(Exile - in - Dapitan) - Report - 101 New
(Exile - in - Dapitan) - Report - 101 New
(Exile - in - Dapitan) - Report - 101 New
Governor Despujol – governor-general who granted the liberty of his father but
not his brother and brother-in-law.
Rizal was accused and immediately placed under arrest and escorted to Fort Santiago by
Don Ramon Despujol, nephew and aide of governor Despujol. Governor Despujol’s
decree deporting Rizal to an island in the south was published by the Gaceta de Manila,
a newspaper in Manila.
July 17 – reached Dapitan and began his exile lasted until July 31, 1896
The ship which brought Rizal to Dapitan also carried a letter by Fr. Pablo Pastels,
superior of the S.J. In the Philippines, to Fr. Antonio Obach, Jesuit missionary
in Dapitan.
August 6, 1896 – arrived in Manila Bay. Unfortunately, the Isla de Luzon had
already left Spain. Rizal was transferred to the Spanish cruiser Castilla to wait
for the next month. He was treated as a guest on the cruiser. Several times the
Gallant Spanish captain permitted Rizal’s wife, sister, and schoolboys to visit
him and ate on board. Josephine and the schoolboys were then staying with the
Rizal family in Manila.