Portfolio Matrix

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Portfolio Contents & Goals Matrix

Goal 1: Develop a Professional Development Module that informs K-2 teachers of issues of
underrepresentation trends within and outside of our school.

Goal 2: Develop a Professional Development Module that improves general education teacher
knowledge and understanding of best practices with GT/high ability students.

Goal 3: Provide a professional development with a round-table/small group format by meeting with
individual grade levels (K-2).

Goal 4: Create a OneNote in collaboration with the Target/TD teacher and counselors to share
resources with K-2 teachers that support both academic and affective domains.

Goal 5: Survey teachers before and after the PD to determine greatest areas of need as well as
determine effectiveness of the PD.

Goals Met
(indicated with X)
Artifacts Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5
1 K-2 Teacher Pre-Survey X
2 K-2 Teacher Post-Survey X

3 Survey Results Analysis X X

4 Three Act Tasks X X
5 Analogies X X
6 Character Feelings vs. Character Traits X X

7 Growth Mindset Activities X X

8 Enrichment Strategy Menu X X
9 Which One Doesn’t Belong? X X
10 Meetings with Anne S. X X X

11 Meetings with Deidra M. X X

12 Meetings with Dorquetta R. X X
13 Children’s Book List X X

14 OneNote: K-2 Math, Reading, Writing X X

15 OneNote: Creativity X X
16 OneNote: Growth Mindset X X
17 OneNote: Affective Curriculum Unit X X
(Bibliotherapy Approach)
18 Kinder PD Module (PPT) X X X

19 Grade 1 PD Module (PPT) X X X

20 Grade 2 PD Module (PPT) X X X

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