Kuensel June

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J U N E 2 5 "  ( & ' ,  š  D k  ' &

>> A mega yoga session will be held at the
multi-purpose hall of the Royal Institute of
Management, Semtokha from 10am-11am

Pg.3: Govt. allocates budget for
local polls

Pg.8: Q&A: EIB agreement will

bring investment support to
Bhutan: EU

Pg.11: Two new thrompon His Majesty The King with the people of Jomotshangkha, Samdrupjongkhar. His Majesty spent the day
candidates for Samdrupjongkhar meeting with the people of Serthi at Minjiwoong village, and, later, the people of Jomotshangkha at the
dungkhag. His Majesty The King is accompanied by His Royal Highness the Gyaltshab.
Celebrating Guru

Rising multi-drug
Padmasambhava – the one who
was never born and never died

resistant TB cases
So that reading
2 Despite Bhutan’s laudable progress in the TB control programme
culture grows
Kinga Dema Therefore, to review the National management and financing of TB
TB Control Programme (NTCP), a programmes, and evaluate perform-
Despite Bhutan’s laudable progress joint external review mission com- ance and progress of the implemen-
in the Tuberculosis (TB) control pro- prising of experts from CDC, Atlanta tation of NTCP activities. Besides,

gramme over the years, the increas- and the World Health Organisation the team also reviewed monitoring

Point ing number of multi-drug resistant

TB (MDR-TB) poses a threat to the
SEAR office are in the country as re-
quested by the health minister.
and supervision, quality assurance
of sputum microscopy, logistics and
achievements made so far. The team accompanied by supplies including drugs, infection
NTCP officials visited several dzong- control, MDR-TB and HIV/TB in-
WHO khags to review present policies, terventions.
organisational structure, planning, Pg.2

Economic minister quizzed again

Tempa Wangdi the government and the opposition, rchhu hydropower project, probable
chose to ask him most of the ques- revision of electricity tariff, and the
As if the National Council (NC) call- tions during the question-hour ses- fuel depot in Duksum in Trashiya-
ing the economic affairs minister sion, yesterday. ngtse.
Lekey Dorji for a second time to the Five of the eight questions asked While the minister got away with
house was not enough, National As- were directed at Lyonpo Lekey Dorji. the first question on the fuel depot
sembly (NA) members, both from The minister was grilled on For- in Duksum with ease, tougher ques-
eign Direct Investment (FDI), tourist tions awaited.
ASSEMBLY tariff undercutting, the Chamkha- Pg.2
PAGE 2 KUENSEL | Saturday, June 25, 2016

Rising multi-drug resistant TB cases

From Pg.1 lence rate based on the exist- percent and 35 percent respec- control measures in hospitals are coughing, sometimes with
Simultaneously, the NTCP ing cases at around 196/100,000 tively and is significantly higher and by patients,” he said. “Be- sputum or blood, chest pains,
also updated its guidelines and population while the TB inci- than the regional average of 2.2 fore detection was based on the weakness, weight loss, fever
strategic plan to ensure align- dence rate of new cases is percent and 16 percent. judgment of the treating physi- and night sweats. Usually TB
ment with recent WHO recom- 169/100,000 population per Besides, TB patients are not cians or clinicians.” is treatable with a six-month
mendations and guidelines. year. The mortality rate due to completing the entire treatment Health officials said it was course of antibiotics. However,
WHO Bhutan’s country rep- TB is 12/100,000 population. course dutifully thus leading to difficult to manage MDR-TB as if the patients discontinue treat-
resentative, Dr Ornella Lincetto The case detection rate for all MDR-TB. Slow progress in scal- the drugs caused severe side ment before the completion
said that MDR-TB is dangerous forms of TB is 87 percent. Treat- ing up programmatic manage- effects, and in some cases, the of six months, when TB is not
for the patient and expensive ment success rate among NSP ment of drug resistant TB and treatment continued for more fully cured, he/she can develop
for the health system. “In Bhu- (new sputum positive) stands need for reliable TB estimates than two years. MDR-TB treat- MDR-TB, which is a much more
tan, we’ve to change the strat- at 90 percent while for MDR-TB, and revisiting quality of basic ment is 100 times more expen- severe form of TB requiring
egy and reach out to each and it is achieved at 100 percent for DOTS (Direct Observation sive than the cost of treating expensive and long-term treat-
every case of TB and ensure a cohort of 10 cases. TB preva- Treatment, Short-Course) also normal TB. The treatment costs ment.
proper treatment and follow lence and mortality reduced by pose challenges. about Nu 180,000 per patient. Therefore, health officials
up,” she said. “Better case iden- half as compared to 1990 figures NTCP officials said that said it is extremely important
tification will be possible soon achieving the Millennium De- MDR-TB cases have been in- Causes and symptoms for the patients to be fully in-
with the arrival of the geneXpert velopment Goals last year. creasing every two to three According to WHO, TB is formed and supported in order
machines.” According to health officials years. an infectious bacterial disease to complete the treatment as
Dr Ornella Lincetto said there is a substantial increase NTCP’s chief programme caused by Mycobacterium tu- prescribed.
that WHO is fully committed to in number of MDR-TB cases officer Tshewang Rinzin said berculosis, which most com- The WHO SEAR is home
technically support the health diagnosed and initiated on that they wondered as to why monly affects the lungs. It is to 26 percent of the world’s
ministry towards the battle treatment today. Records show there was an increase in cases transmitted from person to population, but accounts for
against TB. that in 2014, 61 MDR-TB cases but the epidemiological assess- person via droplets from the 41 percent of the global burden
were detected while last year 49 ment findings revealed that the throat and lungs of people with of TB incidence. In the region
TB situation in Bhutan cases were detected and put on MDR-TB strain has been in the the active respiratory disease. in 2014, TB prevalence was es-
Bhutan has a well-function- treatment. country for a long time and was In healthy people, infection timated at 5.4 million (M) cases
ing health system and TB serv- now being detected with new with Mycobacterium tubercu- while around 4M new TB cases
ices are integrated within the Challenges technology in the public health losis often causes no symptoms, emerged in the year. Control-
overall health services covering However, challenges re- laboratory. since the person’s immune ling the disease epidemic in the
the entire population and are main. According to WHO, the “Cross transmission of system acts to “wall off” the region is critical to ending the
free of charge. proportion of MDR-TB among MDR-TB is also taking place bacteria. global TB epidemic, according
WHO estimates TB preva- the new and re-treatment is five given the inadequate infection The symptoms of active TB to WHO.

Economic minister quizzed again

From Pg.1 recently. “There was also a tourism industry. However, the On some industries hav- grig Namsum.
On the government’s claim proposal for a smelting plant minister responded that after ing to shut down because of The minister began by
of economic growth, Gangzur- for ferro silicon and alumini- corresponding with the Tour- removal of subsidised electric- thanking his counterpart from
Minjay representative Karma um but that had to be put on ism Council of Bhutan no un- ity, the minister said it was de- Panbang for raising the con-
Rangdol asked Lyonpo Lekey hold because of the problem dercutting was found to exist. cided long before the present cern of Khengrig Namsum
Dorji to share details on the of power shortage in winters,” “Tourism Council of Bhu- government came to power. people but also reminded that
progress. “Many FDI projects Lyonpo said. tan has told us that there is no “Subsidy on high voltage was it was lyonpo himself who
and industries may have been The government has also such undercutting since all removed since 2011,” Lyonpo pursued the project vigorously
initiated, though there is no approved a number of larger transactions are done through Lekey said. until now. “More than anyone I
need to mention all, if just five industries in the country like its bank account,” Lyonpo said, The minister’s counterpart am the most concerned person
of these projects could be men- Kinjur Beverages, Bhutan Ven- adding that the Council has from the opposition, Panbang about this project since it is in
tioned,” Karma Rangdol said. ture Beverages, Lhaki Beverag- also so far received no such representative Dorji Wangdi the area I am from,” Lyonpo
Lyonpo Lekey Dorji said es, and resorts. But more than complaints. asked about the stalled Cham- Lekey said. 
that while the number of FDI FDI, the minister said that it is Responding to Kengkhar- kharchhu hydropower project. He however assured that
projects were approved, GIC the development of the small Weringla representative Rin- Dorji Wangdi said that the the project would begin as
Bhutan reinsurance which and cottage industries which zin Jamtsho’s question on the project despite the govern- soon as the present hurdle is
is worth Nu 500 million (M) should be accorded priority. government’s plans to raise ment’s reassurances has failed over. “As of now the project
was started. “The others are “FDI is important but even electricity tariff for domes- to begin its construction. could not begin because of
KCR Pvt Ltd, Ice Beverages Pvt more important is the devel- tic users, Lyonpo said that “Earlier, the government some hurdles in share-holding
Ltd, which is being planned in opment of domestic indus- it would be decided by the told us that Chamkharchhu and concession agreements
Samtse, Dragon Spirit Ltd and tries,” Lyonpo said. “But more Bhutan Electricity Authority. hydropower project would in Kholongchhu hydropower
Generic Pvt Ltd that plans to important than even our do- “The government has no part begin right after the joint project, which will be the basis
produce synthetic industrial mestic industries is small and in domestic electricity tariff venture project Kholongchhu for the Charkharchhu hydro-
diamonds,” Lyonpo Lekey cottage industries and service because it is the sole author- hydropower project starts, but power project,” Lyonpo said.
Dorji said. sectors.” ity of the Bhutan Electricity while the latter has already “Since it is a new mode of
The minister said that Next, Wamrong representa- Authority,” the minister said, begun, the former is still lan- project, it is taking sometime
there are still many FDI pro- tive Karma Tenzin asked the adding the revision is done guishing,” Dorji Wangdi said. because of certain more im-
posals some of which came minister what is being done every three years as stated in He added that the delay is now portant things to consider,”
after he took over the ministry to address undercutting in the the electricity Act. worrying the people of Khen- Lyonpo Lekey said.
Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL


Govt. allocates budget for local polls

MB Subba or September. The ECB has al- in the five gewogs of Bjabchhog ing and collaboration network, for implementation of their
ready released a revised atlas of and Doongna in Chhukha and training of party functionaries planned activities. Another Nu
The government has allocated the LG constituencies with the Samkhar, Bartsham and Uzo- and study tours. 961M has been kept aside for
a total of Nu 75.9 million (M) number of voters. rong gewogs in Trashigang. Another Nu 13.65M of the schools under the thromdes.
to the Election Commission The upcoming phase of the Nu 7.457M will be utilised total allocated money is for During the National Coun-
of Bhutan (ECB) for various second local government elec- for improving participation in strengthening the institute and cil’s recent question and answer
activities in the financial year tions will be held in all dzong- electoral and political processes enhancing the electoral system. session, works and human set-
2016-17. khags including new thromdes, through the Bhutan Children’s These activities include devel- tlement minister Dorji Choden
According to the new an- except for 10 gewogs. Parliament (BCP) session. The oping an e-library, research and said: “The government is pre-
nual budget report, Nu 20M of Elections in five gewogs of children’s parliament is expected publication, review of electoral pared to finance and provide
the total allocation is for holding Chhumig (Bumthang), Phuent- to promote active and construc- documents, learning from ex- professional manpower to begin
local government (LG) polls and sholing (Chhukha), Goenshari tive youth engagement in dis- perience programme and ECB work on urban planning and de-
other poll related activities such (Punakha), Sang-Nga-Chholing cussions that could contribute conference. velopment in all thromdes.”
as delimitation of parliamentary (Samtse) and Mendrelgang in to the policy consideration at the Meanwhile, the four throm- Lyonpo said that the govern-
constituencies and by-elections. Tsirang will be conducted in national level. des of Phuentsholing, Thimphu, ment has requested the Royal
The LG elections are ex- the third phase. The final and This will also cover expenses Gelephu and Samdrupjongkhar Civil Service Commission for an
pected to be held in late August fourth phase will see elections for electoral experience shar- will receive Nu 1.656 billion (B) additional 150 staff for thromdes.


