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Corrosion Science
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Corrosion of carbon steel pipes and tanks by concentrated sulfuric acid: A review
Zehbour Panossian a,b,⇑, Neusvaldo Lira de Almeida a, Raquel Maria Ferreira de Sousa a,
Gutemberg de Souza Pimenta c, Leandro Bordalo Schmidt Marques c
Corrosion and Protection Laboratory, Institute for Technological Research of São Paulo State, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, No. 532, 05508-901 São Paulo, Brazil
Polytechnic School of São Paulo University, Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, No. 2463, 05508-900 São Paulo, Brazil
PETROBRAS, Av. Horácio Macedo, 950-prédio 20, 21941-598, Cidade Universitária – Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The corrosion of carbon steel storage tanks and pipes by concentrated sulfuric acid is a great concern. The
Received 12 July 2011 contact of carbon steel with concentrated sulfuric acid generates an immediate acid attack with the for-
Accepted 24 January 2012 mation of hydrogen gas and ferrous ions, which, in turn, form a protective layer of FeSO4 on the metallic
Available online 2 February 2012
surface. This work presents a review of carbon steel corrosion in concentrated sulfuric acid. The corrosion
mechanism of carbon steel in sulfuric acid, accelerating factors, types of carbon steel corrosion and the
Keywords: preventive methods against this corrosion are outlined.
A. Carbon steel
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Sulfuric acid
C. Anodic protection
C. Acid corrosion
1. Introduction fossil fuels, in the form of oil and natural gas, correspond to
approximately 60% of the global energy demand [8]. Currently,
Although sulfuric acid, in concentrated form, is the most pro- the challenge for all oil and natural gas companies is to meet the
duced reagent worldwide, corrosion by concentrated sulfuric acid growing industrial needs without inducing changes in the stability
has received little attention from researchers dedicated to the of the global climate.
study of corrosion. An extensive literature review showed that Sulfuric acid is a strong oxidizer and dehydrator. It may ignite
the majority of published papers deal with dilute sulfuric acid other materials (wood, paper, oil, etc.) and reacts violently with
and that a substantial number of papers report the selection of cor- water. Therefore, it is considered to be a dangerous product that re-
rosion inhibitors in sulfuric-acid pickling operations. Few studies quires safe storage and transport to avoid possible accidents.
related to the corrosivity of concentrated sulfuric acid were found Sulfuric acid, being very aggressive, attacks the metallic materi-
in the literature. In addition, most of them were published prior to als used for the construction of storage tanks and pipes. Depending
the 1980s. The recent published papers are mainly related to on the sulfuric acid concentration range, many types of metallic
highly corrosion-resistant steels, including stainless steels [1–7]. materials can be used to construct tanks and pipes, as shown in
Market research among some local sulfuric acid producers (São Table 1.
Paulo, Brazil) showed that the aggressiveness of the sulfuric acid The most widely used alloys for handling sulfuric acid are car-
is managed through an effective industrial plant maintenance pol- bon steel and UNS S304 and UNS S316 austenitic stainless steels.
icy rather than the adoption of corrosion prevention practices. Each material exhibits a different behavior in concentrated sulfuric
In Brazil, the concern for corrosion by sulfuric acid has acid. Table 2 shows some corrosion-rate values of these alloys in
increased in the oil and gas industry because of the recent policy concentrated sulfuric acid.
concerning the transformation of H2S and SOx produced during The data in Table 2 demonstrate that carbon steel has higher
oil extraction and refining into concentrated sulfuric acid. This pol- corrosion rates than the UNS S304 and S316 austenitic stainless
icy is being adopted to reduce the negative impact of the release of steels. However, the cost of carbon steel is much lower than the
these gases into the atmosphere because the burning of fuels is a abovementioned stainless steels. Fig. 1 shows the values in US$/
major cause of global warming because of the production of green- ton of metal [11]. The price difference between carbon steels and
house gases. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the UNS S304 and S316 austenitic stainless steels is substantial.
For this reason, carbon steel is preferred by many industries as a
⇑ Corresponding author at: Corrosion and Protection Laboratory, Institute for construction material for concentrated sulfuric acid storage tanks.
