Effect of Chloride Concentration On The Corrosion Rate in Carbon Steel
Effect of Chloride Concentration On The Corrosion Rate in Carbon Steel
Effect of Chloride Concentration On The Corrosion Rate in Carbon Steel
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ABSTRACT: Carbon steel is among the most common materials used in engineering and industrial applications and
represents about 85% of the annual steel production worldwide. The low corrosion resistance of carbon steel in certain
environments, such as in marine environments, is one of the major problems related to its use. The rate of corrosion of steel
in salt solution depends on the salt concentration and on the amount of dissolved oxygen in the solution. In this paper, an
experimental investigation was performed to study the effect of sodium chloride concentration (NaCl wt%) on the corrosion
rate of carbon steel. Two cases were considered (i) aerated and (ii) non-aerated solutions to study the effect of dissolved
Oxygen. Furthermore, an experiment was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of cathodic protection
in the maximum corrosion rate conditions. Carbon steel samples of known metallurgical composition were used to perform
the experiments. Samples were divided into groups of three samples each and immersed in solutions of different Chloride
concentration ranged from 2% to 12% (NaCl wt%) in the aerated and non-aerated conditions. Measurements were taken
before and after the experiments and corrosion rate was calculated using mpy units. Results showed that maximum corrosion
rate of steel in non-aerated solution is 2.433 mpy at 3%wt NaCl chloride concentration while for the aerated solution
maximum corrosion rate is 12.892 mpy at (3 % wt NaCl) showing that the existence of dissolved oxygen in the solution
increases the rate of corrosion. Additional experiment was conducted to apply cathodic protection on steel samples using
sacrificial anode (SACP) at the worst condition (the maximum corrosion rate) to inhibit corrosion which indicted that
cathodic protection is very effective to prevent steel corrosion at any chloride concentration.
Keywords: Corrosion, carbon steel, chloride concentration, cathodic protection
projects is significant. The Department of Transport in the
1. Introduction UK for instance estimated the cost associated with repairing
Corrosion can be defined as an electrochemical process that concrete structures damaged due to corrosion by £755
occurs in metals due to environmental conditions in which a million per year (Ann et al., 2009). Corrosion must be given
metal converts into its oxides or other compounds. This is special consideration because, in certain applications,
due to the fact that metal oxides are more stable than metals failure may lead to loss of life in addition to the high
(Fontana 1978). financial cost (Elfergani et al.,2013)
Corrosion of metals is considered to be one of most serious The electrochemical theory of corrosion relates corrosion to
engineering problems facing large sectors of heavy a network of short-circuited galvanic cells on the metal
industrial complexes and civil engineering construction surface. Metal ions go into solution at anodic areas in an
projects jeopardizing their economic and technical amount chemically equivalent to the reaction at cathodic
feasibility via its direct and indirect costs (Elfergani et areas. One of the key factors in any corrosion situation is the
al.,2011) environment. The definition and characteristics of this
For example, The Great Man-Made River Project variable can be quite complex and it is important to realize
(GMMRP) which is one of the major water transport that the environment is a variable that can change with time
projects worldwide has suffered many pipe failures due to and conditions. Although occurs naturally, it is possible to
corrosion. The main reason of these failures is the corrosion induce corrosion artificially using a corrosion cell consists
of the steel wires due to the attack of chloride ions from the of four essential elements: two electrodes (anode and
surrounding soil (Elfergani et al.,2013). The economic cathode), an electrolyte and an electrical connection. The
impact of corrosion problems on industrial and engineering anode is located in the position where corrosion takes place
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while the cathode is the cell part which is not consumed in several type of cathodic reactions the most common of them
the corrosion process. The electrolyte aqueous environment are hydrogen evolution and Oxygen reduction while metal
provides a path for ionic conduction between the anode and ion reduction and metal deposition are less common
the cathode. The electrical connection allows the electrons reactions and are most frequently found in chemical process
to be transmitted through it. Figure 1 illustrates a corrosion streams (Fontana 1978).
cell. (Bradford 1993, Scully1990, Fontana 1978) Most aqueous solutions contain dissolved oxygen as they
Cathode represents the positive terminal of the cell where come in contact with the atmospheric air which can act as a
reduction takes place and electrons are consumed while cathode reactant. Electrolyte concentration can affect the
anode is the negative terminal of the cell where electrons are solubility of oxygen in water and hence the rate of corrosion
released and weight loss occurs. of immersed metals.
The purpose of this paper is to experimentally investigate
the effect of sodium chloride concentration on corrosion of
carbon steel in air–saturated water at room temperature.
2. Experimental procedure
A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the
effect of both chloride concentration and the presence of
dissolved oxygen on corrosion rate and the effectiveness of
cathodic protection.
Fig. 1. The Corrosion Cell. In the first experiment (Experiment 1) 33 specimens of steel
grade C (5 cm x 4 cm x 0.5 cm) were used. Table 1 shows
For corrosion to occur there must be an electrolyte (e.g. salt the chemical composition of used steel.
solution) and a metallic path between the cathode and anode.
