The MEP Design of Building Sevices PDF
The MEP Design of Building Sevices PDF
The MEP Design of Building Sevices PDF
A. Bhatia
P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774
[email protected]
People in urban settings spend between 80 and 90% of their time in indoor spaces both during
work and during leisure time. It is therefore important that the Architect and the Mechanical,
Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) engineers work in unison to ensure the quality environment. A
good design can result in:
Remember MEP services are one area that makes the difference between comfortable and
complaining occupants.
In this course, we will focus on “active” MEP services. The course comprises of 10 Chapters:
NFA is the usable floor area that can be used by the occupants, excluding the area taken by
stairs, circulation space, elevators, lobbies, structural columns, MEP equipment and shafts. GFA
includes the entire constructed floor area.
FER is used for office buildings to calculate the rentable space on typical rental floors.
Factors used to evaluate economics and energy-effectiveness relative to building geometry and
Volume-to-Surface Ratio
VSR = V / S
The volume to surface area ratio of a building is an important factor in determining heat loss and
gain. The greater the VSR ratio, the lower will be the heat gain/loss through it. A cost effective
energy efficient building will therefore MINIMIZE exterior surfaces (walls and roof) and MAXIMIZE
interior volume (floor area x height).
APR is the typical floor area divided by the perimeter length of the floor (most upper floors are
substantially the same).
The surface area of the building is a function of the perimeter (aspect ratio) and the building
height. The geometric shapes with an aspect ratio of 1:1 will have the minimum perimeter and will
have the lowest surface area for a given height.
Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems account for nearly 40% of the energy
used in commercial buildings. The condition of your building envelope strongly influences HVAC
system energy consumption and occupant comfort. Outlined below are strategies that can be
used in buildings to conserve energy.
Design for Correct Climate Zone
The Earth is a sphere, depending on where you are located, the sun will interact slightly differently
than in other places. For example, the angle of the summer and winter sun will be different.
If the location is above the equator, in the northern hemisphere, the general direction for a building
to receive sun throughout the day would be to face it to the south.
If the building’s location is below the equator, within the southern hemisphere, the general
direction to receive sun throughout the day would be to face the building to the north.
Building Orientation
Orientation of a building should be done for the climatic zone in which the building is situated.
• Cold climates: The South facing side provides maximum solar gain. Locate the building’s
axis on the East-West direction with its longest dimension facing the South.
• Hot and dry climate: During summer, the North wall gets significant exposure, and the
West side absorbs the maximum late afternoon heat. Similar to cold climates, longer walls
of building should face North and South with longer axis along the East-West direction.
• Warm and humid climate: In this climate, buildings should ideally be long and narrow to
allow cross-ventilation.
An outline of the environmental conditions experienced in different areas of a building and how
the area zoning should be assigned to the building is given below:
Area of the Environmental Appropriate Appropriate
building Conditions functions: office functions:
East facing Will receive low angle Canteens, kitchens Kitchens, dining
sunlight and heat gain areas, bedrooms
in the morning
North facing Will receive varying Work areas, (high Living, working
light throughout and thermal mass areas (high thermal
sunshine throughout elements such as mass elements such
the day stair cases – if as stair cases –
passive solar passive solar
strategy used) strategy used)
West facing Will receive low angle WCs, storage, Bathrooms, WCs
sunshine and heat gain service areas, lift storage areas
in the afternoon shafts, staircases
South facing Daylight conditions will Working areas, Bedrooms,
be even across the day circulation, services, circulation, services
and relatively little meeting areas
sunshine will be
Core of the building Daylight and natural Lift shafts, stair Storage, circulation
ventilation are likely to cases, circulation,
be relatively poor storage
(without roof openings).
Temperatures remain
fairly steady
MEP engineers must recommend a wall with low conductivity (U-value or high R-value) to resist
the heat gain or heat loss. High thermal mass (greater thickness) of material is preferred as this
means high thermal storage capacity and less heat flow.
Insulation resists the heat flow through the building envelope. The energy consultants typically
recommend wall insulation resistance between R-11 and R-19 and roof between R-19 and R-30.
Glazing in façades
The glass in the building has a big influence in heat gain or heat loss. The following characteristics
of glass can be used to promote energy efficient design.
• Low-E Glazing:
− A single pane of glass has a U-Value of 1.11 Btu/ft2 - hr ºF. It decreases to 0.57 Btu/ft2
hr ºF for a 1/4” air space.
− High performance glass with inert gas filled in double-glazing. Two choices exist:
Argon Gas: low cost
Krypton Gas: 200 x the cost of argon
− U-value for double glazed unit with argon gas in 1/4” space is .52 BTU/ft2-hr-°F
• Spectrally Selective Glazing:
− Spectral coatings help block up to 80% of solar heat gain from entering the building.
These can achieve a SHGC of 0.25.
Arrange buildings to ensure good access to daylight and ventilation for nighttime cooling. Place
important spaces and windows at southeast corner of the site; it will get more sun in the winter
and less in the summer.
The depth of the building should not be more than 40 – 50 ft. Place windows on the south side to
get winter sun into the space. Use northern windows for even daylight throughout the day.
Shading devices
Shading devices should be used to avoid unwanted heat gains. Use architectural
overhangs/fins/louvers and to some extent deciduous vegetation to block solar rays in the
The color of building affects heat absorption. The dark colors absorb more heat than lighter colors.
• In cold climates, the external surfaces of the walls should be dark in color for high
absorptivity to facilitate heat gains.
• In hot and dry climates, light shade colors (having low absorptivity) should be used to paint
the external surface particularly roofs and east and west façades. Darker shades should
be avoided.
• In moderate climates, pale colors are preferable; dark colors may be used only in recessed
places protected from the summer sun.
• Site Costs: Site costs normally cover the owner’s initial land acquisition and development
costs for the project.
• Construction Costs: Construction costs are the portion of hard costs normally associated
with the construction contract, including the cost of materials and the labor and equipment
costs necessary to put those materials in place. Added to this are overhead costs, which
include both job site management and the contractor’s standard cost of doing business
(office, staff, insurance, etc.).
• Material Costs: Material costs cover purchase of materials, including local and regional
taxes, and shipping and handling costs, which include transportation, warehousing, and
in some cases security. In very remote areas or in overseas locations, shipping, handling
and other overheads may exceed the cost of the material.
• Installation Costs: Installation costs include the price of labor and equipment to put
materials in place. Labor costs consist of base wages, taxes, insurance, and benefits, as
well as premiums for overtime or for working in remote locations. Equipment costs include
the direct cost of the equipment (whether it is a purchase amortization or a rental) and the
cost of an equipment operator, which sometimes includes support staff.
• Overhead Costs: Overhead costs associated with construction are usually referred to as
general conditions. These costs include those for field supervisory staff, additional
professional services staff, engineering consultants, as well as temporary facilities and
utilities, small tools, and a variety of safety and security equipment. Also included in this
category are bonds, permits, and insurance costs allocated to the project. Contractors and
subcontractors also incur general conditions costs.
• Soft Costs: Soft costs include a variety of costs incurred by the owner to move the project
forward. Design fees, management fees, legal fees, taxes, insurance, owner’s
administration costs, and a variety of financing costs fall into this category.
The building geometry and degree of articulation in the basic plan affect building cost. For
example, from a cost perspective, a perfectly square footprint is the simplest to build and
theoretically less expensive. Nonetheless, this geometry may be unacceptable and overly
simplistic for most projects.
Building height and overall scale also influence building cost. For example, the cost of the
structural system is likely to increase along with the building height.
In the context of mechanical building services, the internal environment refers to the strategy
employed to heat, cool and distribute air around a building. Although Heating Ventilating and Air
Conditioning equipment (HVAC) is the common terminology, Indoor Environmental Control
Systems (IECS) is likely more accurate and more inclusive of all of the functions of air
The term comfort air conditioning encompasses all the conditioning processes applied to ambient
air to obtain an indoor environment that is comfortable in terms of temperature, relative humidity,
indoor air quality and air distribution.
• Temperature: The temperature conditions accepted as comfortable are 68°F to 75°F with
75±2°F as design goal.
• Humidity: The humidity conditions accepted as comfortable are 20 % to 60 % relative
humidity with 55 ± 5 % as design goal.
• Indoor Air Quality: Outside fresh air requirement is about 15 to 20 cubic feet per minute
(Cfm) per person.
• Air Movement and Distribution: HVAC system must move air to every nook and corner
of the building to provide uniform environmental conditions, prevent objectionable drafts
and limit noise decibel levels to 30 to 40 NC.
The most common active cooling approach is the use of “vapor compression refrigeration cycle”,
which involves phase transformation of a fluid (called refrigerant) from a liquid to a gas.
Compressing the fluid at a high-pressure releases heat, and when it is at a low pressure, it
absorbs heat.
Cooling “load,” usually expressed in refrigerant tons (RT) or tons. A ton is a measure of
refrigeration capacity.
One ton of air conditioning capacity is equivalent to the heat extraction rate of 3.5 kW or 12,000
Btu’s (British thermal units) per hour. A Btu/h, or British thermal unit per hour, is a unit used to
measure the heat output of a heating system. One kWh of heat = 3414 Btu/h.
The common environmentally friendly refrigerants used today in commercial air conditioning
systems are the hydro-fluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants include R-410A, R-407C and R-134a.
The climate systems used to actively cool buildings can generally be divided up into three types.
DX stands for “direct expansion” and is term that use refrigerant as the cooling medium. With DX
cooling, refrigerant flows through the cooling coil tubes and air is blown over the tubes covered
with fins. The air does not come in contact with the refrigerant, but only to the cold metal surface
of the coil. Since the air is cooled directly by the refrigerant, the cooling efficiency is higher.
However, it is not always feasible to carry the refrigerant piping to the large distances hence, the
DX type is usually used for cooling the small and medium sized buildings.
Three (3) types of HVAC systems utilize water in the cooling process:
Water-cooled system
The first type is water-cooled systems. These systems reject heat from the refrigerant to water in
a water-cooled condenser. Typically, water enters the condensers at 80°F and leaves the
condensers at 90°F. The water then goes to a cooling tower where a portion of the water is
evaporated and the balance water with a mix of makeup water is circulated back to the
condensers once again. Where water is scarce, dry coolers are used instead of cooling tower to
prevent water loss due to evaporation.
The second type of system is a chilled water system. In this type of system, water is cooled to 40
- 45°F by chillers in a central plant. This water is circulated throughout a building and runs through
water coils in air handling units, leaving the coils at an approximate temperature of 55°F. Room
air is drawn into the air handlers and is blown over the chilled water coils where it exits at a
temperature of approximately 52°F. Like DX type cooling coil, the air does not contact the chilled
water, but only the cold metal surface of the coil.
Since, the chillers are located remotely at a distance from the controlled space; it reduces noise,
simplifies refrigerant handling, eases maintenance and improves reliability. These systems are
truly centralized systems and found largely in high-rise or campus buildings.
The third type of system is known as an evaporative cooler or a swamp cooler sometimes called
“nature’s air conditioner.” Just as a breeze across wet skin provides cooling as the moisture
evaporates, an evaporative cooling does the same.
The dry air is passed through some porous media that is wetted with water. As the air contacts
the water spread over the media, much of the water evaporates. It is normally only found in very
hot and dry climates. Air is drawn into the cooler by a blower and passes over an absorbent pad.
The pad is continuously soaked with water. As the hot dry air passes over the wet absorbent pad,
some of the water is evaporated. This cools the wet pad the same way moisture evaporating from
your skin cools your body. The air leaves the cooler at a reduced temperature. This temperature
is dependent on the relative humidity of the air being drawn into the cooler.
Combined systems
The combined hybrid system cooling is supplied using both air and water. The system can be
configured in various forms. For example:
• The DX system may use the air-cooled condenser for heat rejection.
• The DX system may use the water-cooled condenser for heat rejection.
• The chilled water system may use the air-cooled condenser for heat rejection.
• The chilled water system may use the water-cooled condenser for heat rejection.
Some of the factors that must be taken into account when deciding the most appropriate HVAC
configuration include:
• Space – HVAC equipment and the air/water distribution runs take up a lot of space in the
building’s floor plan. Maintaining building façade and aesthetics is an important concern
to the architects.
• Cost – HVAC is usually the largest major budget item in construction of buildings. Air
systems tend to be comparable to water systems in terms of initial cost.
• Comfort - Building success depends on how comfortable people are inside, and how
affordable it is for them to be that way. Control of noise and vibrations is an important
• Efficiency - Water systems and air systems are comparable in terms of efficiency, water
is a little better, but costlier.
• Maintainability – The equipment must be accessible for maintenance and replacement
There is bewildering range of building air conditioning systems in the market today ranging from
a small or medium capacity self-contained unit to central water chillers/boilers. While all of these
HVAC systems share common basic elements, they differ in physical appearance and
arrangement, price, performance and in manner of control and operation. Some drivers in
selection are the design of the building itself – height, visibility of equipment, and proximity to
surrounding buildings – while others factors entail the owner’s preference – initial capital costs,
aesthetics, and long term life cycle costs.
Single split units are the most affordable type of standard air conditioning system, suitable for a
single room (ductless) application. A split unit has two components: an outdoor metal cabinet and
an indoor cabinet. That is why it is called a “split” system.
