is feasible. The
aircraft can be made self-sufficient, i.e., independent of most ground support equipment,
and can be provided with more em,'gency power options than are now available, all with
small weight penalties. Furthermore, since the SIPU power turbine is driven by an oxygen/
jet fuel gas generator, it uses available propellants and can operate in the cold environ-
ments and high altitudes encountered by the aircraft--features not presently possible with
existing secondary power systems.

Several SIPU concepts were studied, two concepts being preferred for riasons of light
weight and technological feasibility. One is a single unit S1PU with a single power tur-
binre iii the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) . The APU has a clutched shaft that must he engage-
a ble at fill speed. The other SIPII has a separate Emergency Power Unit (EPU). The 0separ-
ate ETU has thc advantage of an independent power turbine for the emerrnency power n' a-
lor an(I hydraulic pump, Vie API7 c!an then employ a simple clut-hed shaft that, do•es niot en-
g cge er
.... load.


Incorporation of an SIPU will improve the operational capabilities of an aircraft by

Tninimi7ing logistics support requirements, increasing availability, improving servability,
and reducing maintenance.


The SIPU concept is applicable to both single-engine and multi-engine aircraft. i4

is presented here as a single-engine aircraft device.

This discussion presents what is considered to be the optimum SIPU concept. That is,
all the secondary power needs of an aircraft are available. A specific aircraft design
may include all or any of ilie available capabilities and be tailored to meet the mission
duties of the aircraft. The capabilities of the SIPU secondary power functions are:

fir aircraft ground checkout or "start standby" operations. This eliminates the
"t-edfor aircraft main engine operation or ground support equipment ((ES) for
these operations.

2. Aircraft main engine grouno [.art. Torque is applied to the main engine to accel-
eraite the engine rotor to i light-off speed and further to an engine self-
sustaining speed.

3. Generation within 3 seconds of in-flight emergency electrical and hydraulic power

upon loss of normal electrical and/or hydraulic power.

4. Main engine in-flight restart assist upon loss of main engine operation at any
altitude. Torque is applied to the main engine rotor to attain and/or maintain
speeds required for reignition and self-sustained operation.

To perform there functions, the SIPU operates in three different modes:

I. Air-breathiin mode. Main engine jet fuel from the aircraft fuel tank(s) is burned
wamient arrto drive the SIPU turbine.

2. Gtskgenerator mode. un-board stored propellants (fuel and oxidizer) react in a

chamber; the exhaust gases drive the turbine.

3. Main enuine bleed air mode. Air fri one of the main engine compressot stages

These modes are used for the various functions in Table 1. Generation of ground power
plus environmental contr-ol system (ECS) air in the air-breathing mode provides for long
duration operation with minimal use of
stored aircratt fuel. Main engine ground Table I- SIPU Functiri-s - Operational Modes
start is alt;o accomplished in the air- Relatitiship
breathing ri-de either as a transition
from the grn-ind power function or as a , , ac
transition from an aircraft quiescent 6r.und P"- r•'i"',•nt.-i,.t, 1-1-
state. In-flight emergency electrical ¼%I.c Art
and hydraulic power qeneration can be 01.1 1,qi• . .. ,.,, Ar-9r...thin%
accomplished in three modes as indicated
in Table 1. The gas generator mode it I. ,,
independtent "f both altit ude and the j1. ~t rrti , A .ahn
,peralinnal capability of the main e-
qins, but is limited in duration by the ,n
HqtI, -t Atttt-,t
quantity of stored propellants. Below
certain altitudes the air-breathing mode
can bh used to qenerate at least part of the required emergency secondary power. The air-
hrt-nthinr mode is also independent of the operational capability of the inailt engine and is
,tpable of long duration operation. It is. however, altitude power-limited. With the main
f engine operating, emergency power can also be provided in the SIPU bleed air mode. This
-4tl, hc~we.vrr, ls -lnn nltitue-A-- na itmited.
Finally, in-flight maiu ellyile re..tart assist is accomplished primarily in the gas
generator mode fat high altitudes), but can be supplemented by the sir-breathing mode at
certain (Lower) altitudes. The gas generator restart power is independent of altitude,
but is limited in the number of restart attempts by the quantity of stored propellanis.
The air-breathlnq mode does not have the number-of-starts limitation, but is limited in
powcr le.vel by altitude effects.

A sB:hematic of the SIPU system concept Ls shown in Fig. 1. The major componrsrits of
thls system are: (I) the auxiliary power unit (AptI), (2) the gas gene.ator (GG) subsystem,
(3) the atccessory drive ;'1arboic (ADG). (4) the elec-trical generators and hydraulic pumps,
and (S) the control subsy ',s' (,iot indicated). Altho'igh the SIJU proper consists of just
the APU and the GG subsystee, the total system dusign ujnriellt in ptnsented here for cm
pletunuess of understanding.


The APU is a gas turbine USERUERCY-e1

engine that delivers shaft FI eHYD IUTpQ Pill 1 MAIN
power to the accessory drive 0(5 VIEW
gearbox in the air-breathing,
gas generator, and bleed iir
m'des. Three separate sets of AeMInse DIVE 05A5555
internal nozzles are used to
deliver to the turbine the WMOhEAIR
working fluids generated by
the APU burner, the externally - e"--]- "" '

(bleed air).
also The API)
provides air compres-
to the --
aircraft environmental control TANK
system (ECS) . sLeIONAIR

The gas generator sub- 515 0SESATsOR5Y5115

system consists of an APU
mounted gas generator (combos- Figure 1. SIPU System Concept Schematic
tion chamber, propellant in-
actor, propellant control valve(s) and ignition system), and an aircraft-mounted propel-
ant feed system. Two types of propellant feed systems are available: (1) separate dedi-
cated aircraft mounted oxidizer and fuel tanks (one tank for a monopropellant system and
two tanks for a bipropellant system) and (2) dedicated tank for the oxidizei only--the
fuel being supplied by a pump from the aircraft main fuel tank. The bipropelinnt arrange-
ment for the first type subsystem is illustrated in Fig. 1 and is called the 'pressure-
fed, fuel subsystem"; the second type system is celled the "pump-fed fuel subsystem." The
propellants may be either gaseous or liquid. Dedicated liquid propellant tanks require
pressurant sources, as illustrated.

The accessory drive gearbox is the power transmission device of the SIPU system.
During performance of ground functions, auxiliary power unit input shaft power is trans-
mitted to thUe maiu hydraulic pimps and electrical generator. During emergency power gen-
eration, APU input shaft power is delivered to the emergency hydraulic pump and electrical
generator. For ground and emergency main engine starts, APU start power is transmitted to
the power takeoff (PTO) shaft. Finally, APU fuel for air-breathing mode operation is sup-
plied by the ADG mounted fuel pump. This pump also supplies aircraft fuel for a "fuel
pump-fed" gas generator system. The fill and drain torque converter shown is one of a
number of methods for! (1) separating the ADG from the aircraft main engine during per-
formance of ground functions (torque converter drained) and (2) connecting the ADC to the
main engine during APU assisstd ground and emergency starts (torque converter filled).

The AOG design segregates the main hydraulic pumps and generator from those used for
emergency purposes to prevent a single point gen box or main generator or pump failure
from causing a total lose of electrical hydraulic power to th,3 aircraft.

The SIPU electrical generators are of two types.

meet only the smaller emergency electrical
ator must supply electrical
The emergency generator is used to
needs (-- 5 kVA) whereas the larger main gener-
power for ground checkout or standlly functions ( -50 kVA).
The SIPU hydraulic pumps are lseo of two type-. The emergency hydraulic pump is used
for the smaller emergency power (- 50 hp). The masi hydraulic pump power is higher for
ground power needs (two 90 hp pumps).

The SIPU system control subsystem is multifinictional. Not only does it execute the
discrete events necessary to initiate and terminate the air-breathing, gas generator, and
j main engine bleed six modes of operation, it controls the performance of these modes over
the required wide power ranges. Such control is based on maintaining a constant APU speed.
For the air-breathing mode, constant speed is maintained by modulation of the APU fuel
control valve; for the gas generator mode, constant steed results from control of the gas
geanerator propellante valves: and main engine bleed air mode speed control is achieved
Sthrough modulation of the throttle valve at the APU bleed air inlei. Gag Genorator pro-
pellant valve control may mean flow modulation of open/close pulse operation. By simul-
taneous control of the two valves of a bipropellant gas generator, the ratio of oxidizer
to fuel is maintained within allowable limits. Further, due to a hierarchy of operational
modes for executing the emergency power function, the sir mode is selected as the primary
mode and is augmented with the gas generator mode only to the extent necessary to main-
tain constant APU speed. Anlother modal transition performed is from gas generator to air-
breathing mode, when appropriate, during erecution of the emergency power function.
Finally, functional transitions are pa. formed such as ground check-to-main engine start,
as well as emergency power-to-engine ii flight restart. These multifunctional demands,
1lu0 the- desirable maintenance feature of built-in-test capability, dictate that the SIPU
system control subsystem be digital and microprocessor based-

'lb -'5

All functions of the SIPU are

reached by first oper ating the gas
generator. Once thi~sahas occurred
any other function ca be attained.
Figure 2 show;6 this schematically.
The gas generator is used either
toAstart thewAPI) (air-breathing Al.R EtATHING MISRGINCY
start) from which ground power and X
ground engine start may be achieved GSEN
or to enter an emergency mode of
operation. The emergency mode pro-
vides power either from gas gener-
ator operation or, if available, 59vFeiEAEY
from main engine bleed air. In- PW
flight engine restart is also
achieved through the emergency

Achieving all functions Vaagif

through the gas generstor pro- TR
vides several advantages, suffi-
cienIt power is available at the Figure 2. Lemonstrator SIPI) Operational Requireme,,ts
full range of operational temper-
atures to start the API). The temperature sensitive hydraulic start of the API) is thus
eliminated. Emergency power is available immediately when needed and transfers to the
slower starting bleed operation only when full power is achieved and sufficient bleed air
is available. A key feature of the PlInY is that emergency in-flight engine starting can
tt be attempted while still providing emergency hydraulic and electrical power.

The advantages of the SIPUI) nclude: (1) ground supiport equipment independence, (2)
altitude independent emergency and main engine in-flight restart power, (3) temperature
insensitive APU start capability, and (4) a minimum number of secondary power system com-
ponents resiulting in low weight, minimum envelope pacxage.

Theme advantager result in an aircraft with: (1) a high degr--e of disbursability due
to the reduced need for support equipment, (2) aii increased survivability from the caps-
bility to restart the engine(s) at any altitude or attitude and from the emergency fvnc-
tiun, (3) a greater availability because of insensitivity to starting temperatures And
higher reliabilities, and (5) easier maintainability and higher reliability due to the
fewer components needed to perform the SIP!) fun~ctions,
Some of the current air-breathing type auxiliary power units end jet engine starters
are started by hydraulic motor systems. Within the -40 to -65 F ambient temperature range,
hydraulic start motor systems are very unreliable, thereby limiting API) or enalne starter
usefulness. This problem does not exist with the SIPLI because the relatively'temperature • .il
-trA----hchgoudpoe insensitive gas generator system adr is used to initiate the air-b~reathing mode. This is done
by sccelerating the API) rotor to full speed with the ,as gemt aor, terminating gas gelier-
grounacieve engie
ator operation and igniting the API! during spooldown.. stat maybe

or at emegeny
The multifunctional moe
com- o ,-Able 2.. IPU Weight Analysis Resuilts - Gas GeneratorI
ponent design approach of the rump-Fed Fuel Configurations
singile-unit 5mbU minimized ______
the number of components re-
quired in the advanced secon- urn
dary power system. The

is higher: reliability/wl'Sht
than for multiunit systemr.
addition, there is
the many advantages of the
j iod

- N-,,
Ail, W.-

.itf, A'"IlI
T-t-~, 1-aI,

I h,.W~ i b'al

Table 2 provides a,,,', 4Pr..lit 111 I?9
weiqht comparison for a pump- 19-
fed LIP!) compared to an F-16 -olt AP, --
type aircraft containing a ft~ Ae. -A,,le I
hydrazine emergency power a 14 'i
nit (Efun). As shown. the
change in weight ranges fth_ ae
a [ - .- .
* 0 to 65 pounds, a small amount
compared to the advantages gained. The advantages of an SIPU translate into higher sortie
rates by minimizing logistic support ground eguipment needs and reduced maintenance.
These features also allow aircraft disbursement because of its increased self sufficiency
The present status of the SIPU program is that demonstration tests are underway. The
program is for design, fabrication, assembly, and test of a demonstrator capable of accom-
plishing the following functions while operating in the modes indicates:
Function Operational Mode

Ground Power Air-Breathing

Engine Ground Start Air-Breathing
Emergency Power Gas Generator and Main Engine Bleed Air
Engine In-Flight Restart Gas Generator

The nature of the current program is such that the low cost available hardware be
used whenever possible to demonstrate proof-of-concept. As a result, the demonstrator in
total Js not flight weight.

The current program is expected to be followed by a flight demonstrator program tenta-

tively scheduled to begin in early 1984. This program will require approximately 3 years
to complete including an in-flight demonstration test series. On this schedule, it is an-
ticipated that production versions of an STPU can he available fut aircraft starting in


i. The SIPU concept is feasible for both single- and multiple-engine military aircraft.
2. The SIPU car, provide significantly increased aircraft capability in temperature and
altitude operations with little or no weight penalty.
3. The SIPU can provide significant independence from grtund support equipment.
4. The SIPU allows an increase in sortie rate.
5 The SIPU allows wide disbursement of aircraft because of the incresi' qelf sufficiency.


I @• •v


Ph. Ramette, Fr
Dans le cas d'un groupe de puissance superint6gr6, le oombre de red6marragcs est limitt par Ia quantit5 de
combustibles stock6s. Quel a Wtrle nombre de red~n.,,rrages possibles lors des essais que vous avez effectuds?

