Coats & Clark Thread Advisor III

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Coats Coats Coats

Dual Duty Plus'" Specialty Threads Decorative Threads

All-purpose Stitch 'n Fuse Metallic *
• General purpose size for most hand a nd • A unique thrCdd which is stitched in and • Idea l for mach ine qui lt ing, decorati ve
machine sewing. then fused. st itch ing, and sat in stitching on appliques.
• For natu ra l and synthetic fibers, kni ts and • U se in bobbin of conven tional mac hine or • Suitable for convent iona l or overlock
wovens. loopers on the overlock. machine sewing, hand embroidery and
• fu se-baste hems, casi ngs, appliq ues, c ross stitch.
Machine Embroidery zippers, patch pockets and trim s in place
before stitc hing to prevent shift ing.
• Use a size 14 or 16 need le.
• Ava ilable in solid and va riegated colors.
(Extra Fine) • Eliminates pinning and basting.
• Perfect for machine embroidery or
heirloom sewi ng.
• A fine thread that reduces seam puckeri ng
Transp'arent Nylon
in li ghtweight fabrics.
• Use for overlock sewing or on the
Topstitching conventiona l machin e.
• A heavier and stronger thread to produce • U se when invi sible thread is desired.
bold, prominent topslilching. • High strength , low stretch.
• H ome dec, c rafts, m ac hine q uilti ng .
Button, Carpet & Craft • ""'-1allic thre~d i. nu de in Q."""",y and Ilo>C k~g<.' in USA.

• Strongest and heaviest hand sewing thread. Upholstery Thread

• Polished glac6 fini sh prevents thread abra- • For mac hine and hand sewing of upholstery Rayon
sion and tangling. and olher hea vyweight fab rics. Coats R.lyon Thread, 40 wt.
. 100% nylon for extra strength and durability. • Silk-like appearance for decorative applications.
Hand Quilting • Ava ilable 111 solid and varieg;lIed colors.
• For hand cluihing on ly. Coats
• Polished g ace finish provides abrasion Coats Rayon Thre.ld, 30 wI.
resistance and prevents tangli ng and
Cotton • A heavier thread {or bolder
topstitch ing and greater coverage.
• Usc Dual Duty PiuS- All-purpose for
machine quilting.
Mercerized Cotton
CO.lts Rayon Color Twist, 35 IVI.
• Mercerized cation thread is smooth • For decorat ive stitc hing, free-motion
Machine Quilting and lustrous. embrOidery or programmed motifs.
• For piecing and quilting. • For hand or machi ne sew ing on natural fiber • A un ique thread made up of two plies
• Polye~ ler core provides st rengt h, abrasion woven fab rics. of different colors.
resistance. • Size SO all-purpose cotto n thread is • Available in mo noc hromatic colors, con-
• Cotton w rap enhances sew.1b ilit y. ava ilable o n a 30D-yd. spool in SO colors. trast ing colors and distinctive variegateds.
• Sizes B, 40, and 60 are also ava il able in
Dual Duty Plu For black and white to meet a va riety of
Overlock Machines sewi ng need s.
• Spec ial fini sh applied for high speed, faul t-
less overlock sewi ng.
Hand Quilting ••••
• A fine thread with the strength need ed for • For traditional qui hers who prefer worki ng
long-lasting, durable sea ms without extra wit h 100% cotton .
bul k when 3, 4, or 5 thread s are used. • Special glace fini sh to prevent tangli ng and
knotting and provide abrasion resistance.

Colo< T..... "'" )5 .....1.

Care: Ma chine wash, warm; mild detergent.

00 Not Bleach. Remove from washer imme-
diately, tumble dry on low selling. Dry
clea nabl e.

CD Coats & Clark

De pt. 00·3, P.O. Box 2499B
Greenvill e, SC 296 16
CC5000 121') 6
n, ...~M' oU."
• •
• Has Excellent Sewability Machine Stitching
The added smoothness of the cotton wrap The fabric, need le, machine and thread must
makes Dual Du ty Plus4!l easy to sew w ith and all work together when mach ine sewing. For
less abra sive to machine parts. Sewing with best results, remember these tips and follow
Dual Duty Plus\!) minimizes skipped stitches. the recommendations on the chart below.
Every sti tch sewn w ith Dual Duty Plus® is
correctly and consistently form ed. • Keep your machine clea n and oiled.
• Wind the bobbin slowly and evenly.
• Has Controlled Stretch • Cha nge the need le every 2-3 ga rments.
The stretch of the thread is con trolled during • Sew at a steady. even pace.
man ufac turing. Th is results in less stretc h
wh ile sewing thus preven ting unsightly • On a machine w it h an upright spindle place
puckers, yet it provides maxi mum sewn-in the notched end of the spool down. On a
stretch to avoid weak seams or seams that horizontal spindle, place the notched end
spli t. Th is resil iency makes Dual Duty Plus® toward the handwheel.
the right c hoice fo r knit o r woven fabri cs .

