Country Risk and The Global CAPM
Country Risk and The Global CAPM
Country Risk and The Global CAPM
It is widely known, that there exists no general definition of country risk, that this is probably because
country risk is a multi-dimensional and complex concept and that the effects of the same country risks can be
both benficial and harmful dependent on the industry or firm. Nonetheless, adding a country risk premium
to the CAPM is conceived as a plausible measure of risk. This essay argues against this view and especially
against an argument against applying an unadjusted CAPM to emerging market countries, namely that
the beta of emerging countries is generally lower that the beta of developed countries. After arguing for not
adjusting the CAPM when it comes to valuation in emerging markets, this will be achieved by calculating
current emerging and developed country betas against the MSCI All Country World Index as well as their
rolling betas over time. It is found that the emerging markets’ average beta is not in generally higher both
currently and throughout time. Overall, the essay may contributes to a more transparent way of doing global
business valuations by being clear about the arbitrariness of the differet risk concepts used when trying to
adjust the CAPM.
I Introduction 2
IV Concluding Remarks 9
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
fore the discount rate with country risk will
is still the workhorse model when it shortly be summarized. Following from that,
comes to determining the cost of eq- the view of applying an unadjusted CAPM to
uity. Although there are alternatives such as emerging markets can be seen as consistent,
multi-factor models or arbitrage pricing the- especially when assuming that the marginal in-
ory, none of those has replaced the CAPM vestor is globally diversified. Thereafter, it will
and its dominant role in asset pricing yet be tried to explore whether or not the beta of
([Brealy et al., 2011]). Its standard version sim- emerging market countries is generally lower
ply puts forth the linear relation between risk then the one of develped countries, a hypoth-
and return as esis and common critique of applying an un-
adjusted CAPM to emerging markets, as pro-
r i = r f + β i (r m − r f ), (1)
posed e.g. by [Baker and Filbeck, 2015]. With
where ri , rm , r f and β i denote the expected risk the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI)
premium on equity, the expected risk premium as a proxy for the market portfolio, the betas
on the benchmark (the market), the risk free of all developed and emerging MSCI country
rate and the risk factor β respectively. The indexes which are part of the ACWI are esti-
CAPM’s risk factor, β, is therefore a measure of mated both currently and over time in order to
how sensitive the equity’s excess returns, rie = explore the betas’ average development. The
ri − r f , is to market excess return movements, results, namely that the emerging markets’ av-
rm = rm − r f . With this, to estimate beta, a erage beta is not generally smaller, together
simple OLS regression can be applied to with its explanations and implications are dis-
e e cussed. A further hypothesis, that the vari-
ri,t = αi + β i rm,t + ε i,t (2)
ability of the emerging markets’ average beta
with t being a time subscript, αi being the re- shrinks over time is put forth and might be
gression constant and ε i,t being the error term. subject to further research.
The risk factor can therefore be interpreted as
the average rise or fall of equity i’s excess re-
turns, when the market rises or falls an extra II. Should there be a Country Risk
1%. Premium?
The CAPM’s simplicity made it not only Following from Markowitz’s portfolio theory,
the workhorse model, but also an object of a rational investor holding an efficient, well-
constant criticism. Assuming that the reader diversified portfolio is only subject to non-
is somewhat familiar with the myriad of rea- diversifiable or market risk ([Markowitz, 1952].
sonable critiques, this essay focuses on one in Especially given that investors are only inter-
particular, namely the common view that the ested in a portfolio’s expected return and its
CAPM has to be adjusted by a country risk pre- standard deviation, given borrowing and lend-
mium (CRP) when valuing projects or compa- ing possibilities at r f and given an efficient,
nies in emerging markets ([Damodaran, 2003], competitive market, every investor would hold
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
The choice of the benchmark portfolio has a tributes to the index nearly 5 times as much as
large effect on the estimates of the beta and the emerging markets in total, an unbalance also
subsequent analysis should therefore serve as driven by the US focus of MSCI Inc. Note that
one possible case, which can be easily modified the results presented are as of November 2017
by using or constructing other benchmark in- only, a complete reconstruction of the index
dexes with relevant weights of other marginal would require the weights of all (changing)
investors [Brown and Brown, 1987]. Here, the constituent indexes since the creation of the in-
MSCI ACWI is used as a proxy for the mar- dex. This not being necessary and lacking the
ket portfolio. The index comprises 47 coun- market share data over time, the MSCI ACWI
tries of which 23 are considered developed and price index provided by Datastream is used
24 considered emerging markets according to instead of constructing the index. In the next
MSCI’s own classification [MSCI, 2017]. Each section the returns, both monthly and weekly,
Index includes about 85% of the free float ad- of all country indexes will be regressed against
justed market capitalization in each market the returns of the market in order to determine
1. As the index is constructed using market the country betas. The country beta of coun-
weights, the country shares differ widely with try x can then be interpreted as the average
the United States (US) representing 52.67 % beta of the companies (in country x) against
of the index and 632 out of 2490 constituent the ACWI.