Technological Research of São Paulo State, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, No. 532, 05508- However, the success of this choice will significantly depend on the
901 São Paulo, Brazil. adoption of appropriate corrosion prevention measures.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Panossian).
0010-938X/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Z. Panossian et al. / Corrosion Science 58 (2012) 1–11
Table 1
Resistant alloys for different concentration ranges of sulfuric acid at 25 °C. Adapted
from Ref. [9] (Table B1).
Table 2
Corrosion rates (mm y1) of carbon steel and of UNS S304 and S316 austenitic
stainless steels in H2SO4. Data from Ref. [10] (Table 2.B.5.2M, 2.B.5.3M and
Fig. 1. Price in US$/ton in 2010 and 2011 of carbon steel and austenitic stainless
steel type UNS S304 and S316. Adapted from Ref. [11].
Fig. 4. Carbon steel ring in 96% reagent-grade H2SO4 under static conditions at 25 °C [15].
(5–6) mol L1 (corresponding to (40–46.5%)), the corrosion rate of oxidant (in this case, the sulfuric acid) to the metal surface through
carbon steels tends to increase with different intensities depending the corrosion product layer (FeSO4 in the case of carbon steel); the
on their carbon content. corrosion reaction rate; or the diffusion rate of the corrosion prod-
Fig. 3 also shows that, at concentrations greater than (5– ucts from the metal surface toward the bulk solution. The slowest
6) mol L1 H2SO4, the corrosion rate decreases in the same way step determines the metal corrosion rate. Thus, any factor that
for all steels, and above a concentration of approximately 9 mol L1 causes acceleration of these steps will result in an increase in the
(which corresponds to 63%) H2SO4, the corrosion rate becomes low corrosion rate. In the case of carbon steel in sulfuric acid, the most
and assumes almost the same value for all tested steels. These re- important factors that cause an increase in the corrosion rate are
sults suggest that, in high acid concentrations, the rate of corrosion the FeSO4 solubility in the acid, the temperature and the relative
no longer depends on the carbon content, which means that an- movement between the metal and the acid [10,16,17]. The follow-
other corrosion mechanism is occurring. ing paragraphs discuss each of these factors.
When carbon steel contacts concentrated sulfuric acid, the for-
mer is in fact reduced to form H2 and the iron oxidizes with the for-
3.1. Solubility of FeSO4
mation of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4), as shown in reaction (3):
H2 SO4 þ Fe ! FeSO4 þ H2 ð3Þ The solubility of FeSO4 depends on the acid concentration as
shown in Fig. 5. As evident from this figure, for concentrated sulfu-
The FeSO4 adheres to the steel surface and forms a protective ric acid (concentration greater than 90%), the solubility of the
layer. This layer prevents the metal against further attack by con- FeSO4 decreases with increasing acid concentration.
centrated sulfuric acid. Therefore, the durability of tanks made of
carbon steel depends on the preservation of the FeSO4 layer.
According to Dean and Grab [12], the mass transfer of FeSO4 is
the controlling step in the corrosion mechanism for acid concen-
tration between 50% and 99% for steel at ambient temperature.
At concentrations less than 50%, corrosion rates are lower and
are influenced by the carbon content of the carbon steel, as already
shown in Figs. 2 and 3. In this latter case, the hydrogen iron reduc-
tion process (reaction (2)) is the rate-limiting factor rather than the
dissolution of FeSO4.
Fig. 4 shows images of a carbon steel ring in concentrated 96%
reagent-grade H2SO4 at 25 °C at various immersion times [15].
Immediately after the immersion, the formation of a large amount
of H2 can be observed. After 24 h of immersion, a strong decrease of
the metal attack is observed because of the presence of a dark pro-
tective layer of FeSO4 on the metallic surface.
absorbed water are sufficient to dilute the acid. However, for re-
tained acid concentrations greater than 25 g m2, the amount of
absorbed water must be very large so that the dilution reaches crit-
ical levels.