Author's Reply
The number of main engine restaf's required to be demonstrated was three. This is in addition to providing
emergency power (electrical and hydraulic for 10 minutes). In an actual aircraft application the amount of
propellant can be varied to satisfy the requirements of the user. The amount of propellant needed is dominaed by
the emergency power requirements. Engine starts require much less prmpellan, and therefore do not affect weight or
volume very much. APU starts require very little propellant. Ibi2 function has essentially no effect on weight or


- -a


G 8 Toyne/G .S Hodges
Rolls-Royce Limited
P Box 3, Filton
Bristol BS12 7QE AD P00229 7 [



"<' Engine studies had been conducted on 'all-electric' accessory power systems in
response to questions from aircraft manufacturers, particularly in the civil field. It
was felt appropriate to extend the studies tu military applications, and to clarify tile
effects on engine design arid performance.

In thie Iall-electric' proposal, all access-try power icenqui rem••ts are generated and
distributed electrically. A major feature is Iitat air bleeds for environmental control
systems are replaced by increased shaft power rf-ftak.,
It is concluded/that the concept is worthy of consideration for large subson 1 c
transport aircraft/ since it offers the prospect of simplification and weight reduction
in the engines. For supersonic combat aircraft, the concept is not recocimended; with
relatively higher levels of shaft power offtake, additional handling problems will be

In both cases, it is the effects on the engine and aircraft weight and systems as
a whole which need to be coosideren.

In the 'all electric' systems concept, all aircraft acc¢essory power offtake from
the engines is by mechanically driven electrical generator. Within the aircraft,
clcctric motors drive air compressors for hce environmental control system. Aircraft
control surface actuators are ?lectrit ally ,owered, either directly or throuqgi an
electrically driven hydraulic pump.

Interest in this concept has been stimulated by the imptoved power/weight ratio
available from electrical machines using samariem/crobalt magnetic material.. Interest
has been particularly noticeable in the civil fi,.Ld (eg Ref 1), where then, is a
continuic, search to reduce operating costs.
The present paper -xamines some ,f the implications, particularly those affectingo
the erginces. Application of the principle to a subsonic transport aircraft is ,xamiuined
il.s rlevance
diol to a supersonic combat aircraft also considered.

2.1 Power offtake requirements

Table 1 illustrates the order of power offtake needed at 35 (000 fl cruise. "i'e
figures are for each engineý in a twin-engined 150 seater application;



Environmental control system 0.37 kg/s Qp kW

F"irino control 11 TAU 11 VI

Elect r ical services 69 kW 69 kW
Cogi'jcic fuel pumps 17 kW 5(1 kW

At, 35 (X)O ft, ther- is no aAnti-icing requilement. At altitudes wl'ere anti-icinq is

requir'ed (eg 22 000 ft), heatert mats to protect airlrame and eonine cowl wirl , quirp
itI KW. liJe tital p(ower listed above would not rise by the f(llt amciu t, sin ic- f h,.
envit"inimerta I c•crctrc•I sys•r wriuld require less power thal at ", 0011 It.
'I* P a' as
ecini eerfcrrmannc eff-1ct ;krc- rnrr cri, the 35[ 01,0 ft cruise cnicdi(iori ii, lhir mio'e


2.2 Environmental control systems

The 'alluele-ctric' aircraft environmental ctntrol -.ystem will use an electricat.ily

driven air compressor. A poteritial attraction of this conceipt is its flexibility. if
the auxiliary compressor is driven only as fast as is neces.,ary to match the envirnn-
mental control system pressure requirement, the power riquired to drive it is minhiised
over the fill range oif en ine/aircraft operating condition,,. At 1ow altitude (high
pressure) condition:;, the device would operate at low pre sore ratio, low W A/T/Pd. At
high altitude, higher presoure ratio and higher WA/T/Pd a, required. Thus the speed
of the compressor could be programmed to increase with lbItitude (or similar parameter),
and so match the aircraft requirements. The pressure required in the aircraft cabin
is typically that hown by the lower line on Figure 1 (lite A).

If this cabin pressure is, to be provi lit by a conventional (ic engine air bleed)
environmental control system, the engine btl,-id pressure will need to 1)b at teast that
shown by 1 ine B in Figure I. The differenci, between lines A and B is charac teruistic of
a mirdero environmental control system in sit ting up the required cabin air

pressure and
temperature. The pressure available fronl variuus compressor stages at selected
operating conditions is also shown on Figure 1. Current aircraft may rap air from a
particular compressor stagje, switching to compressor deliv•ry for the descent phase.
low altitude ( includinQ take-off), this is Wasteful (if pressure. iericP the elect iM-
caltV rtriven •,ystem is able to show a miodest fuel saving (see Appetudix ). This saving
is Ilimted, partly because the overall eflici onev of the electrical poiw-t transitiss-ion
system will never exceed ',0% (see Figure 2).

The direct air bleed system can be improved by providing a furtheir bleed prrint oni
"the ioitprestr, so tf•at tire bleed i-art be taken fromt the triosst econrmiical point. By
this mians, the furil penalty can be tirade ctrmpar'ali' to thot of the lallt-electricI
,offtake rysteri Howuever,
i. this .mlti-bleed systout requires additititoal d1ucts and contrt rl

The data inn Figure 2 also show-, that tire reccri ca] tranrsmisio5in m
will ri-ject 31t kW
Zuf heat at cruise, plus a furtiher I I kW if the engine fuel jAou1ps are electri cally
driven. The beat. sink capacity of the fuel is already likely to be frilly t....niri tted,
even allow•1•r forr reducer heat dissipation from the simpilifled eongine geaitix., Hoiwever,
the ccliig l(asil if the, aircraft .rivi rrrenin-ital conlrrl syst 'vi will also be changt-.
An envircninerital cunltrit system trade-orff study is nreedtid to establish the rcvivei
cooliigni-eds, but that is trotsitde the scope if this paper. The particular problems
o. the -Pe engine rut' anr other failure cases need tin be included.

2.3 Starting

It can be shnwir tliat It150 KVA generaicaur opleratinrg in the starting mirmic and
r)perated by a 400 ic I 1S vorlt ' phase power supply r-gutlateit ty the variable spteed
tirr-itatit frequency syl i-is is capable of startinrg mIs larg(e civil origirips iin reasonable
t ire. This i shit es thart a suitablev API] is availabl e to prtivide itt.- elect, i cal power.

weight rr•ttrictirnr. Tire it t.owing itiri arc, relevarti

a) Air blerd sy!,t-rl The1 tlarnifolds treedled to bleed off sublrstanrtial air flrow fur tir-
aircraft eritvionmettat citrrirot s;vytem would no louger hi- i-irsded. An efficient
r nrirviittiolt;, -utsoriis" transport aircrafl woruld require tl,- fatcility to ileed
* '--,hably three stages of tre tiP coutpressttr, together with appropriate dtin-tinlg alid
rtl valves. The ittIy air itleriws reirrairting would br those reqi ivied by the
tic itself, iticluding starting and hanil ing cipability.

)t <uoir--. gecarbox deii thin e-nlrl he horeatlv simplified if it was oitly riquiilcd
t, bi ivis ir act es-sory, i act
, -1 tl icssl genirrl i ir (Th.' nlltirlatr step Would fb, to
integlrate the generator into the engine core an-l livrise _liSpvsdiv wi th. Itre gearbox
si;nt] cros drive
t. iltto-iltior, brut cinrsirieralinn oif this is riot included in the crirreiti
ptter) , A sttulerrr i.), KVA, 21 OtX) rpm gerreratir ct it be 21O sr iiameter x 45I rim
lrng. It will treacemplrliedtcons. by "v dirr- iel ant frirguirrcy corrtrlr oit
at leaI Otu. I volume.

it) Engire instatl atioll. The IIPW Ce)niciqpt woutld re-dtrier the numntber of pipe&coinnectirns
affected wleu remiiturh i oinv In particular, u-jor air and hydraulic pq'ivs
between tirql~ni, Anlt i ltli[ w u , lt .hu d d 'iltl~ it')l h lhl, r(,}. ll-j •,l 'I )ll+'') ,
Will have to ,arty aItldi t i")lai lt~idt .

I)l I'L"tl prilullb., kiliV -' I. -) 111ý" 111(÷jini, fOn'l linllblp w, tu ld hl L-kd !. i(lll dI. l '€ )i ', I
driven fule puirps are• wi,lA•] liscd( inl ýtr~~f
y tvsi.• , So> a pr-C'tz itd~l I'Xi':i t'l fo~r

), -l'fitsl
if- i-ri ittit.i Wc L.ji- will ht s saaving if ajtproxititttly 40 kt1 r-ri a
Ii-rigiriie ltUrlis iUNii ti,, '
dhi"r"!sI- iiul isit- "I the weight it the siccess-
-I h iiis visttr t-ai.tIV-
",''-t to v•-.e t'•.i 1 - 1trrt
S it1 I11., aircrafl

L _ _


3.1 Power offtake requirements

This section relates to a medium size turbofan engine, with afterburning, applied
to a twin-engined aircraft,

Table 2 illustrates the order of power offtake needed with a conventional accessory
power system. The two sets of figures given are for: a) a normal cruise condition
and b) short duration peak demands. The latter relates to sinqie-engined operation
including reheat: the listed demands may not occur concurrently.



Environmenl,al control systum 0.20 kg/s 0.40 kg/s

Flying controls 20 kW 120 kW
Electrical services 40 kW 80 kW
Eugine fuel pu:::pn 20 kW 180 kW
Engine nozzle actuat ion 0 10 kW

Compared to the subsonic transport engine considered in section 2.0, the folllowing
points are of interest:

a) The peak power for fuel pump og is particularly high. This is due to the after-
burner fuel pump.

b) The total power off-take of the military engine in cruise is greater relative to
the spool prw•r: the effect is even more ignificant when the afteibuniez is in

c) The single engine failure cse (ie all services supplied by one engine) is more
significant because of the relatively high accessory power demands,

Table 3 illustrates the order of power offtake needed with an all-electric drive
sys tem.




Envi ronmental 25 kW 50 kW 50 kW
control systeiti
Flying controls 25 kW SO kW 160 kW
Electrical sei:vices 40 kW "i0kW HO kW
ngljile fuel pumps 30 kW 1i0 kW 220 EW
Engine nuzzle 0 0 1 kW

OUte immediate conclusion is that initertpqeiOJ an elect:tic rjenierator/w.otor link in the

triV e to tihe if' mi l pump
I-r.ie is ])power wasted is
itheth:iii--'plalt] too (treat.

"1.2 iuvi rtormen tal cuolst-o system

In the sTip iCite silt- It it f-r moo:'t ronnllit-l control systtm
pulrpoes is it 1-1: (-iw,
-nTltrxqi, of' lh- total Acc e%sorv power load. Thus Lny saving iil
fue.l cbrysp lion Lv ntr i:lon Iii 'it (-itel triesI t .x f liiilOX ilo:ivi:-yVi..pAni50:'
with oth:: consJdbratliou'.

imni Pni

A- E•ipn.i ne

duiscrih•d im th, App: iOLx, thi: c.fe. e- or takinq s1-it power is to move 1t111'p
d:o(:,lc-5; r workihO i:0: tow:, :1. s[mIoc wa id t akiricj bleed miives tl:e :nui:: i n I11i. i, away
Irinll slirte. Thus t] o•.i. -i:lI ii.col iii)I..Ia.' i|; tor itrol sysi em air h t(Icii sy.-t-lm has
1li- .ill tI,'ru
I ht it 1-11- I i(f:i.t wolliio Iii- iiiov,,l-t -,-ii lv s-lat: power
ti-inijijis. II Ih'I: -i 'l'l i ' 1,.i,
i cI h i ho system is .'aoti'l w : ill thr


quantity of shaft power offtake, this is difficult in the case of the supersonic combat
application because the range of power oftake is so great (ie ,:I). Hence if the
engine is designed to provide the substantial surge margin needed for rapid engine
acceleration, at )ther conditions the compressor will be operated at a point where
significant loss in efficiency occurs.

An alternative approach is to measure the shaft power offtake, and allow for this
in the control of the engine. Provided the necessary degree of variable geometry
exists (eg variable inlet guide vanes), modern electronic control systems are ideally
suited to performing this task.

3.4 Engine design

Although some saving in engine weight could be expected if electrically driven

accessories were adopted, the potential saving is substantially less in the supersonic
combat engine than in the case of the subsonic transport engine. The reasons are as
foe lows t

a) Air bleed system. On the supersonic combat, there is not such a st.rong case for
complex air bleed systems. There is therefore less to be gained by deleting the
relatively simple air bleed systems used CrM current supersonic military engines.
In any case, existing starting and handling bleeds would have to be retained.

b) Engin'. gearbox design. Since it s recommended that the afterburner fuel pump
should continue to be engine driven, there is less scope for simplifyi.1g the engine
gearbox, Also in some supersonic combat aircraft, certaio aircraft accessories are
mounted on a separate gearbox, ie not on the engine (gearbox itself. Ct)nsequently
there is less to be gained from the new concept.


In considering the application of wall-electric' accessory power systems, the most

significant change concerns the provision of air for the aircraft environmental onrtroul

For comparison, it is convenient to use a conventional air bleed system as datum,

ic bleed is from one compressor stage, probably switching to HP cumpressor delivery for
idling descenrt. This bleed has an effect on engine fuel consumption. By choosing a
more efficientt environmental control system and providing a further air bleed point
on the compressor, the fuel consumption penalty can be improved. A similar fuel saving
Scan bc obtained by choosing the electrically driven environmental control system, avid
the latter has the advantages that a) complex air bleed manifolds and control valvcs
'are not required and b) engine gearbox design can be simplified; Thos for the large-
subsonic transport application, the electrically driven approach has merit provided the
weight saved on the engine is not necated by additional weight in the assoc:iated airraft
systems. Th,- fairly modest items of weight %aving have a cumulative eff"ct when] con-
sidering oiri -aft fuel consumption and payload.
On an engine for a supersonic combat aix'iaft, additional consideration aris-
Accessory power requirements are higher relative to the sime of the engine c(ore.
Consequently, there are additional handling pr(oble•ms, and replacing air bleed by
additional shaft offtake would wo)rsen the difficul ties. The scope for simplifying
engine design is also more restricted, particularIy since it is concluded that the
afterburner fuel pump shoculd not be powered by electrical transmission. Thus iln the
supersunic combat application, engine conr;iderati-,ns indicate that the *all-electric'
approach should not be adopted. It may be appyopriate to ask whether the fairly
complex mechanical/pneumatic transmissions often used in this type of aircraft could
be replaced by electrical power transmission. Howver-, consideration of the special
needs of the aircraft, and accompanying intlgriity and operation tealures go beyond The
scope of the present paper.


