Rizal Chapter 21 Ni Mayor

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1. 1. CHAPTER 21 Second Homecoming and The Liga Filipina

2. 2. June, 1982 • Rizal’s bold return to Manila •His second homecoming August, 1887 •His first
homecoming from abroad. • “ The Battlefield is in the Philippines” • - Dr. Jose P. Rizal
3. 3.  he reiterated this belief in a letter to blumentritt. Two months later, on December 31, 1891 “ I believe
that La Solidaridad is no longer our battlefield; now is a new struggle. . . the fight Is no longer in Madrid” .
4. 4. June 26, 1892 • At noon Rizal and his widowed sister Lucia(wife of the late Mariano Herbosa) arrived in
(1892), Sunday, at 12:00 noon. I was met by many carabineers headed by a major. There were in addition
one captain and one sergeant of the Veteran Civil Guard. I came Down with my luggage and they inspected
Me at the customhouse. From there I went The Hotel de Oriente where occupied room No.22, facing the
church of Binondo.
6. 6. RIZAL DESCRIBED HIS SECOND HOMECOMING AS FOLLOWS:  In afternoon, at 4:00 o’clock,
he went to Malacanan Palace to seek audience with the Spanish governor general, General Eulogio
Despujol, Conde de Caspe. He was told to come back at the night at 7:00 o’clock. Promptly at 7:00 pm he
returned to Malacanan and was able to confer with Governor General Despujol, who agreed to pardon his
father but not the rest of the family and told him to return on Wedsday (June 29)
7. 7.  After his brief interview with the governor general, he visited his sisters in the city----- first Narcisa
8. 8. VISITING FRIENDS IN LUZON CENTRAL 6:00 P.M of June 27 Rizal boarded a train In Tutuban
Station and visited his friends in the following places: Malolos, Bulacan San Fernando, Pampanga Tarlac,
Tarlac Bacoor, Pampanga
9. 9. VISITING FRIENDS IN LUZON CENTRAL 5:00 P.M of June 28  Rizal returned by train to Manila
whether he knew it or not, he shadowed by government spies who was carefully his every movement. 
The homes he had visited were raided by the Guardia Civil which seized some copies of the Noli and Fili
and some “subversive”pamphlets.
10. 10. OTHER INTERVIEWS WITH DESPUJOL Wednesday ( June 29 –Z) at 7:30-9:15 I saw his
Excellency. I did not succeed to have the penalty of exile lifted, but he gave me hope with regard to my
sisters. As it was the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul . Thursday ( June 30)  We talked about the question of
Borneo. The general opposed to it, very much opposed. He told me to come back Sunday.
11. 11. OTHER INTERVIEWS WITH DESPUJOL Sunday ( July 3-Z)  We talked about sundry things and I
thanked him for having lifted the exile of my sisters. I told him that my father and brother would arrive on
the first boat. He asked me if I would like to go abroad to Hong Kong. I told him Yes. He told me to return
on Wedsday.
12. 12. FOUNDING OF THE LIGA FILIPINA July 3, 1892 -(Sunday evening)  Rizal attended a meeting of
the patriots at the home of the Chinese- Filipino mestizo on Ylaya Street, Tondo,Manila . Rizal explained
the objectives of the Liga Filipina, a civic league of the Filipinos. He presented the Constitution of the Liga
which he had written in Hong Kong. The patriots were impressed and approved the establishment of The
13. 13. Objectives of the Liga Filipina- a civic league of Filipinos, which he desired to established and its role
on the socio- economic life of the people. OFFICERS OF THE NEW LEAGUE: The cover page of the
constitution of La Liga Filipina Directors: Jose Rizal, Founder Ambrosio Salvador, President Agustin
dela Rosa, Fiscal Bonifacio Arevalo, Treasurer Deodato Arellano, Secretary and first Supreme leader of
14. 14. Exile of Rizal  Domingo Franco, President and Supreme leader  Deodato Arellano,
Secretary/Treasurer  Isidro Francisco, Fiscal  Apolinario Mabini, Secretary
15. 15. 1. To unite the archipelago into one compact and homogenous body 2. Mutual protection in every want
and necessity 3. Defense against all violence and injustice. 4. Encourage of Education, agriculture and
commerce. 5.Study of application and reforms. CONSTITUTION OF THE LIGA FILIPINA Motto: Unus
Instar Omnium (one like all)
16. 16. Duties of the Liga Filipina Members 1. Obey the orders of the Supreme Court; 2. To help in recruiting
new members; 3. To keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the Liga authorities; 4. To have a symbolic
name which he cannot change until he becomes president of the council; 5. To report to the fiscal anything
that he may hear which affects the Liga; 6. To behave well ad benefits a good Filiino; 7. To help fellow
members in all ways.
17. 17. Rizal went to Malacanang to resume his series of interviews with governor general. The governor
general showed some printed leaflets were entitled Pobres Frailes(Poor Friars). Rizal denied having those
leaflets. Despite his denial and insistent demand for investigation. He was placed under arrest and escorted
to Fort Santiago by Ramon Despujol the nephew and aide of Governor General. July 6 -(Wednesday)
18. 18. July 7 ( Thursday ) RIZAL ARRESTED AND JAILED IN FORT SANTIAGO Gaceta de Manila
published the story of Rizal's arrest the same issue the gubernatorial decree gave him the reasons for Rizal's
deportation as follows: 1. Rizal published books and articles abroad which showed disloyalty to Spain
which were “frankly anti Catholic and “prudently anti-friar.
19. 19. RIZAL ARRESTED AND JAILED IN FORT SANTIAGO 2. A few hours after his arrival “there was
found in his packages… a bundle of handbills entitled “Pobres Frailes”. 3. His novel “El Filibusterismo”
was dedicated to the memory of the three traitors. 4. The end to which he pursues in his efforts and writings
is to tear from the loyal Filipino breats the treasures of our “catholic faith”.
20. 20. July 15, 1892 (12:30 a.m.) Rizal was brought under heavy guard to the streamer Cebu which was
sailing to Dapitan (1:00 a.m.) the streamer under Captain Delgras departed sailing south, passing Mindoro
and Panay July 17, 1892 Reached Dapitan at 7:00 in the evening. Captain Delgras handed Rizal over to
Captain Ricardo Carnicero, Spanish commandant of Dapitan the same night, Rizal began his exile in
Dapitan which would last until July 31, 1896, a period of four years.

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