companies, therefore being by far the largest
component[MSCI, 2017]. Although the con- ii. Calculating Current Betas
struction of the ACWI is not known in de-
First, simple and logarithmic (log) returns
tail, evidence suggests that the ACWI is sim-
are calculated for all country indexes and the
ply a market capitalization weighted sum of
ACWI, both weekly and monthly, by taking the
its comprising indexes, as reconstructed in ta-
first and last value of the period. I.e. simple
ble 1 on page 5. The sum of the countries’
returns for period t are calculated as
reported market shares and number of con-
stituents is identical to the numbers reported l −p f
pi,t i
for the MSCI ACWI2 . Emerging markets make ri,t = f
up only 11.53% in terms of the total capital-
ization, resulting from 33.61% of the contained l and
for weekly and monthly periods, where pi,t
companies. An average developed market com- f
pi,t denote the last and first value of period t
pany in the ACWI has therefore a market capi- respectively. Log returns can then be written
talization 4 times higher than the market capi- as
talization of an average emerging market com- l
ri,t og = log( f
). (4)
pany (24.114 vs. 6.208 billion). The US con- pi,t
For an initial application of regression 2 a time
1 MSCIdefines free float as total shares outstanding ex-
span of two years for weekly returns and a
cluding shares held by strategic investors such as govern-
ments, corporations, controlling shareholders, and manage- time span of five years for monthly returns is
ment, and shares subject to foreign ownership restrictions used in order to have a reasonable amount of
[MSCI, 2000]. data.
2 Ignoring the tiny difference of 53 million.
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
Table 1: Contructing the ACWI: Developed and Emerging Markets Indexes with Market Share and Number of
Constituents. As of November 2017. Datasource: Thomson Reuters via Datastream. Own summary and
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
However, choosing the time span in practice and for 5 countries when considering monthly
should also reveal how much weight is put returns. For the subsequent analysis, the fact
on recent or past events, which should be de- that the returns are not normally distributed
termined by the valuation object. The price as described should be kept in mind.
development and the respective returns can
be regarded in figure 1 for the MSCI ACWI. Next, country betas are calculated for both
As expected, the return series are graphically weekly and monthly log returns, for 2 years
close to a random walk and are mean-reverting. and 5 years respectively, of which the results
Regarding the return distributions, a first intu- can be seen in table 3. The betas are pre-
ition can be gained by looking at a histogram sented also market weighted in order to show
of both weekly and monthly returns and com- that the average weigthed beta equals 1. It
paring it no normally distributed data. As the is striking that the variability among the de-
return distributions do not differ in any rel- veloped countries’ betas is much lower then
evant way when comparing log and simple those of the emerging countries’ betas, rang-
returns, only log returns are depicted. As can ing from 0.262 (Pakistan) to 1.952 (Greece) for
been seen in figure 2, both weekly and monthly monthly returns, and from 0.461 (Russia) to
log returns of the MSCI ACWI have more ob- 3.034 (Greece) for weekly returns. The aver-
servations around the mean. Expected long age non-weighted beta of developed markets is
tails cannot be detected in figure 2. The graph- slightly higher compared to the average beta of
ical analysis gives reason to look at the distri- emerging markets. This might seem “strange”
butions of all constiuent indexes in more de- or “unexpecte” at first, but remembering that
tail. Table 2 therefore summarizes relevant de- the beta simple measures return movements
scriptive statistics, including the skewness and in comparison to the benchmark it cannot be
kurtosis and shows the results of the Jarque- held responsible to be an all-comprising risk
Bera normality test. The Jarque-Bera test tests factor, as referred to in section II. If the Pak-
whether sample data have the skewness and istan stock market tumbles due to some event
kurtosis matching a normal distribution. Go- and the benchmark is not effected due to Pak-
ing back to figure 2, the distirbution of the istan’s relatively low market capitalization or
MSCI ACWI’s returns resemble a double expo- more systematic if there are factors benefit-
nential distribution for which we would expect ting for the US market while threatening to
the skewness to be around 0 and the kurtosis pakistani stocks, then Pakistan’s beta will be
to be greater than 3. Table 2 reveals that this lower. While [Baker and Filbeck, 2015] state
is indeed true not only for the benchmark re- that “risky emerging markets report low be-
turns but also for most other countries3 . With tas”, data reveals that this is not generally true.
a significant level of 1% the null-hypothesis of What is true, is that the variability of emerging
normally distributed returns is rejected for 17 market betas is higher between the countries.
out of 48 countries when considering weekly, The average however resembles those of devel-
oped markets.
3 Note that the exceptional kurtosis for egypt’s weekly
returns is due a massive dip in November 2016. As the
MSCI Egypt only comprises 3 stocks this is not representa-
tive for the country.
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
Figure 1: Weekly and Monthly Log Returns and Prices. Datasource: Thomson Reuters via Datastream. Own depictions
and calculations.
Figure 2: A Graphical Impression: Histogramm with Normal Curve for Weekly and Monthly Log Returns for the
MSCI ACWI. Datasource: Thomson Reuters via Datastream. Own depictions and calculations.
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
Table 2: Testing the Normality of Returns: Descriptive Statistics. Datasource: Thomson Reuters via Datastream. Own
summary and calculations.
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
As a next step it will be analysed whether While the first point is a strong one, the second
the variability of the beta is not only the case one should be considered as an educated hy-
between countries, but also within countries, pothesis. Further research would be necessary
i.e. it will be looked at how the average beta to hold it.
of emerging markets evolved over time in com-
parison to developed markets. IV. Concluding Remarks
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
Table 3: Calculating Betas for all Countries using Weekly and Monthly Log Returns. Note that the sum equals not
exactly one due to rounding differences. Datasource: Thomson Reuters via Datastream. Own summary and
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
Figure 3: Rolling Regressions: Average Betas for Emerging and Developed Markets for Both Monthly and Weekly Log
Returns. Datasource: Thomson Reuters via Datastream. Own depictions and calculations.
Country Risk and the Global CAPM • January 2018 • Florian Aichinger
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