. -- -

i K
L ' ' I,,





Figure 3 shows a HP compressor characteristic, and the steady 'working line'. This,
line is produced by metering the appropriate fuel flow. To accelerate the engine, fuel
flow is incrcased. [hiring the subsequent transient, the compressor delivery pressure
rises above thc steady state working line, ie the HP compressor runs closer to surge.

Taking shaft driven accessory power also raises the running line as indicated on
Figure 3, ic it reduces the surge margin. Taking air bleed from the HP compressor has
the opposite effect. Movement of the working line can also affect the efficiency at
which the compressor ,perates.

A fair comparison betwevn the engine performance with a conventional environmental

coot lt system and the all electric system regoirsca the engines to be matched so that
at the chosen level of bleed or power offtake, the installed working line is identical.

Large subsunic transport

The engine performance studies are base(d or: an advanced tulrbofan with a nominal
byp'sss ratio of 7, an overall pres!sure- ratio of -12:i and a hot day take-off stator
out let temperature of 1000 K. The nonline is sized to meet the thrust requirements of
a 11(1 sreat twin-engine aircraft.

Table 4 illustrates
vcrmsuinptiii. This shouldthebe effect of
examined 0-17 kg/sec
- 1,]
in conjunction ric I[]
with 'og ne spec f1i1
section ful0
2.2 and Figure 1.



(5000 ft climb) (3t6 DOl ft crtruie)

Cabin pressnre Datum Datum

3rd stage +0.43% +0.32%
4th stage +0.',5% +0.54%
""thlstage +0.67% +0.7)

Crlrl.Arisons beitw,,n thl_. block fuel use-d ri'll ;a Vpicai tOl( 1i.utical Hliii BliSsion at:'

iiVOnv ill Tabl,: "i fio, d f:-reornt r01lll(411-11, o:f rvlit-irH tlUt co,1IntrS
c 1 ys fill,.



F! El.

1 Convrzrit _ion.
environs:ý:nlal 5th and loth stlur: tappinqs. Datum
cIronltrrl system
111IV i I, 41TIn U aI~ti ili1, ',hitl)l 100,h 1-11"' 1,111pingr -().47%F
coitr'I :1 Vv tliii
All electric Shaft fun:: tip Sl::ni -0.44%

A cr-nsI ant fani diAnnLntvr was A'-inl:inI, with athrwed th filrat toi maintaili core size
ax... ll...l.l[
. 1-1.. .y [...lff If!' llnhirne rrotni terp]! :ireft. T'in iriraft
blade rietal
tl rrlst iTnl:lir::riienits.we]r a':.unpnld to l•e the Sallme ill Cr12h case. I"ir, tlli" ¼ a;t,, Ih'
modest file. iý; '.Imiltr foxIht b1-th
l:viliqthe imllive,! environmental -inntrirl systemnri -
Sar.i tii' -,,I1-elcti ic' svstem. 'The fuel savino is -ýliivalent t- about, ;1H kg per air-
-o~ft ne
-1 ., o
"iil rlescerit pIhls was, n[lt 1[olhL.Ad, in lIln, abLirve, tahl:
ti i-., !,|lice it rte1 eser.lts 'illv
A , l I prnr .n-ior :i f it:, tilitl t ...| ci.o. il.. [liire. n-nl1 In '-I ight ,'iviljat-e i-n tire
r.01-]- r tl it' svsl 'lrdcr itln
tlran jhliae, wi ll: -, %ix hlced
r ysil im, cnliicr pun
-,,. },. . . . ... n,-,L a [,, , , ' h , il,.l In il rl.t i-vi/onlmeniimnll

coorist , .e. .

Although a relatively small hot core was used for the base engine. its precise
dutlail is not important to the result since the effect of power offtake or bleed is a
fonCti-otl prlimarily of core power, not core engine flow.

The:reý will also be a cumulative effect arising from adjustments in aircraft weight
due to changes in fuel load, engine weignt, and acces-ory Aystems weight. The
tabulations do not include these features.

Supersonic combat aircraft

The principles are similar to those described above. However, the implications are
different for reasons described in section 3.3.



3 )0 C)


10 20 30 .10

ALTITUDL r'- J~~ ft

k F, k(-IY



85.1 kW 98k


*0 F IG ORE 2








R'f I Thw Al] -Electric Airplane as an Energy Efficient Transport

M -1 Cronin (•-ocktip'l )
SAE Paper 801131, October 1980





* I E.W.Eckert, Ge
The conversion of secondary power system to an all electric system may have advantages in terms of better control,
high overload possibility etc. The distribution of high loads means high current and affects the cabling system, as
either the wires cross sections have to be increased (weight implication!) or a higher voltage has to be chosen. 270 V
DC have been mentioned in this context. Are the data given in fig.2 based on such a higher voltage?
Remark: Introduction of higher voltage will have considerable implications on logistics and standardization.

Author's Reply
The figures and efficiencies quoted in the paper were based on present-day voltages. You imply that the weight of
copper could become serious: this could be so. Against this, the "all-electric" system will alow us to throw away
some major connections between engine and aircraft including oil and large air pipes. This again shows the need for
the aircraft, engine and accessory specialists to work closely together to fully assess the difficulties at an early stage.

Ph. Ramette, Fr
ELire un systume conventionel et u sysftlme "tout Mlectrique" vous avez prdsent6 des comparaisons sur le,
pr6l1venients de puissance naeessaires et sur les poids. Avez vous effectuO des comparaisons concemant la
maintenance du systdrne.

Author's Reply
We have not yet stud*d maintainability issues. Solely from the engine viewpoint, there should be some
improvement since there are no longer, for example, hydiaulic connections to tile cigiiac.

A.L.Romanin, US
* What are the types of main engine generators, any high speed P.M.G.?

Author's Reply
The efficiency figures used were those associated with Samarium cobalt V.S.C.F. maclhiacs.


, 1'

t~*-- -- l
00 Implementing Microprocessor Technology
in Aircraft Electrical Power Genc:ating
System Contrdl
i C '• Greg Ruffner, Group Engineer
Byron Meni, Master Engineer
* CSusan Lorenz, Research Engineer !1
• 1 Sundstrand Advanced Technology Group
4747 Harrison Avenue
C1 P.O. Box 7002
Rockford, Illinois 61125, U.S.A.


/pTodayvs advanced aircraft electrical power generating systems rely on microprocessor technology for
the Implawantation of most control, protection, and built.in test functions. Microprocessors offer
* distinct advantages over discrete logic devices In system design and performance. the first half ",his
paper highlights these advantages by Illustrating the design Implementation process used In current
Ssy stems.• .,F , J - I,- ,
The second hal f of the peperasvpands on these advantages. By adapting more advanced microprocessor
* systems In the next generation of blrcraft electric systems, additional functions can be Implemented.
Microprocessor control of generator paralleling and voltage regulation coupled with more effective bullt-L
* In test capabilities will result In significant Improvsemnts in system performance.


Microprocessors are operating In a variety of advanced cosemerclal and military aircraft electric
power generating systems. Ench application Is unique In its power rating, bus structure, nontrol and
protectIc, logic, and bul!t-in test capabilities. Yet, they all maintain a substantial amount of
cowonalIty. This Is due largely to the use of microprocessors and a building block design approach to
create bullt In system design efficiency and performance advantages.
The huildinv block analooy starts with primary blocks representing those components making up the
electrical power generating sytfam. Blocks corresponding to system control units will In turn be
cuný sed of many smaller bl.cks relprosentlng Individual systue functions. Somn of the smaller blocks
will be circul'.' blocks. Others will be softare blocks. The selection and comblnation of these ml Iler
detalted blocks produce the characteristics of the control units and ultimately the system operation.
Exemining the design process provides an Insight Into the advantages of microprocessors in today's
advanced sysios. In the future, now building blocks will further cnhance systsin performancn. These new
blocks wllý become available as microprot sors are Implemented In more system functions.


This discussion Is based on systems powered by 115/200 Vac, S phase. 400 Hz generators. Primary
functions of the EFGS are to generate electric power end distribute It to the electrical loads on the


Figure 1 Ellectrk.al Power efrlng Systein

A. EIlvrtrIcnl Poer (lenernting System Devices

Major components (primary blocks) of the typical iPGS include the tollowing uevk~es shown In Figurea:

-Aircraft engine driven Integrated drive generators (IDG)

-Curren,' transformr assembi les (CTAI
-Generator control units associated with each generator CG1()2
-Bus (ir
- t
ground) power control unit (rIPP orJOPIl)
17 2

The numbur of CTAs Is dictated by the number of system power sources and the extent of the overload and
feede, fault protectilo provided.

13. System Cor,figuration

Figure 2 Is a line diagram of the EPGS. This exanple system Is nonparal lel but takeover of one main
source's loads by thi other Is al lowed. The external power end APU sources can assume one or both main
loads depending on avaliability of the main sources. Specific system responsibilities are as follows:

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- -.-..




Figure2 TypIcal EPGS Rum


GVJ - The GCUJ's primary funotion Is to mon and tro

l the generator Its
B secondary responsibility
15 to control and prate, t the main bus. This Is accui.pl Ished by manipulating breakers In response tfo
fault conditions and system configuration. The GCUJalso has built-in test equipment (BIT) capabillities
:i for monitoring the Integrated drive generator, main and auxilialry bus breakers, and Its own Internal
- The 8PCUI c~ontrols and protects the external power bus, tie bus, end ground handl ing bus.
Communicatiocn and BIT Interrogation for system controls are Initiated by the BPMU. The display and

switches for BIT interrogation are located either on the BPCU front panel or on a remote panel connected
to the BPCU by data link.
CTA - The CTAs moiltor system current for-overload and feeder fault protection.


Design of the mlcroprocessor-based EPGS control units typical ly Includes the fol lowing steps in the
deslqn cycle (I):



A, System Requlrement Analysis

As with any design function, the f Irst step Is to analyze the needs of the system. Exemplea used
hure are based c systems installed on the Boeing 757/ 767. Airbus A310, Air Force (Boeingi KC-135P, and
their derivatives. The primary needs of each of these aircraft are a high qual ity/frel lability power
output end a high degree of mutomation. The high quality/reliability output requirement Is dictated by
the Increased use of electronics for flight control. Increased automation to reduces crew work load and
also plays an Important role In advanced power transfer and system protection schemes.

Sof Fecondary system requirements Include weight reduction and decreased maintenance downtime.
fuel cost increases, the Inverse relationship of fuel efflriMnrn to
• " . - ,..;;. •,, ..
r fl I- - !-
vi iuvs revenue ana labor make It mandatory that rrnproductfve
In light
ealntenanca downtime be minimized.

U ii


B. Specifying System Functions and Constraints

Based on the requirements, a functional description end operating constraints of the system are
developed. Functions of the system will be categorized as control, protection, and built In test. Each
tuncton will have its corresponding constraints. For example, routing power to a load channel may be
Inhibited by a control constraint under single source conditions. A +ypical protection constraint would
be the operating voltage limits for the system. The built In test functions would be constrained by the
type of crw Innterbr'lon proposed.
The end product of this exercise Is a specification document describing system performance.
Dwelling enl the apparently obvious steps of requirement analysis and specification seems to belabor
these pol.r, However, experience has shown that when emphasis Is plced on these efforts, two Important
gains are made. First, the cus.omer and designer will be assured that their Interpretations of the
system functions will be based on the same requirements. Second, the designer will have a clearer
picture of what the intended results are to be, These advantages will become more apparent later in the
design process.

C. Archliectural System Design

The architectural system deslgn effort consists of Identifying the input and output signal
requirements and the logic expressions required to perform the specified system functions. Since this
system is t,) be microprocessor-based, this Is also the time to select the processor to be used and
estimate the memory nnd peripheral requirements.
Processor selection Is based on two criteria. The first will be conidered "design" requirements.
In this category, the following parameters are studied:

Speed--How fest the microprocessor handles data

Capac'ty--Tt.e amount of Information that can be processed
Versatllity--The types of peripheral devices available
Instruction Sat--ins+ructlons for operating the processor
Functlons--Feature% of the processor that would be useful In the control unit design.

The second requirement is "practicallty". This Includes:

Cost--Price of the processor and Its peripherals

AvalabilIty--Lead times and second sources
Support--Logic analyzers, developmeni systems, emulators, and programers necessary to design a
ml, roprocessor-besed system
Experlence--Personnel familiarity with the processor

Bnsed on the above criteria, the 8085 was chosen as the microprocessor to be used In these systems.

I 0. Detailed System Design

(I) The Microprocessor iI rcuIt

Once the decision Is made to use the 8085, the microprocessor circuit Is designed. Stressing
commionality, the circuit design Is coofigurad for the most complex control unit rwuili, ecis. GCh.hi
control unit applications will use a scaled down version of this design.

In the microprocessor circuit, there are provisions for n vnrlety of functional circuits and
devices. Floure 3 Is a diagrem Illustrating those circuits and devices.

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-The POWERUP/RESET circuit Is the GO signal that starts the microprocessor reading Instructions from the
read-oily memory.

-READ-CitY MEMORY(ROM) contains the step-by-step instructions used by the microprocessor to perform the
control unit functions. Two technologies of ROM are used; Erasable/Prog, sltable Read-Only Memory
(EPRO(I) and Electrical ly Erasable/Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROMA.