· 's Durable Hand Stitching

Dual Du ty Plus® is highl y resistant to
abrasio n. The thread passes through the eye When hand sew ing, remember:
of the needle app roximately 50 limes befo re • Cut, never break the thread .
forming a stitch . Dual Duty Plus® wi thsta nds • Use a thread no longe r th an 20". Knots,
thi s abrasive actio n and remains strong and tangles and abrasio n are more likely to
du rable in weilring after wea ring. Its st rong occu r wi th a longer thread.
Core Construction polyester core gives you durable long-last ing
sea ms. • Sew loosely w it h smooth motions.
Dual Duty Plus® begins w it h a core of • If the th read should tw ist because of the
uniform superstrong stitch you are using, let the need le ha ng free
continuous and untwist every few stitches.
m ul tifilaments
of polyester.
How To Buy Thread • To prevent twisting and tangling, pu ll the
• Quality Is Important th read from the side, not the top of
These filaments are the spool.
then wrapped w ith the A poor quali ty thread causes sewing
finest quality Supima machine problems, such as lint bui ldup
extra long staple cotton. o n the machine, poor stitch forma tion, and
Two stra nd s o r plies a re . O'lg,.m
frequent brea kage. It also ca uses tangles and
tw isted together to form 01 Core Th'l'~d
knotting during hand sewing. Avoid thi s

Dual Duty Plus® . Mercerization (a chem ica l

i -- --
frustration by se lecting a quality thread like
bath through w hi c h the thread passes several Dual Duty Plu s® .
limes unde r tension) gives Dual Duty Plus® THREAD & NEEDLE CHART - -
ex ira luster and strength. • Select The Right Type
Of Thread I FABRIC
Dual Duty Plus4!l All -purpose thread can be
Dual Duty Plus® used for most of your hand and machine t';E;;l;c;.;;E~H~ - T G e;;-rali\.rpose-1- - - .~ - -1- Ma~hTr; s;;.!;;g --1
sewing. For those speci al sewing projects
such as hand quilting o r heirloom sewing, l b'atlste,ny Ion tricot,
' r-- - --,.------
I SewingJ. Topstllchmg + ----- Pomt ~ Universal
• Sews All Fabrics ~ee~~ _ _ _ ~ut~ Plus· 1 Dual Duty Plus· I
use a Dual Duty Plus® specialty thread. --I Dual size
--tI 70 (9)
r- - - - -1- Extra Fine o
Dual Duty Plus® combines polyester and
cotlon in to a thread that pe rfectl y sews a ll • Choose The Right Ichallis, c~am.bray, crepe. D7a1Duty Plu-;;- -1"- ilie60 (ii)o:- 1
fabric s: natural or synthe tic , woven o r knit. Thread Color ~tt~k~ ~e~lJ~ --I L AII_purpose o I

• Has Uniform Strength Select a thread the sa me colo r as your fabric I MEDIUM-WEIGHT
broadcloth, corduroy,
I Dual Duty PluS- I
I size 80 {Ill " 1
or one shade darker. With a pla id, tweed , or
And Size print fabric, the thread should match the 1wool, linen, sweatshirt, All-purpose" 1 1 0'
swimwear, synthetic suedes. 1 size 90 (14 )0. I
Becau se the polyester core is made of con- predominant or background color. To make
shopping easy, all Coats zi ppers and tapes are
1velvet I l L
tinuous filaments rather than broken or cut
fibers, Dual Du ty Plu s® vi rtually eli mi nates colo r coordinated to Dual Duty Plu s® thread. IM"ErnuM'TO HEAVYWEiGH"T1 Dual Duty Plus" - - - - --{
coaling, denim, double knit, I I Topslitching & I 1
weak spots. Thi s resu lts in fewer breaks. Fewer
tension adjustments are required due to the Ileather, Qu~lled fabric, 1 1 1 1 Buttonhole Twist size 90 (14 )00
uniform size. Dual Duty Plus® sew s well on Isweater knits, . size 100 (16)
all models and b rands of sew ing machi nes. ~~d~a~cs_ _ _ .L ____ .J 1 ____ ~
1canvas, duck, sai lcloth 1 Dual Duly Plus"
Topstitchi ng &
1 I size 11 0 (18) I
L ______ 1.. ~~ol eT~ _1 ______~ _____ .J
' CooIS COl/on c.m IJe u5e(1 whcn IMllIr,llfiber won'n (abric•
• ' Coals Skip ·FICf! Un;I'c(s.11 Poim Nc~..'(1I1! may .l/so be useelwhell sewillg 011 (,l brics w/tef{' sk;pp(.'(1 slilches occur.

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