Energy Entropy Convection Thermal Radiation Thermal Conduction Convection Movement Fluid Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation Absorption
Energy Entropy Convection Thermal Radiation Thermal Conduction Convection Movement Fluid Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation Absorption
Energy Entropy Convection Thermal Radiation Thermal Conduction Convection Movement Fluid Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation Absorption
mechanisms, that convey energy and entropy from one location to another.
The specific mechanisms are usually referred to as convection, thermal
radiation, and conduction (see thermal conduction). Conduction involves
transfer of energy and entropy between adjacent molecules, usually a slow
process. Convection involves movement of a heated fluid, such as air, usually
a fairly rapid process. Radiation refers to the transmission of energy
as electromagnetic radiation from its emission at a heated surface to
its absorption on another surface, a process requiring no medium to convey
the energy.