-The WATCHDOG circuit Initiates ,,.a1yosafe shutdown of the corntrol

unit if a microprocessor related
failure occurs that could potentially resu't In Incorrect operation.

-NONaOLATILF MEMORY(NVP) Is the storage location for BIT messages Identifying systeir failures.
Nonvolatile indicates that the memory is retained when power Is removed. Two tech;vologlas are also used
here. Electrically Alterable Read-Only Memory (EAROM) is similar to and has been replaced by the EEPROM
In later designs.
-RANDOMArCESS MEMORY(RAM) locations temporarily store data used for timing, sensing, and control ling.

-PERIPHERAL PORTS Interface the microprocessor with digital inputs and outp 's.

-INTERVAL COUNTERSare used to determine frequency of ar Input and provide periodic timing functions
asynchronous to the microprocessor.

-ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL (A/D) 3nd DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG (I/A) DONVERTERS Interface the microprocessor with analog
Inputs and outputs.

-A UNIVERSAL ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER/TRANSMITTER (UART) translates the 8 bit parallel Information from the
microprocessor to serial data that Is communicated between control units.

(2) Software Design

The design of software building blocks begins wit., the abstraction of system functions that outlines
ft Intended purpose of the software. From the outline, - written description of software operation is
created. Writing descriptions of the software programs . rves two useful purposes. First, It reinforces
the gpal of bringing outside groups (other than the designers and programmers) Into 'he review process by
providing a narrative of the software function. Second, the description provides details required by the
programmer. '..lth the written description !n hand, the structured design phase beglns.
Structured program design (2), as used In EIGS software programming, is primarily concerned with the
concepts of modularity, cohesion, and coupling. Beginning with a hierarchy of executive routines or
modules, thr. software Is broken down Into specific functional modules of ever Increasing detail. At the
lowest level, the Ideal module deals with a single system function. Cohesion Is the measure of the
degrme to which a module's responsibility Is restricted to one function. The other concept, coupling,
refers to the Interdependence of modules. Efficiency In design Is improved by maxlmizin, cohesion end
minimizing coupling.
In creating the software module, three design aids are used; logic flow charts, pseudocole or
program design language (PDL), and date flow charts. The logic flow chart provides a convenient method
of represenling module opera'rion. It Is, however, open to Interpretation by the programmer ard allows
for a cholir of programming techniques. The Ideal pseudocode restricts programmer Interpretation.
Also, when used with a system of strict format and syntax rules, pseudocode lictal-s the insi 'ictions to
be programmed. This efficiency is offset by the need to study it in detail o unc rstand the unction
of the module. To obtain the benefits of both methodsp utility programs have been created to
automatically generate loglc flow charts from the pseudocode. The third tooi used In software design Is
the data flow chart. This maps out the trdVel S of data from Inputs to malory storage areas to the
manipulating modules and ultimately to the interfacing peripheral device. Its main function Is to
assist In hardware/software integration.
Integration of hardware and noftware need not take pice in the early phases o: software design.
Simulator programs nre available that can be configured to Imitate hardware and system functions.
SSoftware development systems provide flexibility during development by replacing the read-only memory
with external memory such as a disk drive. By using simulators and development systems, the time
required for circuit modification and memory reprogramming Is greatly reduced.
Beyond thu requirnments of a particular appl cation, standardization In module design promotes
bIty In other systems. This requires that definitions and representations of data and parameters
-u -b used consl ;tcntly. CuonslId:tlcn must aiso ba given to firequentiy usod software iui,ciiui,,
* Itiming
, =u~i as
and memory storage, to ensure portability between systems.

(3) Hardwcre Design

While software development continues, hardware design proceeds with virtual Independence.
Interfacing circuits between the Inputs and outputs and the micrbprocessor circuit are developed
_'cording to the requirements defined In the architectural system design. Peripheral rLquirements of the
microprocessor circuit are dictaled by The following:

1. Digital Inputs to the perllihar -i lxrts

2. Digital oufp,:ts from the perlphsral ports
3. Analog Inputs to The A/D converters
4. Analog outputs from the 0/A converters
5. Periodic inputs o the interval counters
6. C•cmaunlcatIons cuannels


These will become the hardware building blocks. It Is important to stress that the same reusabil Ity
philosophy promoted In software design carries over to hardware circuit design. Microprocessors make
this goal more attainable. Ratser than croating large self contained circuits with Inputs, logic, and
outputs, as In a discrete design, Input And output circuits stand alone. Similar Input and output
circuits will Interface with the same types of microprocessor circuit peripheral devices. Thus, a
measure of conmonality has been achieved within thu control unit and with other control unit
appI ications.

E. Design Implementation

Implementation of the design Is the exercise of combining software and hardware blocks to produce
the desired control unit functions. It Is a series of analyses, tests, modifications, and
recombi nations.
(1) Software Analysl, and Testing

Hardware circuit analysis has the software correlation of module testing and Integration testing.
Just as the Individual circuit is analyzed for response, the software module Is exercised to verify that
each logical path In the module produces the desired outputs for specific Inputs, In Integration
t-st~nga software Input or ccwnblnatlon of Inputs is tracked through the softwnro to verify that the
resulting system responts Is correct. These tests and others used to establish software Integrity are
outlined In military standard MIL-S-52779A, Software Quality Assurance Program Requirements. (3)
The developtnent of software Is a labor Intensive effort with time equal Iy divided between design and
testing. By promoting the reusability of software modules, the testing can be greatly reduced by testing
through similarity. (4)

(2) Integration of Hardwee and Software

Once Integration of hardware and software has taken place, functional testing Is perfonmed on the
bench and In system mockups to confirm control unit and system operation. Any discrepancies In the
hardware or software operation are corrected and the process Is repeated. Modularity In the sofiwar,
reduces the Impact of repeated analysis and testing by limiting the amount of software affected by nny
When testing Is completed and production of the control unit begins, an Important characteristic of
a microprocessor system becomes evident. With the exception of the programming of the EPROMs and the
assembly of the microprocessor circuit all costs of software-Incorporated functions are nonrecurrinq. A
comparable discrete logic control unit will continue to have the recurring costs associated with
assembly. As the complexity of the control unit and the number of units produced Increase, the
nonrecurring cost Impact of software development Is reduced.

F. Maintenance

Maintenance of the design, as defined here, pertains to control unit modlficaton and configuratS n
control. Experience has shown that even the most thought out systems are prone to change In the lit of
the program. This Is especially true In the aviation industry fol lowing del Ivory of the aircraft f', the
customer. Product Improvements and design changes can have Impact on hardware, software, or both. It Is
advantageous to Incorporate any changes In software whenever possible. From a hardware perspective,
software changes affect only the EPROMs. This reduces the Impact on printed wiring board layout. parts
selection, assembly, and testing associated with hardware changes. From the customer's point of view,
the effect on spare parts procurement and down time requlred for modification are minimized, Changes
implemented In software are further facilitated by techniques such as the use of easily removable EPROM
board subassembl ies thai permit erasing and reprogremning of the EPROMs without component removal.
Configuration control In a software Implemented change Is accompI ished through written descriptions
detailing differences between configurations. Impact to illustrated parts lists and schematic! are

The decision to Implement microprocessor systems In EPGS

design I, ;ased on two major advantages:
1. Complex Logic and Timing Capabilities
2. Flexibility

These advantages are manifested In features found in existing EPGS systems. The three most
significant features are built In test, complex control and prolectlon schemes, and desiin flenih Ilty.

A. Built-In Test

A major advantage of the microprocessor based controls Is the Incorporation of built-in lest (BIT)
"functions thatsignificantly Impact aircraft electrical system maintenance by reducing checkout and
troubleshooting time. These functions are Implemented on a level of complexity that would not be
feaslble with discrete logic. This level of complexity results In fault Isolation accuracy calculated at
95g. The intended pi pose of BIT Iu the EPGS Is to
detetr both active and passive farlures In the major
system devices and in the Ir,terni circuits of the control units. Intermittent faults are also
detected. Results of the failure Isolation are displayed In codes and messages that reduce the amount
of maintenance troublashooting. finally, BIT maintains rn aloofness with respect to control end
protection functions.
£ UIT's cperational mode Is designed to Isolate active and Intermittent faults In the system. I+ Is
composed of a collection of routines that are either event-driven periodic. Those event-dr Iven
,11 < routines are called In response to a change such as a breaker trip r a coumend to close a breaker.

Other operational tIlT routines are cbl led periodical ly to monitor i status of system functions.

Fol lowing a protective action, an operational BIT routine Is cal led to detereine the cause of the
action. The routile first Identifies the specific cause of the action. It then exercises the control
unit's corresponding protective circuit to verify proper operation. If the circuit responds, then the
protective action is stored in nonvolatile memory. In some circumstances, enough additional Information
Is available to Identify another EPGS component as the source of the fault. That i.foraation will also
be stored. f the circult did not respond, the protective action Is stored In memory with a failure code
Identifying he circuit fault. Figure 4 Is a generalized flow chart depicting a typical isolation
The other operational BIT functions are the status monitor routines that are called periodical ly.
Each routine monitors an EPGS function such as a control switch or breaker and compares i+s status to
Information from other software routines and other control units. Any disegr. aemnts are resolved by
exercising the circuit In question, If It responds, the system funcflon discrepancy Is Identified and
stored in nonvolatile memory. If It does not respond, the sensing cl.cult is identlf:od as the failure.
Figure 1s an example of this type of routine.






MECALL paina iaaa


Figure 40 Opermebonal Bnl" F~gue 50Operailonl Flit

Function Riseponding to a Pkrotertiwe trip FunclbtionReutinal Mols•onng Swltch tis~ue
Maintenance Bit routines are performed autalnatically or on request. Both modes test control unit
sensing circuits to fetect passive faults not otherwise detected because of aircrrft operating
vnf gut..Iicm. In general, rnalntennnce lilTserves no n covnfldence check and Is I,.ica ly performed
following an EM3S maintenance action. it may also he requested as part of a scheduled ER3S check.
The nonvolatile memory is the storage area or all feelIt matssages. ULi Ike earl let BIT sybtie's that
rely on crow rrsponse to Indicator lamps, nonvolatile •maory allows for detection and storage of faultt
information until it is convenient or desirable for 131T interrogation to be performted. Because the
matory is partitioned by flight, an inter~nnit.nt fault can be identified along with the time of
cccurence. In existing systfrs, The BIT Information fran the current flight end up to seven previous
fi girlscan be t'evineed durlhg Infug r.*•ulion. Anoltiur fouturu of neei •anti e mtn{nnry is .ihn reset
commnand. Following a maintenanc~e action, hi is lesirahis to clear tie memor-y prior to performing a
confidenc~e check. ine reset comunand makes all previous stce-.d information inaccessible.

Interrogation of BIT Is performed by pressing pushbuttons either on the front panel of the BPQJ
(GPCU) or on a remote panel. A 24 character display, also orn the panel, lists BIT Information as shown
In the fol lowing unquence:











The display first lls+s the channel being Interrogated followed by a fault message (If any)
Identifying the event and/or failure. If the fault Is in a control unit, the unit will be Identified and
then a code wll I Identify the functional circuit that failed. For example:



In this Instance, a tie bus differential protection (feeder fault) trip of the external power
contactor has occured. The trip Is due to a failure In the BPO.Idifferential current sensing circuit.
r The channel, ewent, and cause have been ldent!fled. Replace•eent of the BPUJ will allow the aircraft to
return to service. Furthermore, when the BP(IJ reaches the repair facility, the technician will be able
"to Imediately go to the differential current sensing circuit and begin troubleshooting there.
BIT Is mandated to pertorm all of the above functions without Interfering with the control and
protection functions of the control unit. This Is accomplished in the following manner. The BIT
routine will monItor the circuit by reading data from control and protection RAM locations. If a fault
condition Is s•ensd, the routine will ex"rclse the circuit end make the fault isolatilon. No tests
Initiated by BIT will result In any protectivi, oction. A BIT routine will in no way Interfere with the
contents of control end protection RAM. If temporary storage of data Is required, separate RAM
locations for BIT have been designated. Reading from or writing to the nonvolatile memory, BIT
Interrogatlon, and BIT display operate independent of all control and protection functions. Finally,
any software related fault In the microprocessor circuit will iitfally result In the bypass of all BIT
routines. In this way, If the fault Is located In a BIT module or circuit, the primary functlans of
control and protection can continue to he performed.
nomplex Control arid Protection Schemes

In the system requirement .nalysis, It was determined that automation and weight reduction were to
be major design considerations. To meet those needs, these advanced systems removed a significant amount
of control switches and hardwlred relay logic found in older systems. The relatively simple logic of
switches and relays was replaced by complex logic expressions demanded by automated operation. The
fol low Ing example shoes the advantage of mlcroprocessor-based controls In the design of complex systIy s.
Figure 6 Illustrates this example.
First assume "hat both trhm discrete and microprocessor versions have M Inputs and N outputs. Amll
Inputs end outputs are Independent so the discrote version will require N logic processing circuits to
produce N outputs. The microprocessor version has one logic proc.sslng circuit with the unumber of
-nrlpherei devices de.tcrmnlnodby the iimbui vi inputs and outputs. However, because of mul tlplexlng, the
S pae Ipheral numbsr Is not proportional.
The size (component count) In the discrete versionvs logic processing circuit will be proportional to
the complexity Of the contr'ol funlction. The menory roqJlramnens (R•lM and RJ,ý of the microprocessor
version lncrea, 1 with complexity hut the memory devicqs can hold many control functions. The rest of the
logic prore'ýInj circuit remnlns the same,
Each discrete version control function with timing considerations requires a separate timing
' circuit. For most timing functions In the microprocessor version, ýoftitare Jeeps ate adequate.
; Likew=ise, the discrete design reliles on hardware to establ ish setpofnts. Accuracy Is dependent on the
'nvnlmh I lty of dv;lrir d -,rVLi.-cit 'alIuu , [iu pr•o I llui vf luau
uh v l ues, and thI •co poQnent's
environmental stabillity. A software setpolnt can be adapted to a range of scalIng factors. In addition, 1*
software limits can be tailored to take Into account circuit variations due to component tolerances end
stabli]intsp. sr
a simple system wihlow -99,otroJ functions, the discrete version has the definite advatilage, The •
"• ~microprocessor version Is saddled with the minimumn part count overhea~d of the mlcroproce-fsowr {I ult
(outl ined I n the DetaileId System Des)ign). Hut, as the number of Inputs, o~utput!:, and vat I ableiýIli
c~ontr-ol functions Increases, the microprocessor verslor, has the advantage,






