Engineering Drawing / Unit 9/ Isometric Projection: Problem Set

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Engineering Drawing / Unit 9/ Isometric Projection

Problem Set

1. Draw the isometric projection of a rectangular prism of base 50 mm x 40 mm and height 75 mm

when it rests with its base on HP and one of its rectangular face is parallel to VP.
2. Draw the isometric view of a pentagonal prism of base 60 mm side, axis 100 mm long and
resting on its base with a vertical face perpendicular to VP
3. Draw the isometric drawing of a half cylinder of base diameter 20 mm and axis 35 mm long
4. Draw the isometric view of the figure shown with its dimensions considering it first as Front

5. Draw the isometric view of the figure shown with its dimensions considering it first as Front

1. Draw the isometric view of a Square of 30 mm if its plane is (a) vertical (b) Horizontal

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Case1:Vertical plane fig(a) and fig(b)

1. Draw a line at 300 to the horizontal and mark the distance of 30 mm on it.
2. Draw verticals at the ends of the line and mark the length of 30 mm on these parallel lines.
3. Join the ends by a straight line which is also inclined at 300 to the horizontal.
There are the two possible positions for the plane.
Case2: Horizontal plane fig(c)
1. Draw the lines at 300 to the horizontal and mark the lengh of 30 mm along the line.
2. Complete the figure by drawing 30 0 inclined lines at the ends till the lines intersect.
1. The shape of the isometric projection or drawing of a square is a Rhombus.
2. While dimensioning an isometric projection or isometric drawing true dimensional values only must
be used.[Top]

2a. Draw the isometric view of a rectangle of 100 mm and 70 mm sides if its plane is (a) vertical (b)

1. Draw the given rectangle ABCD as shown in the fig. a

Case1:Vertical plane
2. Draw the side BC inclined at 300 to the base line as shown in figure.
3. Draw the verticals at B and C and mark off AB=DC
4. Join AD which is parallel to BC.
ABCD is the required isometric view. This can also be drawn as shown in fig. b
Case2: Horizontal plane
Draw the sides AB and BC inclined at 300 to be base line and complete the isometric view ABCD as
shown in fig. c [Top]

2b. Draw the isometric view of a pentagon if its plane is (a) vertical (b) Horizontal

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Draw the pentagon ABCDE and enclose it in a rectangle 1-2-3-4 as shown in fig. a
Case1:Vertical plane
When the plane is vertical it can be represented by ABCDE as shown.
Case2: Horizontal plane
When it is horizontal the isometric view of the pentagon can be represented by ABCDE as shown.
It may be noted that the point A on the isometric view can be marked after drawing the isometric view
of the rectangle 1-2-3-4. i.e parallelogram 1-2-3-4. [Top]

3. Draw isometric view of a circle if it is a TV or FV.

Horizontal plane
1. Draw the circle as shown in the figure and inscribe it in the smallest square.
2. Draw the isometric view of the square that is a rhombus.
3. Locate the mid point of the sides of the rhombus and name as ABCD.
4. Locate 1 and 2 as shown in the fig. b
5. Join 1A,1B,2D and 2C. Name 3 and 4 as shown in the fig. b
6. With 2 as centre and 2D(=2C) as radius draw the arc CD. Similarly with 1 as centre and 1A(=1B)
as radius dtaw the arc AB.
7. With 3 as centre and 3A(=3D) as radius draw the arc AD. Similarly with 4 as centre and 4B(=4C)

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as radius dtaw the arc BC.

8. Now ABCD is the required ellipse, which is the isometric view of the circle.
This method is called four point method
Vertical Plane:
1. Draw the isometric view of the square that is a rhombus as shown in fig. c
2. Rest of the procedure is exactly same as above. [Top]

4. Draw the isometric projection of a hexagonal prism of base 30 mm side, axis 100mm long and
resting on its base on HP with a vertical face perpendicular to VP

1. Draw the orthographic projection of the given hexagonal prism.

2. Inscribe the TV (hexagon) in the smallest rectangle.
3. Find the corresponding isometric length for the given true length of 100 and 30 mm.
4. Determine the distances (off-set) of the corners of the base from the edges of the rectangular box.
5. Draw the isometric projection of the rectangle abcd as shown in the fig. c i.e. parallelogram ABCD.
6. Let 1a=x=2b. Locate 1 and 2 inside the parallelogram ABCD such that A1=B2=Isometric length of x
(0.816x). Similarly locate other points of the hexagon and then join.
7. construct the rectangular box on the plane PQRS such that the height of the box = Isometric
length of 100 mm (0.816*100)
8. From 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 draw vertical lines to meet the corresponding edges of the top surface of the
box at 1',2',3',4',5' and 6' respectively. [Top]

