Pathogenesis of Crohn's Disease: April 2015
Pathogenesis of Crohn's Disease: April 2015
Pathogenesis of Crohn's Disease: April 2015
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Addresses: 1Centre for Inflammation Research, Queens Medical Research Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ, UK;
Gastrointestinal Unit, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, EH4 2XU, UK
* Corresponding author: Gwo-Tzer Ho ([email protected])
F1000Prime Reports 2015, 7:44 (doi:10.12703/P7-44)
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Significant progress in our understanding of Crohn’s disease (CD), an archetypal common, complex
disease, has now been achieved. Our ability to interrogate the deep complexities of the biological
processes involved in maintaining gut mucosal homeostasis is a major over-riding factor underpinning
this rapid progress. Key studies now offer many novel and expansive insights into the interacting roles
of genetic susceptibility, immune function, and the gut microbiota in CD. Here, we provide overviews
of these recent advances and new mechanistic themes, and address the challenges and prospects for
translation from concept to clinic.
“I am on the edge of mysteries and the veil is getting thinner effective in only approximately 50% [5], there remains a
and thinner.” significant unmet need for novel therapeutics to prevent,
Louis Pasteur alter the natural history of, and ultimately cure CD.
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Figure 1. Crohn’s disease (CD): multi-layer interactions in pathogenesis and clinical translation
CD pathogenesis involves a complex interplay over time between genetic, epigenetic, immunological, and microbiological mechanisms affected by
exposure to triggering factors. Individual patients with CD have a unique pathogenic signature comprised of different contributions from each of these factors.
Stratification of patients on the basis of these signatures may lead to more focused, personalized, and successful therapies. Therapeutic translation is
grounded on a greater understanding of these genetic and molecular pathways (the focus of this review). Furthermore, correcting and avoiding triggering
factors related to the exposome are areas of considerable interest. ‘Smart’ clinical trials with simultaneous mechanistic studies may allow improved
understanding even in the case of therapeutic failures.
pathways can be translated into direct clinical application The most complete picture is from the recent meta-
in CD. analysis of 15 IBD scans (including ulcerative colitis, UC),
involving a combined total of more than 75,000
Genetics cases and controls [6]. Overall, 163 IBD loci that meet
The successful genome-wide association studies genome-wide significance thresholds were discovered;
(GWASs) have provided a rational framework for new this is substantially more than other complex diseases.
mechanistic insights and directions for research in CD. Most genetic associations are shared between CD and
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UC (110 loci), and 30 loci were specifically associated they are absent in Eastern population groups and have
with CD (Figure 2A). These most strongly and consis- a varied prevalence in different Caucasian populations.
tently implicate themes involving defective intracellular Of interest, mutations within the NOD2 gene are
bacteria killing and innate immunity (CARD15/NOD2, causative of Blau syndrome, a granulomatous inflam-
IRGM, IL23R, LRRK2, and ATG16L1) and de-regulated matory disorder affecting the eyes, skin, and joints [17].
adaptive immune responses, namely the interleukin-23
(IL-23) and T helper 17 (Th17) cell pathway (IL23R, NOD2 is expressed in a limited number of tissues that
IL12B (encoding IL-12p40), STAT3, JAK2, and TYK2) include intestinal epithelial cells (mainly Paneth cells)
[7]. Dendritic cells (DCs) followed by CD4 T, natural and monocyte-derived immune cells residing in the
killer (NK), and NKT cells showed the highest enrich- lamina propria [18,19]. In both human and murine
ment of these susceptibility gene sets when tested in a studies, defects in NOD2 function can affect microbial
panel of immune cell subsets, indicating a major role for sensing [20], Paneth cell function and anti-microbial
these cells in CD pathogenesis [6]. It is noteworthy that peptide (AMP) production [21], antigen presentation
these GWASs were based predominantly on North [22], intracellular bacterial killing [23], and innate
American and European populations; the International immune signaling, such as Toll-like receptor (TLR) func-
IBD genetics consortium is in the advanced stages of an tion [24] and its regulatory role in turning off IL-23-
expanded meta-analysis of association studies involving driven Th17 responses [25]. In a recent study, NOD2
non-Caucasian populations together with the popula- activated by microbiota-derived MDP could also pro-
tions studied in Europe and North America [8]. mote intestinal stem cell viability and gut epithelial
restitution, thus adding a further dimension to its com-
On the basis of the GWAS data, the susceptible loci plex role [26]. Overall, although the mechanisms by
reported so far contribute only 14% of total disease which NOD2 CD variants contribute to disease remain
variance [6], but this may be an underestimate. Targeted an enigmatic area, two major, non-mutually exclusive
deep sequencing of key genetic loci has so far shown a theories have emerged: (1) NOD2 provides critical host
negligible impact of rare genetic variants [9], although anti-bacterial defense and pro-inflammatory responses
more detailed and larger-scale whole-genome sequen- (Figure 2D), and (2) NOD2 acts to regulate innate
cing studies will provide clearer insight. It is also immune responses (Figure 2E) [27]. NOD2 activation
pertinent that more sophisticated studies involving after recognition of MDP triggers nuclear factor-
integrated multi-omics analysis (with profiling panels kappa-B (NF-kB)-dependent signaling [14] but is rela-
such as transcriptomics, metabolomics, and epige- tively weak in this respect compared with other PRRs,
nomics) are in progress and are likely to provide new such as the TLRs [28]. NOD2 can synergize with other
insights. Epigenetics is an emerging area of interest [10] PRRs in differential gene regulation, and this synergy is
in which genome-wide methylation-association studies lost in cells expressing CD variant NOD2 [28,29]. NOD2
have identified differential methylation in a number of plays a key role in amplifying the release of certain pro-
GWAS-identified susceptibility genes, including TNF, inflammatory cytokines in this context, particularly IL-1b,
MIR21, HLA, and NOD2, and the Th17 pathway [11,12]. IL-6, and IL-23, from DCs and macrophages [18,30]. In
The immediate challenge is to clarify how these genetic contrast, in its regulatory role, deficiency in NOD2 results
variants influence disease-causative mechanisms in CD. in enhanced innate TLR signaling. In mice, TLR-mediated
Here, we prioritize our review on NOD2, autophagy, and IL-12 production is increased in macrophages and DCs
Th17 immune responses as the three areas most strongly deficient in NOD2 [31]. MDP-mediated suppression of
implicated in CD pathogenesis. TLR-2 responses is enhanced with the normal NOD2
transgene compared with a frameshift polymorphism [32].