Figure5 Discrete vs. Microprocessor Complexity Comparison

n C. Flexibility
As discussed In Design Maintenance, changes can occur ,.or the life of a system. Loosely

Interpreted, the Impact of change on a design Is proportional to the design's Inherent flexibility. The
Implementation of microprocessors Improves flexibility and til, reduces The Impact of change on the
design. The following example Illustrates this advantage.
A Boolean expression representing a control function Is Implemented In a discrete design as a
combination of logic gate devices Interconnected by wires and printed wiring board traces. Any change to
the expression results In a part and/or printed wiring board change. If the change Involves the addition
of funtilons, space Ilimittions may prohibit Its Implemntation. The change could onlyIn be
as part of a total repackaging. If, on the other hand, the expression Is Implemented Incorporate"
software logic,
a change In the expression could be accomplished by reprogramming. The addition of functions will only
result In memory Increases as long as no additional Inputs or outputs are needed. The Impact of changes
Is further reduced by providing adeo-u-te memory margins In the original design. Typically, the systems
used here as examples were designed with margins of greeter than ten percent. Aythvar adv.antage Is
provided by technological advances. Ne" memory devices with twice the capacity end pin compatibility are
now available. In a recant product Improvement of the 737/757 BPOJ, the existing 2 IdByto devices were
replaced with pin compatible 4 kIyt- devices. The result was a doubling of emnory (and logic) capacity
with no Increase In part count or printed wiring board redesign.
A major portion of the design effort for control, protection, and BIT functions Is the estabilshment
of analog signal set points and time delays. It has already been noted that the microprocessor-based
control unit set points and time delays are no. hardware dependent. this permits a wide degree of
variability without parts changes. For Instance, In an eight bit microprocessor system. an analcg
slgnal setpolnt can assune one of 1024 proportional values (as-emIng a i0 bit A/D converter). Time
de!ays can vary from 0.4 microseconds to Infinity.
The BIT display I,-anothor control unit function where the ilexibllIty advantage Is evident. BIT
mes;.ages ran easily be altered In response to E'GS functional clhanqes or to Improve operator
understanding, This Is an obvious Imlrovament over f,-, Inflexible pilot light fault isolation found In
-m I older systems%.

E~~4 _
1 7-9


As the appli cations for microprocessor-based control lers expand, requlrements are emerging for
Increas, d data processing rates, reduced costs, and minimal part counts. Data processing rate Increases
may be iccomplished by enhancing the capabilities of Individual processors or by utilizing multiple
proces,.crs executing In parallel. With the prlhciple cost of employing microprocessor-based control
attributed to the generation, verification, and documentation of software, cost reductions are expected
to re.,ult from the use of high level languages and the building of libraries of reusable software modules
whIch can be used for several applications. As technological advances enable Increased levels of
functIonnl Integration on a single chip, the functions of many processor support chips are being
Incorporated Into the processor chip, thereby elI mInatIng the need for these devIces and reducing system
parts count.

A. Microprocessor Hardware

Since the time that microprocessors were first applied to aircraft electrical power systems, several
new generations of microprocessors have come Into the market place with significantly enhanced
Preliminarily designated for Incorporation In a system currently under development, the first of
these now generatlons of microprocessors Includes membt-rs such as the Intel 0865, the Zilog Z8000, the
Motorola 68000, and others. Characteristics of these devices Include 16 or 32 bit Internal data
processing structures and 16 bit data busses. These features Increase accuracy and speed by reducing the
number of bus transfers per Instruction and reducing the time required for iT-bit arithmetic. Directly
accessible address spaces range from 1 to 16 megabytes (i bits per byte). They have clock frequencies
approaching and exceeding 10 Miz and this speed advantage Is enhanced by hardware multiply and divide
features, data string handling Instructions, and plipelIning to fetch Instructions asynchronously and In
advance of their execution. An 8086-based central processing unit, Including processor, clock generator,
bus controller, address and data latches, EPROM, RAM, interrupt controller, chip select logic, and
watchdog timer, which has been developed, tested, and proven functional, Is Illustrated In Figure 7

Figure 7 Microprocea~r Bord

The criteria discussed earlier (Section i1-C) were applied when selecting the Intel 8086 16-bit
microprocessor. The overriding concerns at the time of selection were the desire for 16-bit performance,
the aevlleb{IlIty of hardware which meets ell 1tory !specifications, and th~e existence of Support systems
Evolutionary extensions of this generation of 16-bit microprocessors are emerging. Intel's 80186
-rprnsnntsn--,- such 'xtnnslon. Sosod on on unhoncnid vnrolon of the 15-b!t 00M5, the 80•16 Incorenrates a
clock generator, 2-chanrel direct memory access, interrupt control ler, three 16-bit timers, memory, and
peripheral chlp-seleict logic and walt-state generato," on a single chip. Depending on the system
application, replacing the 8086 and its associated support chips with the 80186 could decrease the parts
crunt by as many as 7 IC's and reduce the size of the board illustrated In Figure 7 by approxlmately one-
fourth. Achieving system parts reduction as well as faster data manipulation capahillflec, this cevlce
usxhlblit potenllol for IocilusiVu In futuu uIrcruft genurator control systems. (9)
As the capabili ties of these new microprocessors expand, the demand for more program and date
storage space Increase accordingly. To accomamodate tfhese demands without yielding a significant parts
count Increase, memories are becoming more dense. Erasable prograemable read-only memories, which
generally store program code end constant data, are currently available with 128 kilobit/chip
capacities. This represents eight tins the density of the devices used In current systems. Scr ,ch-pad
memories, In the form of static raindrom access memories, can provide 8ikllobits ot storage area pa. chip.
I ",,ii0,ii)
16-bit m IcruLontrol lers AIso have applIctlon In nelctric power sy.,tem controls. Tentatively
scheduled to become avallable In 1983, Intel's 8096 characterizes this generation of miLcroconrol les In
terms of speed and functional Integration on ý single chip. On-board features Include a 16-bid
process r, RAM, ROM, analog-dIg Ital converter, universal asynchronous receIve'/r/hianmltoif, prh, I ly
Inittru-l controlieor. pulso-wldi h-modulated ,utput, softwaro timers, lnpnit/nntprr po)rts, n wAtchiir)y
limet, and high-speed pulsed Inpul/output. 11lfh this level of Integration, the 1096 could effectively
replace 12 chips of a typical 8086-based system, which would reduce the sire of the hoard Illustrated In
I gui" 7 by unr third. 19)
-t t_

In addition to developing faster processors with higher levels of functional integration, device
manufacturers are beginning to address the iss.uesof reducing power consumption and meeting military
radiation hardening requirements. Power sa" higs from 500% to 1000( are being achieved by applying CM0S
technology lo microprocessor development In place of the original 4MOSand bipolor technologies.
American Microsystems S99091 CM4OS16-bit mtiroprocessor and Harris' C040S version of the 8086 are
scheduled to be Introduced In 1983 (12).
As the scope of milItary applications for microprocessor - based controllers expands, radiation
resistance will be a requirement. The CMOSand HMOStechnologies used In 16-bit processors are more
resistant than the NMOStechnology used in their 8-bit predecessors. This may extend their applicability
to manned military aircraft. Other microprocessor families are also available based on technologies
which can survive In envirrnments much harsher than those present In manned systems. The microprocessors
Include the TI S8P9900, the Fairchild 9445, and so forth, using bi-polar, 1 L, and 0141S-SOS
technologies. (13)

B. Software

The use of microprocessors to execute electric power generatlion control functions ai lows the
Implementation of more complex controls without Increasing the hardware design effort. On the other
hand, the development of control software has become a major undertaking. Several Improvements In
software design methods have been used in existing systems. These Improvements Include the
Implementation of hierarchical design techniques and formalized verification, validation, and

of existing software
control modules as "building
Two moreblocks" In the effective
nstructlon of subsequent systems
configuration techniques. techniques, In reducing software costs,andbar
of high-level languages. (8)
The building block technique reduces the amount of stitware which must be developed, verified, and
docemented when creating a nee system. For instance 60-70 percent of the software modules for the 767
cotro uni ar aplicblefor use In a developmental 737 Gill.
Existing systems have been Implseented using assembly language which has advantages in that It can
be used to generate modules which have been manually optimized to be efficient In thi use of processing
time and computer memory. These advantages are becoming less critical now that processor speed and
memory density have been increased.
The use of high-level languages also has several advantages. A typical high-level language
instruction may replace 5 to 10 assembly language Instructions. This, coupled with the fact that
high-level language programs are more rearible, results In increased programmer productivity es well an
reduced debugging, ral nitenance, and docue.irtation efforts. (l)
In the development of an experimental microprocessor hased voltage regulator for a wound field
synchronous generator, the high-level langua•e, HIM-Sh, vws utilized. It was found that the time
reuired to generate the software was greatly rrlrd, he time required to code and debug the al vorlthm
was estimated to be reduced by 4 to 1. However, It was also found that the output of the language's
complier was Insufficiently optimized for high speed execution and some of the processor's lintel 6006)
advanced features such as hardware multiply end divide were not adequately utilized. As a result of
thIs, portlons of the regulation algorithm were eventually re-written In assembly language.
the present strategy being used In the development of experimental generator control unia software
Is that a hilgh-level language will be used for nil nor time-critical functions and that critical
functions requiring high-speed execution will be Implemented In assembly language routines embedded In
-the main program.
It has also been found useful to Initially code, cnpile, and debug even high speed modules In ilhe
high-level language and then re-write them In assembly language based on the high-level language compiler
output. The re-writing process allown manual optimization wher, necessary. This approach speeds tfie
Initial Sifges of the coding and debugging process. The high-i'el code serves as a "pseudo-code" for
documentatlon purposes after the transition to assembly-language hbus been made, and the structure of tIre
hlgh-level lanqunqletends to he forced on the final assembly langc, le routine resulting In a higher
qual Ily product.

time of selection. At present other languages such ns r: and Pascnl might also be considered. These
might have advantage In that they may be more portable Aicross various microprocessor femilies. Two
considerations appear to he overriding In language selection. The first of these is the requirement for
operating In a high-speed real time environment. The other Is the requirement to operate with existing
Ssupport and devrlopmene systems.
In addition, Ilia high-level language, UAI, is expected to he mandated for use on military projects.
It also
Is expected to be a more desirable cholce then exi sting languages for performance reasons.
Wrmpilers and support environment, are as yet not readily available, but ADA's presence on the horizon
Stends to I imt ccrmm Wiants tct ,thar languages at this time.

lrrctncleed mirroprocesst uapabll {ties and in-rGesed language capabli tnls make possible the
SImplementation of several now features In aircraft electric power controls such as closed-loop diglial
Scontrol of voila"g regulatire, uenerator speed control, paralleling, and expanded built-in-test and fauilt
toileleiau; dlgitnl dotn sensing and cnmmuolcati nb; and ith-rs. Implemenling closed-luop conitrol
or In software provides
mayseveral udvantrign. Gmplex control algorithms which inny Include nion-
linear adaptive functions be added without corresponding 1n0 e0se0. In p1,rt counts, It Is possIble
Sto pass information betwen Interacting loops. Component tolerances and drift donpt affect pal. ice.
Accuracy and reliability are high. Finally, II Is possible to modify control furncfiorns and parameters
Sdinrng development, without changing hardware design. (8,14)
A. Implen•entation Examples

One applIcatIon for microprocessor control In an aircraft electric power generating system Is
voltage regulation. Figure 8 Is a block diagram which functionally describes a simple voltage regulation
Implementation. The voltage at the point of regulation (POR) Is sensed and compared against a reference
voltage to produce a voltage error. To Improve transient response and minimize steady-state error, this
error signal Is subjected to constant gain compensat'on and an Integrator with gain for lead
compensation. The Integration Is accomplished In software by summing the current voltage error with the
error from the previous sample and applyingis a forced
to gain
eitherto its
the maximum
result. or Ifminimum
the resulting currentas is
izero) values
consand exceeds pre-datannined limits, it
appropriate. It Is then passed to an amplifier with a current control loop implemented In hardware to
control the exciter field current.

A (KCO"aT)
811IN V-

+ +• FIELD




Figure S Volta tIpoltImglenrtllon


Figure 9 Is a tlow chart showing how the control algorithm may be Implemented In software. Based on
prel minary simulation testing, this algorithm was found to execute In approximately 700 microseconds on
5i41zIntel 8086. To achieve high quality voltage regulation, an update rate of 1600 microseconds Is
quired. Thus, It Is feasible to Implement this control function In software with 60% of available
proce!or +tiefree for the execution of other functions. Should the system control requirements expand.
employing a faster processor could significantly reduce execution time.