The outdoor cabinet contains the condenser and compressor and typically sits on a concrete slab
outside your building. The indoor cabinet contains the evaporator and is usually located on the
wall, in the attic or a closet. The indoor cabinet also typically includes a furnace (or the inside part
of a heat pump). The indoor and outdoor units are connected by a refrigerant line.
The design is a DX (direct expansion) vapor compression cycle and the heat rejection is via air-
cooled condenser.
Compared to window air conditioner, the split units make less noise since the noise generating
component (compressor) is usually in outdoor cabinet.
The split air conditioner system utilizes a direct expansion (DX) evaporator to cool air and air-
cooled condenser to reject heat. The outdoor unit is usually pre-charged with refrigerant during
manufacture. The majority of models currently being sold are “reversible” – they can operate as
an air-conditioning unit in hot weather or can provide heating as an air-to-air heat pump in cold
weather. In heating mode, the indoor unit functions as condenser and the outdoor unit as
• Non-ducted indoor units can be either fixed – whether mounted high on a wall, floor-
mounted or as ‘cassette’, ceiling-suspended, built-in horizontal or built-in vertical – or,
mobile. The outdoor unit can be either fixed or mobile.
• Ducted indoor units can deliver cool air to several rooms or to several spots within a single
room. The ducted units distribute the cool air evenly in the space. This is mostly used in
hotels or large apartments.
This market sector includes air conditioning systems for medium range residential and
commercial buildings with unit capacities varying from 3 to 50 tons. In distributed arrangement,
with multiple units, the cumulative capacity can aggregate to any number. However, beyond a
200-ton capacity, one must perform the life cycle analysis to check the benefits of a centralized
chiller system. The sector includes:
Multi-split units are simply a larger version of a small split consisting of several indoor units (up to
around 10) connected to a single outdoor unit.
The multi-split units are preferred if you do not want to install ductwork and if you want fewer
outdoor units due to lack of outside space or else want to preserve your building’s external
appearance. They are most frequently used in places like restaurants, offices, doctor’s surgeries
and shops.
The VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) system is similar in appearance to multi-split air conditioners.
What makes the difference is the number of indoor units and the control function.
Multi-split system is generally limited to about 10 indoor units whereas the VRF systems can
connect to more than 50 indoor units on a single outdoor condensing type. VRF systems use
proprietary temperature control devices for efficient flow of refrigerant. The temperature control is
available at every indoor unit and the outdoor unit adjusts the compressor load based on the heat
load coming in from various units. The VRF HVAC system’s compressor can detect the precise
requirements of each zone, and send the precise amount of refrigerant needed to do the job. As
a result, each area of your space is consistently comfortable with well-controlled humidity and no
hot or cold spots.
Some of these systems are designed to be able to provide simultaneous heating and cooling to
different parts of the same building (each indoor unit can be individually selected to provide either
heating or cooling).
The HVAC industry has its own language to identify different equipment types.
“Unitary” refers to equipment that contains all of the components necessary to heat, cool,
dehumidify, filter and move air in one or more factory-made assemblies. Unitary equipment is
available in packaged or split system designs.
The most common type of commercial system is the packaged system design, which provides
both heating and cooling to about 70 percent of the commercial building floor space built over the
last 30 years. Packaged units are typically sized from five to 30 tons in cooling capacity. They are
generally mounted on the rooftop but can also be installed at ground level. The evaporator and
condenser are kept together in one package, delivering conditioned air directly into a room or
Three main types of package units are used for air conditioning. They can be distinguished by
their mounting and blowing capability, vertical package, horizontal package and rooftops.
• Vertical package - Vertical package blow air horizontally or vertically upwards. The lower
section normally contains the compressor, condenser and condenser fan, and the upper
section the cooling coil and blower.
• Horizontal package - Horizontal package blow air horizontally. Typical cooling capacity
product ranges between 3 and 20 tons.
Roof Top Packaged Units (RTU)
Roof-mounted units (RTU’s) are installed on the roof and the air is blown downwards through the
ductwork. The units are set on curbs that are flashed into the roof. Typical cooling capacity product
ranges from 3 to 50 tons.
These are very commonly used in single-storey structure especially warehouses and super
Heat Pumps
A heat pump is an electric device used to pull heat out of air, ground or water and transfers it to
the building. Heat pumps and air conditioners operate in a very similar way; the difference is that
the heat pump cycle can be reversed to either heat or cool a controlled space.
Think about what would happen if you install the window air conditioner in reverse i.e. turning it
180°. Now, instead of transferring heat from inside the room to the outdoors, the air conditioner
would be attempting to cool the great outdoors and transferring heat from the higher temperature
outdoor air to the lower temperature air within the room. This heating process is called “Reverse
cycle air conditioning,” and this is what a heat pump is designed to do. It is designed to cool a
space when operating as an air conditioner and it is designed to heat a space when the cycle is
reversed. The actual reversal of the cycle is accomplished by reversing the flow of refrigerant and
causing the indoor coil and the outdoor coils to switch roles.
Heat pumps are classified based on the fluid used for the heat source while the heat pump is
operating in the heating mode. For example, a heat pump that uses air as its heat source when
operating in the heating mode is referred to as an air-source heat pump. Also, a heat pump system
that uses earth or water as its heat source when operating in the heating mode is classified as a
ground source or water-source heat pump, respectively.
− Heat is transferred from the low-temperature AIR outside to the high-temperature interior.
− Relies on the relative warmth of EARTH for its heating and cooling production
Water chillers produce chilled water to condition the air. The chillers are classified according to
the type of compressor they use. The major types of compressors are:
The table below highlights the performance characteristics and applications of water chillers:
Type Capacity Refrigeran Condensin COP Power Characteristics &
t g media Demand Applications
tons , kW/ton
Reciprocating Positive displacement
Semi- 10 - 200 HCFC -22 Water 4.7 0.7 -0.8 compression, generally
hermetic noisier and uses more
Open 10 -150 HCFC -22 Water 4.7 0.7 -0.8 power than rotary-type
Semi- 10 - 200 HCFC -22 Air 4.7 1.2 -1.4 compressors.
Open 10 -100 HFC - Air 4.7 1.2 -1.4 Not appropriate if precise
134a temperature control is
Commercial/ industrial
cooling systems up to 200
tons with water or air
cooled condensers
*Absorption chillers are heat-operated devices that produce chilled water via an absorption cycle.
These are not very common in commercial buildings and are used in industrial applications where
heat source is available. Absorption chillers can be direct-fired, using natural gas or fuel oil, or
indirect-fired. Indirect-fired units may use different sources for heat: hot water or steam from a
boiler, steam from district heating, or waste heat in the form of water, air, or other gas. Absorption
chillers can be single-effect or double-effect, where one or two vapor generators are used.
Double-effect chillers use two generators sequentially to increase efficiency. Several
manufacturers offer absorption chiller/heater units, which use the heat produced by firing to
provide space heating and service hot water.
• Hermetic compressors have the electric motor and compressor housed in a tightly
sealed enclosure shell.
• Semi-hermetic" compressors that are similar to the hermetic type compressors but its
shell can be dismantled.
• Open type compressors are externally coupled to the electric motor. All the main
components are detachable and accessible.
Heat rejection happens in equipment called “Condenser”. The heat rejection capacity of the
condenser is usually 20 to 25% higher than the evaporator capacity and is sum of cooling load
(evaporator capacity) and the energy added due to compression.
Air-cooled condensers
As the name suggests, the air cooled condensers use air to cool refrigerant vapor to the liquid
state. These are located outside of the building envelope, through which refrigerant is circulated.
As the refrigerant comes into indirect contact with outside air, heat is exchanged from the relatively
hot refrigerant to the relatively cooler air. Heat exchange is enhanced by fan-forced flow of large
volumes of air across the heat exchange coils.
Air recirculation is very important for air-cooled chillers. Any obstruction in the circulation of air
would adversely affect the performance. Air-cooled chillers can have problems with recirculation
if there are walls higher than the unit or too many units to close together. If there is a situation
where outside walls are required for building code and the unit will not be receiving enough fresh
air, then a water-cooled application may be the best option.
Water-cooled condensers
Water-cooled condensers are refrigerant-to-water shell and tube type design. These use water
as the coolant, which is recirculated from a cooling tower or an evaporative dry cooler.
Cooling tower is a heat rejection device, installed outside of the building envelope, through which
condenser water is circulated. Refrigerant in the refrigeration cycle is condensed in a shell and
tube condenser. Heat rejected from the refrigerant increases the temperature of the condenser
water, which must be cooled in a cooling tower to permit the cycle to continue.
Water-cooled chillers have longer life, higher efficiency, large capacity and refrigerant
containment. They are recommended for large installations where there is sufficiency of water.
For air-cooled system, there also exists an evaporative-cooled condenser, where water is sprayed
over the condenser coil to decrease the dry bulb temperature at the inlet of the condenser.
Cooling towers and evaporative condensers have main disadvantage of maintenance and water
treatment costs. This running cost is not present in air-cooled chillers. Additionally, discharge air
from cooling towers is humid and can contain droplets of water treatment chemicals. Surfaces
exposed to the discharge air may become corroded, soiled, or discolored.
The method used to distribute heat and cool depends on the working fluid: water, refrigerant or
air. Fresh air must be distributed by ducts or directed through the building volume itself. Ducts
that use air as a working fluid need to be large since air does not store heat very effectively. Water
is much denser and stores much more heat. For example, a 1-inch diameter pipe containing hot
water can deliver more energy than air in an 8-inch x 12-inch duct. The working fluid may be
moved by pumps, fans, gravity or natural convection.
Central heating and cooling systems use the air-handling units (AHU’s) and ductwork to distribute
conditioned air to every nook and corner of the building.
An air-handling unit (AHU) is a device used to condition, circulate and modify the characteristics
of air through variety of treatments such as filtration, heating, cooling, humidifying and
dehumidification. The AHU maintains the optimum ratio of fresh air and exhaust air automatically
on sensing higher CO2 concentration in the indoor space. It also accomplishes the balancing of
supply and return air while maintaining the building pressurization.
A standard air-handling unit is based around a packaged unit, which contains a blower, heating
or cooling elements filter racks, sound attenuators, and dampers. Custom-built air handling units
(AHU’s) incorporates various add-ons such as heat recovery devices, economizers, smoke
exhaust etc. to enhance safety and energy efficiency.
The construction and the physical location of the air handling unit is very important in the
conceptual stages of architectural design otherwise it will be extremely difficult to establish the
unit size and mechanical room area.
A modular air handling unit (AHU) assembly consists of multiple sections as indicated below:
1. Fan section - Fan section contains a centrifugal fan to distribute air to the various zones
of the building. The typical types of fan available are Backward Inclined, Backward Curved,
Forward Curved and Airfoil. The selection of the fan will depend on the air volume and the
static pressure required of the duct system.
2. Cooling section - Cooling section contains the cooling coil: DX or chilled water type. Both
these coils are fabricated of copper tubes and aluminum fins. The difference is that the
DX coil has a distributor at the inlet and the chilled water coil is connected to the header.
The coils are available in different rows and fin spacing combinations. Higher rows are
used when the moisture load is high (latent load) and lower fin spacing is preferred for
reduced pressure drop. Lower row depth is used for sensible loads. The capacity of
cooling coil is designed for cooling load of the space. Typically, there is a relationship
between the cooling coil capacity and the fan capacity for standard units – 1 TR cooling
coil capacity is equivalent to 400 Cfm of air flow.
3. Heating section - Heating section contains the hot water or steam coils for winter heating.
Finned heat exchangers similar to cooling coil are applied with hot water or steam heating
coil. The row depth of heating coil is lower since, it effects sensible heating only. Some
air-handling units use electric heaters but these can also be applied directly in air ducts
5. Reheat section - Reheat section contains heating coil for mitigating the low temperatures
caused due to dehumidification. This is important when humidity control takes precedence
over temperature control of cooling coil.
7. Filters section – Filter section contains the filters to capture the dust and other
particulates. There are different types of filters available. High efficiency filters (those with
a dust spot efficiency rating of 85% or higher) can remove pollen, mold spores, bacteria
or other dusts, which may cause problems for people. Medium efficiency filters remove
most dust and have a dust spot rating between 30 to 40%. Low efficiency filters will only
remove large dust particles and are only intended to protect the coils. They do not remove
mold spores or pollen. HVAC systems should use medium efficiency filters as a minimum.
8. Mixing Box – Mixing box contains dampers to maintain right proportion of supply air,
return air and fresh air.
9. Heat recovery - Regarding heat recovery, systems used in AHUs are mainly cross-flow
heat exchangers (efficacy 50%) and rotary wheels (60-70%). In smaller AHU sizes,
exhaust air heat pumps can be used instead of the heat recovery device.
Design Configurations
• In the Draw-Through type, the fan pulls the air through the filters and cooling coil before
discharging it to the ductwork. In this configuration, the section before the fan has negative
pressure. The design can be vertical or horizontal.
• In the Blow-Through type, the fan blows the air through the mixing box, filters and cooling
coil before discharging to the ductwork. In this configuration, the section after the fan has
positive pressure. The design is normally horizontal.
Air can be distributed and conditioned by variety of designs. Three common systems are:
1. All-air systems
2. Air-and-water systems
3. All-water systems
In all-air systems, the conditioned air is produced centrally at AHU located in a mechanical room
and distributed via ductwork. It is normally the cheapest to procure but is not necessarily cheap
to install due to the size of ducting required and the cost of lifting.