5. Draw the isometric view of a pentagonal pyramid of side of base 30 mm and height 60 mm, when it
is resting on HP such that an edge of the base is parallel to

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1. Draw the projections of the pyramid fig. a

2. Enclose the top view in a rectangle abcd and measure the off-sets of all the corners of the base
and the vertex.
3. Draw the isometric view of the rectangle abcd i.e. parallelogram ABCD.
4. Using the off-sets locate the corners of the base 1,2, etc.. The point O 1 can be located by taking
the distance of 4-o in the top view.
5. From O1 draw a perpendicular of length 60 mm and locate the vertex o.
6. Join o-1,o-2,o-3, etc. and darken the visible edges and obtain the required view.[Top]

6. Draw the isometric view of a cylinder of base 60 mm diameter and 80 mm height when it rests with
it rests with its base on HP.

1. Enclose the cylinder in a square and draw its isometric view.

2. Draw ellipse corresponding to the bottom and top bases by four centre method.
3. Join the bases by two common targents.
4. The isometric view of the cylinder is shown.[Top]

7. Draw the isometric view of a frustum of a Square Pyramid as shown.

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1. Draw the Front view and Top View the frustum of the Square Pyramid.
2. Enclose the Frustum in a rectangular box .For this, first enclose in the top view of the base in a
Square as shown. and draw its isometric view i.e rhombus
3. draw the isometric view of the base of the frustum in the rhombus. draw the isometric view of the
box taking its height as height of frustum.
4. The top face of the frustum and that of box are in same plane. Locate the corresponding points in
the isometric line.
5. Join the points of the top face of the frustum and that of bases.
6. draw visible slant edge and the edges of the base.

8. A Square Pyramid Of 40 mm Base Sides And 60 mm Axis Is Cut By An Inclined Section Plane
Through The Mid Point Of Axis As Shown.Draw Isometric View Of Section Of Pyramid.

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1. Draw the FV and sectional TV. Locate all the points as shown.
2. Draw the isometric projection of the square abcd and locate the points corresponding to 1,2,3,4 in
the rhombus by using the offset.
3. Now draw normal at these points to a height equal to height of Section plane above XY i.e. height
of 1',2',3',4'.
4. Join 1,2,3,4. join all the points with tha base points and draw visible slant edge and edge of the
base. [Top]

9. F.V. & T.V. and S.V.of an object are given. Draw it’s isometric view.

1. Draw a random horizontal line and show the point O.

2. Draw OX and OY lines which are inclined 300 to horizontal line.
3. Draw the rhombus corresponding to the front view, similarly draw parallelogram corresponding to
left hand side view and top view.
4. Draw the isometric lines parallel to OX, OY and OZ. [Top]


Module – 9
Isometric Projection
It is a type of pictorial projection in which all three dimensions of an object are shown in one view and
if required, their actual sizes can be Measured directly from it.

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Purpose of isometric drawing is to understand Overall shape, size & appearance of an object prior to
it’s production.
Typical Condition:
In This 3-d Drawing Of An Object, All Three Dimensional Axes Are Mantained At Equal
Inclinations With Each Other.( 1200)

Now observe below given drawings. One can note specific inclination Among x, y & z axes.Iso means
same, similar or equal.
Here one can find Edual inclination among x, y & z axes. Each is 1200 inclined with other two.Hence
it is called Isometric Drawing

Isometric Axes, Lines And Planes:
The three lines AL, AD and AH, meeting at point A and making 1200 angles with each other are
termed Isometric Axes.
The lines parallel to these axes are called Isometric Lines.
The planes representing the faces of of the cube as well as other planes parallel to these planes are
called Isometric Planes.

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It is a pictorial orthographic projection of an object in which a transparent cube containing the object
is tilted until one of the solid diagonal of the cube becomes perpendicular to the VP and the three
axes are equally inclined

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This reduction is 0.816 (cos 36 15') or 9 / 11 ( approx.) It forms a reducing scale which Is used to
draw isometric drawings and is called Isometric scale.

Isometric Scale:
When one holds the object in such a way that all three dimensions are visible then in the process all
dimensions become proportionally inclined to observer’s eye sight and hence appear apparent in
In practice, while drawing isometric projection, it is necessary to convert true lengths into isometric
lengths for measuring and marking the sizes. This is conveniently done by constructing an isometric
scale as described on next page.

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