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© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

Current Tracer: A New Way to Find Low-

Impedance Logic-Circuit Faults
By tracing current pulses, this sensitive probe helps locate
so l d e r b r i d g e s , s hort ed c onduc t ors in ca b le s, sh o rts in
voltage distribution networks, shorted 1C inputs and dead
or stuck outputs, stuck wired-AND circuits, and stuck
data buses.
by John F. Beckwith

FOR TROUBLESHOOTING DIGITAL systems, whose intensity indicates the relative magnitude of
instruments such as logic probes, logic pulsers, current steps occurring in the vicinity of the current
logic comparators, state analyzers, and computer- tracer's tip. The reference level for the display can be
based board testers enable an operator to localize a varied from one milliampere to one ampere by means
system malfunction down to the faulty node, that is, of a conveniently placed sensitivity control. The
down to a collection of 1C terminals and the network 547A responds to the current changes normally pre-
of printed circuit traces and/or wires that electrically
tie the terminals together. However, after the faulty
node is identified the operator still lacks the ultimate Cover: A new trouble-
information needed to make the repair, namely, ex imt Sno°t'n9 team finds many
actly what part of the node has failed? Is the driving ••*^ low-impedance faults that
1C dead, or has one of the driven ICs developed a shorted elude voltage-sensing in
input? Has the interconnecting network shorted to struments. Model 547 A Cur
another node, and if so, precisely where, or has the rent Tracer (right) reveals the
interconnecting network developed an open circuit? presence and relative size of
Except when the fault is due to an open circuit, vol current steps by the bright
tage-sensing instruments provide no further infor ness of its built-in lamp.
mation, simply because all points of the faulty node Model 546A Logic Pulser supplies the needed
are constrained by the interconnecting network to be stimulus current if it isn't already present in the
at the same voltage. At this stage, techniques such system under test.
as cutting traces or lifting ICs are usually employed
until the defective element is identified. This ap
proach is time-consuming, tedious, and often damag In this Issue:
ing to the printed circuit board and ICs. Current Tracer: A New Way to Find
Although voltage provides no additional informa Low-Impedance Logic-Circuit Faults,
tion, there is a quantity whose variation about the by John F. Beckwith page 2
node provides the information needed to pinpoint New Logic Probe Troubleshoots Many
the faulty element. This quantity is current. To date, Logic Families, by Robert C. Quenelle page 9
little use has been made of the information provided
A Multifunction, Multifamily Logic
by the nodal current distribution simply because of
Pulser, by Barry Bronson and Anthony
the difficulty of measuring current flow. Traditional
Y . C h a n p a g e 1 2
methods, such as cutting a trace and inserting an
ammeter, or encircling the trace with a magnetic Probe Family Packaging, by David E. Gordon,
page 16.
path, are clearly very awkward to use on printed cir
cuit boards. The question thus arises whether there is Multifamily Logic Clip Shows All Pin
a more convenient means to determine current flow States Simultaneously, by Durward
in logic circuits. P r i e b e p a g e 1 8
The new Hewlett-Packard Model 547A Current Interfacing a Parallel-Mode Logic
Tracer (Fig. I) was developed to meet this need. The State Analyzer to Serial Data, by Justin
current tracer is a self-contained, hand-held probe S . M o r r i l l , J r p a g e 2 1
containing a single easily-viewed display lamp

Printed m U S A ©Hewlett-Packard Company 1976

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

To operate the current tracer the user first places its
tip near the driving point of the node, which is usually
one of the 1C terminals, or near the tip of the logic pulser
when the node needs an external stimulus. Then the
sensitivity control of the current tracer is adjusted
until the display lamp is between one-half and fully
lit. At this point the operator can get an indication of
the magnitude of the current flowing simply by
noting the position of the sensitivity control. This in
formation is often very useful in determining the
nature of the fault. For example, if the current tracer
indicates an abnormally high current, then the fault is
due to a low impedance. The operator then moves
the tip of the tracer along the conductive paths, and
by noting the intensity of the indicator lamp, can tell
if current is present near the tip. In this manner, he
can follow the current directly to the fault. The cur
rent tracer's tip need not make physical contact with
the conductive path, so current can be followed in in
sulated wires and along inner traces of multilayer

The Current Tracer in Use

Fault localization in digital systems is the major
applications area for the current tracer, but there are
others as well. Whenever a low-impedance fault
exists, whether on a digital board or not, the shorted
node can be stimulated with a logic pulser and the
current followed by means of the current tracer. Some
typical current tracer applications are described in
the paragraphs that follow.
• Ground planes. An interesting application of the
current tracer is designing ground planes and de
termining their effectiveness by tracing current
distribution through the plane. Current is injected
into the ground plane using either a logic pulser or
a pulse generator, and current flow is easily traced
Fig. 1. The lamp near the tip of the new Model 547 A Current over the plane. Often the results are surprising in
Tracer varies in brightness according to the relative magni
tude of the current steps occurring near its tip. By observing
how the lamp's brightness changes as the tracer is moved
along the conductors the user can follow the flow of current. 547A Current tracer will
Current Tracer indicate very little
current at driver
sent in digital circuits and typically does not require output
the injection of a stimulating signal. When a stimulus
is required it may be provided by a logic pulser such
as the HP Models 546A or 10526T. Synchronizing Pulse Activity
signals between pulser and current tracer are not
needed. The 547A is compatible with all logic fami
lies including CMOS. It responds only to current and
possesses sufficient sensitivity and dynamic range to Dead
detect currents resulting from faults in any of the pres Voltage stuck at
ently available families. Power for the current tracer some value
may be derived from any dc source between 4.5 and
18 volts. No ground reference is required and a float Fig. 2. Using the current tracer to determine that a stuck
ing battery may be used if desired. node is caused by a dead driver.

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

that current flows through only a few paths, or Stuck wired-AND node. Another difficult circuit
along edges. problem to troubleshoot is the wired-AND node, a
Vcc-to-ground shorts. Locating Vcc-to-ground node formed by connecting several open-collector
shorts is an almost impossible task without the output structures. Fig. 4 shows how the current
ability to trace current flow. To find the short, the tracer is used to solve this problem. Each gate's
user disconnects the power supply and pulses the output is placed in turn in its off or high-impedance
power supply terminal using the logic pulser with state by forcing the inputs to an appropriate level
the supply return connected to the GND lead of the (a jumper may be used) while a logic pulser is used
pulser. Even if capacitors are connected between to stimulate the output node. If the gate is good the
Vcc and ground, the current tracer will usually current tracer will indicate only stray current at the
reveal the path carrying the greatest current. gate output. Conversely, a stuck gate will re
Stuck node caused by dead driver. Fig. 2 illus sult in a large current indication. The need to
trates a frequently occurring troubleshooting force the output of the gate to the off state by means
symptom: a node has been identified on which the of the jumper at the input can be eliminated if the
voltage is stuck high or low. Is the driver dead, or duty cycle of the high-impedance state when the
is something, such as a shorted input, clamping the circuit is operating is not too low. When this is the
node to a fixed value? This question is readily case a logic pulser and current tracer may be used
answered by tracing current from the driver to in the single-pulse mode. If the gate is not stuck the
other elements on the node. If the driver is dead, operator should observe a random presence and
the only current indicated by the tracer will be that absence of current at the gate output while single-
caused by parasitic coupling from any nearby cur pulsing the node. If the gate is stuck, each pulse
rents, and this will be much smaller than the nor from the pulser will result in a large current indi
mal current capability of the driver. On the other cation from the tracer.
hand, if the driver is good, normal short circuit Stuck three-state data bus. A stuck three-state bus,
current will be present and can be traced to the such as a microprocessor data or address bus, pre-
circuit element clamping the node.
Stuck node caused by input short. Fig. 3 illustrates
this situation, which has exactly the same voltage
symptoms as the previous case of a stuck node
caused by a dead driver. However, the current
tracer will now indicate a large current flowing
Logic Pulser
from the driver, and will also make it possible to
follow this current to the cause of the problem,
the shorted input. The same procedure will also
find the fault when the short is on the intercon
necting path of the node — for example, a solder
bridge to another node.

Current tracer indicates

large currents

Current Tracer
Gate with Current tracer
Shorted Input indicates large current
at stuck gate

Pulse Activity
Temporary jumper
Bad gate stuck
in LO state
to ground
Voltage stuck at
some value
Fig. 4. The current tracer can often make use of normal cur
rents in a circuit, but sometimes a logic pulser provides a
Fig. 3. The current tracer shows that this stuck node is needed stimulus, as in the difficult problem of a stuck wired-
caused by an input short. AND node.