USD 4.26M for improvement of city roads

However the grant will be released only if ADB’s requirements are met

Dechen Tshomo estimate for the road widening she said. parking area falls in zone five. The roads in these four zones
work has to be completed by The road widening works Zone one includes mainly require resurfacing along
Residents in Lungtenphu, September. “All the paperwork that includes construction and Motithang, Kawangjangsa with maintenance and construc-
Thimphu will soon have im- for the work is ready,” he said. maintaining of parking spaces, and core city areas, while zone tion of drains, pedestrian foot-
proved and broader roads The thromde will float the drainage system, pedestrian two includes YHSS parking paths and parking spaces and all
with road widening work from tender in July. footpath and road marking, to Dechencholing, Pamtsho, paper works should be ready for
Semtokha (manidungkhor A Lungtenphu resident, between Semtokha and YHSS Jungshina, Chubachu and the award of work before the Asian
area) to the Yangchenphug a civil servant, Tshering Pem parking is expected to cost Nu Sunday market area. Likewise, Development Bank (ADB) gives
Higher Secondary School said that the pothole-ridden 52.7 million (M). National Pension and Provident the grant.
(YHSS) parking expected to roads made it difficult to drive, Works and human settle- Fund colony till Changzam- The ADB will release the
start in October this year. as the road was narrow. “With ment ministry and Thimphu tog falls under Zone three and budget for the improvement
An engineer with Thim- one side of the road dug, it gets thromde has divided the city Changbangdu, Olakha, Babesa of urban roads in Thimphu
phu thromde’s road section muddy when it rains, which into five zones. The road widen- and Simtokha LAP falls under thromde by September if ADB’s
said that detailed design and can cause traffic accidents,” ing from Semtokha to the YHSS zone four. requirements are met.


RTC seeks suitably qualified, experienced and enthusiastic staff and faculty to fill up the following vacancies:
Post # Min Qualification/Experience Start Salary/Level
1 MCom/MBA or relevant Master’s degree with specialization in Finance Salary negotiable based on
Full-time faculty in Business
experience & qualification
Asst. Registrar/ Student 1 Masters with 2 yrs of relevant exp. or Graduate with 4-6 yrs of relevant exp. Nu.25,705 + 10% PF
Service Officer negotiable with exp.
1 BCom/BBA (Finance or A/c specialization) with 1st Div. Nu.20,492 + 10% PF
Asst. Finance Officer
Relevant experience will be preferred
Assistant Librarian 1 General graduate with 1st Div. Relevant experience will be preferred Nu.20,492 + 10% PF
1 Class X pass with valid two wheeler driving license + 5 yrs exp. Candidate Nu.9,270 + 10% PF
Admin Assistant
with additional driving license (light/Medium) will have added advantage
1 Ex-servicemen preferred Nu.6,598 + 10% PF + Free
Security Guard
Must be able to write basic English housing on campus
Applications along with relevant documents should be submitted to the HR Manager by 11th July ’16 (12 Noon) either online (visit Careers
at RTC link at www.rtc.bt) or in hard copies to our City Office at Chang Lam Plaza (Room # 56). However, applicants are strongly encouraged
to apply online. Please visit www.rtc.bt or call 351801 (Ext. 147) for more info. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Previous applicants need not apply.
PAGE 4 KUENSEL | Saturday, June 25, 2016

Pedestrian safety on
the expressway

pedestrian was killed in a hit-and-run
incident on the expressway this week.
This is not the first death to occur
on this road.
Earlier, a woman was killed in front
of the Hyundai show room in another hit-and-run.
These tragedies could have been avoided.
The thromde is building a walkway for pedestrians
and cyclists along both sides of the expressway. Once
completed, it should separate vehicle and pedestrian
traffic and significantly lower the risk of accidents.
But pedestrian and vehicle traffic will still have to
interact at several points on the expressway.
Many measures have been tried to discourage
pedestrians from crossing the expressway.
First there was the infamous double lined green
mesh, with plants in between. The fence failed to stop The yin-yang of bondage: Not free to roam but in good health, well-fed and
anyone from passing through and the plants became groomed Photo by Tashi Gyeltshen, RBG, Thimphu
fodder for cattle. It was removed.
A higher concrete divider was considered and par-
tially implemented.
Speed bumps that double as zebra crossings were MY SAY

Promoting the national language

But then it was decided that the expressway, now
a highway with the speed bumps, would be reverted
back to an expressway. The speed bumps would have
to be removed and possibly replaced with under- Sir, have come up with some Actually, culture is the full
passes. Dzongkha is our national measures. A word of appreci- range of learned human be-
Meanwhile, hedge saplings have been planted language. Bhutan became a ation goes to the filmmakers haviour patterns and is speci-
and once fully grown, are expected to form a barrier member of the UN in 1971, for maintaining our national fied in three layers. Firstly, it
to discourage jaywalkers. but I never saw our represent- language and identity. is the body of culture tradi-
atives giving their speeches in Actually, DDC should tions that distinguish one’s
What we can learn from this expensive saga is that
Dzongkha at the UN General coordinate with the culture specific society. The second
safety of pedestrians has still not been ensured.
Assembly. People from other department. Culture is the layer of culture is dominated
As pedestrians, we’re all expected to cross zebra by identity and its subculture
nations like Japan, China, etc. identity of a group of people
crossings. But when an area that is frequently crossed give their speeches in their living in a specific place and in the society. The third
lacks a zebra crossing, like where the recent tragic own language. That is how share the same values system. and the last, is the universal
hit-and-run occurred, there is a need for more zebra they fiercely promote their It is our primary adaptive culture that is being shared
crossings. language. mechanism. It is the col- collectively.
Perhaps, there is also a need to introduce button Maybe in those days lective programming of the But it is the language that
operated pedestrian crossing lights to get vehicles to Dzongkha was not formu- mind, which distinguishes gives shape to culture. It is
stop. lated for translation, but I the members of one category vastly confounding, how-
There is also a need to educate drivers to slow think it can now be done.  We of people from another. ever, that we are not able to
down as they approach zebra crossings. A 10-year old all know that the preservation From these definitions, promote our own national
of our national language and it’s clear that culture is first language. We ought to give
girl was hit by a vehicle even as she was on a zebra
national costume are essen- learnt from the elders and Dzongkha space and utility
crossing near Changlimithang recently. The girl suf-
tial to promote our national then transferred to the in the society if our efforts to
fered a leg fracture. It could have been worse. next generation. As I have promote our national lan-
To get a driving license today, drivers should be Forget about UN bodies, mentioned, preservation of guage must succeed.
equally tested on such habits like slowing down as even in the formal func- culture and language is im-
they approach crossings. tions like workshops, many portant in a small country Tshering,
Pedestrians also need to be aware of not abruptly Bhutanese talk in English like Bhutan. Culture plays an Thimphu
moving onto a crossing. as if we have no national important role in preserv-
Sustained enforcement by authorities to bring language of our own. By now, ing identity and behaviours,
about these habitual changes is clearly needed. Pe- the Dzongkha Development beliefs and characteristics of
destrians must be required to use zebra crossings, but Commission (DDC) should a particular society.
only when there are enough of the crossings available.
Safety for pedestrians on the expressway, and for Send your letters and pictures to
that matter, on all roads, has to be improved. It’s our [email protected]
right to safety. Letters will be edited for space and clarity

MANAGING DIRECTOR - Bachu Phub Dorji, EDITOR IN-CHARGE - Gyalsten K Dorji,

Saturday, June 25, 2016


Efforts to boost mushroom farming

Tshering Palden growing has fluctuated over
the years - it started in the
The University of the Ryukyus, 1990s - in absence of consist-
Japan and the National Mush- ent support from the govern-
room Centre (NMC) signed a ment in terms of technical
memorandum of understand- and training needs of the
ing yesterday to boost com- growers.
mercial mushroom farming Subsequently it affected
in five dzongkhags. the development of the value
JICA chief representative chain of the product.
Koji Yamada and government “In the past three years,
officials signed the minutes more people are taking up
of meeting between the Uni- growing mushrooms,” Dawa
versity of the Ryukyus, Japan Penjor said.
and NMC on the Japanese There are 500 mushroom
technical cooperation for the units in the country today and
improvement of mushroom most of them are small-scale
production in western Bhu- units at homes. Only about 20
tan. are full-time farms.
The three-year project Agriculture director gen-
begins next month. eral Nim Dorji said the project
JICA chief representative Koji Yamada and agriculture director general Nim Dorji exchange
NMC programme direc- will go a long way in the effort
documents after the MoU signing
tor, Dawa Penjor said such an and pursuit of self-food suf-
initiative was long overdue. ficiency.
Bhutan today imports 90 The project will produce strengthening the extension production guidelines, moni- is the quality of mushrooms,
percent of its mushrooms manuals for farmers, exten- systems of mushroom cultiva- tor newly introduced spawn for until we provide value addition
from India and Thailand. The sion agents and NMC staff tion. The university will also farmers, and prepare teaching to the new products it’ll be dif-
rest is produced locally. for better mushroom farming train NMC staff and agricul- materials for AEOs, ficult for farmers to make good
With only seven techni- and produce improved qual- ture extension officers (AEO) Providing adequate and income,” Koji Yamada said.
cal staff and a few of them ity spawns. in Japan. quality mushroom spawn to Dawa Penjor said the
on study leave the centre is It will improve the knowl- The centre will produce farmers is important to im- centre has plans to expand to
confronted with inadequate edge and technologies of spawns that are expensive prove commercial mushroom promote more edible and me-
human resources and poor farmers, extension officers while the growers will produce farming in the country, Dawa dicinal mushrooms.
laboratories. “As the job en- and NMC staff. those that are commercially vi- Penjor said. The centre will focus on the
tails mostly physical work, so University of the Ryukyus able. The Japanese experts will supply chain and consolida-
it’s not attractive,” the NMC will send mushroom cultiva- The project will cover assist NMC staff for bed-log tion of market for mushrooms.
programme director, Dawa tion experts to assist NMC for about 800 mushroom growers and cultivation of Shiitake, “If the viability of the
Penjor said. quality spawn production, to in Punakha, Paro, Wangdue, cultivation of Pleurotus spp. project is proved, there is
Mushroom farms today train the NMC staff and ex- Thimphu, and Chukha. and other wild mushrooms, as opportunity to upscale the
grow Matsutake and oyster tension officers for efficient The project will provide well as production of Matsu- project in the future,” Koji Ya-
varieties, NMC officials said. technologies for mushroom training on mushroom spawn take mushrooms. mada said.
Commercial mushroom cultivation and to help in production, formulate spawn “The concern right now


