Heat and Mass Transfer Enforcement of Vibrating Fluidized Bed
Heat and Mass Transfer Enforcement of Vibrating Fluidized Bed
Heat and Mass Transfer Enforcement of Vibrating Fluidized Bed
H e a t and M a s s Transfer E n f o r c e m e n t of V i b r a t i n g
Fluidized B e d
This paper briefly introduces the development of vibrating fluidized bed at home and abroad, elabo-
rates the vibration properties of vibrating fluidized bed, the fluidizing velocity and pressure drop of the
bed layer. It also deduces the non-steady state drying dyvamic equations of vibrating fluidized bed,
analyzes main factors which influence the drying rate and inquires into drying rules of fixed bed and
vibrating fluidiz~ bed.
1. V i b r a t i n g P r o p e r t y o f t h e B e d L a y e r Vibrating 3
According to the vibrating intensity of the bed layer fluidizat~_~, " " ~
(the ratio between the bed layer acceleration Aw 2 and ¢onvcctiv%T I , /
the gravitational acceleration g, where A is the am- fluidization , •
plitude and ~v is the rotation frequency), the essential <
properties of the vibrating fluidized bed material layer
are divided into three types: while Aw2/g < 1, it is ~P J
called vibrating bed: materials stick stably and evenly
to the surface of the bed layer; while Awa/g ~ 1, it log Vo
is called sub-vibrating bed: materials are in the ten-
1¢ig.2 Fluidized pressure drop and fluidized velocity
dency of jumping, but haven't jumped up yet; while
Aw2/g > 1, it is called vibrating fluidized bed: mate-
rials are thrown up and the fluidizing layer is formed,
materials are incessantly jumping up and down, rolling EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON VIB-
with the power of vibration, then the stes£1y fluidizing RATING FLUIDIZED BED
layer appears. The collision opportunity increases and
heat and mass transfer is enforced. That vibrating fluidized bed can get high heat
transfer coefficient has been proved by many re-
searchers. Mujumdar did many investigations on heat
2. M i n i m u m Fluidizing V e l o c i t y conduction coefficient of vibrating fluidized bed, and
Bratu and Jinesou, Gupta, Mujumdar and Mush- the results show that the heat conduction coefficient
taev separately give the related formulas for calculat- of vibrating bed is three times more than that of fixed
ing the minimum fluidizing velocity[7-9]. Though the bed in non-ventilating bed; With the increase of air
fomnlas are different in forms, they all show that the velocity, vibration effect on heat conduction decreases
increase of vibrating intensity can effectively decrease little by little and this rule is identical with air flu-
the minimum fluidizing air velocity. While vibrating idized bed. The effects that air velocity exerts on the
intensity Araa/g = 1.3 ,,, 9.85, the ratio of many gran- heat given coefficient of the bed layer and wall sur-
ular materials between the minimum fluidizing veloc- face are shown in Fig.3. In Fig.3 we see that while
ity of vibrating fluidized bed and the minimum flu- air velocity is lower than the critical fluidizing veloc-
idizing velocity of air fluidized bed reaches 1:6. ity, it belongs to fixed bed stage. At this stage, the
heat given coefficient increases very slowly with the
increase of air velocity, this is shown as curve AB,
3. P r e s s u r e D r o p o f t h e B e d L a y e r While the flowing velocity is greater than the criti-
Compared with ordinary air fluidized bed, the in- cad velocity, the heat given coefficient rises quickly to
fluence of vibration can decrease the pressure drop of it's maximum point C as curveBC shows. Then the
fluidLv~d bed. The fluidizing curve of vibrating flu- bed layer material is fluidized. But if the air velocity
idized bed is different from ordinary air fluidized bed, continues to increase, the heat given coefficient drops
it has two constant stages. Fig.2 is the relationship instead of increasing. Then we can draw a conclusion
curve of the pressure drop A p and the air velocity from Fig.3: Heat transfer in "air fluidized bed is much
V. In various vibrating conditions, forms of this type better than that in fixed bed.
of curves have some differences. Compared with or- Vibrating fluidized bed can improve the bed layer
dinary air fluidized bed, the bed layer's uniform flu- mixing, improve the heat and mass transfer property,
idization can be reached at a rather small air velocity, and raise the drying rate. It is reported by Laitsev
and the value of the pressure drop in the first fluidiz- et al. that the drying rate of vibrating fluidized bed
ing stage is evidently lower than that of the minimum is 1.5,~2.5 times more than that of air fluidized bed.
