Lessons Learned From The Dog Genome
Lessons Learned From The Dog Genome
Lessons Learned From The Dog Genome
Extensive genetic resources and a high-quality genome sequencing of the dog genome and related genomic
sequence position the dog as an important model resources, powerful new approaches for uncovering the
species for understanding genome evolution, popu- genetic basis of phenotypic variation and disease are emer-
lation genetics and genes underlying complex phenoty- ging. ‘Selective sweep’ approaches are particularly prom-
pic traits. Newly developed genomic resources have ising in the search for the genomic signal of positive
expanded our understanding of canine evolutionary selection [5–7]. Furthermore, canine genomic resources
history and dog origins. Domestication involved genetic have a wide variety of applications including systematics,
contributions from multiple populations of gray wolves population genetics, endangered species conservation as
probably through backcrossing. More recently, the well as gene mapping of specific phenotypic traits [4,8].
advent of controlled breeding practices has segregated
genetic variability into distinct dog breeds that possess The evolutionary history of dog-like carnivores
specific phenotypic traits. Consequently, genome-wide The dog family is a phenotypically diverse group including
association and selective sweep scans now allow the 35 closely related extant species [9,10]. This recent radi-
discovery of genes underlying breed-specific character- ation has resulted in an evolutionary branching pattern
istics. The dog is finally emerging as a novel resource for that is often difficult to resolve because many branches are
studying the genetic basis of complex traits, including closely spaced in time. Indeed, past phylogenetic studies
behavior. focused on rapidly evolving mitochondrial genes, in an
The more one gets to know of men, the more one attempt to resolve this complicated phylogeny [9,11] or
values dogs. Alphonse Toussenel. nuclear genes with relaxed evolutionary constraints
[12,13]. Nonetheless, many recent and deep branching
points remained poorly defined. Subsequently, the appli-
Teaching an old dog new tricks cation of comparative genomics to the complete dog gen-
The domestic dog (Canis familiaris) has long been a subject ome sequence enabled the identification of a suite of
of scientific curiosity because of its great diversity in size, rapidly evolving nuclear genes [10] (Figure 1). The result-
shape, coat color and texture, and behavior [1–3]. However, ing phylogeny reaffirmed the close relationships between
relative to model species such as mice, fruit flies and many phenotypically divergent taxa, such as the kit fox
Arabidopsis, in which extensive crossing designs are and Arctic fox, the bush dog and maned wolf, and the
possible, the genetic basis for specific phenotypic traits domestic dog and gray wolf (Figure 2) [10]. Further, the
in the dog has been difficult to uncover. Nonetheless, the branching order of deep evolutionary divergences within
dog represents an important model species because of its the family was also revealed. For example, the topology of
phenotypic diversity and usefulness in the study of the the three primary branches of the Canidae: wolf-like canids
origin of human genetic diseases. Indeed, the dog has a (blue), fox-like canids (red) and South-American canids
larger catalog of disease syndromes common to humans (green) was deduced, with the latter being more closely
than any other laboratory or domestic species [4]. More- related to the wolf- or dog-like canids (Figure 2). Similarly,
over, although large-scale crossing designs are generally the branching order within the wolf-like canids was
not feasible because of long generation times and the costs resolved with the golden jackal as the clear outgroup to
of maintaining a large mammal (for an interesting excep- coyote, wolf and dog that were all phylogenetically distant
tion see [2]), the long history of dog domestication has from African jackals [10]. Molecular dating of branching
uniquely segregated phenotypes into discrete breeds events in the tree suggests that modern canids share a
appropriate for genotype–phenotype association studies. common ancestor ten million years ago. The modern
Additionally, some phenotypes such as achondroplasia canids are apparently a very recent radiation in a family
(foreshortened limbs) are commonly replicated in different that has an origin as much as 50 million years ago [14]. The
breeds (e.g. Basset hounds, dachshunds, corgis) enhancing wolf-like canids (Figure 2) have origins more than 6 million
the statistical power of association analysis. Breeds can years ago and the group containing the closest relatives of
also share a high incidence of specific diseases [4]. Con- the dog (gray wolf, coyote and golden jackal) share a
sequently, loci segregating with these phenotypes common ancestor only three to four million years ago
can potentially be identified through whole genome associ- (Figure 2). Consequently, their divergence is more recent
ation studies across similarly affected breeds. With the in time than chimps and humans and, likewise, compara-
Corresponding author: Wayne, R.K. ([email protected]).