Control of dry-bulb temperature within a space requires that a balance be established between
the space load and the air supplied to offset the load. To maintain the balance, you can choose
between varying the supply air temperature or varying the volume as the space load changes.
Constant Air Volume (CAV) is a type of air conditioning system, where the airflow is maintained
constant, but the air temperature is varied to meet the thermal loads of a space.
These systems are simple, low cost and easy to commission, but they cannot provide adequate
control for zones, which have different heating or cooling needs. CAV systems are typically
applied to single temperature controlled zone. A single-zone system responds to only one set of
space conditions.
Its use is limited to situations where variations occur almost uniformly throughout the zone served
or where the load is stable. A single-zone system would be applied to small department stores,
large factory spaces, supermarkets, assembly halls, individual classrooms of a small school,
computer rooms, etc.
CAV Reheat System
The reheat system is a modification of the single-zone CAV system. When multiple zones of
temperature are required, you may choose to provide separate single zone CAV system for every
zone, increasing capital costs and plant room space or provide a reheat system.
In a reheat system, the conditioned air is supplied from a central unit at a fixed cold air temperature
designed to offset the maximum cooling load in the space. A heater coil is installed in supply air
duct for each zone, which is energized only when the control thermostat calls for heat as the
cooling load in the zone drops below maximum. This system is generally applied to hospitals,
laboratories, or spaces where wide load variations are expected.
This is not a very efficient way, since the air is cooled and then reheated incurring excessive
energy use and therefore not permitted by many state codes. In lieu of reheat systems, variable
air volume (VAV) systems are recommended.
Variable air volume (VAV) is a type of air conditioning system where the supply air temperature
is set constant and the airflow rate is varied to meet the rising and falling heat gains or losses
within the thermal zone. The air flow to each zone is controlled by a damper box (VAV box) directly
connected to the branch duct, while central supply and exhaust air fans are controlled by means
of variable speed fan motors, usually frequency controlled. Control usually occurs to maintain a
constant static pressure in one of the branch ducts furthest away.
VAV systems are much more energy efficient and provide better temperature control compared
to CAV systems. The drawback is that the humidity control is not optimal and a number of
adaptations may be required. These systems also complicate the delivery of outdoor air. If the
fraction of outdoor air is constant, the total volume of outdoor air will be reduced as the supply air
volume is reduced. This would occur during partial-load conditions and may cause indoor air
quality problem.
Variable air volume systems may be applied to interior or perimeter zones with common or
separate fans systems, common or separate air temperature control, and with or without auxiliary
heating devices. It is possible to vary zone air volume only, while keeping fan and system volume
constant by dumping excess air into a return air ceiling plenum or directly into the return air duct
• All air systems comprise one or more larger mechanical spaces for locating air-handling
units, which may occupy significant floor areas. The mechanical room area may be as
high as 4 to 10% of the floor area depending on the cooling unit’s design configurations.
In multi-storey buildings, vertical chases are required, which reduces the amount of usable
space and may limit the flexibility to partition the space.
• Air-handling mechanical room requires careful detailing. Mechanical rooms should be
centrally located to minimize ductwork. Horizontal runs of ductwork influence the ceiling
• Special acoustical treatment is required if rooms are adjacent to sound-sensitive areas
(e.g. Conference Rooms).
• Air-intake and exhaust should be located on different walls, where possible, or no closer
than 10 feet apart when located on the same wall.
• All Air Systems is a recommended option for applications with high occupancy or places
with high public gathering such as cinemas, theaters, auditorium, function halls, retail
stores, meeting rooms, airports, hotel lobbies etc. These places require large amount of
clean outside air to dilute the contaminants and achieve good air quality.
• For many commercial air conditioning tasks, the internal environment is both contaminated
by smells and pollutants. The applications such as IT Data centers, Research Labs,
Process industries, Clean rooms, Operation Theatres, Hospitals etc. have significant
thermal loads and pollutants. These are best addressed by all air systems.
• The biggest drawback of all air systems is that it would require a high airflow rate resulting
in large ducts, ceiling space and high energy costs for the air distribution system. The air
distribution and performance are difficult to balance.
A hydronic, or all-water, system is one in which hot or chilled water is used to convey heat to or
from a conditioned space or process through piping connecting a boiler, water heater, or chiller
with suitable terminal heat transfer units located at the space or process.
All water systems may be classified by temperature, generation of flow, pressurization, piping
arrangement, and pumping arrangement.
A CWS is a chilled water cooling system operating with a usual design supply water temperature
of 40 to 55°F and normally operating within a pressure range of 125 psi. Antifreeze or brine
solutions may be used for systems usually process applications that require temperatures below
40°F. Well water systems may use supply temperatures of 60°F or higher.
Hot water systems are often called hydronic systems and are classified as Low temperature water
system, Medium temperature water system and High temperature water system.
• Low-Temperature Water System LTW: An LTW is a hot water heating system operating
within the pressure and temperature limits of the ASME boiler construction code for low-
pressure heating boilers. The maximum allowable working pressure for low pressure
heating boilers is 160 psi with a maximum temperature limitation of 250°F. The usual
maximum working pressure for boilers for LTW systems is 30 psi, although boilers
specifically designed, tested, and stamped for higher pressures may frequently be used
with working pressures to 160 psi.
• Medium-Temperature Water System MTW: An MTW is a hot water heating system
operating at temperatures of 350°F or less, with pressures not exceeding 150 psi. The
usual design supply temperature is approximately 250 to 325°F, with a usual pressure
rating for boilers and equipment of 150 psi.
• High-Temperature Water System HTW: An HTW is a hot water heating system
operating at temperatures over 350°F and usual pressures of about 300 psi. The
maximum design supply water temperature is 400 to 450°F, with a pressure rating for
boilers and equipment of about 300 psi. It is necessary that the pressure-temperature
rating of each component be checked against the design characteristics of the particular
The biggest advantage of all water systems is that because of the greater specific heat and much
greater density of water compared to air, the cross sectional area required for the distribution
pipes is much less for the same cooling task. The drawback is that it is difficult to provide the
outside air for ventilation and it has to be dealt with separately. System is not applicable to spaces
with high exhaust requirements.
• All water systems are suitable for use as low cost central HVAC systems in multi zone
high rise commercial applications.
• All water system is preferred over all air systems, where ceiling height is low. It is much
easier to carry water through small sized pipes than air through very big sized ducts.
• All water system provide individual room control as required in hotels, multi storey
apartments, offices etc.
Terminal units
Air terminal units can be considered as a local air-handling device for individual zones within a
building. These facilitate heat transfer between the conditioned water and the occupied space.
These are essentially 100% recirculation units and do not provide ventilation air.
Terminal units used in all water system are of three types namely Fan coil units (FCU), Convector
and Radiator
A fan-coil is a terminal unit that drives air past a finned tube containing hot or cold fluid. The air is
usually drawn from the space to be conditioned and returned to it. They may be combined with
filtration and may mix untreated outdoor air into the stream.
The central plant delivers hot or cold water to fan units. The piping can be designed as two or four
pipe system. A two-pipe unit has a set of supply and return pipes that can carry either hot or
chilled water. A four-pipe unit has two sets of piping – one set of supply and return for chilled
water and another set for hot water connected to central boiler. The four-pipe system is more
flexible but more expensive to install.
Fan coil systems can provide multi-zone control of temperature without the need for reheat, and
can cope with situations where simultaneous heating and cooling may be required.
They are rather efficient since they obviate the need to blow large quantities of air around a
building, but do require decentralized maintenance (filter changes, condensate pan cleaning,
These units are available in various configurations to fit under window sills, above furred ceilings,
in vertical pilasters built into walls, etc. These are mainly used as ductless systems but can be
connected to ductwork also.
A radiator is a heating device that is installed in the space to be heated and transfers heat primarily
by radiation. The most common example is the sectional cast-iron column radiator. There are
many thousands of these in use throughout the world, although, in new installations, they have
been largely supplanted by convector radiators or baseboard radiation. The heat source is hot
water or low-pressure steam 5 psig or less. Small "electric radiators" include water and an electric
immersion heater.
Radiators are rated in square feet of radiation, or EDR equivalent direct radiation. One square
foot EDR is equal to 240 Btuh for steam at 1 psig or 180 Btuh for water at 200°F. These ratings
are no longer readily available but may be obtained from the Hydronics Institute, formerly the
Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers. Some representative data is available in the
ASHRAE Handbook.
A convector is a heating device that depends primarily on gravity convective heat transfer. The
heating element is a finned-tube coil, or coils, mounted in an enclosure designed to increase the
convective effect, as shown in figure below. The enclosure cabinet is made in many different
configurations, including partially or fully recessed into the wall. The usual location is on an
exterior wall at or near the floor. Capacity depends on geometry - length, depth, height - and
heating element design, as well as hot water temperatures or steam pressure.
Convectors save energy over conventional radiators because the space heats up quickly and
because the temperature of the water may be lowered. Common applications are:
Chilled ceilings/beams
A chilled beam is a building cooling device that circulates air using the principles of natural heat
convection. The major advantage of a chilled beam over more common forced air systems is that
it circulates building air without the noise and expense of ductwork and air handlers. Typically
mounted overhead near or within a ceiling, the beam is a type of radiator, chilled by an external
source such as Recirculated water. It cools the space below it by acting as a heat sink for the
naturally rising warm air of the space. Once cooled, the air naturally drops back to the floor where
the cycle begins again.
Chilled ceiling/beams use chilled or cooled water (normally between 55 to 65°F) as the cooling
medium. “Free cooling” may be utilized if a suitable source of groundwater is available.
1. Radiant ceiling panels - Cooling is principally achieved via the process of radiant
exchange. Typically, 60% of the cooling output is achieved through this heat transfer
mechanism. Serpentine chilled water pipework is incorporated within the ceiling panels.
3. Active chilled beams - Similar to passive chilled beams, except that the air moving through
the beam is mechanically assisted. The air is supplied to the room through diffusers built
into the beam.
Chilled ceilings and beams only provide comfort cooling. Filtration, heating and humidification are
not available.
With active chilled beams, ventilation is provided from the central plant, and filtration may be
With passive chilled beams and ceiling panels, ventilation has to be introduced separately. This
is normally achieved by displacement ventilation.
Chilled ceilings and beams must be controlled to prevent the risk of condensation. This can be
achieved by incorporating condensation detection into the chilled beam control system.
Air based and water based cooling can be combined in many different ways. One situation when
the systems must be combined is when the air-based system does not have sufficient cooling
capacity. The other situation may be the air system is used to provide the outside air for ventilation
and building pressurization while terminal units utilizing fan coil units are used as in all water
• It is much suitable for retrofitting of existing buildings, where there is space restriction;
• It is very good solution for perimeter zone buildings with large sensible loads;
• It can be used where close control of humidity in the space is not necessary; and
• It serves well for large office buildings, hotels, lodges etc.
• Air water systems require comparatively low air flow rates (only for ventilation). This
means that the required air supply and extract duct cross sectional areas are significantly
• Provides ventilation and humidity control; and
• All advantages of All-water systems.
Duct system provides a controlled path for airflow throughout the building to deliver and remove
air. The needed airflows include, for example, supply air, return air, and exhaust air. In a typical
central air-conditioning system, the outside air is drawn through a duct and the return air is drawn
from indoor space through a return duct or through the plenum above the drop ceiling. The outside
air and return air is mixed in the mixing chamber of AHU in right proportion, filtered, heated or
cooled, and delivered to occupied areas via supply air ducts. The conditioned air is finally
discharged into the space through supply air diffusers located on the drop.
A duct system is also called ductwork. Ducts should be designed to meet the Standards listed in
the ACCA Manual D Residential Duct Systems or SMACNA standards.
Ducts can be made out of the Galvanized steel, Aluminum, Polyurethane panels, Fiberglass or
cloth etc.
Round ducts provide the maximum air carrying capacity with minimum pressure loss for same air
volume. These are usually less expensive to fabricate and install. The drawback however is that
these require higher ceiling heights.
Rectangular ducts in aspect ratio of 1:3 are usually preferred for tight ceiling spaces. Higher
aspect ratios are not economical and costly to build.
• A ducted air condition system provides better air circulation and is recommended option
for large areas. Since ductless air conditioning systems cool the air in each room
individually, there is less air movement throughout the space, sometimes leading to hot or
cold spots, stagnant air and air pressure issues.
• Ducted air conditioning systems are better at controlling humidity. The air handlers in
ductless air conditioning lack the mechanisms needed to remove much moisture from the
air and drain it away.
• Ducted systems are many times used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of interiors.
Ductless stems involving use of fan coil boxes mounted on the wall or ceiling are not
always ideal from an aesthetic perspective. With a ducted system, everything is hidden
behind walls and in crawl spaces.
• Ducted systems ease maintenance. Ducted air conditioning systems will have just have
single air handling unit located outside the space and therefore the maintenance activities
will be outside the conditioned space. Ductless systems will require multiple fan coil units
spread all over the indoor space.
• Sometimes HVAC equipment or conditioned space is located in places where the air is
polluted such as garage where cars idle or where some odor causing materials are stored.
It is important to take ducted fresh air away from such places.
• Low height - When the floor-to-floor height is low and there is no room for ducts in the
walls or ceilings. Otherwise, also if you want to retain your high ceilings for aesthetic
reasons then ductless air conditioning is the answer.