NOD2 Furthermore, pretreatment of monocyte-derived macro-
NOD2 is a cytosolic pattern recognition receptor (PRR) phages with MDP leads to inhibition of pro-inflamma-
that controls immunity against intracellular bacteria. Pre- tory responses to NOD2, IL-1b, and TLR2 and TLR4 in
GWAS fine-mapping studies highlighted the NOD2 gene normal individuals but not of TLR-2- and TLR-4-
[13,14] as one of the ‘lowest-hanging fruits’ in terms of induced responses in cells from CD patients with
genetic susceptibility. Three polymorphisms in this gene frameshift polymorphisms [33,34].
(amino-acid substitutions Arg702Trp and Gly908Arg
and the frameshift FS1007insC) are present in 40% of In addition to the direct role in innate immunity,
Western patients with CD [15] and are all found within several studies show that NOD2 indirectly modulates
the leucine-rich repeat region responsible for the the gut microbiota, perhaps linked to defective AMP
recognition of muramyl dipeptide (MDP), a peptidogly- production by Paneth cells [21,35–38]. In mice, NOD2
can component of the bacterial cell wall [16]. However, deficiency does not result in colitis but in defective
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(A) A number of CD susceptibility genes have been identified (see text). Of these, NOD2 has the strongest association. (B) Microbial dysbiosis is
characterized by decreased diversity and changes in abundance of particular bacterial species. Increased levels of AIEC with adherent (via CEACAM6)
and invasive properties are resistant to subsequent phagocytic killing, leading to cytokine responses and inflammation. (C) Environmental (and genetic)
factors affect microbial dysbiosis and lead to epithelial barrier dysfunction, including affecting the secreted barrier. (D) One major theory of how
defective NOD2 leads to CD: normally, NOD2 senses MDP activating a number of innate immune responses and bacterial killing; defective NOD2 leads
to defects in these pathways, resulting in persistence of intracellular bacteria and effects on antimicrobial functions in the lumen. (E) Another major
theory on NOD2: activation via MDP leads to modulating effects on the innate immune system, including suppression of cytokine effects (for example,
IL-23-driven Th17 responses), suppression of other PRRs (for example, TLR-2 and TLR-4 responses), and induction of tolerance (via IL-10 and decreased
TGF-b). (F) Increased IL-23 production can lead to increased Th17 responses through a number of pathways, including ILC and CD4+ T cells via the
IL-12Rb1/IL-23R receptor. IL-23 inhibits Treg cell/IL-10 responses, which are responsible for mucosal homeostasis as well as suppressive effects on
B cells, T cells, and monocytes. NOD2 may suppress IL-23-driven Th17 responses, but in defective NOD2 these may be unrestrained; see (E).
(G) Specific microbes (such as SFB and Clostridium) as well as microbial products (such as butyrate and PSA) can induce particular innate immune
responses. SFB preferentially induces Th17 responses; Clostridium (reduced in CD), butyrate, and PSA (produced by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, which
are reduced in CD) potently induce Treg cell responses. (H) NOD2 recruits ATG16L1 to the plasma membrane to initiate xenophagy. Normal PC
function, including release of AMP, relies on autophagy; the T300A variant in ATG16L1 seen in some CD patients leads to increased cleavage and
defective autophagy. (I) UPR and autophagy help regulate ER stress as compensatory mechanisms. Excessive ER stress can overwhelm autophagy, leading
to defective PC function. Arrows ↑ and ↓ indicate findings in CD. AMP, anti-microbial peptide; ATG16L1, autophagy-related 16-like 1 gene; CD, Crohn’s
disease; CEACAM6, carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross-reacting antigen); ER, endoplasmic reticulum;
IL, interleukin; ILC, innate lymphoid cell; MDP, muramyl dipeptide; NOD2, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2; PC, plasma cell;
PRR, pattern recognition receptor; PSA, polysaccharide A; SFB, segmental filamentous bacteria; TGFb, transforming growth factor-beta; Th17, T helper
17; TLR, Toll-like receptor; Treg, regulatory T; UPR, unfolded protein response.
processing of intracellular bacteria such as Listeria bacterial pathogens via binding to the autophagy
monocytogenes [18]. In humans, a cohort study found a protein ATG16L1, to be discussed later [22,45].