tive genomics of these species should reveal some of the
Available online 25 October 2007. changes that have uniquely evolved in each. These results
www.sciencedirect.com 0168-9525/$ – see front matter ß 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tig.2007.08.013
558 Review TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.11
Figure 1. The discovery of rapidly evolving genes in the nuclear genome of canids. The protocol [10] for finding rapidly evolving nuclear genes involved the comparison of
14 000 canine transcripts to their homologs in rat, human and mouse (a) and the subsequent identification of divergent canine exons that appeared to be evolving in a
neutral manner (Ks/Ka 1, where Ks and Ka represent the rates of synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions, respectively) (b). From a list of 190 such exons, those of
the appropriate size (c) that correctly passed a genealogical test with sequences from as all available mammal species (d) and were useful for phylogenetic reconstruction
(only three of many VANGL2 sequences are illustrated here) (e) were selected. Primers that amplified genes across the carnivore order (so that outgroups could be
sequenced) were then designed (f) and used to amplify genes from a wide variety of species (g). Similarly, rapidly evolving intron regions were identified as those with
more than three polymorphic sites in a sliding window analysis of 500 bp. This resulted in a greater than a three- and fivefold enrichment of exons and introns, respectively,
over background rates of sequence divergence. The resulting phylogeny based on 15 000 base pairs of information was well resolved (Figure 2) [10].
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Figure 2. Molecular phylogeny of the dog family Canidae. The phylogeny is based on 14 948 bp of DNA sequence from 12 exons and four introns (Figure 1) [10]. Molecular
dates are indicated in addition to the positions of indels (horizontal lines) that define specific lineages. The numbers above and below each branching point indicate two
different measures of branching point support (bootstrapping and Bayesian posterior probability values) with values >90, which suggests strong support. The three
primary phylogenetic groupings of canids are indicated by red (fox-like canids), green (South American canids) and blue (wolf-like canids) colors. Example species
(underlined) are pictured. Scientific names of species mentioned in the text in order of appearance: kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), bush dog
(Speothos venaticus), maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), domestic dog (Canis familaris), gray wolf (Canis lupus), golden jackal (Canis aureus), coyote (Canis latrans),
African jackals (Canis mesomelas and Canis adustus) and gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). The tree shows good resolution of deep and shallow branches supporting
the combined use of exons and introns, as well as defining the position of enigmatic canids, such as the bush dog, maned wolf and the topology of the wolf-like canids (see
main text).