• Zoned cooling - Ductless unit is often used to provide zoned cooling for an area that is not
frequently used or is overused. For e.g. in an office complex, the manager room or
conference room may be provided with small ductless air conditioning system that can be
utilized beyond routine hours.
• Multiple zones - When you want multiple cooling zones. Since ductless air conditioning
systems have separate air handlers in each room, these can be independently controlled
for different cooling needs. That means you can lower the temperature in the living room
where you are entertaining a group of people, while maintaining the comfort temperature
in a room where the individual is relaxing.
Performance Considerations
• Undersized supply ducts cause excess pressure near the air handler. This over-
pressure follows the path of least resistance, flooding branches closest to the air
handler with conditioned air while more distant branches and rooms are left
inadequately cooled or heated. The system responds with shorter on/off cycles,
increased energy usage and wear and tear. Undersized return ducts may create
pressure imbalances in rooms, leaking heated or cooled air out of the home's
thermal envelope through gaps and cracks. Undersized ducts are also noisy and
can cause other system problems such as freeze-ups at the A/C evaporator coil or
high furnace temperatures.
• Oversized ducts reduce air velocity, decreasing the discharge rate in rooms and
affecting comfort level. Also, there’s the needless expense of buying ducts with
capacity you don't need, plus additional installation problems and costs due to
larger physical size.
2. Location of the air handler. Ideally, the air handler should be situated in a central location
relative to the main trunk and branches of ductwork. This helps equalize air flow and
makes balancing room air pressures easier.
3. Symmetrical layout. Where possible, ducts that branch off the main trunk to individual
rooms should be evenly spaced and of similar length. Combined with equivalent duct
sizes, this evens out friction loss and reduces disparities in air flow that results from
branches of varying lengths.
4. Room Returns. A return duct in every room is ideal for optimum air balance. For rooms
lacking returns, install ceiling jumper ducts to an adjoining room or grilles connecting to a
common area with a central return.
Things to Remember
• Design toward smaller end of range for quieter systems and toward larger end of range to
minimize duct sizes.
• Loss of pressure is due to friction of the air moving through the ducts, fittings, registers,
and other components. The design friction rate is generally determined based on the
velocity of the air in the first section of ductwork. Most designers use a design friction rate
somewhere between 0.08 and 0.10 in. w.g. per 100 ft. equivalent length.
• Electric heaters
• Heat pumps, either liquid or air
• Furnaces, unit heaters, duct heaters, and outside air heaters that provide hot air for direct
circulation to the conditioned space
• Fuel-fired boilers that produce steam, hot water, or thermal liquids for direct or indirect use
• Direct air - furnaces, duct heaters, outside air heaters, reheat units, ducted heat pumps
• Indirect air - coils and air-handling units, fan-coil units, unit ventilators
• Liquid - radiators, convectors, liquid-filled radiant heaters
• Radiation - direct radiation from panels or other radiators
Electric space heaters convert electric current from the wall socket directly into heat, like a toaster
or clothes iron. It has two principal virtues: it is very convenient to install and low on cost. The
control is easy and user can turn down the heat in unoccupied rooms. The operating costs are
however high and is seldom recommended for continuous use.
The cost to operate a 1,500-watt unit for an hour is simple to compute: it is 1.5 times your electricity
cost in cents per kilowatt-hour. At national average rates—12¢ kWh for electricity— that heater
would cost 18¢ per hour to run—and quickly cost more than its purchase price.
Heat Pumps
A heat pump works much like a conventional air conditioner, except it can also run in reverse
during the winter to provide heat. Heat pumps are more efficient because they do not create heat,
but merely move — or pump — it from one place to another. These work best in moderate
Because electricity in a heat pump is used to move heat rather than to generate it, the heat pump
can deliver more energy than it consumes. The ratio of delivered heating energy to consumed
energy is called the coefficient of performance, or COP, with typical values ranging from 1.5 to
3.5. This is a “steady-state” measure and not directly comparable to the heating season
performance factor (HSPF), a seasonal measure mandated for rating the heating efficiency of air-
source heat pumps.
The gas fired furnaces use natural gas that heat a metal heat exchanger. Air is pushed through
the heat exchanger by the “air handler’s” furnace fan and then forced through the ductwork
downstream of the heat exchanger. At the furnace, combustion products are vented out of the
building through a flue pipe. Older “atmospheric” furnaces vented directly to the atmosphere, and
wasted about 30% of the fuel energy just to keep the exhaust hot enough to safely rise through
the chimney. Current minimum-efficiency furnaces reduce this waste substantially by using an
“inducer” fan to pull the exhaust gases through the heat exchanger and induce draft in the
chimney. “Condensing” furnaces are designed to reclaim much of this escaping heat by cooling
exhaust gases well below 140°F, where water vapor in the exhaust condenses into water. This is
the primary feature of a high-efficiency furnace (or boiler). These typically vent through a sidewall
with a plastic pipe.
The efficiency of a fossil-fuel furnace or boiler is a measure of the amount of useful heat produced
per unit of input energy (fuel). Combustion efficiency is the simplest measure; it is just the system’s
efficiency while it is running. Combustion efficiency is like the miles per gallon your car gets
cruising along at 55 miles per hour on the highway. In the U.S., furnace efficiency is regulated by
minimum AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency). AFUE estimates seasonal efficiency,
averaging peak and part-load situations. AFUE accounts for start-up, cool-down, and other
operating losses that occur in real operating conditions, and includes an estimate of electricity
used by the air handler, inducer fan, and controls. AFUE is like your car mileage between fill-ups,
including both highway driving and stop-and-go traffic. The higher the AFUE, the more efficient
will be the furnace or boiler.
Boilers are special-purpose water heaters. While furnaces carry heat in warm air, boiler systems
distribute the heat in hot water, which gives up heat as it passes through radiators or other terminal
devices. The cooler water then returns to the boiler to be reheated. Boilers can produce low-
temperature, medium-temperature, or high-temperature water that can be configured as “all-
water” hydronic system discussed earlier.
Commercial boilers generally use natural gas or heating oil for fuel. The following boilers are used
with varying combustion efficiencies between 78% and 86%.
• Fire tube steel boilers are constructed so that hot gases from the combustion chamber
pass through tubes that are surrounded by water. Typically, fire tube boilers do not exceed
25 million Btu/hr (MMBtu/hr), but capacities up to 70 MMBtu/hr are available.
• Water tube steel boilers pass hot combustion gases over water-filled tubes. Sizes for
packaged water tube boilers range from small, low pressure units (e.g., around 10
MMBtu/hr) to very large, high-pressure units with steam outputs of about 300 MMBtu/hr.
• Cast iron boilers are used in small installations (0.35 to 10 MMBtu/hr) where long service
life is important. Since these boilers are composed of precast sections, they can be more
readily field-assembled than water tube or fire tube boilers. At similar capacities, cast-iron
boilers are more expensive than fire tube or water tube boilers.
As with furnaces, condensing gas-fired boilers are more efficient than non-condensing boilers.
Condensing boilers achieve higher system efficiencies by extracting so much heat from the flue
gases that the moisture in the gas condenses. These are typically fired with natural gas and
operate between 95% and 96% combustion efficiencies. Condensing boilers are available in
capacities between 0.3 and 2 MMBtu/hr, and can be connected in modular installations.
In buildings with functional air barriers, a health requirement is the provision of fresh air, typically
at about 15 to 20 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per person. This provides oxygen (which is a small
portion of the air) and dilutes and/or removes pollutants. ASHRAE Standard 62 specifies minimum
ventilation rates to provide indoor air quality that is acceptable to human occupants and that
minimizes adverse health effects.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a surrogate for evaluating air quality when ventilation air is the major
factor in fresh air changes to the conditioned space.
Air picks up pollutants (dust, pollen, gases, etc.) of all kinds as it moves around a building and as
it enters a building from the outside. Hence, it is often desirable to clean the air.
Several methods of filtration are available for use in environmentally controlled systems.
• Fibrous media filters are composed of a coarse fiber material such as fiberglass, metal
mesh, or vegetable fibers. The air to be filtered is forced through the material where dust
and other similarly sized particulates become trapped in the matrix. Depending on the type
of fibrous material used, it may be washed or replaced when dust impedes the airflow. As
dust is trapped in the filter material, the effectiveness of the filter increases the
passageways for the air get smaller, but the pressure drop across the filter also increases,
creating a higher demand on the systems blower unit.
• Electronic Air Cleaners - By passing air through an electric field typically 12,000 volts,
particulates receive a charge. When the charged particulates are subsequently passed
through a matrix of oppositely charged plates, the particles are attracted and collected on
the plates. The plates may be removed for cleaning or washed in place periodically.
• High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter - The high-efficiency particulate air HEPA
filter is the most efficient air-cleaning system commercially available. Although it was
developed for the nuclear industry, it has been found to be extremely useful in the medical
and electrical fields. HEPA filters provide a minimum efficiency of 99.97% on 0.3-micron
particulates. A micron is one-millionth of a meter. The filter media is typically a fibrous
material with a high surface area to volume ratio. Design velocities are held down to about
5 feet-per-minute. This increases the particulate-holding characteristics of the filter.
• Activated carbon filters are commonly used to remove volatile organic compounds,
gases and vapors from recirculated air. The process involved is adsorption, where the
carbon adsorbs the gases and vapors in a sponge-like process. The carbon will also trap
some particulate matter.
Application MERV
Light duty residential for coil or heat 1 to 4
exchanger protection, light commercial for
protection of HVAC and industrial equipment
Superior residential for removal of allergens, 5 to 8
light duty commercial, split systems and roof
Superior residential for removal of allergens, 9 to 11
commercial office buildings and institutional
Superior commercial office buildings, superior 12 to 13
institutional, removal of minute particles
General hospital areas, low-level surgical 14 to 15
suites, smoke removal, superior commercial
High risk surgical suites, hazardous material 16 to HEPA
capture, clean rooms, HEPA level protection
MERV is Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value per ASHRAE 52.2, Method of Testing General
Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size.
Each building is different. The size of building, location, use and the choice of aesthetics can have
a great effect on the individual criteria.
A firefighting system is probably the most important and often the mandatory building service
aimed to protect human life and property, strictly in that order. It consists of three basic parts:
In US and many other parts of the world, the design parameters are set in accordance with
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. These are the minimum requirements.
Fire protection systems designers must also adhere to local rules and the insurance rating agency
(Factory Mutual, Industrial Risk Insurer etc.) requirements beyond the minimum standard required
by NFPA.
Codes specify circumstances WHEN and WHERE a given type of protection is required. Codes
are MINIMUM requirements; they can and are encouraged to be exceeded.
Examples of Codes:
Examples of Standards:
Water is used to suppress most fires. The firewater demand is the rate and amount of water the
fire service will need to extinguish the fire. This will decide the on-site firewater storage volume
and the capacity of fire pumps.
The firewater demand/fire water pumps capacity is decided by considering a number of factors:
NFPA codes and installation standards specify the criteria to determine the water supply needs
for hydrants, sprinklers and/or standpipes.
• determining the minimum fire water flow rate (gallons per minute, or GPM)
• total quantity of water storage (gallons)
• capacity and pressure of fire pumps (pounds per square inch, or psi)
Most building codes require a dedicated “on-site” water storage tank, pump, and suppression
system for large public buildings and commercial offices. The amount (volume) of water is
determined by the hazard level of the building. Most building codes specify three levels, namely:
The relevant building code lists which type of structure falls in each category.
The storage capacity is determined by duration of an expected incident in terms of time multiplied
by the required water flow demand or pumping capacity. For example, if the fire water demand is
1,500 GPM, the useable fire water storage volume for 1 hour shall be 1,500 x 60 minutes = 90,000
The main code that governs design and installation of fire storage tank in North America is the
National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 22: Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire
These tanks are separate from the tanks used to supply water to occupants, which are usually
called domestic water tanks. It is also possible to have a system in which the firefighting and the
domestic water are in a common tank. In this case, the outlets to the fire pumps are located at
the bottom of the tank and the outlets to the domestic pumps must be located at a sufficient height
from the tank floor to ensure that the full quantity of water required for firefighting purposes is
never drained away by the domestic pumps.
Fire pumps are used to boost the water pressure to sprinkler and standpipe systems. A fire pump
may be driven by an electric motor or a diesel engine.
Fire pumps are usually housed in a pump room very close to the fire tanks. The key thing is that
the pumps should be located at a level just below the bottom of the fire tank, so that all the water
in the tanks can flow into the pumps by gravity.
Like all-important systems, there must be backup pumps in case the main pump fails. There is a
main pump that is electric and a second backup pump that is diesel-powered. Each of these
pumps is capable of pumping the required amount of water individually; they are identical in
There is also a third type of pump called a jockey pump. This is a small pump, which continually
switches ON OFF to maintain the correct pressure in the distribution system. The water pressure
is normally 100 to 120 psig. If there is a small leakage somewhere in the system, the jockey pump
will switch ON to compensate for it.
The pumps are controlled by pressure sensors. When a fire fighter opens a hydrant, or when a
sprinkler comes on, water gushes out of the system and the pressure drops. The pressure sensors
will detect this drop and triggers the fire pumps ON. Once the main pump is ON, it has to be
switched OFF manually per most codes.
The main code that governs fire pump installations in North America is the National Fire Protection
Association's NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps for Fire Protection.
A fire pump is tested and listed for its use specifically for fire service by a third party testing and
listing agency, such as UL or FM Global.
