Wound 2016 0720
Wound 2016 0720
Wound 2016 0720
ª Adrienne M. Gilligan, et al., 2017; Published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. This Open Access article is
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/
4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly credited.
The USWR is certified to meet the Health In- lation tissue formation, epithelialization, or the
formation Technology for Economic and Clinical end of the study period ( December 31, 2012).
Health Act (HITECH Act) standards, including
adherence to wound care quality measures devel- Outcome measures
oped by the USWR as a Qualified Clinical Data The primary outcome of interest was complete
Registry (QCDR) and nationally recognized by the granulation tissue formation for 100% of the wound
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as bed, measured as the percentage of the wound bed
part of the Physician Quality Report System.35,36 with granulation tissue formed. Achievement of
Clinical data are collected at the point of care using 100% granulation (yes/no) and the time to the first
standardized codes and vocabularies with limited recorded encounter noting 100% granulation were
use of free text.37 All wound and ulcer types are measured. If insufficient data were available for
included, such as diabetic foot ulcers, venous sta- granulation, the percentage of necrotic tissue in
sis ulcers, PUs, arterial ulcers, surgical wounds, the wound was assessed, representing the re-
traumatic wounds, vasculitic ulcers, arterial ul- maining part of the wound not yet granulated.
cers, sickle cell ulcers, inflammatory ulcers (e.g., The secondary clinical end point of epithelial-
pyoderma gangrenosum), and ulcers related to ization was evidence of achieving complete epi-
skin disorders such as scleroderma. Ulcers are risk thelialization (yes/no) and time to complete
stratified for outcomes reporting using the Wound epithelialization. Wounds were considered epithe-
Healing Index. Interventions include dressings, lialized when all of the following criteria were met:
compression bandaging, off-loading, cellular- and/ no wound exudate, wound area (length · width)
or tissue-based therapies, hyperbaric oxygen ther- <0.2 square centimeters, and tissue depth <0.1 cm
apy, negative pressure wound therapy, debride- or described as ‘‘partial thickness,’’ the wound
ment, and antibiotics. Outcomes measured include overall was described as controlled or improved
healing or wound closure, surgical closure, death, and not worsening, and the wound bed was char-
and amputations. acterized as epithelialized.
The USWR EHR database was certified to sat-
isfy the conditions set forth in Sections 164.514 Explanatory variables
(a)-(b)1ii of the Health Insurance Portability and The primary explanatory variable was PU
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule regarding treatment with either CCO or honey. Patients were
the determination and documentation of statisti- grouped into mutually exclusive comparison co-
cally deidentified data. Woodlands Institutional horts based on receiving PU treatment with either
Review Board, acting as USWR’s independent In- CCO or honey. The following treatment parame-
stitutional Review Board, has determined that ters were calculated using the date of the initial
retrospective analyses of deidentified HIPAA- wound care visit and each subsequent wound care
compliant data described herein are exempt from visit for PU treatment: number of PUs treated,
the requirement of patient consent. time to first application (days from index date to
the first visit when treatment was applied), days of
Subject selection use (last date of application minus the first date of
Patients were selected who had at least one en- application), number of treatment episodes (de-
counter record with a PU diagnosis code (Interna- fined by gaps between applications of at least
tional Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, 60 days), visits with treatment (number of visits
Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] diagnosis codes when treatment was applied), application rate
707.00–707.07, 707.09, and 707.20–707.25) in any (days of use divided by application count), and
diagnosis position between January 1, 2007, and percentage of treated visits (application count di-
December 31, 2012. The date of the first found PU vided by total visit count).
diagnosis code during this period was the patient’s The following PU characteristics were captured:
index date. Patients were required to have been arrival score for initial visit (ambulatory, cane/
treated with either CCO or honey and have at least crutches, walker, wheelchair/scooter, and stretch-
one more encounter with a PU diagnosis after the er/bed), number of concurrent wounds, wound age
index PU event. Subjects were excluded who were at first visit, wound surface area at first visit,
treated with both CCO and honey during their wound depth at first visit, PU stage (unstageable,
follow-up, were younger than 18 years old at index, II, III, or IV), PU location, wound exudate level
or whose PUs healed within 2 weeks postindex. (none, minimal, moderate, or heavy), periwound
Patients and their wounds were followed from characteristics (normal, erythematous, macerated,
their index date until the earliest of 100% granu- and other), infection surrogate score (‘‘green event’’
count over treatment time of PU, where ‘‘green ables presented as the count and percentage of
events’’ occur when there is an antibiotic order, a patients and continuous variables providing the
laboratory test for bacterial culture, provider’s number of observations, the mean, SD, and me-
EHR note of infection or oozing green pus from the dian. Statistical tests of significance for observed
wound), total visit count, visit frequency (visit differences between treatment groups were con-
count divided by days from first to last visit), total ducted using Chi-square tests for categorical vari-
number of selective sharp debridements (visits ables and t-tests for continuous variables.