In the metallic conductor, 'conventional ' current flows from Table 1 The chemical composition of grade C steel
cathode (+) to anode (-) which is in fact electrons flowing Composite % Wt ρ ( g/cc)
from anode (-) to cathode (+). Metals provide a path for the Carbon (c) 0.28 2.267
flow of conventional current which is actually passage of Manganese (Mn) 0.90 5.03
electrons in the opposite direction. (Zaki A 2006)
The primary process in the corrosion of metals in water is Phosphorus (p) 0.035 1.82
electrochemical in nature, it is a chemical reaction Sulfur (s) 0.045 2
accompanied by the passage of an electric current. For this Base metal Iron (Fe) 98.74 7.9
to take place, a potential difference must exist between one
part of the structure and another. This difference in potential
thus determines the tendency of a material to corrode. Samples were cleaned and polished until all scales and
Electrodes might be formed of two different metals or deposits are completely removed to metal shine, then
different areas on the same pieces of metal (Fontana 1978). washed with distilled water and finally rinsed with acetone
Corrosion process is characterized by two reactions, anodic to dissolve any organic deposits and for easy drying. Each
reaction and cathodic reaction. Anodic reaction is the sample was weighed using an electrical balance with an
oxidation of metal to its ion. Positively charged atoms of accuracy of 0.0001 g (figure 2).
metal leave the solid surface and enter in to solution as ions.
They leave their corresponding negative charges in the form
of electrons, which are able to flow through the metal or any
external electrical conductor to the cathodic area. This
reaction can be written in the general form:
M → M+n + ne .
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It can be seen from figure 8 that corrosion rate increases with
Figures 7 and 8 show the effect of sodium chloride increasing salt concentration until reaching a maximum
concentration on the weight loss and corrosion rate. value of 2.433 mpy at 3 %wt salt concentration and then
decreases gradually.
This behavior can be explained in terms of oxygen solubility
in water and the formation of passive iron oxide film on the
surface of the sample.
Chloride Average 3
Sample Weight Average Average
Area (𝒊𝒏𝟐 ) Weight Loss
200 concentrations.
160 Anodic and cathodic reactions for in the presence of chloride
ions and oxygen in the solution can be represented as
80 Anodic reaction: The metallic Fe is oxidized to form
positively charged ferrous ions:
Fe 2Cl - FeCl 2 2e - Fe2 2Cl - 2e -
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% The net reaction of equation (2.4) is expressed:
%wt NaCl concentration Fe Fe2 2e -
Cathodic reaction: The free electrons which are released
Fig. 7. Average weight loss results as a function of NaCl
from Anodic reaction react with O2 and H2O to form
concentration (non-aerated solution).
hydroxyl ions as:
36 | l c c a - 2
2H 2e - H 2 It is obvious from the figures that weight loss and corrosion
rate follow the same trend as for non-aerated conditions. A
maximum corrosion rate of 12.892 mpy occurs at 3% wt
NaCl concentration. These results agree well with the
published data (Elfergani 2013).
O 2 2H 2 O 4e - 4OH- 600
3 0.3675 7.424
1 0.5039 7.595
3 0.5418 8.051
1 0.5769 8.051 4
4% 2 0.5769 7.908 499.9 8.003 11.797 2
3 0.4808 8.051 0
1 0.2573 7.908 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8%
%wt NaCl concentration
5% 2 0.322 8.051 373.2 7.794 9.044
3 0.1671 7.424
Fig. 10. Average corrosion rate results as a function of
1 0.2265 7.424 NaCl concentration (aerated solution)
6% 2 0.382 7.288 313.8 7.378 8.033
3 0.333 7.424
1 0.2509 7.595
37 | l c c a - 2
realized on the metal surfaces. Since E ° Zn+2 /Zn = − 0.763 V Elfergani H. A, Pullin R. , Holford K., 2011. Acoustic
and, E ° Fe+2 /Fe= − 0.44 V, the potential difference between Emission Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Structures.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 305. 2011, 01207.
zinc and iron electrodes (E ° = E ° Fe+2 /Fe − E ° Zn+2 /Zn ) is 0.323
V. Zinc acts as the anode and iron as the cathode. Elfergani H.A. , Pullin R. , Holford K. 2013. Damage
The steel samples were removed from the salt solution, assessment of corrosion in prestressed concrete by acoustic
cleaned and polished then reweighed. Weight loss for the emission, Construction & Building Materials Journal.
three samples was found to be negligible indicating that the
applied cathodic protection was successful in preventing Fontana M. G. , Corrosion Engineering , McGraw Hill,
corrosion in carbon steel at the worst conditions. Singapore, third Edition, 1978 .
Ann K.Y., Ahn J. H. and Ryou J. S., 2009, The importance
of chloride content at the concrete surface in assessing the
time to corrosion of steel in concrete structures,
Construction and Building Materials, 23, pp 239–245.
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