• Wet systems: those are filled with water and pressurized. The drop in pressure will trigger
the pump ON.
• Dry systems: those are filled with pressurized air instead of water. A drop in air pressure
will trigger the fire pump ON. This system is applied where there is a risk of the fire pipes
freezing due to low ambient temperatures.
Firefighting systems and equipment vary depending on the age, size, use and type of building
construction. A building may contain some or all of the following features:
Fire Hydrants
A fire hydrant is a vertical steel pipe barrel with one or more 2½ inch outlet nozzles for hose
connection. During a fire, firefighters will attach the hose to the outlet nozzle, and manually open
the hydrant valve. Since the network is pressurized, the water will gush out and the drop in
pressure will trigger the fire pump ON.
• Wet barrel hydrants are used in warm climates. Water remains in the barrel of the hydrant
at all times. Each hose outlet is individually valved, and can therefore be operated one at
a time.
• Dry barrel hydrants are used in climates subject to freezing. A valve below the frost line is
activated by an operating nut on the top. When the valve is opened, water fills the hydrant
body (or barrel) above it.
Typically, hydrants have a large hose outlet (4½ inches is a common size) called a pumper outlet
or steamer connection. They normally also have one or more 2½ inch hose outlets.
The maximum distance between hydrants (typically addressed in fire codes) determines how
much hose will be needed to reach a fire. Pumpers carry a limited amount of hose. Some standard
rules of thumb for spacing are 250 feet in commercial centers and 500 feet in residential clusters.
Standpipe Systems
In high-rise buildings, it is mandatory that each staircase has a wet riser, a vertical firefighting pipe
and a hydrant at every floor.
The installation standard for standpipe systems is NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of
Standpipe and Hose Systems. This standard allows options for FHCs, valves, and other design
features. Standpipe systems are often combined with sprinkler systems.
Standpipe systems are classified according to usage:
• Equipped with 2.5” outlets and hoses for fire department use only;
• Located at every level of a building within stairway enclosures or within the vestibule if exit
enclosure is pressurized;
• Must be used when any portion of a building interior is more than 200 feet of travel from
the nearest point of fire department access;
• Used in buildings with more than three stories, and shopping malls; and
• If more than 75’ above grade, the pipe connection must be provided in every required
stairway as well.
Class III Combination Standpipe: used by both occupants and fire departments
• A combo system directly connected to a water supply with both 1.5” and 2.5” outlets;
• Installed in buildings where the highest floor level is more than 30’ above the lowest level
of the fire department access;
• Every point of the building must be within 30’ of the end of a 100’ hose attached to an
outlet; and
• Installed in buildings where the highest floor level is over 30’ above the lowest the fire
department vehicle access, or where the lowest floor level is 30’ below the highest fire
department vehicle access.
Sprinkler Systems
Sprinklers are the most widely specified suppression system in commercial facilities, particularly
in occupied spaces. The whole philosophy of sprinklers is based upon the premise of applying
the right amount of water (as little as possible) in the right place (the seat of the fire) at the right
time (as quickly as possible).
The basic components of a sprinkler system are the sprinklers, system piping, and a dependable
water source. Most systems also require an alarm, system control valves, and means to test the
The sprinkler itself is a spray nozzle, which distributes water over a defined fire hazard area
(typically 150–225 ft2) by actuation of its own temperature linkage. There are two main types of
sprinklers. Closed sprinklers have a heat-activated element made of either a glass bulb or a
fusible metal link that bursts or melts at a specified temperature. Open sprinklers do not have this
heat activated element and will discharge water as soon as it is available to the sprinkler system.
Open systems require a separate fire detection system to release the water into the system piping.
The installation standard for sprinkler systems is NFPA 13, “the Standard for the Installation of
Sprinkler Systems”.
There are five basic sprinkler system types. Each system has distinctive operating characteristics
that should be addressed by the end user.
1. Wet sprinkler system: The piping in a wet system is filled with pressurized water. Closed
sprinklers open when activated by heat and immediately discharge water. Wet sprinkler
systems are the most common type of system. They should not be used in areas where
the temperature may fall below 40°F.
2. Dry sprinkler system: The piping in a dry system is filled with pressurized air or nitrogen,
instead of water. Once enough heat is generated to activate one or more sprinklers, the
air is released from the system through the sprinklers. At a predetermined pressure, a dry
pipe valve automatically opens and releases water to the open sprinklers. There is a
nominal delay between the opening of the dry pipe valve and the water discharge from
the sprinklers, as the air within the sprinkler piping is released. Dry systems are used to
protect areas subject to freezing, such as unheated warehouses, loading docks and attic
3. Pre-action sprinkler system: Similar to a dry system, the piping in a pre-action system
may or may not contain the pressurized air. Water from the supply piping is held back by
a pre-action valve and is released to the system piping when the fire detection system
and/or sprinklers (depending on the type of pre-action system) is activated. Pre-action
systems prevent false sprinkler activation and reduce the likelihood of accidental water
discharge. These are generally applied to protect high-value electronic equipment in areas
such as computer rooms.
4. Deluge system: Uses open sprinklers to deliver a large quantity of water over a specified
area in a short period. A deluge valve is activated by a fire detection system installed in
the same area as the sprinklers. When the deluge valve opens, water flows into the system
and discharges from all the attached sprinklers in the system. Deluge systems are used
to protect flammable liquid storage, lumberyards, large airplane hangars and electrical
Most fires start as a small fire and may be extinguished if the correct type and amount of
extinguishing agent is applied while the fire is small and controllable.
NFPA 10 lists the advantages and common uses of each type. It includes tables [3-2.1 and 3-3.1
in 1988 Edition] of maximum travel distances to extinguishers, which must be used to determine
extinguisher spacing and locations. Maximum travel distances typically range from 30 feet to 75
feet depending on the type of Hazard Occupancy and type and size of extinguisher.
NFPA 10 includes tables of maximum floor areas per each extinguisher [Table E-3-4 in 1988
Edition]. For example, a typical 4-A rated extinguisher can cover 6,000 square feet in Ordinary
Hazard Occupancy.
A fire alarm system is distinct from a firefighting system; the two are independent.
A key aspect of fire detection and alarm is to identify a developing fire emergency in a timely
manner, and to alert the building's occupants and fire emergency organizations. Depending on
the anticipated fire scenario, building and use type, number and type of occupants and criticality
of contents and mission, these systems can provide several main functions:
• Activate the fire suppression system and/or notify occupants of abnormal or harmful
• Integrate with security systems and appropriate entities (such as the fire service, building
fire wardens, staff responders, maintenance personnel, etc.);
• Control auxiliary building fire safety devices, emergency lighting, elevator capture and
other systems to enhance life safety (related to air handling units, egress door locks, fire
doors, fire dampers, etc.); and
• Provide intelligence to responding firefighters regarding the occupants, the fire location,
smoke movement, and the status of the installed fire protection systems and devices.
The trigger to install a fire alarm system is NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, which is based on the
occupancy classification of the building. The installation standard for fire alarm systems is NFPA
72, National Fire Alarm Code. This code, along with the fire alarm wiring portion of NFPA 70, the
National Electrical Code, contains comprehensive requirements for the design, installation, and
maintenance of fire alarm and detection systems.
Design Features
Systems vary widely in complexity. A basic system consists of the following components:
1. A fire alarm control panel (FACP) is a control and indication equipment, which displays
any alarms and the system status, monitor the system for faults and have controls to
silence and reset the system. The standard governing fire alarm control panels is ANSI/UL
Standard 864.
2. A primary operating power supply (120 VAC).
3. A secondary power supply (usually a battery). This is most often a rechargeable storage
battery and dry cells are not permitted.
4. Input devices are the alarm initiating devices comprising of manual call points, automatic
heat or smoke detectors, pressure switches, water level/flow switch activated by a
sprinkler system, tamper switches etc. These devices are located in one area, or zone, so
an alarm condition in this zone can direct firefighting personnel to the source of the alarm.
Typically, a zone usually consists of a floor of a small building, or wing of a larger building,
etc. with area limitations defined in the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72).
5. Output devices include horn, bell, hooters and/or sounders and are used to sound the
alarm. This may include flashing lights, annunciators and other visual notification devices
to indicate the location and type of alarm. This assists firefighters with their initial response.
Outputs also include trouble or supervisory signals that typically notify maintenance
personnel or others responsible for correcting abnormal conditions.
The fire alarm control panel (FACP) is the "brain" of the fire detection and alarm system. It is
responsible for monitoring the various alarm "input" devices and then activating alarm "output"
devices. The function of a fire alarm control panel is threefold:
In addition, the system performs various other auxiliary building fire safety functions such as
elevator recall, ventilation system shutdown, smoke control activation, fire door or damper
closure, and stair door unlocking.
Modern systems use “addressable” type fire detection and alarm technology. Addressable fire
alarm systems assign each initiating device a discrete and unique identification (address). In
addition to the address, the panel will usually have the ability to have a tag to further identify the
address (i.e. Address 1, Front Lobby, back door, hallway, etc). Some addressable systems
consider each point as a separate zone. Addressable devices are similar to conventional devices
in that they are either in alarm or in a normal condition. Advantages provided by addressable
alarm systems include stability, enhanced maintenance, and ease of modification.
The fire alarm system recognizes four different states or conditions: normal, alarm, trouble and
Status showing an operationally ready mode. Status indicators give information about the
condition of devices external to the alarm system. Examples include:
Controls and monitors for ancillary functions are routinely included on alarm panels or
annunciators. These include:
A signal indicating an emergency that requires immediate action, such as a signal indicative of a
A supervised system (sometimes referred to as a “closed circuit” system) will create a trouble
signal in the event of a break in the field wiring, disconnection or removal of an initiating device
or notification appliance, failure of main operating power, disconnection of the standby battery, or
off-normal position of a panel switch. A trouble condition will light one or more yellow LEDs on the
panel and cause an audible signal, (usually a piezoelectric device) to sound. The audible signal
can be silenced by operating the ‘Trouble Silence’ switch on the panel. Since the panel is locked,
the trouble sounder can only be silenced by authorized personnel who have access to the key.
In a conventional system, supervision is made possible by use of an ‘End of Line’ (EOL) device,
usually a resistor, although other components may be used, depending on the designer.
A signal indicating a problem with the fire control panel or associated wiring which may render
the system inoperable.
Note: Devices subject to frequent unwanted alarms (primarily smoke detectors in air ducts, air
plenums, and elevator hoistways) are often arranged to activate a supervisory signal, since their
main purpose is mechanical control rather than initiating occupant evacuation.
Some smoke detectors have an adjustable sensitivity feature that can help prevent unwanted
alarms. Sensitivity should be set very low for areas such as mechanical spaces and low for
corridors and elevator lobbies. Sensitivity can be set high in rooms where the climate is highly
controlled, especially if they contain high-value contents such as computer rooms.
High-rise buildings often have a dedicated room or other location-containing fire alarm and related
fire protection and utility control equipment. Building and fire codes mandate these for newer high-
rises. NFPA 72 refers to them as Fire Command Centers; other terms used include Central
Control Station, Emergency Command Center, and Fire Control Room. Fire command centers
provide a single location for all equipment that incident commanders would need during an
emergency incident.
Since fire alarm systems are used as a life safety and property protection systems, they must be
designed and installed with a high level of reliability. The core concept behind the reliability of a
fire alarm system is based on monitoring for the integrity of the circuits. This is achieved by the
fire alarm control unit supervising each zone, circuit or point. This is accomplished by end of line
resistors, end of line relays and two way communications between the panel and devices
throughout the building.
The power system must be robust. Power for the entire fire alarm system shall be provided by
power system containing backup batteries with 24-hour capacity. There shall be a minimum of a
20 percent safety factor. The power supply unit shall provide signals for charger failure,
overcharge, and common trouble.
Controlled access doors on all levels shall be released upon activation of the fire alarm system.
Vertical transportation systems can be separated into three categories: elevators, escalators, and
material movers. Elevators and escalators are commonly referred to as "people movers".
Elevators are usually the primary people movers in tall buildings. An elevator system that is
referred to as "single deck" is one that has one elevator per vertical shaft. A "double deck" has
two elevator cars existing in the same elevator shaft, one atop the other.
A local elevator can stop at any floor; while an express will skip a certain number of floors, then
over a certain range behave as a local. The sky-lobby concept is a shuttle elevator that goes from
ground level to a lobby, where local elevators are available for access to other levels.
• Traction elevators are lifted by ropes, which pass over a hoist attached to an electric motor
above the elevator shaft. They are used for mid and high-rise applications and have much
higher travel speeds than hydraulic elevators.
• Hydraulic elevators are raised by a plunger or ram. It works by forcing pressurized oil
through a valve into a steel cylinder. The pressure forces a piston to rise, lifting the elevator
platform and car enclosure mounted on it. The car is lowered by opening the valve and
allowing the weight of the car to force oil from the cylinder in a controlled manner. When
the valve is closed the car is stopped. Since the weight of hydraulic elevator cars is borne
by the piston, there is no need for a structural framework or load-bearing rails. Hydraulic
elevators are commonly found in low-rise buildings with two to five floors.
Hydraulic Elevator
• The main advantage of a hydraulic elevator is it does not require a penthouse machine
room or heavily braced roof over the shaft. The machine room is located adjacent to the
lift well in either of the floors.