with Current Procedural Terminology [CPT] codes Multivariate models were estimated postmatch-
97597, 97598, or 11040–11047), debridement rate ing to control for any remaining imbalances be-
(debridement count divided by days from first to tween cases and controls. Cox proportional hazard
last visit), and concurrent therapies, including hy- models were estimated to identify risk factors for
perbaric oxygen, negative pressure wound therapy, the time from index date to granulation or epithe-
becaplermin gel, and cellular tissue-derived prod- lialization. The assumption of proportional hazards
ucts (OASIS, Apligraf, Dermagraft, Integra, and was tested plotting Kaplan–Meier observed sur-
PriMatrix). vival curves and comparing them with Cox pre-
Other explanatory variables included the follow- dicted curves from the same variable. Logistic
ing patient demographics and clinical characteris- regression models were estimated to examine the
tics: age, sex, payer, ethnicity, smoker, receiving impact of patients’ demographic, clinical, and treat-
palliative care, pain medication, antibiotics, antire- ment characteristics on granulation and epithe-
jection drugs (immunocompromised), paralyzed, lialization within a fixed time period (e.g., 1-year
home healthcare, comorbidities (heart failure, coro- follow-up). All models controlled for patients’ de-
nary heart disease, end-stage renal disease [ESRD], mographic and clinical characteristics at baseline to
peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, and estimate hazard and odds ratios (HR and OR) of
diabetes). each factor on granulation and epithelialization.
The threshold of statistical significance for all
Analysis analyses was set a priori at 0.05. Statistical ana-
Wounds receiving PU treatment with CCO were lyses were conducted using STATA SE, version 13
matched 1:1 to PUs treated with honey using the (STATA Corp, College Station, TX). Data man-
following propensity score–based matching ap- agement and analytic file building were conducted
proach. The goal of propensity score matching is to using SAS software, version 9.4 (SAS Institute,
reduce bias by statistically emulating the compar- Inc., Cary, NC).
ator balance inherent in randomized clinical trials
(RCTs) so that the distribution of observed baseline
demographic and clinical characteristics is similar RESULTS
between treatment groups.38 Propensity scores for The final matched PU treatment cohorts meet-
each wound were modeled using logistic regression ing all selection criteria each included 517 wounds
with a binary indicator for membership in the CCO from 446 CCO-treated patients and 341 honey-
or honey PU cohorts as the dependent variable and treated patients found in the USWR from 2007
a vector of the following independent variables at through 2012 (Table 1).
index or first PU visit: patient age, wound age, wound Patients were on average aged 64 to 66 years
surface area, arrival score, number of concurrent with the majority older than 65 years (CCO 59.0%,
wounds, infection surrogate score, ESRD (yes/no), PU honey 52.8%; Table 2). Around two-thirds of pa-
stage, and patient paralyzed (yes/no). CCO-treated tients were ambulatory on arrival (CCO 66.4%,
PUs (cases) were matched to honey-treated control honey 63.6%), with over half receiving home
PUs using the nearest neighbor matching technique, healthcare (CCO 59.2%, honey 56.0%) and over
enforcing a caliper of 0.25 times the standard devia- half receiving antibiotics (CCO 57.4%, honey
tion (SD) of the propensity score to maximize the 55.7%). The most commonly noted comorbidity was
number of available controls (honey-treated PUs) hypertension (both 18%) followed by coronary
for each CCO-treated PU.39 The balance achieved heart disease (CCO 13.7%, honey 7.0%; p = 0.003)
by propensity score matching was assessed using and diabetes (both 11%). A higher percentage of
standardized differences comparing the pre- and post- patients in the honey cohort were prescribed pain
match distributions of the independent variables in- medication (CCO 17.0%, honey 22.6%; p = 0.052)
cluded in the propensity score model.38 compared with the CCO cohort (Table 2).
