Oil and Grease
Oil and Grease
Oil and Grease
Water is a very strong absorber in the mid infrared (IR) region where oil is measured. We
see the effect of infrared absorbance when a cold bucket of water left in the sun is quite
warm by afternoon due to the absorption of infrared energy as heat. When measuring
part per million (ppm) oil levels with mid IR, the water absorbs so much of the infrared
energy that the signal becomes saturated and low oil levels cannot be detected. The oil
in the sample needs to be separated from the water in order to make a measurement.
Typically, the oil is extracted into a solvent and then measured either directly in the
solvent or the residual oil is measured after solvent evaporation.
There are a number of different solvents which dissolve the oil and are hydrophobic so
they form a separate solvent layer that can be conveniently used for the analysis. Some
of the solvents are heavier than water which requires a separatory funnel or a syringe
and an inverted vial with a septum cap to get to the solvent layer. The solvents lighter
than water are easier to access from the top of the container. A summary of the solvents
and their properties is in the chart in the next section.
Some of the solvents are IR transparent (ie: perchloroethylene) and do not have
hydrocarbon absorptions so the oil can be measured directly in the solvent. Hydrocarbon
solvents such as hexane require the solvent to be evaporated prior to the measurement
InfraCal 2 Model TRANS-SP
to avoid having the solvent contribute to the reading. For hexane, a measured amount of
solvent extract is put on a horizontal ATR (attenuated total reflection) crystal. After the
solvent evaporates, the residual oil film is measured. With the solvent evaporation step,
volatile hydrocarbons in the sample will be evaporated along with the solvent. For gas
condensate wells, the Model TRANS-SP is recommended if the volatile hydrocarbons
are to be included in the measurement.
The IR transparent solvent extract is put into a quartz cuvette (InfraCal 2 Model TRANS-
SP). The IR light passes directly through the fluid and the amount of light absorbed
by the oil in the solvent is measured by transmission. Because the volume of sample
that the infrared light passes through is larger than the layer of oil on the ATR crystal,
the detection limit is lower. For a 10:1 sample to solvent extraction ratio, the InfraCal
2 Analyzer, Model TRANS-SP, with a cuvette can measure down to 0.1 ppm and the
InfraCal 2 Analyzer, Model ATR-SP, with a horizontal ATR crystal measures down to
0.3 ppm.
Solvent Choices for Infrared Testing of Oil and Grease in Water | 2
1. Measurement range
As noted, transmission analyzers have a different minimum detection limit (MDL) than analyzers with
ATR sampling. If a sub ppm measurement is required, an IR transparent solvent and the InfraCal Analyzer
2 Model TRANS-SP would be necessary.
2. Availability
Some solvents such as the S-316 or infrared compatible Tetrachloroethylene from Mallinckrodt Baker
can be difficult to obtain in some parts of the world. Knowing what solvents are available may influence
which InfraCal 2 Analyzer Model to purchase.
3. Cost
Solvents range in price so if cost per test is an issue, you may want to check the solvent prices in your
4. Solvent toxicity
The NFPA toxicity rating is in the chart below.
5. Disposal requirements
Every country has different chemical disposal requirements. If a collection system is not already in place,
you may want to check how to dispose of your solvent. Customers that have an oil treatment system may
have the option of putting the sample and hydrocarbon solvent back into the treatment system.
6. Flammability
While most petroleum facilities have far more volatile hydrocarbons in the air than the 50 microliters
that has evaporated from the sample plate, some are concerned with flammability of solvents such as
hexane. The flammability rating is in the chart below.
Hexane 0.3 ATR-SP yes 1 3 95+%
Pentane 0.3 ATR-SP yes 1 3 95+%
Cyclohexane 0.3 ATR-SP yes 1 3 95+%
Vertrel MCA 0.3 ATR-SP yes 1 0 MCA
Petroleum Ether 0.3 ATR-SP yes 2 4 **
Perchlororethylene 0.1 TRANS-SP no 2 0 Mallinckrodt Baker-
Tetrachloroethylene Ultra Resi-Analyzed
S-316*** 0.1 TRANS-SP no 2 0 N/A
Freon 113 0.1 TRANS-SP no 0 99+%
Carbon Tetrachloride 0.1 TRANS-SP no 3 0 99.9%
* Minimum Detection Limit for a 10:1 sample to solvent extraction ratio InfraCal is a registered trademarks of Spectro Scientific.
** Residue on evaporation 0.0003% (or equivalent to Aldrich Anhydrous 300314) Freon & Vertrel MCA are trademarks of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
***Dimer/Trimer of chlorothrifluoroethylene
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