CSengineermag 0418 PDF

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April 2018 Vol.

5 Issue 1


Seven habits hampering firm profitability and growth
San Antonio’s Witte Museum makeover
Designing a curved girder bridge
Innovations in precast concrete
All the numbers
One platform.


Virgin Hyperloop One anticipates developing an operational
transportation system by 2021 — story on page 50.
Photo: Virgin Hyperloop One

14 Awards, promotions, and new hires

16 Don’t ignore firm licensing
18 High-risk construction in the higher education market

20 Pushing the limits of BIM
23 Pavement design online
26 San Antonio’s Witte Museum makeover
30 Innovations in precast concrete
36 Testing concrete for quality and reliability
40 Big dam monitoring network
44 Houston community uses novel approach for stormwater
48 Modernizing Artic assets
50 Tube tests: Hyperloop holds worlds of promise
56 Designing a curved girder bridge in downtown Nashville
58 A new generation of city models
60 A new look beneath the surface
63 Resilient shorelines
63 Wood eCourses
7 Civil + Structural Engineer Online
10 Events
64 Specify
65 Reader Index
66 Benchmarks

06 From the Publisher: Best consultants
By Mark Zweig
08 Engineering Our Future: Embracing change
By Chad Clinehens, P.E.

April 2018 csengineermag.com 3


Designing a curved girder bridge in downtown Nashville.

Mark C. Zweig | 508.380.0469 | [email protected]

Beth Brooks | 479.502.2972 | [email protected]

Production & circulation manager

Anna Finley | 479.435.6850 | [email protected]

Bob Drake | 616.741.9852 | [email protected]

Chad Clinehens, P.E. | 501.551.2659 | [email protected]
H. Kit Miyamoto, PH.D., S.E. | miyamotointernational.com
Will Swearingen | 479.435.6977 | [email protected]
Richard Massey | 479.856.6122 | [email protected]

ART director
Donovan Brigham | 479.435.6978 | [email protected]

For subscriptions or change of address,

please visit our website
or call 800-466-6275

1200 North College Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703
PO BOX 1528, Fayetteville, AR 72702-1528



Civil + Structural Engineer (ISSN 23726717) is published monthly by Zweig Group, 1200
North College Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703. Telephone: 800.466.6275. Copyright© 2018,
Zweig Group. Articles may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission
of the publisher. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Zweig
Group. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-
addressed envelope. Subscriptions: Annual domestic print subscription rate is $15 for 12
issues or $30 for 24 issues. Annual digital subscription is free. All print subscribers receive
digital editions in addition to print subscription. Call or write for international rates. To subscribe
or update your subscription information, please visit our website www.csengineermag.com/
subscribe/; or mail subscription requests and changes to Circulation Dept, C + S Engineer,
1200 North College Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703; or call 800.466.6275.

4 csengineermag.com April 2018

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call Construction Specialties at 1-888-621-3344 or visit www.c-sgroup.com.
Most readers of Civil + Structural Engineer are consultants. Sure, we are engineers or
surveyors or designers — but, we are also consultants.

Besides being the publisher of this magazine, I am also a consultant and have been studying
consulting firms and consultants for nearly 38 years. My experience tells me that to be the
most effective at what we do — the best consultants we can be — we must do certain
things, including the following:

Read people quickly and accurately — No quality will be more helpful to you as a
consultant than being able to size up people quickly. That means you will have to be a keen
student of verbal communication as well as non-verbal cues such as body language. How
are people responding to you?

Manage expectations early in the selling process — If the client’s schedule is completely
unrealistic — or budget way too low — it’s best to confront these things very early on. That
way you won’t be wasting their time and they won’t be wasting yours. And if you can’t
get those expectations realistic, it is best to skip the job because otherwise you’ll have an
unhappy client.

Be honest without alienating — This takes tact, which is the hallmark of a good consultant.
Be tactless and you’ll turn off your audience. They won’t listen to you and you won’t be
effective. A lack of tact is a big issue for a lot of engineers and other technical people.

consultants Do what you say you will, period — Good consultants don’t make excuses, they finish
the job. They also do all the little things they say they will along the way such as research
something if they say they will; call back someone when they say they will; hit all project
Seven practices to be deadlines when they say they will. This is so crucial! It builds credibility with the client and
sets an example for others you work with. It’s a mandate as far as I am concerned — no
the most effective exceptions, no matter what.
consultant you can be. Be willing to offer some free advice/help — Anyone who thinks you are going to get paid
for every single little thing is just dead wrong. You have to give a little, especially to your
best clients, not just your newest ones. Being helpful and not acting selfish or shortsighted
are hallmarks of being a really great consultant.

Maintain the highest quality standards, even for things that “don’t matter” — You
want to be the best? You want happy clients? Everything matters. Every detail has to be
done right. This has to be demonstrated every day to all the rest of the people in the firm so
they get the idea, too. Anything less than “excellent” is “not excellent.”

Know when you can and should walk away from a client — Not all clients are good.
The ones you can’t be successful serving — because they are too cheap, have unrealistic
expectations, or don’t treat you with respect — should be avoided. A hallmark of the best
consultants is knowing when to just say “no” to a bad client.

There’s more, but I’m out of time. Enjoy the April issue of Civil + Structural Engineer

[email protected]

6 csengineermag.com April 2018

Civil + Structural Engineer provides news and articles online to
supplement content in this print issue. Visit csengineermag.com daily for

the latest news and check out the following articles posted online with the
April 2018 issue:

Increasing visibility of jobsite activities
By Tyler Riddell, eSUB Construction Software

Whether working on a federal or municipal project or contracting in the

private sector, the role of a civil engineering project manager is to ensure

that work is completed on time in a way that’s profitable for the company.
In private contracting, lawsuits can result when the client incurs losses
because of delayed works, and in the public sector, liquidated damages are
often written into the contract itself, preventing the civil engineering firm
from disputing those losses.

There’s clearly a lot on the line when it comes to being on time (and on Manage Bentley® licenses,
budget), so what can engineers and project managers do to ensure that their
plans are executed seamlessly? Increasing the visibility of jobsite activities
Autodesk® subscriptions and
is one of the most important measures that project managers are taking to ESRI® ArcGIS usage with SofTrack.
ensure that projects are completed on time and on budget.

Read the entire article at http://tinyurl.com/jobsite-april18.

SofTrack from Integrity Software makes tracking
and managing Bentley® licenses and Autodesk
subscriptions easier than ever. Additionally, use SofTrack
Project Profitability: Project managers to monitor and report usage of your ESRI® ArcGIS
license checkouts. Softrack provides real-time usage
and specialized consultants details of all Autodesk subscriptions and tracking by
By Howard Birnberg, Association for Project Managers Package Codes, Feature Codes, Serial Numbers, user
workstations, and more, providing organizations with
A wide range of specialists has appeared on the construction scene in the information they need to effectively control
recent decades. Most are hired by clients to aid in cost control or provide licensing and subcription costs.
management skills lacking in the owner’s organization. How successful
these specialists are is a subject of some debate. Take control of overage costs with SofTrack today.
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industry consultants such as architects. These traditional consultants would
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for themselves, and prevent new competitors from achieving a foothold.
view our Solutions page, Managing Bentley® Licenses,
This issue would be of little consequence if traditional providers were
meeting clients’ needs. Unfortunately, many are not. Managing Autodesk®, and Managing ESRI® ArcGIS

There are several reasons why traditionalists have failed to meet clients’
real needs. Also provides support for: AutoDesk®
Cascading Licenses Sequences ESRI®
ArcGIS License Checkout Activity
Read the entire article at http://tinyurl.com/projectprofit-april18.
© 2018 Integrity Software, Inc. Bentley is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Incorporated

april 2018 csengineermag.com 7

engineering our future

Embracing change
Strategic plans rely on intelligent change to be successful.

Change is inevitable. We must change and evolve to survive. When Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world, nothing can
be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” he may have not considered that change is also a certainty.

Despite the AEC industry’s resistance to change, we are subject to change just like any other industry. Clients change,
markets change, and staff members change — everything changes over time. Resistance to change is why we struggle
to deal with problems and to really break out of our mold.

Additionally, resistance to change is the enemy to executing strategic plans effectively. Those plans often require
significant change in order to make a positive impact on the company and is why 70 percent of firms fail to execute
any part of their plans.

Managing and leading change effectively is something that every firm leader must learn to do to enable their firms to
grow and evolve. If you can get more comfortable with change, you will set yourself apart and likely enjoy the reward
of an accelerated career path.

To get comfortable with change, you must be comfortable with risk of the unknown. That is where the DNA of engineers
makes resistance to change naturally difficult. We are taught the mitigation of risk from day one in engineering school.

However, taking risks in business in order to advance a firm is not the same as taking risk with an engineering design.
We must view the risks and rewards relationship in business separately and embrace taking calculated risks to effect
positive change. Strategic plans are all about the longer-term prosperity of the company and they rely on intelligent
change to be successful.

Leaders need younger, ambitious staff to help make strategic plans work, so step up with a willingness to effect
positive change. If you work for a firm that has a strategic plan, make sure you know what the plan calls for and do
what you can to aid in the execution. It is key to getting noticed and to being a part of something bigger.

CHAD CLINEHENS, P.E., is Zweig Group’s president and CEO. Contact him at [email protected].

8 csengineermag.com April 2018

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AEC NEXT Educational tracks include:

• BIM and Integrated Project Delivery
• Building Performance and Sustainability
Explore the latest trends and best practices for designing,
• Sustainable Sites, Infrastructure, and Smart Cities
constructing, and managing AEC projects. • Jobsite Connectivity and Construction Management
• Specs, Codes, and Standards
• Facility, Asset, and Life Cycle Management
AEC Next Technology Expo + Conference, June 5-7, 2018 in Anaheim,
Calif. — co-located with the SPAR 3D Expo & Conference — will Additionally, the conference features three keynote addresses:
feature six technology tracks and more than 60 conference sessions
and keynotes exploring the latest trends and best practices for design- Creativity & Constructability in AEC — Ken Sanders, FAIA, man-
ing, constructing, and managing AEC projects smarter. In addition, an aging principal at Gensler; and Jack Dahlgren, senior project manager
exhibition will highlight companies offering hardware, software, and at NVIDIA, will discuss highly collaborative, integrated approaches to
services; emerging technology; as well as building/construction prod- design and delivery that illustrate how digital technology is magnifying
ucts. Special features will include theaters on the expo floor featuring the creativity of design talent and achieving new levels of performance
case studies, new products, and best practices. and value for clients.

The educational program will feature a series of conferences-within-a- Intelligent Design for Collaborative Constructability — David
conference, including: Wilson, chief innovation officer, Bechtel Corporation, discusses how
National BIM Conference — Addresses IT needs of the entire facili- full realization of digitization will entail wide-ranging components:
ties and construction team, including how information and electronic integrating multiple sensors for capturing the environment in real time;
data are leveraged throughout the life cycle of the facility and how increasingly complex data analytics; progressing from machine learn-
information standards are defined and shared; ing/computer vision to true AI and autonomy; “digital twin” virtual
National High-Performance Building Conference — Includes exec- design and construction to operations and maintenance; use of driver-
utive-level meetings, roundtable discussions, seminars, a vendor prod- less vehicles and robotics of all kinds; and jobsites that will incorporate
uct exhibit, and a short-course theater to highlight high-performance manufacturing.
building products and services covering sustainability, accessibility,
aesthetics, cost effectiveness, function and operation, historic preserva- Integrated Projects: A Vision for the Future — Atul Khanzode,
tion, productivity, and safety and security; chief information officer, DPR Construction, works with project teams
BIM in the Academy — Developed by front-line universities that are across the country to implement Virtual Building and Lean Construc-
driving industry innovation, the conference presents cutting-edge de- tion tools and processes and collaborates with academia and research
velopments in BIM and sustainability and how the next generation of groups around the world to move the industry forward in the use of
AEC professionals are learning to apply and advance new technology; technologies to improve project delivery processes.
National Specifiers Conference — Concentrated group of sessions Up-to-date information about the AEC Next Technology Expo + Con-
on specifications production, including specification change impacts ference and registration details are available at www.aecst.com.
and trends.
Information provided by AEC-ST (www.aecst.com).

10 csengineermag.com april 2018

april 2018 accounting, financial management, project management, leadership,
mergers and acquisitions, ownership transition planning, and recruitment
Complete Streets Conference and retention.
aprIL 3-4 — nashville, tenn. https://zweiggroup.com/seminars/the-principals-academy
Under the theme, Intersections: Creating Culturally Complete Streets,
attendees will learn practical ways to integrate arts and culture to create
streets that not only are safe for everyone, but also better reflect the MAY 2018
unique character of their communities.
https://smartgrowthamerica.org/program/intersections-creating-culturally-complete-streets Leadership Skills for AEC Professionals
May 2-3 — Miami
NASCC: The Steel Conference Nov. 14-15 — San Francisco
AprIL 11-13 — Baltimore Specifically developed to provide design and technical professionals
Educational and networking event for the structural steel industry, with the skills to become more competent leaders, including strategies
bringing together structural engineers, structural steel fabricators, and techniques that will help them grow personally and professionally.
erectors, and detailers. In addition to seminars on the latest design https://zweiggroup.com/seminars/leadership-skills-for-aec-professionals
concepts, construction techniques, and cutting-edge research, the
conference offers an extensive trade show. CFSEI Annual Expo
www.aisc.org/nascc May 15-16 — San Diego
Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute event provides opportunities for
COFES 2018 education and networking as well as an exposition featuring state-of-
April 12-15 — Scottsdale, Ariz. the-art innovations, technologies, and principles in cold-formed steel
Congress On the Future of Engineering Software (COFES) is framing.
the engineering software industry’s only annual think tank event, www.cfsei.org/2018-cfsei-expo
bringing together executives from design, engineering, architectural,
development, and technology companies to understand the role WTS International Annual Conference
engineering technology will play in the future survival and success of May 16-18 — San Diego
businesses. COFES is an invitation-only event; apply for an invitation More than 700 corporate and governmental transportation leaders
using the link below. worldwide are expected to exchange ideas and learn about the latest
http://apply.cofes.com developments in the industry. Optional technical tours are offered of
some of the nation’s most impressive transportation hubs and iconic
Structural Design Topics in Wood Construction infrastructure and landmarks.
April 16-18 — BLACKSBURG, VA www.wtsinternational.org/networking/annual-conference
This course offers a range of topics related to the structural design of
wood-frame buildings as well as design measures that can enhance the Municipal Wet Weather Stormwater Conference
in-service performance of structural elements. May 21-23 — Chattanooga, Tenn.
www.cpe.vt.edu/sdtwc/index.html Hosted by EPA Region 4, International Erosion Control Association
(IECA) Southeast Chapter, and IECA Region One, the conference
Structures Congress 2018 includes technical presentations and case studies related to municipal
April 19-21 — Ft. Worth, Texas separate storm sewer systems (MS4), focused on the Southeast U.S.
Learn the latest from the experts who develop SEI/ASCE standards and www.ieca.org
earn PDHs from 12 tracks of technical sessions, including Buildings,
Bridges, Natural Disasters, Professional Practice, Risk Management,
Blast, Materials, Seismic, Forensics, and more. JUNE 2018
ITS America 27th Annual Meeting
The Principals Academy June 4-7 — Detroit
April 26-27 — Sonoma, Calif. Themed Transportation 2.0, the Intelligent Transportation Society of
June 7-8 — Aspen, Colo. America conference focuses on topics such as automation, connected
July 19-20 — Montreal, Canada vehicles, and cyber security, as well as educational sessions and
Oct. 25-26 — Charleston, S.C. presentations on the future of mobility and cutting-edge technology
Intensive course in all aspects of managing a professional service exhibits and demonstrations.
firm, including business planning, marketing/business development, https://itsdetroit2018.org

12 csengineermag.com april 2018

Six technology tracks and more than 50 conference sessions explore
the latest trends and best practices for designing, constructing, and
managing AEC projects smarter. Exhibits showcase the latest products CLEARSPAN STRUCTURES
and emerging technologies.

International Bridge Conference

June 11-14 — National Harbor, Md. PURCHASING
The IBC annually attracts more than 1,200 bridge owners and 030117-CSS

engineers, senior policy makers, government officials, bridge designers,

construction executives, and suppliers from throughout the U.S. and

abroad. F or nearly 40 years c lear s pan F aBrIc s tructures has
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June 12-15 — Las Vegas environments and will compliment your business for decades to come.
Hexagon’s annual cross-industry technology conference welcomes
c ost -e FFectIve B uIldIng s olutIons - Drastically reduce construction costs, monthly
thousands of business leaders from around the world to attend utilities and maintenance requirements, with a structure that is superior in quality.
educational keynotes and sessions, and to enhance their skills with
interactive training. I n -H ouse F InancIng I s B ack - As low as 4.99%.
V isit WWW . clearspan . com or call 1.866.643.1010
to find out how we can help with your structure needs
Real Marketing and Branding for AEC Firms
June 21 — Miami
Designed to bring clarity and distinction between marketing and
sales (business development), this course will aid all levels of staff with infrastructure planning, design, operation, and management
to understand how to market the firm and build the brand in their professionals and get up-to-date information about federal and state
respective roles. policies and initiatives that are shaping the profession.
https://zweiggroup.com/seminars/real-marketing-and-branding-for-aec-firms www.asce-ictd.org

AEC Business Development Training Excellence in Project Management

June 22 — Miami July 18 — Boston
Specifically developed to help design and technical professionals Nov. 28 — Atlanta
become more comfortable dealing with clients and promoting the firm Tutorial and case study workshop sessions present critical areas every
and its services. project manager should know from the perspective of architecture,
https://zweiggroup.com/seminars/aec-business-development-training engineering, and environmental consulting firms.
SuperPile ’18
June 27-29 — New York
Presentations on the latest developments in augered cast-in-place/drilled
displacement piles, drilled shafts, driven piles, ground improvement,
helical piles and tiebacks, marine foundations, micropiles, testing and
evaluation of foundation systems, and seismic and lateral loads. Check online at csengineermag.com/event-directory/
for events later in 2018. Send information about
JULY 2018 upcoming conferences, seminars, and exhibitions
International Conference on Transportation & Development relevant to civil and structural engineering
July 15-18 — Pittsburgh
Discover the latest innovations and learn more about major technologies to bob drake at [email protected].
and their impact on transportation and development. Network

April 2018 csengineermag.com 13

on the rise Awards, promotions, and new hires
Dennis Baker was named Northern New England ment, preliminary and final designs, preparation of
area manager for transportation and infrastructure at construction documents, construction inspection, and
WSP USA. Based in the firm’s Boston office, he will field engineer assignments. Todd Brooks, P.E., joined
oversee the firm’s transportation and infrastructure Dewberry as a senior associate and manager of the
Dennis Baker Caroline Downing practice in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, traffic engineering group in the firm’s Raleigh, N.C.,
and Vermont. Caroline Downing was named New office. He has more than 30 years of experience in
England operations manager for transportation. Also traffic engineering, including intelligent transportation
based in the Boston office, she will lead enhanced systems.
project reviews for large, complex projects to assess fi-
nancial performance, risks, opportunities, staffing, and Rob Singer, P.E., joined Kleinfelder’s Central Divi-
David Warner, P.E. Fred Tallarico, P.E. client satisfaction. David Warner, P.E., was named sion as the Civil Infrastructure lead. He has more than
Northwest Pacific district manager, Seattle office area 26 years of experience in engineering and operations
manager, and vice president of WSP USA. He has management roles for consulting firms in the Greater
15 years of experience in the transportation industry, Denver area. Stephen Plauson, P.E., G.E., rejoined
focusing on business and operations management, Kleinfelder as a principal geotechnical engineer in the
business development, project management, and pro- Great Valley Area of California. He has more than 23
Yancey Wetterich Brandon Mace, E.I.T. gram management. Fred Tallarico, P.E., was named years of geotechnical engineering, materials testing,
national director for alternative delivery at WSP and construction inspection experience.
USA. He will manage WSP’s pursuit and execution
of transit, highway, and infrastructure projects using Sam Yu, CCM, DBIA, was promoted to senior vice
alternative delivery methods such as design-build and president in STV’s Construction Management (CM)
public-private partnerships. Division on the West Coast. Yu was named the firm’s
Jason Kehler Laura Weis, P.E.
CM Western Territory manager in 2015 and under his
Davis, Bowen & Friedel (DBF) welcomed three new leadership the group has more than quadrupled in size.
employees. Yancey Wetterich has more than 13 years
of experience in civil design and is skilled in 11 types Derya Thompson, CEng, MIStructE, ENV SP,
of 2D and 3D CAD programs. Brandon Mace, E.I.T., joined Thornton Tomasetti’s Weidlinger Transporta-
recently joined the firm to assist the engineering de- tion practice as a senior vice president and U.S. West
Patty Dunaway, P.E. Sam Fleming, P.E.
partment on the Sail Side Condominium in Rehoboth, Region leader. She has more than 25 years of design-
Del., and Sand Hill Valley Clubhouse & Amenities in build and public-private partnership experience in the
Milton, Del. Jason Kehler, with a degree in landscape design, delivery, procurement, and management of
architecture from West Virginia University, will assist complex transportation and infrastructure projects.
DBF’s Site Engineering design team with CAD and Jim Dray joined Thornton Tomasetti as chief infor-
Sketch-up 3D Modeling. mation officer. Based in New York, Dray will be re-
sponsible for all IT operations at Thornton Tomasetti,
Don Hammack, P.E. Todd Brooks, P.E.