demonstrate that the use of rapidly evolving introns and Owing to the close relationships within wolf-like canids,
more conserved exons produces a phylogeny resolved at molecular tools developed for the dog are likely to be
deep and shallow levels of divergence. This approach can applicable to several wild species, and hence these wild
potentially be applied to other vertebrate families that species are ‘genome enabled’ [8]. For example, about half of
have had at least one species, such as the domestic dog, the microsatellite primers developed in the dog amplify
with their complete genome sequenced. DNA in other canids and have proven generally useful for
560 Review TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.11
resolving variation at the population level [15] and for gene that of the entire species; second, the lack of lineage-specific
mapping [16]. Even microsatellite and sequencing primers mutations and extensive crossing among breeds have con-
developed for the dog major histocompatibility complex strained the resolution of phylogenetic analysis and mixed
(MHC) have been successfully applied to the Island fox, the history of various breeds [22]; third, the mitochondrial
an endangered species that belongs to the most divergent genome might be under relaxed evolutionary constraint and
canid lineage (Figure 2) and is found on the six Channel sustain more diversity than wild canids subjected to natural
Islands off the coast of Southern California [17]. The MHC selection [25]. Consequently, multiple nuclear loci also need
is an assemblage of linked genes that have an important to be assayed to improve the documentation of genetic
role in immunity and might be under balancing selection diversity and evolutionary patterns. An important locus
[18]. MHC variation in foxes on one island was high despite in this regard is the MHC because the genes it contains
the absence of variation in selectively neutral microsatel- have low mutation rates and, therefore, the levels of diver-
lites or multilocus DNA fingerprints [17]. This unexpected sity might be a better reflection of founding size and sub-
result suggests the action of intense natural selection and sequent backcrossing to wild wolves compared to other
supports the role of balancing selection in the maintenance genes which have experienced mutations subsequent to
of variation at the MHC. Finally, single nucleotide poly- domestication. MHC sequence variation in dogs has been
morphisms (SNPs) identified in the domestic dog have also found to be high [26–28]. For example, 42 distinct alleles
been used to characterize variation in wild wolves, thereby were found in exon 2 of the DRB1 genes [26]. Minimally,
reaffirming previous conclusions based on mitochondrial assuming no mutation, this suggests that 21 heterozygous
DNA (mtDNA) sequencing and microsatellite loci [19]. individuals were involved in the domestication of dogs.
This pioneering study represented one of the first SNP However, the number of genomes is probably much larger
surveys on a wild population of a non-human vertebrate given the limited samples size surveyed and the loss of
and showed that even small-scale SNP surveys can provide alleles resulting from drift throughout the long history of
useful information. SNPs represent a new molecular mar- domestication. Using these data and a specific demographic
ker for population genetics that might provide improved model, it was shown that the origin of dogs involved several
resolution of questions concerning historical population populations and hundreds of individuals or, alternatively, a
demography and gene flow, in addition to identifying genes smaller number of founding individuals that were there-
that influence adaptation [20]. after genetically augmented by backcrossing to wolves [26].
Past hybridization with wolves is also suggested by analysis
Dog origins, diversity and diversification of coat-color variants [29] and microsatellite loci [30]. The
The evolution of the dog, its geographic origins, antiquity diversity of microsatellite loci across dog breeds and within
and backcrossing with wild canids, has long been a topic of indigenous dog populations is also high, and several diverse
debate. Phylogenetic studies of mtDNA sequences in lineages of dogs have been identified [31–34]. Consequently,
domestic dogs and wolves suggested the potential for the model emerging from mtDNA, MHC and microsatellite
multiple domestication and backcrossing events and an data are that dogs have a diverse origin in East Asia that
origin perhaps from >100 000 to 15 000 years ago [21,22]. subsequently involved multiple contributions from several
Higher mtDNA haplotype diversity was found in dogs from wolf populations through backcrossing [4,22,26]. Further-
East Asia, which is suggested to be a locus of origin, more, once domesticated, dogs rapidly dispersed worldwide
assuming that the expansion of dogs from a domestication and, as a result, genetically divergent populations and
center resulted in the progressive loss of genetic diversity breeds are found in Africa, Asia, the Arctic, Australia,
[21,22]. Furthermore, although dogs have occupied the the Middle East and historically, the New World
New World for at least 9000 years based on the arche- [21,26,31,35,36].