significant association between NOD2 risk alleles and
increased abundance of Enterobacteriaceae [39]. In The NOD2 interactome is incredibly complex (Table 1),
mice, NOD2 deficiency is also associated with ileal and all respective network functions and interactions are
dysbiosis [40–42] but this is not consistently replicated potentially important in CD, as they are potential novel
[43,44]. NOD2 facilitates autophagic targeting of therapeutic or ‘druggable’ targets [12,27,46–50]. Overall,
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Table 1. NOD2 interactome and functional networks population with twofold increased risk). Recently, Murthy
• Activation and colleagues [53] showed that amino acids 296 to 299
○ Muramyl dipeptide entry into cells (bacterial secretion systems constitute a caspase cleavage motif in ATG16L1, and that
and direct transportation into cytosol)
○ Ligand-NOD2 interaction the T300A variant (T316A in mice) significantly increases
○ Cellular localization (for example, recruitment to the plasma ATG16L1 sensitization to caspase-3-mediated processing.
membrane) Here, death-receptor activation or starvation-induced
• Signaling (for example, RIPK2 interaction and nuclear factor-
kappa-B signaling) metabolic stress in human and murine macrophages
• Regulation (for example, cytoskeleton regulation, epistatic interactions, increased the degradation of the T300A or T316A variants
autoinhibition, and degradation) of ATG16L1, resulting in diminished autophagy [53].
• Effects
○ Innate inflammatory responses
○ Adaptive immune responses Two recent complementary studies demonstrate how a
○ Antimicrobial functions defective autophagic response to bacteria can contribute
○ Facilitating autophagy and xenophagy
○ Gut homeostasis (barrier function, microbiota, and gut to CD. Cooney and colleagues [22] showed that autop-
epithelial restitution) hagy cooperates with NOD2: in response to MDP,
NOD2 induces autophagy via receptor-interacting serine/
NOD2, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2; RIPK2, threonine-protein kinase 2 (RIPK2), ATG5, ATG7, and
Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 ATG16L1 in DCs. This initiates bacterial handling by direct
engulfment and subsequent generation of major histo-
NOD2 occupies a strategic hub at the host-microbial compatibility complex (MHC) class II for antigen-specific
level involving autophagy, IL-23/Th17 responses, and CD4+ T-cell responses in DCs [22]. In the second study,
gut homeostasis. Current data show that NOD2 CD by Travassos and colleagues [45], NOD2 (and NOD1)
variants disrupt these pathways, although we still need to was shown to recruit ATG16L1 to the plasma membrane
understand their relative importance (for example, at the bacterial entry site to initiate xenophagy. In mice,
which pathway is dominant) in order to rationalize the genetic knock-in of the T300A mutation results in altered
translational potential of this knowledge. cytokine signaling and decreased anti-bacterial response
[54]. In a more recent study, ATG16L1 has been shown
Autophagy to negatively regulate NOD1 and NOD2 inflammatory
Following on from NOD2, the discovery of polymorph- signaling; interestingly, this occurs independently of its
isms in the autophagy genes (ATG16L1, IRGM, and role in autophagy [55]. Hence, ATG16L1 may yet have
LRRK2) from GWASs in CD has triggered significant a more complex role in gut inflammatory response.
research in this hitherto unknown area in IBD. Autophagy
is a lysosomal degradation pathway that is essential for In the case of another autophagy gene IRGM, a 20-kb
cellular survival, differentiation, development, and home- deletion polymorphism immediately upstream is asso-
ostasis [51]. Autophagy principally serves an adaptive role ciated with CD [56]. Its mouse ortholog Irgm1 contributes
to protect organisms against diverse pathologies, including to bacterial killing, and Irgm1-deficient mice exhibit
infections, cancer, neurodegeneration, and aging. During increased susceptibility to infections with Toxoplasma
macroautophagy (herein autophagy), cytoplasmic mate- gondii, Salmonella typhimurium, L. monocytogenes, and
rial, including organelles, protein aggregates, and bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis [57–59]. Human macrophages
(xenophagy), is sequestered into double membrane-coated infected with mycobacteria show increased bacterial
autophagosomes that subsequently fuse with endosomes survival when transfected with IRGM small interfering
and lysosomes where degradation can occur. RNA (siRNA), indicating a role in the control of intra-
cellular mycobacteria [60]. Interestingly, another variant
Loss of autophagy function appears to be a fundamental associated with CD (c.313C>T) results in stronger
driver (Figure 2H), and, of the autophagy genes [52], microRNA-196 binding to IRGM and concomitant
studies into ATG16L1 provide the clearest insight into decrease in IRGM expression, leading to defective
the pathogenic sequelae. The ATG16L1 protein plays an autophagy-mediated control of intracellular replication
essential role in triggering all forms of autophagy involving of CD-associated adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC)
the recruitment of microtubule-associated protein 1 light [61]. Irgm1 knockout leads to exaggerated colonic and
chain 3 (LC3) to membranes. Complex formation of ileal inflammation after dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)
ATG16L1 with ATG12-ATG5 defines the site of LC3 PE administration [62]. Of interest, ileitis is not usually a
conjugation during autophagosome formation. Virtually feature of DSS colitis, which suggests a selective function
all the risk of this locus is exerted by the rs2241880 single- for Irgm1 here [63]. A role for Irgm1 in interferon (IFN)-
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) coding for a T300A dependent cellular homeostasis has been proposed by
substitution (present in approximately 50% of the general which Irgm1 provides a feedback signal to protect CD4+
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lymphocytes from IFN-g-mediated death [64], and similar mutation and mice with knocked down/out ATG16L1
mechanisms may apply to other IFN-g-responsive cell and Irgm1 have abnormal Paneth cell morphology
lineages [65]. Collectively, these findings implicate mouse lacking in AMP-containing secretory granules [62,86].