• These are recommended for low-rise buildings up to 5 levels or about 50’-0”.
• Speed varies between 25 - 150 feet per minute.
• It is cheaper than the electric elevators. For a given application, the traction elevator will
cost approximately twice that of hydraulic equipment.
• A hydraulic elevator imposes no vertical loads on the building structure; column sizes can
be reduced significantly in the hoistway area.
• Since the only mechanical connections between the machine room and the hoistway of
hydraulic elevators are pipe and conduit, the machine room location can be very flexible,
usually anywhere within a radius of 40 feet from the hoistway.
• Traction elevators are recommended where total travel exceeds 50 feet and where speed
of travel is a high priority.
• The machine room is located directly above in line with the lift well.
• These are suitable for high volume applications.
• They can speed up to 1,800 feet per minute.
• Their capacities are up to 10,000 pounds.
• Traction machine: Motor and drum assembly that is geared or gearless.
− Geared traction elevators are capable of travel speeds up to 500 feet per minute.
The maximum travel distance for a geared traction elevator is around 250 feet.
− Gear-less traction elevators are capable of speeds up to 2,000 feet per minute and
they have a maximum travel distance of around 2,000 feet so they are the only
choice for high-rise applications.
• Roping: Roping is the arrangement of cables supporting the elevator.
− Single wrap: simplest, cables pass only once over elevator machine sheave and
then connected to the counterweight.
− Double wrap: cables pass over the sheave twice, get worn out faster, used for
high speed elevators where more traction is required.
− 1:1 Roping: when the rope is directly connected to the counterweight, the cable
travels in the opposite direction as far as the car
− 1:2 Roping: when the rope is wrapped around a sheave on the counterweight and
connected to the top of the shaft, the rope moves twice as fast as the car, but
requires less weigh to be lifted.
Elevator Speed
Elevator capacities depend on the type of building, the size of building, and the weight of people
• Varies depending on their use and thigh and overall quality of the project
• Small office buildings have an elevator rated about 2,500 lb. Capacity with a floor area of
5’-0” x 7’-0” and a 3’-6” wide center opening door
• Rarely exceed 4,000 lb. capacity for just moving people
• Handling capacity is based on its car size and its round trip time
• People need about 2 square feet of space to feel comfortable
The elevator systems shall be installed in accordance to the National Electrical Code, and the
American Society Mechanical Engineering Code for Elevators, ASME A-17.1. It should conform
to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines, local state regulations and
with U-M Barrier Free Elevator Guidelines.
The new American Disabilities Act accessibility guidelines requires that emergency power be
available to elevators that have Four (4) or more stories of travel above or below the accessible
Escalators are used to move large numbers of people quickly, efficiently, safely, and at a low cost
of operation (4,000 - 8,000 people per hour).
• Made of custom built steel trusses and fitted with belts, steps, and handrails.
• Typical angle of incline is 30°.
• Are typically 32” or 48” wide, with tread widths are 24” or 40”.
• Rated by Speed and Size:
− 100 fpm is the industry standard
− 120 fpm for transportation and sports facilities
• A designer seeking to avoid the resentment and confusion of building occupants would
design a separation between escalators in a crisscross walk-around of no more than 10
The plumbing system consists of three major categories: gravity drained waste systems,
pressure driven systems, and pumped waste.
• The gravity drain systems include sloped lines, which must have a natural grade line. In
addition, the gravity-drained systems require vent lines for the entire system, to allow for
open channel flow in the drainage network. Gravity design in many organizations falls in
scope of civil department.
• The pressure driven systems include hot and cold water supply lines in various locations
in the building. This is a MEP scope.
• Lastly, pumped waste systems include all waste lines that must be driven by pressure
rather than by gravity. All pumped waste systems must run in double contained piping
systems. This is a MEP scope.
Plumbing design must meet the requirements of Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC).
The primary purpose of the plumbing system is to provide adequate water pressure at all times in
all parts of the building. This entails delivering the water at the correct pressure at all locations
and handling the discharge.
The gravity tank system consists of an elevated tank of adequate capacity with single speed
pumps to· raise the water to fill the tank. When the water level in the tank drops to a predetermined
level, the pumps bring water up until the tank is full.
The hydro-pneumatic system also known as pressure tanks uses compressed air to achieve the
desired pressure in the line. Smaller hydro-pneumatic system consists of an automatic pressure
controlled pump and a tank, which contains an air filled poly-ether-urethane (PEU) bladder.
The booster pump system consists of multiple staged pumps or variable speed pumps that draw
water directly from a gravity storage tank or the public water main. The variable speed pump
system varies the speed of continuously running pumps to hold a constant discharge pressure
under varying flow conditions.
Multi-storey buildings can usually be divided into zones of water pressure control. The lower two
to three stories can generally be supplied directly from the pressure in the public water main.
Upper stories, usually in groups of five to eight stories, can be supplied from pressure-boosted
main risers through a pressure reduction valve for each group. Systems can be up-fed or down-
• Up-fed systems usually originate from a pressure booster pump set or hydro-pneumatic
tank in the basement of the building. In a very tall building, floors should be divided into
zones of perhaps 15-20 floors. Each of these will have its own pumping system. This
serves to eliminate the very high pressures that result from high water heads, and also
reduces pipe and pump sizes.
• Down-fed systems usually originate from a rooftop gravity tank. These are used when a
building is too tall for an up-feed system.
Choosing a system depends on the height of the building and the pressure required for operating
the fixtures.
Up-feed / Down-feed Water Supply System
Water Pumps
There are essentially two different types of pumps one may use: submersible pumps, which are
designed to be placed inside the water in the tank, and conventional centrifugal pumps, which
should be placed in the pump room.
• If using conventional pumps, the outlet from each tank to the pumps should be placed in
a sump.
• If no sump is provided and the outlet is placed say 6 inches above the tank bottom.
Whenever the tanks are to be cleaned, a de-watering pump will have to be brought in to
remove the water in the dead volume of 6 inches.
• If using submersible pumps, provide a deep sump (at least 24 inches), as these pumps
are normally installed vertically, and the water inlet is in the middle of the pump and not at
the bottom. The pump should be supported only by the delivery pipe, which is bolted to a
flange attached to a sleeve in the roof of the tank. If the pump is to be removed for
maintenance, this arrangement allows the bolts to be undone, allowing one to easily lift
the pump out of the tank without draining the water. For this purpose, a manhole must be
placed next to the delivery pipe. Such pumps must not be mounted on the floor of the tank
because the fixing bolts will puncture the waterproofing layer of the tank.
• All pump rooms should without fail have an arrangement for floor drainage; pumps always
leak. The best way to do this is to slope the floor towards a sump, and install a de-watering
pump if the water cannot flow out by gravity.
Plumbing systems must be sized to accommodate peak usage of different fixture types.
The fixture unit concept is a method of calculating potable water supply and drainage piping
requirements within large buildings. Theoretically, all pipes should be of such a size as to be
capable of serving the fixtures to which they are connected when all other fixtures in the building
are being operated at the same time. In practice, the chances of their simultaneous use are
remote and the piping design criteria may be relaxed to some degree.
The fixture unit (f/u) method of estimating potable water demand is based on:
Some examples of fixture unit values assigned to the most common fixtures are given in Table
below. When these are added their total gives a basis for determining the flow that may be
expected in a water or drainage pipe to which two or more fixtures are connected. The total is
then reduced by a factor, usually in the order of 0.6 to 0.7, but depending upon the margin of
simultaneous use protection necessary under local conditions.
The total number of fixture units connected to each branch pipe is then added, multiplied by the
factor referred to above, and the result used to calculate the flow in water or drainage pipes in
accordance with tables such as the following examples. If included in, or annexed to, a plumbing
code, these tables should be detailed for a larger schedule covering the whole range of fixture
unit values to be expected; examples may be found in various national codes.
From the table below, the peak demand may be calculated. Fixtures using both hot and cold water
(such as in baths and sinks) should be assumed to take equal quantities of each for design
purposes: a bath would be counted as one fixture unit on the cold water system, and one fixture
unit on the hot water. Supply piping would be calculated accordingly, while the total figure of two
fixture units would be used to design the drainage piping.
Buildings such as hospitals, hotels, multiple dwellings and schools require large quantities of
water to be heated, stored and distributed. Heating is usually carried out by a separate boiler, a
steam coil or a heat exchange from a central heating or other system, and the temperature is
normally controlled to within narrow limits, 120 – 140°F. The acceptable temperature of hot water
systems at the tap should be less than 140°F to avoid scalding and above 120°F to prevent the
growth of Legionella organisms.
Water heaters for the supply of hot water should always be installed strictly in accordance with
the manufacturer’s written instructions.
Water Heaters
• They are designed to keep water at any desired temperature, typically the highest point of
use during the day;
• When sizing hot water systems for commercial and institutional buildings. it is important
to consider the tradeoff between recovery time and storage capacity;
• Hot water heater size is based on the total daily and peak hour hot water demand in a
building; and
• They can range from 0.4 gal. per person peak in an office to 12 gal. per unit in a small
apartment building.
• Water is quickly heated and sent to where it’s needed, as it’s needed;
• Uses variable speed pumps that run at varying rates;
• Saves space, but pumps wear out faster.
Circulating Water Heater
• Water is heated in one spot and stored in another until it’s needed;
• Water is supplied to each fixture and heated when the water faucet is turned on;
• More efficient, but more upfront cost to install.
Drainage means that part of a plumbing installation which conveys the waste water, sanitary and
storm water from a building to a connecting sewer or to a common drain or to any other means of
sewage disposed on the site concerned.
Sanitary Drainage
Any drainage that might include human waste. This is further sub-divided into two types of
• Grey water: means wastewater from baths, showers, basins, drinking fountains,
washtubs, kitchen sinks, washing machines, and the like. Normally as a rule, a minimum
of 3-inch diameter pipes are used for wastewater.
• Soil water: means any liquid containing excreta and includes a bedspan sink, water closet
(WC) pan, urinal, squatting pan, etc. This is also called Blackwater. Soil Pipe means a
pipe conveying soil water from the trap or outlet of a soil fixture to a stack or drain. Normally
as a rule a minimum of 4-inch diameter pipes are used for soil water.
Any water resulting from a natural precipitation or accumulation, and includes rainwater, surface
water, subsoil water and spring water. Storm water drain means a pipe or surface channel, which
is used for the conveyance of storm water to a sewer or a point of discharge acceptable to the
local authority.
Sewage means waste water, soil water or trade effluent and other liquid waste either separately
or in combination, but shall not include storm water.
The drainage system is intended to safely carry away sewage to a disposal system. Removal of
solid water and waste is done without air pressure and by avoiding odors and siphonage.
In the drainage system, the drains from the plumbing fixtures are connected to vertical drain
stacks that convey the waste and sewage to below the lowest floor of the building.
Traps are located at every fixture and hold some water that makes a seal used to prevent gasses
from the sewage system from entering the building. Traps are installed within 2 feet of the fixture.
The fixture drain traps must be vented to prevent their water trap seal from being siphoned by
negative pressure or blown out by positive pressure in the drain piping. The fixture vent pipes
must extend through the roof to outdoors. They can be run individually or be combined into one
or more vents through the roof.
Where buildings are over 10 stories high, the drainage stacks require relief vent connections at
specified intervals from the top, and connected to a vent stack that terminates above the roof.
This relieves and equalizes the pressure in the drainage stack to maintain the water seal in traps
serving plumbing fixtures.
Wherever possible, the sanitary drainage system from a building should discharge to the public
sewer by gravity. All plumbing fixtures located below ground level should be pumped into the
public sewer or the drainage system leading to the sewer. The pump line should be as short as
possible and looped up to a point not less than 24 inches above ground level to prevent back-
siphonage of sewage. The pump discharge rate should be controlled so as not to cause scouring
of the internal bore of the pump line or the drainage or sewer system into which it discharges.
High-velocity discharge rates may also cause the flooding of adjoining plumbing fixtures or
overloading of the sewer itself. The sump pits for sewage pumps must have sealed covers, be
vented to outdoors and have automatic level controls and alarms. Sewage pumps in multiple
dwellings and in multi-storey dwellings should be duplex, with each pump having 100% of the
required pumping capacity for the building. Alternatively, an approved vacuum drainage system
may be considered.
Because the wastewater is not treated before it is transported, the sewer must be designed to
maintain self-cleansing velocity (i.e. a flow that will not allow particles to accumulate), generally
obtained with a minimal flow of 2 feet per second.
When the required slope cannot be maintained, a pumping station must be installed. Primary
sewers are laid beneath roads, at minimal depths of 1.5 to 3 m to avoid damages caused by traffic
Access manholes are set at regular intervals along the sewer, at pipe intersections, at changes
in pipeline direction and at drops to provide a high level of hygiene and comfort for the user at the
point of use.
Wherever possible, sewer pipe shall be installed at least 10-feet horizontally from any existing or
proposed water main. If horizontal separation is not possible, the pipe should be installed in a
separate trench or on an undisturbed earth shelf located on one side of the water main. The top
of the sewer main should be at least 18-inches below the invert of the water.
Interior drop manholes should be installed for vertical drops greater than 2 feet. Use 4-foot
diameter manholes for pipes up to 24 inches. Distance between manholes should generally not
exceed 400 feet.
An interior drop manhole is recommended when the elevation drop is greater than 2 feet between
the pipelines.