ological record, they were not domesticated independently Y-chromosome analysis has provided unique insights
there. As shown by analysis of mtDNA sequencing from into the sex-specific patterns of evolution in the domestic
ancient remains, an evolutionarily distinct mtDNA lineage dog. Although variability is high across breeds, Y-chromo-
not closely related to New World wolves invaded North some diversity within dog breeds is low and in a sample
America over 10 000 years ago with the first humans [23]. from 824 dogs from 50 breeds, 67 haplotype defined by six
This lineage was not found in a large survey of living microsatellite markers has been found [37]. In this study,
breeds, which suggests that it was lost after European breeds shared haplotypes in accordance with known genea-
colonization along with the disintegration of Native Amer- logical relationships but many haplotypes were also breed
ican cultures [23]. In general, the domestic dog is an specific. Three African breeds and the Norwegian Elk-
extremely close relative of the gray wolf, from which it hound did not share haplotypes with any breeds implying
differs by only 0.04% in nuclear coding-DNA sequence, isolation, and phylogenetic analysis of Y-chromosome
and no dog mtDNA sequences have been found that show diversity suggested that these African breeds might be
closer kinship to other canid species [10,21,22]. Therefore, among the oldest and most divergent living dogs. However,
the molecular genetic evidence does not support theories of sequence data are needed to confirm patterns based on this
non-wolf ancestry of domestic dogs. This result is consist- analysis and preliminary sequencing analysis in ten dogs
ent with the fossil record because the earliest dog remains suggested ample nucleotide diversity for phylogenetic
are found alongside those of wolves [24]. analysis [38]. Samples sizes were too small for definitive
In general, the usefulness of mtDNA sequence for conclusions about relationships but both African and some
historical inference is limited because, first, it represents Asian dogs formed a divergent group in the phylogenetic
the history of only the mitochondrial genome rather than tree based on these sequence data. Finally, the typing of
Review TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.11 561
Y-chromosome markers and mtDNA sequence data markers and individuals from the same breed were
allowed the comparison of male and female patterns of clustered together showing that they represent distinct gene
genetic diversity. A study of mtDNA sequence and Y- pools [31]. Furthermore, breeds are organized into a distinct
chromosome microsatellite loci found a strong sex bias evolutionary hierarchy with only four primary groups, the
in diversity patterns with males contributing less than most divergent of which contains nine ancient breeds from
females, a result in marked contrast to that observed in the Arctic, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, whereas the
wolf societies, where both sexes contributed equally [39]. others correspond to mastiff, herding and modern European
Moreover, paternal lineages are more differentiated than breeds (Figures 3,4) [31]. A recent study that increased the
their maternal counterparts suggesting low rates of male sample size to 132 breeds identified a fifth ‘mountain’ cluster
gene flow. These finding are consistent with the ’popular containing large mountain dogs and a subset of spaniels
sire’ effect whereby a small subset of desirable males are (Figure 4) [47]. Most modern breeds, including all those from
favored for breeding and suggests that, in the evolution of Europe, share a single exclusive common ancestor and show
most recent breeds, males have had a disproportionate little phylogenetic structure, indicating a recent origin and
effect on genetic diversity and evolution. limited interbreed hybridization [31]. Therefore, although
breeds have heterogeneous origins, often involving a cross
Modern breeds are closed gene pools between distinct forms [1,45], and some interbreed crossing
The evolution of the majority of dog breeds is a relatively can occur thereafter, the genetic evidence clearly suggests
recent phenomenon beginning with selective breeding nonetheless that they are genetically distinct. Finally, the
practices in the Victorian era [1]. Nonetheless, these study of individual genes has also provided new insight into
breeds demonstrate an immense variability in body size breed history. Notably, a study of the multidrug resistance
and form [40,41], in coat color, texture, length and thick- gene (MDR1) and four closely linked microsatellite markers
ness, and even tail shape and size [1]. Diversity is also were used to reconstruct the history of related breeds [48]. A
evident in behavioral patterns, with breeds specialized for single MDR1 mutation and haplotype structure were shared
herding, guarding, agility, speed and companionship in nine breeds that included seven herding breeds and two
[1,3,42]. Phenotypic variation among dogs is partitioned sight-hound subgroups suggesting identity by descent.