Laura Weis, P.E., joined Michael Baker International including infrastructure, network services and secu-
as vice president and office executive in Dallas. She rity, end-user support, and application management.
has more than 21 years of experience delivering en- Thornton Tomasetti announced that Project Engineer
gineering and project management services on civil Dara Naderi, P.E., received the 2018 Rising Stars in
infrastructure projects, including planning, design, Structural Engineering Award and Principal Peggy
estimating, and construction support. Patty Dunaway, Van Eepoel, P.E., F.SEI, received the Chairperson’s
Rob Singer, P.E. Stephen Plauson,
P.E., G.E.
P.E., joined Michael Baker International as office ex- Award from the Structural Engineers Association of
ecutive in Louisville, Ky. She has more than 27 years Metropolitan Washington.
of experience, including roles of increasing responsi-
bility for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. VHB welcomed Rene' Schneider, P.E., PMP, as
senior project manager in Orlando, Fla., as part of its
Dewberry promoted Sam Fleming, P.E., to associate Land Development team, helping to expand VHB’s
Sam Yu, CCM, DBIA Derya Thompson,
CEng, MIStructE,
vice president in the firm’s stormwater and resilience capabilities in the retail and hospitality markets. He

department. His expertise includes water resources, has 35 years of experience, including multi-family,
transportation, and site/civil engineering. Don Ham- commercial, hospitality, industrial, and municipal
mack, P.E., was promoted to vice president in Dew- infrastructure development.
berry’s Orlando, Fla., office. He has more than three
decades of experience, including alternative develop-
Jim Dray Reneʹ Schneider,

14 csengineermag.com april 2018

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Don’t ignore firm licensing To avoid missed opportunities, don’t wait until you have an RFP in
hand (or worse, until you’ve submitted a bid!) to think about your
licensing plans. Licensing in a new state involves multiple layers and
Seven habits could be hampering steps, generally including registering with the secretary of state and
your firm’s profitability and growth. licensing through the state engineering board. Each state has unique
By Jerri-Lynn Wier licensing requirements, including obtaining documentation from the
secretary of state. Since applications are generally approved at monthly
or quarterly board meetings, a week’s delay in filing the application can
When we talk about licensing, engineers tend to think of their individ- tack months onto the approval process.
ual professional licenses rather than firm licenses, which isn’t all that
surprising. Some companies operate in states where firm licenses — Include licensing in early discussions about growth strategies, research
generally called certificates of authority — aren’t required. Where they state requirements proactively, and identify prime states for future ex-
are required, the cost of a license is minor, averaging $135 nationwide. pansion (www.harborcompliance.com/information/engineering-firm-
As a result, engineering firm licenses are rarely top of mind — until license-certificate-of-authorization). Then license proactively to meet
they throw a wrench in your plans, that is, when those small-ticket your growth goals and strategy.
items suddenly start making a big impact on the bottom line.
Getting stuck in your present footprint
How big an impact? One of our clients recently missed out on a $1 It’s more cost effective to build revenues through existing clients than
million bid in California because their company license came in one to acquire new ones, yet many firms miss out on prime opportunities
week after bidding closed. Another came to us with more than $14,000 simply by not lining up for them. Map out your clients’ footprints and
in penalties and a license suspension due to two lapsed firm licenses. ask if they have opportunities on the horizon that might be a match.
Where you identify promising opportunities, license your firm to sup-
No one wants to miss out on a million-dollar opportunity over a $135 port them.
license, let alone be hit with $14,000 in penalties, but these kinds of
dilemmas are actually very common in engineering, particularly for In addition to geographic expansion, firms can use licensing to di-
large or rapidly growing firms. Fortunately, they are also preventable. versify. For example, one of our larger engineering firm clients had
Following are seven license habits that cost firms opportunities and become licensed for land surveying in a patchwork of states to meet
profits, and some tips for turning that small-price-tag/big-impact math project and client demands. They decided to proactively license for
around to work in your favor. land surveying nationwide, a move that has opened up a new range of
opportunities from existing and new clients (www.harborcompliance.
Rushing to bid com/information/land-surveying-license).
The first habit to overcome is bidding first, then looking into the matter
of licensing. In most states it is illegal even to bid on a project until you By positioning your firm to provide a wider range of services across
have a firm license, yet we hear from firms all the time that have bid in your clients’ operations, you can deepen your relationships and build a
a new jurisdiction where they’re not licensed. This is one of the biggest stronger, more stable revenue base for your firm.
causes of citations for unlicensed activity, and the consequences can
be severe. False starts
Often firms rush into licensing to beat a bidding deadline, only to re-

16 csengineermag.com april 2018

alize that they’ve missed a key step along the way. For example, in process to regain good standing is time-consuming and expensive. In
most states, secretary of state filings precede licensure through the state some cases, states may not even permit you to reinstate your entity.
engineering board (www.harborcompliance.com/information/filing-
authority/engineering-licensing-boards), but that’s not always the Low budget, low priority
case. In others, key prerequisites must be met. Sometimes firms need Maybe the worst license habit as far as the potential damage it can do
to adjust their name or structure to fit the new state’s requirements. to your firm is simply failing to make it a high enough priority. It’s very
easy to lose sight of a $135 license in the midst of busy operations,
Failing to research all of the regulatory nuances in a new state can particularly for firms operating in numerous states. Yet unlicensed
lead to rejected filings, wasting valuable time. This can all be avoided practice is a misdemeanor in most states, carrying potential penalties
by researching secretary of state and engineering board requirements of as much as $1,000 per violation per day in some jurisdictions.
together before beginning any applications.
Since discipline must generally be reported to other states, which often
No one in charge impose reciprocal discipline, the fallout from a single license lapse
Another license habit that often backfires is leaving individual licens- can be substantial. Citations are usually published online and have
ing to your engineers. While many firms find it best to let engineers tremendous staying power, damaging your reputation and competitive
handle the applications and renewals, it’s critical that you install some abilities.
means of tracking and verifying the individual licenses of engineers in
responsible charge, at the very least. Firms often forget that wherever Stealth mode
firm licenses are required, they are linked to the underlying individual The final habit is not particularly destructive, but it’s one that presents
licenses. In some cases, you can have multiple engineers in responsible great upside potential. When you work to ensure full licensure (www.
charge of the firm depending on their field of licensure. harborcompliance.com/compliance-solutions-engineering-firms) and
maintain it throughout your operations, you are a much more reliable
For example, you can have an engineer in responsible charge for me- partner and provider. Your business is built on a stronger foundation
chanical engineering, one for electrical engineering, and one for civil with fewer risks.
engineering. Thus, if you lose that engineer in responsible charge in a
particular field of engineering, you cannot practice that field in the state. Yet firms rarely use their compliance as a selling point in their market-
If a responsible engineer leaves the firm or suffers a license lapse, your ing efforts. Once you’ve invested in compliance, be sure to spread the
firm must appoint a replacement and notify state authorities promptly word to partners, prospects, and clients. Talk about your commitment
or risk forfeiting your firm license. Even if the responsible engineer in to employing licensed professionals and maintaining active licenses
charge changes his or her address, you must notify the state. as a demonstration of your high professional standards, quality work,
reliable performance, and ethical dealings.
Tracking continuing education requirements as well can help your
individual engineers maintain continuous licensure. License to succeed
Most of the habits in this article boil down to looking at engineer-
Walking away ing licenses as an obstacle rather than a source of strength, stability,
While it’s important to license your company for growth, it’s also and sustainability. By being proactive and positive, firms can enhance
important to manage licensing where you’re no longer active. If you profits and growth and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from total
finish a major project in a state and don’t see immediate opportunities compliance.
there, it’s important to either properly close down your presence or
maintain it. Sometimes companies are tempted to just walk away, but To learn more about licensing strategies for your firm, check out the
that is by far the most costly and problematic option. following white papers:
• Managing Licensing to Maximize Returns: How 3 Firms Achieved
If you leave a state without meeting your tax obligations, closing your ROIs of Over 30X (www.harborcompliance.com/landing-pages/
tax accounts, and terminating the corporate registration (www.harbor- managing-business-licensing-to-maximize-returns)
compliance.com/information/certificate-of-cancellation-withdrawal), • Engineering Licensing: The Definitive Guide (www.harborcompli-
you’re left with states that are going to expect you to file annual reports ance.com/landing-pages/engineering-licensing-the-definitive-guide)
and other records every year, and will be assessing penalties if you
don’t. If you allow your licenses to lapse, they will also accrue fees.
JERRI-LYNN WIER is an attorney and compliance specialist for Harbor Compli-
These penalties and fees will keep accruing until you properly with- ance (www.harborcompliance.com/compliance-solutions-engineering-firms),
draw from the state or reinstate them, at which point you’ll have to do a provider of license and entity management solutions for businesses. She
all those back filings and pay all those back penalties. has 20 years of experience in insurance, business, and election compliance,
and her team manages licensing for many top ENR firms. She is available to
answer any questions about your licensing needs at 888-995-5895 or info@
We had a client recently that had let their state registration and licenses
harborcompliance.com. Detailed, specific state-level licensing information
lapse in Florida, thinking they would never go back. Then a big op- is available at www.harborcompliance.com/information/engineering-license.
portunity came along, and they had to submit back-due filings for each Disclaimer: Harbor Compliance is not an accounting or law firm and does not
year, reinstate their licenses, and pay substantial penalties to do so. The provide tax, financial, or legal advice.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 17

management files

The 2017 State of Facilities in Higher Education report analyzes new trends
in higher education space management, provides insight into the challenges
impacting campus facilities, and shares best practices for how college leaders
can fund and manage their facilities in light of these challenges.

High-risk construction
flattening if not declining enrollment trends — it’s extraordinary to see
that many higher education decision-makers are choosing to add new
buildings to their campuses,” said Mark Schiff, president of Sightlines.

in the higher “While our research indicates that institutions are taking steps to invest
more strategically in facilities resources, the vast majority continue to
underestimate the renewal needs of deteriorating spaces while pushing

education market high-risk investments into new facilities.”

The gap between space growth and enrollment growth is even more
Growth in college campus space eclipses enrollment growth and
pronounced for master’s and baccalaureate institutions. Master’s
increases stress on facilities management. institutions saw an average enrollment growth of less than 4 percent
from 2007-2016, but a growth rate in campus space of more than 12
percent during that same time period. Baccalaureate institutions have
experienced minimal enrollment growth since 2007 but still averaged a
Many North American colleges and universities are pursuing a high-risk 6 percent growth in campus space during the last decade. The only ex-
strategy to build new campus facilities as a way to reverse lagging ception was research universities, where 14 percent enrollment growth
student enrollment, according to a new report from Sightlines, a Gord- from 2007-2016 exceeded an average of 11 percent growth in campus
ian company that provides facilities intelligence and analysis for higher space for the same period.
education institutions. The 2017 State of Facilities in Higher Educa-
tion report from Sightlines found that, overall, there was more than Sightlines’ fifth annual report includes data from 366 higher education
10 percent growth in campus space from 2007-2016 (the most recent institutions in the U.S. and Canada, with a collective enrollment of
period for which data is available), eclipsing enrollment growth of just 3.1 million students and 1.5 billion total square feet of campus space,
8 percent for the same 10-year period. This is the fourth consecutive including more than 52,000 buildings. Approximately 40 percent of the
year Sightlines has documented a trend of space growth outpacing institutions in the study were private and 60 percent were public.
enrollment growth on North American college campuses.
Other highlights in the 2017 report included the following:
“In light of the facilities management challenges facing higher educa- Stressed service levels — Campus facilities operations budgets have
tion institutions — notably large segments of aging building stock and failed to keep up with inflation, creating stress on service levels. The

18 csengineermag.com april 2018

report found that average campus facilities operating budgets increased Decreased landscape budgets — Oddly, institutions don’t extend
from $5.51 per gross square foot (gsf) in 2007 to $5.94/gsf in 2016, this maintenance expansion trend to their landscape programs. In spite
a nearly 8 percent increase; the Consumer Price Index for All Urban of the fact that landscaping is a relatively inexpensive place to invest
Consumers as reported by the federal government over that time has operating dollars, grounds coverage areas have actually decreased 3 to
grown nearly 15.5 percent, almost twice as much. 4 percent during the last decade.

Aging buildings — A huge wave of campus facilities construction in “Given the demands of managing more space with fewer resources and
the 1960s, which accommodated the surge in baby boomers, is reach- at greater impact to the institution’s overall recruitment and retention
ing the end of its usefulness in the next decade, creating significant goals, successful facilities departments are being pushed to develop
stress on institutions as to what to do with those buildings. This wave creative responses to these challenges,” said Schiff. “Every campus
of aging buildings now represents 40 percent of the space on campuses. we see developing effective solutions has in place programs to analyze
objective data and utilize comparative metrics to track performance,
Maintenance capital demand — Another large wave of campus facil- communicate accomplishments, and articulate needs to the community
ities construction in the 1990s-2000s will require massive maintenance or leadership.”
outlays in the next decade, presenting a significant capital demand on
institutions. This wave of further enrollment growth and expanding According to the Sightlines report, among new strategies being used to
program demands represents another 30 percent of campus space. respond to the current environment is maximizing investment return by
investing with space utilization in mind, connecting renewal to mod-
Increased maintenance budgets — Many institutions are recognizing ernization, and investing to reduce current costs.
the expanding need for facilities maintenance resources and, since the
downturn of 2008-2009, have been increasing maintenance budgets Download the 2017 State of Facilities in Higher Education report at
to tackle the challenge. In fact, even in the face of tremendous space www.sightlines.com/insight/2017-state-of-facilities-in-higher-educa-
growth to match enrollment growth, facilities funding at research in- tion.
stitutions is up 14 percent. While overall facilities funding levels are
down from the 2007-2009 window where resources often effectively
met need, funding at baccalaureate and master’s institutions has in Information provided by Sightlines (www.sightlines.com).
recent years been on the rise.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 19

software + TECH Channel Sponsor: BQE Software | www.bqe.com

OpenRoads, MXROAD, and SUE used feature definitions

to control the look of the models and objects, and their
associated data, all of which were imported into MicroStation
to facilitate the federated modeling process.

Pushing the limits of BIM BIM advancements drive standards

With the project well underway prior to implementing the use of BIM,
CCJV faced the challenge of educating and engaging team members
Costain-Carillion JV creates 3D information models
to ensure that the collaborative BIM approach was incorporating and
to support 4D, 5D, and 6D deliverables. building on 2D design work already accomplished, and producing
By Steve Cockerell models from 2D drawings without compromising the production of
traditional deliverables.

To relieve traffic congestion and unlock growth in the local Dunstable Following its four factors of a successful BIM project — people, col-
area, Highways England proposed the Northern Dunstable Bypass, laboration, process, and technology — CCJV used Bentley’s civil de-
linking the A5 trunk road to the M1 motorway via junction 11A, at the sign, modeling, and information management applications to introduce
eastern end of the link road. This dual, 4.5-kilometer carriageway in- its BIM methodology and produce a fully federated 3D model of the
cludes three new junctions, a new roundabout, and seven new bridges. scheme that could be maintained throughout the project life cycle.
It is the first infrastructure project linking a new junction to an existing
smart motorway where variable speed limits and hard shoulder running Teaming with Bentley enabled CCJV to take full advantage of key tech-
are used to manage traffic flow. nologies, including Bentley Class Editor, OpenRoads, and Subsurface
Utility Engineering (SUE). This, combined with lessons learned from
Costain-Carillion Joint Venture (CCJV) was formed to design and other projects, was helpful in developing an effective BIM approach
construct the transportation system that will improve road safety and embraced by all stakeholders.
travel time by eliminating the need for long-distance travel on the A5
through Dunstable. Furthermore, creating BIM processes and tools and working back-
wards from the familiar traditional requirements helped bridge the gap
While the project was not a United Kingdom (UK) “Early Adopter” between conventional design deliverables and new BIM initiatives. For
BIM initiative, the team selected a collaborative BIM approach and example, producing 5D costing reports from the models in the same
digital processes to enhance decision making and realize construction format as the traditional bills of quantities, output on spreadsheets, was
savings. HDB Associates (HDB) was commissioned to help implement a tool and format familiar to the entire project team. This tactical ap-
the BIM procedures in parallel with the traditional 2D designs, which proach to BIM built trust and accelerated full engagement in the 3D
are already nearing completion. The team needed to incorporate the federated modeling process.
2D models into the BIM process as well as integrate temporary works,
project constraints, and traffic management as active elements within Effective data management
the 3D model. To establish BIM Level 2 compliance and adopt Highway England’s
draft standard Advice Note, CCJV needed to implement a collaboration
A key objective of the project was to create information models that tool to control the project models and documents. The JV team selected
supported sufficient attribute data to ensure 4D (construction sequenc- ProjectWise and configured the software to include the requirements
ing), 5D (cost information), and future 6D (asset information) mod- of the Advice Note. ProjectWise provided a connected data environ-
eling deliverables could be met. To accommodate these challenges ment and significant improvement compared with earlier collaborative
among a team where many members had no previous BIM experience, processes used during the design stage, establishing a single source of
CCJV relied on the flexibility and interoperability of Bentley Systems truth for all project information. Bentley’s data sharing and information
technology to deliver this groundbreaking infrastructure project for management technology instilled clarity within the workflows needed
Highways England. to check, review, and issue documents and models.

20 csengineermag.com april 2018

Getting the Data You
Need to Transform Your
Engineering Firm

When your engineering firm adopts project accounting—the practice ensure that you’re making the most out of your resources and your staff
of accounting on a project-by-project basis—you’ll get insights that’ll isn’t wasting their time. You should start with assigning your staff to the
change the way you do business. You’ll understand your projects, em- appropriate projects, phases, and tasks.
ployees, clients, and company on a deeper level, and you’ll be able to
make changes that will dramatically increase efficiency and profits. This is one of the ultimate solutions to the questions, “What is everyone
working on?” and “What am I supposed to be working on!?!” With a list
Before this happens, though, you need to lay the groundwork. Just like of the right assignments in front of you (and pre-populated on your time
in standard accounting (or any other type of quantitative work), it’s nearly card), focusing will be much less of an issue. Plus, you can use the time
impossible to reach any conclusions with project accounting if there’s entry data that comes out of task assignments to see who in your firm is
data missing. There’s no need to worry, though. With the right tools, log- the most efficient at, for example, modeling, estimates, and so on.
ging and making sense of the data you need is convenient and easy. You
just have to be consistent. While assigning tasks, allocating hours, and assigning start and end
dates may seem daunting, when you have the right software to help you,
Develop the Habit of Tracking Your Time and Expenses it’s actually pretty simple.
Time and expense tracking is foundational for analyzing any type of
business that works on a project basis. Excuse the cliché, but your time Combine Time, Expenses, and Projects With Billing and Accounting
is money. It’s your most valuable resource, the basis of your biggest ex- Depending on how you work, the above types of data might be con-
penditures (i.e. salaries), and what your clients pay you for. sidered optional when it comes to keeping your business healthy (even
though we disagree). However, everyone has to do billing and account-
Even if you charge fixed fees for your projects, you could be missing out ing.
on hard-earned cash by not tracking your time. You need to make sure
you charge enough to cover all the effort that goes into your projects. Putting your billing and accounting data on the same platform as your
And if you find out that a project phase takes more time than you previ- time, expenses, and projects is a wise decision if you’re serious about
ously thought it would, then your fixed fee should be adjusted for the project accounting. It will make many kinds of analysis infinitely easier,
next proposal. like calculating your ideal and effective bill rates and pay rates. Even
more importantly, you’ll be able to instantaneously learn about the prof-
It’s hard to know if your projects are even profitable without examining itability of your projects, clients, and employees.
the resources that went into them. Plus, if you can’t measure something,
any attempt at improving it will be haphazard at best. What You’ll Gain…
When you’re consistent about tracking time and expenses and use soft-
Find the Tools to Make It Simple ware that combines that data with project management, billing, and ac-
Despite the importance of managing time and expenses, it’s never easy counting, the possibilities are almost limitless. You’ll have the information
to get your employees (and, let’s face it, yourself) to fill out their time you need for full-fledged project accounting that’ll boost your efficiency
cards. People complain, you have to remind them constantly, and crucial and profits.
information always comes in late. In order to fix this messy process, you
need to remove the friction. You’ll get visibility into where your projects are, and quickly decide which
actions to take to ensure the best results. You’ll make billing decisions
Find software that gives you flexible tracking options, like timers and in- in real time, prevent budget overruns, understand your staff’s workload,
tuitive time cards. A mobile app will make things go even more smoothly. and properly manage your cash flow. Forecasting, budgeting, and even
Ideally, you should also be able to centralize all of your information that’s hiring will be more straightforward when you can properly predict—and
related to those time and expense entries by attaching notes and docu- optimize—the amount of cash flowing into your firm. Moreover, your
ments to them. clients will appreciate your accurate estimates, realistic timelines, and
improved efficiency.
Assign Staff to Projects, Phases, and Tasks
It’s worthwhile to see how many total hours an employee worked, but it’s All of these benefits come from a basic yet essential foundation. And
even better to specifically know what they were doing. That way, you can with the right software—such as BQE Core—it’s easier than ever to lay it.
“Although ProjectWise was new to most of the staff, its ease of use
soon made it a powerful tool within the project,” said David Bennison,
director of HDB Associates.