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

sents a very difficult troubleshooting problem, nearby trace. The current sensor has been designed to
especially to voltage-sensing measurement tools. minimize this effect, but it can never be entirely elim
Because of the many bus terminals, it is very diffi inated. The operator can, however, by observing the
cult to isolate the one bus element holding it in a variation of the current tracer's display as its tip is
stuck condition. However, if the current tracer moved about the trace, learn to recognize interference
indicates high current at several driver outputs, it or crosstalk from a nearby trace.
is likely that one (and most likely onJy one) driver
is stuck in a low-impedance state. The defective Inside the Current Tracer
driver is located by placing one driver's control Fig. 5 is a block diagram of the current tracer. Oper
input line to the appropriate level for a high- ation is as follows. A step change in current occurring
impedance output state and noting whether high at the current tracer's tip is coupled via mutual induc
current flow persists at the output. This is repeated tance to the current-step sensor, which produces a
for each driver until the bad one is located. Al voltage impulse output proportional to the magni
ternatively, if the low-impedance duty cycle of a tude of the current step. The size of the impulse de
driver is low, the node can be pulsed with the logic creases with increasing separation between the cur
pulser, and the defective driver identified by noting rent path and the tip of the tracer.
whether every pulse from the pulser results in cur The voltage impulse is fed to a variable-gain pre
rent at the driver output. If the current tracer indi amplifier. The preamplifier gain is adjusted by the
cates high currents at only two drivers the problem sensitivity control to produce an output of approxi
is a "bus fight", that is, both drivers trying to drive mately 1 mV when the tracer's tip is placed next to the
the bus at the same time. This is probably caused current path. The output of the preamplifier is further
by improper control signals to the drivers. If the amplified and then stretched by two cascaded peak
current tracer indicates the absence of abnormally detectors to produce a pulse of sufficient height and
high current activity at all drivers, yet the bus sig width to cause a visible flash of the incandescent
nals are known to be incorrect, then the problem is lamp that forms the current tracer's display. When the
a driver stuck in the high-impedance state. It can tip of the tracer is moved along the conducting path
be found by placing a low impedance on the bus, the display remains at the same brightness as long as
such as a short to ground, and using the current the same current is still present. However, if the cur
tracer to check for the driver that fails to show high- rent has changed to another path, the increased separ
current activity. ation between the tip of the tracer and the current
Efficient use of the current tracer usually requires a lowers the output of the current-step sensor and de
longer familiarization period than does the operation creases the brightness of the display. Thus the opera
of voltage-sensing instruments. This is primarily be tor is provided with sufficient information to track
cause most operators are not used to thinking in terms the current path.
of current and the information it provides, simply be Current-Step Sensor
cause this information has not been available conven Fig. 6 shows the physical construction and an
iently. Also, it requires some skill to avoid the cross equivalent circuit of the current-step sensor. Its oper
talk problem, that is, if a small current is being traced ating principle is essentially that of a current trans
in a conductor that is very close to another conductor former. A step change in current near the tip of the
carrying a much larger current, the sensor at the tip of tracer attempts to induce an emf in the windings on
the current tracer may respond to the current in the the coil within the sensor. This coil is nearly shorted

Sensitivity Control

Sensor Preamp Detector

Second Fig. 5. 547A Current Tracer block

Driver Peak diagram. Current-step sensor
Detector detects current steps as small as
1mA and rejects magnetic flux
that is not directly beneath the
tracer's tip.

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

These criteria were successfully met by enclosing a
Eddy-Current and
Electrostatic Shield
very small (1.5-mm-diameter) H-shaped ferrite core
Ferrite Core
within a relatively thick, highly conductive shield.
The shield serves several purposes: it provides me
chanical support and protection for the pickup core,
it shields the core from external changing magnetic
fields by means of induced eddy currents in the
shield that oppose the changing flux, and it is elec
trically grounded and thus protects the coil windings
Magnetic Flux Path
from electric fields caused by the voltages on the
board. Protection from electric fields is adequate to
provide the greater than 110 dB of shielding needed
so the tracer's tip can be placed next to voltage steps
of five volts and not respond to them, while at the
same time responding to current steps of 1 mA. For a
1-mA current step the current-step sensor produces
a 100-/xV output spike approximately 150 ns wide.
L > R > e o u ,

To make a 100-/xV 150-ns pulse light an incandes
cent lamp long enough for it to be visible, consider
able amplification is required. For the sake of operat
Fig. 6. Construction and equivalent circuit of the current-
step sensor, which acts like a current transformer. For each
ing convenience, it was decided to package all the
current step the sensor produces a voltage impulse at its necessary electronics in the probe body and to power
output. the probe from the supplies typically present in a dig
ital environment. This means that the circuitry has to
(R is small), so a current is induced in the coil whose operate from supply voltages of five volts or less, so
magnetic flux nearly cancels the flux change caused nearly all commercially available linear ICs are in
by the unknown current step. Thus, for a fixed physi applicable. Also, the shape and small size of the probe
cal orientation, there will be a current step propor body make physical isolation of the amplifier stages
tional to the unknown current step induced in the impractical, and the small volume within the probe
pickup coil. This induced current flows through the also prevents the use of effective high-frequency de
resistor R, producing a voltage that forms the output coupling capacitors because of their large size. It was
signal of the sensor. The current in the pickup coil, possible, nevertheless, using two custom ICs, to pack
and hence the output voltage, decays with a time con age on a multilayer board approximately 1.3 cm wide
stant L/R. This time constant is such that the output of by 10 cm long, 80 dB x 20 MHz of stable linear ampli
the current-step sensor is an impulse whose peak value fication. This was accomplished by very careful loca
is proportional to the change in the unknown current tion of components to minimize capacitive coupling,
and is independent of the rise time of the current and by orienting the components to cancel destabiliz
change up to about 200 nanoseconds. Although the ing parasitic inductive coupling. Shielding of the
current-step sensor provides an indication only of cur sensitive amplifier from external electric and mag
rent changes and not the total value of the current, it netic fields is provided by the probe housing, which
turns out that for fault finding in digital systems this is made of aluminum and makes an effective electro
information is sufficient. static and eddy-current shield.
The current-step sensor had to meet a number of For maximum viewing angle, brightness, and con
conflicting design criteria. It had to be physically venience of location, the current tracer's display was
small so currents in the closely spaced traces found chosen to be an incandescent lamp at the tip of the
on printed circuit boards could be distinguished. It probe immediately behind the current-step sensor.
had to be able to reject magnetic flux originating from This location creates a difficult stability problem: a
locations other than the tracer's tip. It had to provide a pulse at the current-step sensor is amplified and re
detectable output for the smallest current steps of in turned to the display, which is right next to the sen
terest (<1 mA). It could not respond to voltage sor, and the energy content of the pulse that flashes
changes found in digital systems. It had to be me the display can be greater than 1014 times that cap
chanically rugged and manufacturable at a reason tured by the current-step sensor. It was possible, how
able cost. ever, thanks to the efficiency of the shielding of the

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

current-step sensor, the orientation of the amplifier
components, and careful printed circuit board de
sign to electrically decouple the input from the out
put. In fact, the current pulse that drives the display
lamp actually passes through the board area in which
the amplifier is located, but by running the display
lamp's supply and return traces on the inner layers of
a multilayer board, one above the other and separated
by a very thin insulating layer, and covering these with
the outer-layer ground plane, it was possible to confine Sensitivity
the fields from the display pulse to a very small vol
ume. The ground plane also had to be carefully de
signed so the charging currents of the parasitic capac
itor formed by the grounded eddy-current shield and
the trace or node under investigation can pass
through the sensitive amplifier area without induc
tively coupling unwanted signals to the amplifier.
Fault currents in the various logic families and
from pulse stimulators can vary from about one
milliampere to one ampere. The tracer normalizes
these to a common reference level so the operator Fig. 7. Variable gain preamplifier provides 60 dB of gain
sees only the value of the current at the tracer's tip variation as the sensitivity control is adjusted. The diodes
relative to that at the driving point of the node. This function as current-controlled variable resistors.
60-dB (1000:1) gain variation cannot be achieved
with a potentiometer divider because the parasitic microvolts and yet not introduce any noise peaks
inductances and capacitances associated with a po comparable in amplitude to the input pulses because
tentiometer at the extreme positions of the wiper the downstream circuitry detects each peak and
degrade the high-frequency response. Also, the gain stretches it for a sufficient time to light the display.
control has to be in the initial stages of the amplifier Thus the rms noise introduced by the amplifier must
chain because the requirement of operating from be far below the 100-microvolt input pulse. This was
five-volt supplies severely restricts the linear operat achieved by using a low-noise, high-frequency
ing range of the amplifiers. For these reasons the transistor biased to optimize its noise figure.
entire 60 dB of gain control was placed in the first
amplifier stage. This was done by taking as the basic Peak Detectors
configuration a single transistor with an unbypassed When the sensitivity control is set so the display is
emitter resistor approximately equal to the collector at its reference level, the output of the current-step
resistor (see Fig. 7). Current-controlled variable resis sensor emerges from the amplifier chain with an am
tors formed from Schottky and silicon diodes are plitude of about 500 mV and a width of about 150 nano
ac-coupled to both the collector and emitter resistors. seconds. The polarity of this output will be either pos
When the sensitivity control on the tracer is placed in itive or negative, depending upon the polarity of the
the 1-mA position the variable emitter resistors are in current step and the randomly chosen orientation be
their low-resistance state and the collector resistances tween the current path and the pickup coil in the
are in their high-resistance state, thus forming a tracer. The operator is interested only in how the
common-emitter amplifier of 20-dB gain. Conversely, magnitude of this pulse varies as he moves the tip of
when the sensitivity control is in the 1A position the tracer from place to place, so the signal that drives
the collector resistance becomes very small and the the display lamp must be proportional to the ampli
emitter resistance large and the configuration forms tude of the output of the amplifier chain, independent
a 40-dB attenuator. A temperature-compensated, of its polarity, and of sufficient duration to be visible.
precision-component network was required to pro The required signal processing is accomplished by
vide control currents for the variable resistors to in means of two peak detectors. The first, or bipolar peak
sure that the maximum and minimum values of the detector (Fig. 8), produces an output pulse of the
amplifier gain were repeatable from unit to unit and same magnitude as the input pulse, but always of the
stable with time. same polarity, and stretches the peak of the input
The noise performance required of the first ampli pulse from about 20 ns to about 40 /xs. A second peak
fier stage is quite severe. It must amplify, with a detector stretches the output of the bipolar peak de
20-MHz bandwidth, input pulses smaller than 100 tector to about 200 ms, which is long enough to be vis-