Dependent and independent variables were Wound assessment at first visit (Table 3) found
summarized descriptively, with categorical vari- that the majority of PUs in the matched cohorts
Patients Wounds
Selection Criteria n % n %
a b
PU diagnosis found January 1, 2007—December 31, 2012 and ‡1 encounter in the USWR after the index date 9,202 100.0 20,330 100.0
At least 1 application of CCO or medicinal honey 2,711 29.5 7,823 38.5
At least 18 years old on the index date 2,685 29.2 7,752 38.1
Not treated with both CCO and medicinal honey 2,639 28.7 4,512 22.2
Healed within 2 weeks or had only one visit record in USWR 2,639 28.7 4,512 22.2
CCO cohort before matching 2,297 25.0 3,993 19.6
Medicinal honey cohort before matching 342 3.7 519 2.6
CCO cohort after matching 446 4.8 517 2.5
Medicinal honey cohort after matching 341 3.7 517 2.5
PU diagnosis required one of these ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes: 707.00–707.07, 707.09, or 707.20–707.25.
The first found PU diagnosis is the patient’s index date.
CCO, clostridial collagenase ointment; PU, pressure ulcer; USWR, U.S. Wound Registry.
had 0% granulation (CCO 77.2%, honey 77.0%) (SD) total visits were required by CCO-treated PUs
with >4 concurrent wounds (CCO 56.7%, honey (CCO 9.1 [9.9] visits, honey 12.6 [16.6] visits;
51.6%). Wound age was most commonly <28 days p < 0.001), with treatment administered at an av-
(CCO 46.8%, honey 43.7%), with mean (SD) wound erage (SD) of 50.6% (31.5%) and 41.8% (31.1%) of
depth of 0.5 (0.8) cm, and minimal exudate (CCO visits, respectively ( p = 0.085). These observations
42.7%, honey 46.4%). PUs were predominantly at remained relatively consistent for each of the sub-
stage III (CCO 56.1%, honey 55.3%) with an in- sets of patients who achieved 100% granulation at
fection surrogate score of 0 (CCO 40.0%, honey 1 year and those with epithelialization at 1 year.
36.6%) and found most commonly in the sacrum or
buttock areas. Granulation results at 1 year
Honey-treated PUs underwent significantly more A significantly greater percentage of CCO-
selective sharp debridements, with 51.5% receiving treated PUs achieved 100% granulation at 1 year
a total of three or more compared with 29.6% of (CCO 42.0%, honey 35.2%; p = 0.025) (Table 5). PUs
CCO PUs ( p < 0.001) and similarly higher mean treated with CCO were 38% more likely to achieve
(SD) numbers of selective sharp debridements 100% granulation at 1 year compared to honey-
(CCO 2.7 [5.2], honey 4.4 [5.8]; p < 0.001), as well as treated PUs based on logistic regression modeling
wounds receiving negative pressure wound ther- (OR 1.384, 95% confidence limit [CL] 1.057–1.812,
apy (CCO 29.0%, honey 38.3%; p = 0.002) (Table 4). p = 0.018) (Table 6).
Patients were treated (days of use) for a mean The Cox regression found that CCO-treated
(SD) of 34.0 (54.2) days and 33.6 (60.2) days, re- PUs had a 30% significantly higher probability of
spectively ( p = 0.904). Significantly fewer mean achieving 100% granulation compared to honey-
treated PUs, with a HR of 1.302 (95% CL 1.056–
Table 2. Patient demographic and clinical characteristics
1.605, p = 0.013). CCO-treated PUs achieved 100%
Demographic and Clostridial Medicinal Standardized granulation within a significantly shorter mean
Clinical Characteristics Collagenase Honey p Differencea (SD) time frame compared to honey (CCO 255.3
No. of patients 446 341 [129.8] days, honey 282.2 [127.4] days; p < 0.001)
Age, mean (SD) 66.2 (20.3) 63.6 (20.5) 0.072 N/A (Table 5). Figure 1 graphically shows the prob-
Age group 0.212 ability of achieving 100% granulation during
18–40 14.1% 17.0% 7.96 the 1-year follow-up, comparing CCO and honey
41–64 26.9% 30.2% 7.31
65+ 59.0% 52.8% 12.48
Sex 0.469
Female 47.8% 45.2% Epithelialization results at 1 year
Male 52.2% 54.8%
Logistic regression modeling of epithelialization
Ethnicity 0.027 at 1 year (Table 7) found that CCO-treated PUs
Caucasian 66.4% 73.0%
African American 12.1% 9.4% were 47% more likely to epithelialize compared to
Hispanic 12.3% 6.7% honey-treated PUs (OR 1.467, 95% CL 1.051–
Other/Unknown 9.2% 10.9% 2.047, p = 0.024). Significantly higher proportions
Used in propensity score matching. of PUs treated with CCO achieved epithelialization
N/A, not applicable; SD, standard deviation. at 1 year (28.2% vs. 21.3%, p = 0.009) (Table 5).