Using ProjectWise together with Bentley’s design and analysis appli-

cations allowed the team to use the DGN file format for all the models
across all disciplines for an effective federated process. The coordi-
nated models improved information mobility, enhanced efficiency, and
allowed for robust design practices to check buildability at the early
project stages. Working in a collaborative environment streamlined
workflows and accelerated information sharing among all stakeholders
for effective data management throughout the project.

Supporting attribute data The team needed to incorporate the 2D models into the BIM process
“The use of Bentley software was groundbreaking on many aspects as well as integrate temporary works, project constraints,
of the project, particularly with the way the model attribute data was and traffic management as active elements within the 3D model.

added and stored,” Bennison said.

Finally, with drainage being a significant element of any infrastructure
OpenRoads, MXROAD, and SUE used feature definitions to control the scheme, it was imperative that the team determine an efficient method
look of the models and objects, and their associated data, all of which were to create the 3D models and required attribute data. Using Bentley’s
imported into MicroStation to facilitate the federated modeling process. civil design applications, CCJV implemented an automated workflow
to convert the earlier completed drainage designs into 3D models and
While current standards of classifying project data relied on a three- attributed MicroStation files. The flexibility and interoperability of
tiered approach incorporating containers, files, and layers, CCJV Bentley applications facilitated development of processes for effective
needed a more flexible and agile approach to meet the challenges of and efficient production of the final project deliverables.
producing 3D models that supported attribute data for 4D, 5D, and
future 6D modeling processes, and satisfied the need to exist in parallel Federated modeling optimizes ROI
with the traditional information. CCJV created a classification system Using Bentley applications, CCJV integrated project constraints,
using Bentley Class Editor, which had all the functionality necessary to temporary works, and traffic management into the modeling process.
develop and maintain the required information. The models were split The 3D models were used for design reviews, clash detections, build-
into three categories: ability checks, and site briefings, invaluable to the project given the
• data to ensure each item had a unique ID, constrained nature of working on the M1, the integration of a new
• additional asset information common to all objects, and separate junction, and the need to minimize adverse effects on motor-
• a specific set of properties depending on the type of item (i.e., subbase way travelers.
object or drainage object).
Having a construction-ready, user-friendly federated model capable of
These models with attributed objects facilitated design and multidisci- being manipulated onsite in real time optimized planning and collabo-
pline reviews. The ability to link attributed data within each model us- ration. The temporary phasing models allowed the construction team
ing Bentley applications provided the information required to produce to adjust beam lifts over the carriageway to help manage traffic flow
cost reports and enable facility management in alignment with the 4D during construction, reducing road closures from 14 to nine on one of
and 5D deliverables, as well as allow for the production of 6D asset England’s busiest motorways. Moreover, by modeling the topography
models in the future. of existing roads, the team optimized earthworks such as cut-and-fill
ratios for road replacements, reducing costs and minimizing the impact
Converting 2D into 3D on the surrounding environment.
The JV team converted the traditional documents and drawings into
models using MXROAD, creating MicroStation files using surface Using a federated BIM process, CCJV improved information mobility,
models as a reference. This type of approach was successful for model- coordination, and planning, resulting in substantial construction sav-
ing things such as lighting columns, traffic signs, and drainage sys- ings, minimizing risk, and the need for post-construction changes.
tems. Hundreds of columns were modeled quickly and efficiently, with
built-in consistency checks and automated workflows.
STEVE COCKERELL, industry marketing director, Rail, joined Bentley Systems
To create traffic sign models, CCJV used a similar approach, except (www.bentley.com) in 2002 through the company’s acquisition of Infrasoft.
At Infrasoft, Cockerell served as channel marketing director where he helped
that most of the information was obtained from an existing Excel sign develop and launch Arenium, an engineering collaboration product that enabled
schedule rather than a 2D drawing. The use of the schedule enabled all multi-user access to MX 3D design models. This led the way toward technology
required attribute data for the signs to be added automatically during that supports BIM processes.
the modeling process.

22 csengineermag.com april 2018

A screen capture shows the project type selection modules within PavementDesigner.

Pavement design online • Immediate access — The platform brings the industry’s best pavement
design programs together into a single website that allows profession-
als to design pavements immediately.
Concrete industry groups introduce a free web-based platform. • Cloud storage/retrieval — Users have the option of creating a user ID
and password to save their design work, as well as to retrieve projects
using any digital device.
• Automatic updates and improvements — The online system is auto-
Leading cement and concrete organizations unveiled an online pave- matically updated when new content or details are added. Users will not
ment design tool that they said offers features and benefits never before have to download updated software or patches.
available to the pavement design community. Primary sponsors are the
American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), the Ready Mixed PavementDesigner is built on updated versions of ACPA’s StreetPave,
Concrete (RMC) Research & Education Foundation, and the Portland AirPave, and WinPAS programs, as well as PCA’s PCAPave program.
Cement Association (PCA). Additional funding and support came The portal also includes design guidance, substructure sensitivity, and
from the RCC Pavement Council. The RMC Research and Education asphalt design evaluation capabilities.
Foundation is affiliated with the National Ready Mixed Concrete As-
sociation (NRMCA). “ACPA was excited to serve as the project leader for PavementDe-
signer, working closely with our industry partners and our software
The free PavementDesigner (http://pavementdesigner.org) was cre- designer,” said Eric Ferrebee, EIT, ACPA’s director of Technical Ser-
ated for city, county, and consulting engineers; academia; or anyone vices. “We are pleased to introduce all in one place the industry’s best
involved in design of roadway, industrial, and parking area pavements. design solutions for concrete and cement-based pavement design.
According to the sponsors, PavementDesigner improves upon tradi-
tional pavement design software programs, and provides the following “PavementDesigner.org represents a dramatic shift in solutions avail-
features: ability to designers of streets, roads, parking lots, and industrial facili-
• No cost — The platform is offered completely free of charge, eliminating ties,” he said. “By bringing multiple programs together in one package
the expense and burden of ordering software and updates, licenses, etc. and eliminating the cost and time to download software, updates, and

april 2018 csengineermag.com 23

Illustration shows the site map and overall methodology use.

patches, we have removed barriers and enabled designers to select the Brian Killingsworth, P.E., NRMCA’s executive vice president of Local
best option for pavement designs.” Paving. “The user experience and functionality of the website were
foremost in our minds throughout the development. Couple that with
“This comprehensive but easy-to-use pavement design tool not only state-of-the-art technical methods and reporting and the user will find
covers full-depth concrete, but also provides design solutions for con- the design process to be exceptional.”
crete overlays and composite pavements,” said Wayne Adaska, P.E.,
PCA’s director of Pavements. “Further, the tool includes other cement- The portal also includes helpful resources, which are readily available
based materials like roller-compacted concrete, cement-treated base, from the sidebar. Users can view a PavementDesigner introductory
and full-depth reclamation with cement.” video; view the platform’s map and methodology visual to see solu-
tions and a process flow; and watch a video that shows how to use the
Designers also can reach out for design support, using contact infor- portal to design a jointed plain concrete pavement.
mation found on the website to reach a network of pavement design
experts. The resource section also includes details from drawings of various
concrete pavement structures, as well as images, descriptions, and web
Using PavementDesigner links to other resources and tools designed to assist pavement designers
PavementDesigner guides the user through three basic stages of pave- and others gain more insights about specific types and applications for
ment design. The user first selects the project type (parking, street, or concrete pavements. Additional training and support materials will be
intermodal facility). The system then guides the user through project- added as feedback is received.
level details and design of the pavement structure. Each module has
help screens and conversions built in to assist the user in entering
Information provided by the American Concrete Pavement Associa-
pavement structure details. After pavement structure information is tion (www.acpa.org), the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
entered and calculated, the user moves to a summary screen where the (www.nrmca.org), and the Portland Cement Association (www.cement.org).
pavement design may be reviewed, analyzed, printed, and/or saved.

“PavementDesigner presents a unique experience to the user, which

logically steps the designer through the pavement design process,” said

24 csengineermag.com april 2018

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Datum Engineers recommended designing the ceiling for an array of potential hanging loads. The coordinated array consists of small, 360-pound
concentrated loads at a frequent spacing, coupled with an 1,800-pound point load. One of the first changing exhibits — Whales — called for several
small whale skeletons and a full-grown male Sperm whale to be partially suspended from the roof structure.

events and indoor receptions between exhibits. Lake|Flato’s solution

Cultural anchor to this programing challenge resulted in a multipurpose room with a
70-foot by 131-foot column-free space, flanked on the north and west
Creative design aids growth of the Witte Museum, by trellised exterior circulation galleries.
San Antonio’s legacy natural history museum.
By Larry Rickels, P.E.; Tim Stocks, P.E.; and Craig Rios, P.E. To aid in the flexibility of the space, Datum Engineers recommended
designing the ceiling for an array of potential hanging loads to accom-
modate diverse and changing exhibits, in addition to a uniform 10-
The Witte Museum, founded in the northern outskirts of San Antonio psf ceiling load. The coordinated array consists of small, 360-pound
in 1926, recently received a $100 million upgrade. The Witte campus concentrated loads at a frequent spacing, coupled with an 1,800-pound
rests in a part of Texas where evidence of human habitation dates back point load, which permitted a wider spacing. This hanging load al-
longer than 11,000 years, making it a fitting site for the city’s museum lowance was soon utilized with the hosting one of the first changing
of natural history. San Antonio has grown from 160,000 to 1.2 million exhibits — Whales, which called for several small whale skeletons and
people since the 1920s and the museum is no longer on the outskirts. a full-grown male Sperm whale to be partially suspended from the roof
With its now-prominent location between Broadway Street and the structure.
San Antonio River in historic Brackenridge Park, the Witte serves a
constant and integral cultural role. The roof over the multipurpose room was also designed to support a
33,000-pound mechanical unit and an associated concrete pad on steel
Led by Museum President Marise McDermott, designed by Lake|Flato form deck. The concrete pad provides both structural support and noise
Architects, and built by Linbeck, the campus makeover met the muse- dampening. The final criteria for the roof was a building height limita-
um’s three most critical needs. It included the addition of a new build- tion that set an available structural depth at 6 feet. The obvious solution
ing to host special events and changing exhibits, provided reconfigured for this clear-span space was a series of roof trusses.
galleries and interior spaces, and added a large entry and exhibit hall.
Early in the design phase, the team discussed a common architectural
Mays Family Center: Whales and ballrooms language for the campus additions and decided to integrate wood into
The first of the three components of the project to be competed was the the key architecturally exposed portions of the structure. Datum’s
16,500-square-foot, single-story Mays Family Center building, located response for the Mays Center roof was to include vertical wood com-
at the north end of the campus. This facility required an incredibly pression members in an otherwise steel Pratt truss. Datum also rec-
flexible space, and the variety of uses posed a host of interesting de- ommended pairing the chord members to accommodate and conceal
sign challenges. The Mays Center was to serve as a home for traveling electrical conduit for lighting fixtures integrated in the truss.
museum exhibits for a portion of the year and as a ballroom for special

26 csengineermag.com april 2018

Makeover of the Witte Museum included addition of a new building (Mays Family Center) to host special
events and changing exhibits, reconfigured galleries and interior spaces, and addition of a large entry and
exhibit hall (Susan Naylor Center). Image: Lake|Flato

The final roof solution included a 1-1/2-inch steel roof deck supported grated the under-floor insulation into the flat-slab formwork to reduce
on 8-inch-wide-flange purlins, spanning 15 feet between trusses. The post-construction labor.
trusses consist of 10-inch by10-inch wood timber verticals, paired with
8-inch steel channel chords and steel rods for both the truss diagonals The ground floor slab was designed for 150 psf to accommodate the
and the truss bridging. The truss configuration allowed the design team most intense uses required by the changing exhibits. Designs also in-
to open up the space and make room for the suspended wood ceiling corporated locations for electrical floor boxes arrayed throughout the
panels, lighting, and ductwork. changing exhibits room, as well as recesses and drains for bathroom,
kitchen, and lobby flooring.
Consistently throughout the project, the roofing system transitions
from steel metal of roof deck over interior spaces to exposed wood The floor for the exterior open porch was subject to the same overall
tongue-and-groove roof decking outside. Thermal breaks are provided depth limitation. As the porch was elevated significantly above adja-
in all the steel members crossing through the building envelope to ad- cent grades, the team transitioned to a hardwood (Massaranduba) floor
dress thermal bridging. In the case of the Mays building, this included deck supported on wide flange steel beams and paired-channel girders
the wide flange roof purlins and the top chord extensions of the truss. for a visually appealing exposed structure.

The ground floor for the changing exhibits proved to be an equal chal- Structural archeology
lenge. Near the San Antonio River, most of the building’s footprint As the Mays Center progressed, work began on the renovations and
lies in the 100-year floodplain. The team decided to elevate the Mays additions to the existing facilities.
Center’s ground floor above the floodplain, which will help reduce the
potential for flooding of future campus structures. Datum worked to The 37,000 square feet of renovations required seamless integration of
coordinate the floodplain cross section with the project’s civil engineer, the architectural spaces and mechanical services across multiple gener-
Pape Dawson. In this process, pier sizes and shapes as well as those ations of building additions, including demolition of the northernmost
portions of the building that would have to remain below the floodplain wing of the original 1926 building and removal or strengthening of
were minimized. existing structural components.

The program also required lateral circulation between the Mays Center The initial hurdle for the renovation work was gaining a reasonable
and an adjacent existing building, setting an invariable finished floor el- understanding of the existing conditions. Early in the schematic design
evation. Subtracting the floodplain limitation and required under-floor phase, arrangements were made for after-hours investigations into the
insulation and finish left only 10 inches for the ground floor structural Witte structures. Datum staff crept through the length of the building’s
system. Datum proposed a 10-inch, two-way concrete slab supported accessible crawl space, explored the attic, and chipped into the plaster
on 24-inch and 30-inch drilled concrete shafts. Linbeck cleverly inte- soffits of floors through ports cut in the plaster ceilings.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 27

The Mays Center roof includes vertical wood compression members in an otherwise steel Pratt truss.

The key finding was a structural system (clay-tile formed ribbed con- Renovation to the second floor and roof were considerably less com-
crete floors) that Datum’s staff recognized from renovations to a local plicated, though not without challenges. In addition to bridging the
circa 1930s San Antonio high school. The team even found a concrete abandoned columns with steel reinforcing, directions were provided to
slab cast on draped, wire-reinforced synthetic fabric. Further research trim as much as 12 inches from the bottoms of the second-floor con-
into the ribbed slabs led to recovery of a portion of the existing con- crete beams to increase space for lighting and ductwork. Reinforcing
struction documents from a structural firm doing work from the 1920s was also provided around a new, large circular hole in the second floor.
through the 1960s on the Witte campus. With the help of these draw-
ings, it was possible to illustrate (and date) most of the previous phases One of the most memorable tasks was repurposing an existing riveted
of work and to understand the extent of expansion joints and load paths roof truss. This truss spanned a single-story wing of the museum in the
within the building. initial 1926 construction and was removed and reused when a second
story was added in the 1960s. Although moved only a few feet north
The proposed exhibit designs included a large space on the ground of its prior position, this was the third use of the same truss in the
floor to showcase the museum’s Texas Wildlife collections. Ideally, this building.
space would be column-free, but its location within the existing plan
put it at the intersection of three phases of prior building construction, Jim Michel of Project Control and the Witte’s project manager said,
which required outside corner columns to stay in place. Datum took “The rehabilitation of the [existing] space was an enormous task.
on the task of removing as many of the other columns as structurally Datum’s engineers proved their worth from the forensic investigation
feasible. Working with the architects and exhibit designers, the team through the final structural reinforcement of the multiple construction
identified six (non-corner) removable columns. types presented by the composite building types. The removal of col-
umns — reducing the beam depths — creating an Oculus hole in the
Logically, elimination of these columns resulted in additional loads concrete slab are worthy of their own exhibit.”
to the remaining foundations. Unfortunately, the existing building
drawing set did not include foundation details. From experience with Susan Naylor Center: Dinosaurs and dresses
this era of construction in San Antonio, the Datum team expected the Following demolition of the original north wing and during interior
foundations to consist of deep spread footings supporting cast-in-place renovations, Linbeck began work on the main building addition, the
columns — an early version of a belled pier. Linbeck helped to expose Susan Naylor Center. This addition provides a 26,000-square-foot
a corner foundation on the museum once the adjacent building was lateral expansion to the existing facilities and adds classrooms, shops,
demolished, confirming this foundation type; but the existing condi- display galleries, and two separate two-story volumes — an indoor/
tions complicated the discovery of reinforcing patterns in the founda- outdoor exhibit area and the Valero Great Hall.
tion and further study was abandoned. Understanding the geometry
was enough, and Datum recommended supplementing the remaining The primary space of this addition is the dinosaur-filled Valero Hall.
column footings to account for the increased loading, and provided The architect wanted to introduce significant, albeit controlled, day-
detailing for new battered helical piers and pier caps to be installed light into this space. Their designs included a south-facing monitor at
through small holes in the existing ground floor framing. the roof level and faceted walls on the north side. As mentioned, the

28 csengineermag.com april 2018

Part of the existing structural system included clay-tile formed ribbed concrete floors. The team wanted to incorporate wood into the Susan Naylor Center’s exposed
structural elements, resulting in glue-laminated heavy timber roof decking over steel
beams and tapered glue-laminated wood king-post roof trusses.

team wanted to incorporate wood into the exposed structural elements, deep trellised wood-decked overhangs. Lake|Flato’s concept designs
resulting in glue-laminated heavy timber roof decking over steel beams show the columns terminating at the bottom of wide-flange girders.
and tapered glue-laminated wood king-post roof trusses. Also, similar Options were reviewed, including one making the column and beam
to the changing exhibits building, the top chord member is a pair of centroids coincident, but the team determined that the visual effect was
steel channels to conceal electrical and fire sprinkler conduit, with steel not as dramatic.
rod tension chord and bridging. The final truss connection detailing
may look simple, but it is the result of a number of cycles of suggested In keeping with the exposed structures elsewhere in the museum,
and tested arrangements. Datum recommended introducing offset steel tie rods to take the
thrust from the columns. Further study on the wood columns proved a
Additional second-floor framing along the east façade was necessary, glued-laminated, tapered member to be ideal. Due to the proximity of
in part to help the Witte showcase a larger portion of its collection museum visitors, the connection detailing here was even more critical
of several hundred donated Fiesta royalty gowns from San Antonio’s than the Great Hall trusses, and Datum’s engineers worked closely with
annual Battle of Flowers parade. That floor framing was executed in Lake|Flato to provide clean knife-plate reinforced pin connections.
composite steel with varying specifications of architecturally exposed
structural steel. To match the existing construction and reduce the im- The Witte Museum has always been a cultural anchor for San Antonio,
pact of expansive soils, the ground floor system was designed as a two- but the reimagined spaces have put it on par with the top-caliber natu-
way concrete slab, cast on cardboard forms and resting on belled piers. ral history museums in the country. Kim Biffle, chief of engagement
at the Witte, said that the city and local residents have shown a new
The addition wraps around and into the west courtyard, where it transi- level of pride and ownership in their museum. This is evidenced in the
tions into a two-story screened porch enveloping an ancient Cypress increased attendance and consistent flow of requests for the banquet
tree. The team crafted designs for a wood-decked steel roof, a com- spaces and courtyards.
posite steel second floor, and a ground floor framing of heavy timber
decking on steel beams around the tree’s trunk. At the foundation, the Furthermore, the new spaces are allowing the Witte to host the premier
team’s precautionary measures for the tree included exposing the near- event of a changing exhibit for the first time in the museum’s history,
surface roots during construction and obtaining an arborist’s opinion and to be the centerpiece of exhibits for “Confluence in Culture,” an
of acceptable excavations. Following those guidelines, the drawings exhibit showcasing 300 years of history coinciding with San Antonio’s
were revised, moving a new pier further from the tree, shallowing up upcoming tricentennial.
the perimeter concrete and steel floor beams, and cantilevering over
larger roots.