into over 350 distinct breeds worldwide and are largely
closed breeding populations that receive little genetic vari- Varied but high levels of linkage disequilibrium
ation beyond that existing in the original founders [43,44]. In the dog, several studies have assessed linkage
These restrictive breeding practices reduce effective popu- disequilibrium (LD; i.e. the non-random association of
lation size and increase overall genetic drift among genes at different loci) [10,49–52]. In a large scale study,
domestic dogs, resulting in the loss of genetic diversity 189 SNPs were typed in 20 unrelated dogs from each of five
within breeds and greater divergence among them [31]. breeds for five unliked loci. A tenfold difference in LD
For example, variation among breeds accounts for 27% of among breeds having varied demographic histories was
total genetic variation as opposed to 5–10% among human found [51] (Figure 5). LD extends for 2 Mb in the dog
populations [31]. In some breeds, genetic variation has compared with 0.28 Mb in Homo sapiens. This difference
been further reduced by catastrophic population declines suggests that as few as 10 000–30 000 SNPs in the dog,
during war or hard economic times, and are analogous to compared with 500 000 SNPs in H. sapiens, are required
human populations of limited genetic variation used for for whole-genome association studies, which assess the
disease-mapping studies. For example, the Leonberger dog correspondence of a subset of markers with specific phe-
breed population was reduced to five dogs in Europe fol- notypes [51]. Haplotype diversity in the dog was found to be
lowing the second World War [45]. more limited than expected with extensive haplotype shar-
Because many breeds represent closed gene pools, they ing between breeds [51]. These exciting findings suggests
are likely to be genetically distinct [31,46]. For example, 99% that a single SNP map might generally be sufficient for
of 414 dogs from 85 breeds were correctly assigned to their genome mapping, regardless of the breed studied, and will
breed using data from 96 genetically unlinked microsatellite greatly facilitate gene discovery. Recently, these results
Figure 3. Genetic distance tree of dog groups. The genetic distance tree shows the early divergence of nine ancient breeds with the remaining, including those of European
origin, being very closely related [31].
562 Review TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.11
Figure 4. Genotype assignments for 96 dog breeds. Using the computer program Structure [19], the proportion of an individual’s multilocus genotype belonging to 2 to 5
clusters (K) as indicated by colors was determined. Four well-distinguished groups of breeds are defined at K = 4, the most divergent of which contains nine ancient breeds
from the Arctic, Asia, Africa and the Middle East (yellow) whereas the others correspond to mastiff (blue), herding (green) and modern European (red) breed groupings
(Figure 3) [31] with a possible fifth group (purple) including the mountain dogs at K = 5 (Bernese Mountain Dog, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, German Shepherd and Saint
Bernard) [47].
have been corroborated and extended in a much larger study cases, the underlying variant has been identified [53,54].
using ten breeds and 1200 SNPs [10,52] in which a pattern of Specific examples include metabolic and endocrine dis-
long- and short-range LD were found, suggesting two dis- orders [55–57], blindness [58–60], cancer [61], neurologi-
tinct population bottlenecks. Short-range LD across breeds cal problems [62–64] in addition to skeletal and
reflected an ancient bottleneck coincident with domesti- developmental disorders, including hip dysplasia, osteo-
cation whereas long-range patterns within breeds reflected arthritis [65–67] and others [47,68]. Genes implicated in
more recent breed formation. Breeds with long-range LD cancer formation and progression are also an intense
will require fewer informative SNPs for mapping than those focus of research [4]. An exciting recent finding is the
with short-range LD, however, the resolution will be greater discovery that one type of cancer can be sexually trans-
in the latter. The identification of >2.1 million SNPs with mitted between dogs [69] Based on analysis of microsa-
high rates of polymorphism and the recent development of tellite loci, the cancerous clone originated from 200 to
SNP genotype microarrays (http://www.broad.mit.edu/ 2500 years ago and derives from the insertion of a LINE,
mammals/dog/caninearray.html) suggest that the dog is a kind of retrotransposon (see below), upstream of c-myc,
now an economical model for the mapping of common and a well-known oncogene. Also, expression of MHC mol-
complex diseases [4,10,52]. Because dog owners and bree- ecules is downregulated or absent in tumors suggesting
ders are highly motivated to improve the health of their that they avoid immune detection. Although these canine
breeds, and the American Kennel Club (AKC) is supportive tumors generally regress in a few months [70], a cancer