APA evaluation to begin soon

Tshering Dorji | Paro A member of the technical Another committee offi- cal committee said that lack of said, and urged participants
committee said that since the cial said that government has evidence about what works and to think of evaluation process
The government Perform- annual performance agree- spent huge amounts of money what does not work in a par- and allocate a separate budget
ance Management Division ment was being piloted last on programmes such as safe ticular sector is the biggest chal- with the planning of 12th Plan
(GPMD) will evaluate the year, the committee has not drinking water supply, health lenge in the evaluation process. accordingly.
2015-16 annual performance yet evaluated performance. services and education. “To A resource person said Evaluation policy, a re-
of the dzongkhags and some Last year, scores of target have a fair understanding of that it is important to ensure source person said, is an es-
36 government agencies next achieved was self-reported, he whether these programmes that a policy is based on scien- sential tool in drawing a broad
month. said. “ We will verify the scores are working or not, we need to tific evidence. She added that guideline to ensure quality
A national technical com- this year.” carry out impact evaluation.” evaluation makes planning norms and ethical standards.
mittee, comprising of officials However, the committee Performance agreements and resource allocation easier An official from GNHC
from the Gross National Hap- has not yet developed a meth- were signed between the besides holding the govern- said that the evaluation policy
piness Commission, GPMD, odology to evaluate perform- Prime Minister and head of 10 ment accountable. is being drafted currently.
finance ministry, National ance. In an effort to come up ministries, 20 dzongkhags and However, she said that in The three-day workshop
Statistic Bureau and Royal with an evaluation methodol- six autonomous agencies. The most cases evaluation is car- was held in collaboration with
Civil Service Commission, will ogy, a workshop was held in implementation period of the ried out only at the end. “Eval- J-Pal Institute of Financial
attest the scores of the targets Paro to equip members with agreement ends on June 30. uation should be embedded in Management and Research
achieved. basic tools. A member of the techni- planning and monitoring,” she Delhi, India.
PAGE 6 Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL


Department of Roads
Construction Division: ORIO-RGoB Project, Dagapela
Ref: DoR/ORIO/I(18)/2015-16/

The Department of Roads, MoWHS, Thimphu invites sealed bids from national eligible (Single or Joint Venture) bidders for the following works of
Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Odalthang-Gesarling Secondary National Highway under Dagana Dzongkhag:
Contract Download Deadline for Road
Contract Package No. duration of bidding submission of Date, & time of opening of bids length
( months) document bids (Km)
1 Contract Package B-1: 29.00
27th June, 2016 27th July, 2016 till 27th July, 2016 at 1430 hrs in the
-39.00 Km (NCB/ORIO-RGoB/ 21 10.00
to 26th July, 2016 1300 hrs (BST) Conference Room of Director, DoR
Contract B-1/2016)
2 Contract Package B-2: 39.00-
27th June, 2016 27th July, 2016 till 27th July, 2016 at 1430 hrs in the
49.00 Km) (NCB/ORIO-RGoB/ 21 10.00
to 26th July, 2016 1300 hrs (BST) Conference Room of Director, DoR
Contract B-2/2016)
The invitation for bids and complete set of bidding documents can be downloaded from MoWHS website (www.mowhs.gov.bt)

Contact 17431201. bar tender. Contact Company with 10 years Vacancy: 1 Sales
17911140. experience. Salary Executive for Electrical
Sale: Santro Xing, Sale: Fully equipped
twenty five thousand & Communication
metallic grey colour, salon with good location Vacancy: Personal
plus other benefits. Cables. BBA/BBM
2009 model (41,000 at Changzamtok, Assistant and House
Work place- Gelephu, preferably with some
km). Single hand driven. Thimphu. Contact keeper and handyman
Pelrithang. Contact selling & marketing
Contact 17111019. 17447577/77413337. and gardener, starting
MS Ravan Builders and experience & 2 wheeler
salary 7,500/9,000
Hire/sale: Hilux, Rent: For showroom/ Company Pvt.Ltd., at driving licence. Contact
depending on
Alto, Corolla. Contact hardware shop/ 17312308. 17543009/17978155/
77250305. experience, Thimphu.
departmental store visit www.ngn.bt.
Call 17603516/17605878. Vacancy: One
with parking space
experienced cook
& road access above Vacancy: One
Sale: Garment shop in and waitress for
expressway traditional personal driver with Announcement:
the heart of Thimphu immediate recruitment
buildings, Babesa. accommodation at According to the water
town. Contact 17646376. at Thimphu. Contact
Contact 17601760. Serbithang. Contact act of Bhutan “the
Sale: Shop attached 17783006/333377. owner of house should
with 1 sitting room, 1 Vacancy: One cook. clean up its drinking
Vacancy: 2 bar tender,
bedroom, kitchen and Sale: 44 decimal near Contact 17118390. water tank periodically”.
waitress. Contact
toilet at Babesa. Contact Hotel Pema Karpo, Bajo 17891165. Vacancy: Sales girl. We the Mawangpa
17756508/77756508. and 12 decimal at LAP Contact 17355373. Water Solution, owns
I near Gelephu hospital. Vacancy: Car wash a state of the art
Rent: Basement above service boy. Salary Vacancy: Light vehicle
Contact 77101312. equipment to clean tank
Swiss Bakery. Contact 6,000. Contact driver, mushroom
Sale: 50 decimal at Paro with minimal cost with
77102494. 77227873. packing assistant.
Lango, 40 decimal at skilled labour. Contact
Sale: Restaurant at Candidates willing to
Taba. Contact 17621581. Vacancy: BSAF, 77608456.
Changzamtok. Contact work on internship
Namseling, Thimphu
16916055. Sale: 13 decimal through MoLHR
required 2 Welder for
(wetland) near with additional salary NU. PER UNITS OF FOREIGN CURRENCY
Sale: Hotel at immediate appointment.
Khasadrapchu. Contact from us may apply. as of yesterday
Tsirang. Contact Contact 17591113.
17611814. Contact Ugyen Export, NOTES
17961223/17822867. Vacancy: 1 store 17633433. Buy Sell
Sale: 30 decimal incharge, 2 helper for
Sale: Semi furnished Vacancy: ITechnologies
US $ 66.40 68.60
dryland at Sarpang tar. Mawongpa Water
three bedroom is looking for software
POUND 97.45 100.15
Contact 17141111. Solution. Contact
apartment and duplex developers. Submit
EURO 75.00 77.05

type at Motithang. Sale: Ideal plots near 17993655. YEN (100) 63.50 65.30
your CV at our office
For details contact Drugyel Dzong. Contact Vacancy: Required on Norzin Lam
HK $ 8.55 8.80

17740854/17872620/ 77660050. immediately one (building 2, near main

AUS $ 49.80 51.15

17564277. accountant (full time) traffic). Contact Tashi

SING $ 49.55 50.95
Courtesy BNB
Sale: Spare parts at who can prepare @ 17305249 for more
Olakha Workshop. Vacancy: Female PL Account of the information.
Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL

isdom wise YEARS Government-Helvetas sign

The evil that men do agreement

lives after them; the
good is oft interred with he royal government and Helvetas signed an agreement this
their bones. week on the Integrated Livestock and Fodder Development
William Shakespeare
The programme includes projects like the National
A WORD a day Halflinger Horse and Brown Swiss Cross Breeding Project,
Autonomous. the National Horse Breeding Project, the National Fodder Seed Production
Project, the Milk Processing Sector, all in Bumthang, and the High Altitude
adj. 1. (of a country or region) Having self-
government; 2. Acting independently or having Area Development Project in Bumthang, Trongsa and Wangdiphodrang
the freedom to do so. valleys.
The federation included sixteen autonomous republics.

Tech Tricks
Bereft Photoshop CS3
Down town

Where had I heard this wind Tool
Change like this to a deeper roar? Draws a rectangle shape. Other
shapes that are hidden in this
What would it take my standing
tool are: Rounded Rectangle
there for,
Tool, Ellipse Tool,

Holding open a restive door,
Polygon Tool, Line Tool, and
Looking down hill to a frothy Custom Shape Tool.
shore? Select the tool, click and drag on
Summer was past and the day was the page to draw a shape. The
past. shape will be automatically filled with the
Sombre clouds in the west were current foreground color.
Out on the porch’s sagging floor,
Leaves got up in a coil and hissed,
Blindly striking at my knee and
Something sinister in the tone
Told me my secret my be known:
Word I was in the house alone Hallucination
Somehow must have gotten
Word I was in my life alone, Hamstring
Word I had no one left but God.
Robert Frost
If you would like to contribute
poems please email them to
p e m a d ku e n s e l @ g m a i l .co m .
Contributions focusing on
local issues and culture will
To be continued...
be preferred. Contributions
will be edited if required.
Skip the coffee stirrer

ach year, Americans throw away 138 billion
straws and stirrers. But skipping the stirrer
doesn't mean drinking your coffee black.
Simply put your sugar and cream in first,
and then pour in the coffee, and it should be
well mixed.
Determined to stir? Break off a piece of pasta from the
cupboard. You can nibble after using it, compost, or
throw away with less guilt.
PAGE 8 KUENSEL | Saturday, June 25, 2016


EIB agreement will bring investment

support to Bhutan: EU
The European Union’s head of South Asia external affairs, Maria Castillo, spoke with
Kuensel’s Thinley Zangmo, during her visit to the country
What is the purpose development where Bhutan
of your visit? needs lot of investment
This is my third visit to support. Therefore, this is
the country. I have been the tool the EU passed to
dealing with Bhutan since provide investment support
2012. This time I’m going a to many countries including
bit out of Thimphu to other neighbouring countries like
dzongkhags to see the Bangladesh, India, Nepal,
countryside, stop and see China and Vietnam, among
the gewogs, farms, and see others. So I hope Bhutan
how all the assistance that can benefit from all these
we have been providing important support in key is-
and working together with sues such as infrastructure,
the government, in order to climate change, big hydro-
help the people of Bhutan power projects and so on.
to continue prospering and I’m looking forward to it.
It’s good to see the real Any update on the
things when you stop and funds committed?
speak with farmers and Yes, the money will be
communities. released before the sum-
We put in our aid in mer. It follows a normal
local governance and de- cycle. We have a decision
centralisation, and also on Maria Castillo coming next week in Brus-
rural renewable natural sels for the local govern-
development. It’s all new ance project, rural renew-
programmes under the more prosperous, and the EU and Bhutan are others to manage and ex- able natural development
11th Plan. Our idea is then more diverse economically. being explored? tend our trade cooperation. project and climate change,
to go and see the reality. Bhutanese people are now I met with the Prime There are lot of things which will be around 40M
The main purpose of my trying to commercialise Minister Tshering Tobgay to do on climate change Euros. That will be dis-
visit is to come here to see their products, trying to find and foreign minister Dam- like I mentioned. The third cussed sometime at the end
how things have evolved bigger production and big- cho Dorji yesterday. I told one is exchange of students of August. The funds will be
and all the different issues ger markets. We are open in them during a discussion because there are increased dispersed after that. Then
that we have discussed are these areas as well. that trade is one area where possibilities for Bhutanese we have the civil society
in progress. The other important we need to work more close- students and academics to programme that will come
We are working in vari- area we are also focusing on ly together since it’s very come and study in Europe. later in the year. We are ex-
ous fields. We see Bhutan is climate change, which is important to Bhutan and be- That will increase people to tending projects like trade,
as an example that has very important to Bhutan. cause Bhutan is moving on people contact and knowl- which will come next year.
moved on successfully in We signed a declaration the development stage and edge on what is Bhutan in At the end, we have a bilat-
the democratic process. I on climate change with is going to graduate from Europe and what is Europe eral envelope of 42M Euros.
am certainly very happy to the Prime Minister and the low income country cat- in Bhutan. That is some- More funds will be added
see that Bhutan is one of agriculture minister Yeshey egory soon. thing we need to expand because we have been
the most peaceful countries Dorji during the COP21 in We are open to trade, because there is a potential. pushing for climate change,
in the South Asian region. Paris last year. We are now more diversification, and We are moving on in our trade, and small investment
The area we are focus- open to implement the more possibilities for good relations. In these four years, projects such as sustainable
ing on right now is rural declaration and increasing products that Bhutan has. I have tried to put Bhutan in tourism, which will come to
development, natural cooperation on climate. For I personally bought a lot of the agenda of the EU. Most around 65M Euros. The aid
resources, renewable example, we are working local products since I like important is if we can man- will now come to Bhutan in
development, for which together in projects like them and because they are age to sign the European terms of overall envelope
we are working closely green procurement and sus- unique and it’s important Investment Bank Agreement, in different programmes.
with government agencies tainable rural livelihoods, to commercialise and bring which is still pending and it We have to work together.
such as the agriculture among others. Bhutan is one them to the market. To will be discussed in parlia- Disaster preparedness in
ministry, Gross National of the countries, which in import to the EU, there is a ment next week. We certainly one area, which we would
Happiness Commission, terms of climate change is lot of certifications, criteria hope that it could convince like to work together in the
to try to help that sector an example for the region. and standards, which is dif- the parliamentarians that future. We have to see how
to develop, which is a key ficult. We are going to work this is a simple financial that can match the expecta-
in the economy and also What further areas of together with different as- tool that will allow Bhutan tions from both sides.
to make rural livelihoods collaboration between sociations such as BCCI and to work in another stage of
Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 9