For the approach to the building from the south, and also for the entry LARRY RICKELS, P.E., served as principal in charge of the structural team and
managed the renovations to the existing structures for Datum Engineers Inc.
into the great hall from Broadway Street and from the Witte’s west (www.datumengineers.com); Datum’s TIM STOCKS, P.E., managed the enhance-
courtyard, something special was in order. For these three entries, the ments to the Susan Naylor Center; and CRAIG RIOS, P.E., president of Datum
design team wanted to introduce V-shaped pairs of wood columns with Rios, managed the structural designs for the Mays Family Center.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 29


The 40,500-square-foot, five-level Alpharetta City Center Parking Deck is aesthetically compatible with the adjacent city hall.

and risk reduction; and resiliency, such as structure durability, multi-

Innovations in hazard protection, and life safety and health.

precast concrete PCI also selects several projects for special awards that are judged on
similar criteria to the building and transportation projects, as well as
PCI awards 21 projects for design excellence. additional requirements including industry advancement, sustainable
design, and designs using all precast concrete. These awards include
the Harry H. Edwards Industry Advancement Award, The All-Precast
The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) announced the Concrete Solution Award, and the Sustainable Design Award.
winners of its annual Design Awards program. This year the program,
which is in its 55th year, recognized 21 projects with awards of excel- Building projects
lence in design out of more than 100 project entries from producers, The winner in the Government and Public Buildings category was the
engineers, and architects across the U.S. Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Miami. The six-story
museum features open-air parking covered by five stories of museum
“Our annual awards program is meant to challenge our industry to comprising approximately 250,000 square feet of interior and exterior
continue to push the envelope and to innovate in the design and pro- space. The most prominent element of the design is the freestanding
duction of precast concrete systems,” said PCI President Bob Risser. 67-foot-diameter dome, which houses the planetarium theater. Design-
“The variety and quality of the projects our precast concrete producers ers worked closely with Gate Precast Company to develop the concept
and their partners in the engineering and architectural communities using precast concrete as cladding and as the dome’s structure. The use
submitted for consideration this year demonstrate how versatile pre- of 3D modeling was vital to ensuring every piece fit perfectly and ad-
cast concrete systems are for creating sustainable, cost-effective, and dressing any errors in design before construction began. The dome cap,
beautiful projects.” dubbed the Arctic Circle, was formed from two cap pieces combined to
make a 30-foot-diameter keystone. Structural engineer of record was
Projects are submitted in a variety of categories, including buildings, Donnell Duquesne & Albaisa, Miami.
transportation, and special categories. They are judged by a panel of
industry experts that includes precast concrete producers, engineers, The Higher Education/University category had two co-winners: Capi-
architects, and construction and architectural industry media. tol Federal Hall, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; and
University of Chicago Campus, North Residential Commons, Chicago.
The buildings and transportation categories are judged on aesthetic, Capitol Federal Hall consists of two wings linked by a four-story glass
structural, and use versatility; site, energy and operational efficiency, atrium, which serves as a connector between the building’s major pro-

30 csengineermag.com april 2018

4260 Cortex features two stacked box forms, with the upper extending out beyond the lower.

gram elements and a variety of informal spaces. “The visual flexibility velope solution than traditional brick masonry, which was important
and modular nature of precast made it a natural choice for the majority for managing the vertical and lateral loads imposed on a cast-in-place
of the exterior façade,” said Dirk McClure, regional director of sales concrete structural frame. The panels were stacked in an offset pattern
and business development for Enterprise Precast in Omaha, Neb. A key at corners, and custom brick shapes were used to wrap the exposed
design decision made early on was to use a series of insulated panels in jambs and soffits of the panels. Engineer of record was DeSimone
place of more traditional architectural cladding, McClure said. From a Consulting Engineers, New Haven, Conn.
structural standpoint, insulated spandrels span column-to-column and
hang off steel haunches. Short insulated panels spanned long spans, Winning the PCI Design Award in the Manufacturing category
transferring the loads back to the columns. Engineer of record was Bob was Universal Alloy Light Press Plant, Ball Ground, Ga. The new
D Campbell and Company, Kansas City, Mo. 110,348-square-foot Universal Alloy light press plant is an example of
how an innovative designer can create a beautiful, detailed design us-
For North Residential Commons, precast concrete was selected to ing precast concrete in a way that adds virtually no additional costs to
replicate the University of Chicago’s Gothic architecture in a more the project, according to George Spence, business development man-
cost-effective form. The panels were cast three stories tall by Interna- ager for Metromont Corp. in Dalton, Ga. The owner and design team
tional Concrete Products to identify each house unit. The depths on the chose load-bearing, 12-foot-wide, full-height precast concrete panels
panels provide sun shading and thermal mass necessary for a radiant to reduce the piece count and erection duration. The panels included
slab heating and cooling system. Spray foam insulation was applied C-Grid carbon-fiber mesh, which is equivalent to welded-wire fabric
to the backs of the precast concrete panels, which helped eliminate but without the thermal bridging, which meant they could be insulated
the need for a rain screen system. Engineer of record was Magnusson to meet the energy code and still be designed as a composite structural
Klemencic Associates, Chicago. element. The panels also span structurally from the foundation to the
roof structure, which eliminated the need for additional wind braces.
In the Hotels/Motels category, The Study at University City in Phila- Engineer of record was Haines, Gipson & Associates, Lawrenceville,
delphia took top honors. The Study at University City is a 10-story Ga.
luxury hotel at the intersection of two world-class universities in the
heart of Philadelphia. The challenge was erecting this sophisticated In the Mixed Use category, the winner was 4260 Cortex, St. Louis. The
piece of architecture on a tight jobsite, in a busy urban environment, Cortex Innovation Community is home to a 200-acre innovation hub
and on a short schedule. Designers selected precast concrete, designing and technology district in the historic Central West End of St. Louis.
panels faced with thin brick to provide the look and feel of brick in a When the owners decided to build an additional mixed-use structure
more time- and cost-effective package. The precast concrete panels, that could act as a gateway to the hub, they turned to CannonDesign
manufactured by Universal Concrete Products, are also a lighter en- in St. Louis (architect and engineer of record) to create a building that

april 2018 csengineermag.com 31

The Aerial Guideway for the Dulles Corridor Metrorail passes through the airport and over wetlands to a maintenance yard.

would measure up to the nationally ranked universities and medical cen- develop a panelization system featuring a joint pattern that eliminated
ters in the surrounding neighborhood, while achieving pedestrian scale individual spandrel panels supported on columns, which reduced the
to invigorate a walkable community. Challenges included a project site number of façade pieces by 30 percent. A tall “tree” column design
flanked on three sides by heavily trafficked streets and an aggressive with branches extending to each side features architectural details and
construction schedule. The architect’s design consisted of two stacked is able to receive double-tee loads on the back side. Engineer of record
box forms, with the upper projecting out beyond the lower. Panels, was Uzun + Case Engineers, Atlanta.
precast by Enterprise Precast Concrete, Omaha, Neb., are integrally
colored to avoid long-term repainting costs, and double sealant joints In the Religious category, judges selected the Church of Jesus Christ
and polyurethane foam insulation create an energy-efficient envelope. of Latter-Day Saints Temple, Gilbert, Ariz., as the winning building
project. The design of the church features nearly 1,000 precast concrete
The winner in the Office Building category was the Honor Credit panels made with 73 forms. Sizes range from a single square foot to
Union Operations Office, Berrien Springs, Mich. With a September 262 square feet, with the heaviest piece weighing more than 25,000
2014 ground breaking, the three-story, 37,000-square-foot operations pounds. The Architekton team (architect) used 3D modeling to design
center faced a 12-month completion schedule. The entire cladding used intricate patterns into each panel. Gate Precast, Hillsboro, Texas (pre-
only two precast concrete panels, allowing Kerkstra Precast, Grand- caster) used the 3D drawings to cast full-scale master molds and cus-
ville, Mich., to begin production as early as possible. The final exterior tom formliners. Engineer of record was Paragon Structural, Phoenix.
design alternates between full-floor solid and glass; 80 percent of the
precast panels were identical in size. Precast concrete was also used on In the Stadiums and Arenas category, the winner was the Common-
the interior flooring, where approximately 44,000 square feet of 8-inch wealth Stadium Renovation/Expansion in Lexington, Ky. The façade
slab and 118 brick-clad precast concrete panels were installed. Struc- for the University of Kentucky’s Kroger Field was cast by Gate Precast
tural engineer of record was Louis Shell Structures Inc., LaGrange, Ill. Company, Winchester, Ky., in 87, 8-inch-thick architectural precast
concrete panels, reducing the number of pieces and bearing points,
The Alpharetta City Center Parking Deck, Alpharetta, Ga. took top which lowered the overall cost of the project. Larger panels were
place in the Parking Structures category. The 40,500-square-foot, five- divided into smaller sections with reveals and two finishes: a heavy
level parking deck is a supporting component of the master-planned and light sandblast in a random pattern to emphasize the smaller panel
Civic and Government Center and accommodates 455 cars. Precast design. Engineer of record was Brown and Kubican, Lexington, Ky.
concrete ensured the structure was aesthetically compatible with the
traditional Georgian architecture of the adjacent city hall building The Custom Solutions category had two co-winners: Corning Mu-
while accommodating the schedule, budget, and structural needs of the seum of Glass Contemporary Art + Design Wing, Corning, N.Y.; and
deck, said George Spence, business development manager for Metro- Cleveland Public Square in Cleveland. The Corning Museum added
mont Corp. in Dalton, Ga. Designers worked with the precasters to a 100,000-square-foot addition, including 26,000 square feet of gal-

32 csengineermag.com april 2018

The façade for the University of Kentucky’s Kroger Field was cast in 87, 8-inch-thick architectural precast concrete
panels, reducing the number of pieces and bearing points.

lery space. A prominent design feature is the high-performance precast feet for the superstructure system. To repel pigeons, the rectangular
concrete long-span roof joists that support a series of gabled skylights. box-beam shapes were fully enclosed in concrete diaphragms at the
To extend that aesthetic, the architects designed a series of 200 thin, pier caps. For drainage, designers “warped” the bridge deck toward a
closely spaced precast concrete roof joists, ranging from 6 feet to 55 single downspout hidden behind one bent. A series of drain inlets were
feet, that span north to south between perimeter steel and interior con- then placed in the vehicular roadway to receive water, including water
crete wall elements to support additional skylights. A system of thin flowing through open slots in the median barrier from the pedestrian
steel purlins runs east-west over the top of the precast concrete roof path. The precast concrete producer was Coreslab Structures (Kansas),
joists to provide lateral bracing to the joists. Precast concrete producer Kansas City, Kan.
was BPDL – Bétons Préfabriqués du Lac, QC, Canada; Engineer of
record was Guy Nordenson and Associates, New York. In the Main Span from 76-149 Feet category, judges selected the Inter-
state 85 Bridge over Piedmont Road project in Atlanta. On March 30,
A 15-month, $50 million renovation transformed a neglected 10-acre 2017, a massive fire destroyed an elevated portion of I-85, causing part
civic space that was bisected by two of Cleveland’s busiest streets into of the highway to collapse. Along with the collapse, the heat of the fire
a park-like destination that now provides a centerpiece to the city’s caused significant damage to the cast in place and precast concrete and
ongoing redevelopment efforts. The project included 1,300 individual superstructure, as well as the intermediate piers supporting the spans in
precast concrete elements, including low linear walls to frame the both directions. The Georgia Department of Transportation’s new de-
perimeter gardens, and continuous, sinuous walls as tall as 8 feet sign included 61 precast, prestressed concrete bulb-tee bridge girders,
to frame the Key Bank Promenade at the center of the square. The and due to the geometry of the spans, only nine could be duplicated.
precast concrete walls were also used to create artificial topography. The project also required 13 concrete columns, four concrete caps, and
The precaster, Tectura Designs, a Wassau Tile Inc. brand, Rothschild, removal of 13 million pounds of debris. By May 12 — 44 days after the
Wis., created 800 custom molds, including one to support a 9-foot-tall, fire and more than 30 days ahead of schedule — the project was com-
20,000-pound precast concrete piece. Engineer of record was Osborn pleted, and the new bridge was opened for traffic. The precast concrete
Engineering, Cleveland. producer was Standard Concrete Products, Savannah, Ga.

Transportation projects Winning the Main Span more than 150 Feet category was the Chief
The Carriage Pavilion Bridge at Union Station, Kansas City, Mo., was Joseph Dam Timber Truss Bridge Replacement, Douglas County,
selected as the top project in the Main Span up to 75 Feet category. Wash. The original 309-foot-long timber bridge consisted of a single,
Burns & McDonnell was design-builder of a new bridge to carry vehi- 130-foot-long by 20-foot-deep Howe truss, with five timber girder ap-
cles and pedestrians from the front of Union Station to the third level of proach spans. It was registered as a National Historic Place because of
the West Yards parking structure. Designers used precast, prestressed its rarity, structural form, size, and age. Despite rehabilitation in the
concrete spread box girders in long spans ranging from 33 feet to 75 early 2000s, the bridge had major structural deficiencies and needed to

april 2018 csengineermag.com 33

Keauhou Lane, a six-story mixed-use precast concrete building in Honolulu, is the first LEED-
certified affordable rental mixed-use project delivered in the state of Hawaii.

be replaced. Engineer of record KPFF Consulting Engineers, Seattle, challenging elements, including track cross-overs and turnouts, as well
selected a single-span precast concrete spliced girder bridge as the as features for power and control systems. The ability to adjust the
preferred solution to address the client’s specific project goals for span, girder depth also allowed the designers to “tune” the structure to meet
construction time line, and future maintenance. Precast spliced girders the vibration requirements for rider comfort, according to engineer of
allowed designers to extend the span range to eliminate costly inter- record, Parsons, Baltimore. The precast concrete producer was Coastal
mediate piers on the steep ravine and avoid impacting environmentally Precast Systems, Chesapeake, Va.
sensitive areas. The new two-lane single-span bridge is 32 feet wide
and 309 feet long, comprised of a single post-tensioned 240-foot-long The Peter Courtney Minto Island Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge in Sa-
span and a 69-foot earth-filled approach. It is framed by five girder lem, Ore., deemed the best Special Solution, connects 1,300 acres of
lines, each consisting of three precast, pretensioned segments erected riverfront parks and trails. The bridge had to clear the 100-year flood
on false work and post-tensioned together. The precast concrete pro- elevation, meet existing path grades with a limited approach, accom-
ducer was Concrete Technology Corp., Tacoma, Wash. modate grade limits for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
and cross over an existing park path while providing adequate head
For the Non-Highway Bridge (pedestrian, bicycle, railroad, etc.) cat- room for pedestrians — all while accommodating a “no-rise” criterion
egory, the Aerial Guideway for the Dulles Corridor Metrorail in Hern- for the 100-year flood elevation upstream of the bridge because the
don, Va., received top honors. The Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project, project is located within a FEMA floodway. The overall configuration
Phase 2, includes a station at Dulles International Airport and an aerial is a five-span bridge, with a main span tied-arch of 304.5 feet at the
guideway. Six track miles of aerial guideway pass through the airport, springline chord, and thin cast-in-place, post-tensioned haunched slab
over wetlands to a maintenance yard, and connect to the western sec- approach spans. The main span features a pair of tied arches to support
tion of at-grade rail. Prestressed concrete girders in a chorded con- a precast panel stress-ribbon deck. The precast concrete producer was
figuration worked well with the spans of up to 150 feet on the curved Knife River Prestress, Harrisburg, Ore.; the engineer of record was
alignment. The girders incorporated draped prestressing strands with OBEC Consulting Engineers, Salem, Ore.
flared spacing at the ends. Florida wide-flange I-beam sections with
four different depths were used to minimize the structure depth. Flex- Special projects
ibility of the precast concrete elements also accommodated various Keauhou Lane, a six-story mixed-use precast concrete building in Ho-

34 csengineermag.com april 2018

The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Miami features a freestanding The Peter Courtney Minto Island Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge is a five-span bridge,
67-foot-diameter dome. with a main span tied-arch of 304.5 feet at the springline chord, and thin cast-in-place,
post-tensioned haunched slab approach spans.

nolulu, won the Sustainable Design Award. According to Phil Camp, holding the joint together during an earthquake. Engineer of record
principal of hi•arch•y llp, the Honolulu-based architect, it is the first was Buehler & Buehler Structural Engineers Inc., Sacramento.
LEED-certified affordable rental mixed-use project delivered in the
state of Hawaii. Through close collaborations with GPRM Prestress, To accommodate Panamax and post-Panamax cruise ships, Juneau
Camp’s team was able to gain new efficiencies through the use of re- harbor owners wanted a replacement dock with floating berths that
petitive shear panels and by maximizing the use of hollow-core slabs created enough space to accommodate simultaneous berthing of one
to span three separate units. The precaster and designers also worked 1,000-foot-long and one 1,100-foot-long cruise ship. Two all-precast
together to develop a hybrid precast concrete double-tee with lowered concrete pontoons — measuring 300 feet and 400 feet long — were
outwings on the flanges, which could structurally engage the double- fabricated simultaneously in the dry-dock of Concrete Technology
loaded corridors while providing increased headroom and space for Corporation’s precast plant in Tacoma, Wash., then towed 1,000 miles
mechanicals and piping. The engineer of record was Allison-Ide Struc- to Juneau. Engineer of record was BergerABAM, Federal Way, Wash.
tural Engineering LLC, Honolulu.
The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, previously de-
Judges selected two co-winners for the All-Precast Concrete Solution scribed, received the Harry H. Edwards Industry Advancement Award.
Award: Roseville City Hall Annex, Roseville, Calif.; and Port of Ju-
neau Cruise Ship Terminal Concrete Pontoons, Juneau, Alaska. The Additional details and photos for each of the award-winning proj-
new City Hall Annex is the first precast concrete building ever built in ects, as well as honorable mention winners, are available on the PCI
the city and the first to be accredited by the U.S. Resiliency Council for website at https://www.pci.org/PCI/About/Awards/Design_Awards/
its seismic capacity. During design, precast concrete producer Clark Design_Award_Winners?year=18.
Pacific, West Sacramento, Calif., presented value-engineering ideas
that removed columns and used double-tees to create 56-foot spans,
Information provided by the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
with hollow-core slab for the remaining 28-foot span. A precast hybrid (www.pci.org).
moment frame for seismic resistance uses precast concrete column and
beam elements connected with reinforcing bars and post-tensioning to
absorb energy caused by movement of the joint while simultaneously

april 2018 csengineermag.com 35


Testing concrete for

quality and reliability
Test equipment evolves to support changes
in concrete materials and testing standards.
By Alfonso J. Rivera, P.E.

As a manufactured material created by a complex process involving

multiple ingredients, some with variable properties, testing concrete
is essential to ensure compliance with specification and application
requirements. Owners, designers, builders, contractors, and inspectors
all have different priorities, so it is vitally important that testing meets
the expectations of all stakeholders, particularly in relation to the test
standard that is applied.

In addition to changes in concrete materials and in concrete testing

standards, test equipment is also continually evolving. From a manu-
facturer’s perspective, new equipment is constantly being developed
to meet the needs of the materials testing engineer. At ELE that means
the instrument design teams are looking to enhance safety, usability,
reliability, and transparency. Improvements in usability reduce oppor- The latest compression machines have water and dust-proof, touch-screen color
tunities for error and make training less onerous, and enhancements in displays with remote connectivity so that operators can run a test from a remote PC.
reliability and transparency improve confidence in concrete quality and
greatly enhance dispute resolution.