"VFRR1N Icon
isu' HIGH W

T • =__" 'ý 0

VVer- KM (VIE"F + VeRaO

MO j


! -I

Prei Iminary closed-loop voltage regulator tests have been rur. on a test system to verity the
operation of this control algorithm. The result, presently available u:. approach the desired
steady state and transient responses. Further development Is required. With a mIcroprocessor-based
control ler, modifications are general iy simple, howeverr Involving software changes with I(tile or no
Impact on hardware design.
In addition to dlgltml control of the goner -for output voltage, a microprocessor can also control
generator output frequency by trim head b!as of the flyball governor or with a servo valve to control the
constant speed drive between the engine arid the generator. The advaotages of this conrrol means over the
standard mechanical governor Include fine frequency controi, minimum frequency transients, and a
reduction In moving parts.
With the avallabll Ity of both voltage and speed control within the microprocessor, phase-locked
paralleling of multiple generators can be implemEnted. Real and reactive load division error signals can
be used as Inputs to the control loops to balance loads betweun generators. This can all be accompi ished
with few additional parts.
While the potential for Implementing a mILroprocessor-based controller Is evident, a microprocessor
system can also handle the hulIt-in test feature of electric power generating systems. The advantages of
this type of Implementation have been proven In the field by reduced maintenance time and the generation
of records of system performance, Enhancements In this area still have potential for continued reduction
In maan-tlme-to-ropair, unnecessary line replacement units RILtls), and life-cycle costs.
Enhancements which may be considered, and which are madn possible by the Increasing capabilities of
microprocessors and digital memories, Include the following.
Additional sensing elements and more sop; isticated logic can Improve fault isolation capabilliles.
Additional memory and more capable display devices can Improve communications with maintenance
crewmen. Messages can be more specific and readable and more Information can be provided. It may be
possible to provide "exp rt" systems which not only record and Isolate faults, but which direct crewmen
through further troubleshooting procedures when complete isolation is not Inmmedlately possible. These
systems can also provide the operator with Information such as LIi Installation and rnonavl procedures.
A means of Implementing such an Wexperta system could possibly be through a test box available at
ground locations which would have a high-quallfy graphics display and which Interfaces to BIT hardware
and software wlthin the flight equipment.
The avallabil ity of serial Interfaca equipment such as the Arinc 429 MIL STD 1553 type
rcmtun Incntlon bus allows built In test Information to be passed to central aircraft health monitoring
equipment. Other Interface equIpment could be present at ground stations to pass Information to
reliability monitoring computers at acme central location. Here It could be processed to compile
rellabllIta data or if scan for repeated fault conditions throughout a fleet of aircraft and to flag
these occurrences for special attention and corrective action.
In sunmnary, the ImpIlmentation of electrical power generating system control functions In software
with microprocessors will provide fo, sophlstlcated and precise control and built In test capabilities.
the hardware architecture of such a control ler will depend on the quantity end comuplexity of systemn
roqul rements.

B. Sample System Architecture

Figure 10 Illustrates the architecture of a microprocessor-based generator control unit (G111J)

currently under development, which can be Incorporated In a paral lel, Integrated drive generating
system. Control and protection functions are split between two Independent processing systems. The
control processor nsumnes responsibility for voltage regulation, generator speed control, and the
coordination of gelirator paralleling, while the protection processor executes the protective and built-
In test functions, EAh processing system Is comprised of Independent Input and output signal
conditioning, local program and suraich.-pad memory, and a watchdog timer to verify sequential and
uninterrupted progjram code execution. Hardware Is included to accommodate parallel Interprocessor



p -- crj

Flguir 10 GCIl Archltac",re With Two Independent Mlcnoproneceon Syeteme


This approach has several advantages. Dedicating each process~r to a limited number of specific
tasks with related update rates simplifies hardware end software requirements, thereiby tending to
minimize parts count and software development time. Furthermore, with each Independent processing system
oniltoring the status of the other, no single failure In either system shopuld exist undetected.
Though seemingly inappropriate for icme current generation aircraft electric power generating
systems, several alternate microprocessor-based GCI archlte-:tures appear viable for systems with varying

A minimum parts count can obviously be achieved by employing a single microprocessor system to
execute both control and protection functions. ihe trade-off for the parts reduction is a reduction In
throughput capacity, however. As a result. the feasibility of this approach depends on the complexity of
system requirements and the speed of available processors.
The expansion of the throughput capacity of a GQJ beyond the level attainable with a dual processor
split protection and control scheme can be eccomplished with a distributed processing scheme. One
implementation of distributed processing, featuring a front end processor which performs all I/0
Interface processing and functions .*s a task master io dlvido tasks between the general data processors,
Is Illustrated In Figure 11.



..... t1
LOAL cse



- f4
Figure ii GCU Architecture Implementing D listrbuted Prec eecingWith Front
End P s o

any data manipulation task, this architecture

With multiple slave processors capable of performingcan be expanded by the simple addition of a general
has several advr. degaes. The throughput of the system
Furthermore, in the event that a general data processor
data processor end its acsocleted support chips. with a reduction in the update rtef as
thle other sinve processors ran assumea It•s responsibilities
IkMA tn


is ultimately dependent on the

Improvement In fault toierance, systi•e a
for fd lure detection within the iron t-
Despite on self-testing
processor. Relyingl o n treover, in the even tthat a
sittus of th efront-end of single failure detection.
end fprocessoing cyle ..there Is no guarantee a r eplace ment syste tOn ass
p rchite c fure does not include
fal sre icde fected, system IRbl'
IBIesE BSrRepo
These weaknesses in fault tolerance end detection are overcome by the distributed processIng scheme
Illustrated In Figure 12. In this architectural configuration there Is no supervisory hardware module to
tail. The role of supervIsor exists in software resident In all processors. Redundancy Is achieved by
assignlng all tasks to at least three proc..sors and comparing the results with hardware voting logic.
in the event of a processor failure, the supervisory software reassigns the responsibilities of the
failed processor to the other remaining processors. This allows continued operation until the number of
failed units precludes reconfiguration or until the remaining units are so overworked that throughput is
degraded to an unacceptable level. (15)
The trede-off for the Increase In throughput capacity, expendabli ity, and fault tolerance achieved
by distributed processing is a substantial Increase In parts. Thus, the data processing demands end
fault tolerance requirements must be substantially stringent to justify employing this scheme.


Microprocessors are proving themselves In : ynral advanced electrical power generating systesi
control applications. Their success In handlin mplex EPGS requirements add credibility 1o the
decision to select microprocessors over dlscrete ,glc. N
To Implement microprocessors In a control unit design, a structured design approach Is used. This
approach divides the effort Into the following major steps: requirements analysis, specification,
architectural design, detail design, implementation, and maintenance. Hardware and software functlons
are broken down Into single action, highly independent functional blocks. Stid.dirdizatlon and
consistency In the design of these blocks Is stressed. The net result Is the creation of reusable
functIonal blocks that can be used In multiple applications. Duplication, In turn, results In Improved
reliabIlity, reduced testing, and an uverall Increase In design efficiency.
Inherent to the microprocessor are the advantages of complex logic and timing capabilities and
flexibility. In the control units, the extensive BIT coverage, control and protection schemes, and ease
of function modification Illustrate these advantages. As the complexity Increases, the nonrecurring
costs ot sof ware development are overshadowed by the recurring costs of producing an equlvalent discrete
logic alternativc.
Projected advances In microprocessor hardware and high-level software languages will yield Improved
data handling capabilities as well as reduced parts counts and software development costs. As a result,
future generations of EPGS's will use microprocessors to perform control functions of Increasing
complexity such as voltage regulation, speed control, and paralileling. While the complexity of the
control functions Increases, the parts count will be reduced by the introduction of single chip
microcomputers and memory devices with expanded storage capacity.
a As the quantity and complexity of the funclions performed by mIcroprocessor-based EROS control units
increases, new hardware control architectures mn/ be pursued. MultI-processlng, distributed processing,
and advanced communication schemes offer increased throughput capacity, ease of expansion, and Improved
tdult tolerance, This, In turn, Improves tih, overall performance, reliability, and maintainability of
the LEGS.


(1) 13.Freeman, "The Context of Design", IEEE Tutorial on Software Design Techniques. IEEE Computer
Society, 1980

(2) A. Wasserman, "informeation Systems Design Methodology", IEEE Tutorial on Software Design Techniques,
IEEE Comnputer Society, Vi80

i(3)Mil.-S-5277TA, 1 August 1979, Department of Defense

1(4) W. Rauch-Hinde., "Reusable Software", printed In "Systems and Software", February 1983, pp 76-92

Si'5l "The 8086 Famiyl User's Manual", IntelCorporation, 1979

161 "1981 Date Book", Zllog, 1981

-t 171 "M058000 16 Blit Microprocessor User's Manual", WMtoroie Inc., Sept. 1979

( B. MehI, 0. Ruffner, SAE Technical Fap,, "Thu imp t of the Microprocessor on Aircraft Electric
System Control Philosophy", Aerospace Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, &ctoLmr. 1110l

(9) W. Twaddel 1, "EDN's Ninth Annual P/ C Chip Directory", printed In "EDl, October 27, 1982

"(10) "Component late Catalog", Intel Corp -aton, 198Z

(11) "Digital". HarrIs Corpor;itIon, 1981

(12) D. hursky, "CMUS 80b1 Fam•ly Is Compatible With Original Parts", printed In "Electronic Design".
January 6, 1983

(13) "HiMOSII Msets Tactical RAD Hard Requirements", printed In "Intel Military Intelligence", Fourth
Quarter, 1982

(141 A. Anlonluu, "Digital FlItars: Analysis and Desig,", McGraw-HillI 1919

(15) R.M. Goldberg, J, Sokulluh. "Microprocessor pplications In ATE, Microprocessor Applications In
Future Aerospu A.;.", IllF/AFSS Symposi uh, Dayton, OH, D-emieber, 1982


C.B.Toyne, UK
You stated that the incorporation of moditications by software changes (rather than hardware) would reduce testing
time. Hlowever, to obtain flight clearance requires proper testing anti denonstration whether changes are in
hardware or software. Does this mean that you have some other acceptable method of validating the software?

Author's Reply
By incorporating a change in software, rather than in hardware, testing at the control unit subassembly level can be
minimized. This reduces the response time to a proposed change. it is agreed that functional system tests for the
purpose of qualification would be required.

E.l.Warne, UK
tsow (10 you envisage the problem of control of software modification especially in high level languages?
Furthermore it is essential to maintain full visibility in such systems.

Author's Reply
The concern fur control of system function modification is real. As pointed out in the paper, a 2-thrust pproach is
necessary. Primarily, a structured design approach greatly reduces the possibility of error by imposing strict rules on
the programmer. Likewise, written code is subjected to a prcdetermined tust structure. Second, the builting block
* approach enables the designer to re-use previously verified software. The structured design approach and the
portability provide the full visibility required.

Ph. Ranette, Fr
Panni les ddseloppements futurs de I'application des microprocesseurs au contr6le des systrues de fourniture
d'dneegiC 6lectrisque, vous avec urentionn hutilisation de language de haut niveau par lesquels le nomnbre
dinstructions est rdduit par rapport aux languages actuels. PourrieC Vous dounser des prdcisions sur ces languages
de haut niveasm?

Author's Reply
The question is: Could I provide more infornmiation about high level languages?
We are currently using PLM, a highs level language for the INTEL microprocessors. It was chosen because of its
availability at the start of our development as well as its compatibility with our existing support systems. In the
future we may consider ADA which is promoted by the US. It should be available in a year or so.

.-....-... . .. :4.. ...

-_ l



Chief Engineer
Electro-technics Dept
188, rue dlEstienne d'orves
92707 - COLOUBESCedex
France 99


-tThe need for 400 liz electric powerees -- on increasing.61 airplanes# tip to now the way I to obtain
constant frequency from variable speed drive is either hydr5 or electro-mechanical. New conversion systwms
are arising : they %a'tbenefit¶ frea em mofl-recent improvements and developments in high speed electro-
tecimi(s and power electronics. .
Rotational speeds running at mnore than 24000 riplm, are now accessible to the on-board generator and
consequently a significant imp vyement of power-to-Wlight ratio is obtained. TAIVwnstallation of such a ge-
nierator on aircraft entails -4high speed gesr which can be combined with it or, better, installed in the
accessory gearbox. Thm -poling of the whole system can be realized by air or, better, by oi.llelectronic
conponents included. Optimum design leads tonharithe i1 circuit of the gearbox with the gbnerator cooling
system. 2P.

400 HiLtKZ Constant Frequency spread nearly to all AC main electric systems on military and civil air-
planes. The choices result from analysis made by design offices of aircraft manufacturers, for every new
aeronautical program and many factor-: have to be considered mainly
. power quality
integral weight of the whole system i.e the generator and the comnplete electrical equipment
eco ncomical points of view,

'11e balance leads very usually to choose a main system with 400 Hz constant frequency even though scme
consume, .I- not strictly need consiant frequency. This tendency is more especially frequent as the power
demand on-boaid is important.

For a gulL, 101 Iapplying slain Imcitri( --ynteii, a mechanical transmission in relation with the speed
of the engine is ',;ed : this transmission is generally available on an accessory gearbox. Therefore, the on-
board generator m- .tbe able to convert mechanical energy at variable speed (directly due to the normal en-
gine speed) into lectric energy, stabilized in voltage and frequency (according to MIL, C;21480 (1) and MIL
" ,~qrl)70/4 (Z) rep-dations).
The range of Speeds available shows variable ratios between maximu and minientu speeds, depending on
the type of the engine. Generally speaking the ratio is near by 1.5/1 for turboprops, varies from 1.9 to
Z.51 for turhofans and can reach 3/1 for some turbojets.

4 The systasbeing usually available today contain an AC generator driven at constant speed through a me-
chanical device inserted between the variable speed drive and the generator, the principle of which being
either hydramechanical or electromechanical :
- The well known hydrumechanical conversion is mainly developed by SlJNDETRAN : constant speed
drives are supplied either separated from the generator (Ill and AGCIsystem) or combined with
it as realized in the IDG aryl IDGS systems,

- Another system based on an electraneclutnical taonversion i.; developed by AIIXILIC in France ;the A
sy-,tem known as "AUXIVAR" is entirely integrated, and rasy include a self contained gearbox if
the speed ratio exceeds 1.6/I. 'The AUXIVAR vario alternators are well fitted for large speed
ratios up t,: 3/1.

With the hydromilchlanical conversiun, tIe drive is cooled through an oil circuit by an oil-fuel beat
exchanger which is a part of the aircraft installation, The AC generator is either air-cooled or, and inany
case with the lIE system, oil.-cooled, particularly witl, oil--spray. cihaethe generator is oil-cooled, there
is preferably only one oil-circuit shiared by the drive and the AC generator.
With thr el"'tramechanical conversion, the system is generally sir-cooled, up to no The ramn-air is
provided either from a scoop fitted tt• iaiiasaft "skils" or in thle cUginc air- inltake. Iae installation of
Mach an eqisipsent is really simple as no extra exchanger is neeed.