Irgm1 in the regulation of intracellular pathogens or The persistence of apoptotic stimuli in the form of
cellular homeostasis; understanding how human IRGM is metabolic stress, death-receptor activation, or pathogen
regulated will be important in order to apply these infection significantly enhances ATG16L1 cleavage,
findings to CD because IRGM is not known to be IFN-g- thereby diminishing basal autophagy. Cadwell and
responsive [66]. colleagues [87] conceptually demonstrated, in this sett-
ing and downstream from this, how ‘triggers’ (in this
Of note, the role of hypoxia in autophagy (and indeed case, murine norovirus infection) may provoke Paneth
other mucosal homeostatic systems) has received much cell dysfunction and alter response to DSS colitis toward
interest. Hypoxia is of particular relevance at the gut a CD-like phenotype in mice with hypomorphic
epithelium-luminal interface, where a unique steep ATG16L1 function, exemplifying the host-environment
oxygen gradient from the anaerobic lumen to the richly interaction in CD.
perfused mucosal layer exists. Hypoxia-inducible factors
(HIFs) are transcription factors which regulate the Unfolded protein response and endoplasmic
induction of genes responsible for cellular adaptation reticulum stress
and survival during hypoxia (reviewed in depth by Following on from autophagy-related epithelial dysfunc-
Colgan and Taylor [67]). Pertinently, gut inflammation tion, unresolved endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in
is associated with increased levels of hypoxia [68] and intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) has also emerged as an
with high levels of HIFs in murine colitis [69] and IBD important factor that initiates gut inflammation relevant
[70]. The HIF response is generally considered protective to CD (Figure 2I). ER stress-related genes have been
and recently was shown to drive autophagy via HIF1a implicated by both GWAS (ORMDL3 [88]) and candi-
[71] and increase xenophagic degradation of AIECs [72]. date (XBP1 [89] and AGR2 [90]) gene approaches. ER
However, there are complexities as HIF1a has a key role stress is induced by the accumulation of unfolded
in CEACAM6 expression and thus AIEC invasion proteins, and cellular adaptation to ER stress is achieved
(discussed in detail later), suggesting that these CD- by the activation of the unfolded protein response
associated bacteria may take advantage of hypoxic (UPR), which is an integrated signal transduction path-
conditions to colonize the intestinal mucosa [73]. way that modulates many aspects of ER physiology [91].
HIF1a regulates many genes involved in epithelial Unresolved ER stress is a hallmark of many chronic
barrier function [74–76], including involvement in diseases, and, at the mucosal interphase, UPR is
mucous [77] and AMP production [78]. In murine colitis particularly important for highly secretory cells such as
models, loss of HIF1a expression had a more severe Paneth and goblet cells for AMP and secreted mucous
phenotype whereas increased HIF1a levels were protec- barrier, respectively. Kaser and colleagues [89] showed
tive [69]. The hypoxia response can be modulated by that genetic deletion of UPR transcription factor XBP1 in
hydroxylase inhibitors (via activation of HIF) [79–81], the intestinal epithelium resulted in loss of Paneth cell
hyperbaric oxygen [82], and potentially adjustments of function and, interestingly, the development of small-
lifestyle factors (for example, cigarette smoking). How- bowel inflammation in mice. This was associated with
ever, this area is complex as heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) substantial ER stress and increased inflammatory respon-
and its metabolic by-product, carbon monoxide, are siveness toward microbial and cytokine stimuli. IECs in
protective against inflammation and are induced by gut IBD generally experience unresolved ER stress, even in
microbiota [83,84]. the absence of overt mucosal inflammation [92]. Of
note, UPR is under the influence of primary (genetic)
Beyond xenophagy, autophagy regulates quality-control and secondary (environmental) factors and therefore is
apparatus, including those involved in control of cell pivotal in regulating cellular homeostasis [93].
growth, the cell cycle, DNA and membrane repair, and
intracellular organelles, such as mitochondria [85]. Interestingly, autophagy also cooperates very closely
Defective autophagy can influence cellular homeostasis with UPR: autophagy is induced to counter ER stress
at the epithelial barrier level in particular and therefore [94,95] and thus defective autophagy can similarly result
represents a crucial component of disease initiation. Loss in ER stress [96]. The precise interplay between autop-
of autophagy leading to Paneth cell dysfunction has been hagy and ER stress is complex [97,98] and yet to be fully
a strong focus [86]; these cells are highly metabolically elucidated. Impairment in either of these processes in
active and specialized enterocytes in the small bowel IECs results in each other’s compensatory engagement
responsible for AMP production. Individuals with T300A and in severe spontaneous CD-like transmural ileitis if
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both mechanisms are compromised in mice [99]. Over- activated phenotype are present in the gut mucosa and
all, distinct factors can impair autophagy (increased blood of patients with CD [115–118]. Therefore, an
cleavage of ATG16L1) or overwhelm autophagy (ER unrestrained rather than a primarily pathogenic function
stress), and subsequent secondary triggers initiate gut for Th17 cells is the likely mediator of CD inflammation.