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

loop. This configuration permits nearly all of the ex
ternal supply voltage to be used when the external
voltage is low. E

HP Model 547A Current Tracer

FREQUENCY RESPONSE: Light indicates: single-step current transitions;
single for »50 ns in width; pulse trains to 10 MHz (typically 20 MHz for
current pulses s?10 mA).
RISETIME: Light indicates current transitions with risetimes «200 ns at 1 mA.
VOLTAGE: 4.5 to 18 Vdc
OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION: ±25 Vdc for one minute
Fig. 8. The output of the bipolar peak detector is a time- TEMPERATURE: 0° to 55°C
stretched version of the input, and is positive for both polarities PRICE IN U.S.A.: $350
5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Santa Clara, California 95050 U.S.A.
ible. The output of the second peak detector is further
amplified by a dc amplifier to provide the signal that 1A

lights the incandescent display lamp.

Voltage Regulator
The current tracer is designed to operate from any 100 mA-
external dc supply between 4.5 and 18 volts and to HP547A
withstand accidental reversals of supply voltage po Typical Operating Range
larity. The internal tracer supply voltage is indepen
dent of the magnitude of the external supply voltage.
It is obtained by a feedback configuration using a spe 10 mA -

cial PNP series-pass transistor that has a very high

emitter-base breakdown voltage to assure re
verse-polarity protection (see Fig. 9). The value of the
internal supply voltage is set by the balancing of a 1 mA — i — — r
"nonlinear bootstrap bridge", a bridge containing a 200 ns 2 fi 20 /is 200 /is
diode in one arm and driven by the internal supply it Input Pulse Risetime
self. Because of the nonlinearity of the diode only one
value of the internal supply voltage will balance the John F. Beckwith
bridge. Any unbalance is amplified and negatively P John Beckwith received his BSEE
fed back to the series-pass transistor to complete the degree in 1 959 from Georgia Insti
tute of Technology, and his MS
__ _ _ degree in physics in 1967 from
Florida State University. Before
coming to HP in 1973, he de
signed several commercial pro
ducts, mainly computer terminals,
gathering experience in digital,
analog, broadband-linear,
magnetic, and electromechanical
design. He also spent two years in
business for himself, developing
an inventory control system. At HP,
besides designing the 547A Cur
rent Tracer, he's helped design a laser calibrator and an RF
signal generator. John was born in New York City and raised in
Florida. He's married, has two children, lives in Foster City,
California, and likes to work on cars. He's also a student of
Fig. 9. Voltage regulator output voltage is constant regard economics, government, and law, and occasionally takes an
less of load current and input voltage as long as the input active part in local government. Quantum electrodynamics is
voltage exceeds the regulated output voltage by as little as another of his continuing interests.
the saturation voltage of the transistor.

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

New Logic Probe Troubleshoots Many
Logic Families
The probe's single lamp indicator displays high or low
logic levels, bad levels, and open circuits on digital circuit
nodes. Testable logic families include TTL, DTL, CMOS,
by Robert C. Quenelle

DESIGNING AND TROUBLESHOOTING digital tages between valid logic levels, as well as open cir
circuits poses some measurement problems not cuits or inputs not connected to outputs.
neatly solved by analog test equipment. The digital The probe contains a latch that indicates and stores
circuit typically has only two narrow voltage ranges, input activity, a useful feature when low repetition
high and low, that represent logic ones and zeros. A
voltmeter or oscilloscope will easily give the voltage
to more accuracy than is required, but won't translate
those voltages into logic levels, leaving that job to the
user. Although the oscilloscope is sometimes indis
pensable for checking ringing, skews, and so forth, in
many instances a simple indication of logic levels
will suffice.
For several years the logic probe has comple
mented the oscilloscope in helping to solve digital
troubleshooting problems. HP's Model 10525T, for
example, is small and light enough to be hand-held
and features convenient fingertip display of ones and
zeros and 10-nanosecond pulse-catching capability,
independent of repetition rate. The 10525T translates
voltages at the measurement tip to logic levels based
on the specifications of TTL logic.
With the expanding use of MOS and CMOS, it be
came desirable to have more than TTL thresholds
available. The new HP Model 545A CMOS-TTL Logic
Probe (Fig. 1) offers switch-selectable TTL or CMOS
thresholds for monitoring acitivity in most logic fam
ilies, including DTL, TTL, HTL, HNIL, MOS, CMOS
and discrete logic (but not ECL). The CMOS thresh ^£
olds are set at 30% and 70% of the supply voltage to
which the 545A is connected.
Most MOS parts are either TTL-compatible or have
logic levels close to some power supply voltages. By
selecting TTL thresholds for TTL-compatible parts or
by using CMOS thresholds and connecting the probe
to appropriate supply voltages, most MOS devices
can be checked. The probe always displays the more
negative logic level as a zero. HTL or HNIL parts are
tested using CMOS thresholds. The input current is
nominally 10 /zA (source and sink), compatible with
high-impedance logic yet large enough to overcome
leakage currents and prevent false readings. Besides Fig. 1. Model 545A Logic Probe indicates logic levels and
displaying ones and zeros, the probe indicates vol pulse activity at individual digital circuit nodes.

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

supply. In the CMOS mode the probe's thresholds
A Smart Probe-Test System track the instantaneous supply voltage as does CMOS
logic, thereby compensating for ripple to 1 kHz.
Instrument test procedures can have substantial effects on
factory cost, warranty cost, and customer satisfaction. High-
Using the Probe
volume, high-technology instruments like the new logic pro
ducts demand high test throughput and a high test confidence The logic probe has two main display modes, static
factor, the latter because warranty cost on a returned low-cost and dynamic. It indicates in a static circuit whether
instrument represents a large portion of its price. the voltage at a particular point is a logic zero, a one,
The solution was found in a calculator-controlled test system. or an indeterminate level. The lamp in the probe tip is
The system is a closed-loop, self-calibrating, fully automatic
tester. Most of the hardware is off-the-shelf instrumentation:
off for a zero, bright for a one, and dim for a voltage be
an HP 9830A Calculator as system controller, an HP 9866A tween logic levels, an open circuit, or a high-impe
Printer for failure analysis and statistical data, an HP 5328A dance point such as a floating input or a three-state
Counter with built-in DVM for dc voltage measurements and a output in the off state. In a dynamic circuit, the tip
programmable input section for dynamic pulse measurements, lamp will flash at about 10 Hz when the tip is touched
an HP 59303A DAC to program the voltage on an HP 6824A
Power Amplifier, another DAC to program dc probe tip voltages,
to a point toggling between a one and zero at up to 80
an HP 1 900 Pulse Generator System to provide dc and dynamic MHz in TTL mode and 40 MHz in CMOS. It will flash
signals, an HP 59301 A HP-IB-to-Parallel Converter to program on or off for about 50 ms for a single one or zero pulse.
the instrument interface test boxes and the 1900 Pulse Genera Pulses as short as 10 ns can be detected if the short
tor ranges, another 59301 A to program an 8-channel 6-bit ground lead is connected to a point near the pulse
DAC to set the verniers on the pulse generators, and two
HP 59307A VHP Switches to route the VHP signals going be
source. 20-ns pulses can typically be detected with
tween the generators, the two instrument interface test boxes, out using the short ground lead. The probe can also be
and the counter. The counter is also used to close the loop clipped into a circuit and the latch used to monitor
back to the calculator under software control for accurately infrequent activity.
setting the dc and dynamic stimulus circuitry. The counter's
DVM port is used to get test-box control signals into the cal
By displaying the dc logic levels in a circuit the
culator. The 5328A Counter is the only part of the system re logic probe can be used to verify combinatorial re
quiring periodic off-line calibration. Everything else can be lationships. Or, input levels can be overridden by a
recalibrated automatically with correction factors stored in a logic pulser and the logic probe will then test the
software calibration file. functioning of a circuit without removing any normal
Inside the two identical instrument interface test boxes are
solenoids that push buttons and slide switches, microswitches
connections. In clocked systems, many logic families
that sense whether a probe, pulser, or current tracer is plugged respond only to clock transitions and are insensitive
in, phototransistors and amplifiers to measure the brightness of to the clock rate (up to their upper frequency specifi
indicators, VHP relays for pulse line termination and load sens cations). This allows replacing normal clocking sig
ing, reed relays for direct voltage measurement, and support
nals with a single cycle or slow clock (once again, a
In operation, all the operator need do is load the operating logic pulser may be used) and checking system se
system tape cassette into the calculator, plug a probe or quencing at a convenient rate. Spikes and one-shot
pulser into the left hole of either test box or a current tracer outputs can also be checked even at slow clock rates
into the right hole, and press the test button. The system
selects the box, identifies which instrument is plugged in, runs
the proper test program, lights the pass or fail lamp upon
completion of the test, and if the instrument fails, prints out a
failure analysis and diagnostic message helpful in repairing
the instrument. 1 Peak Detector , Comparator