A grease trap should be used when draining waste from large kitchens or massage parlors;
grease should not be allowed to enter the normal drainage system. A grease trap is nothing but
a small inspection chamber. The grease floats should be removed manually on a daily basis. The
inlets and outlets into this chamber should be designed in a way that minimizes disturbance of
the floating grease layer.
The three basic storm water quality control strategies are as follows:
Routing storm water inside a building can be a problem because of sweaty pipes.
There are a range of choices for the distribution network of pipes; GI, CPVC (chlorinated PVC),
HDPE (high-density polyethylene), and copper. These days plastic (CPVC, HDPE) pipes are
preferred to others because they do not rust, are light and easy to install, and inexpensive.
• Copper Pipe:
− Type K: thickest wall, comes in straight lengths, coils, and used for underground
supply when greatest strength is required
− Type L: thinner walls and comes in straight lengths or coils, commonly used for
most interior plumbing (most common)
− Type M: thinnest and available in straight length only. Used where there is low
pressure, like branch supply, chilled water, and drainage.
• Galvanized Steel: used when water is not corrosive, difficult screw fitting assembly.
Schedule 40 pipe is most common. Joined mechanically with treaded collars.
• Plastic: used in residential for supply piping. Is still restricted by some codes. Expands
3.5 times more than copper. Joined by primer.
− Polyethylene (PE): plastic pipe and tubing
− Acrilylonitrite Butadiene Styrene (ABS): plastic pipe, black, used only for drain lines
− Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): plastic pipe, white, used for supply
− Polyvinyl Di-chloride (PVDC): (okay for hot water)
General checklist and layout considerations that will minimize plumbing infrastructure costs:
• Domestic water meter needs to located within 2’-0” of the front wall of the building and
within 50’-0” of the property line, otherwise outdoor meter vault will be required.
• Plumbing equipment room should be as close as possible to main bathroom groups and
• Outdoor and indoor large grease interceptors should be located where pumper trucks can
easily access them.
• Consider ceiling construction that allows for a minimum number of plumbing access
panels on floors where domestic distribution piping is routed or on floors were multiple
sanitary cleanouts will be located in the ceiling space.
• On multi-floor projects, stack plumbing fixtures and plumbing chases wherever possible.
• Avoid locating plumbing fixtures directly above overhangs or unheated garage spaces, if
• Do not locate fixtures on the exterior walls of the building.
• Ensure that enough room is provided for water mains to exit plumbing equipment room
without running into spaces such as electrical rooms, staircases, and elevator shafts.
Plumbing fixtures or roof drains must not be located over these spaces:
• Electrical rooms
• Electrical closets
• MDF rooms
• Elevator equipment rooms
• Fire pump rooms
• Staircases
• Elevator shafts
Drainage pipes from plumbing fixtures or roof drains located over these spaces will require drain
added pans (increasing construction costs):
• Kitchens
• Food prep areas
• Dining areas
Drainage pipes from plumbing fixtures or roof drains located in these spaces will require heat
Structural Constraints
• Plumbing chases and fixtures should not be located over structural footings, which are
located directly under the floor slab
• Plumbing chases should not be placed directly over structural beams (structural beams
are commonly aligned with column lines)
• Plumbing chases should not be placed at structural expansion joints
For electrical systems, the design parameters are set in accordance with the National Electric
Code (NEC). These are the minimum requirements that must be met. The major categories of the
electrical system are supply, distribution, motor loads and lighting.
The principal elements of an electric power system are the generating stations, the transmission
lines, the substations, and the distribution networks. The generators produce the electricity, the
transmission lines move it to locations where it is consumed, and the substations transform it for
industrial, commercial, and residential use.
The most common form of energy used in buildings is alternating (AC) current. Direct Current
(DC) in used for some types of elevator motors and low voltage applications like signal systems
and controls.
Single-phase power consists of voltage and current that varies at the same frequency. This sort
of distribution is most common when the power load is primarily used for lighting, low power
appliances, heating and low horsepower motors (less than 5HP).
In the U.S., single-phase voltage is 120 Volts, while several other countries use 230 Volts as the
A typical single-phase power system contains three wires, a power wire, a neutral wire and an
earth/ground wire.
Three Phase power refers to three wire Alternating Current (AC) power circuits, which are
synchronized to switch direction at different times but all at the same voltage. Compared to single-
phase power circuits, 3-phase power circuits provide 1.732 (the square root of 3) times more
power with the same current.
A three-phase system comes in three power wires, a neutral wire and an earth/ground wire that
is often optional.
For three phase, power can be drawn either by the delta configuration or by the wye configuration.
A delta configuration produces 208V and the wye configuration produces 120V (shown above).
This kind of flexibility helps balance power for different equipment in an establishment. Low power
loads (lights, computers, etc.) are powered using any 120V single-phase power circuit and high
power loads (Water Heaters, AC Compressors) are powered using the 208V three-phase power
Three-phase power distribution requires lesser copper or aluminum for transferring the same
amount of power as compared to single-phase power. Only about 75 percent as much copper
wire is required for distributing three-phase power as is required for distributing the same amount
of single-phase power.
An electric power distribution system carries electricity from the transmission system to individual
consumers. Distribution substations connect to the transmission system and lower the
transmission voltage to medium voltage ranging between 2 kV and 35 kV with the use of
transformers. Primary distribution lines carry this medium voltage power to distribution
transformers located near the customer's premises. Distribution transformers again lower the
voltage to the utilization voltage of household appliances and typically feed several customers
through secondary distribution lines at this voltage. Commercial and residential customers are
connected to the secondary distribution lines through service drops. Customers demanding a
much larger amount of power may be connected directly to the primary distribution level or the
sub-transmission level.
In the United States, power companies provide electricity to medium or large buildings at 13,800
volts (13.8kV). Small commercial and residential buildings usually get 120/240 Volts single phase
or 120/208 volts three-phase service. The power distribution company provides a step-down
transformer on a pole or on the ground to reduce the voltage to 120/240 or 120/208 volts typically
required by small and medium sized buildings.
Power Distribution in Small Buildings
The power distribution company terminates the wires up to the electric meter. Beyond this, the
property owner provides all wiring, panels, and other electrical devices.
Larger commercial and Industrial customers require higher voltage (typically 480/277 volts). In
this case, the owner of the property provides and maintains their own step-down transformer.
Downstream the transformer is the switchgear. It functions to distribute electricity safely and
efficiently to the various loads throughout the building. The switchgear includes numerous circuit
breakers, which disrupts the power supply in the event of a fault or problem. It can also be
triggered off manually to allow technicians to work on specific branches of the power system.
Diagram of Power Distribution in Large Buildings
Metering must be provided before the building service enters switches. The meter station is either
located at the utility side or the facility’s service point inside the building. Utility companies levy
charges based not only on the total amount of energy used (kWh) but also on peak demand. A
low load factor impels an inefficient use of energy and a high demand charge. It also encourages
conservation of energy because utility companies have to provide energy based on peak.
The following are factors to be considered for proper distribution of power supply:
• After office hours, all LT panels should be switched off. Only supply of emergency areas
such as specific lift, staircase/corridor/compound lights, fire protection board, pumps,
server/computer room, and security lights may be kept on.
• Earth continuity should be ensured for all metallic boxes and earth pin of socket outlets.
• Degree of protection required for outdoor/indoor cubicles shall be ensured.
Circuits can be interrupted by a switch. A circuit breaker is a device that interrupts the path when
necessary to protect other devices attached to the circuit, for example, in case of a power surge.
Circuits can be classified as:
• High Voltage Circuits = >1,000 V A/C power or > 1,500 V D/C power. Used in electrical
power distribution.
• Low Voltage Circuits = 50 - 1,000 V A/C power or 120 - 1,500 V D/C power.
• Extra Low Voltage Circuits = < 50 V A/C power or <120 V D/C power. Extra low voltage
is a low risk, and used for things like intercoms, remote lighting, doorbells, HVAC.
Electrical load
An electrical load is that item of a circuit, which consumes electric power. The examples are the
appliances, lights, air conditioning equipment, pumps, etc. The term may also refer to the power
consumed by a circuit. This is opposed to a power source, such as a battery or generator, which
produces power.
A conductor is a material typically copper wire through which current flows. The voltage (the
potential difference) causes the current to flow.
The current carrying capacity of a conductor depends on the size, type of insulation around it, and
surrounding temperature.
A feeder is a set of electrical conductors, which extend from the source of energy to a distribution
Loads should be less than two-thirds of rated conductor load rating to allow for growth.
Size of conductors is based on the cross-sectional area specified in the American Wire Gauge
(AWG) and thousand circular mil (MCM) designations. Increasing gauge numbers give
decreasing wire diameters. For example:
All connections (e.g. switches, receptacles, lights and junctions) must be made within code-
approved boxes.
Conduits for electrical power should be independent of conduits used for transmission of voice
or data.
Wire Types
No conduit is required.
Raceways are the channels for holing electrical cables, and they are used for large residential,
commercial and industrial projects.
A raceway layout is one of the major considerations in design. It must be addressed early in the
design process because the proliferation of numerous loads, control devices, computers and
networking equipment require the distribution channels to be much wider than before.
An electrical conduit is a piping system that protects wires and cables from impact, moisture, and
vapors. It allows cables to be easily pulled and makes wiring changes simpler and safer. NFPA
70, also known as the National Electric Code (NEC), provides information on the safe and proper
way to install conduit and associated cabling.
Conduit materials are often chosen for their mechanical protection, corrosion resistance, and the
overall installation cost.
Type Use
Rigid Steel The safest type
More economical
Easy/fast install
Capacitors are used in three-phase circuits to improve the power factor (useable power).
It comprises two plates separated by an insulating layer. Current is stored on one plate and
eventually the stored amount is discharged. It is used in single-phase motors for starting.
A transformer is a device used to increase or decrease AC voltage. Note it changes the voltage
but not the total power.
It is comprised of primary and secondary windings about an iron core. Primary windings are used
for input in a transformer. Secondary windings are used for output and can be divided into
segments so that the output voltage could be adjusted on the settlements used. The wire with a
greater number of winds has a higher voltage and the wire with less winds has a lower voltage.
Step-up transformers increase the output voltage (e.g. they increase voltage from a power plant
to transmission lines). Step-down transformers decrease the output voltage (e.g. they reduce
voltage from transmission lines at sub-stations or at transmission poles).
Circuit Connections
Connections are either wye (shaped like the letter Y) or delta (shaped like a triangle) format.
• Wye: used when all the loads in an AC system are connected at a single point and a
neutral cable is connected at that center point where the three phases meet. Most low
voltage distribution lines such as lighting circuits are Wye. Wye connections are
symmetrical so the voltage from each of the three-phase wires to the neutral is the same.
That means that the voltage from each phase to the neutral equals the voltage from the
line-to- line divided by √3 (or 1.73).
• Delta: used when three phases are connected like a triangle and do not have a neutral
cable. Delta connections are usually made when load is mainly power. Primaries are
usually connected to a Delta. If a neutral is added to a delta, the voltage from two of the
phase wires to the neutral is 1/2 of the phase-to-phase voltage. The voltage from the third
phase to the neutral is 0.866 times the phase-to-phase voltage; no loads are connected
between these two points though.
Switchgear is an assembly of switches, circuits breakers and cables or bus ducts that distribute
power to the building or to substations for further transforming and distribution as part of a
secondary distribution system.
Distribution boards
Distribution board or panel board is an enclosed cabinet containing circuit breakers which serve
as a distribution point of branch circuits to a floor or part of a floor.
A Switchboard is used in large installations. It is located in special rooms large enough to permit
services access around the equipment. Equipment include transformers, circuit breakers and
distribution panels.
Branch Circuit
The insulated wires that run between the outlet and the panel board. Examples of branch circuit
loads for residences are:
• Lighting and general-use circuit loads involve current flowing to most lights and wall
receptacles: NEC recommends 3 watts/sq.-ft. of finished floor area.
• Small-appliance circuit loads involve current flowing to fixed small appliances (e.g. in
Kitchen/Dining room and Laundry) not to be served by general-use circuits. NEC requires
a minimum of two 1,500W circuits in the Kitchen for dishwasher, microwave, etc.
Circuit Protection
Grounding or Earthing is a safeguard that allows a current to find an easy path to the earth,
eliminating electrical load and protecting people from shock.
It involves a direct physical connection of both the ground wire and neutral wires to the earth. It
provides a path for fault and prevents the risk of electric shock. It is important to prevent user
contact with dangerous voltage if electrical insulation fails.
Devices, which detect a continual current lost to the ground (earth), even after power is shut off.
Typically used on any 15 or 20-amp circuit where water is or might be present (e.g: bathrooms,
garages, outdoors)
If an outlet is within 6’-0” of a water source, then it must be connected to an GFCI to eliminate
potential shock hazard.
A fuse is a thin strip of metal that melts and breaks an electrical circuit if a current exceeds a safe
level. It can be used only once as when it breaks it is done.
Circuit Breakers
Each live wire is connected to a circuit breaker and the ground cable connected to an electrode
driven into the earth.
A Circuit Breaker disconnects electrical current automatically when an overload occurs. It must
be reset manually once it is triggered.
Breaker size is specified to match the capacity of the conductor. A circuit that feeds a motor must
be oversized so that the rated load of the motor is not more than 80% of the capacity of the circuit.
NEC requires that for single motor installation. The current used in the wire size calculation must
be 1.25 times the load current from the applicable single-phase or 3-phase tables.