The acceleration of corrosion caused by water absorption is
greater for 70% H2SO4 than for 98% H2SO4 for two reasons: first,
the amount of water that 98% H2SO4 needs to absorb to become
corrosive is two to three times higher than the amount necessary
for 70% H2SO4 to reach a level of dilution capable of causing strong
acceleration of corrosion; second, and even more important, is that,
at room temperature, the FeSO4 in equilibrium with acid concen-
trations of 90% or greater contains no hydration water, but the
FeSO4 contains one molecule of hydration water when in equilib-
rium with (15–90%) H2SO4. Thus, with more concentrated acids,
part of the absorbed water is primarily intended for incorporation
by FeSO4 in the form of hydration water, and only after that incor-
poration can the acid be diluted to less than 90% and become cor-
rosive [19].
For concentrated acid (>90%) and for normal storage-tank oper-
ating conditions, water absorption is generally not sufficiently high
to cause corrosion acceleration. However, for out-of-service tanks,
especially for those out of service for long periods, severe localized
corrosion may be observed. One example cited by Dean and Grab
[19] is related to an acid storage tank taken out of service for
Fig. 6. Corrosion rate of carbon steel as a function of H2SO4 concentration at 20 °C.
two months that exhibited a localized corrosion rate as high as
Adapted from Ref. [18].
30 mm y1. This tank was left open to the atmosphere. Total hydra-
tion of the FeSO4 layer and oxidation of ferrous ions to ferric ions
The relationship between the solubility of FeSO4 and the rate of by atmospheric oxygen were observed. Furthermore, water drop-
corrosion can be observed by comparison of Fig. 5 with Fig. 6. De- lets along the horizontal welds were observed. According to the
spite the differences in the temperatures of the tests conducted for authors, ferric sulfate solutions corrode carbon steel at rates up
the construction of Figs. 5 and 6, both show the same trend: to 35 mm y1 at room temperature, which explains the previously
discussed high corrosion rate.
(1) at concentrations up to 70%, an increase in the acid concen- From the above discussion, preventive measures against water
tration causes a decrease in both the FeSO4 solubility and the intake are not required for normally operated tanks that contain
corrosion rate of carbon steel; sulfuric acid with a concentration of 90% or greater. However, vent
(2) at concentrations greater than 70%, an increase in the acid dryers are desirable for sulfuric acid tanks out of service for ex-
concentration causes an increase in both the FeSO4 solubility tended periods.
and the corrosion rate of carbon steel;
(3) at concentrations between 90% and 100%, an increase in acid 3.2. Temperature
concentration again causes a decrease in both the FeSO4 sol-
ubility and the corrosion rate of carbon steel; The corrosion rate increases with an increase in temperature.
(4) at concentrations between 80% and 90%, all curves exhibit a This behavior can be observed in Fig. 7. From this figure, for 90%
maximum. However, the concentration at which this maxi- H2SO4, the corrosion rate is slightly higher than 0.5 mm y1 at
mum occurs is different, probably because of differences in 24 °C, whereas the rate increases approximately 10-fold
temperature and in other test conditions not outlined by (5 mm y1) when the temperature is increased to 107 °C. For 98%
the authors. sulfuric acid, the corrosion rate is approximately 0.13 mm y1 at
24 °C and almost 5 mm y1 at 79 °C.
From the above discussion, it is clear that, for concentrated sul-
furic acid, dilution should be avoided. If an accidental water intake
occurs in a level high enough to cause an acid dilution, the protec-
tive layer starts to dissolve in the acid, which causes an accelera-
tion of the metal corrosion.
In acid storage tanks, water absorption especially occurs during
loading/unloading operations because of exposure to atmospheric
air, which is usually humid. The stored acid absorbs the water va-
por from the humid atmosphere and becomes more corrosive [19].
Water–vapor absorption can also occur by the protective layer
of FeSO4 (which undergoes hydration) or by the acid entrapped
in the FeSO4 layer, both of which are exposed to atmospheric air
at the empty space of the tank. In the case of acid entrapped in
the FeSO4 layer, all the acid retained by the sulfate layer, may react
with the steel after dilution and may induce a higher corrosion rate
of the tank walls in contact with the empty space [19]. The degree
of corrosion acceleration will depend on the amount of acid re-
tained on the walls of the tank: If it is less than 25 g m2, an accel- Fig. 7. Corrosion rate of carbon steel tanks at different temperatures and sulfuric
eration of corrosion is expected because small amounts of acid concentrations under static conditions. Adapted from Ref. [9] (Fig. B1).