inflammation. These data linking three closely related
pathways (NOD2, autophagy, and ER stress) clearly Recently, two discoveries provided further insights into
demonstrate how disease causation requires specific and IL-23-Th17 signaling in CD. Firstly, Buonocore and
critical interaction(s) between host defects and distinct colleagues [119] described a new subset of innate
triggers. Independently, these factors may confer only lymphoid cells (ILCs), which rely on IL-23 to induce
limited risk. Th17 responses and colitis [120]. ILCs are important
effectors of innate mucosal immunity and tissue remodel-
Immune response: IL-23/Th17 pathway and IL-10 ing. These previously unknown cells have a lymphoid
The dynamic crosstalk between the gut microbiota, IECs, morphology but lack antigen receptors and myeloid or
and mucosal immune cells is essential to maintain DC markers. This subset of ILCs (group 3) is defined by
intestinal homeostasis [100,101]. In CD, the CD4+ T-cell their capacity to produce the cytokines IL-17A or IL-22 or
compartment is the most influential and includes Th1, both [120]. ILCs possess the ability to regulate CD4-T
Th17, and Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells [102]. The first cell responses [121]. Secondly, a previously uncultivable
IBD GWAS shifted the focus from the traditional Th1 organism, segmental filamentous bacteria (SFB), was
paradigm to IL-23/Th17 responses in CD. Here, Duerr found to markedly induce a small-bowel Th17 response
and colleagues [103] demonstrated that carriage of the and promote Th17-dependent autoimmune disease in
glutamine allele of Arg381Gln variant of the IL23R gene mice [122]. These studies are exciting as they demonstrate
confers protection against CD, and associations with how other immune cells can contribute to Th17 responses.
several SNPs in IL-23/Th17 genes have been consistently Although the case for SFB in humans is not clearly estab-
shown. lished, it is a cogent example of how specific microbial
stimuli (in this case, a singular microbe) can preferentially
IL-23 has a key role in both innate and T cell-dependent induce a Th17 response and immune-mediated pathology.
experimental mouse models of colitis [104,105]. IL-23R
signaling in T cells leads to enhanced Th17 response, On the other hand, Treg cells are constitutively present
reduced differentiation of Treg cells, and anti- (mostly in gut-associated lymphoid tissue) and maintain
inflammatory IL-10 production [106] (Figure 2F). IL-23 mucosal homeostasis predominantly via IL-10. IL-10-
is not indispensable to Th17 differentiation but rather deficient mice develop spontaneous colitis in contact
modulates Th17 effector function and pathogenicity with gut commensal microbiota with a Th1/17 pattern
[106–108]. IL-23 signaling is mediated through the but not in germ-free conditions [123]. Genetic variants of
engagement of heterodimeric IL-23 (composed of the the IL-10 gene are associated with IBD, and, intriguingly,
p19 and shared IL-12p40 subunits) with its heterodi- rare mutations resulting in complete loss of function in
meric receptor (comprising IL-23R and IL-12Rb1), and the IL-10 receptor in humans result in extensive clinical
signals predominantly through JAK2-STAT3 (both with manifestations of CD [124]. Several lines of evidence
genetic associations with CD) but can also weakly demonstrate the essential role for the microbiota in
activate STAT1, STAT4, and STAT5 [109]. IL-12 and regulating mucosal Treg cells relevant to CD (Figure 2G).
IL-23 drive differentiation of CD4+ T cells into Th1 and Specific clusters of the genus Clostridium, subsets of
Th17 cells, respectively. IL-23, secreted by macrophages which are reduced in CD and include Faecalibacterium
and DCs, together with IL-6 and transforming growth prausnitzii [125,126], are potent inducers of mucosal and
factor-beta (TGFb), sustains Th17 responses [110]. systemic Treg cell responses [127]. Metabolic products of
the microbiota, specifically short chain fatty acids [128]
The gut microbiota regulates both Th17 and Treg cell (including from F. prausnitzii) and polysaccharide A
responses, which appear to be reciprocally related. Th17 (PSA; from Bacteroides fragilis), can also promote Treg
cells are absent in germ-free mice, and human fecal cells and limit the Th17 response [129,130]. Recently,
transplant into germ-free mice triggers a Th17 response T-cell immunology has indeed taken center stage,
but not with killed-bacteria extracts [111–113]. In although the upstream roles for IECs and antigen-
health, intestinal Th17 cells are abundant and likely are presenting cells (DCs and macrophages) converging on
important components of mucosal host defense. How- the dialogue between the innate and adaptive immune
ever, the Th17 signature cytokines (IL-17A, IL-17F, IL-22, systems are clearly as important (reviewed in depth
and IL-26) [114] are particularly elevated in the intestine [101,131]). Inclusively, the gut microbiota is indispen-
and serum of patients with IBD, and Th17 cells with an sable in educating and shaping the host immune system.
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Defining the role of microbiota in Crohn’s in CD [146–149]. In one study, AIECs were isolated in
disease: recent progress and emerging challenges ileal specimens of 36.4% of CD and 6% of controls [146].