-Barry Bronson

rates or single-shot events are involved. A light-emit

ting diode (LED) indicator turns on when a new one ^ 0 Comparator
or zero level is detected and stays on until manually
reset. D4
To protect the 545A from accidental overloads, the
power supply input is protected to ±25 volts for one
0 Reference Level
minute and the tip can withstand momentary over
loads to 250 volts. The probe is usable down to three
volts, although the tip lamp gets dimmer below five Fig. 2. 545A front-end has two fast peak detectors and two
relatively slow, low-input-current comparators. The circuit
volts. CMOS supplies often have considerable ripple, can withstand accidental overloads of ±1 20V continuous
especially if electrically noisy devices use the same and ±250V for 15 seconds.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

because of the 545's pulse stretching display. protection and the ability to operate at three volts, it
The 545's dynamic capability allows checking cir was necessary to provide a protection circuit with
cuits running at full clock rate. Dead nodes (stuck low voltage drop. In Fig. 3, Ql is a series-pass transis
high, low, or bad-level/open) are common failures tor that remains saturated in normal operation. The
easily found with the probe. Spikes on normally quiet FET, Q2, provides base drive for Ql that is relatively
lines (such as reset) will also show up even if the duty independent of supply variation. When excessive
cycle is very low. Often a technique similar to analog positive supply voltages are encountered, zener
signal tracing can be used to find problems. Working diode Dl conducts, raising the potential at Q2's
back from an output to a point where a gate's inputs source and reducing Ql's base drive. Ql comes out of
are moving but the output is not will localize many saturation and limits the voltage applied to the chip.
faults. Reverse protection is provided by Ql's high emitter-
base breakdown voltage. S
Inside the Probe
The heart of the 545A Logic Probe is a custom HP
integrated circuit containing input comparators, ref
erence circuits, logic for controlling the tip lamp and SPECIFICATIONS
HP Model 545A Logic Probe
latch LED, timing circuits, and a lamp driver for oper
ating the lamp over a 3-to-18-volt power supply INPUT CURRENT: « 1 5 /iA (source or sink)
range. The input signal is connected to two compara INPUT CAPACITANCE: s15 pF
tors through peak detectors and an external RC net TTL:
work (see Fig. 2). The peak detectors use Schottky LOGIC ONE 2.0 + 0.4, -0.2 Vdc
LOGIC ZERO 0.8 + 0.2, -0.4 Vdc
diodes (D3 and D4) for fast switching and make it CMOS: 3-10 Vdc supply
possible to use relatively slow, low-input-current LOGIC ONE: 0.7 : ^supply ±0.5 Vdc
LOGIC ZERO: 0.3 x Vsupp|y ±0.5 Vdc
comparators. Protection from input overloads is pro CMOS: 910-18 Vdc supply
vided by on-chip clamp diodes (Dl and D2) and the LOGIC ONE: 0.7 x Vsupp|y ±1.0 Vdc
LOGIC ZERO: 0.3 " Vsupjj|y ±1.0 Vdc
external network. Rl. the dc path, allows signals up INPUT MINIMUM PULSE WIDTH: 1 0 ns with ground lead (typically 20 ns without
to 250 volts to be momentarily applied while R2 and ground lead)
Cl provide a damped bypass for fast pulses. 40 MHz
The logic section operates asynchronously, trig INPUT OVERLOAD PROTECTION: ±120V continuous (dc to 1 kHz); ±250V
for 15 seconds (dc to 1 kHz)
gered by data changes at the input. The internal state, PULSE MEMORY: Indicates first entry into valid logic level: also indicates re
indicated by the tip lamp, and the input history since turn to initial valid level from bad level for pulse ^^ us wide.
the last display change determine the next state. A TTL: 4. 5 to 15 Vdc
new zero or one signal starts a cycle that updates the CMOS: 3 to 18 Vdc
display, then waits 50 ms to produce a stretching or OVERLOAD PROTECTION: ±25 Vdc for one min.
toggling effect. The new zero or one signal also sets TEMPERATURE: 0° to 55°C
ACCESSORY INCLUDED: Ground cable and grabbers (allows connection to
the memory indicator, which stays on until manually 1C pins).
PRICE IN U.S.A.: $125.
reset. If neither a zero nor a one is present and the tim MANUFACTURING DIVISION: SANTA CLARA DIVISION
ing cycle is complete, the logic displays a bad level 5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard
(dim lamp) until a valid logic level arrives. Santa Clara. California 95050 U.S.A.

To provide power supply overvoltage and reversal

Robert C. Quenelle
Bob Quenelle designed the 545A
Logic Probe and put it into produc
v+ tion He's been with HP since
1973, and is now working on a
JÉB?^ software development project.
D1 Jit\ *y jhf Bob was born in Tucson, Arizona.
^ -;»' He graduated from the University
02 Ap / of Arizona at Tucson with a BSEE
-C degree in 1970, and in 1973 he
received his MSEE degree from
Stanford University. He's married,
lives in Santa Clara, California, and
devotes part of his spare time to
, , working with a local Boy Scout
electronics Explorer post. He also
Fig. 3. Power supply protection circuit protects the 545A's ~ likes camping and bicycling, and
single integrated circuit, its tip lamp, and its latch LED working in his garden or on electronics projects.
against overvoltage and reverse voltage to ±25V.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

A Multifunction, Multifamily Logic Pulser
This microprogrammed pulse generator in a probe can
produce single pulses, pulse bursts, or pulse streams. Its
output stage automatically adjusts for the type of logic
being stimulated.

by Barry Bronson and Anthony Y. Chan


troubleshooting digital equipment. Using a pul-
ser to inject pulses into logic nodes without cutting
traces or removing ICs and monitoring the circuit
response with a logic probe or clip is an effective
method of locating logic, connective, or component
faults. The pulser produces high-energy, short-
duration voltage pulses of a logic state opposite to
that of the node under stimulation.
As a logic stimulus element, the new HP Model
546A Logic Pulser (Fig. 1) offers features never before
available in a self-contained probe. Operating from a
3-to-18V logic supply, it is capable of overriding
TTL, DTL, HTL, and CMOS logic nodes with narrow
pulses of automatically controlled voltage, polarity,
and width, and selectable rate and count.
The new pulser retains much of the simplicity of
its predecessor: one power connection, single push
button control, completely self-contained elec
tronics, a normally high-impedance output tip, and
low power consumption. It expands the basic pulser
concept by providing additional features that aid
digital design and troubleshooting. These include
10-Hz and 100-Hz low-duty-cycle pulse streams that
can be used for continuous clocking of circuits or as
a current injector for a current tracer, a pulse-per-
second mode for slow clocking circuits and following
the action at human speeds, and recurring bursts of 10
and 100 pulses for presetting sequential circuits (e.g.,
counters, shift registers, sequencers) with a precise
number of counts. An LED annunciator on the tip pro
vides feedback to identify the output mode and allow
pulse bursts to be detected and counted. By pro
gramming single pulses and bursts of 10 and 100
while observing the LED, a predetermined number
of outputs can be generated. A "smart" output stage
takes care of pulse shaping and overload protection
for compatability with all popular positive logic
Serial encoding of the six function modes on a
single push-slide switch (similar in operation to that
of a flashlight) allows rapid eyes-off programming Fig. 1. Model 546 A Logic Pulser provides single pulses,
and the ability to lock the pulser in any mode for con pulse bursts, and pulse trains that automatically drive a digi
tinuous hands-off operation. To program a mode, the tal circuit node to its opposite state