Electric fencing proving

successful in Bumthang
Nima Wangdi | Ura
I had left a plot of
Electric fencing has eased land at Kharshong
the lives of farmers in Ura, fallow due to wild
Bumthang. They no longer animals but I have
have to spend sleepless nights cultivated buckwheat
in their farm houses guarding there today
crops today.
They are thankful for the
technology as they can peace- Matrong said wild boars ate
fully sleep at home after back- all their buckwheat. Today, the
breaking farm work during electric fence keeps the boars
the day. away but the animals still keep
Kencho Namgay, 42, from getting into their fields from
Matrong said the electric locations where electric fenc-
fencing has not only helped ing has not been completed.
people protect their crops Most fields in Bumthang
from wild animals but has are protected by a double
also enabled people to re- layer of fencing: an electric
claim lands which were left fence and ordinary barbwire.
fallow for many years. Records with the dzong- Electric fencing has allowed farmers to reclaim fallow land
“I had left a plot of land at khag agriculture section in
Kharshong fallow due to wild Bumthang show that some and Tang has 6.6km. agriculture officer, Gaylong, The government pro-
animals but I have cultivated 52.56km of fencing was com- Kencho Namgay said the said electric fencing is being vides inputs while farmers
buckwheat there today,” he pleted as of June this year. people maintained their elec- installed in all the gewogs. have to provide labour and
said. His potato field at Trong Of these, Ura gewog has tric fencings. “Maybe this is Electric fencing was first tried also purchase pipes and
is also protected by an electric the furthest with 21.2km fol- why the fencings are very ef- out in 2014 on a trial basis in nails. “Jalikhar village has the
fence today. lowed by Chokhor gewog with fective,” he said. Ura geowg and Jalikhar village maximum volume of land re-
Ugyen Lhadon, 44 from 15.96km. Chumey has 8.8km Bumthang dzongkhag in Chamkhar. claimed,” he said.


Hungarian fish being reared in Gelephu

Nirmala Pokhrel | Tsirang said. “So that the genetic origin acceptance of farm feed made
is not lost or degraded, we had from locally available cereals,”
As part of its regular pro- to bring fresh eggs from the na- he said.
gramme of breeding and tive country itself.” Besides reintroduction of
rearing fish fingerlings for fish The centre currently func- the common carp stock, the
farmers in the country, the tions as a nodal agency for centre is also in the process of
National Centre for Aquacul- development of aquaculture reintroducing the gene bank of
ture in Gelephu is currently in Bhutan and is engaged in catla, rohu and mrigal, which
incubating fish brought from production and distribution of are collectively known as Indian
Hungary. six species of cultivable fish to major carps. A few hundred
The centre, which is under farmers across the fish farming each of catla, rohu and mrigal
the livestock department, dzongkhags. The six species in- were also introduced into the
brought 500,000 fertilised Juvenile Tata Scaly carp from Hungary cludes the catla, rohu, mrigal, breeding centre.
eggs of the common carp, Tata silver carp, grass carp and com- “Quality fingerlings are
Scaly carp from the Research mon carp. essential to ensure optimum
Institute for Fisheries and antine and management prac- Gopal Prasad explained that The livestock production production of fish as the per-
Aquaculture (HAKI), Szarvas tices until sexually mature. The this is not the first time that the officer added that the Tata formance of the progenies
in Hungary. fish attains sexual maturity at Tata Scaly carp is being reared Scaly carp is preferred because greatly depends upon the
According to the livestock 12-24 months. in the country. It was first intro- it is easy to breed compared to quality of brooders,” he added.
production officer, Gopal Then the matured fish will duced to Bhutan in the 1980s. It other strains of common carp. The centre also plans to
Prasad Khanal, the fertilised be used as brooders (mother is being reintroduced so that the “Preference of common carp implement scientific breed-
eggs have been successfully fish) to produce fingerlings, old stock is replaced with fresh is very high among Bhutanese ing techniques once the fish
incubated and hatched. which will be distributed to ones to produce quality brood- fish farmers considering its attains sexual maturity so that
The hatchlings will be fish farmers across the coun- ers. “This will ensure produc- high tolerance, faster growth it is easy to identify the source,
reared with appropriate quar- try. tion of quality fingerlings,” he rate, easiness to rear and ready year and class of the brooders.
ASIA KUENSEL | Saturday, June 25, 2016


Asia keenly watching result

of Brexit referendum
Fears of Brexit have prompted Richard Branson and football tive Party, is heavily focused on The Remain camp had born UK citizens, is of utmost
some of Asia’s leaders to hint star David Beckham. A Leave immigration and the economy. reached out to key Asian na- importance for the country
that they would like to see a vote could threaten Britain’s Britons endured months tions to put pressure on their you are living in as well as your
Remain vote. unity, with pro-Europe Scot- of bitter campaigning by both diaspora. motherland Sri Lanka,” he
Asia is closely watching the land - whose people tend to camps, each painting dire sce- British Indians are the larg- wrote.
outcome of Britain’s European be enthusiastic voters - likely narios. est Asian immigrant group in Immigration has become
Union referendum, with a vote to seek a split with Britain. It The passions raised cost Britain, numbering 1.5 million. even more of a hot-button issue
to leave threatening to unravel could also lead some other Eu- at least one life - Labour MP British Pakistanis are next at after large numbers of Euro-
the United Kingdom and re- ropean nations to re-examine Jo Cox, who was pro-EU, was 1.1 million, while the Chinese pean emigres from Bulgaria,
verberate across Asia, affecting the merits of staying in the EU. murdered in her constituency and Sri Lankan communities Poland and Romania arrived
trade and financial markets. Southeast Asia, where on June 16. number slightly less than half a following the EU’s expansion.
Voting booths closed at the EU is the biggest investor, Fears that the cliff-hanger million each. Britain’s population rose by
10pm in Britain yesterday (June ahead of the United States and vote could go the Brexit way While several Asian nations 513,000 last year to a record 65
23) and results from most areas Japan combined, is also keenly have prompted Asia’s most in- are lending tacit support to million.
should be in by this morning watching. fluential leaders to hint they’d Prime Minister David Cameron Net migration accounted
Singapore time. Trading on Asian share like to see a Remain vote, with- to stave off a Brexit, Sri Lanka for 335,635 of the increase, un-
Lightning storms in south- markets was mostly thin yes- out overtly saying so. has been the most public so far, derscoring a key criticism of the
east England and rain in the terday, as traders awaited the A Chinese Foreign Ministry Asian diplomatic sources said. Leave camp that Britain needs
capital kept some of the 46.5 result. spokesman said yesterday that Prime Minister Ranil Wick- tougher immigration controls.
million registered voters in- Analysts say Brexit would China is paying close attention remesinghe sent his deputy The new migrants have
doors yesterday morning, but leave Europe without Britain’s to the referendum and Chinese chief of staff to Britain to reach fuelled public anger and worry
many still voted despite floods balancing voice and enhance President Xi Jinping has called out to the Sri Lankan commu- about wages and welfare ben-
and downpours. security risks as intelligence for a “prosperous Europe and a nity. efits, and rattled not just white
Elsewhere, some turned up sharing becomes more com- united European Union”. In a letter seen by The Britons but older immigrants
at voting booths even before plicated. Britain is also the top Indian Prime Minister Straits Times, Wickremesinghe from Asia as well.
the scheduled 7am start. destination for many Asian Narendra Modi has described warned British Sri Lankans that The Straits Times
A heavy turnout is consid- nations investing in Europe, Britain as India’s gateway to Brexit would have an “adverse ANN
ered favourable for Remain, including Singapore. the continent and said “India impact on the economy of Sri
whose backers include some The referendum, which always stands for a strong and Lanka as well as their own”.
iconic British figures such as Sir has split the ruling Conserva- united Europe”. “Your vote, as Sri Lankan-

Java on brink of ecological collapse

Massive deforestation and in- “On one hand, the size of Hariadi Kartodihardjo told The Java by issuing regulations that planning already takes water
dustrial activities are blamed natural forests and agriculture Jakarta Post. benefit the extractive industry. conservation into account. It
for heavy flooding that hit Java fields keeps declining. On the According to Hariadi, due IPB data said that between 2007 shows that the role of regional
in the past week and claimed 56 other hand, industry, transpor- to the massive loss of forests, and 2008, at least 122 of the 278 governments is huge,” she said.
lives as of Thursday. tation and abandoned fields Java is especially prone to flood- bylaws passed by local govern- Extreme weather has been
Unruly permit issuance keep increasing because Java ing during the rainy season and ments in Java made it easy for especially deadly this year, with
and rapid extractive industry is being converted into an in- drought during the dry season. companies to exploit natural heavy rains hitting parts of In-
expansion have led to a string dustrial zone even though its In 2015, 80 per cent of Java’s resources. donesia during an abnormally
of disasters in several parts of ecological burden is already too 118 regencies and municipali- “But now the Home Minis- wet dry season. As of Thursday,
Indonesia, particularly in Java, heavy,” he said. ties experienced heavy flood- try is revoking regional regula- 56 people had been killed due
which is on the brink of ecologi- The biggest culprit is the ing, while 90 per cent suffered tions that hinder investment, to flooding and landslides in
cal collapse as most of its forest cement industry, which has from prolonged drought. not regulations that are destroy- Central Java alone, with nine
areas have been converted. grown by eating up the forests “The loss of vegetation is ing the environment and sup- people still missing.
Industrial activities have led of Java. Investors flock to Java causing a dramatic gap be- porting the extractive industry. Purworejo regency was hit
to steep forest cover decline in because it has more developed tween the dry season and rainy It means the government only the heaviest, with 42 people
Java, from 15 per cent in the infrastructure and a larger la- season. During the dry season, thinks of the economy and not dead and six people missing. A
early 1990s to 3 per cent cur- bour force than other major there is no water catchment the environment,” Hariadi said. search and rescue (SAR) mis-
rently. The deforestation has islands in Indonesia. and soil dries fast. On the other Environment and Forestry sion is still ongoing, according
led to disasters such as flood- “But the government has hand, water cannot be con- Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar to National Disaster Mitigation
ing and landslides, which have to develop outside Java as well tained during the rainy season said regional governments Agency (BNPB) spokesman Su-
been exacerbated by the recent right? Until now the growth because there is no vegetation,” should also improve their spa- topo Purwo Nugroho.
extreme weather in Indonesia, of the extractive industry, es- said Hariadi. tial planning. The Jakarta Post
according to Bogor Institute pecially cement, has been in- Regional governments “Ecological disasters like ANN
of Agriculture (IPB) senior re- creasing sharply,” IPB forestry have contributed significantly these are also related to spatial
searcher Soeryo Adiwibowo. department senior researcher to the loss of forest coverage in planning. Sustainable spatial
DZONGKHAG Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 11