of efforts to develop genetic tests for breed-specific diseases, with similar etiology in Tasmanian devils is fatal and
collection of DNA samples and clinical data needed for threatens their survival [71]. Bioinformatic resources on
mapping various disease traits has been a relatively easy inherited canine disease are now available, and the most
task for the research community. complete listing is the IDID database (Inherited Disease
in Dogs; see http://server.vet.cam.ac.uk/index.html) [72],
The discovery of new disease genes which is modeled after OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheri-
With the availability of new genomic resources, many tance in Man). Approximately 360 genetic disorders
canine disease genes have now been mapped and, in some found in humans are analogous to diseases in the dog
Review TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.11 563
Figure 5. Linkage disequilibrium in five dog breeds. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is the non-random association of alleles at different loci and, here, is measured by the
statistic D’ in five dog breeds for five loci [51]. Gray shading indicates background levels of LD. LD decay at the 50% level is indicated in the upper right of each panel. LD
extends the farthest for the Akita, at 3.7 Mb, and is shortest for the Golden Retriever at 0.48 Mb. For the human, the comparable number is 0.028 Mb [51]. LD in dogs is
ten to 50 times greater than that observed in most human populations. Black dots are the D’ statistic for each possible pair of points; the red dots are the median LD value
within each bin of marker pair distances. The red dashes indicate the best-fitted curve to the median values [51].
[72] and often occur exclusively in a limited number of genome and are often located in positions that affect gene
breeds. expression [73]. For example, both canine narcolepsy and
Canine studies have revealed unique molecular centronuclear myopathy (in the Labrador Retreiver) are
mechanisms involved in genetic disease. For example, the caused by SINE insertions. A SINE insertion might also
genetic basis for progressive myoclonic epilepsy (PME) in be responsible for the altered expression of the SILV gene
miniature wirehaired dachshunds, a disorder that is analo- that causes hearing and sight problems similar to those
gous to Lafora disease in humans, involves a distinct genetic observed in Waardenburg syndrome in humans and is
mechanism. Although mutations in the EPM2B gene are responsible for the merle phenotype found in several dog
essential to both human and canine PME, the canine form of breeds [73,74]. SINEs appear to be highly mobile in the dog
the disease stems from a bi-allelic expansion of a dodecamer lineage suggesting a general role for retrotransposon inser-
(12-base pair) repeat found within the 50 end of the single tions in canine disease and evolution [73].
large exon of the gene [64]. Affected individuals carry 19 to
26 copies of the repeat sequence, rather than the expected The genetics of phenotypic diversity in dogs
two copies. This is the first example of a dodecamer repeat Candidate gene and association studies are leading to a
expansion associated with disease in any mammalian sys- new understanding of the genetic basis for the differences
tem and suggests a potential new mechanism for human in size and morphology between dog breeds and of sexual
disorders. It is not yet known whether repeat number dimorphism [75]. These studies provide evidence for the
correlates with the severity of the disease because of the existence of genetic ‘tradeoffs’ in which selection for one
small number of dogs typed. trait, such as forelimb length, leads to correlated changes
Another example of a novel disease mechanism is the in the length of other limb elements and in limb bone width
aberrant insertion of canine-specific short interspersed [76]. One example of an early candidate gene study
nuclear element (SINEs) in the dog genome. These sequenced two genes, MSX2 and TCOF1, which are
elements are degenerate retrotransposons (self-replicating expressed during craniofacial development, in ten different
elements using an RNA intermediate) derived from a dog breeds that varied in both cranial and face shape
tRNA-Lys that occur frequently throughout the canine [77]. A single amino-acid change in the TCOF1 protein
564 Review TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.11
displayed a highly significant association with short and was correlated with the degree of dorsoventral nose bend
broad skulls. Negative results have also been published, (clinorhynchy) and midface length in a variety of breeds
such as a lack of association in dogs of dwarfism and a gene and among wild carnivore species [80,81]. This innovative
that causes this condition in humans [78]. A striking recent proposal is also supported by the analysis of three-dimen-
example of a successful candidate gene study is one invol- sional variation in the dog cranium and variation in sev-
ving a recessively acting mutation in the myostatin gene eral genes that are good candidates for influencing skull
(MSTN) of whippets, which resulted in expression of a growth [82].