Advances in culture-free techniques, next-generation high- Most AIEC strains associated with CD express type 1 pili
throughput sequencing platforms, and the use of larger variants that increase the interaction between AIEC and
and more sophisticated human cohorts have ushered in a ileal epithelial cells via CEACAM6 [150] acting as a receptor
dramatic era in understanding the role of the gut (Figure 2B). AIECs induce an epithelial inflammatory
microbiota in IBD [132,133]. Progression from shallow response and, when phagocytosed by macrophages, are
small-subunit rRNA gene analysis to whole-genome more resistant to xenophagy and induce a persistent in-
shotgun sequencing and deep functional characterization flammatory response by releasing large amounts of TNFa
has been stimulated by a progressive reduction in the cost [151,152]. Several factors control AIEC-epithelial interac-
of high-throughput technologies and provided unique tion: CEACAM6 expression is associated with inflamma-
insights into the community structure, genetic repertoire, tion, smoking [153], and epigenetic regulation [73].
metabolic products, and function of the complex gut
microbiota (total of 1012, which outnumbers somatic cells More recently, there has been considerable interest in
10-fold and is an approximately 150-fold larger gene set the relatively unexplored fields of the mycobiota (fungal
than the human complement; reviewed in depth community) and virome in CD. Ott and colleagues [154]
[131,134]). The importance of the gut microbiota in the found an altered fungal profile in the intestinal mucosa of
pathogenesis of CD is strikingly demonstrated clinically patients with CD and UC compared with healthy controls;
where the diversion of fecal stream treats and prevents interestingly, in contrast to the microbiome, diversity was
recurrence of CD [135,136]. Several specific mechanistic increased in CD. Analysis of a de novo pediatric IBD cohort
hypotheses are broadly based on the microbiota’s effects by using next-generation sequencing found a distinct
(both general and specific) on mucosal health (for difference in mycobiota composition compared with
example, epithelial barrier function) and immune system controls with a Basidiomycota dominance [155]. The
(as antigenic stimuli, regulators of innate immune potential importance of the virome in CD pathogenesis
function (for example, TLR signaling), and balance of was shown in animal models, whereby viruses in associa-
Th17/Treg cell function). Furthermore, mechanisms sus- tion with gut bacteria affect intestinal biology, leading to
taining a healthy microbial composition (for example, inflammation in genetically susceptible hosts [87]. Recent
fucosylation [137,138]) and host-microbial symbiosis metagenomic sequencing of virus-like particle prepara-
and containment (barrier function, for example, AMP tions from fecal samples demonstrated disease-specific
and mucus; bacterial killing and mucosal immune viromes for CD and UC [156]. Fascinatingly, this study
response - NOD2, autophagy) are increasingly understood found CD to be associated with significant expansion of
as pathogenetic factors in CD. Caudovirales bacteriophages and a reduction in the
relative abundance of bacterial taxa, suggesting a poten-
Determining the ‘high risk’ microbiota in CD thus tial role for the virome leading to bacterial dysbiosis.
represents a major research priority. Reduced complexity
and diversity of the commensal gut microbiota are With powerful molecular tools now at our disposal, a
consistently demonstrated in CD (and UC) [125, number of challenges have emerged in study design and
139–142], although a causal effect for this is not yet its potential confounders (fecal versus mucosal micro-
clear (Figure 2B). In health, shifts in gut microbial biome, the effects of host genetics, disease activity/
composition can be influenced by a number of factors, duration/location, and drug treatment). Recent studies
including host genetics [143]. In CD, earlier studies have have focused on combined approaches encompassing all
shown that host genetic factors (NOD2 and ATG16L1) of these factors, including twin studies (to dissect the
and disease location (ileal) are associated with mucosal relative importance of genetics versus environment)
dysbiosis [144], where there is a decrease in Firmicutes, [142,157]. Gevers and colleagues [158] analyzed the
in particular F. prausnitzii, and an increase in Enterobac- mucosal and lumen-associated microbiota in treatment-
teriaceae, especially E. coli. Of the phylum Firmicutes, as naïve CD. In this largest study to date (approximately
discussed earlier, Clostridium subsets (including 450 patients with CD), analysis of the mucosal-
F. prausnitzii) directly induce colonic Treg cells. Reduced associated microbiome confirmed previous findings
F. prausnitzii levels are found in CD and are associated [126,159,160] of increases in Enterobacteriaceae and
with risk of post-resection recurrence of ileal CD [126], decreases in Bacteroidales, Faecalibacterium, and Clostri-
although a separate study in pediatric CD found increased diales as well as novel associations with other bacterial
numbers [145]. E. coli, which has acquired specific species. In contrast to an earlier study [159], fecal analysis
virulence or pathogenic factors leading to increased was less useful and this will impact on how future studies
adherence and invasive capability (AIEC, is more prevalent are conducted [158]. Ileal microbiome signatures were
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predictive of CD and were observed even in the absence brings in a new dimension, the ‘exposome’, as a factor in
of overt inflammation [161]. Palm and colleagues [162] modulating the gut microbiota (Figures 1 and 2C).
adopted a creative approach by using the host immune
system (IgA-coated sorting followed by 16sRNA sequen- Clinical translation
cing) to home in on the ‘colitogenic’ microbiota. When a In this concluding section, we discuss prospects and
smaller cohort of IBD patients and controls was used, IgA challenges in clinical translation in CD, where there is a
sorting revealed 35 species of bacteria that were rich seam of creative opportunities from multiple angles.
abundantly coated with IgA in the IBD samples. Several We briefly discuss mechanistic themes, targets, and
species were found in both healthy and IBD patients but potential strategies for translation, which are highlighted
were only highly coated by IgA in patients with IBD. Of in detail in Figure 3.