Z. Panossian et al. / Corrosion Science 58 (2012) 1–11 5
1:68 109 T
D¼ ð4Þ
where: D = diffusion coefficient of FeSO4 in m2 s1; T = tem- Fig. 8. Viscosity as a function of H2SO4 concentration for different temperatures.
Adapted from Ref. [12].
perature in K; l = viscosity of H2SO4 in kg m1 s1
This equation was proposed originally by Ellison and
Schmeal [16]. These authors obtained experimentally the
diffusion coefficient for ferrous ion using a rotating platinum
disk electrode. The mass transfer limited current density for
the oxidation of ferrous ion to ferric ion was determined in
an acid of a known ferrous concentration. This current
density was then related to the diffusion coefficient for
ferrous ion using Levich’s equation. Using this procedure,
these authors measured the diffusion coefficient of ferrous
ion in 68% and in 78% H2SO4 at 24 °C and 30 °C, respectively.
To compute the diffusion coefficient at other temperatures,
the authors adopted the extrapolation technique to Wilke’s
following relationship:
D1 ð5Þ
l Fig. 9. Thermal convection in a H2SO4 storage tank [15].
Fig. 11. Schematic illustration showing hydrogen grooving: (a) vertical wall of
tanks; (b) and (c) cylindrical surfaces [15].
steel, together with modifications of the tank geometry. The top in-
let nozzles should lie far from the tank walls. For example, for ver-
tical tanks, the standard NACE SP0294 [9] recommends that these
nozzles should be placed at least 1.8 m away from the sidewall of
the tank, closer to the center of the roof of the tank, if possible, as
shown in Fig. 14a. The same procedures should be applied to
bottom outlet nozzles (Fig. 14a). In addition, flow deflectors can
be placed on the nozzle entrance to direct the flow of the acid away
from the tank walls, as is shown in Fig. 14b. Deflectors can be used
also on the upper side of manholes (Fig. 14c). The use of highly cor-
rosion resistant alloys is advisable for the deflectors to extend their
Fig. 10. Corrosion rate of a carbon steel pipeline at different temperatures and flow lifetime [19]. However, the choice of the deflector material should
velocities in 75% H2SO4. Adapted from Ref. [20]. be made with caution to avoid galvanic couples with carbon steel,
Z. Panossian et al. / Corrosion Science 58 (2012) 1–11 7
Fig. 13. Pattern of side-wall grooving due to inadequate location of the top inlet
nozzle. Adapted from Ref. [21].
H þ H ! H2 ð7Þ
Reaction (6) occurs at different sites on the metal surface. The
formed hydrogen atoms remain adsorbed and move randomly on
the metal surface until they meet another hydrogen atom and form
hydrogen gas (H2). Some of the hydrogen atoms, however, do not
combine to form hydrogen gas, but rather diffuse into the steel,
mainly toward discontinuities (dislocation, pores around inclu-
sions, lamination, etc.) and combine there to form hydrogen gas.
This gas is trapped within the discontinuities. Pressures of several
thousand atmospheres may build up at such locations because of
the continued formation of hydrogen gas, which leads to blister for-
mation and growth and, eventually, rupture [21,23]. In ductile
steels, such as the walls of sulfuric acid storage tanks, a deformation
will occur, and blisters will appear on the metal surface, if this strain
is significant and occurs along the outer surface of the metal [21,23].
Figs. 15 and 16 illustrate the formation of hydrogen blistering.
which will accelerate corrosion. Detailed information about tank 5. Corrosion rate of carbon steel in concentrated sulfuric acid
geometry can be found in NACE SP024 [9].