Tests on hardened concrete Test results are derived from the average strength of several specimens
Compressive strength (Standards: ASTM C31, C39, C192; AASHTO casted from the same sample and tested at the same age of curing,
T-22, T-23, T-126; EN 12390-1, 12390-2, 12390-3, 12390-4, 12504-1) generally specified to have full designed capacity at 28 days (28-day
— The compressive strength of concrete is usually the most important strength). To comply with the compressive strength requirements for
part of a specification, so the measurement of the compressive strength a project, the average of three consecutive test results must meet or
of the mixture is very important in the structural performance of an exceed the specified strength and no test must fall below a certain per-
engineering project. It is necessary to determine whether a delivered centage of the specified strength.
concrete mixture meets the strength specified by the design engineer
to guarantee the structure’s ability to perform adequately under the ap- The latest compression machines have water and dust-proof, touch-
plied static or dynamic loads. screen color displays with remote connectivity so that operators can
run a test from a remote PC. Standard methods are programmed into
Design engineers use compressive strength to determine the size of the the instruments and loading is managed automatically, leaving the
structural members to accommodate the design loads of the structure. operator free to conduct other work. All test data is logged internally,
Compressive strength tests may be used for quality control, design providing full traceability.
mixture approval, and acceptability. In-place compressive strength
tests are used for verifying strength development and scheduling con- The necessary equipment includes a compression testing machine in
struction activities. addition to sample preparation equipment, including molds, mixers,
and vibration equipment, and sample curing equipment.
The compressive strength of concrete is carried out by measuring the
breaking load of cylindrical or cube concrete specimens under a con- Tensile strength (Standards: ASTM C31, C78, C192; AASHTO T-23,
stant rate of loading in a compression testing machine. The strength is T-97, T-126; EN 12390-5, 1339, 1340, 1521) — Although concrete is
calculated by dividing the breaking load by the cross-sectional area of not normally designed to resist direct tension loads, concrete structures
the specimen, perpendicular to the loading direction. It is then reported are highly vulnerable to tensile cracking due to various loading effects
as the compressive strength in units of pressure (i.e., psi, kg/cm2 or such as dynamic loading, as well as temperature variation. Tensile
MPa). strength of concrete is relatively low in comparison — approximately

36 csengineermag.com april 2018

10 to 15 percent of the compressive strength. However, depending on
the desired application for the mix, it may be advantageous to study the
bond strength of the concrete components.

There are several tests available to measure the tensile strength of

concrete: direct tension force application, flexure, and indirect split
cylinder tests. Because of the difficulty in applying a direct tension
force that is free of eccentricity and concentrated stresses, uniaxial ten-
sion is not a common test, although it is specified in several standards.

The flexural beam test is the most commonly used test and involves ap-
plication of a bending load to an unreinforced concrete prism or beam
using symmetrical two- or three-point loading. As the concrete beam
bends under the load, the bottom fibers of the cross-section are placed
in tension. The failure load of the beam is then used to calculate the An Ultrasonic Concrete Tester is a non-destructive testing device used to measuret
tensile strength or modulus of rupture. concrete uniformity and determine the presence or absence of voids, cracks, and
other imperfections.

In split cylinder tests, a cylindrical specimen is placed with its long

axis horizontal between a compression machine’s platens and a load weight vessels, scale, tamping rod, strike-off plate, and miscellaneous
is incrementally applied to the side of the specimen until it fails by laboratory equipment.
causing the cylinder to split along its axis.
Tests on fresh concrete
In addition to a compression testing machine, the tensile test also Slump (Standards: ASTM C143; AASHTO T-119; EN 12350-2)
requires sample preparation equipment including molds, mixers, and — The concrete slump test is used to measure the consistency and
vibration equipment, and sample curing equipment. For the flexural workability of freshly made concrete as well as the ease with which it
tests, either a flexural beam frame or flexural platens are installed on flows. High-flow mixtures are used for casting concrete inside heav-
the compression machine. For the split cylinder test, a testing jig and ily reinforced forms to ensure adequate and homogenous mixture is
wood strips are required to apply the splitting load. distributed throughout the reinforced concrete element. Therefore, the
main purpose of measuring slump is to achieve acceptable workability.
Density (Standards: ASMT C29, C138; AASHTO T-19, T-121; EN
12390-7, 1097-3) — The density of the concrete mix can be adjusted Concrete slump tests are carried out in every batch of freshly made
to suit different applications. High-density concrete is often used in concrete to check for uniform quality of the mix during construction.
casting pretensioned reinforcing elements such as tensioned cables The test shows the water-cement ratio, with higher water contents
or reinforcement bars. The concrete is poured over the pretensioned showing higher slump values. Slump is an indicator of the compressive
cables to provide additional bonding strength between the bars and strength of hardened concrete; in general, for standard weight concrete,
the concrete. Once the concrete hardens, the bars are released causing the higher the water content, the lower the strength.
compression of the concrete element. This is used on high-strength
elements such as bridge girders and pretensioned floor slabs. The slump test is simple to perform; it requires low-cost equipment
and gives immediate results onsite. It is therefore used widely both at
Low-density lightweight concrete and air entrained concrete is used in concrete manufacturing plants and construction sites to evaluate the
on-grade floor slabs to improve performance in harsh weather condi- workability of the fresh mix. The test is carried out with a conical-
tions. Concrete density varies depending on the density of its ingredi- shaped mold called the Slump Cone or Abrams Cone, of standardized
ents, aggregate, and cement, as well as its air content. dimensions, which is filled with fresh concrete. When the cone is re-
moved, the fresh concrete settles vertically, and the slump value is the
There are several methods for measuring concrete density. The buoy- measurement of vertical settlement, or slump, from the original height.
ancy balance method is widely used, whereby a known volume of con-
crete is weighed in both dry and submerged conditions, allowing the The results of the test are interpreted by examining the shape and
calculation of both concrete density and specific gravity. Alternatively, slump of the mix. The shape shows the mixture has a true slump when
density can be calculated by means of yield buckets in which a fresh the settlement is even and not excessive. Shear slump has a partially
concrete sample is placed inside a metal vessel of known volume. The collapsed shape on one side and a collapsed slump with excessive
fresh concrete is compacted into the vessel, filled to the top, scraped settlement indicates that the mixture is too wet.
level and weighed. Density is then determined by a simple weight-
over-volume calculation. Equipment requirement includes a metal slump cone, tamping rod,
slump cone base, and tape measure.
Depending on the chosen method, the applicable equipment includes
cylinder molding equipment, a buoyancy balance and frame, or unit Air content (Standards: ASTM C231; AASHTO T-152; EN 12350-

april 2018 csengineermag.com 37

under-vibration of the mix, settlement of aggregate, and others. The
number of concrete specimens being compression tested is often too
small to be considered more than random testing. It is also important
in many cases to determine the compressive strength of aged concrete
elements for structure retrofitting, modeling, and analysis. Therefore,
non-destructive testing (NDT) performs a vitally important role in the
assessment of finished concrete structures.

The Concrete Test Hammer, also known as the Rebound Hammer or

Schmidt Hammer, is one of the most widely used NDT methods for
determination of in-situ concrete strength. The test hammer uses a
spring-actuated mass that is released to impact the surface of a concrete
sample with a defined amount of energy. The rebound distance fol-
lowing impact is then measured. The hammer is held perpendicular to
the surface being tested and the rebound varies according to the hard-
ness of the sample point. This rebound measurement is then converted
into compressive strength by means of a conversion chart. Different
conversion charts have been generated to compensate for instrument
The slump test requires low-cost equipment and gives immediate results onsite. orientation. These charts were developed by carrying out rebound tests
on concrete samples before being crushed under compression.

7) —Air entrainment is often necessary in areas where concrete is Equipment requirement includes a concrete test hammer and a testing
exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing. Water expands when fro- anvil for calibration.
zen and this can create internal forces that may exceed the bonded or
tensile strength of the concrete element, resulting in cracking. Air in Ultrasonic pulse velocity (Standards: ASTM C597; EN 12504-4) —
the form of very small bubbles provides void spaces within concrete The ultrasonic pulse velocity test method is another NDT method for
that act as a reservoir where water can deposit and expand, relieving assessing the quality of finished concrete. The basic principle of this
the internal pressure in the freezing cycle and providing protection to method is that the velocity of an ultrasonic pulse through concrete is
the concrete. Air is homogenously distributed in the concrete mix us- related to its density and elastic properties, so the time of travel is mea-
ing mixing blades and additives are used during the mixing process sured for an ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete being tested.
to stabilize the bubbles of entrained air so that they remain once the Relatively high velocity is observed when concrete quality is good in
concrete has hardened. terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity, etc. Care is necessary when
testing, but an experienced operator may obtain a considerable amount
The test for measuring air content in normal weight concrete is usu- of information about a concrete member. The advantage of this method
ally performed using the pressure method because it is relatively fast. is that the pulse passes through the complete thickness of the concrete
Concrete is placed inside a container of known volume and flushed so that significant surface and subsurface defects can be detected.
out at the top. The method is based on Boyle’s law, which states that
the volume of air in the voids is proportional to the applied pressure. There are several applications for the Ultrasonic Concrete Tester.
Pressure is applied to the sealed test container by connecting a separate These include measurement of concrete uniformity; determination
air chamber equipped with a pump. With the valve closed, the chamber of the presence or absence of voids, cracks, and other imperfections;
is pressurized to a calibrated operating pressure and the pressure gauge deterioration of the concrete that might have occurred due to age or
is tared. When the valve is opened, the air in the concrete expands through the action of fire, frost, or chemical attack; the measurement of
into the test chamber and a gauge provides the reading in units of air layer thickness and elastic modulus; and the determination of concrete
content. strength.

The necessary equipment includes a Type B pressure air entrainment Summary

meter, strike-off bar, and a rubber mallet for aiding concrete settlement Concrete testing does more than simply demonstrate compliance with
in the vessel. specifications; it provides a check on the variabilities that exist in
concrete mixtures and in the processes that concrete undergoes before
Non-destructive concrete testing it becomes a hardened finished product. When conducted properly,
Concrete test hammer (Standards: ASTM C805; EN 12504-2) — The testing also provides accurate, reliable, transparent information that
standard method for determining the compressive strength of concrete greatly improves dispute resolution.
(as outlined above) is by crushing cured concrete specimens in a com-
pression machine. However, a variety of factors can affect the quality ALFONSO J. RIVERA, P.E., is with ELE International (www.ele.com), which
of hardened finished concrete. These include differences in concrete specializes in the design, manufacture, and supply of high-quality construc-
batches, variations in the placement of concrete in forms, over- or tion materials testing equipment and environmental instrumentation.

38 csengineermag.com april 2018


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Big dam
monitoring network
East Bay Municipal Utility District safeguards critical
infrastructure with intelligent GPS monitoring systems.
By Angus W. Stocking, LS
Camanche Reservoir in February 2017 with the snow-capped
Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background.
Photo: © EBMUD, used with permission
In early 2017, Californians watched first with glee, and then horror,
as drought-busting winter storms filled and then overfilled reservoirs,
threatening 770-foot-tall Oroville Dam. It’s the nation’s tallest dam and
impounds Lake Oroville, California’s second largest manmade lake, ca-
pable of storing more than 3.5 million acre-feet. As the dam reached and
then exceeded capacity, the main and emergency spillways were dam-
aged, leading to the evacuation of 188,000 downstream residents. It was
a sobering reminder that infrastructure matters and that infrastructure can

About 100 miles away, the Pardee Dam, along with Camanche Main Dam
and Dikes 1 through 6, impound the Pardee and Camanche reservoirs.
The two reservoirs have a total capacity of approximately 620,000 acre-
feet and are the centerpiece of the East Bay Municipal Utility District’s
(EBMUD) water supply system, which serves 1.4 million customers in
the Bay Area’s Alameda and Contra Costa counties. (About 90 percent of
EBMUD’s water supply comes from Pardee Reservoir.) These reservoirs
also filled from the 2017 storms, reaching 103 percent of capacity in
March, but the dams were not overtopped and releases were sustainable
within the waterways.

Thanks to the installation of one of the nation’s most advanced auto-

mated GPS-based dam monitoring systems at these two facilities, along
with other instrumentation improvements, EBMUD had the technology
in place to monitor crest elevations at these dams and dikes remotely
with improved temporal resolution. Having this type of data available is
one more tool in an infrastructure owner’s tool belt for monitoring the
condition and performance of critical facilities.

“The original survey monitoring system developed in the 1960s at

Camanche Dam and Dikes involved sight-lining from reference monu-

40 csengineermag.com april 2018

Pardee Dam is a fascinating structure, both historically
and in engineering terms. When completed in 1929, it
was the tallest concrete gravity arch dam in the world.
It’s still impressive, one of America’s 300 tallest dams
at 345 feet high, and quite long as well at 1,337 feet.

Constructed in less than two years, Pardee Dam

serves as a monument to its designer and builder,
Arthur Powell Davis. Davis, a nephew of Colorado
River explorer John Wesley Powell, was famous in his
time as a visionary engineer who traveled all over
the world to consult on dams and irrigation projects.
In fact, the idea for a dam on the Colorado River,
which eventually came to be known as the Hoover
Dam, is largely attributed to Arthur Powell Davis. He
rose through the ranks of the then newly formed
Bureau of Reclamation to become director from
1914 until 1923, when it is said that he resigned
in the office of the Secretary of the Interior over a
disagreement on how to run the Bureau.

So in 1923, when EBMUD was formed, the top dam

building engineer in the nation, and possibly the
world, came to EBMUD. Pardee Dam was his last
major work. A month before he died in 1933, Davis
was named as consulting engineer on the Hoover
Dam project, one he had championed for many years.
A view of Pardee Dam from the historical monitoring pillar at the
As a side note, Davis was also a co-founder of the
north abutment. Photo: © EBMUD, used with permission National Geographic Society in 1888.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 41

ments adjacent to the structures along with differential leveling,” said
EBMUD Survey Supervisor Steven J. Martin, LS. “After the advent of
real time kinematic (RTK) GPS surveying in the 1990s, staff had taken
to running the sight lines with RTK; however, with the differential
leveling, it was still a labor-intensive approach that took over a week
to complete.”

The old monitoring scheme technically met dam safety requirements

but only provided semiannual data on dam crest displacements, leav-
ing significant room for improvement in spatial and temporal resolu-
tion. “EBMUD is committed to automating processes where it makes
sense,” Martin said. “In this case, due to the remote location and criti-
cal nature of the infrastructure, it made a lot of sense.”

Designing for better data

Consulting with Cory Baldwin, president of sensemetrics, a San Diego
firm specializing in networked sensor applications, EBMUD designed
and proposed a sophisticated monitoring system based on a total of
31 Leica GMX901+ GPS sensors, four Leica GM10 GNSS reference
stations, a radio network consisting of 900 Mhz mesh radios, 2.4 Ghz
repeaters, and two radio towers, feeding into the Leica GNSS Spider
and GeoMoS software solutions.

The use of Leica Geosystems receivers is important, according to

Baldwin. “The GMX901+s are purpose-built for remote monitoring
applications, with non-exposed, built-in antennas,” he said. “They
were my first choice here because other vendors don’t really have a
good option for monitoring in this environment.”

Three of the GNSS reference station receivers are solar powered and
one is powered by a 120v AC feed. All are securely fastened inside
enclosures installed near the Leica AR20 antennas, which are mounted
on concrete pedestals. The network is largely autonomous, needing
only occasional attention. Data flow is through 900 Mhz and 2.4 Ghz
spread spectrum radios into an existing microwave telemetry link to
EBMUD’s business intranet at its Oakland headquarters, where a serv-
er runs the Leica Spider and GeoMos software necessary to process the Monitoring sensors and seismographs are installed on the Pardee Dam and

GPS data and results. The results are then presented through software
connected via fiber optic cable directly to the microwave business intranet.
These instruments continuously monitor dam movement and report remotely.
customized by sensemetrics. Photo: © EBMUD, used with permission

Five of the Leica GMX901+ sensors as well as four seismographs are

installed on the Pardee Dam, connected via fiber optic cable directly
to the microwave business intranet. These instruments continuously
monitor dam movement and report remotely. Two of the Leica GM10 What makes a good monitoring GNSS receiver?
reference stations were installed near and on either side of Pardee Dam
and are connected to the fiber optic line by 2.4 Ghz radio connections. The Leica Geosystems GMX901+ GPS sensor was a good solution for
the EBMUD monitoring network for several reasons. A relatively low-
Downstream from Pardee Dam, the Camanche Reservoir site consists cost L1 GPS-only solution purpose-built for monitoring, it features:
of one large earth-filled dam and six dikes. Camanche Reservoir is pri- • low power consumption;
marily used to control releases to downstream agencies and maintain • integrated, non-exposed antenna;
flows for the salmon. Twenty-six Leica GMX901+ sensors are installed • highly accurate and precise ability to monitor small movements;
around the reservoir, and these also monitor and report continuously. • durable and robust housing designed to withstand extreme tem-
perature variations, vibrations, and constant exposure; and
The State of California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) requires • seamless connection to dedicated monitoring network software, in
semiannual monitoring surveys. The new system provides more ac- this case Leica GeoMoS and Leica GNSS Spider.
curate information more rapidly, reduces staff time spent on monitor-

42 csengineermag.com april 2018

ing, and is capable of being tied into statewide emergency and seismic
monitoring systems as they emerge. After almost two years of service,
DSOD monitoring requirements have been met with a more complete
picture of overall performance.

“EBMUD’s infrastructure is spread out over a vast area and cov-

ers multiple counties,” said Baldwin. “In particular, the Pardee and
Camanche sites are several hours away from main offices, and the
semiannual surveys took over a week to complete. This new system
provides more accurate data, more or less constantly, and of course
reduces the time survey crews spend on this task. It’s a big improve-
ment, and it is performing beyond expectations.”

Baldwin said one important design goal was interconnectivity with

existing and future monitoring systems. “For obvious reasons, Califor-
nia, and especially the Bay Area, is really focused on being responsive
to seismic events, and continuous monitoring and alerting is a big part
of that,” he said. “This big network is exemplary when it comes to
continuous, autonomous monitoring and alerting, and the software de-
sign makes it easy to add in more sensors if needed. Down the line, the
information can be directly tied into statewide systems. The potential
to automate and improve emergency responses to seismic events is a
major advantage of monitoring networks.”

“While the goal is to eliminate the legacy manual-read monitoring sys-

tems, inevitably issues with a power supply or other minor components
will crop up and require some attention,” Martin said. “Sensemetrics
The new system provides more accurate information more rapidly, reduces staff time provided support and training through the first two years to help resolve
spent on monitoring, and is capable of being tied into statewide
emergency and seismic monitoring systems as they emerge. most issues, and Leica Geosystems updated firmware based on feed-
Photo: © EBMUD, used with permission back from the project. So while the labor of a manual-read system will
go away, some more technical support and software skills are required
in an automated system. The trade-off between having an automated
monitoring system that gives you a survey every day (or every hour if
you wish) versus a survey only twice a year is worth the investment.
Automated dam monitoring in action
“Once a communications backbone is built out to support an automated
A recent example of the benefits of automating a survey monitoring survey system, other automated sensors such as seismic recorders or
scheme comes from another EBMUD automated dam monitoring vibrating wire piezometers (measures water pressure inside the dam)
project on San Pablo Dam. In 2008-2009, the dam underwent a seis- can easily be added to the system,” he said. “Installation of this net-
mic improvement to buttress the toe of the dam to bedrock using a work was a proactive system improvement. EBMUD now has more
cement deep soil mixing process. Increased monitoring requirements survey information immediately at its fingertips regarding structure
from the DSOD while working on an active dam were met via an performance than at any previous moment in the district’s history. By
automated motorized total station (AMTS) system, which has been being proactive and automating monitoring systems, EBMUD has
running several times a day since that project was completed in 2009. greatly improved dam safety monitoring.
EBMUD also has a program to visually inspect dams and reservoirs
immediately after an earthquake to check for cracking or other visible “The GPS system at Pardee Dam now gives us a complete picture of the
damage as a quick ground truth. seasonal deformations due to thermal expansion and contraction of the
concrete structure,” Martin said. “With the Camanche Reservoir portion
After a 4.4 magnitude earthquake in January 2018 on the Hayward of the GPS monitoring system, we are able to meet DSOD monitoring
fault centered in Berkeley, less than 5 miles from the San Pablo dam requirements without long trips out of town by the survey crew and to
site, EBMUD geotechnical engineers were able to log in to the AMTS check for any possible deformations remotely in near real time.”
automated monitoring system to review whether there had been any
movement or slumping on the dam, and they confirmed that there was
no significant movement. This ability to have information immedi- ANGUS W. STOCKING, LS, has been writing about infrastructure since 2002.
ately and at their fingertips has proven to be a huge asset in managing To learn more about monitoring solutions, visit www.leica-geosystems.com.
dam safety at EBMUD.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 43

environment + Sustainability Channel Sponsor: Presto Geosystems | www.prestogeo.com

Exploration Green
Clear Lake community uses novel approach
for stormwater mitigation.
By Kelly Shipley, P.E.