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

RAM. The user can examine the data set up in a bus-
driving 1C by pulsing its bus-enable line and using a
logic probe on its output bus, and check system data
Single Pulses error detecting or correcting performance by inject
Continuous 100-Hz Pulse ing bit errors into a serial data transmission channel.
Stream When used with the 547A Current Tracer, the pulser
100-Pulse Bursts
10- Hz Pulse Stream
can help locate faults on stuck buses.
10-Pulse Bursts
1-Hz Pulse Stream An Instrument on a Chip
One Press of Button
Most of the electronics in the 546A Logic Pulser
Press and Hold is on a single custom HP large-scale integrated circuit.
The "instrument on a chip" concept keeps the parts
count, size, power, and cost low. On-chip logic is
a micropower version of low-power Schottky logic,
and includes a 256-bit read-only memory (ROM),
Fig. 2. The logic pulser is programmed by means of a single 14 flip-flops, and 41 gates. An on-chip voltage regu
button, using the code shown. lator contains a voltage and temperature compen
sated reference and control circuit for generating
button is pushed a predetermined number of times in the 2.7V that runs the internal logic. The total operat
rapid succession. Continuing to hold it down after ing current for the logic is less than 25 mA. Total
the last push causes the selected function to be exe power dissipation for all circuits on the chip is less
cuted (see Fig. 2). Sliding the button forward forces than 100 mW.
it to stay down and locks the pulser in the mode Since most of the 1C operates at low voltage, two
selected. All switch debounce and sequence timing sets of layout rules were adopted to minimize total
are implemented internally. chip area. Using high-density cells for low-voltage
and lower-density cells for higher-voltage circuits,
we were able to use our standard bipolar single-level
Pulser Applications metal process to put approximately 1000 transistors
The 546A Logic Pulser can serve as a stimulus on a 2.7X3.2-mm die, and still have overvoltage pro
instrument for locating many common digital 1C tection to ±25V.
problems. The response-measuring instrument can In Fig. 3 it can be seen that the 546A is a ROM-
be a logic probe, a logic clip, or a current tracer. based system. The 2 56-bit ROM is a functionally opti
For example: mized structure occupying less than 10% of the chip
area. A free-running 100-Hz RC-controlled voltage
Problem Response Instrument and temperature compensated clock circuit, operat
Shorted 1C Input Probe, Tracer ing at 2.7V, acts as a time base for the instrument.
or Output Using an external resistor and capacitor allows better
Stuck Data Bus Probe, Tracer
Internal Open in 1C Probe
Solder Bridge Tracer
Sequential Logic Fault Clip
Shorts to Vcc or Ground Probe, Tracer

The pulser is a versatile design tool. It can be used

to single-step breadboard designs, provide a substi
tute system clock, or verify the integrity of ground
and power buses. In sequential circuits such as flip-
flops, counters, and shift registers, the pulser can be
used to preset, clear, or clock the circuit, or preload
the circuit with a precise number of pulses.
The pulser has many applications in micropro
cessor and other bus-structured systems. For ex
ample, it can force the CPU into the reset mode, in
ject interrupts (single shot or 1, 10, or 100 per second),
set flags and clear data latches in I/O ports, and force Fig. 3. 546A block diagram. Most circuits are on a single
a memory write to occur at a selected address in custom 1C chip, including the 256-bit ROM.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

than ±10% accuracy over the full voltage and tem 0.5A, 0.5-/U.S pulse to a TTL line driver output.
perature range of the instrument. About 20% of the active chip area and 40% of the dis
The H-lOO counter acts as a sealer for generating crete components in the pulser are directly involved
pulse and LED output rates, a counter for the bursts, in this pulse output control task. Fig. 4 is a functional
and a timer for program mode detection and switch schematic of the output stage.
debouncing. The switch input control debounces the Transistors QO and Ql are normally off, and SO and
single-contact switch, presets the -HlOO counter and Si are open. The pulser presents a high impedance
burst control, generates a single-shot output signal, to the logic node at the tip. Residual charge on coup
and increments the mode select control circuit. The ling capacitor Cl has been bled off by Rl.
mode select control determines whether the instru When a signal from the ROM initiates an output
ment is programming or executing a mode, which cycle, the one-shot is triggered, and QO turns on via
output mode it is in, and when to return to the stand 10 (a 100-mA on-chip current source), GO, and the
by mode. control 0 line. Immediately after QO saturates, SO is
The burst control governs the burst timing, count closed through delay element DO, an on-chip capaci
(98 or 6 for the first burst*, 100 or 10 for successive tor/SCR circuit, and the 0 sense comparator is enabled.
ones), and pause interval between burst outputs. The load on the pulser tip is pulled toward ground
The LED annunciator circuit is a ROM-controlled through Cl, a low-impedance ceramic capacitor.
direct-drive constant-current sink. It drives the high- Current through Cl gets reflected as a voltage (dv =
efficiency LED in the tip. Idt/Cl) on the sense line via input resistor R2 and
speed-up capacitor C2. When the tip load current is
Automatic Output Control low, as in CMOS, Cl charges slowly. Before it can
An on-chip automatic pulse output control circuit reach 0.7V about ten microseconds elapses and the
effectively delivers the proper pulse polarity, vol one-shot shuts off the 0 output circuit through GO. If a
tage, width, and fast edge necessary to overdrive the heavy load is present at the tip (e.g., a TTL buffer) charge
logic node at the tip. It can output a 3V, 10-mA, develops rapidly on Cl. When the voltage across Cl
IO-/AS pulse to a 3V CMOS clock input node or a 5V, reaches 0.7V, the 0 sense comparator fires the overload
"98 and the burst counts are necessary to subtract out the 2 and 4 pulses that output when the user
line causing the one-shot to retrigger and the 0 output
pushes the button to program the 100-pulse and 10-pulse burst modes. circuit to turn off. The heavier the load, the shorter


Fig. automatically delivers schematic of 546A output stage. The circuit automatically delivers pulses ot
the proper polarity, voltage, width, and transition time to override the logic node at the pulser's tip.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

will be the output pulse. Active turn-on and turn-off
of QO assure fast pulse edges through logic transition
v- regions.
At the conclusion of a 0 output pulse, the 1 output
circuit becomes active. Its operation is analogous
to that of the 0 output circuit except for the variable
Light Load threshold setting of the 1 sense circuit, necessary to
adjust to the 3-to-18V operating range, and the inclu
10 /*s
Typical sion of charge storage capacitor C3 and charging re
sistor R3. C3 sets the 1 output voltage pulse ampli
tude and decouples potentially large current surges
from the tested circuit's supply line. Between output
cycles, current through R3 restores the charge lost
from C3 during the previous 1 output. R3 and C3 also
provide good power supply ripple tracking. This
••small Heavy Load to V +
assures accurate instantaneous pulse amplitude con
trol when used with a poorly regulated CMOS power
The pulse output cycle is complete when Ql turns
off. Fig. 5 illustrates output waveforms under var
v• ious loads. 2

Heavy Load to Ground

Anthony Y. Chan
Ground Tony Chan designed the custom
1C chip for the 546A Logic Pulser.
He joined HP in 1973 with four
years' experience in linear and di-
Fig. 5. Typical 546A output waveforms under various loads. gital 1C design. Before taking on
the pulser.lC design, he de-
veloped low-power low-voltage
logic gates. Tony was born in
Hong Kong. He received his BSEE
degree from the University of
California at Berkeley in 1969 and
SPECIFICATIONS his MSEE degree from California
HP Model 546A Logic Pulser State University at San Jose in
1974. He's married, has two chil
dren and has a home in Sun
Logic Family Power Supply Output Current
Voltage nyvale, Californiathat he's currently remodeling. He also enjoys
working with wood and with automobiles.
TTL 4.5-5.5 Vdc «650 mA
CMOS 3-15 Vdc s100 mA

Logic Pulse Typical Output Voltage

Barry Bronson
Family Width H i g h L o w Barry Bronson, project leader for
TTL 33 Vdc «0.8 Vdc the 546A Logic Pulser, received
his BS degree in engineering from
*<vsupply s° 5 vdc
-1 Vdc) UCLA in 1970 and his MSEE de
gree from Stanford University in
TIP IMPEDANCE: <2 ohms active; >1 megohm off 1975. With HP since 1971, he's
IMPEDANCE: <2 ohms active: -1 megohm off
developed several automatic pro
POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: duction test systems and contri
OPERATING VOLTAGE RANGE: buted to the 5035T Logic Lab and
TTL: 4 .5-5.5 Vdc the 5000A Logic Analyzer. Barry is
CMOS: 3-1 8 Vdc
Operating current: «35 mA
a native of Los Angeles, California
POWER SUPPLY INPUT PROTECTION: -25V for 1 min. and now lives in San Jose. He and
TIME BASE ACCURACY: -10% his wife have a one-year-old
OPERATING TEMPERATURE: 0" to 55'C daughter. At home, Barry likes to
ACCESSORY INCLUDED: Ground cable and grabbers
PRICE IN U.S. A.: $150 work on electronics projects of his
MANUFACTURING DIVISION: SANTA CLARA DIVISION own, one of them a home-made microcomputer system. He also
5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard has a part-time video equipment business, dabbles in photog
Santa Clara, CA 95050 U.S.A. raphy and the stock market, and plays tennis.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

Probe Family Packaging
by David E. Gordon

Fig. 1. Probe housing design

makes it possible to produce three
Current Tracer Logic Pul ser Logic Probe
instruments with a minimum
number of different parts.

