Coats & Clark Thread Advisor III
Coats & Clark Thread Advisor III
Coats & Clark Thread Advisor III
Dual Duty Plus® . Mercerization (a chem ica l
i -- --
frustration by se lecting a quality thread like
bath through w hi c h the thread passes several Dual Duty Plu s® .
limes unde r tension) gives Dual Duty Plus® THREAD & NEEDLE CHART - -
ex ira luster and strength. • Select The Right Type
Of Thread I FABRIC
Dual Duty Plus4!l All -purpose thread can be
Dual Duty Plus® used for most of your hand and machine t';E;;l;c;.;;E~H~ - T G e;;-rali\.rpose-1- - - .~ - -1- Ma~hTr; s;;.!;;g --1
sewing. For those speci al sewing projects
such as hand quilting o r heirloom sewing, l b'atlste,ny Ion tricot,
' r-- - --,.------
I SewingJ. Topstllchmg + ----- Pomt ~ Universal
• Sews All Fabrics ~ee~~ _ _ _ ~ut~ Plus· 1 Dual Duty Plus· I
use a Dual Duty Plus® specialty thread. --I Dual size
--tI 70 (9)
r- - - - -1- Extra Fine o
Dual Duty Plus® combines polyester and
cotlon in to a thread that pe rfectl y sews a ll • Choose The Right Ichallis, c~am.bray, crepe. D7a1Duty Plu-;;- -1"- ilie60 (ii)o:- 1
fabric s: natural or synthe tic , woven o r knit. Thread Color ~tt~k~ ~e~lJ~ --I L AII_purpose o I
• Has Uniform Strength Select a thread the sa me colo r as your fabric I MEDIUM-WEIGHT
broadcloth, corduroy,
I Dual Duty PluS- I
I size 80 {Ill " 1
or one shade darker. With a pla id, tweed , or
And Size print fabric, the thread should match the 1wool, linen, sweatshirt, All-purpose" 1 1 0'
swimwear, synthetic suedes. 1 size 90 (14 )0. I
Becau se the polyester core is made of con- predominant or background color. To make
shopping easy, all Coats zi ppers and tapes are
1velvet I l L
tinuous filaments rather than broken or cut
fibers, Dual Du ty Plu s® vi rtually eli mi nates colo r coordinated to Dual Duty Plu s® thread. IM"ErnuM'TO HEAVYWEiGH"T1 Dual Duty Plus" - - - - --{
coaling, denim, double knit, I I Topslitching & I 1
weak spots. Thi s resu lts in fewer breaks. Fewer
tension adjustments are required due to the Ileather, Qu~lled fabric, 1 1 1 1 Buttonhole Twist size 90 (14 )00
uniform size. Dual Duty Plus® sew s well on Isweater knits, . size 100 (16)
all models and b rands of sew ing machi nes. ~~d~a~cs_ _ _ .L ____ .J 1 ____ ~
1canvas, duck, sai lcloth 1 Dual Duly Plus"
Topstitchi ng &
1 I size 11 0 (18) I
L ______ 1.. ~~ol eT~ _1 ______~ _____ .J
' CooIS COl/on c.m IJe u5e(1 whcn IMllIr,llfiber won'n (abric•
• ' Coals Skip ·FICf! Un;I'c(s.11 Poim Nc~..'(1I1! may .l/so be useelwhell sewillg 011 (,l brics w/tef{' sk;pp(.'(1 slilches occur.