Total wounds 517 517 All wounds, n (%) 517 (100) 517 (100)
Granulation % at first visit, 0.941 Days to first application, mean (SD) 18.1 (65.3) 53.6 (143.2) <0.001
mean (SD) Days of use, mean (SD) 34.0 (54.2) 33.6 (60.2) 0.904
0% 77.2% 77.0% Total visits, mean (SD) 9.1 (9.9) 12.6 (16.6) <0.001
0.1–50% 11.6% 9.5% Treated visits, mean (SD) 3.3 (3.6) 3.1 (2.8) 0.201
>50% 11.3% 13.5% % Treated visits, mean (SD) 50.6 (31.5) 41.8 (31.1) 0.085
Clostridial Medicinal
The Cox regressions found that CCO-treated Collagenase Honey
PUs had a 42% higher probability of epithelializa- Outcomes n = 517 n = 517 p
tion at 1 year (HR 1.421, 95% CL 1.0909–1.8516, 100% Granulation at 1 year, n (%) 217 (42.0) 182 (35.2) 0.025
p = 0.009). Figure 2 contrasts the probability of Weeks to 100% granulation at 1 year, 36.5 (20.0) 40.3 (18.2) 0.001
CCO and honey PUs achieving epithelialization mean (SD)
Days to 100% granulation at 1 year, 255.3 (129.8) 282.2 (127.4) <0.001
during the 1-year follow-up period. The mean (SD) mean (SD)
number of days for achieving epithelialization was Epithelialization at 1 year, n (%) 146 (28.2) 110 (21.3) 0.009
significantly lower for CCO-treated PUs treated Weeks to epithelialization at 1 year, 41.2 (18.4) 44.0 (16.7) 0.011
with CCO than those treated with honey at 1 year mean (SD)
Days to epithelialization at 1 year, 288.6 (128.9) 308.1 (116.6) 0.011
(288.6 [128.9] days vs. 308.1 [116.6] days, p = 0.011; mean (SD)
Table 5).
Table 6. Logistic regression for 100% granulation at 1 year methods requiring the shortest durations and
Lower Upper fewest clinical visits and, thereby, the two most
PU Treatment Characteristic OR 95% CI 95% CI p cost-effective debridement methods. Autolytic de-
Clostridial collagenase (vs. honey) 1.384 1.057 1.812 0.018
bridement was said to take the longest to work,
Patient has home healthcare 1.934 1.463 2.557 <0.001 relying on the patient’s own cellular mechanisms to
Wound age >182.5 daysa 0.656 0.438 0.983 0.041 remove necrotic tissue.17
Infection surrogate score 3–6a 0.623 0.416 0.932 0.021 There has been a paucity of comparative studies
Infection surrogate score 2a 0.517 0.325 0.824 0.005
2.0–3.9 debridements/4 weeksa 0.609 0.414 0.896 0.012
with medicinal honey, and this study is the first we
‡4.0 debridements/4 weeksa 0.265 0.125 0.563 0.001 are aware of comparing enzymatic debridement to
PU location—heela 0.567 0.374 0.860 0.008 autolytic debridement with medicinal honey. A
Patient age 80+ yearsa 0.505 0.323 0.790 0.003 number of studies have compared enzymatic de-
Covariates shown are those significantly ( p £ 0.05) affecting the odds of bridement with CCO to other debridement meth-
100% granulation.