fluidizing pressure drop in air fluidized bed. Osinikii et al. found that the drying rate in constant
Researches by Hou Caiyun and Cao Chongwen et rate stage is 6 times more than that of fixed bed {s].
al. demonstrate that the bed layer pressure drop not The experiment result of milk powder drying which
only relates to vibrating parameters, but also changes is given by Valohzr is: The drying rate of vibrat-
with the material moisture content. It decreases with ing fluidization is 2,~8 times more than that of air
the decrease of material moisture content, and it is in fluidization, and the multiple increases with the in-
Chu Zhide et al. Heat and Mass Transfer Enforcement of Vibrating Fluidized Bed 259
3. H e a t flux t h a t m a t e r i a l received f r o m h e a t Q1 + Q2 + Qs + Q4 + Q5
= ( c . + XC~)Go(dt/d~) + ~ d M / d (6)
qs =//~,i(td, - tol)dF(W) (3) where:
F ta- the specific heat of absolute dry material
where: x - - the water content of dry basic material
tdi - - i n s t a n t a n e o u s dry bulb temperature of the specific heat of water
the air G o - - the mass of absolute dry material (Kg)
tsi - - the instantaneous surface temperature of the latent heat of evaporation corresponding
material to different temperatures of material
ai - - heat convection coefficient surface (KJ/Kg)
M the moisture dehydrated from material (g)
4. H e a t flux t h a t m a t e r i a l received f r o m vi-
t - - the average temperature of material
b r a t i o n o f t h e b e d layer:
Substituting Eq.(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) into Eq.(6).
Since Go = Gw/(1 +z), G,~ is the mass of moist mate-
Q4 =//A2W2~Pn,/gdF(W) (4) rial (Kg), substituting Gw/F6p~, into Eq.(6), we ob-
A the amplitude of material
- -
dM KiCoe
W - - rotation frequency of the vibrating bed Co~ -- ,-,~p,~ [(TR~/IO0)' - (T"/100)'](1 + X)
g gravitational acceleration
- -
Table 1. Effect on drying rate by height of bed layer in equal vibrating parameters
and heat supply conditions (vibrating ~arameters: Aw2/g= 2.3)
bed layer rate of bed rate of bed layer drying rate' rate of relative error D relative error E times of error
height layer height height square drying rate
(mm) A &+d& B (&+d&) 2 U C U~/U~+~ (A- c ) / c % (B - c ) / c % E/D
17 1.51
1.6 2.7 114 - - 29 il8
28 1.20
1.5 2.3 1.33 • 12---- 69 3.4
42 0.90
1.7 1.3' !.40 7.1 18 2.5
54 0.64
air velocity initial moist rate of initial drying rate of relative error
(m/s) content (%) moist content K1 rate U drying rate K2 (K2-K1)/K2 x 100~.
0.17 72.7 0.80
0.17 54.6 1.33 0.56 1.43 6.9
0.36 72.7 1.44
0.36 54.0 1.33 0.91 1.57 15
262 Journal of Thermal Science, Vol. 3, No.4, 1994
From Table 2, we find that material initial moisture tional with the vibration intensity, heat supply tem-
content has important effect on drying rate. So when perature, air flux velocity and material moisture con-
we experimented for essential data of hot air and in- tent, and it is conversely proportional to the thickness
frared radiation drying of Chinese medical herbs, in of material.
order to evaluate the difllculty of drying for 27 kinds
of herds, we tried our best to take the identical mate-
rial initial moisture contents. If they are really unable REFERENCES
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