As mentioned before, although sulfuric acid corrodes carbon
4.2. Blistering steel, it is widely used for tank storage and piping that handles
concentrated sulfuric acid at near-ambient temperatures. There-
Blistering is a type of damage caused by atomic hydrogen. fore, knowledge of the order of magnitude of the corrosion rate
When the cathodic reaction responsible for the corrosion of carbon of carbon steel in different concentrations, at different tempera-
steel is the reduction of hydrogen ions, blistering may occur. This tures and under different flow conditions is important.
cathodic reaction occurs in two steps. Hydrogen is first produced The corrosion-rate values for carbon steel pipes can be esti-
in atomic form. Two atoms then combine to form hydrogen gas mated using a well-established mathematical equation proposed
molecules, as shown by the following reactions: by Dean and Grab [12]. This equation was formulated based on
the following assumption: the corrosion rate of carbon steel in con-
Hþ þ e ! H ð6Þ
centrated H2SO4 is equal to the mass transfer of the ferrous ion
8 Z. Panossian et al. / Corrosion Science 58 (2012) 1–11
Fig. 15. Schematic illustration of atomic hydrogen diffusion into steel during wall
corrosion of a sulfuric acid storage tank [23].
Fig. 16. Schematic illustration of hydrogen blistering: (a) atomic hydrogen trapping
in steel discontinuities; (b) formation of molecular hydrogen and blistering[15].
from the FeSO4 film – H2SO4 interface to the bulk acid. According to
the authors, the steel surface in this condition is covered with a
layer of FeSO4 whose mass remains constant with time so that
any mass loss of this layer is made up of corrosion of the metal.
Thus, the corrosion rate is proportional to the mass transfer rate
and can be calculated by the following equation [12,16]:
mcorr ¼ AkðW ¼ W bulk Þ ð8Þ
where: mcorr = corrosion rate A = conversion factor (it depends on the
adopted units for mcorr , k, W and W bulk ) k = mass transfer coefficient
Fig. 14. Schematic illustration showing the prevention of hydrogen grooving: (a) W = solubility of FeSO4 in H2SO4 (or concentration of FeSO4 at the
vertical tank with the top inlet nozzle placed near the center of the tank roof; (b) vicinity of the FeSO4 protective layer) in mass fraction % W bulk =
with the top inlet nozzle with deflectors; (c) manhole with deflectors [15]. concentration of FeSO4 in the bulk acid.
Z. Panossian et al. / Corrosion Science 58 (2012) 1–11 9
Table 3
Estimated corrosion rates (mm y1) for carbon steel. Data from Ref. [10].
Dean and Grab [12] used three dimensionless parameters from (c) the flow velocity of sulfuric acid in carbon steel tanks and in
fluid mechanics (Sherwood number, Reynolds number and Schmidt pipelines should be limited to 0.9 m s1 [10,25] and the tem-
number), an empirical equation proposed by Harriott and Hamilton perature to 50 °C;
[24] for the mass transfer factor for solid pipes dissolving in liquids (d) a corrosion allowance for tanks, pipes and nozzle surfaces
and Eq. (4) to obtain the corrosion rate defined by Eq. (8) as a func- wetted by sulfuric acid should be between 3.2 mm and
tion of parameters related to the H2SO4 properties (density and vis- 6.4 mm [9] depending on the acid concentration, as shown
cosity); the flow condition parameters (velocity, temperature and in Table 4. Corrosion allowance is defined as metal thickness
pipe diameter) and the FeSO4 solubility and concentration in acid. above the design minimum thickness that may be consumed
These authors presented a detailed mathematical proof of the cal- or otherwise removed without performing fitness-for-
culations made to obtain the following equation: service evaluations;
(e) corrosion test coupons installed in critical tank locations is
0:0001427T 0:654 V 0:913 q1:567 ðW W bulk Þ
mcorr ¼ ð9Þ advisable because they can provide valuable quantitative
ð0:001lÞ1:221 d data on the prevalent types of attack in the specific locations
at which the coupons are installed [9];
where: mcorr = corrosion rate in mm y1 T = temperature in K V = acid
(f) precautions should be taken to avoid the ingress of water
flow velocity in m s1 q = density in kg m3 W = solubility of FeSO4
during loading/unloading operations [9,25];
in H2SO4 (or concentration of FeSO4 at the vicinity of the FeSO4 pro-
(g) to avoid acid dilution, the entry of moisture from the outside
tective layer) in mass fraction% W bulk = concentration of FeSO4 in the
should be controlled by proper venting and the minimiza-
bulk acid. Commercial acid contains about 0.01% (mass fraction) of
tion of air movement caused by natural convection. Taking
ferrous sulfate because it is produced and handled in carbon steel
measures to dry the air entering the tank reduces the risks
equipment. l = viscosity of H2SO4 in kg m1 s1, d = pipe diameter
of sulfuric acid dilution. Desiccant systems used for drying
in m.