The problem was to design a second generation probe push this. Ordering, stocking, and handling costs are reduced
packaging system for three new logic test instruments, accom by using common parts, and the increased production volume
modating 100% more circuit area with minimal instrument size of those parts lowers the manufacturing costs. For low as
increase, 200% more heat dissipation, and electromagnetic sembly and service costs, all of the mechanical parts, with the
shielding. The amount to be spent for tooling was strictly limited. exception of the crimp-on cable strain relief, are easy to fit to
It was desirable that all parts be inexpensive, easy to assemble gether by hand without the use of nuts, bolts, washers, etc. (see
and service, and highly reliable. Figs. 2 and 3).
Our solution was to use an aluminum extrusion coupled with Custom switches for the logic probe and logic pulser are pro
simple molded plastic parts that snap, slide, and press together duced at very low cost. The lighted pulse memory reset switch
to provide a low cost, versatile instrument package that meets (Fig. 4) and the latching pulser mode switch use plastic actua-
the functional requirements of the electronic design (see Fig. 1).
To have low factory and selling costs and stay within the tool
ing budget, the package had to be designed using a minimum
number of parts that could be produced by easy manufacturing Ground Ring
methods — aluminum extrusion, plastic molding, and metal
stamping processes offered the necessary tooling to accom-

Fkj. 2. At top is an end view of the upper interlocking extru

sion for the 546A Logic Pu/ser with the pulser switch in place.
Internal slots serve as guides for the sliding switch. Slots in Fig. 3. Ground ring provides a ground path from the bottom of
the lower extrusion serve as printed circuit board guides. the printed circuit board to the end of the extrusion shown in
Lower extrusion is from the 547 A Current Tracer, showing the Fig. 2. Crimp-on strain relief pulls back into a cavity and locks
faced and clear alodined end that provides grounding of the the cable into place. Notches in the printed circuit board
case for electromagnetic shielding. snap into the rear plastic support for structural ridigity.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

Fig. 4. 545A Logic Probe pulse memory switch rotates into Fig. 5. Probe interconnect system provides for connection
place over LED. Press-in switch contact touches printed cir of power leads, probe tip, and ground pin to standard test
cuit traces when the button is pushed. pins, an 1C test clip, or HP grabbers.

tors and printed circuit contacts to simplify manufacture and

The instruments use an interconnect system that provides for
connection of the power lead, probe/pulser tip, and ground pin
to either a standard test pin, an 1C test clip, or an HP grabber
(see Fig. 5).
Aluminum extrusion allows for a very versatile package, since
it can be cut to any length. With minor secondary operations, David E. Gordon
five different body halves are produced. Perhaps the aluminum Dave Gordon received his BSME
extrusion's greatest attribute is its excellent heat transfer, which degree from California State
keeps component temperature to a minimum for higher instru Polytechnic College at Pomona in
ment reliability. Also, it provides electromagnetic shielding 1973, and joined HPa month later.
when grounded to the printed circuit board, making the sensitiv Now group leader for printed cir
ity of black current tracer possible. The case surface is hard black cuit multilayer process engineer
anodized for the scratch resistance necessary for a high break ing, he served until recently as
down voltage, and the thin cross sectional area of the extrusion - product designer for logic trouble
yields a larger circuit volume per unit length than previous plas shooting instruments. Dave was
tic packaging. born in Alhambra, California, and
now lives in Los Gatos, California,
Acknowledgments with his partner and her two chil
I would like to share design credit with Jim Marrocco, whose dren. Family activities and the "in
ideas and efforts contributed a great deal to the project. Also, vigorating disciplines of medita
considerable manufacturing assistance came from Steve Balog tion and Hatha yoga" are
and John Lindahl major interests; he also enjoys backpacking and cycling.

1C Troubleshooting Kits

1C Troubleshooting instruments
are available in kits consisting of
various combinations of logic
probe, logic pulser, logic clip, cur
rent tracer, logic comparator, and
carrying case. Model 5022A Kit
(shown) contains the four instru
ments described in this issue: the
545A Logic Probe, the 546A Logic
Pulser, the 547A Current Tracer,
and the 548A Logic Clip.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

Muitifamily Logic Clip Shows All Pin
States Simultaneously
This from logic clip works with virtually all logic families from
ECL to 18V CMOS. Loading of the circuit under test is
minimal. The clip is protected against overloads to 30V.

by Durward Priebe

A LOGIC CLIP IS A HANDY means of monitoring devices. In most applications its operation is automa
logic conditions in a digital integrated circuit tic; simply clip it onto the 1C in any convenient orien
(1C) system. It simultaneously clips onto all the leads tation and observe the pin states shown by the LEDs.
of a dual in-line 1C package (DIP) and displays the Power leads for the clip are unnecessary, since each
logic states of all pins of the device at once, instead of clip pin has a network that seeks the most positive
one pin at a time like a logic probe. Corresponding to and negative voltage levels on the 1C; from these the
each 1C pin is one light-emitting diode (LED) on top of 548A draws its power and sets proper threshold lev
the clip; it turns on when the logic level on that pin is els. Each remaining clip pin is then free to compare
more positive than a specified threshold voltage. The the 1C pin voltage with the internally derived thresh
user sees the logic states of all 1C pins by observing old and control the illumination of the corresponding
the LED array, and can quickly identify state changes LED. Each 1C pin sees a negligible nominal load of
or verify truth tables. The clip is useful for system de 3/LtA and 20 pF thus assuring that the clip does not
signers, test technicians, and field service personnel. perturb the IC's operation. Operation is automatic
The new Model 548A Logic Clip (Fig. 1) was de for positive supply voltages of 4 to 18 volts. Internal
signed to provide this capability with a maximum of regulation maintains essentially constant LED bright
ease and versatility for the user while imposing neg ness over this voltage range.
ligible loading upon the 1C being examined. Today's Many digital systems contain higher-voltage
digital systems typically contain a variety of device analog or interface DIPs, so it is possible that a user
types, along with microprocessors, memory, inter may inadvertently place the clip on such a circuit.
faces, and other functional blocks in NMOS, CMOS, The 548A is protected against this, and will not be
TTL, ECL, and other logic families. The 548A was de damaged by momentary connection to an 1C with a
signed to be readily compatible with these types of total voltage differential of up to 30V.

Fig. 1. Model 548 A Logic Clip

simultaneously displays the states
of all pins of ICs in dual in-line


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

threshold of -1.4V when the IC's negative supply
is -5.2V and +5V is applied to the connector.
The voltage on this connector must be maintained at
Auxiliary V + least 1.5V higher than the IC's most positive pin but
less than 20V higher than the most negative pin.
1C Support
Inside the Clip
The 548A is an integrated "silicon instrument."
Internally each clip half consists solely of a 20-pin
custom 1C with an LED array attached, as shown in
Fig. 2. The high-efficiency LEDs in the special HP
array operate at only 1.5 mA nominal current. To
gether with low-power 1C design, this results in the
clip's typically requiring only 30 mA with 15 LEDs on
at 5V, or just 10 mW of power for each comparator-
driver-LED channel.
A simplified schematic of each channel is shown in
Fig. 3. Each input pin is connected to two diodes and
one input of a comparator. If an input is connected to
the ground pin of the 1C under test all the clip current
flows to ground through the forward-biased D2 of
Fig. 2. Internally, each half of the 548A Logic Clip consists
of a 20-pin custom 1C connected to a custom LED array. that pin. Voltage on the Vcc pin forward-biases its Dl
and supplies power to the clip. All other pins then
have both Dl and D2 reverse-biased. Special HP power
Threshold voltage is set nominally at 40% of the
Schottky diodes (on the chip) are used for Dl and D2,
total 1C supply voltage. This provides ideal levels for
since high reverse breakdown voltage, low forward
all of today's common logic families as shown in
Table I. voltage, low reverse leakage current, and low capaci
tance are essential. Integrated Schottky diodes are
Table I
also free of the parasitic elements associated with
PN diodes that would destroy the very high imped-
548A Logic Family CompatabiJity
Logic Supply 1C Worst-Case Guaranteed 548A
Family Voltage Output Logic Levels Input Threshold Range
CMOS 4-18V <.5V, >(VDD-.5V) .34 to .46 x VDD
3V <.5V, >2.5V 1.5V nominal Auxiliary
DTL/TTL 5V <.5V, >2.4V 1.7 to 2.3V V+
HTL/HNIL 12V <2.5V, >7V 4.1 to 5.5V
15V <2.5V, >9.5V 5.1 to 6.9V
NMOS 5V •C.4V, >2.4V 1.7 to 2.3V
ECL -5.2V -.9V. -1.7V typ -1.4V nominal"