interest, gnotobiotic mice colonized with highly coated
IgA+ B. fragilis elicited more severe colitis compared with There is an inexorable shift toward mechanistic and
those colonized with a B. fragilis strain that was IgA−. molecular stratification that is likely to change current
historic clinical classification and eventually lead to better
Conceptually, mouse studies show that colitogenic personalized treatment (Figure 1). Rapid improvements
microbiota ‘caused’ or induced by host genetic defects in technology now provide the scale, economy, and com-
(in these cases, NLRP6 and T-bet deficiency, respectively) putational power to allow multi-layered integrative
can be transmissible in co-housing or cross-fostering profiling at a metagenomic level (genomic, epigenomic,
experiments, leading to increased susceptibility to induced microbiomic, metabolomic, and proteomic), and a
colitis in genetically intact mice [163,164]. It is concei- number of studies are already in progress. Furthermore,
vable that shared environmental factors—notably diet, previously poorly characterized factors such as time and
smoking, and antibiotic use—can result in a ‘high risk’ the exposome will now be incorporated [168]. This will
microbiota that influences susceptibility to CD, although provide further novel insights into variability in major
this has not yet been shown in humans [165–167]. This clinical phenotypes (for example, early versus adult-onset
Figure 3. Summary of therapeutic targets, underlying mechanisms, and opportunities for translation in Crohn’s disease
AE, adverse effect; AIEC, adherent invasive Escherichia coli; AMP, anti-microbial peptide; APC, antigen-presenting cell; DAMP, damage-associated molecular
pattern; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; FMT, fecal microbiota transplantation; HIF1a, hypoxia-inducible factor 1a; NOD2, nucleotide-binding
oligomerization domain containing 2; Th17, T helper 17 (cells).
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F1000Prime Reports 2015, 7:44
CD and inflammatory versus stricturing) and, critically, target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor and autophagy
treatment response. Several recent studies illustrate inducer, is not efficacious in CD, again highlighting the
tantalizing prospects of how we can move from concept case for stratification [185]. Paneth cell dysfunction as
to clinic. Haberman and colleagues [161] demonstrated a focal point provides targets for both upstream (for
distinct ileal transcriptome and microbiome signature in example, ER stress and autophagy) and downstream (for
early-onset CD. In two different studies, Lee and example, AMP production) factors. Such a platform is
colleagues showed that CD8+ T-cell immune signatures highlighted by a recent study using histologic analysis of
are better at predicting disease course than traditional Paneth cell phenotypes to divide patients with CD into
clinical or serological markers in IBD [169], and that a subgroups with distinct pathognomonic and clinical
genetic variant in the FOXO3A gene influences prognosis features [36].
rather than susceptibility by modulating the inflammatory
response in CD [170]. Recently, pharmacogenetics in IBD It is unsurprising that targeting or inhibition of the
has seen novel discoveries, including associations at immune/inflammatory response has seen the strongest
genome-wide significance thresholds with thiopurine- interest in drug development in CD. The success of anti-
induced leukopenia and NUDT15 gene [171], and the TNF agents has provided the primer, although this is
risk of thiopurine-induced pancreatitis with the HLA- likely to be the ‘high water mark’ in this area. Following
DQA1*02:01-HLA-DRB1*07:01 haplotype [172]. Major on closely from IBD genetic discoveries, targeting the
advances in imaging [173] provide not only a realistic IL-23/Th17 pathway (and indeed activated T cells) has
prospect to further stratify CD but a molecular tool to had mixed success. Ustekinumab, a humanized immu-
dissect the inflammatory process. Improved magnetic noglobulin G1k monoclonal antibody against the shared
resonance imaging cross-sectional imaging and endo- p40 subunit of IL-12 and IL-23, had modest efficacy
scopic techniques, including video capsule endoscopy, [186,187], and briakinumab, another anti-IL-12/23
now provide better disease characterization and monitor- antibody, failed to show benefit. Targeting Th17
ing [174,175]. Confocal laser endomicroscopy can detect responses via secukinumab (anti-IL-17A) and brodalu-
early epithelial dysfunction in predicting relapse [176] and mab (anti-IL-17 receptor) resulted in worse outcomes
therapeutic response to biological therapy [177] in IBD. [188]. Equally unsuccessful in CD were tofacitinib [189]
(a JAK inhibitor that is efficacious in UC [190]),
In targeting the microbiota, antibiotic treatment for fontolizumab (anti-IFNg [191]), and abatacept (a CTL4
AIECs, negating the adherence and invasive properties of inhibitor [192]). A number of potential explanations are
AIECs [178], manipulating microbial symbiosis factors offered, although more simply the heterogeneity of
and metabolome, repopulating the gut habitat with a immune response in CD may confound these ‘general’
healthy microbiota via probiotics, endogenous protec- clinical trials. It is clear that a re-evaluation is required.
tive commensals (for example, F. prausnitzii) or fecal Incorporating in-depth immunological analyses during
microbiota transplantation (FMT) may be achievable early-phase clinical development should be exploited to
in the future [179]. A recent review by Sartor [180] gain important insights and this has been discussed in
succinctly outlined the therapeutic challenges, including some detail in the IBD research community [193–195].