incoming air should be properly maintained to ensure that
According to Dean and Grab [12], corrosion rates calculated
vents are not inadvertently obstructed and that the desic-
from this equation are in agreement with actual corrosion rates re-
cant is not saturated. Vent obstruction can result in serious
ported in the literature.
damage to a tank. When the local atmospheric humidity is
API Recommended Practice 581 [10] presents estimated corro-
normally high, a dry nitrogen or dry air pad should be con-
sion rates of carbon steel pipes based on Eq. (9) for pure sulfuric
sidered [9];
acid with no ferrous sulfate at different temperatures and at differ-
(h) the mechanical properties of the carbon steel plates, welds
ent flow velocities. According to this Practice, for turbulent flow in
and heat-affected zones (HAZ) must comply with applicable
straight pipes, the obtained corrosion rates were multiplied by a
codes (e.g., ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 1) or standards
factor of 3 to account for the enhanced localized corrosion at el-
(e.g., API650, Section 2, Materials or API 620 Section 4, Mate-
bows, tees, valves and areas of internal surface roughness such as
rials). A maximum tensile strength that exceeds 620 MPa
protuberances at welded joints. These adjustments provide the
should not be used because of the potential risk for hydro-
maximum estimated corrosion rates. Actual corrosion rates could
gen damage. The hardness of heat-affected zones of the weld
be 20–50% of these estimated maximum values. Table 3 presents
metal and base metal should be limited to 22 HRC [9];
estimated corrosion-rate values for carbon steel for different acid
(i) mill scales, as well as other types of impurities, should be
concentrations, different temperatures and different acid velocities.
removed from the steel surface to be exposed to the sulfuric
acid before the tank is put into service [9]. For this purpose,
6. Preventive measures for carbon steel corrosion control in
grit blasting should be considered [9]. This practice
concentrated sulfuric acid
improves the effectiveness of the protective FeSO4 layer
formed on the carbon steel surfaces;
To increase the useful life of tanks and pipelines made of carbon
steel, all of the countermeasures cited in Sections 3 and 4 should be
considered, and a detailed study of appropriate standards should Table 4
be performed. Among these standards, NACE SP0294 [9] and NACE New construction corrosion allowance for carbon steel at ambient temperature.
Adapted from Ref. [9] (Table 1).
RP0391 [25] can be cited.
Some of the recommended practices reported in standards for H2SO4 Minimum Typical corrosion allowance (mm)
the use of sulfuric acid are as follows: (%, mass) corrosion
allowance (mm)
(a) the concentration of sulfuric acid should be maintained >88–99.5 3.2 6.4
>93–99.5 1.6 3.2
between 88.0% and 99.5% [9], and preferably between
98.0% and 98.5%, where corrosion rates are lower; protected
(b) with (99–100.5)% H2SO4, the increased corrosion rate may >99.5–100.5 3.2 The increased corrosion rate may limit
limit the use of carbon steel. In this case, the stainless steel the use of carbon steel. Therefore, the
use of corrosion-resistant alloys
type UNS S304 and UNS S316 have been used successfully
should be considered.
in (90.0–100.5)% H2SO4 [9];
10 Z. Panossian et al. / Corrosion Science 58 (2012) 1–11
should be selected on the basis of preserving this protective layer. [8] Key World Energy Statistics, International Energy Agency, Paris, 6p, 2009.
[9] NACE – National Association of Corrosion Engineers. 2006. NACE SP0294-2006:
Therefore, all factors that cause damage to the FeSO4 protective
Standard practice – Design, fabrication, and inspection of storage tank systems
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