*with +4. 5V applied to 54BA Auxiliary V+ connector

**with -^5\' applied to 548A Auxiliary V^ connector

Auxiliary Connector Adds Versatility

An auxiliary V+ connector on top of the clip
further extends its versatility. Although the worst-
case clip current consumption is only 50 mA, this
may be intolerably high, such as when troubleshoot
ing a 3V battery-operated CMOS system. In such a
system the 1C supply voltage is also too low for
normal 548A operation. However by connecting a
+4. 5V supply to the auxiliary V+ connector, 3V Internal V- Bus

CMOS is readily tested; nominal threshold is 1.5V One of 16 Channels

and no power is drawn from the 1C supply.
This connector also aids examination of ECL ICs,
Fig. 3. Simplified schematic of one 548A channel. Each chan
since it provides a means of shifting the threshold nel detects whether it is connected to a ground pin, a power
voltage. Nominal threshold when using this connec supply pin, or a logic pin of the 1C under test and operates
tor is 0.4(V + -0.8V)-0.6 V~| which results in a appropriately for that type of pin.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

anee of each input pin. The comparator input bias 3.8 cm long and extends only 5.1 cm above the 1C
current plus the leakage currents of Dl and D2 sum to being examined. The LEDs are arranged in two rows
a typical 3/j.A input current; 15¿iA is the guaranteed of 8 with 0.1 in (2.54 mm) spacing between LEDs, and
maximum. The reference input of the comparator is 0.3 in (7.62 mm) between rows. The LEDs are inten
connected to a resistor divider across the internal tionally unnumbered to eliminate the confusion of
supply buses, while a regulator maintains constant the three sets of pin numbers that would be necessary
LED current over the broad operating supply voltage for 8, 14, and 16-pin devices. Reliable electrical con
range. tact to the 1C is assured through the use of gold-plated
Using the Clip
beryllium-copper contacts.
The clip can be used on standard DIPs with 8, 14, or For convenience the clip may be oriented on the 1C
16 pins. To accommodate packages with more pins with the auxiliary V-t- connector at the pin 1 end. This
it's usually a simple matter to wire the signal lines of serves as a reminder of the location of the reference
interest to a 16-pin dummy 1C package added to the pin since the top of the 1C is hidden from view by the
breadboard or printed circuit card. To make it useful clip.
on printed circuit boards with a high density of ICs or To verify an IC's truth table the system clock must
in cramped locations , the clip is physically small; it is be made slow enough to allow recognition of each
state. This is readily accomplished by disabling the
clock and advancing it with the single pulse, 1-Hz, or
10-Hz modes of the 546A Logic Pulser. At clock rates
Acknowledgments above 20 Hz the clip provides some duty cycle infor
mation and indicates dynamic pin activity by LED
The job of designing "silicon instruments" requires the mara
brightness changes. ÃÃ
thon effort of many people. We would like to thank the 1C layout
staff for their help in designing the world's most complex jigsaw
puzzles and the 1C department for their help in building them (in
cluding testing and "finding missing pieces"!). These two Durward Priebe
groups helped accomplish difficult design goals and made Durward Priebe has been design

these pro possible. HP's Optoelectronics Division pro ing integrated circuits for 1 1 years.
vided the innovative LED array for the logic clip. We would also With HP since 1973, he's served
like to thank Roger Smith, group leader, and Gary Gordon, sec f * ^ as an 1C consultant, most recently
tion Manager, for their contributions and guidance. Pete Le- on the 545A, 546A, and 547A
Mmon was instrumental in the development of the automatic test probe designs, and designed the
system. Lou deGive helped develop the manufacturing tech •V-» 548A Logic Clip. He's authored
nology for the 547A current sensing tip. Roy Criswell and Mike several articles on ICs in technical
Yarbrough coordinated development activities with the rest of W publications. Durward was born in
HP, and Bruce Hanson was our marketing consultant. Ã- I ,
- Melrose Park, Illinois and attended
California Polytechnic College at
-John Beckwith t San Luis Obispo, graduating in
-Barry Bronson
-Anthony Chan
r 1965 with a BS degree in elec
tronic engineering. He and his wife
-Durward Priebe have two children, live in Sunny
-Robert Quenelle vale, them and take great pride in doing most things them
selves. Their concern for their city occasionally results in Dur-
ward's representing his neighborhood at city council meetings.
Among Durward's other interests are taping local concerts,
astronomy, ornamental welding, sailing, and photography.
HP Model 548A Logic Clip

INPUT CURRENT: s ± 1 5j/A per pin
INPUT THRESHOLD: s(AO ± .06) x supply voltage = logic high (e.g. at 5V A typographical error occurred in the equation given as an example ot the printout modes for
supply. LED is guaranteed to be off below 1.7V and on above 2.3V) the HP-91 Calculator in last month s issue of the Hewlett-Packard Journal, page 10. The
INPUT PROTECTION: 30 Vdc for one minute equation, for the length (L) of a belt connecting two pulleys, should be:
POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: L • -d2 * (d2-d-|)(tan ifi-ii)
VOLTAGE: 4-18 Vdc across any two pins
It should also be noted that the equation is valid only for d2>d-|.
CURRENT: s 50 mA with 15 LEDs on
AUXILIARY SUPPLY VOLTAGE: 4. 5to 20 Vdc applied to connector. Supply must
Part 47201A the of the references given with the article on the HP Model 47201A Oximeter in the
be s 1.5 Vdc more positive than any pin of 1C under test.
October issue was inadvertently omitted. Reference number 9 should be:
H Poppius and A. A. Viljanen. "Non-Invasive Measurement of Oxygen Saturation during
ACCESSORY INCLUDED: Auxiliary power cable and grabber. Exercise in Patients with Pulmonary Disease. XXVII Nordiske Lungelege Kongress. Oslo,
Norway, 13-15 June 1976.
5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Santa Clara. California 95050 U.S.A. The first equation given on page 5 of the same article should be: I = Iglú"*011


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

Interfacing a Parallel-Mode Logic State
Analyzer to Serial Data
A new serial-to-parallel converter enables a parallel-mode
logic state analyzer to work with serial data so the analyzer's
tabular display and versatile triggering can be used for
tracing data flow in serial data systems.
by Justin S. Morrill, Jr.

SINCE THEIR INTRODUCTION three years ago, system.

logic state analyzers have become well estab These instruments were designed to work with
lished as indispensable tools for troubleshooting di parallel information (all bits of each word appearing
gital systems. By capturing a sequence of digital simultaneously on parallel lines). Much digital activ
words appearing on a data bus or other multinodal ity, however, occurs serially (bits occurring sequen
location, and displaying the sequence as a table of tially on a single line). For example, many calculators
binary words, logic-state analyzers enable the user to operate serially, and data is transmitted over phone
trace data flow and thus track down problems in his lines in serial form. Furthermore, many parallel-

Fig. 1. Model 10254A Serial-to-

Paral/el Converter (lower unit) in
terfaces Model 7600-4 Logic State
Analyzer (upper unit) to serial data
streams so serial data flow occur
ring at a node or on a bus can be
presented as a table of binary
words on the logic analyzer's dis
play. The usefulness of this in
strument combination for produc
tion test is enhanced by the Model
m .<."»»"•'"> •" 10253 A Card Reader (lower right)
that enables data sequences
marked on cards to be stored in
the logic state analyzer; bit-by-bit
differences between the stored
sequence and actual data flow
then appear as brightened Ã-'s on
the right half of the display.