Contractor is a magnetically operated switch to open and close an electric current. It is similar to
relay but with higher current ratings.
It is controlled by a circuit, which has a much lower power level than the switched outlet. It is used
to control electric motors, lighting, heating, capacitor banks, thermal evaporators, and other
electrical loads.
Hard wired: The wiring that is connected directly to building circuits in junction boxes.
Split Wire receptacle: one outlet is always in energizing mode, the other is controlled by a switch.
• Receptacles should be mounted 12” - 18” above finished floor typical, min 15” for ADA.
• Spacing should be 12’-0” max, or so that no point is further than 6’ from an outlet.
• Floor receptacles must be within 18" of an exterior wall to count as a required power
receptacle in a dwelling.
• Circuits are usually 15” and at least 20A for the kitchen, pantry, and dining.
• Kitchen counters need at least two circuits, with no more than 4 outlets per 20A.
• No point on a wall above a counter can be greater than 24” from an outlet.
System designed to provide emergency power supply to exit lighting, alarms, elevators, computer
equipment, etc.
If a building's emergency power supply consists of batteries, the batteries must have a full-load
capacity of 90 minutes.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
An electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load when the input source fails. It is
typically used wherever power outage can disrupt business, for example, to protect computers,
data centers, telecom equipment, etc.
Lighting output
The most common measure of light output is the lumen. Light sources are labeled with an output
rating in lumens. For example, a T12 40-watt fluorescent lamp may have a rating of 3050 lumens.
Similarly, a light fixture's output can be expressed in lumens. As lamps and fixtures age and
become dirty, their lumen output decreases (i.e., lumen depreciation occurs). Most lamp ratings
are based on initial lumens (i.e., when the lamp is new).
Lighting level
The amount of light arriving at a surface is the Illuminance measured in foot-candles, which is
equal to lumens per square foot.
In an office, we might want to understand the amount of light that is hitting our desk; however, in
a gymnasium or corridor we may be more interested for light hitting the floor. Illuminance is
measured in foot-candles (FC) or lux. You can measure illuminance using a light meter located
on the work surface. Using simple arithmetic and manufacturers' photometric data, you can
predict illuminance for a defined space. (Lux is the metric unit for illuminance, measured in lumens
per square meter. To convert foot-candles to lux, multiply foot-candles by 10.76.).
This measures light "leaving" a surface in a particular direction, and considers the illuminance on
the surface and the reflectance of the surface.
The human eye does not see illuminance; it sees luminance. Therefore, the amount of light
delivered into the space and the reflectance of the surfaces in the space affect your ability to see.
The table below provides recommended light levels from the IESNA Lighting Handbook and LPD
levels from the IECC 2015. The required light levels are indicated in a range because different
tasks, even in the same space, require different amounts of light. In general, low contrast and
detailed tasks require more light while high contrast and less detailed tasks require less light.
Bedroom - Dormitory 20-30 FC 200-300 lux 0.38
Cafeteria - Eating 20-30 FC 200-300 lux 0.65
Classroom - General 30-50 FC 300-500 lux 1.24
Conference Room 30-50 FC 300-500 lux 1.23
Corridor 5-10 FC 50-100 lux 0.66
Exhibit Space 30-50 FC 300-500 lux 1.45
Gymnasium - 20-30 FC 200-300 lux 0.72
Exercise / Workout
Gymnasium - Sports / 30-50 FC 300-500 lux 1.20
Kitchen / Food Prep 30-75 FC 300-750 lux 1.21
Laboratory 50-75 FC 500-750 lux 1.43
Laboratory 75-120 FC 750-1200 lux 1.81
Library - Stacks 20-50 FC 200-500 lux 1.71
Library - Reading / 30-50 FC 300-500 lux 1.06
Loading Dock 10-30 FC 100-300 lux 0.47
Lobby - 20-30 FC 200-300 lux 0.90
Locker Room 10-30 FC 100-300 lux 0.75
Lounge / Breakroom 10-30 FC 100-300 lux 0.73
Mechanical / 20-50 FC 200-500 lux 0.95
Electrical Room
Office - Open 30-50 FC 300-500 lux 0.98
Office - Private / 30-50 FC 300-500 lux 1.11
Parking - Interior 5-10 FC 50-100 lux 0.19
Restroom / Toilet 10-30 FC 100-300 lux 0.98
Retail Sales 20-50 FC 200-500 lux 1.59
Stairway 5-10 FC 50-100 lux 0.69
Storage Room - 5-20 FC 50-200 lux 0.63
Workshop 30-75 FC 300-750 lux 1.59
Electric light sources have three characteristics: efficiency, color temperature, and color rendering
index (CRI).
• Efficiency: The efficacy of a lamp refers to the number of lumens leaving the lamp
compared to the number of watts required by the lamp (and ballast). It is expressed in
lumens per watt.
• Color Temperature: This is a measurement of "warmth" or "coolness" provided by the
lamp. People usually prefer a warmer source (red, orange, yellow) in lower illuminance
areas, such as dining areas and living rooms, and a cooler source (white, blue) in higher
illuminance areas, such as grocery stores.
• Color Rendering Index: The color rendering index (CRI) scale (ranging from zero - 100)
is used to compare how perceived colors match actual colors. It is a measure of the
effectiveness of a source to make colors “right” to the viewer. A higher CRI means better
color rendering, or less color shift. CRIs in the range of 75-100 are considered excellent,
while 65-75 are good. The range of 55-65 is fair, and 0-55 is poor.
The appropriate type and quantity of lamps and light fixtures may be selected based on the
• Fixture efficiency
• Lamp lumen output
• The reflectance of surrounding surfaces
• The effects of light losses from lamp lumen depreciation and dirt accumulation
• Room size and shape
• Availability of natural light (daylight)
When designing a new or upgraded lighting system, one must be careful to avoid overlighting a
space. In the past, spaces were designed for as much as 200 foot-candles in places where 50
foot-candles may not only be adequate, but superior. This was partly due to the misconception
that the more light in a space, the higher the quality. Not only does over lighting waste energy,
but it can also reduce lighting quality.
Consists of a tungsten filament placed within a sealed bulb containing an inert gas. Filament glows
by passing an electric current through it.
• Inexpensive
• Compact
• Dimmable
• Typically, “warmer” color than sunlight or daylight, rich in yellows and reds and weak in
green and blues.
• The least efficient type of artificial lighting because much of the energy used to light the
filament is wasted in the production of heat (About 90% waste!).
• Short lamp life: standard bulbs last about 700 - 1,000 hours.
Tungsten Halogen
• Longer life
• Low lumen deprecation of the life of the bulb
• More uniform light color
• Whiter light than incandescent
• Dimmable
A glass tube holds a mixture of an inert gas and low pressure mercury vapor. When lamp is
energized, an arc of mercury is formed creating an ultraviolet light that strikes the phosphor-
coated bulb. Bulb fluoresces and produce a visible light.
A device called ballast supplies the proper starting and operating voltages to the lamp and limits
the current. Produces noise and heat so, “Class A” is good for quite areas and “Class F” is
acceptable for noisy areas. Electronic ballast produces high frequency AC and lowers power
consumption for silent operation and ease of dimming.
• T Tube
− Designated according to type, wattage, diameter, color, and method of starting
− Example: F32T8WW/RS = 32 watt, 8/8” tubular, warm white, rapid start
• CF- Compact Fluorescent
− Lamps bent into a U-shape and mounted on a base that houses a ballast
− Can be screwed into incandescent luminaries
A lamp within a lamp that runs at a very high voltage. An electrical arc is struck across tungsten
electrodes in a glass tube filled with gas and metals. Metals produce the light once they are heated
to a point of evaporation.
• Produce light that is not flattering to human skin, so not used for commercial, retail, or
residential applications.
Mercury Vapor
• Electric arc is passed through high pressure mercury vapor that produces ultraviolet and
visibly light
• Primarily in the “blue/green” color
• Moderately high efficacy (30-50 lm/W)
• Have a life of 24,000 hours
• Used for large area overhead lighting in factories, warehouses, sports complexes, or
Metal Halide
• Similar to mercury vapor except halides of metal are added to the arc tube
• Increased efficacy (50 - 100 lm/W)
• Have a life of 10,000 hours
• Produces a whiter, more natural light
• Decreased lamp life
Typical Efficacy
• Fed through main cable connecting to rooms where they are split into riser cables;
• Risers are typically located near the core and connect at each floor;
• Multiple lines are supported by a phone switch;
• Each phone is connected to the switch via a copper cable;
• Phone switches can be small (up to 8 phone lines with 32 telephone connections), or large
(hundreds of phone lines with thousands of extensions); and
• Large phone lines are called Private Branch Exchange or PBX and they can be expensive.
• Typically used to describe a mainframe or minicomputer system, not the modern day LAN
• Mainframe: a large centralized computer that performs all activities, computations and
data storage; users interface through terminals; and
• Minicomputer: smaller version of mainframe computer, all applications run on centralized
computer, but system is smaller and supports a few number of user terminals.
Intrusion detection is classified into three types: perimeter protection, area or room protection,
and object protection
• Perimeter Protection: secures entry points (e.g.: doors, windows, ducts) to a space or
building. Common types are:
MEP is an engineering task comprising multiple systems, activities, and interfaces within various
building trades. Architects must also be prepared to coordinate the work of multiple engineering
specialties that will carry the environmental control systems concept forward through design
development and beyond.
The building architecture and its integration to MEP services and civil construction may be
evaluated in terms of eight (8) criteria, which can be bucketed in three levels of importance.
1. Coordination with Coordination with civil structure works refers to the Level 1
civil structural process of installing MEP, which must be well
works coordinated to embed the horizontal pipes beneath
concrete structures and vertical sleeves in advance.
2. Safety Safety refers to safety considerations during
installation. For example, safety is required to prevent
hazards such as a water pipe leakage if a water pipe
lies above an electrical pipe.
3. Functionality Functionality refers to ensuring that the function of
pipes is fully exploited while complying with building
codes. For example, drainage slopes and routes
must be taken into consideration for proper drainage
of waste water.
4. Constructability Constructability is a second level requirement that Level 2
involves the evaluation of installation difficulty and the
arrangement of sequencing between MEP systems. It
has a considerable influence on the planning,
sequence, and progress of construction.
5. Economy Economy refers to the cost estimates associated with Level 3
MEP installation and integration with architecture,
which can increase due to a lack of coordination.For
instance, re-routing a pipeline or duct increases the
lengths of the pipeline and associated costs.
6. Efficiency Efficiency refers to the performance of MEP systems.
For example, a lack of integration on plumbing can
cause descending pressure and consuming capacity.
Inadequate duct sizes for HVAC equipment can
inhibit its performance and influence equipment
7. Expandability Expandability refers to the future expansion or
upgrade of facility and its influence on the MEP
8. Maintainability Maintainability refers to the convenience of
maintenance during the operation phase.
Maintenance space and operation route must be
taken into consideration.
Coordination with civil structure works refers to the process of installing MEP services.
Electrical raceways, conduits, HVAC ducts and plumbing pipes, and vertical sleeves of sewage
pipes from the floor slab must be installed prior to slab grouting.
Safety refers to safety considerations during installation. For example, safety is required to
prevent hazards such as a water pipe leakage if a water pipe lies above an electrical pipe.
Functionality refers to ensuring that the function of pipes is fully exploited while complying with
building codes. For example, the design of life safety assessment and fire protection systems
must be arranged prior to other systems in order to comply with fire codes and fire protection
permit requirements.
Constructability represents the factors influencing the sequence of installation. The conflicts can
be categorized as follows:
• Conflict of equipment in a space: Because of the crowded space, the routing and
sequence of installation for large equipment must be checked first.
• Conflict of pipeline in a space: Conditions for stacking and interlacing pipelines causes
difficulty in installation and maintenance due to over-crowded spaces and lack of advance
• Crowded installation: Conflicts within the installation space, idle laborers, and poor
installation quality can result from problems such as crowded spaces, or multiple workers
operating simultaneously at a single site. Furthermore, the attitude of “first come first win”
or “first do first win” causes conflict in the arrangement of pipelines.
• Pipe materials and dimensions: Installation suffers if the diameter of the pipe is oversized
or if the material of the pipe is inflexible or too rigid to be easily cut or molded. If these
kinds of materials are applied for the works, they should be installed earlier to prevent
• Installation of pipeline tiers: When the pipeline layout exceeds two layers, pipes on the
upper layer should be installed first.
Economy refers to the cost estimates associated with integration, which can increase due to a
lack of coordination. For example, piping should be laid out in a straight line covering the shortest
possible distance to avoid bends and detours, and to conform to the principle of economy and
energy benefit.
Efficiency refers to a lack of integration causing descending pressure and consuming capacity,
which influences the basic function of MEP systems.
• Consider surrounding environmental factors and ventilation issues for major equipment.
• Straight pipes are preferable. Avoid curved pipes.
• Keep distance between HVAC vents and intakes.
Expandability refers to the lifecycle of the facility causing a demand for the expansion or upgrade
of the facility.
• Reserve space for future equipment expansion and possible flexible adjustments.
• Reserve space for future pipelines distribution.
• Consider reservation, disbanding flexible adjustments.
Maintainability refers to the convenience of maintenance during the operation phase. Space for
future expansion and maintenance should be reserved during the conceptual design phase.