truncated protein producing a double muscled phenotype Body size is commonly regarded as a polygenic trait that
known as the ‘bully’ whippet [79]. These dogs are heavily is critical in the adaptive radiation of species and domesti-
muscled, similar to other mammals (e.g. mice and cattle) cated forms. A recent study used a three-pronged approach
harboring MSTN mutations. Remarkably, individuals to identify a size gene in dogs [7]. First, a genomic scan of
carrying only one copy of the mutation on average are 460 Portuguese Water Dogs using 500 markers combined
more muscular and run significantly faster than wild-type with an analysis of 91 skeletal measurements identified six
individuals, demonstrating the potential functional signifi- quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that influenced size and
cance of such mutations in the dog. shape; two of which mapped near IGF-1 [83]. Second,
Non-classical genetic mechanisms have also been genotyping of 104 SNPs near this gene in a large panel
identified by candidate gene studies and might explain of small and large breeds showed evidence for a selective
the high rate of breed differentiation. Analysis of skull sweep near the IGF-1 gene as small dog breeds displayed
measurements and repeat DNA in a panel of dog breeds lower heterozygosity and higher allele frequency diver-
found evidence for excessive purity and greater length gence at this locus (Figure 6). Third, all sampled small
polymorphism of simple two- and three-base pair repeats breeds displayed dominance of three closely related IGF-1
in dogs than humans suggesting that rapid repeat evol- haplotypes that were rare or absent in large breeds. Exten-
ution in dogs accelerates the rate of morphologic change sive resequencing and analysis of SNPs patterns near IGF-
[80]. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that 1 suggested that the causative mutation was not located
the size and the ratio of lengths of two tandem repeats in in the exons of the gene. One possibility is that the vari-
the RUNX-2 gene, a regulator of osteoblast differentiation, ation is caused by the insertion of a SINE within an 8.7-kb
Figure 6. Evidence for a selective sweep near the IGF-1 locus in small dog breeds. Represented are data for 104 SNPs typed near the IGF-1 gene in 22 small (<9 kg) and 11
giant (>30 kg) dog breeds [7]. (a) The average ratio of heterozygosity (HR) in small versus giant dogs for each SNP is shown. For example, if the proportion of heterozygotes
was the same in large and small breeds, the ratio would equal one (indicated by the red line), whereas, if no heterozygotes were observed in small breeds, the ratio would
equal zero. Small breeds have less than a quarter of the heterozygosity of large breeds near the IGF-1 gene. (b) The difference in allele frequency between small and giant
dogs for each SNP is shown. This is measured by the statistic FST (the proportion of genetic variation between populations). For both (a) and (b), a sliding 10-SNP window
across IGF-1 was used. The dashed lines delimit the 95% confidence intervals [7]. (ci, cii) The average observed heterozygosity (HObs) of SNPs very near IGF-1 in small (red)
breeds and giant (blue) breeds, shown in (ci) and (cii), respectively. The observed heterozygosity is lowest near IGF-1 in the small breeds [as shown in (a) and (ci,cii)],
whereas the allele frequency divergence is greatest near the IGF-1 [shown in (b)], consistent with a selective sweep. Dashed lines are a best fit to the data. The IGF-1 gene is
shown as red or black bars with exons indicated by vertical lines. Reproduced, with permission, from Ref. [7].