Two new thrompon candidates

for Samdrupjongkhar
The incumbent thrompon will also be re-contesting
Yangchen C Rinzin | rules and regulations, and that to approach for budget which
Samdrupjongkhar he decided to take the risk and could help in bringing signifi-
resign from the job. cant change without having to
Although Dechen Wangmo, 36, Sangay Tenzin, a father of depend only on the approved
lost the last thrompon election, two said although, winning is budget.
her confidence was not lost. not important, what's lacking Like many others, he said,
She has decided to re-con- today is poor voter turnout access to 24-hours drinking
test in the upcoming thromde which affects the choosing of water, sanitation, waste man-
election. the best candidate. agement and drainage are
But more than the winning, "We should know what the some of the activities that need
Dechen Wangmo believes par- public wants and the thrompon permanent solutions for which
ticipating is important. And should benefit people as a proper planning is important.
being a woman, she also wants whole," he said. "My strategy is "Many do show support
Sangay Tenzin Dechen Wangmo
to set an example for other to think out of the box because and encourage me but we'll
women who lack confidence; at present many thromdes work know only on the poll day. It
to show that women are as ca- We just need ideas and as the engineer of the Paro munici- based on limited budget, but was a joint decision with fam-
pable as men. saying goes: Women are better pality to contest for the post of we should work on how to go ily and people to resign and
The mother of two who at implementation." thrompon. beyond approved budget to im- contest."
runs a private school and nurs- A graduate in political sci- Sangay Tenzin from Sam- plement developments." With six constituencies,
ery in Samdrupjongkhar is a ence, she said, people should drupgatshel constituency, who Sangay Tenzin added he Samdrupjongkhar thromde has
resident of Bar constituency give women a chance to prove was in service for the last 20 has been projecting urban 392 male and 415 female regis-
(Samdrupjongkhar throm). themselves because during the years said that his 15 years of ex- budgets so far, which is why he tered voters. Voter registration
Dechen said that when the previous election many felt a perience as part of a municipal- has an idea on where or how will go on until July.
government is doing much to man in the position would be ity was something that he can
empower women, it is the re- better. make use of for the betterment
sponsibility of women to take "For me women empower- of Samdrupjongkhar thromde. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
the opportunity and try. ment is very important and I Having a Masters in engi- (RE-TENDER)
"I am not bothered about want to represent on behalf of neering science from Australia,
winning or losing but people other women. But when I say he said, it would be easier to NATIONAL HOUSING
should know about choosing this I am not saying men can- serve based on his knowledge
the right one," she said. "A few not do anything, but it's time and experience since most of
people discouraged me but I people give opportunities to the thromde’s developmental LIMITED, THIMPHU
am not giving up,” she added. women, too." activities are technical. D&PS/CAU-12/2016/1061
“Even if I lose, I would have With the election post- "I wasn't sure that I would
The National Housing Development Corporation
tried." poned, Dechen Wangmo is contest but when I visited my
Ltd. re-invites proposals to provide the following
She said this was one way to looking after her two schools village for losar, many shared
consultancy services: Seismic Assessment of Gor
serve the nation and the place apart from interacting with with me that there was a need
Chim in Phuentsholing.
she resides in because there are people who encourage her to for someone who has a better
still more developments to be re-contest. idea on the thromde and its de- 5IF EFUBJMT BOE 3'1 EPDVNFOU DBO CF EPXOMPBEFE
done for the thromde. It is a different story for 43- velopment," he said, adding he from www.nhdcl.bt from June 27, 2016 onwards.
"Samdrupjongkhar is an year old Sangay Tenzin who had ample experience on im- General Manager
important thromde for the will soon resign as a municipal plementation of plans, thromde
eastern region and to develop
the east we need to first develop
Samdrupjongkhar thromde," ROYAL THIMPHU COLLEGE
she said. "It is not about which
thrompon will bring what de- Summer bridge courses for entering college students- July 2016
velopments but it is about how
smartly, planned activities are Royal Thimphu College welcomes the entering cohort of 2016! Bridge courses are available for entering
implemented based on the freshmen prior to the start of the semester. Class XII pass-outs from any stream / entering any
present situation that needs to college are also welcome to register for the courses. Each course will be 3 hr/day at the RTC
be addressed first." campus, for 15 working days within July 4 – July 26, except July 7-8.
Access to proper drink-
r 1SFDPMMFHF&OHMJTISFGSFTIFS Bridge course fees are waived for
ing water, ending the housing
crunch, town beautification r #JPMPHZ entering RTC students. Registration
and proper sanitation are some r .BUITGPSTDJFODFT CVTJOFTT BOEFDPOPNJDT is first-come first served.
of her top priorities.
"If I win I want to show that For registration, fees and other details,please call the Coordinator,Mr. Tandin Dorji, Academic Affairs
even a woman can also imple- at 351801 Ext:133/17634302 or email [email protected]/ visit www.rtc.bt for full details.
ment activities and I know I can.
PAGE 12 KUENSEL | Saturday, June 25, 2016




Bid security Last date & time Date, time & venue of bid
Sl.# Name of works Remarks
(Nu.) of bid submission opening
1 Tender for road construction materials for FY
As specified in 10:00 am on July 10:30 am on July 25, 2016 in
2016-2017 BID No. DoR/RO-Pling/2016-2017/
bidding documents 25, 2016 the conference hall of RO Pling
Goods- (02)
2 Tender for hardware materials for FY 2016-2017 10:00 am on July 10:30 am on July 25, 2016 in
BID No. DoR/RO-Pling/2016-2017/Goods-(03) 25, 2016 the conference hall of RO Pling
3 Tender for office stationery/tubes & tyres for FY
10:00 am on July 10:30 am on July 25, 2016 in
2016-2017 BID No. DoR/RO-Pling/2016-2017/ 30,000/-
25, 2016 the conference hall of RO Pling
Goods- (04)
The interested eligible Bhutanese registered with valid trade licence may download the complete set of bidding documents from our Ministry’s
website www.mowhs.gov.bt wef June 24, 2016.
All the bids must be accompanied with the required amount of bid security in the form of demand draft/cash warrant/bank guarantee in favour of
the Chief Engineer, Regional Office DoR, Phuentsholing. The bids shall be opened on the day and time as indicated above in the presence of the
bidders who choose to attend.
Chief Engineer


BTFEC/ADM/1C/2015-16/494 NAB/HRD-18/2016/3237
Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation (BTFEC) would like to re- The National Assembly Secretariat is pleased to re-
announce the vacancy for the following post: announce the following vacancies on consolidated
Sl. No. Post No. Requirement contract:
1 Driver-cum- 1 1. Class VIII pass Position No of
Messenger 2. Min 3 years experience of professional driving; Eligibility
Title vacancies
3. Valid driver license;
-Aggregate marks of minimum
Please send your applications along with the following documents to the Director, Asst. of 53 % and above in the
BTFEC, near NazhoenPelri Complex, Post Box 520, Thimphu: Research 34 BCSE/RCSC (previous
1. An updated CV Officer candidates do not have to re-
2. Copies of Academic & Training Certificates submit applications).
3. Min two references with current email address and contacts
4. Copy of Citizenship ID For more information, please visit our website –
5. Valid Security Clearance www.nab.gov.bt or contact the HRO at 322729 at
6. NOC from current employer, if employed office hours or email at [email protected]
Application deadline: 01st July 2016 on/before 12.00 noon. Only the Secretary General
shortlisted candidates will be contacted for selection interviews during which the
above documents should be presented in original. Applicants who have applied KEEP THIMPHU CLEAN & GREEN
earlier need not re-apply. Detailed information on terms of references can be availed
from our website:www.bhutantrustfund.bt or you can contact us at +975-2- NOTIFICATION
339861/339862 during office hours.

TENDER NOTICE 04/TT/Env/Announcement-2016/416

Thimphu Thromde would like to notify the

KUENSEL CORPORATION LIMITED residence of Thimphu city that the waste collection
KCL/PROC-10/2016/ service for North Zone has been outsourced to
The KUENSEL Corporation Limited is pleased to invite sealed tenders from the a private fi rm named Clean City from June 2,
eligible licensed suppliers for supply of Uniforms to KUENSEL employees for the 2016. The fi rm will be collecting waste 3 times
year 2016. per week except for Wednesday with effect
from June 26, 2016 (Sunday). To know your
1. Cost of Tender document Nu. 300/- each (Non-refundable). collection days and timings please contact Clean
2. Sale of Tender Document June 20th, 2016 to July 27th, 2016. City at 17807636/visit the thromde website at
3. Last date of submission July 29th , 2016 before 2 PM www.thimphucity.bt. Anticipating for your
continued support and cooperation.
4. Date & time of opening July 29th , 2016 at 3 PM
ADVERTISEMENT Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 13


Dzongkhag Engineering Sector, Samtse

Dzongkhag Administration, Samtse is pleased to invite sealed item rate from eligible registered contractors for the following work:
Last date &time Date & time
Class of Contract Bid security Date of
Sl.# Name of work of submission of of opening of
contract period (Nu.) tender sale
documents bids
1 Construction of 50 cubic metre over Small 7 months 35,000.00 26/06/2016 to 26/07/2016 at 26/07/2016 at
head tank at Yoeseltse gewog 26/07/2016 10:00 am 10:30 am
r 5FOEFSEPDVNFOUTDBOCFEPXOMPBEFEGSPNUIFXFCTJUF www.cdb.gov.bt of the Construction Development Board.
who wish to attend.


Last date & time
Package Bid security Date of Date & time of
Name of items of submission of Remarks
# (Nu.) tender sale opening of bids
3 4VQQMZPGDPOTUSVDUJPOUPPMTQBDLBHF*** 26/06/2016 to 26/07/2016 at 26/07/2016 at
4 4VQQMZPGFYUFOTJPOLJUTQBDLBHF*7 26/07/2016 10:00 am 10:30 am
3. A complete set of bidding documents in English can be downloaded from www.samtse.gov.bt from June 26, 2016 to July 26, 2016
until 9:30 am.
Administration, Samtse.