ods, primarily other autolytic modalities, in terms
Reference values: wound age 0–28 days, infection surrogate score 0,
debridements/4 weeks <2.0, PU location buttock, patient age 18–40 years. of both treatment efficacy and cost. A US-based,
CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio. prospective, randomized, parallel-group, open-
label exploratory study of diabetic foot ulcers with
CCO (vs. honey) bear important implications from 55 participants receiving CCO plus serial sharp
a clinical perspective, as well as impacts to the debridement compared with supportive care plus
economic burden of this costly adverse health serial sharp debridement found that CCO-treated
condition. ulcers healed more quickly and completely while
Medical complications that can develop from costing *$300 less.40 An economic analysis based
chronic wound PUs can wreak havoc on patients’ on a RCT of PU therapy in a long-term care setting
health and quality of life. Mechanisms to support found CCO more cost-effective relative to autolysis
faster and more complete PU healing may prevent with hydrogel dressings.41 Muller et al. in an RCT
these sequelae from occurring sooner, providing more of patients, with grade IV heel pressure sores,
days of relief for the patient and their care team. found that 91.7% of the collagenase patients were
PUs can impose on the patient, their caregivers, treated successfully compared with 63.6% of the
and healthcare professionals a costly cycle of hos- patients in the hydrocolloid group ( p < 0.005) with
pitalizations, clinic visits, and home healthcare more rapid closure, further showing collagenase
requiring extensive management resources from a treatment to be more cost-effective than the
trained multidisciplinary team. In their 2015 hydrocolloid treatment owing to the shorter closure
study, Woo et al. found the cost of debridement time.42 An RCT of long-term care facility PU pa-
dependent on the resources required over the tients comparing CCO to autolysis demonstrated
length of time needed to achieve a clean wound bed, that at 42 days of therapy 85% of the CCO-treated
with surgical sharp and enzymatic debridement patients achieved a clean wound bed without initial
Table 7. Logistic regression for epithelialization at 1 year after treatment initiation with greater wound clo-
Lower Upper sure at 1 and 2 years (22% vs. 11% after 1 year and
PU Treatment Characteristic OR 95% CL 95% CL p 27% vs. 14% after 2 years, respectively).32 Our re-
Clostridial collagenase (vs. honey) 1.467 1.051 2.047 0.024
sults in terms of achieving 100% granulation and
2.0–3.9 visits/4 weeksa 1.547 1.025 2.335 0.038 epithelialization at 1 year were similar in both the
Patient has home healthcare 1.422 1.005 2.014 0.047 proportion of patients and the time to closure for
Male 0.689 0.488 0.972 0.034 CCO in these studies and for honey as an autolytic
Wound depth 0.1–0.3 cma 0.620 0.407 0.946 0.027
Wound depth ‡0.3 cma 0.559 0.339 0.921 0.022
support method.
Wound age >182.5 days 0.530 0.308 0.911 0.022 This analysis examined outcomes of using en-
Infection surrogate score 2a 0.524 0.303 0.937 0.029 zymatic debridement and autolytic debridement
Infection surrogate score >6a 0.454 0.237 0.869 0.017 support with medicinal honey. The choice of de-
Age 80+ yearsa 0.493 0.270 0.899 0.021
Wound surface area >10.0 sqcma 0.471 0.258 0.861 0.014
bridement using any of the available methods de-
Ethnicity—othera 0.446 0.230 0.866 0.017 pends on the patient’s medical condition and the
‡4 debridements/4 weeks 0.417 0.176 0.988 0.047 condition of each wound. For each patient, these
Patient has paralysis 0.375 0.176 0.800 0.011 are unique. The clinician’s decision requires con-
Arrival score 10a 0.288 0.092 0.896 0.032
sideration of the patient’s goals and condition, the
Covariates shown are those significantly ( p £ 0.05) affecting the odds of wound characteristics, the care setting and the
100% granulation.
Reference values: visits/4 weeks <2, wound depth £0.1 cm, wound age
talents of the other care team members, and im-
0–28 days, infection surrogate score 0, patient age 18–40 years, wound portantly, evidence of the efficacy and limitations
surface area £0.5 sqcm, ethnicity white, debridements/4 weeks <2.0, and of the various modalities available.
arrival score 0.
or concomitant sharp debridement compared with The USWR EHR data used in this study were
29% in the autolysis arm.43 In a 1999 study by collected from over 100 contributing hospital out-
Mosher of elderly long-term care residents, CCO patient wound care clinics’ billing records to support
compared to autolysis, wet-to-dry dressings (me- reimbursement and were not collected for research
chanical debridement), or fibrinolysin debridement purposes. There may be variability in the data re-
had the highest probability of achieving a clean ported among the various contributing clinics. Di-
wound bed, low infection rate, and lowest total agnoses or procedures may be subject to coding
cost.44 A recent observational, retrospective study error, for which the extent of miscoding or under-
compared treatment of stage IV PUs using enzy- coding that could result in bias is unknown, and may
matic debridement plus selective debridement also result in measurement error in ICD-9-CM or
with selective debridement alone, finding the CCO CPT based variables. Analyses using text fields in-
treatment arm significantly more likely to achieve stead of discrete numeric data may be subject to
greater and faster epithelialization 1 and 2 years error resulting from incorrect interpretation of the
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