In the Houston suburb of Clear Lake, an almost 200-acre

nature park called Exploration Green is underway, complete
with wetland preserves and at least six miles of hike-and-
bike trails. But what makes it special is the park’s primary
function of mitigating flooding for the community through
its five detention basins.
Exploration Green, an almost 200-acre nature park, includes wetland preserves and at least six
The recreation and detention site, once the Clear Lake City miles of hike-and-bike trails. The park’s primary function is mitigating flooding for the Clear Lake,
Texas, community through its five detention basins. Image: SWA
Golf Course, has been part of the community for more than
50 years. With increased development in the surrounding
area in recent years, the old methods of managing runoff —
outdated drainage channels — didn’t hold up. believes that projects like Exploration Green provide the answer. Founded by
residents, Exploration Green Conservancy is a nonprofit that helps plan the rec-
Residents several years ago took steps along with the lo- reational area and raise funds for conservation, recreation, and amenities for the
cal water agency, Clear Lake City Water Authority, as the park.
community realized more drainage was needed. In 2005,
when the golf course’s owner decided to sell it to residential “Exploration Green can and should be replicated all across Houston,” Peterson
and commercial developers, the Water Authority had heard said. “It’s a good approach for having flood and stormwater countermeasures
enough concerns from residents and witnessed plenty of that are more than just levees and are focused on green spaces and amenities that
flooding in the area. The Water Authority began to consider people appreciate in addition to flood protection.”
the potential impact of converting the golf course into condos
and townhouses. Each of the five detention ponds can store as much as 100 million gallons of
water. Although the first detention pond was only 80 percent completed at the
After two hydrologists determined that the development time Harvey made landfall, it protected 150 to 200 homes from flooding.
would dramatically increase flooding in the area, the Water
Authority purchased the land for $6.2 million in 2011 with Engineering challenges
the idea to convert the property into detention. The result is The 178-acre project will ultimately protect several thousand homes in the Clear
Exploration Green, a former golf-course-turned-park now Lake area from flooding during a storm event. The detention ponds will be
being converted into a system of detention ponds to hold excavated by 2021, according to Abigail Stanhouse, P.E., a project engineer at
stormwater during major rainfall events. Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. (LAN), the planning, engineering, and
program management firm that prepared the plans and construction documents
The need for this kind of project became clear last August and is overseeing construction of Phase 1.
during Hurricane Harvey, which brought unprecedented rain-
fall to the Houston area. The neighborhoods around Explora- “Due to the nature of the project, a lot of input and expertise is required from
tion Green were inundated with 45 inches of rain. Harvey’s different groups, which in turn, requires iterations and modifications to the de-
extensive flooding has resulted in city leaders and agencies sign,” Stanhouse said. “Typically, we’ll do our designs and they’re set, the work
around Houston searching for solutions. Doug Peterson, the gets done, and we’re finished.” This project required a lot of coordination from
vice president of nonprofit Exploration Green Conservancy, everyone involved, she said.

44 csengineermag.com april 2018

Stabilized for Optimal Erosion Resistance

Shoring up steep roadway embankments and bridge abutments,

susceptible to erosion from saturated soils or sheet flow runoff,
poses challenges for project engineers. Incorporating the right
structural erosion-protection system that assures a high resistance
to erosive forces, low maintenance, and aesthetic integration with
the natural surroundings are important considerations in slope

The GEOWEB® 3D soil confinement system is that proven solution.

By stabilizing infill in the system’s deep, interconnected network of
cells, downward migration is prevented on slopes to 1h:1v—and
greater. Infill confined within the geocellular network remains
stable, and minimally affected by surface runoff—consequently
limiting potential for erosion rills to develop.

Project Case Study: Minnesota (MN) DOT Bridge Design • Aggregate: 50,000 sq ft of tan GEOWEB material closely
I-90 Bridge, La Crosse, WI to La Crescent, MN matched the local aggregate color. Slopes varied between
2H:1V and 1.5H:1V, up to 45 feet vertically, under bridges.
The goal of a three-year, $187.5 million MN DOT interchange proj- Lack of sunlight and moisture prohibited use of vegetation in
ect was to build a new, structurally sound, river crossing bridge that these areas.
met current structural and geometric standards over a vital regional • Topsoil/Vegetation: 100,000 sq ft of black GEOWEB mate-
river crossing and to improve capacity and access between two rial with topsoil, seeded and finished with an erosion control
highways. Aesthetics were an important consideration. blanket. Slopes varied between 2.5H:1V and 3.5H:1V.
On the steeper slopes at the bridge abutment and around the
bridge piers, the GEOWEB system addressed both structural and The completed embankments were fully stabilized—and blended
aesthetic design requirements. Calculations and anchor spacing harmoniously with the natural surroundings created by the bluff
recommendations for 11 different areas of varying slope lengths and river environment.
and angles were provided by Presto’s engineering team. Two dif-
ferent infill materials were used: Article content credits to MN DOT-WI DOT, SRF Consulting Group

april 2018 csengineermag.com 45

Each of the five detention ponds can store as much as 100 million gallons of water. The former golf-course-turned-park is being converted into a system of detention
Although the first detention pond was only 80 percent completed at the time Harvey ponds to hold stormwater during major rainfall events. Photo: Stan Cook
made landfall, it protected 150 to 200 homes from flooding.
Photo: Exploration Green Conservancy

Technical knowledge was also required from different parties. The the needed turf establishment in the ponds and be resilient enough to
project’s different elements, such as incorporating wetlands, has re- survive underwater after a storm event.
quired expertise from outside agencies. For example, Texas Coastal
Watershed Program, an extension of Texas A&M AgriLife, is coordi- Community centerpiece
nating the wetland effort. There will be 39 acres of wetlands through- “Exploration Green really is a centerpiece to the community,” Stan-
out Exploration Green, as well as more than 100 acres of upland and house said. The project is exceptional in that the entire Clear Lake
island areas. community has been involved since the beginning.

Phase 1 of the project was divided into three sub-phases — Phase 1A “The local community got upset (when the condominium development
and 1B are complete, with 171,420 cubic yards excavated, while Phase was proposed) and mobilized, putting up signs and having meetings
1C was 80 percent complete by mid-January, and weather-permitting, and calling their local officials among other things,” Peterson said.
was expected to be completed in February. Phase 1C requires 177,230 “The community has been very supportive from the get-go.”
cubic yards of excavation. In its entirety, Exploration Green Detention
Facility will provide 38 acres of permanent water storage and addition- Stanhouse also said the community aspect made a difference in how
al storage room for water runoff. The water storage area is equivalent LAN designed the project. “Most of the projects we work on are un-
to 750 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The project’s first two phases derground pipelines. They’re not something that people are going out
were designed to contain runoff from a 100-year storm, of which there their backdoor every day to see,” she said, so this highly visible project
have been at least seven in the Clear Lake area in the last 40 years. required the engineering team to be more open to community input and
“It’s worked out well that we split Phase 1 up,” Stanhouse said. “The
knowledge we have gained along the way has assisted in the planning Peterson described the collaboration process as “organic,” saying that
of Phase 2, and we’ll apply it to future phases as well.” “people were going to town hall meetings to express their interests and
what they wanted here, right in the heart of the Clear Lake area. The
She cited the challenge of using native grasses in the project as an project has generated a lot of excitement among residents because we
example. While Bermuda grass is typically seen at detention basins in don’t have a lot of parks here, and here’s an opportunity to create a
the area, incorporating native Texas plants and grasses was important 200-acre nature park,” he said.
for the client, she said. LAN collaborated with the Harris County Flood
Control District to learn what types of native grasses would provide Clear Lake City Water Authority is funding the excavation of the

46 csengineermag.com april 2018

Texas Coastal Watershed Program, an extension of Texas A&M AgriLife, is There will be 39 acres of wetlands throughout Exploration Green, as well as more than
coordinating wetlands development. Photo: Jerry Hamby 100 acres of upland and island areas planted with native grasses and wildflowers.
Photo: Jerry Hamby

project to the tune of $28 million, but “when it comes down to it, the Conclusion
Conservancy will raise funds to create and manage the park,” Peterson For decades, Peterson drove by the golf course without thought for its
said. To this end, the Conservancy is coordinating with local-area non- potential. He hopes that the site’s transformation will be a boon to the
profits such as Trees for Houston, the Galveston Bay Foundation, and community. Even with just the first phase under construction, residents
the Texas Coastal Watershed Program. are proud to live so close to the nature park, he said.

So far, the Conservancy has raised $1.3 million through private do- Despite the $7 million the Conservancy has left to raise, Peterson is
nations, business sponsors, and grants, but Peterson said they need optimistic. He called the fundraising a challenge but hopes that resi-
another $7 million. The money will be used to build six miles of hike- dents will be inclined to donate as they recognize the natural beauty of
and-bike trails throughout the project, plant thousands of trees, and Exploration Green.
develop other amenities such as an education center, picnic tables, and
park benches. “The last time I walked around Phase 1, it was great to see the progress.
I mean, the whole area that had been excavated was green,” Peterson
Peterson called this community collaboration “innovative,” citing the said.
Clear Lake City Water Authority’s foresight to build a project like Ex-
ploration Green with the community, nonprofits, and other partnerships. He said that wildlife is coming back to the area quicker than he expect-
ed. Even though the park is surrounded by residential neighborhoods,
“The Water Authority had the vision for this. They went out on a limb wildlife has found a home in Exploration Green. From hawks and
and fought for it, planned for it, and did everything required to raise turtles to native water birds, “it’s amazing to see…I think the wildlife
money for the excavation,” Peterson said. “When Harvey came along can somehow tell when it’s their land again,” he said.
and filled the Phase 1 area right to the top, it held 100 million gallons
of stormwater. It worked just the way it was supposed to.”
KELLY SHIPLEY is an associate and project manager at Lockwood, Andrews &
Newnam, Inc. (LAN; www.lan-inc.com), a planning, engineering, and program
“The project spans such a wide portion of the district that someone can management firm. She can be contacted at [email protected].
ride their bike through Exploration Green to the park-and-ride nearby,
commute downtown (by bus) and back,” Stanhouse said. “The fact that
the community will have a safe place to ride their bikes through town
is huge.”

april 2018 csengineermag.com 47

Bldg. 102, is a new 54-person dormitory for housing enlisted personnel. M-Plant is Thule’s main power plant that houses the latest energy-efficient exhaust
Photo: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gas boilers. Photo: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Modernizing Artic assets For over half a century, the base has been home to active-duty Air Force
members who live and work in this remote and harsh environment to
provide national security.
A major consolidation at Thule Air Base in Greenland will save
energy and taxpayer money and improve U.S. Air Force readiness. Throughout this time, the Army Corps, under extreme arctic weather
By JoAnne Castagna, Ed.D. conditions, has helped the base fulfill this mission by constructing
many structures, including several dormitories, an aircraft runway,
taxiways and aprons, and even a medical facility. Now the Army Corps
Recent missile threats to the United States has the U.S. military look- is consolidating and modernizing the base.
ing up to its northernmost installation in Thule Air Base, Greenland.
It’s there that the U.S. Air Force monitors the skies for missiles from In the early 1950s, the base’s main mission was to be an aircraft refuel-
its Arctic location strategically positioned at the halfway point between ing stop. It was home to 10,000 U.S. military airmen and there were
Washington, D.C., and Moscow. many buildings spread throughout the entire base. During the Cold War
Era, the base’s mission changed and it is now performing missile warn-
“Thule’s unique location makes it a key asset to the United States; ing and space surveillance for the United States.
however, its unique environment makes it a difficult asset to maintain,”
said Dan Rodriguez, acting-deputy base civil engineer, Peterson Air Today, the base is home to 650 personnel — 200 are U.S. Military and
Force Base. the rest are Danish and Greenlandic residents.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District is doing some- Many of the original buildings are still in use, but have become se-
thing to address both of these areas. They are performing a major base verely weatherworn; energy and fuel is being wasted to heat them and
consolidation that will save energy, taxpayer money, and most impor- they are a distance to travel to. These buildings are also a distance from
tantly improve U.S. Air Force readiness. the base’s central heat plant. This requires maintaining long pipes to
transport heat to these old buildings.
Thule (pronounced “Two Lee”) is Latin for northernmost part of the
inhabitable world. Thule Air Base is located in the northwestern corner The U.S. Air Force, as the rest of the U.S. military, has been on a mis-
of Greenland, in a coastal valley 700 miles north of the Arctic Circle sion to save energy. Because of this, they decided to call on the Army
and 950 miles south of the North Pole. Corps to consolidate the base.

48 csengineermag.com april 2018

“Much energy and money will be saved by not heating those archaic
facilities,” said Stella Marco, project manager, New York District, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.

The consolidation effort will reduce the size of the base by 40 percent.
The Army Corps is doing this by demolishing 31 old buildings and
building new structures closer together in the central area of the base
where essential services are located, including the airfield and hangars,
dining facility, and hospital.

The main structures that are being constructed are dormitories for non-
commissioned officers who are visiting or on temporary duty at Thule.
Presently, the Army Corps is working on five dormitory projects. This
Bldg. 101 in construction: Note the raised footing for proper ventilation
includes constructing flattop and high rise dormitories and renovating to maintain the permafrost conditions. The steel frame will be enclosed
636 existing dorm rooms. with a pitched metal roof and insulated exterior panels.
Photo: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The Army Corps is also constructing a base supply and civil engineer-
ing shop and a vehicle maintenance and pavements and grounds facil-
ity. Other possible projects include expanding the base’s air passenger Construction challenges in the Arctic
terminal and air freight terminal.
Construction in the Arctic can be challenging because of severe
These new and renovated buildings are going to be heated with an weather and limited daylight, which requires the use of unique
upgraded heating system. The base’s heating plant is receiving new, building materials, techniques, and fast-paced construction.
more energy-efficient exhaust gas heat recovery boilers and engines.
The new system will recover waste heat from the engines for produc- Most of northern Greenland is covered with permafrost — perma-
tion of steam to the steam distribution system that is being converted nently frozen ground ranging from 6 feet to 1,600 feet in depth.
to a hot water system. This requires structures to be constructed with a special elevated
Arctic foundation. If buildings are not constructed off of the
Performing construction in an Arctic environment is challenging, and ground, the heat from inside the building can melt the permafrost,
the Army Corps is an expert on this after having performed work for making the ground unstable and causing buildings to sink.
the base for more than half a century.
Buildings are elevated 3 feet from the ground with the use of
Consolidation is always good as a way to save energy and money, but spread footings that are about 10 feet deep and concrete columns
it is even more important in the Arctic. “At such a remote and cold that come up and support the floor system above the ground.
location, construction, maintenance, and utility costs are very high,”
said Markus Tyboroski, site support engineer, Thule Air Base. “For Construction takes place during the summer and autumn months
example, it costs three times as much to build a new facility at Thule as when the temperature is a “balmy” 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In the
compared to an average location in the United States, and annual fuel winter, temperatures can be as low as minus 30 degrees Fahren-
costs for power and heating are $12 million.” heit.

“This consolidation will result in reduced base operation and main- It is also during this time of year that there is sufficient daylight.
tenance costs and will provide energy savings,” said Rodriguez. “It’s Because of Thule’s proximity to the North Pole, the region has 24
estimated that there will be an energy reduction of 35 percent. Since hours of sunlight from May thru August and 24 hours of darkness
2009, when the consolidation was starting up, the base has saved al- from November thru February.
most $37 million in energy savings and in base operating costs.”
The warmer weather makes it possible to break up the iced-in
Ultimately, the consolidation effort is to benefit the airmen protecting shipping lanes. This allows cargo ships into port that are sup-
our nation. Rodriguez said, “The consolidation will provide airmen plied with fuel and building materials. Building materials include
improved support because they are receiving modernized facilities and prefabricated parts so that the workers can perform construction
the buildings will be closer together. It’s great to see the project funded rapidly. Materials include concrete foundations, insulated steel
and in the works.” and metal walls, and roof panels.

When winter arrives, workers begin interior construction. This

JOANNE CASTAGNA, ED.D., is a public affairs specialist and writer for the U.S. work includes constructing mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and
Army Corps of Engineers, New York District. She can be contacted at joanne. fire protection systems that are designed to withstand extreme
[email protected]. frigid sub-zero temperatures.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 49


Virgin Hyperloop One, which recently received a $50 million investment, anticipates developing an operational system by 2021.
Photo: Virgin Hyperloop One

Tube tests
Los Angeles-based Arrivo; and Musk’s own The Boring Company. So
for now, it’s all about research and development, trial and error, and
perhaps the biggest long-term piece of all — public awareness, and
While hyperloop holds worlds of promise, broad-ranging acceptance of, hyperloop as a viable form of transporta-
a dearth of dollars is expected to delay deployment. tion.
By Richard Massey With the horizon filled with such promise, it should come as no sur-
prise that Hyperloop One, founded in 2014, doesn’t have a problem
recruiting some of the finest minds in the world.
It’s hard to imagine a world in which air travel has been all but re-
placed, or to envision a Houston-Dallas super city of 18 million, or
that someone could leave Edinburgh at 3 p.m. and be in London within
an hour for tea. But in a pod magnetically levitating above a track and
electrically propelled through a low-pressure tube at around 670 mph
that just might be the far future of transportation for passengers and
freight. Look no further than Anita Sengupta, who joined the company last
year. A Ph.D. in aerospace engineering, Sengupta spent 16 years at
Hyperloop, the dazzling mashup of existing technologies introduced to NASA, where, among other things, she led the Mars Curiosity Rover
the world in 2013 by SpaceX and Tesla Inc. CEO Elon Musk, is gain- Supersonic Parachute Decelerator. A NASA astronaut finalist candi-
ing global momentum through a leading developer of the system, Los date last year, Sengupta said her move to Hyperloop was made for a
Angeles-based Virgin Hyperloop One, also known as Hyperloop One. simple reason: “I was looking for a new challenge.”
Its hopes bolstered by a recent record-braking test run at 240 mph, and
rejuvenated by a $50 million cash infusion and the naming of invest- As the senior vice president of systems engineering, her role is to co-
ment mogul Sir Richard Branson as chairman, Hyperloop One looks to ordinate and understand the interface among the various elements of
have operational systems by 2021. hyperloop — the system’s pod, vacuum tube, civil infrastructure, and
regulatory compliance.
But even as the company’s battalion of engineers works to turn today’s
vision into tomorrow’s reality, a traditional obstacle, one seemingly Referring to the fact that hyperloop touches so many different areas —
as old as civilization itself, stands front and center — funding, or lack cities, governments, mega-regions, science, engineering — and that it
thereof. Even Hyperloop One concedes that the technology will out- has the potential to change the world, Sengputa said that hyperloop is
pace the dollars. But that has stopped neither them nor their competi- an exciting challenge in that it is “far more complicated” than sending
tors, Los Angeles-based Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Inc.; spacecraft to Mars.

50 csengineermag.com april 2018

Team HYPED in Edinburgh, with Adam Anyszewski, managing director, seated second from right. Photo: courtesy of HYPED

Having kicked off in May 2016, the global challenge sponsored by “That’s the way you do it,” she said.
Hyperloop One ignited vast interest — 2,600 teams registered — with
routes selected in five countries, and with entrants from places as di- In regard to cost, the figures are hard to nail down. A hyperloop system
verse as China, Israel, Estonia, and Spain. In terms of the challenge, has never been built, so there’s no real benchmark. Musk’s original
the U.S. leads the pack, and is joined by other Top 10 economies such estimates for a proposed route from Los Angeles to San Francisco —
as Canada, the U.K., and India. $6 billion for a passenger system — were universally panned as too
low. Looking at what has already been built, or what is in the process
Since the global challenge, a number of public-private coalitions have of being built, it’s certain the price tag for domestic hyperloop, which
emerged supporting hyperloop. Most recently, the Kansas City-to- could utilize both elevated tracks and bored tunnels, would be nothing
St. Louis route, developed after the global challenge concluded, has short of galactic.
started a feasibility study. Virgin Hyperloop One, Black & Veatch, and
the University of Missouri System are partnering to analyze the techni- The bullet train in California, for example, is currently projected to
cal alignment as well as the potential economic impact and benefits of cost about $64 billion. In Seattle, a 1.7-mile tunnel beneath downtown
integrating hyperloop into the I-70 corridor connecting Kansas City, cost around $3.2 billion. And in New York, a new tunnel under the
Columbia, and St. Louis. Hudson River could cost as much as $11.1 billion, according to a story
published last year in The New York Times.
It seems as if a tipping point has either been reached or will soon be
reached. “I see a yearning for new transportation,” Sengupta said.