Agriculture Machinery Centre, Paro PO BOX 343, BANSTAR, SAMSTE

1. Office stationery & cartridges 2. Office equipment 48 GMS : 7800 NOS
27 GMS : 4800 NOS
date of submission of tender is on July 26, 2016 on or before 12 pm and will be
42 GMS : 7150 NOS
24 GMS : 13300 NOS
in the form of demand draft/cash warrant/bank guarantee. Sale of tender documents
[email protected]
shall start upon issue of this notice. Management MOBILE : +975 77253312
PAGE 14 Saturday, June 25, 2016| KUENSEL



AUCTION NOTICE Gongzim Ugyen Dorji Central School is pleased to

invite sealed bids from interested Bhutanese Nationals
Bhutan Insurance Ltd will be auctioning the following properties on “AS IS WHERE
having valid trade licence for the supply of following
IS BASIS” through sealed bid. The interested bidders are requested to physically
items for the financial year 2016-2017
inspect the properties prior to bidding.
Package 1. Student stationery
Description of Package 2. Bedding
Sl.# Location Contact Details
Package 3. Sports wear
Mitsubishi (ASX) (2010 Above Chorten Lam, BIL 17689822/
1 Package 4. School uniform
model),BP-1-B996 Head Office, Thimphu (02)339894
Package 5. School shoes and socks
Tractor (603)4WD(2010 17603950/ (08)
2 RBP-Station, Paro Package 6. Plates and mugs
model), BP-1-B9823 272985
A complete set of bidding documents along with
Tata LPT-2516 (2010 RBP- Station, 17112728/ (05)
3 detailed terms and conditions may be obtained from
model), BP-2-A5527 Phuntsholing 252895
Principal’s Office upon payment of Nu. 500 (non
The last date and time for submission of the bid is on or before June 29, 2016 at refundable).
10 AM, and will be open at BIL , Branch Office, Phuntsholing on June 29, 2016 at * Sale of tender document 27/6/2016 till 26/7/2016
10:30 AM.
Last date of sealed 27/7/2016 at or before
Term and conditions: *
bid submission 10 am
1. The tender forms can be purchased from any of our offices with payment of
Nu.200/- which is non-refundable. For any clarification contact Principal at
08-375500/08-375124 during office hours.
2. The individual bidders will have to deposit an earnest money of 10,000/- Principal
(Ngultrum Ten Thousand only) in the form of cash at cash counter, BIL, HO,
Phuntsholing, during submission of the bidding documents.
3. The successful bidder shall deposit 25% of the bid value on the day of the RESCESSION ORDER
auction in the form of cash/cheque and the balance of 75% within 7 days from
4. The unsuccessful bidder’s earnest money will be refunded immediately after ACC/SDB/Case-11/2015/525
the auction. The Anti-Corruption Commission in exercise of
5. In case if the successful bidder fails to deposit 75% as stipulated, the 25% the powers conferred under Section 112 of Anti
deposit adjusted earlier with earnest money deposit shall be forfeited. Corruption Act of Bhutan 2011, hereby rescinds the
6. The successful bidder will not be entitled to possession of the property(ies) suspension order issued vide letter No. ACC/SDB/
until the total quoted price have been fully paid and adjusted. Case-11/2015/1719 dated December 28, 2015 against
7. The Auction Committee shall presume that the bidders have duly inspected Ms. Eden Dema, Deputy Governor in connection
the properties prior to the auction and shall not entertain any complaints to manipulation of documents and other related
thereafter. offences with immediate effect. Cause for Recession:
Completion of Investigation Proceedings
8. The successful bidders shall bear all the fees/charges/taxes applicable while
transferring the ownership of the property(ies). Issued under the seal and signature of the Commission
on June 23, 2016.
9. The Auction Committee reserves the right to reject bids without assigning any Chairperson
reason thereof.
10. The BIL reserves the right to withdraw the property from the list of auction
before it is actually auctioned. NOTICE FOR BILL SUBMISSION
11. For more information, kindly contact Legal Division, BIL, Thimphu, at BHUTAN ELECTRICITY
17689822/ 17693210/ 17640077 or Financing and Investment Department
Auction Committee
The Bhutan Electricity Authority, Thimphu would
like to inform the suppliers/hoteliers/ticketing agents/
ANNOUNCEMENT FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES automobile workshops to submit your pending bill/s
(if any) pertains to goods and services catered to the
UNDP, THIMPHU office of Bhutan Electricity Authority (BEA) for the
financial year 2015-2016. The pending bills (if any) for
Position : BIOFIN Project Lead Consultant and Senior Finance Expert
the said year to be submitted before June 28, 2016.
Duration : Initial contract of 110 working days spread over 1 year The Bhutan Electricity Authority shall not entertain
UNDP Bhutan invites proposals from local qualified and experienced consultants any bills/after the deadline stipulated herein.
to lead the national approach to BIOFIN (The Biodiversity Finance Initiative). The Officer, Admin & Procurement
consultant will receive technical guidance and support from UNDP, GNHC and other
relevant government agencies.
Closing date: 05 July 2016 ANNOUNCEMENT
Application details: High quality, disease free cardamom saplings grown
For detailed Terms of Reference and related documents for the above assignment, from nursery being sold at reasonable rates in Tendu,
email to phuntsho.wangdi@undp and [email protected] Samtse. Interested buyers may contact 17629805.
ADVERTISEMENT Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 15
A Mandala of 21st Century Perspectives
RITH, Motithang, Thimphu, July 1 - 3, 2016
Open to Public
Organised by Central Monastic Body and Centre for Bhutan Studies
DAY 1: FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016
8:15 Participants/guests to be seated by 8:30 AM
9:05 MC:
9:20 Inaugural Address


10:20 TEA
Theme: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on
Buddhist Union


11:25 TBC

and its relevancy today
13:20 LUNCH
Thought and Practice


15:40 TEA

18:30 Dinner, cultural program by Royal Academy of Performing Arts
Day 2 Saturday, July 2, 2016






11:00 TEA
PAGE 16 Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL
Theme: Great Historical and Contemporary Figures of


12:55 LUNCH


15:50 TEA
Arunachal Pradesh



17:40 Movie: Terma; A Prophecy
19:10 Dinner with cultural program
11:20 TEA
13:05 LUNCH
14:05 Theme: Concluding Overview
16:25 TEA
Closing Ceremony



For queries: Yangrey Lhamo @ 17685596 / Ngawang Lhamo @ 17708155

DZONGKHAG Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 17


Conflict over archery ground

Owner claims he obtained “temporary approval” to use Govt. land for an archery ground
Dawa Gyelmo | Wangdue The canteen owner says that
there is a mutual understanding
Locals in Thedtsho gewog of between the forestry department
Wangdue suspect a discrep- and himself to vacate the place
ancy in the system for the gov- when the plantation starts.
ernment’s inability to close the Kencho Drukpa added his
archery range below Bajoth- department will soon issue an-
angu village in the gewog. other notice to vacate the area
Locals in the village say and that the department will
that the archery range was soon start planting bamboo in
built by encroaching on State the area.
Reserve Forest (SRF) land. Tshering Dendup said the
Following a notice from the village had an archery range in
National Land Commission Bajothangu village but it was de-
(NLC) in 2014, forestry offi- stroyed by a road project that cut
cials in Wangdue have begun through the village. Locals then
dismantling all structures built requested the gewog office for a
The archery ground below Bajothangu village in Thedtsho gewog
illegally on government land. replacement archery range at the
To the dismay of the peo- present location.
ple of Thedtsho, structures on No individual can build it will forward the proposal to land nor processed any docu- Tshering Dendup said he
the archery range were not structures or use government the NLC with the relevant docu- ments related to the land. wanted the land on lease, but
dismantled. Tshering Den- land without obtaining a per- ments for approval. Chief Forestry Officer Ken- his request was turned down. He
dup, who runs a canteen in mit from the NLC, according cho Drukpa said the forestry claims that he sought approval
a temporary structure within to officials. Except for the NLC, officials division in Wangdue had issued after he was asked to vacate the
the area, says he has obtained Dzongkhag officials told said no agencies have the right several notifications asking the place.
a “temporary approval” from Kuensel that a person wishing to issue a government land on operator of the archery range to Meanwhile, sources claim
authorities to use the land. to acquire SRF land on lease lease. Officials in the gewog can vacate the place and close the that Tshering Dendup rents out
The archery range is locat- must first write to the Dzong- only provide their views and canteen. The owner of the can- the archery range and pays a
ed a few minutes’ drive from khag Land Leasing Committee issue public clearance. teen claims the forestry depart- certain percentage of the earn-
Bajo town, and is surrounded (DLLC). If the committee is sat- Dzongkhag officials said ment in Thimphu has granted a ings to the gewog office. Tshering
by a fence. isfied with the feasibility report, they have neither leased out the “temporary approval” to use the Dendup denied the claim.
land. “The ground is being used
There is a plan to plant bam- by the general public and bene-
boo in the area with financial fits archery enthusiasts,” he said.
support from the Punatsangchhu The land has been used for
hydropower project authority. three years.
PAGE 18 Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL

Celebrating Guru Padmasambhava – the

one who was never born and never died

as Guru the incubation.
“It was Guru The discussion in the
Rinpoche who conference saw profes-
espoused the rule of sors and scholars from the
law, even those that Mahabodi Society of India
cally visited Sikkim is a
many legal scholars trying to prove that Guru
question often asked by
are wrestling with Rinpoche was indeed born
many rationalists. The
today”. in Odisha or Orrisa con-
Sikkimese speakers at the trary to the general belief
South Asian conference for Khenpo Wangyal that he was born in Swat
the celebration of the birth- Dorjee Bhutia of Sikkim Valley in modern day Paki-
day of Guru Padmasamb- introduced Gyalwa Lhat- stan. Uddiyana, a scholar
hava held in Paro, Bhutan, sun Namkha Jigme and said, is in Odisha, not in
organised by the Centre for dwelt on the uniqueness of the Swat valley. There is
Bhutan Studies and GNH Drejong Zogchen, a great archaeological and histori-
research and sponsored by mind treasure of the Guru cal evidence proving this, a
the Centre for Escalation Rinpoche. Khenpo said that member pointed out.
of Peace Delhi, India con- Gyalwa Lhatsun Namkha “Tibetans and Bhuta-
vinced the audience that Jigme was the revealer of nese should move away
Guru Rinpoche indeed vis- Rigzing Sogdrup and Rewo from the conventional
ited Sikkim and that Sikkim Sangchoe text, recited destination of Uddiyana,”
is the most sacred hidden by all schools of Tibetan said (Dr) Sourendra Kumar
land of Guru Rinpoche.  Buddhism. Yet he himself Mohapatra, trustee of Maha
According to Guru’s remained a forgotten saint Bodhi Society of India.
prediction, Gyalwa Lhatsun of the Nyingmapa world. The conference con-
Namkha Jigme revealed “Even in Sikkim, Gyalwa cluded with a passion-
volumes of mind treasure Lhatsun Namkha Jigme did ate presentation by Ven
texts. The two-day confer- not receive much attention, Professor Geshe Ngawang
ence deliberated on the although he is mentioned Samten, the vice chancel-
sacred places where Guru here and there.” lor of Central University of
visited, performed his mi- Guru Rinpoche said in Tibetan Studies, saying that
raculous activities, includ- Leu Dunpa text, his Vajra the root cause of imbalance
ing hiding of some sacred Voice: “Sangye Tenpa in the world today is the
places and scriptures for said. Buddhism and Himalayan tharu Gyalpar zod”, mean- lack of clear understanding
the future generations. The President for Studies of Lumbini Uni- ing Buddha Dharma will of what we call education.
In a tribute to Guru Centre of Bhutan Stud- versity, gave a brief power eventually be revived from He said that for a holistic
Rinpoche, a giant 110-foot ies and GNH Research, presentation of the places the border of Tibet, which education, it is important to
Thongdrol of the Guru was Dasho Karma Ura, said that Guru Rinpoche visited and is happening today. Today, incorporate the three root
displayed at Paro Rinpung Guru Rinpoche left a last- blessed in Nepal. However, when there is renewed teachings of Buddha – good
Dzong in the presence of ing impact in the region, he said that during the interest even amongst the conduct or morality (Shila),
Prime Minister Tshering spreading cultural and spir- 240 years of the Hindu Westerners and scientists mental development or
Tobgay. Participants of itual values. However, for kingdom, many of these in particular to understand meditation (Samadhi) and
the conference, includ- Bhutan, Guru Rinpoche’s sacred places were marked the science of mind of finally wisdom or insight
ing scholars and spiritual influence is so profound as the dwelling places of Buddhism, it is even more (Prajna) into our education
leaders of the South Asian that he in fact brought legal Mahadev. relevant to organise more system. 
region, lit a thousand butter principles to the country Lopon Tenpo Gyatsho, of such conferences in the He praised the Bhu-
lamps. when he first came to Bhu- representing Sikkim, gave Himalayan belt to create tanese government for its
Addressing the gather- tan at the invitation of the a brief description of the awareness of the wealth of continuous effort in walk-
ing, Prime Minister Tsher- king of Bumthang, Sindhu sacred sites that were hid- Buddhist philosophy that ing the path of Buddha
ing Tobgay said that the Raja, to settle a conflict den by Guru Rinpoche for our treasure revealers have and that the philosophy of
common and ancient spirit- with neighbouring king of future tantric revealers left for us.  Gross National Happiness
ual heritage stemming from India, Naochhe, during the to explore so that his true More than two hundred is the only way for a sus-
Guru Rinpoche is a vibrant eighth century. followers of this era could of Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé’s tainable development.
strand of unity in the re- Former Thrimchi once again connect to the writings, Accomplishing the
gion. “Scholars, media and Lyonpo Sonam Tobgye said: wisdoms of Guru Rinpoche. Life-Force of the Vidyad- Contributed by
spiritual leaders from South “It was Guru Rinpoche who He explained about the four haras and The Spontaneous Jamyang Dorjee
Asia need to strengthen espoused the rule of law, sacred caves, and the heart Song of the Cloudshave, Chakrishar
scholastic understanding even those that many legal of the sacred place, which have survived. His Sung- The writer is a retired
of the importance of Guru scholars are wrestling with is Tashiding, the Vajraasan bums or biography is a civil servant of Government
Rinpoche through greater today”. of Vajrayana (Sangnak Gi treasure box deliberating of Sikkim and a master cal-
research and archaeology,” Professor Punya Prasad Dorjiden) or the Bodhagaya on the science of mind. It is ligrapher
Lyonchoen Tshering Tobgay Paranjule, Professor of of Vajrayana. time for us to come out of
Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 19