posing the questions of whether commensal microbiota Beyond this, major immune themes such as resetting the
can be permanently altered by our interventions and mucosal immune response (autologous stem cell trans-
whether endogenous protective commensals eventually plantation or more specific cell-based therapies), exploit-
can be used as treatment. ing mucosal regulatory factors (for example, microbial,
helminthic proteins, and dietary factors), and correcting
As the ‘low-hanging fruits’, NOD2 and ATG16L1 provide the mucosal milieu, which favors the resolution of
an important focus to identify novel ‘druggable’ bio- inflammation, are likely to feature more prominently.
logical pathways and targets. The identification of
vimentin as a NOD2-interacting protein with a role in Conclusions
AIEC handling as a drug target is one of many examples In the next 10 years, we envisage major progress in
in CD [181]. Stimulating NOD2 and autophagy signal- (1) stratifying and addressing disease heterogeneity in
ing is another strategy, but perhaps more likely to be CD on the basis of dominant molecular mechanism(s);
successful in a stratified setting (for example, in those (2) re-design of clinical trials that will follow from (1),
patients with defective NOD2 or autophagy) [182,183]. where the ‘one size fits all’ approach to new therapeutics
Autophagy inducers (for example, rapamycin) have requires major re-thinking [193]; and (3) a shift of focus
been used successfully in case reports [184]. However, to the causative factors to prevent disease onset and
a clinical trial has shown that everolimus, a mammalian maintain long-term remission in addition to inhibiting
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the abnormal immune/inflammatory response in CD. azathioprine, or combination therapy for Crohn’s disease.
N Engl J Med 2010, 362:1383-95.
This will almost certainly rely on simultaneous targeting
of genetic, environmental, microbial, and immune
factors. In this review, we have focused on the known/ 6. Jostins L, Ripke S, Weersma RK, Duerr RH, McGovern DP, Hui KY,
established disease mechanisms, which are framed by Lee JC, Schumm LP, Sharma Y, Anderson CA, Essers J, Mitrovic M,
recent landmark studies in genetics, immunology, and Ning K, Cleynen I, Theatre E, Spain SL, Raychaudhuri S, Goyette P,
Wei Z, Abraham C, Achkar J, Ahmad T, Amininejad L,
microbiology in CD. As discussed earlier, it is beyond the Ananthakrishnan AN, Andersen V, Andrews JM, Baidoo L,
scope of this review to cover CD pathogenesis in its Balschun T, Bampton PA, Bitton A, et al.: Host-microbe interac-
tions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatory
entirety. Pertinently, there remain many virtually unex- bowel disease. Nature 2012, 491:119-24.
plored concepts and scientific questions. We are at a
fascinating inflection point of discovery in CD research.
Ambitious goals, including long-term remission, perma- 7. Franke A, McGovern, Dermot PB, Barrett JC, Wang K, Radford-
nent alteration of natural history, and, indeed, curing Smith GL, Ahmad T, Lees CW, Balschun T, Lee J, Roberts R,
Anderson CA, Bis JC, Bumpstead S, Ellinghaus D, Festen EM,
CD, are not inconceivable for all patients with CD. Georges M, Green T, Haritunians T, Jostins L, Latiano A,
Mathew CG, Montgomery GW, Prescott NJ, Raychaudhuri S,
Abbreviations Rotter JI, Schumm P, Sharma Y, Simms LA, Taylor KD,
Whiteman D, et al.: Genome-wide meta-analysis increases to
AIEC, adherent-invasive Escherichia coli; AMP, anti- 71 the number of confirmed Crohn’s disease susceptibility
microbial peptide; ATG16L1, autophagy-related 16-like loci. Nat Genet 2010, 42:1118-25.
1 gene; CD, Crohn’s disease; CEACAM6, carcinoem-
bryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (non-
8. van Limbergen J, Radford-Smith G, Satsangi J: Advances in IBD
specific cross-reacting antigen); DC, dendritic cell; DSS, genetics. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014, 11:372-85.
dextran sulfate sodium; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; 9. Hunt KA, Mistry V, Bockett NA, Ahmad T, Ban M, Barker JN,
GWAS, genome-wide association study; HIF, hypoxia- Barrett JC, Blackburn H, Brand O, Burren O, Capon F, Compston A,
inducible factor; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; IEC, Gough, Stephen CL, Jostins L, Kong Y, Lee JC, Lek M, MacArthur DG,
Mansfield JC, Mathew CG, Mein CA, Mirza M, Nutland S, Onengut-
intestinal epithelial cell; IFN-g, interferon-gamma; IL, Gumuscu S, Papouli E, Parkes M, Rich SS, Sawcer S, Satsangi J,
interleukin; ILC, innate lymphoid cell; IRGM, immunity- Simmonds MJ, et al.: Negligible impact of rare autoimmune-
locus coding-region variants on missing heritability. Nature
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muramyl dipeptide; NOD2, nucleotide-binding oligomer-
ization domain containing 2; PRR, pattern recognition
receptor; SFB, segmental filamentous bacteria; SNP, single- 10. Ventham NT, Kennedy NA, Nimmo ER, Satsangi J: Beyond gene
nucleotide polymorphism; Th17, T helper 17; TLR, Toll- discovery in inflammatory bowel disease: the emerging role
of epigenetics. Gastroenterology 2013, 145:293-308.
like receptor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; Treg, regulatory T;
11. Adams AT, Kennedy NA, Hansen R, Ventham NT, O‘Leary KR,
UC, ulcerative colitis; UPR, unfolded protein response. Drummond HE, Noble CL, El-Omar E, Russell RK, Wilson DC,
Nimmo ER, Hold GL, Satsangi J: Two-stage genome-wide
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