Review TRENDS in Genetics Vol.23 No.11 565
region of IGF-1. The SINE was absent in a sample of 400 system that have generalized phenotypic effects [90].
wolves and such insertions are known to cause differences Expression study of pooled mRNA from three areas of
in gene expression (see above). These results suggest that a the brain in farm foxes (including those selected for tame-
single gene mutation occurred early in dog history and is ness) relative to their wild conspecifics found highly sig-
common to all small breeds. Presumably, if this change had nificant differences, yet only 0.1% difference between tame
a large phenotypic effect, it might have been the ’gateway’ and non-selected foxes [91]. Among the genes found to be
change that led to increased selection for size diversifica- differentially expressed, many are related to hemopro-
tion. As previously suggested by simulation studies [5], teins, which suggests that these genes might underlie
these results also provide empirical support for the use of behavioral differences [91]. However, probing the genetic
selective sweep mapping to identify genes under positive basis of such differences has only begun with the advent of
selection. the meiotic linkage map [16].
The genetics of behavior What have we learned from the dog genome
Dog breeds often display distinct behaviors and The dog genome sequence and associated genomic resources
demonstrate behaviors not found in gray wolves [84]. will revolutionized the study of dog evolution, population
However, our understanding of behavior has not advanced structure and genetics. Indeed, a well-resolved phylogeny of
much beyond early pioneering work [3]. The development the dog family Canidae was developed through the use of the
of reproducible techniques for assessing behavior and a genome sequence and tools of comparative genetics. Sim-
focus on the pedigrees of dogs displaying aberrant beha- ilarly, a more diverse analysis of dog genetic diversity,
viors will enable progress within this field. For example, including the use of ancient DNA technology and new
some Bull Terriers have obsessive compulsive disease molecular markers, has shown that dogs are the oldest
(OCD) phenotypes, such as tail chasing, which in other domesticated species and probably have genetic contri-
respects is similar to human OCD. Other breeds have butions from multiple gray wolf populations. The develop-
distinctive aggressive traits, such as the ‘Springer Rage ment of most modern breeds over the past few hundred
Syndrome’ [85]. years and limited interbreeding has resulted in pronounced
Perhaps the most recent productive line of inquiry into genetic structure, such that nearly all breeds represent
the behavior of dogs concerns the comparative analysis of distinct gene pools. The advent of SNP markers and high-
gene expression patterns. For example, analysis of gene throughput genotyping methods has demonstrated that the
expression patterns in 7762 genes from three regions of dog genome is highly variable and is characterized by high
the brain in dogs, gray wolves and coyotes uncovered a levels of LD. In the future, these characteristics will facili-
unique pattern of gene expression in the hypothalamus of tate gene identification by association in genome scans and
dogs whereas the amygdala and frontal cortex were less selective-sweep mapping. Some traits, such as body size,
differentiated [86]. The hypothalamus controls specific might primarily reflect the fixation of genes of large pheno-
emotional, endocrinological and autonomic responses of typic effect early in domestication. However, the underlying
dogs, in particular behaviors related to survival, and con- genetic mechanisms are diverse, ranging from simple point
sequently, these patterns of altered expression in the dog mutations to SINE insertions and the expansion and con-
may represent an adaption to the novel challenges of traction of short nucleotide repeats. Because phenotypes
human-altered environments [86]. Another recent expres- and genetic disorders are common to subsets of breeds, the
sion study found associations between daytime sleepiness domestic dog offers unique evolutionary replicates than can
and neuropeptide precursor and cytokine signaling mol- be mined by molecular tools to undercover the genetic basis
ecules [87]. Finally, behavioral traits in dogs have a genetic on phenotypic traits.
basis [3] and a recent study that scored 16 behavioral traits
in 10 000 dogs from two breeds found a high degree of Acknowledgements
genetic correlation between traits (r2 = 0.79) [88]. How- We thank the many colleagues, dog owners and breeders who have
ever, some specific traits, such as aggressiveness were less generously shared samples and made much of the work reviewed here
well correlated with other behavioral traits. At the genome
level, only an association between canine dopamine recep-
tors and aggression-related traits has been uncovered [89]. References
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