Keeping the young

safe from alcohol
lcohol is kidneys, and digestive is an urgent need to put in is that the issue of alcohol- are alcoholics and do not
one of the system. It is also a leading concerted effort to educate ism is growing in the urban care about the future of
most used cause of cancer. To reduce our people about the harm- centres rather than in the their children? Do we
and mis- deaths related to alcohol ful effect of excessive con- rural pockets of the country blame education, or do we
used drugs consumption and to mini- sumption of alcohol. Our where it is traditionally ac- hold bar owners responsi-
known to men. It has now mise burden on the coun- methods need to change. cepted. That’s why, to put it ble?
become a major social issue try’s health system, there- We need to adopt innova- mildly, urban families are Schools and teachers
in many countries. It is as fore, there is a serious need tive and effective measures. increasingly becoming frag- have played their part. They
though alcohol is strangling to come up with innovative As a result of alcohol mented, affecting everyone can only do so much. The
societies gradually. and effective ways to ad- abuse, children and fam- in the society. blame lies entirely with par-
Alcohol has disastrous dress alcoholism and social ily members often have to It is no more surprising ents. Bring up your children
effects on consumer’s acceptance. It is a challenge grapple with domestic is- to find youth drinking in responsibly. Real education
health, career and family. to teach moderation. How sues. This leads to a series bars, throwing invective begins from here.
In Bhutan, the reason successfully do we that? of problems in the lives of words. This is a worrying
alcohol is misused is be- Consuming moderate many people. Alcohol con- sign of failure. Who do we Contributed by
cause it is widely accepted amount of alcohol is indeed sumption and depression is blame when a child goes Saacha Dorji
in the society. People drink good. It helps bring your today the leading cause of off the way? What do we say Darla MSS
to be sociable. Many res- HDL level up, which helps suicide. What is alarming when parents themselves Chukha
taurants and shops offer protects your heart against
alcohol. Bars and pubs diseases. It can also lower
are everywhere. Alcohol is risk of developing diabetes
usually included at celebra- by increasing your insulin
tions or family and social sensitivity. It can also raise
gatherings. For example, we
cannot do away with alco-
‘good cholesterol’ levels.
Our problem, though, is
hol items during any kind that we do not know how
of rimdro. to consume. Perhaps, we DrukAir
Date Route Flight No. Departure Arrival
Bhutanese pick up should start from here,
June 26 Bangkok to Paro via Guwahati KB 141 09:20 am 12:55 pm
drinking habit early on. with strong education and
June 26 Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata KB 120 01:35 pm 06:40 pm
And as they grow, the habit advocacy. June 26 Paro to Delhi KB 240 11:30 am 01:20 pm
becomes stronger and often Bhutan has tried vari- June 26 Delhi to Paro KB 241 02:20 pm 05:10 pm
difficult to tackle. Children ous methods to address the June 26 Paro to Kathmandu KB 400 11:00 am 12:05 pm
copy their parents and problem of excessive June 26 Kathmandu to Paro KB 401 12:45 pm 02:20 pm
elders and drink openly. consumption of alcohol. June 26 Singapore to Paro via Kolkata KB 501 06:30 am 10:50 am
By and by, casual drinkers What is important is that
become serious alcoholics. ways and means ought to June 27 Paro to Bangkok via Bagdogra KB 130 06:00 pm 11:10 pm
They become helplessly de- be practical and true to the June 27 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata KB 121 06:35 am 09:40 am
purpose. Banning alcohol June 27 Paro to Delhi KB 204 12:00 pm 01:50 pm
pendent. Alcohol then be-
June 27 Delhi to Paro KB 205 02:40 pm 05:20 pm
comes a friend indeed. One import did not help. It
June 27 Paro to Kathmandu KB 400 07:00 am 08:05 am
needs it in times of sadness never will help. Raising
June 27 Kathmandu to Paro KB 401 08:45 am 10:05 am
and sorrow, in times of hap- alcohol price won’t help. In June 27 Paro to Kolkata KB 210 10:45 am 11:45 am
piness and jubilation. Alco- fact, this could have a more June 27 Kolkata to Paro KB 211 12:25 pm 02:25 pm
hol is a vital element during detrimental effect on the June 27 Paro to Dhaka KB 300 02:00 pm 03:00 pm
celebrations. society, considering that June 27 Dhaka to Paro KB 301 04:00 pm 05:00 pm
But the cost of consum- habitual drinkers will any-
ing too much alcohol is way find a way to drink. Domestic
huge, both on the person But the real problem June 26 Bumthang to Paro KB 1002 09:00 am 09:35 am
who consumes and on the is when young people in- June 26 Paro to Bumthang KB 1003 10:00 am 10:35 am
Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Drukair toll free No. 1300 for latest flight information.
state. In Bhutan, where creasingly take to alcohol.
health services are free, it This could, in the long run,
is a heavy burden on the have serious implication to
Bhutan Airlines (Tashi Air)
June 26 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata B3701 06:30 am 09:55 am
government coffer. the health and economy of
June 26 Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata B3700 10:35 am 04:05 pm
Alcohol is already the the country. It is because June 26 Paro to Delhi via Kathmandu B3773 10:45 am 12:35 pm
major killer in the country. of this that we need to ad- June 26 Delhi to Paro B3774 01:35 pm 04:15 pm
How we can wean away ha- dress this growing societal
bitual drinkers from alcohol problem urgently. It is not June 27 Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata B3701 06:30 am 09:55 am
is the major challenge fac- the responsibility of one June 27 Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata B3700 10:35 am 04:05 pm
ing the country today. ministry alone to wean our June 27 Paro to Delhi via Kathmandu B3773 08:30 am 11:35 am
Besides damaging liver, young people away from June 27 Delhi to Paro B3774 12:35 pm 04:15 pm
alcohol affects brain, heart, alcohol. As citizens, there Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Bhutan Airlines toll free No. 1234 for latest flight information.
PAGE 20 Saturday, June 25, 2016 | KUENSEL


British clubs could suffer in transfer

window, warns sports expert
British football clubs could find
it more difficult to buy summer He said there could also be country to ply their trade and
targets after the UK’s decision to implications for Euro 2020, with they are going to be awarded
leave the European Union, an the semi-finals and finals due to prize money. Because they are
expert has warned. be played at Wembley in London not British citizens, what kind of
Transfer fees and wages and potentially involving Euro- tax arrangements will be put in
may rise, said Simon Chadwick, pean Union nations. place for these players?” added
professor of sports enterprise at “Here are two sets of for- Chadwick.
Salford University. eign workers who come to this BBC
“Clubs could suddenly find
players are much more expensive
because the pound is worth less,” ZAKAR
he said.
Football Association chair-
TOMORROW’S to start new business
man Greg Dyke said the decision
Good day to sow seeds
could have “quite an impact on to perform lhabsang
Juventus and France midfielder Paul Pogba is reportedly to plant trees and
English football”. and thruesol flowers
He said the full impact of a target for Manchester United
to perform lhasung
leaving the EU might not be to learn astrology Bad day
known for two years. What we’ve seen over the last few Scottish Premiership revealed to enter in a new house to roof house
“It would be a shame if some hours is the pound plummeting 332 players would fail to meet to shift house
of the great European players in value by as much as 10% at the current standards. A good day for rituals (laza) for those born in the dog year.
can’t come here but I don’t think certain stages.” Scottish club Hamilton Aca- Generally a good day (sogza) for those born in the sheep
that will happen. Whether the Players could be more reluc- demical admitted it may have to year.
total number reduces will de- tant to move to clubs in the UK if change its recruitment policy,
pend on the terms of the exit,” the value of their potential sala- with manager Martin Canning JUNE 27, MONDAY to sow seeds
he said. ries has fallen, added Chadwick. indicating seven or eight of his Good day to plant trees and
“My personal view has al- However, the Premier squad could be affected. to learn astrology flowers
ways been that the decline in League said it would continue However, the rules could be to shift house
the number of English players to be a “hugely successful sport- watered down to make it easier to hand and take over Bad day
in Premier League first teams - ing competition that has strong for non-EU players to come to office to hoist lungdar
to enter in a new house to roof house
we’re down to about 30% now domestic and global appeal” the UK - as is the case with Nor-
to marry to start new business
- is a shame. If it increases the regardless of the referendum way and Switzerland.
to celebrate
number of English players, that result. “The work the BBC did ear-
is to be welcomed. But you don’t “Given the uncertain nature lier in the year identified players A good day for rituals (laza) for those born in the snake and
want to lose the best European of what the political and regu- like N’Golo Kante at Leicester, horse years.
players coming here.” latory landscape might be fol- who would currently fail work Generally a good day (sogza) for those born in the rat and
Players’ wages, the staging lowing the ‘Leave’ vote, there is permit regulations,” said Chad- pig years.
of big events and the Premier little point second guessing the wick. A bad day (shedza) for those born in the monkey and rooster
League brand could all be af- implications until there is greater “There will need to be a years.
fected, according to Chadwick. clarity,” a spokesman said. process of negotiation and this
“Our sport for several dec- “Clearly, we will continue may take a year, two years, who JUNE 25 SUNRISE : 5:07 am
ades has been underpinned by to work with Government and knows, before we get to a system 2016 SUNSET : 7:00 pm
European Union legislation. We other bodies whatever the out- of how we will deal with overseas Thimphu
p Max Min
are going to have to think about come of any process.” players.
new rules and new ways of doing “The summer of transfer Gasa 20 9
things through a period of un- What about work permits? activity that we are used to, the Trongsa 21 16
certainty and I think incredible Some Leave campaigners ar- kind of rumours of big signings,
instability, and that could last gued that a post-Brexit UK could we should expect a period of Bumthang 21 15
anything up to five, possibly 10
years.” he said.
“The most immediate im-
lower freedom-of-movement re-
strictions on the rest of the world.
Analysis carried out by BBC
restrained activity until the play-
ers, the agents, their clubs, the
Premier League, and everyone
28 Trashigang
pact in the short term will be in March of squads in the first involved in football, are sure 16 Phuentsholing 28 22
upon this transfer window. two tiers in England and the about what’s going to happen.”
Source: Meteorology Division, DHMS, MOEA | For any weather information: Call hotline 339673