While hyperloop is no doubt groundbreaking, engineers at the com-

pany are not necessarily looking to reinvent the wheel. As the system’s
standards are being developed, hyperloop is fact-finding in other in-
dustries — aviation, rail, spacecraft, and autonomous vehicles — to Alon Levy, a mathematician and full-time transit journalist based in
find pre-existing standards that can be applied to hyperloop. The end Paris, has followed hyperloop since Musk’s whitepaper was released in
goal, Sengupta said, is to create an international standard. 2013. A critic of the cost estimate then, Levy has yet to relinquish his
view that hyperloop is just too expensive. Backed by an encyclopedic
Bullish on the development of the technology, Sengupta said hyperloop knowledge of advanced transit systems around the world, Levy said
could be ready within five years. Funding to implement hyperloop, hyperloop is probably going to be built over a span of 50 to 100 years,
predictably, could take much longer. If and when a system were ever with a country’s ability to afford and maintain infrastructure growing
funded, it would likely have to be through a public-private partnership over decades, similar to how traditional rail systems were developed in
(P3), in which the private sector takes the investment risk in return for the U.S. and across the world.
the reward.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 51

When asked if the cost issues can be solved in the foreseeable future, Levy, perhaps
voicing the doubts of many, said, “I don’t know.”

In Washington, D.C., hyperloop, and more generally intelligent transportation, has

found a strong voice. Shailen Bhatt, who in October 2017 was named president and
CEO of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America), is a relentless
advocate for new-generation technology. He also has the credentials to support his

Before joining ITS America, he served as the executive director of the Colorado De-
partment of Transportation, one of the most progressive departments in the country
that has already used P3s for major infrastructure, deployed the Autonomous Impact
Protection Vehicle, and was instrumental in creating one of the 10 hyperloop routes —
from Cheyenne to Pueblo — chosen in the global challenge.

Proposed hyperloop route

Bhatt, who says intelligent transportation can create the greatest disruption since the
in Colorado Industrial Revolution, keeps a hectic schedule, and is literally globetrotting in his ef-
fort to share knowledge, learn from others, and build the international network that
intelligent transportation will need if it is to thrive. Copenhagen, Japan, China, and
Singapore — Bhatt has a seat at the table.

“Anytime you say you’ve deployed something, that gives you credibility, but you have
to curate that credibility to keep it,” he said.

Just looking at the U.S., Bhatt sees worlds of potential — safety, speed, reduced pol-
lution and traffic, to name a few — but he also sees many obstacles that must be
overcome. One of those is a cultural inertia, elephantine in its proportions, that must
be addressed.
Proposed hyperloop route
from Chicago to Pittsburgh “We obviously have a car addiction in the U.S., and 50 years of post-war auto-centric
urban design,” he said. “Everyone should recognize that our solution is not more

Proposed hyperloop route from Like Sengupta, Bhatt sees the defining challenge as that of money. And also like
Edinburgh to London Sengupta, he sees the private sector as essential partners in the rise of hyperloop and
intelligent transportation.

“The challenge is going to be funding,” he said. “There’s no way the public sector
solely funds this.”

The list of private companies already on board with intelligent transportation is im-
pressive, as is the list of those from public institutions. Representatives from GM,
Toyota, the transportation departments from Pennsylvania and New York City, as well
as powerhouse schools such as UC Berkeley, Texas A&M, and Virginia Tech, sit on the
ITS America board of directors.

And among the agency’s advocacy trust are AAA, Qualcomm, Panasonic, State Farm,
Caltrans, and the transportation departments from the states of Michigan, Florida, Ari-
zona, and Texas, among others.

In reference to the private sector, Bhatt said, “They are going full bore. Everybody
is excited about new technology. The future is not with fossil fuels and the internal
combustion engine. It’s electrification.”
52 csengineermag.com april 2018
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies announced agreements to begin a feasibility study for the Great Lakes region, starting
with a Cleveland-to-Chicago route. Image: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

Bhatt said the life cycle of hyperloop and intelligent transportation Citing those statistics, Bhatt, a former head of two DOTs, said, “It’s a
could wind up mirroring that of automobiles, trains, and airplanes. huge societal cost.”
All of those modes of transportation have been around for a century,
and all are still relevant, but the technology has undergone a constant For him, intelligent transportation is not just about taking goods and
progression of improvement, from the Model A to the Tesla, from the people from one place to the other, but about eliminating the human
Wright Brothers to Boeing, and from steam locomotives to bullet trains suffering that transportation can cause.
in France, China, and Japan.
“This is not about technology for technology’s sake,” he said. “This is
“I don’t think it will become obsolete,” he said, referring to magnetic about how we take technology and make people’s lives better.”
levitation and autonomous vehicles. “I think it will go through itera-
tions. It will get better and more efficient.” That’s certainly the sentiment in Columbus, Ohio, where regional
planners are still giddy about finishing in the top 10 of the hyperloop
There were about 1.2 million road traffic deaths in 2013, according to global challenge. In the Midwest, a route from Pittsburgh to Chicago
the World Health Organization, and in the United States, more than via Columbus, by 2040, has the potential to connect more than 17 mil-
37,000 motor vehicle deaths were recorded in 2016, the deadliest year lion people over 975 miles in just an hour-and-a-half.
in a decade, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin-
istration. “It’s amazing that a route through the Midwest would capture attention
in a global competition, but why not us?” said Thea J. Walsh, director
of transportation systems and funding for the Mid-Ohio Regional Plan-
ning Commission.
Canada | Toronto-Montreal
India | Bengaluru-Chennai
India | Mumbai-Chennai
Mexico | Mexico City-Guadalajara
UK | Edinburgh-London
UK | Glasgow-Liverpool She said planners were already looking into a possible passenger rail
US | Chicago-Columbus-Pittsburgh between Columbus and Chicago, so a lot of base research was already
US | Miami-Orlando there. Walsh said it just had to be interpreted in a different way.
US | Cheyenne-Denver-Pueblo
US | Dallas-Laredo-Houston

april 2018 csengineermag.com 53

Rob Lloyd, CEO, Even though she is excited about hyperloop,
Virgin Hyperloop One she’s also realistic about the situation. There
are currently no federal standards for some-
thing like hyperloop, and putting them together
Headquarters: Los Angeles will take time. Once they are in place, they will
Founded: 2014 affect the entire industry.
Noteworthy: Long-range MAGLEV transportation
Nevada test run of 240 mph; $295 million in total funding “Standards will dictate the cost,” Walsh said.
Key board members: Sir Richard Branson, His Excellency “The higher the quality, the higher the cost,
Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem and it will determine who wants to invest in
Key partners: Parsons, ARUP the program.”
Website: https://hyperloop-one.com
The good news is that talk of standards is al-
ready well under way.
Brogan Bambrogan,
co-founder and CEO, Arrivo
On Jan. 7, representatives from state DOTs
in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Colorado,
Illinois, and Missouri met in Washington,
D.C., to discuss implementation of hyperloop
Headquarters: Los Angeles
Founded: 2017 technology, Walsh said. Specifically, the group
Noteworthy: A high-speed super urban network convened to begin discussions regarding
Set to build test track east of Denver how hyperloop corridor approvals could be
Key members: Nima Bahrami, Jadon Smith, Knut Sauer, Andrew Liu, advanced in preparation for integrating this
William Mulholland, David Pendergast mode into the nation’s transportation system.
Key partners: Colorado Department of Transportation, AECOM Topics of discussion included feasibility study
Website: www.arrivo-loop.com scopes, regulation and policy standards, federal
oversight, and standard messaging to the pub-
lic about what the technology entails and how
the different states are collaborating to ensure
Dirk Ahlborn, co-founder and CEO, consistency in standards, Walsh said.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

The group agreed to continue the discussion

and will strive to meet at least once more in
Headquarters: Los Angeles 2018.
Founded: 2013
Noteworthy: A global network of crowd-sourced talent On Jan. 9, Walsh’s agency organized a visit for
Innovation center in Toulouse, France central Ohio and southwestern Pennsylvania
Key board members: Co-founder Bibop Gresta, Andres de Leon leaders to tour the Virgin Hyperloop One test
Key partners: Abu Dhabi Department of Transportation, Brno, site in Nevada. The group got a closer look at
Czech Republic, Slovak Republic the technology, the physical infrastructure, and
Website: www.hyperloop.global met with the scientists and engineers working
to develop it, Walsh said.

“Until we’re moving people and freight on this

Elon Musk, founder, corridor in a new way, we’ll be talking about
The Boring Company [hyperloop],” Walsh said. “And then we’ll be
talking about maintaining it. It will continue to
be in the conversation.”
Headquarters: Los Angeles
Founded: 2016 In mid-February, Hyperloop Transportation
Noteworthy: Low-cost tunnels and high-speed underground transport Technologies (HTT) moved the conversation to
Proposed tunnels in metro Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. northern Ohio when it announced agreements
to Baltimore with the North Ohio Areawide Coordinating
Key member: Elon Musk Agency (NOACA) and Illinois Department of
Key partner: City of Los Angeles Transportation (IDOT) to begin a feasibility
Website: www.boringcompany.com study for the Great Lakes region, starting with
a Cleveland-to-Chicago route.
54 csengineermag.com april 2018
“Regulations are the ultimate barrier for hyperloop implementation,” “Brexit is not making things any easier, but we’re not afraid the need
said Dirk Ahlborn, CEO of HTT, “and we are excited to build the first for hyperloop will disappear,” Anyszewski said.
real public-private partnership to bring hyperloop travel to the U.S.”
Looking at it from another vantage point, Brexit might actually be
While not directly related to hyperloop and intelligent transportation, it is good for hyperloop’s chances. As an independent country looking to
noteworthy that Musk successfully launched the world’s most powerful compete in the global market, hyperloop could ultimately make a place
rocket, the Falcon Heavy, into space on Feb. 6. A big step toward Musk’s like the UK attractive for business and investments, Anyszewski said.
ultimate goal of putting people on Mars, the Falcon Heavy launch, which
featured two boosters touching back down on earth for reuse, was a For hyperloop to make sense to regular people, it’s key that the new tech-
global demonstration of just how successful Musk technology can be. nology be placed in context, that it ties into existing infrastructure and
With Musk as the progenitor, anything, it seems, is possible. emerging systems such as autonomous vehicles. Like Bhatt, Anyszewski
is not blinded by idealism. He knows creating widespread public aware-
In the UK, where two hyperloop routes placed in the global challenge ness will be tough, and that entrenched transportation interests might not
top 10, spirits are high. Adam Anyszewski, an electrical and mechani- embrace hyperloop and other forms of intelligent transportation.
cal engineering student at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, is
the managing director of team HYPED, creator of the proposed route Still, he sees nothing but possibilities. At 23, Anyszewski, a Polish na-
from Edinburgh to London by way of Birmingham and Manchester — tional, is seemingly at the ideal age to not only embrace new ideas and
a route that covers 414 miles in 50 minutes and links a metropolitan transformative technology, but to make things happen. As a full-time
population of about 17 million. student, working on hyperloop is his “second job,” a job that might
lead to a lifelong career — instead of chasing Big Data, biotech, or
In a twist, the HYPED team is not just populated with engineering artificial intelligence.
students. Including members from Heriot Watt University in Edin-
burgh, HYPED is comprised of physicists, mathematicians, computer “It’s something that gets me excited,” Anyszewski said. “I’m in it to
scientists, architects, business people, economists, and those study- make a difference in the way people live.”
ing politics and law. As they grapple with the technology side of the
equation, members of HYPED must also consider an ongoing political RICHARD MASSEY is director of newsletters and special publications at
circumstance that could wind up having huge implications for the UK Zweig Group and editor of The Zweig Letter. He can be reached at
— Brexit, the UK’s exit from the European Union. [email protected].

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april 2018 csengineermag.com 55


Urban connection
Designing a curved girder bridge in downtown Nashville.
By: Diane Regensburg, P.E.

Division Street is an unlikely name for a new extension bridge in Nashville, Tenn., meant
to break down neighborhood divides and improve connectivity in the city’s urban core.
The four-lane approach and structure opened to traffic in October 2017, but the ribbon-
cutting was held a month later with a ceremony led by Mayor Megan Barry. It runs six
blocks from 8th Avenue South to 2nd Avenue South, providing a critical link between the
booming Gulch district and the South Broadway (SoBro) community. It also provides
easier access for downtown drivers to major transportation arteries such as Interstate 40.

The extension bridge is multi-modal, accommodating not just vehicles but also bicyclists
and pedestrians, many of whom arrive by Greyhound bus at the station a few feet away.
As Nashville’s population continues to skyrocket — an average of 90 people per day
move to the city — and congestion worsens, more people are considering alternative
transportation modes. In such a high-traffic area, the social and environmental benefits of
making the Division Street extension bridge multi-modal were clear.

Challenges in an urban environment

What was less clear, however, was the best approach for designing the project within a
crowded urban setting. Multiple buildings encroached into the ideal route for the bridge
and many others were close enough to be negatively impacted. Finding a way to snake
the bridge through the path of least resistance was likened to threading a needle. The team
and the client, Metro Nashville Public Works, knew these constraints would present both
technical challenges and economic obstacles, so they set about developing a two-pronged

Buy-in and buyouts

Early on, the team determined that a curved bridge would affect the fewest number
of buildings and business. But a robust community engagement plan was necessary
to support positive outcomes for those individuals, organizations, and businesses that
would be impacted. The design team began by working with appraisers to assess the
property, then they joined Metro Nashville’s property group for extensive conversations
and negotiations with property owners.

In the end, several major buyouts were required. A tire building and a garage that would
have run underneath the bridge had to be acquired and subsequently demolished, as a
recent Nashville ordinance prohibits buildings from being located below bridges due to
the risk of fire. Some of these businesses were able, with buyout funds, to relocate to a
new part of the city. The city had already bought out two previous locations from the
tire and garage business. This time, the buyout allowed the owner to close up shop for
good. The team also reconstructed a loading dock belonging to one affected business. The
primary challenge, however, was the nearby Greyhound station.

The project required acquisition of part of the Greyhound property being used for
passenger pickup and drop-off parking as well as package drop-offs. The team was able
to negotiate with Greyhound and modify the bridge design to help reach a solution.
But the project also required acquisition of a small but successful market across from
the station. The team worked with the shop owner to relocate his market within the
remaining property, because a move to a new part of the city would have jeopardized his
predominantly Greyhound passenger customer base.
The new Division Street Bridge links the booming Gulch
district and the South Broadway community in Nashville
and provides easier access to major transportation
arteries. Photo: Aerial Innovations
56 csengineermag.com april 2018
The tight radius of the bridge curvature required a more rigorous analysis model The extension bridge is multi-modal, accommodating vehicles,
to look at the total superstructure system behavior. To reduce fabrication costs, the bicyclists, and pedestrians.
design team located girder field splices at the beginning and end of the horizontal

To further support community buy-in, the team proposed a pedestrian Green elements
path from the bridge level down to the street below. The path helped The multi-modal nature of the extension already made positive
to make the project more worthwhile for the street-level businesses, contributions to the health of the community — by encouraging active
including a restaurant and a bar, affected during construction. Now lifestyles through walking and biking — and to the health of the
that the bridge is complete, residents and visitors of the affluent Gulch environment — by reducing the number of vehicles on the road. Its
district can reach these businesses with a 10-minute walk, bringing design also incorporated some progressive green elements. The project
extra appetites and deeper pockets to their front door. features rain gardens and bioswales, reducing the speed of stormwater
runoff and thereby decreasing the amount of pollutants that reach
Ahead of the curve tributaries and rivers. The design also includes narrow traffic lanes,
The team also anticipated technical challenges associated with which minimize the overall impervious area. Vibrant LED lighting and
constructing a curved steel bridge. The tight radius of the bridge native landscaping add to the project’s aesthetics and make it visible
curvature required a more rigorous analysis model to look at the total from nearby Interstate 40.
superstructure system behavior, as opposed to the more typical line
girder analysis. And typical for most curved girder bridges, Division The project was originally planned to include landscaping and bioswales
Street caused increased torsional forces and displacements, differential on each side of the street and in the median for the entire length, but
deflections, and girder flange lateral bending. Additionally, the bridge in an attempt to decrease bridge width and thereby minimize nearby
required a bearing design to accommodate displacement and girder property impacts, the team decided to include plants and bioswales on
end rotations. All of these issues created bigger and subsequently more just one side where needed.
costly member sizes in the cross frames, girder flanges, and bearings.
Connecting the dots
One unique design aspect used by the design team to reduce fabrication Contrary to its name, the Division Street extension bridge has set the
costs was to locate field splices at the beginning and end of the stage since its grand opening for many important new connections in
horizontal curve. This allowed for fabrication of tangent girder sections the city. The team’s vision was to create a structure that would improve
at the beginning of the bridge with the curved portion located between quality of life for everyone who travels through the area and support
the field splices. This was a tremendous benefit to both girder erection essential development along this dynamic corridor. The bridge is already
and fabrication. Additionally, girder framing was radial, which allowed encouraging more foot and bicycle traffic, making it easier for drivers
for standardization of the cross frames. to access major interstates, reducing congestion on nearby roads, and
providing an essential link between growing neighborhoods. It is truly
The curved bridge also impacted construction documents. Division opening new doors in the community and helping us take another step
Street required increased detailing due to the varying girder lengths. forward into Nashville’s future.
Additionally, the team had to identify fit methods such as girder web
position and the condition under which the position was achieved.
DIANE REGENSBURG, P.E., is a senior transportation engineer and project manager
Other construction issues included increased erection preparation that at design and consulting firm Gresham, Smith and Partners (www.gspnet.com)
was required to get the bridge to “fit-up” in the field, and an inherent in Nashville, Tenn. With 20 years of experience, she has deep knowledge in
lack of stability that required increased temporary shoring and heavy roadway layout, drainage design, traffic control design, and erosion control
lifts of two-girder units that were required for stability during erection. design for an array of interstate, arterial, and local street projects. Contact her
at [email protected].

april 2018 csengineermag.com 57

UAV + SURVEYING Channel Sponsor: Bentley Systems | www.bentley.com

Helsinki used Bentley applications to create a reality mesh and a CityGML intelligent model of the city.

As part of a three-year initiative, Helsinki launched the €1 billion

A new generation undertaking to capture city assets and create rich 3D city models of the
current infrastructure that could be shared with internal and external

of city models stakeholders, as well as the public, and showcase the power of reality
modeling through a collection of pilot projects. Known as Helsinki
Helsinki creates 3D city models to promote 3D+, the project required surveying more than 500 square kilometers,
commercial research and development. mapping more than 600 ground control points, and managing and
sharing large amounts of data. To meet these challenges and deliver
By Chintana Herrin
accurate city models within the prescribed period and budget, Helsinki
required integrated, comprehensive reality modeling and information
management capabilities.
Helsinki, Finland’s capital and regional center, is experiencing booming
development and a growing urban population of more than 600,000. Integrated applications
Helsinki has a long tradition of 3D city modeling starting in the mid- Helsinki used Bentley’s reality modeling technology for geo-
1980s. To support city growth, promote digital city initiatives, enable coordination, optioneering, modeling, and visualization. The team
new commercial ventures, and implement programs with university produced large-scale base maps and geo-coordinated utility networks
partners, Helsinki developed a new 3D representation of the entire city with Bentley Map. Using a combination of LiDAR laser scanning and
using advanced modeling technologies. oblique photogrammetry, they gathered terrain and surface data, and
captured more than 50,000 images of the city and surrounding islands,
“The first models of Helsinki were made in 1985,” said Project comprising 11 terabytes of data.
Manager Jarmo Suomisto. “Lots of people worked with them and we
are continuing this heritage. Our project is delivering a new generation The project team relied on Pointools to process the point clouds
of city models to Helsinki.” obtained via laser scanning to generate the digital terrain model (DTM),
and they used Descartes to integrate the oblique and orthophotographic

58 csengineermag.com april 2018

images into their infrastructure workflows. ContextCapture enabled City vendors can rely on consistent detailed models at their disposal,
Helsinki to combine the DTM with the processed imagery to produce allowing resources to be allocated for the actual work as opposed to
the final detailed 3D reality model with an overall accuracy of up to 10 modeling each individual project.
Furthermore, having visual representations of the city that are capable
In addition to delivering the reality mesh, the Helsinki 3D+ project of being simulated and analyzed to improve infrastructure, support
required generation of a 3D city semantic information model in alternative energy sources, and ensure environmental sustainability
CityGML format. The interoperability of Bentley technology enabled facilitates communication and understanding of new development
the team to use the same raw data gathered for the model to produce objectives and optimizes decision making. With up-to-date capabilities
this digital city model, which is a database-based model that enables available for assessing issues facing an urban community, Helsinki not
versatile, advanced city analyses and simulations that can be enriched only can promote digital city development in Helsinki but also can
with analytical results. participate in frontline progress.