(1) Military specil icat ion : mcaurator '.stein 100 hizal teinat ing ciiirent, a ,icraft generaI splecitication
(2) Military utamndarn : A irrmftllee'tric 1-wer characterist ics.
Tlheir 'lhe AC generators convert the constant speed mechanical power into consuant frequency electric
rotational speed gradually increased in the past from WOO0r.p.m. to 8000 r.p.m, after then power.
R100 r.p.m, to 1200 r.,,m. Tl'hus, the power to weight ratio and size ratio of the generators largely impro-


As a typical example, the weight improvements of 5O kVA 400 lItz generators, which were achieved during
these last 20 years, throw light upon the steps of this evolution

tOOl) r.p.m. 49 kg 1,2 kVA/kg

8000 r.p.m. 3t kg 1,0 kVA/kg
1N000 r.p.m. 210kg 3,3 kVA/kg

f1u evolution is similar with constant speed drives. For instance, for a 00 kVA IEC drive rated for i
2/I speed ratio, when the mininuir input speed changes from 3700 to 9400 r.p.m, the drive weight decreases
from 291.4 to 20.9 kg (8.5 kg improvement, nearly 30%) . Same results are obtained with electroaechanical
vario-alternators : a speed change of the AC generator from 8000 r.p.m. to 12000 r.p.m. allows for an in-
crease of 50% of the drive speed. Then, for two same sized machines, a power increase of 331 and a decrease
of 121 in weight can he obtained.

Obviously, the evolution in cooling technologies and the use of new materials also contributed to this
increase in pxoer to weight ratio. But the speed is and will remain the real significent factor of improve-
ment, because size and weight of an electric machine (and consequently of the drive) is closely related ,
with the electromagnetic torque involved in the power conversion, the value of which varies inversely to
the rotational speed, fur a given power. The electrinagn ic size of the generator is then roughly given
by the relation
[1)2 IL],..v Iti~lt•l
t x B. A

with :
B: flux density in the air-grap
A peripheral ampere conductors per unit of length
(armature lineic load).

Ili 2400U r.p.m, LlflT

Therefore tolay's and tomorroW' evolution is highly related with the increase of rotational speeds.
lut, at first, a particular attention is to be paid to pxolarity and frequency. As a matter of fact, it is
riot possible to increase by short steps the speed of the 400 liz AC generators, the reason being inherently
related to the constancy of this 400 lIz. The possible speeds, in inverse ratio to the numiber of pairs of
poles, must follow discrete series : at 400 lIz,the milestones are 6000, 8000, 12000, 240M0 r.p.m. (Iespec-
tively with 4, 3, 2 or 1 pair (s) of poles). 4010 Ilz AC generators fitted on the more recent aircrafts are
driven at 121000 r.p.m.

"Mhe "jcmop" to 24000 r.p.m. is already made by some manufacturers such as LUCASAICSPALL which pre-
sents a new range of compact generators with a target of 2 kVA/kg. These RETF generators have a very attrac-
tive power to weight ratio, nevertheless one question renains : what will he the future evolution beyond the
2,100101r.pm. limit, closely tightened to the 400 llz frequency.

In fact, a response carl he found in the trieendours research investment afforded tor many years h) ma-
,,ufactunes of elnatrute-lui ical devices aid t.lectronic cagmanients, investment altogether sharedl by research
* xworkers in the Ulniversity laboratories. All these joint efforts have led to the electronic means of power
conversion, particularly General E'lectric and Westinghouse have workel a lot in this field, AMXII.LiC in
France is also much concelned with olid state power sys.toins. Ixamples of this technology ore already de-
monstrated on military aircraft (A4, F/A-is, AV-8B, FSG).

The proposed systems are established on the association of an alternator with an electronic frequency
changer. The alternator is driven at variable speed and therefore provides a variable frequency Al powe:r.
'Iis new concept allows to relieve the alternator of the 400 Ilz burden and to increase significantly the
"nor to weight ratio. This result is obtained not nlnvbecause the alternator is driven at a high rotatin-
oial speed, hut also bccause it delivers AC power at high frequency (f) with a high peripheral velocity in
the air ga 1 (V) in ouder to give nlrc valuable advuntages to high spccd techrrolugie..

"Thepoint is that increasing the polarity of the alternator instead of decreasing it (as mentioned here
above) leads to reduce drastically the dead electromsgnetic parts such as stator and rotor yokes, windings
overhangs and f ield coil ends as shown on fig. 1. It can be easily tnderstood in comparing the morphology
of Z, 4, lb poles machines and their respective weights (see fig. 2)



7_ IE



P/M.lp. PIMsO,.p. PriM0.37pu

Figure 1 :Frequency and peripheral Figure 2 : Comparison of 4, 2, 16

velocity influence on wight Namchines poles

For different machines delivering the same powr, the weight of active electromagnetic parts is approxina-
Ttively with the same technology:

400 Ilz 2p - 4 N - 12000 r.p.m. weight - M

400 H-. 2p = 2 N - 24000 r.p.m. Weight - 0.8 M-
8100 Ilz zp - 4 N = 2,4000 r.p.m. Weight - 0.55M
3200 Hz p = 10 N - 24000 r.p.m. Weight = 0.37M

Frequencies as high as 3200 1lz are henceforth admissible with 50$ cobalt laminilions , I iu , thick
and quite compatible with modern cooling technologies such as oil-cooling.


As shown on fig. 1 again, the live electromagnetic weight is in the inverse ratio to 'he peripheral
speed and from another point of view it is also convenient to note that the alternator is tied with static
"cuieatasion circuits and must be conceived with relatively low commutating inductances all th. more as th,:!
system is due to operate at high frequency. This emphasizes interest for high peripheral speeds, It is well
unders:tood that the mechanical stresses of the rotor vary as the square of the peripheral speed ; in addi-
tion, problems of critical speed have to be taken into account, Ilowewer, peripheral velocities near by 240
say 250 m/sec are now accessible within the powrr ratings in use on aircraft, either with wound rotors (W.R)
"or with permanent mnagnet (P.M) machines.


The use uo permanent magnets in AC generators had been till now restricted to Auxiliary Permanent Ma-
.gnct Ocuc' 110tor:; o: a: IL am11dx2ýJ
waLts, iuascrLed witlioi main generators. In this particular field, the re-
cent adve t of Samariin-Cobalt Ntignets with their very high energy density up to 200 kj/m3 as shown infig.3
LIJGIMOGRLUMtiA2!;) and their immucnity to demagiiitizing effect gave wings to another kind of AC Fewer gene-
ration for aircraft application.


42 kJ±.(.34rT 4

200kJ ,.'(n 11G.o0l

.i magnets:
IIs@ I -S S

... *MIhhimll 136 III III 4380 2614 736 IIII U AA

Fi gore l•m:
( e(Ifrln•, Ft'rer,,.-e
Of S:M:,r'i "I,y it'r)'l 2 '"'1: 5•, 112
metallic l~irio magnets

, U,

It is now possible to conceive High speed Permanent Magnet Generators of same ten kW they are very
compact in size and weight and in this respect highly competitive with wound rotor machines which remain
fonctionnally more complex. As brushless machines, P.M. generators do not need a 3- level constnrction as
the latter with exciter and auxiliary P.M.G. do. In addition no cooling means is required to cool the ro-
tor. This gives considerable simplification to the rotor/shaft architecture.

In order to illustrate the perfomances offered by the more recent high speed technics it is possible
to mention two realizations achieved in this field by AUXILEC.

Potential performances
at the highest
speed allowable
Rated power

90 kW
_ 1 1ti

190 I'M

17 kg
Rated power Lu
weight rat o

7,5 |
11,N]. alternator

W.R. alternator 170 kVA 3,10 WVA 20 kg R,5


The elý:,cwunic frequency changer associated with the hig;, speed alternator slay refer to different
structures and commutation technologies :


Direct inverters such as cycloconver-

ter (fig 4) deal directly with the !_
Waves del ivered on the phases of the -
variable frequency alternator.

Fi~iure4'1 I1ch×:unverter diagrwai



Indirect inverters such as rectifier ,I

ihverter (fig. S) call for an inter- In
mutliate OL; li 'age between the aI-
ternator and , • frequen1cy changer. T


Figuor Rýctiliej -inve' her di.1aWl

i. I
' • 18-5

,W. R. (A)


Consequently the association of the

alternator with the electronic inver
ter can theoretically take on four
main different foros, shown in fig. P.M. RECTIFIER
i6 and referenced (A) , (B) , (C), (t))


Figure b liThe four different forms of association

alternator - electionic inverter,

The more advantageous of them are seurely the interl inkages ref. (A) and (B) i.e wound rotor (W.R) ma-
chine with cycloconvermer and lenmlanent Magnet (P.M4) wisnariwith rectifier- inverter. wt

A main reason for this derives from the fact tuht , due to field control, a wound rotor alternator,umn
povide tile amount of reactive -nergy required through the cycloconverter without weight penalization ,
Swhereats a 11.M. alternator shriws its highest performances when supplying only active powaer as it is with
r rectifier circuits,

competition is open li:twon the two conversion systems : their respective chances mainly depend on
power rating, speed ratio, cooling cenditions and Un the availahil.ity of the elc-ctrovic cmponents, either
thyristors or power transistors, according to direct current, reverse voltage, turn-off time or cmmruating
frequency characteristics.

Whatever nay he the electronic way of conversion selected the system shows a very attractive flexibi-
ity as the electronic sub-as-'ombly can heinstalled on the aircraft separately froa tire alternator as well
Sasintegrated with it in a same package.

The integrated design can takc advantage of a unique oil-cooling circuit shared by the alternator and
the inverter.
When these sub-assmrnbl.UTs are separated on the aircraft, their cooling systems crui be chosen different
for instance iil-cooling for the alternator, air-cooling for the inverter. It any case however ,r junction
of the scmi-conductors wit! not hr exiisetd to a teMperiture exceeding 1211"C.

To give ai idea about the weight of different types of inverters conceived by AUXII.1E, the following

Direct .,onversion with thiyristors

40 kVA (80 kVA overload) :20 kg

60 kVA (120 kVA overload) :23 kg

Indirect conversion with transistors + diodes :

S30 - 40 kVA (60 kVA overload) 16 kg
75 - 90 kVA (150 kVA overload) : 27 kg

Which advantages are expected frcun tie new systeums ond which problems are enrcorsteret when installing
I hers on airpla.e:;

With respect ro the intrinsic pcurlfrmieces, it is obviously possible to compare the respeLtive merits
of these NEW high speed/s.lid state power systems with the "traditional" hydro- or electro-nrcehanical ones,
which have ireon largely experienced for more than 25 years. Hkoever, both technolc)gies are irprcving, in
favor of air ever ir(rernring p sr quality and oh an enlarged power to weight ratio, Mir it b•s to be pFoiitetl
rut that it is iii the arta of high powenr electronics and high speedtilt hrics tlrtt the moKre recent progresses
have been the more significaont.

0imparisor argt~llvit:, aie

irot iliphiasized in the limits of thi' Iocralent : the reader will refer to the
staunda rrds defining the fx•ower (Itlal ity of electitonic systems sucil as I1, ; 230011 If dealinrg with VSACFsystens.
I ' lb mnower, ire f'to ow ;tam, (lll
r standinig IC)intt Whicih have to he cxi;;CJ

- l!

- High speed/electronic conversion systens can be used, with no restriction, in all the range of unit
power ratings usually involved on aircraft from 20 to 90 MA, further if necessary.
- Besides, from their principle, these systems are perfectly well fitted for running either on indepen-
dant or paralleled charuiels with synchronized phases whatever may be the load or speed changes.
- The field of allowable speeds referring to generator power rating is based upon the technology to be
worked up for the rotor and shaft constiuction from which derives the authorized peripheral velocity of the
rotor considered as the mechanical fundamental parameter (Ref. to Appendix).

Uunx(IO rp~m)




10 20 3+ 40 0 loo 580 Is

Figure 7 : Potential availability of high speed electric

pewer ficr aircraft altenrators

With a pck- x,, volocit) of 240 m/sec oi s)o he field spreads as it is shown on the diagram fig. 7
in which lhe m. -jtation l spcad is given in terms of the "potential rated power" of the generator
which is naot" ,.e but thi prudu-t of the rated power available at the lowest speed into the extreme
speeds iatio . thee -.'ords it defines the power availability at the highest speed.
•, ' •tIi lVA rated po~wer generator issnning within a speed range of 2/1 ratio would result in
a 120 kV?• i• -a 'taL powor at the highest speed : then a rotational speed up to 45000 '.p.m. or 49000
S.1p.n, an i Ca J respeýtively with W.R and P'.M machines. Inside this field, the driving speeds are
always . a.under-critical,
w bearing in mind that variable speed operationa needds to reject the first
critical s. a. operational may imumspc,,d.


As a imatter O fact, such high ,peedLds reqtire an adaptation of the existing driving means with the in-
Lerposition of a step-ap gear which can he separated from or incluaded in the generator or preferably in the
accessory gearbox (A.l.B.). Operation with a conventional A.G.B fitted with a generator incorporating its
'wn step-up gear would loed to a double mechanical power transformation with, as a result, a weight and elIi-
ciency penalty. On the other land, combining directly the high speed gear into the A.G.B would lead presumaa-
bly to a lighter design for ;he whole as the cinematic weight is approximately proportional to the trants-
mitted mechanical torque wi, Ih alocrcasus as the speed increases. If such it gear is not available in the
A.l.B, a space and weight provision is needed in the geaaarator for mounting a step-up gear inserted between
the A.Gl.B pad and the so called generator.

Then the additional weight to forecast is about 2,4 kg for a 40 kVA generator and 3.2 kg lou a 90 kVA
generator with a set-up ratio of appauxiaa~tely 3/I.