Printed and published by Kuensel Corporation Limited, PO Box 204, Tel: 975-2-322483/324688, Fax: 975-2-322975, www.kuenselonline.com BICMA Lic no. 303000005, ISSN 0259 1499
drug abuse and ra g u e

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Kuensel Supplement Saturday, +VOF 25, 2016

June 25, 2016 K2 | PAGE 1

So that reading
culture grows
Thinley Zangmo years every Saturday.
Today, they are discussing
t’s Saturday. The how to make the sessions more
Norzin Lam near the energetic and, more importantly,
Chubachu round- how to attract more volunteers
about looks deserted during the summer break.
after a sudden shower. One of the founders, Siok
People walking along the pave- Sian Pek-Dorji, who is also the
ment are forced to seek shelter executive director of Bhutan
within the towering buildings that Centre for Media and Democracy,
have cropped up over the years. said the Friends of Library was
In the midst of these tall founded informally to help the
buildings stands the one-storey library attract young readers since
Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Public half of the library’s budget was
Library, a space that have stood slashed that time.
against the test of time and “The library didn’t have
change. The traditional build- enough funds to buy books. So
ing is a symbol that reminds the the group of volunteers decided
urbanites of Thimphu that once to help the library. Gradually,
was. we started getting more books
Inside the library, a group from the volunteers who were
of chatty people sit around a within and outside the country
table. There is a heated discus- and donated to the library,” Siok
sion. They are the volunteers of Sian Pek-Dorji said. “Our main
the library who are known as the intention was to encourage more
Friends of Library. children to read, especially during
Founded in 2005, the Friends the holidays when they didn’t had
of Library help the library organ- much to do.”
ise reading and game sessions for
children aged between six to 12 Pg.4
PAGE 2 | K2 June 25, 2016

RECIPE Ingredients Quantity

Onions Chopped 50 gms
Serves: one
Garlic Chopped 50 gms
Preparation time: 20 minutes Risotto Rice 75 gms
White Wine 100 ml
Saffron Stock 75 ml
Prawns (Cleaned) 6 pcs
Parmesan Cheese 75 gms
Butter or Olive Oil 50 gms

Risotto Fresh Herbs

Salt and Pepper
5 gms
to taste

Con Gamberetti Method:

y Sauté the onions and garlic with a
li!le oil or bu!er
y Add in the riso!o rice (i.e. Arborio,
carnaroli) and cook until translucent
y Add in the white wine and stir con-
tinuously until it is absorbed
y Add a ladle full of hot saffron stock
and cook over medium heat
y Stir continuously until all the stock
is absorbed and the riso!o is thick
and glossy
y Add in the final ingredients, includ-
ing bu!er, parmesan cheese and
y Leave the riso!o to sit for a few min-
utes to let all the flavours se!le
y Stir in some fresh herbs before
Please call: Le Meridien, Thimphu at +975 2 337788 for more information


Respect and trust are the best

means to protect a relationship
force in this situation will be recommend that you do not rush
I’m a 22 year old woman, and I’m planning to get married soon. I have known my boyfriend
useless and, in fact, may even kill into having a baby, but instead
for six months and I trust him, but because many of my friends have discovered that their
the tree. Similarly, fear of legal wait until both of you feel you
partner has been be cheating on them, I want him and his family to sign a legal agreement
action cannot be the basis of a are mentally and financially
that he will not cheat on me. Some friends think it is good idea but others think it is useless.
successful marriage or positive prepared to raise a child. Giving
Lam, what do you think?
work relationship. In fact, in the a child the love and care it needs
PW, Thimphu
same way that force might kill a to develop into a well-adjusted

tree, too much mistrust and too and caring adult is a full-time
ell, I think a because the owners want to keep prevent this from happening many demands will damage the responsibility and it should not
relationship them. If they merely continue or to pull them back? Basically, relationship. Instead of writing be taken lightly.
should be based in a particular job because they for a relationship to be healthy, legal documents, I personally
on trust, and not held together fear legal action, then they are both sides should stay together recommend that both sides spent
out of fear of legal repercussions. unlikely to work well or with out of feelings of mutual respect their time and energy to develop
These days, I see everyone passion. Instead, I feel that an and love. If they remain in a a positive home environment. In
reaching for a legal stamp as employer should offer good relationship only because they this respect, they need to work
a means to cement even the working conditions and a decent fear legal action, then there is no on building mutual trust, respect
smallest kind of agreement. Of salary as a means to retain their benefit of staying together and and a sense of loyalty.
course, in some cases, a legally staff. Likewise, an employee they may as well break up. On a concluding note, I
recognised document can save should use hard work and loyalty Personally, I think that strongly recommend that you
future misunderstandings. At as a way to keep his or her job. In rather than pursue legal options do not have a child with your Shenphen Zangpo was
the same time, we should realise this way, the atmosphere in the to hold onto your partner, it partner until your relationship born in Swansea, UK, but
that fear and force generally do work place will be positive and would be more productive to is stable and you have the spent more than 28 years
not lead to positive results. both sides will be happy to be in work on creating an environment financial means to take care of practicing and studying
Buddhism in Taiwan
Take a work agreement as a long-term work relationship. where there is respect and a baby. Unfortunately, it is very
and Japan. Currently, he
an example. It is not uncommon It is the same with a trust. As a simple example, common these days to see a works with the youth
for employers to expect their marriage. If both sides care for think of a relationship like the couple having a child within the and substance abusers
workers to sign a one or two each other and there is mutual development of a tree. In order first year of their relationship in Bhutan, teaching
year contract before taking respect, then it is unlikely that for a tree to be strong and to and then breaking up. In such meditation and organizing
drug outreach programmes.
up employment. Of course, it one of them will get lost. And, produce healthy fruit, it needs scenarios, the child is the big
is helpful if staff commit to a even if one of the partners to be nurtured and given the loser. Personally, I suggest that
job for long periods. However, does contemplate cheating on right conditions for growth, you spend one or two years in Email to :
I feel that they should do so the other, then what is point such as sufficient moisture, a relationship before making it [email protected]
because they want to stay and of threatening legal action to warmth and nutrition. Using permanent. And, even then, I for any queries
June 25, 2016 K2 | PAGE 3

r y
Junior L ite

An Old Man's Winter

All out of doors looked darkly in at him
Through the thin frost, almost in separate stars,
That gathers on the pane in empty rooms.
What kept his eyes from giving back the gaze
Was the lamp tilted near them in his hand.
What kept him from remembering what it was
That brought him to that creaking room was age.
He stood with barrels round him––at a loss.
And having scared the cellar under him
Hello, la! In clomping there, he scared it once again
I'm Topsey, a yellow lab mix, and I'm look- In clomping off;––and scared the outer night,
ing for my owner. Can you help me find her? Which has its sounds, familiar, like the roar
When I was three months old, I fell from the Of trees and crack of branches, common things,
fourth floor of a building and lost my eyesight.
But nothing so like beating on a box.
I couldn't even walk for a month! My owner
dropped me off for veterinary attention but A light he was to no one but himself
never came to pick me up because she didn't Count down, V. 4.3 Where now he sat, concerned with he knew what,
believe I was still alive. Once she realised I was A quiet light, and then not even that.
still on this Earth, she agreed to come and get SPRING SUMMER He consigned to the moon, such as she was,
me—but she was out of town for a few months. So late-arising, to the broken moon
Sadly, I don't have my owner's phone number. As better than the sun in any case
If you're my owner and you recognise my sweet For such a charge, his snow upon the roof,
face, will you please give me a call or email? If AUTUMN WINTER
His icicles along the wall to keep;
you're not my owner, and you're interested in a Answer And slept. The log that shifted with a jolt

gentle, easygoing girl with a resilient spirit, I'd

Once in the stove, disturbed him and he shifted,
be happy to meet you, too.
And eased his heavy breathing, but still slept.
One aged man––one man––can’t fill a house,
A farm, a countryside, or if he can,
All you have to do is call 17603516, Email: It’s thus he does it of a winter night.
[email protected] and
ask for Topsey. I'd love to go home to a
family I can call mine forever.
Robert Frost
SP OT t h e d i f fe re n ce

Colour me


Soi Nyeu


Send greetings to your loved ones

Write to us a week before at:
[email protected] or [email protected]
PAGE 4 | K2 June 25, 2016

So that reading
culture grows
From Pg.1 When Friends of
When Friends of Library
started, there were more mem-
Library started,
bers who were actively engaged there were more
but it gradually declined over
the years, Siok Sian Pek-Dorji members who were
said. “It’s important to have a actively engaged but
good public library space where
people can have access to read it gradually declined
as much books as they can,
especially the younger popula- over the years
Rigzom Wangchuk, 23, had Rigzom Wangchuk said
been volunteering as a Friend that there are also activities to
of Library since 2007. She is engage parents and guardians.
“We also conduct sessions on conduct these sessions twice In the midst of these dis-
one of the few remaining senior
how parents can read aloud a week – on Wednesday and cussions, a young boy walked
volunteers in the group.
to their children and create a Saturday. The sessions will be inside the library and waved
“Friends of Library was
reading-friendly atmosphere conducted for an hour – from hello at the volunteers. He had
formed to help children who
at home,” Rigzom Wangchuk 1:30pm to 2:30pm – at the been attending the Saturday
don’t have opportunity to read
added. “I’m still amazed at how library. reading sessions for the past
at homes or whose parents are
an hour passes by very quickly. It would be great to have a one year.
uneducated. Through various
It helps me bond with the lot of volunteers since we have Kinley Wangchuk, 11, who
programmes, we aim to encour-
children and create a special planned various programmes studies at Jigme Losel Pri-
age a child to read and engage
relationship that will last me a for children who will be visiting mary School, said the sessions
them in different playful ac-
lifetime.” the library during the break, encourage him to read more
tivities and games. It’s an hour
An assistant librarian, Tshering Phuntsho said. “If books. He was holding a book
well spent for the children that
Tshering Phuntsho, said the there are any interested vol- on Hundred Moral Stories.
participate,” Rigzom Wang-
volunteers are of great help to unteers, we encourage them to “Initially I came to the
chuk said.
the library. contact us through our social library to only borrow books
The volunteers organises
“The only challenge is to media page or to visit us. We but the sessions helped me
interactive sessions such as
retain them and keeping up have shared a calendar on our engage more in reading and
read aloud sessions, making
with the same momentum. Facebook page where a vol- meet new friends,” Kinley
origami and puppets, conducts
There were times when we unteer can decide which days Wangchuk said. “Reading helps
games, reading lyrics, sing
didn’t have any volunteers for to come and spend some time me learn what is good and bad
along session, creative writing
seven to eight months at the with the children.” in life. Reading teaches me a
competition and writing book
library. During such time, the There is a lot of goodwill new knowledge every time I flip
reviews, among others, Rigzom
staff manages and continues shown by many people and we a page. I hope many children
Wangchuk said. “Through
with the sessions,” Tshering receive book donations from will join me during the summer
these activities, the children are
Phuntsho said. people within and outside the break at the library.”
encouraged to think out of the
This summer break, from country even today, Tshering
box and explore beyond what
July 2 to July 16, the library will Phuntsho said.
they learn in the classroom.”

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