Bentley’s powerful integrated reality modeling capabilities significantly

lowered the cost of producing both models covering the entire Helsinki
city and outlying archipelago, with the city model being one of the
largest consistent reality models in existence.

“It is not only the reality mesh or only the CityGML intelligent model.
We need both,” Suomisto said. Having two models extends applications
for digital city initiatives, research, and development.

Open data approach

Significant to the success of the Helsinki 3D+ project was the ability
to efficiently and effectively share the models and project data and
collaborate with stakeholders and the public. “We want to get the people
of the city of Helsinki involved with these models and understand “I don’t know any other city in the world that has a ContextCapture
them,” Suomisto said. “For example, we have [implemented] a new model of the whole city and a City GML model of the whole city,”
citizen interaction platform for city planning.” Suomisto said.

The team enlivened the models and produced animated visualizations In addition to creating the models, Helsinki also has a required
for presentation to the public and private sector using LumenRT, deliverable of demonstrating the power of reality modeling through
enhancing understanding to achieve citizen buy-in and make the best a collection of pilot projects. The city’s open data approach supports
use of the models for the benefit of the community. this deliverable because Helsinki enlisted the help of outside business
partners and universities to ensure they optimize utilization of the
ProjectWise served as the collaborative interface to manage models. With more than 12 pilot projects in the works, Helsinki has
information and share data across internal and external teams. The expanded application of the models to projects such as refining energy
project management software enabled distribution and general access analysis methods to achieve carbon-neutrality by 2050 and reduce
via a web portal, facilitated accurate data sharing, optimized document dependence on fossil fuels.
management, and streamlined workflows to keep the three-year project
on track. The models have been applied to analyze utilization of solar power
and conduct flood assessments, noise calculations, and air pollution
Utilizing Bentley applications, Helsinki has opened up its data to a forecasts. The security and education sectors have used the models
host of stakeholders, optimizing information mobility and utilization to develop serious game-like applications such as traffic simulators,
of the models to ensure the city is at the forefront of digital city convoy security arrangements, and virtual detonation analysis of
initiatives. With an open data approach, Helsinki is making the models wartime bombs found in urban areas. Combining 3D models with an
available for free to citizens, private companies, and universities for open data approach, the city of Helsinki has pushed the boundaries
use in commercial planning and development spanning the tourism, of reality meshes, demonstrating to the world what a digital city can
telecommunication, and power supply industries. accomplish with 3D city models.

Reaping the benefits

With two innovative city models, optimal data management, and open
CHINTANA HERRIN is a reality modeling product marketing manager with Bentley
data sharing, Helsinki has built a platform for developing new ways of Systems (www.bentley.com), primarily focused on applications pertaining to 3D
working. When integrated into the city’s internal processes, the models photogrammetry and point clouds. She is responsible for Bentley’s Context-
provide realistic timetables, reduce errors, and digitize operating chains Capture, Descartes, and Pointools applications. Herrin has nearly 20 years of
because they have real-time data flow, resulting in significant savings. experience marketing engineering software.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 59

uav + surveying

A map of major pipelines in the United States. Recent legislation calls for increased information on the location of buried pipes and utilities.

miles of large collection and transmission lines carry gas from production
A new look fields to distribution centers.

beneath the surface Some of the most vulnerable pipelines are in developed and municipal
areas including commercial, residential, and industrial settings. In
these regions, miles of gas pipelines are not located with any degree of
Integrating GNSS with advanced technologies for underground
accuracy, or the locations are not recorded in an easily retrievable and
asset location improves accuracy and boosts productivity. shareable format. For example, outdated paper maps often are not tied to
By Erik Dahlberg accurate coordinate systems. They rely on “tribal knowledge” that comes
from an aging workforce — workers nearing retirement age may be the
only ones who know the (often approximate) location of the lines.
As the U.S. works to improve and rebuild its infrastructure, a major
concern is to gain accurate knowledge on the locations and conditions There are enormous hazards related to not knowing where and how
of existing assets. In addition to identifying and planning needed repairs, deep these gas pipelines are located. Without accurate, readily available
critical assets must be protected against accidental damage. One of the location data, pipeline operators, construction companies, farmers, land
most important needs is the location of underground natural gas pipelines. owners, and other stakeholders will continue to face the risk of accidental
and potentially catastrophic damage to a buried gas pipeline.
According to the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, America has more than 1.8 million miles of gas The 2016 PIPES Act passed by Congress calls for increased use of data
distribution mains and service pipelines. In addition, roughly 300,000 and technology to improve pipeline safety. Supported by industry players

60 csengineermag.com april 2018

such as the American Petroleum Institute and the Interstate Natural Gas Association,
the PIPES Act includes efforts to prevent damage by third parties, i.e., accidental
contact with or damage to a buried line.

The problem is being addressed from two directions. First, a new technology has
emerged that can accurately detect the location depth of buried pipelines. Second,
locating technologies can couple with geospatial solutions to produce accurate position
information that is tied to known coordinate systems. The resulting survey-quality
data forms the basis for GIS-based approaches for planning, asset management,
operations, and emergency response.

An integrated solution
In 2015, surveyors from Woolpert, Inc., a major U.S. architecture, engineering, and
geospatial firm, used a SPAR 300 subsurface utility surveying system on a pilot project
in northern Ohio. According to Dave Kuxhausen, Woolpert discipline leader for
surveying and geomatics, the work was done under a contract to locate underground
utility lines on a client’s property. Surveyor Ron Siney initiates a location survey with GNSS and the
SPAR 300. Wires connected to the gas meter induce a current into the
underground pipeline.
“We used the SPAR unit coupled with Trimble R10 GNSS receivers to detect those
lines,” Kuxhausen said. “It wasn’t a large project, but it established our relationship
with them and showed that we had the capabilities to perform this type of work.”

The SPAR 300 uses magnetic field sensors to determine the distance to a buried pipe or
other asset that is capable of carrying an electric current. (The system induces a current
into the pipe or tracer wire via connection at a valve or other exposed component.)
The SPAR sensors can be integrated with Trimble GNSS receivers or total stations
that are connected to Trimble Access software running on a Trimble TSC3 or other
field controller.

In operation, field crews use the SPAR 300 to locate buried pipes in three dimensions.
The Trimble Access display indicates when the SPAR has located a pipe and aids the
crew in following the pipe. The system provides horizontal and vertical offsets from
the sensor to the pipe while the GNSS receiver supplies precise geographic positioning.
When the crew wants to capture a measurement, Trimble Access automatically
combines the data from the SPAR and GNSS sensors and stores the resulting positions Information from the SPAR 300 is shown on the display of the Trimble
into its database. In addition to a 3D coordinate on the pipeline itself, the solution also TSC3 field controller. Operation and output from the locator is
computes coordinates for points on the surface directly above the pipe. integrated into the standard surveying workflow.

In a single pass, the survey crew can detect and mark the pipe as well as capture
survey-grade positions. The resulting locations approach the accuracy of Level A
excavations (see “Four levels of accuracy and cost”). Kuxhausen said that, depending
on the integrity of the tracer wire, the system enables his crews to capture pipe depths
accurate to roughly 0.25 feet (8 cm) while working with the speed and flexibility
associated with Level B electromagnetic sensors.

The field data is transferred to Trimble Business Center (TBC) software. “We run the
data through a QA/QC process in TBC,” Kuxhausen said. “Then we export the data
into shape files (SHP format) and look at them in an Esri-type environment to check
for gaps or overlaps. We take advantage of the fact that the data comes with a depth
and a surface elevation. In many instances, we’ll turn it into a profile view to make
sure that the depths look consistent down the line and there are no spikes or obvious
issues. Then that data is delivered to the client.”

New business from underground

Kuxhausen said that clients are quick to recognize the value of the integrated Vincent Johnson collects data above a gas pipeline. The system uses
technologies. In addition to mapping mandated by the PIPES Act, he is hearing from GNSS to produce georeferenced location and depth for the buried pipe.

april 2018 csengineermag.com 61

people at both large and small construction companies. In many cases, when Four levels of accuracy and cost
they are designing or upgrading roadways, engineers don’t have a lot of leeway
on the depth of construction. A utility line may be only 3 feet underground and There are four generally accepted classification
the design subgrade needs to maintain a specified clearance above the line. levels of a buried pipeline’s location; the levels
reflect decreasing degrees of accuracy and reliability.
“It’s very, very important for them to know depths when they’re reconstructing The most accurate, Level A, requires the pipe to be
these roadways,” Kuxhausen said. “In a lot of places, clients are forced to physically exposed, typically via digging or hydro
do Level A excavation. They may need data every 10 feet along the road, or pneumatic excavation (a process known as
which makes for a lot of potholing. It can be very costly. The idea behind this “potholing”). Survey teams can then use GNSS or
technology is wonderful for them. We are able to use the SPAR system to reduce total stations to accurately measure the 3D position
the frequency of the Level A excavations. We could make a Level A excavation, of the exposed pipe.
say, every 50 feet, and then use the SPAR information in between those Level A
excavations. It’s a faster and more cost-efficient approach.” Techniques for Level B location include using
electromagnetic sensors to detect a pipe; the position
In addition to road construction, Kuxhausen sees potential clients in a variety of is marked on the ground using paint or small pin
industries. He cited airports as a good example, where operators need accurate flags that can then be measured by surveyors.
data on the complex web of underground pipes, wires, and conduits. Conventional electromagnetic detectors are fast and
can reveal a pipe’s location horizontally but they
“We repeatedly receive requests to perform mapping and subsurface utility offer little information on its depth. Additionally,
engineering (SUE) services to support the redesign or relocation of navigation surveyors must coordinate with the pipeline location
equipment,” he said. “For instance, we’ve completed work for airports where crew so that markings can be measured before they
they might be deconstructing a control tower or some other site. Our crews will fade or are removed. It’s not unusual for survey
go out and locate the existing utilities, both active and decommissioned, so that crews to make multiple visits to a site to capture
no lines are damaged when the deconstruction takes place.” needed information.

Kuxhausen said additional business comes from highway departments that like Level C location is based on visible evidence of
to see all the existing utilities in their transportation corridors for design mapping underground assets such as manholes, meters, valve
purposes. There has been some specialized work as well. covers, or utility pedestals. Surveyors can capture
accurate location on these features, but the approach
“We’ve also performed locations prior to setting geodetic control marks for the provides no data on what is out of sight below
National Geodetic Survey or the Federal Aviation Administration. For a Class C ground.
monument we need to dig a 4-foot hole, and a Class B monument is a stainless
steel rod driven to refusal. So, the utilities are required to be designated on those Level D locations are based on existing utility plans,
sites.” as-built drawings, or “tribal knowledge.” While this
is a common approach, it’s difficult to assess if the
He noted that “Call Before You Dig” location services often might not be information on older maps is accurate or complete.
responsive on airports or private property, especially for design mapping surveys In particular, data on the depth of a pipeline is subject
when construction is not imminent. As a result, it’s important that Woolpert be to question and may be affected by surface changes
able to provide SUE services. such as grading, cultivation, or paving.

At the end of the day, Kuxhausen is looking for productivity and the ability to The different location classifications provide a
meet the needs of Woolpert’s clients. “It comes down to how we can streamline striking illustration of the costs associated with
our processes,” he said. “We need to ask how we can quickly, safely, and accurate information. While Level A offers the best
accurately locate utility data and have accurate data that could be implemented accuracy, the cost to find and measure pipelines is
into the larger infrastructure mass. I think this is a solution for that. Taking all the high, especially when seeking pipelines beneath
information that comes out of the SPAR/GNSS system and coupling it with the paved surfaces. Level D location data is essentially
GIS database and additional attribution could be invaluable for any client that free, but comes with low confidence.
has a large inventory of underground assets.”
Despite the cost and challenges, demand for accurate
locations is strong and extends across multiple types
of assets. It has opened the door for technological
ERIK DAHLBERG is a writer specializing in the geomatics, civil engineering, and construc- solutions that combine the speed and flexibility of
tion industries. Drawing on extensive training and industry experience, Dahlberg electromagnetic detection with instruments and
focuses on applications and innovation in equipment, software, and techniques.
software for precise positioning and mapping.
Companies are putting the technology to work —
and keeping it busy.

62 csengineermag.com april 2018

Continuing Education

Resilient shorelines Technical, policy-oriented, and “operational” presentations or posters

are invited for a broad range of coastal and estuarine ecology, science,
engineering, economics, and policy. Specific topics include, but are not
ASBPA 2018 National Coastal Conference issues call for abstracts limited to:
• Design concepts and projects
The American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA), in • Green/grey infrastructure and living shorelines
cooperation with the Coastal Zone Foundation, issued a Call for Abstracts • Regional comprehensive coastal studies
for its 2018 National Coastal Conference, Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 2018, at the • Lessons learned from tropical storms/hurricanes (Matthew, Harvey,
Galveston Island Convention Center on Galveston Island, Texas. Irma, Maria, etc.)
• Coastal and estuarine landscape architecture
ASBPA is the nation’s first organization to promote science-based • Coastal and estuarine modeling
policies for the preservation of coastal areas. The theme of the 2018 • Coastal hazard mapping and analysis tools
conference, “Resilient Shorelines for Rising Tides,” continues to broaden • Coastal and estuarine resiliency
the organization’s focus across the entire physical coastal and estuarine • Sea level guidance, planning, and adaptive management
system. The National Coastal Conference provides an opportunity for • Beach restoration and coastal structures
coastal stakeholders and managers to develop collaborative networks to • Lagoon, wetland, marsh, and estuary restoration and enhancement
promote best management practices, while learning the latest science, • Regional sediment management
engineering, and policy needed to maintain and improve the health of • Economics of coastal resources
beach-front and estuarine shorelines and ecosystems. • Federal, state, and local coastal policy, regulatory, and legal issues
• Sand source rights
In addition to the usual content of coastal science and engineering, • Coastal infrastructure management
policy and management, restoration and resilience, this year ASBPA’s
conference has a dedicated call for presentations on the day-to-day Submit abstracts via the online form at http://asbpa.org/2018/02/02/2018-
operations of public beaches and coastlines. Parks and recreation national-coastal-conference-abstract-submittal. Notification of presentation
professionals who manage beaches and coastal areas and are responsible status will occur by June 25, 2018.
for their general upkeep, profitability, and community engagement are
invited to present on their successes and challenges.
Information provided by the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association

Wood eCourses As tall mass timber buildings have gained national attention, AWC
has incorporated mass timber design considerations in the education
program. Three mass timber eCourses are available online:
AWC’s self-directed study program tops 100 courses. • Tall Wood Structures: Current Trends and Related Code and
Standard Changes;
The American Wood Council’s (AWC) self-directed study program now • Historical, Current, and Future Tall Wood Buildings; and
has 100 available online courses (eCourses) about wood (www.awc.org/ • Tall Wood Structures: Fire Resistance Design Primer for Mass
education/ecourses). Course areas range from the use and application Timber Construction.
of AWC standards, building codes, design considerations, and green
buildings and materials. AWC is approved as a preferred provider of continuing education through
International Code Council’s Preferred Provider Program and as an
“Wood is the go-to material for builders in North America because it’s approved provider of continuing education through the AIA Continuing
easy to build with, strong, and renewable,” said AWC Senior Director Education System. AWC’s education programs are registered with
of Education Michelle Kam-Biron. “We also have some of the highest the National Council of Structural Engineers Association’s Diamond
construction standards in the world. AWC is committed to making sure Approval Program.
code officials and designers are familiar with the latest applications of
wood design and construction. This milestone of reaching 100 eCourses
is a reflection of the dedication and hard work of AWC’s outstanding Information provided by the American Wood Council (www.awc.org).
education team.”

april 2018 csengineermag.com 63


01. Pipe products app 02. Stainless-steel screw anchors 03. Cold-formed steel e-book
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. launched Simpson Strong-Tie’s large-diameter stainless-steel BuildSteel, a partnership of steel and construction
the ADS Installation Guides mobile screw anchors for concrete and masonry are designed industry organizations, released a free e-book, “Strength
application, offering installation instructions for severely corrosive interior or exterior environments. in the Face of Disaster: How Cold-Formed Steel
for its thermoplastic pipe products used in According to the company, the new stainless-steel Titen Framing Keeps Buildings Safe,” exploring the durability
stormwater management and sanitary sewer HD heavy-duty screw anchors (THDSS) deliver an and resiliency of cold-formed steel (CFS) framing
applications. With specific instructions advanced standard of performance for bridge, marine, when confronted with fire, cold weather, hurricanes,
from jobsite handling and receiving, to and water treatment plant construction and retrofit and flooding. The eBook explores the durability and
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app is designed to be an easily accessible inch and 3/4-inch diameters suitable for heavier civil and insurance costs, five reasons cold-formed steel is
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Storm pipe products. The app is available in Titen HD anchors are code listed in IAPMO UES ER-493 the e-book at www.buildsteel.org/ebook-strength-face-
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actual sale or merger resulted in higher median values for five out of the
Firm valuation By Will Swearingen
six value ratios calculated. The only ratio that lagged the overall median
was the Value-to-EBITDA ratio, which came in at 3.34, where the overall
median was 3.80.

Zweig Group recently released its 2018 Valuation Survey. This survey has Historically, with some exceptions, larger firms were generally valued
been a staple of industry-leading firms for more than 25 years. When it higher from a Value-to-EBITDA ratio standpoint than smaller firms.
comes to estimating the value of a business enterprise, it is important to This indicates that as firm size grows, so does the relative value of the
understand exactly what is being valued and for what purpose. Without underlying assets or equity of the firm (i.e., growth is good!). Conversely,
an established market in which a firm’s shares are actively traded, an from an equity value-to-book value perspective, larger firms had a lower
appraiser can only estimate the market value through the application of multiple, likely because larger firms were carrying more underlying assets
pertinent measures and indicators of value from relevant data. and owner equity than smaller firms.

This is why this survey and the corresponding report are so valuable to the Though this survey provides insight into some of the nuances of firms and
industry as a whole. This compilation of data is intended to provide some the relative value assigned to a firm, formal appraisals are still the most
benchmarks and metrics that allow firms to see how their own Value ratios accurate method of value determination. An appraiser who is not familiar
stack up against industry norms. with the nature of the AEC industry can miss some important valuation
variables when only using formulas or models. Standard, off-the-shelf
Six calculated value ratios determine Zweig Group’s Z-Value formulas. financial models are often based on analyses of gross sales and ratios
Four values (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4) are calculated based on the reason for the driven off of gross sales. AEC firms often have considerable amounts of
valuation. For example, the Z3 formula is determined by valuations that pass-through revenue (subconsultants’ fees and reimbursable expenses)
were done explicitly for internal ownership transitions. Each Z-Value that really do not accrue to the firm. Therefore, all modeling and financial
represents a different cross section of the survey sample and indicates analysis needs to be based on net service revenue.
value based on different circumstances.
Other important variables include backlog (work actually under contract),
Statistically derived Z-Values facilitate comparisons between different sales (work won but not under contract), and proposals outstanding. All
firms and between multiple valuations of the same firm. Raw Z-Values of these are standard components of Zweig Group’s Z-Values and bring a
can be adjusted upward or downward, taking into account the effects consistency to value determinations year over year.
of relevant variables as indicated by the survey results or the specific
circumstances of the reason behind the valuation. For more information, check out the 2018 Valuation Survey at https://shop.
zweiggroup.com or contact [email protected].
In general, valuations conducted for external purposes, such as a possible
merger or sale, tend to yield higher value ratios than those conducted for
internal use (buy/sell agreements between stockholders, internal ownership WILL SWEARINGEN is director of Research. He can be contacted at
transfer, etc.). Valuations performed in connection with a potential or [email protected].

66 csengineermag.com April 2018

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