So tar, thea maapha:sis has been put upon oil cooling of the rotating aiachine aid of the inverter.

oil cooling is fully justified by the proofs given for many years on 8000 and 12000 r.p.m. alternators.
The use or increasing rotatioail speeds confirms the choice of oil cootirgfor high speed rotating machinery
as oil is needed for ball bearings lubrication. More, when hydrodynamic bearings are to be use'l at very high
speeds, oil is thoroughly essential. RAt here oil cooling means oil circulation exclusively, the machine
operating in a dry carcase. It must be pointed out that with high rotational speed it comes useless to pro-
ceed with oil spray techniques tander pain of reaching unacceptable levels of drag loss as these los,;es vary
according to a cubic law with thi peripheral speed i- r
drag loss /t/V3d (15DLI) (Re)
with dl average deasity o asl/oi/l
(Re), in terra of iynolds ;iumbaer i1 the air gap.

-, 1iin
____ • o.+.,.

So oil spray will not he usel beyond a peripheral speed of about 120 m/sec in the air galp.
With oil circulating in app upriate internal ducts it is usually possible to accept an oil tomi!rature up
to 130'C for continuous operation without-significant reliability alteration.


For the inverter sub-assembly a forced convection of air can be used as far as the air temperature
allows it. On subsonic aircraft when the inverter is remotely located consideration can be given to a di-
rect air cooling ystam : ram-air cooling is available in flight, and on ground eithei a fan or a suction
effect from the engine air intake provides the necessa' air flow.

It is also possible to take advantage of oil cooling foi the power electronic comiponents. Oil ducts
machined in the near vicinity of the thyristors or transistors give considerable reduction to junction to
oil thermal gradient. Thersal resistances down to .25'C/W can now he achieved and as a result, a better
reliability is obtained for the inverter "ith an improved power to weight ratio of the wholt- power compo-
neats, In addition, for oil to fuel heat exchanger lower difficulties are encountered. Nuvtertheless oil
temperature must remain compatible with the maxinmun temperature allowable of the semi-conductors : then a
permanent oil ttri( ature of 90*C will be considered as acceptable and for short duration excursion to
110'C will be possii ie,

taking into account the difference between the thermal limits al towed for alternator and inverter
cooling oil, one could be tempted to design the cooling systen with two separate circuits; with two tempera-
ture levels, As an example a 6,0 kVA cooling system could be specified as follows z

maxoiltsn. aximia oniidulfo
max oitemp. heat reject ion olfo

Alternator 1 18~kt
k8 /mi

inverter 90'C ! kW I/min

Such a dual system although perfectly rational would duplicate pumps, ei;chmngers and all the plumbing
On the Other hand care for siMplicity and for weight and cost alleviation would give preference to a
unique oil system common to the two sub-assemblies mainly when they are integrated in the same frame. Then
the 61) kVAcooling system taken above as an example will be specified as

max oilmap,
Peroanent '"otal ttixl
hetreet ion'
'otal oil falo

Generator 1 t'C 'I kW. L 22l/mini

IIll order to provide 5ufficient lubl icat ing arnd cool itg oi I flwm to t lie rotating machine ;ilt other tai It -
eltectronic inverter
il sollb-a;ssaTdlies suchI as the most ind tite eventual stepl-up gear, basic hydraulic; devices
with external heat extchange] bit foreseen.


Fer `iiiti...... y .*,o...., these devices

1t.m h an.-anga


rmay ie considered as part of the gene- ] _ _

ral architecture of tine generator. More hiqh sp..dI- alaronlc
benefits can be derived from an hydrau- ROTOR
lic system shared between the drive us's _o-pon..ts
gearbox and the generator. With the L
self contained conistroction showin in YPr...
fig. H in addition to the oil Ip,,l andt
pumap gearing, all the usual hydraulic
hardware mist he included in the gene-
rartr such as oil till * , relief valve, )Y Ilht
strip, iiI-levI indica ir and so in. L -- 4 MsP _ ig

Figure 8 Gen rator internal niilsystem

fii llaxtasinsuperation

-f _ U--- -

All these functions being already present

in the drive gearbox, it is indisputably
1ofitable tMt stuint the hydrauliccoulingsystei ...
betweenl the gearbox and the generator as.-l hi la-tr--
shewit siii ed.i
do 9. Wqhen onlygenerator
Then thd one heat isex+han-
..... uiped L yncl• J y +11
ceived with a drY drained case no argo- -kes - 6111c,
ivent invoking cii pollution can be sos-I..
il is its
tain-lgel-?• not transit to mate-the
exposed through - •ji-
rials of a kind different from those - - - GENERATOR

includcel in the gearbox such as bearings,

rotating seals, gears, or alnilniLni cas- "MOUNTING INTIRFACE

Figure 1) lFul I integration of high speed drive

and hydraulic hardware in the gearbox

It addition, the inclusion of tile high speed geat in the gearlox tffords obviously an elegant and lo..
git al ;Olotiou, all the
f rdent ical cut(otr•NInnts; being ibrought together in a sole framework.

This optittias design secures the whole system for significant weight saving, simplicity and improveti
rel iabi Iity.

Taking benefit frui these installation arraigtnea.ts the high speeid/sol id state power systeV.M shOws mini-
inlen wright and size particularly with the integratetd imckage where the power electronic cuslj'ozeets surnxuids
the alternato,.

Now, such a configuration bears comparison with the conventiozatal systun in terms of power to weight
ratio as 1.8 kVA/kg is today accessible with AtXIlIit: C IT system: this ratio will rapidly improve to 2kVA/kg
an(i more within the next S years.


TIill choite 'u air or fuel heat sink depends mainly oit the flight profile of the aircraft. (eieral ly
sluaeking, [or supersonic Flight condition, fuel is the prime available heat sink : the oil to fuel exctan-
ger is designed taking intot consideration tOIi conjuittlDctio Of a maximum heat rejecttion with a mininmes fint I
Fliw hearing il tsind the tnimperature limits of both fluids. For subsonic flight conditions an oil to ai
heat exclonger ctan het used for tottaI heat l-ansfter or as a rnri
'iIllentl to a basiL oil to fuel systLm whhen
lowIstiL flow conditionstare- encttititleritl
for itstaicte with very low aircratt speed.


V- y itaptrtanl ftirts
f have bcei devoted to new 400 Ilzgeneratitng systems based upon high speedl/solid
state wi*wer Converysiotn, These new systess show already attractive performances. Outstanding improvntieiets
will sI ill arise in a near future. Paratmount benejits can nsw be expected frutmthis new tecllnology if a
carelul attentiot is paid to antoptimum design of the high speed drive, hydraulic and cooling arrangtment.
Ili this respect tin adliptation of the accessory or engine gearbox is of the first importance.


I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( AI

The curves tlbux = f~lJfig. 0r, results fron the dimensional electrowagnetic law of the alternator and
from the expression of the critical speed of the rotor shaft in terms of the essential dimensions of the
machine, i C :

rotor size ).1L N lb

critical peed Nurit LI, N3 1 (2)

Vf \Mr Ls/

with 1) rotor dirmuter

1, iron core length
1 electrical ixAwr
N rotational speed
it air gap I Ins density
A anTuiture liin,
it load
f static sag of- tIle slilt
l. shaft nmaterini mrrllurs of elasl iily
l, polar inertia of the shaft,-l) *
'Ir rotor weight _-1 1 I.
1,s effective shalt length
I ffet:live shalft diameter

It, Itin density in the air gap car1 Ie consinlered as a smi constratt its Variation wilti I diminleter
ol the rotor can fie approached to- meditan power machine according to the law

,I 6
. 1tl

If P-
htirthe other hired, A, lineir
til aiiatue (lossý ; It
pA (,
load varies more sigtificantly wilth I. For a given Loppei loss densitI
air galr area ratio) depending on cooling Itchaology, tite expression of which ir ;
resis t itiy , r , irrrent density) and with a slit depth assuiared to tie lfrtrotlrlrt ii witi 1),
the following law cal lre retained Ior A

A 0.fo5 x 1.

In other respects the three following coefflcients are del inetl

ax harms altowed s•eed Nmax

- T' lt speof Ncrit

l•rraxr" lN diNulritr I

r r altd mator iron core lent th 1

K[, ef- c-shaft length I.j

eatid tons t(1 2)nd then bIeco

fIllax -1 KN Ntrit-. . KN I .1 [4)

I• • ~ ~~~~It
is asstline, httertiu roo ver ityVIihee
ml acuoitling to file in!;triit lion technolo-
•." tRy is reachIed for a rot~tattiloniawl sil)ec-(l (titorlalctrJ thlie rnmetif almýilot..
A speted 1

E i f
thifder" these assulilptimns relation (4) becom{les

1-, .• KNO'5
.. K I)K 1,;.1,

and VM:Ril 'IYls)'ll relat ion bexo-mes

Sis~~~~1-10v_ .__ I

____ KN. K1 KL0. 75 0.5

The curve Noan- f (P) is plOtted according to this basic relation fur W.R.and P.M.mchines assuming
Vlim = 240 m/sec, P being defined as rated pow,-r with provision for 2001 overload.
The weight of the active electromagnetic parts of the machine i
MH 2 L],, -Dx' - (No" KILO

and along the Nma, - f (P) curves the R•MlR 1 WhIjIfrT RATIO follows tb' law

e,,Vli 2/3 N ( 0.5

Tie table hereunder gives example of the evolution of these parameters in terms
of Vlim and Nm•c assu-
ming the other coefficients to he constant.

NraW Vii. P(Nimx) 1)/I, P/M !

constant +21. % x 2 + 12 1 +161

+30 tonistiint x 1/2 constant + 9%

imlsm,_ U

Ph, Ramette, Fr
Les transisto;. tiesc comportent-its pas inleux quo tes thyristors vis Avis des pihkblmes dWLiM..?

Author's Reply
Les transistors do puissance sont des semni-conducteuns rapides (I~on, t~oflK< I ps) reblocables par ics circuits tie
cornmjande tic base; dc cc fait, its soist micux adapts i laimodulation de largeur d'iipulsioii (P.W.M.) que tes
tiiyristors (incilleur cunipromis, masse rerideinent) cti us procurent line rneilleure eoinpatihiiit6 6iectromnagn~tique
En conlrepartie ces coniposants pr~sentent actuciteanent des gains tr-op faibtes, qul necessiteni une coaninande dc
base plus vouiumineusc que relic tics SCR.
Pour t'instant Ics ealibres en courant des transistors sont init6ricursa Aquciques 100 Acet tilimitation en tension cat de
l'ordre Ic 100)0 V.
On peul dire quc lea thyristors susi arrisds A'"inaturitN indostrielle" alors quc les trensisiors de puissance aunt encore
cii picine evialution.



Chaiman of the Programme Committee

Trying to sumunarise at the end of this meeting one can make the following statements:

Auxiliary or Secondary Power Systems are very complex systems. Having to fulfil many and different tasks, the
constraints under which these systems have to work demand the hest possible compromise.

Experiences with existing systems have been carefully examined. They show the various options, from which
progress towards better performance and efficiency as well as towards lower life cycle cost can be expected. The main
avenues of progress are:

Advances in small gas turbine technology, mainly turbonmachinery design and manufacturing processes, thereby
providing lower system weight and lower acquisition cost. An interesting feature seems to be the expendable gasifier by
which costs for overhaul can be lowered.

New concepts for the Secondary Power Systems of military aircraft including the requirements for redundancy arc
evolving, for example pneumatic instead of mechanical coupling between gear boxes and APU/M.E.

- New approaches for heat rejection frons Secondary Power System, are required. Some solutions have been
indicated and must be further studied within a systems concept.

-- Systems optimisation by closer cooperation l'etween the designers of the airframe, the main engine and the
:ccoonl iry pi,. :'r system, w; well as with the users, can provide more efficient solutions withour compromising engine and
airframe performance.
In the civil transport sector operating cost reduction'; can be achieved by a careful planning of the APU's usage
together with ground power units. However, the general opinion seems to be that on-board-auxiliary power units are
necessary in order to guarantee the needed airline operational flexibility.

! _ Li
I. Recipient's Reference 2.Originator's Reference 3.Further Reference 4. Security Classification
of Document
~..pp~, o AGARD-CP-352 ISBN 92-835-0339 UNCLASSIFIED
5.Originator Advisory Group For Aerospace Research and Development
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
7 rue Ancellc, 92200 Neul~ly sur Seine, France

7. Pregented at the Propulsion and Energetics Panel 61 st (B) Specialists' Meeting, held in
Copenhagen, Denmark, 30--31 May 1983.

8. Author(s)/Editor(s) 9. Date
Various September 1983

10. Authior's/Editor's Address 11.Pages

Various 238

12. Distributlion Statement This document is distributed in accordance with AGARD

policies and regulations, which are outlined on the
Outside Back Covers of all AGARD publications.

Auxiliary power unit Operational experience with APU

Power generation Hot gas starter
Auxiliary gas turbines Electrical subsys~em
Requirements for auxiliary power H-ydraulical subsysitem

"Thue Conference Proceedings contAin 18 papers iirCSenfled at the ,GARD) Propulsion and
EnMergetics Panel 61st B Specialists' Meeting on Auxiliary Power :;ystcni%,which was held in
Copenhagen, lDennmark, oii 30 and 31 May 19 1SiLAQu-Csfions and answers of the discussions
follow each paper.,

The Speciao'sts"Mucting was arranged in 3 sessions: Requirements for Auxiliary Power

System:s~ (41; Provkivin ot' A nwiliai-v Powor (I10); and Flectrical/H-ydrasilical System s/Cool ing
of Equipment (4) 'The Specialists' Meeting was tinalized with some concluding remarks by
the Programme Collnuittee Chairman.
-1 4' r -4

prvison fauiiirypowe IrIvarious technical systemns have been dcveloped nd new
solutions discumsssed. It washe purpose of the meeting to review the current state-ot-thmc-art,
to exchange experiences and to discuss future p)roblemis of auxiliary power generation.
rur 11
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