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
mode digital systems perform some operations se full byte has been loaded into the shift register, a clock
rially, such as at I/O interfaces for disc memories and pulse is sent to the logic state analyzer. The clock
teletypewriter consoles. pulse causes the byte to be stored in the analyzer's
A new serial-to-parallel converter now makes it memory where it becomes available for display as one
possible to use the measurement capabilities of HP's line on the analyzer's CRT.
Model 1600A and 1607A Logic State Analyzers for Designed-in flexibility enables the converter to be
the serial data domain. This accessory, Model used for a wide variety of applications. For example,
10254A, accepts data in serial form and formats it into the shift register is bidirectional so serial data can be
a parallel word for presentation as one line on the loaded in either direction. This gives the user a choice
logic state analyzer's tabular display (Fig. 1). Just as of having the first bit appear in the most significant
with parallel data, the logic state analyzer can be set to position (LEFT) on the analyzer's display, or in the
capture and display the data sequence beginning least significant position (RIGHT), whichever is easier
with a particular word, or data leading up to the word, for him to interpret.
or data at some point downstream from the word, The length of each byte can be selected to be any
enabling the user to search out and find the part of the where from 1 to 16 bits by the BITS/BYTE selector
program where malfunctions occur. switch. Words longer than 16 bits are handled as two
Applicable too are all the other operating modes of or more sequential bytes.
the 1600A/1607A Logic State Analyzers (halt when The data stream bit that is to be loaded into the shift
the captured sequence differs from a previously register as the first bit can be determined in a number
stored sequence; indicate bit-by-bit differences be of ways. Frequently, a sync or framing pulse is avail
tween captured and stored sequences, etc.).1 When able somewhere in the machine being tested. This
the 1600A and 1607A are both used at the same time pulse can be used to initiate loading of the data
with the 10254A Serial-to-Parallel Converter, both stream. If, however, the desired data occurs some time
serial and parallel data, such as that occurring on both after the sync pulse — say following a preamble and
sides of an I/O interface, can be displayed side by side address — the BITS AFTER SYNC selector can be used to
in two tables on the 1600A display. delay data loading for a predetermined number of bits
(up to 99) after the sync pulse.
W h a t It Do e s If, on the other hand, no separate sync pulse is
The heart of the Model 10254A Serial-to-parallel available, the SYNC SEARCH mode can be used in con
Converter is a bidirectional shift register that is junction with the pattern recognition capabilities of
loaded with the serial data. The parallel outputs of the the logic state analyzer. In this mode, the serial sys
register are applied to the inputs of the logic state tem clock pulses are sent to the logic state analyzer
analyzer, and when a clock counter indicates that a continuously, causing it to read the contents of the

Qualifier 0


Fig. 2. Converter. block diagram of Model 10254A Serial-to-Parallel Converter. Serial-to-para/lel

conversion occurs in the shift register. The other blocks control the timing and direction of shift
register loading and the timing of data transfer to the logic state analyzer.


© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

10254A shift register each time a new bit is entered. column-blanking control, which allows the user to
When the register contents match the digital word set blank out unused columns when bytes are less than
up on the analyzer's TRIGGER WORD switches, the re 16 bits, starts on the leftmost column and blanks col
sulting trigger is sent to the serial-to-parallel conver umns successively towards the right. This causes no
ter, causing it to revert to normal operation. Clock problem when the first bit in a serial data stream is to
pulses are then sent to the logic state analyzer only be in the leftmost column. Data is entered at the
when a complete new byte is entered, as determined right-hand input of the shift register and stepped to
by the setting of the BITS/BYTE switch. Initiation of the left with each clock pulse until the complete byte
normal byte transfer, however, can be delayed past is in the register and the byte is transferred to the logic
the trigger event by any number of bits up to 99 by use state analyzer.
of the BITS AFTER SYNC delay selector. When the first bit is to be in the rightmost column,
By use of the DELAY selector switch in the logic state however, the data must be entered at a point in the
analyzer, the data displayed can be moved shift register corresponding to the length of the byte,
downstream from the trigger event. The DELAY selec then stepped to the right. With reference to the diag
tor determines the number of bytes (up to 99,999) that ram of Fig. 3, an example will show how this works.
must occur after the trigger event before display of the Suppose each byte is to have 7 bits. The BITS/BYTE
data sequence starts. It is thus possible to go far into a switch then sets up the selector gates such that the
serial word and precisely locate and capture data for

Selective Store Serial Data Input

The data transferred to the logic state analyzer can
also be qualified by the BYTES/SYNC selector to com BITS/BYTE
press the amount of data stored for display. This
switch selects the number of bytes transferred follow Control for
ing each sync pulse. For example, if only the two Shift, Parallel
16-bit bytes that occur 27 bits after sync are of interest,
the BYTES/SYNC selector is set to 2, the BITS/BYTE selec
tor is set to 16, and the BITS AFTER SYNC is set to 27.
Then only those two bytes, out of possibly many
serial words, would be captured for display.
Further qualification of the data stored for examina
tion can be obtained by use of the two qualifier selec
tor switches on the logic state analyzer. Two qualifier
inputs are provided on the serial-to-parallel conver
ter's input probe and these inputs are latched through
the converter to the analyzer. Bytes will not be stored
in the analyzer unless these inputs match the settings
of the switches (1, 0, or DON'T CARE), enabling further
selectivity in the data captured for storage.

Technical Details
A block diagram of the serial-to-parallel converter
is shown in Fig. 2. Inputs are by way of the same type
of six-probe pod used with the Models 1600 A and
1607A Logic State Analyzers. Besides the data input,
there is a sync input, two qualifier inputs, and two
clock inputs (OR'd internally into a single clock in
put). The pod has level-sensing circuits that decide B i t 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

whether the voltage sensed by each probe is a 1 or a 0.

To Logic State Analyzer
The threshold level, variable over a range of ±10 V, is
set by the controls on the logic state analyzer.
An operating feature that was considered of Fig. 3. Block diagram of part of the bidirectional shift register.
U1 and U2 are commercial 1C 4-bit shift registers (U3 is the
paramount importance was that the data supplied to next 1C in the 16-bit shift register chain). The selector gates
the logic state analyzer should always be justified to enable serial data to be loaded through any bit position during
the right. This is because the logic state analyzer right-shift operation (see text).

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
data stream is routed to the parallel input of the shift in each stage of U2 is loaded into the adjacent stage to
register that is 7 units from the right-hand end, in this the right. The last stage output, QA, goes to the left
case input C of U2. At the same time, U2's parallel input L of Ul where it is stepped to the right in the
output QC is routed back through the selector gates to normal right-shift fashion. Thus, after seven clock
parallel input B, and QB is routed to A. pulses, the first bit loaded into C of U2 is in stage A of
Each clock pulse loads U2 in parallel, hence the bit Ul, the bit 0 position. The byte is thus right justified
when it is transferred to the logic state analyzer.

SPECIFICATIONS Acknowledgments
HP Model 10254A Serial-to-Parallel Converter Initial product definition was by Jeff Smith and
many ideas were contributed by section manager Bill
Requires an HP Model 1600A or 1607A Logic-State Analyzer to form complete
measurement unit; uses data probe supplied with logic state analyzer as input
Farnbach. Product design was by Roger Molnar.S

BITS/BYTE: 1 to 16 (displayed as one line on logic-state analyzer) 1. C.T. Small and J.S. Morrill, Jr., "The Logic State
FIRST BIT (LEFT/RIGHT): formats displayed data with most significant bit left Analyzer, a Viewing Port for the Data Domain," Hewlett-
or right.
Packard Journal, August 1975.
PATTERN: synchronizes on digital pattern within serial data stream; pattern is
selected by logic state analyzer s TRIGGER WORD switches.
SYNC SEARCH: pushbutton or positive-going pulse (5V max) initiates search for
pattern sync.
EDGE: synchronizes on input probe sync signal with positive or negative edge Justin S. Morrill, Jr.
selectable. A native of Houston, Texas, Justin
DELAY (BITS AFTER SYNC): selects number ol clock pulses (0 to 99) between Morrill attended Rice University
sync signal and start of data acquisition.
BYTES/SYNC: acquires 1 to 16 bytes between sync pulses for display.
there, earning a Bachelor of Arts
PROBE degree in Science and Engmeer-
REPETITION RATE: «10 MHz in EDGE sync; «7 MHz in PATTERN sync. . . _, «ing and a Master of Electrical En
INPUT RC: 40 kii shunted by s 14 pF at probe tip. s' gineering. He then joined
INPUT THRESHOLD: ±10 V dc selected at logic state analyzer.
MINIMUM PULSE WIDTH: 40 ns at threshold.
P . ^y I Hewlett-Packard (1972), initially
SETUP TIME: 50 ns (minimum time data must be present prior to clock transition). VJtiL | working on an investigative project
HOLD transition). 0 ns (minimum time data must be present following clock transition). involving storage CRTs, then on
SYNC clock 60 ns (minimum time sync edge must precede clock the 1600A/1607A Logic State
transition corresponding to first data bit).
Analyzers, Since then, he has
POWER: supplied by 1600A or 1607A logic state analyzer through intercon been designing accessories for
necting data cable. the 1600A/1607A (card reader,
SIZE: 284mm W x 121mm H x 414mm D (11-3/16 x 4% x 5/16 inches). serial-to-parallel converter,
WEIGHT: 3.2 kg (7 Ib )
PRICE IN U.S.A.: 10254A, $975. Note: data probe not supplied; uses data probe
probes). When available time
from 1 600A or 1 607A Logic State Analyzer. coincides with good snow conditions, Justin enjoys cross
MANUFACTURING DIVISION: COLORADO SPRINGS DIVISION country skiing. Otherwise, he goes cross-country in his four-
1 900 Garden of the Gods Road. wheel-drive vehicle. He also does some hiking and backpack
Colorado Springs. Colorado 80907 U.S.A.
ing. He and his wife have one son, 3.

Bulk Rate
Hewlett-Packard Company, 1501 Page Mill U.S. Postage
Road, Palo Alto, California 94304 Paid

DECEMBER 1976 Volume 28 • Number 4

Technical Information from the Laboratories of

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