ِ بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر
َّح ِيم
﴾١﴿ الم
1:Alif Laam Miim
َ ُاآلخ َر ِة هُ ْم يُوقِن
﴾٤﴿ ون َ ِنز َل ِمن قَ ْبل
ِ ِك َوب ُ َ نز َل إِلَيُ َ والَّ ِذ
َ ُين ي ُْؤ ِمن
ِ ْك َو َما أ ِ ون بِ َما أ
4:Wal ladziina yu’minuuna bimaa unzila ilayka wa maa unzila min
qoblika wa bil akhirati hum yuuqinuun
And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the
assurance of the Hereafter.
ت َو َما فِي ِ اوا َ هّللا ُ الَ إِلَهَ إِالَّ هُ َو ْال َح ُّي ْالقَيُّو ُم الَ تَأْ ُخ ُذهُ ِسنَةٌ َوالَ نَ ْو ٌم لَّهُ َما فِي ال َّس َم
َض َمن َذا الَّ ِذي يَ ْشفَ ُع ِع ْن َدهُ إِالَّ بِإِ ْذنِ ِه يَ ْعلَ ُم َما بَي َْن أَ ْي ِدي ِه ْم َو َما َخ ْلفَهُ ْم َوال
ِ ْاألَر
َض َوال َ ْت َواألَر ِ اواَ ون بِ َش ْي ٍء ِّم ْن ِع ْل ِم ِه إِالَّ بِ َما َشاء َو ِس َع ُكرْ ِسيُّهُ ال َّس َم َ ُي ُِحيط
﴾٢٥٥﴿ يَ ُؤو ُدهُ ِح ْفظُهُ َما َوهُ َو ْال َعلِ ُّي ْال َع ِظي ُم
255:Allahu laa ilaha illa huwal hayyul qoyyumu laa ta’khudzuhu
sinatuw wala naum lahu maa fiis samaawaati wa maa fiil ardh man
dzal ladzii yasyfa’u ‘indahu illa bi idznihi ya’lamu maa bayna aydiihim
wa maa khalfahum wa laa yuhithuuna bisyai im min ‘ilmihi illa bimaa
sya’ wa si’a kursyyuhus samaawaati wal ardha wa la ya uduhu
hifzhuhumaa wa huwal ‘aliyyul ‘azhiim
Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep.
His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He
permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they
compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the
earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in
ِ الَ إِ ْك َراهَ فِي الدِّي ِن قَد تَّبَي ََّن الرُّ ْش ُد ِم َن ْال َغ ِّي فَ َم ْن يَ ْكفُرْ بِالطَّا ُغو
ت َوي ُْؤ ِمن ِباهّلل ِ فَقَ ِد
﴾٢٥٦﴿ صا َم لَهَا َوهّللا ُ َس ِمي ٌع َعلِي ٌم َ ِك بِ ْالعُرْ َو ِة ْال ُو ْثقَ َى الَ انف َ ا ْستَ ْم َس
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes
in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth
all things.
اخ ْذنَا إِنِ ت َربَّنَا الَ تُ َؤ ْ َف هّللا ُ نَ ْفسًا إِالَّ ُو ْس َعهَا لَهَا َما َك َسب
ْ َت َو َعلَ ْيهَا َما ا ْكتَ َسب ُ ِّالَ يُ َكل
َ نَّ ِسينَا أَ ْو أَ ْخطَأْنَا َربَّنَا َوالَ تَحْ ِملْ َعلَ ْينَا إِصْ رًا َك َما َح َم ْلتَهُ َعلَى الَّ ِذ
ين ِمن قَ ْبلِنَا َربَّنَا
َ َف َعنَّا َوا ْغفِرْ لَنَا َوارْ َح ْمنَآ أ
نت َم ْوالَنَا فَانصُرْ نَا ُ َوالَ تُ َح ِّم ْلنَا َما الَ طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِ ِه َوا ْع
﴾٢٨٦﴿ ين َ َعلَى ْالقَ ْو ِم ْال َكافِ ِر
On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill
that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like
that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear.
Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand
against faith."
ِ بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر
َّح ِيم
ْ َُش ِه َد هّللا ُ أَنَّهُ الَ إِلَهَ إِالَّ هُ َو َو ْال َمالَئِ َكةُ َوأُ ْول
ِ وا ْال ِع ْل ِم قَآئِ َما ً بِ ْالقِس
ْط الَ إِلَهَ إِالَّ هُ َو
﴾١٨﴿ ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم
There is no god but He: That is the witness of Allah, His angels, and those endued with knowledge,
standing firm on justice. There is no god but He, the Exalted in Power, the Wise.
َ ع ْال ُم ْل
ك ِم َّمن تَ َشاء َوتُ ِع ُّز َمن ِ َك َمن تَ َشاء َوت
ُ نز َ ك تُ ْؤتِي ْال ُم ْل
ِ ك ْال ُم ْل
َ ِقُ ِل اللَّهُ َّم َمال
﴾٢٦﴿ ك َعلَ َى ُكلِّ َش ْي ٍء قَ ِدي ٌر َ َّك ْال َخ ْي ُر إِن
َ تَ َشاء َوتُ ِذلُّ َمن تَ َشاء بِيَ ِد
Say: "O Allah. Lord of Power (And Rule), Thou givest power to whom Thou pleasest, and Thou strippest off
power from whom Thou pleasest: Thou enduest with honour whom Thou pleasest, and Thou bringest low
whom Thou pleasest: In Thy hand is all good. Verily, over all things Thou hast power.
ِ بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر
َّح ِيم
ِ ْض فِي ِستَّ ِة أَي ٍَّام ثُ َّم ا ْستَ َوى َعلَى ْال َعر
ش َ ْت َواألَر ِ اوا َ ق ال َّس َمَ َإِ َّن َربَّ ُك ُم هّللا ُ الَّ ِذي َخل
ُت بِأ َ ْم ِر ِه أَالَ لَه
ٍ س َو ْالقَ َم َر َوالنُّجُو َم ُم َس َّخ َرا
َ طلُبُهُ َحثِيثًا َوال َّش ْم ْ َار ي َ َيُ ْغ ِشي اللَّي َْل النَّه
﴾٥٤﴿ ين َ ك هّللا ُ َربُّ ْال َعالَ ِم
َ ار َ َق َواألَ ْم ُر تَبُ ْال َخ ْل
Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established
on the throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil o'er the day, each seeking the other in rapid
succession: He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not
His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!
ِ بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر
َّح ِيم
ْوا فَلَهُ األَ ْس َماء ْال ُح ْسنَى َوالَ تَجْ هَرْ وا الرَّحْ َم َن أَيًّا َّما تَ ْد ُع
ْ وا هّللا َ أَ ِو ا ْد ُع
ْ قُ ِل ا ْد ُع
﴾١١٠﴿ ًك َسبِيال َ ِت بِهَا َوا ْبتَ ِغ بَي َْن َذل ْ ِك َوالَ تُ َخافَ ِصالَت َ ِب
Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him
belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a
middle course between."
ِ بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر
َّح ِيم
َ أَفَ َح ِس ْبتُ ْم أَنَّ َما َخلَ ْقنَا ُك ْم َعبَثًا َوأَنَّ ُك ْم إِلَ ْينَا اَل تُرْ َجع
﴾١١٥﴿ ُون
"Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be
brought back to Us (for account)?"
﴾٣﴿ ت ِذ ْكرًا
ِ فَالتَّالِيَا
And thus proclaim the Message (of Allah.!
ِ إِنَّا َزيَّنَّا ال َّس َماء ال ُّد ْنيَا بِ ِزينَ ٍة ْال َك َوا ِك
﴾٦﴿ ب
We have indeed decked the lower heaven with beauty (in) the stars,-
ِ َو ِح ْفظًا ِّمن ُك ِّل َش ْيطَا ٍن َّم
﴾٧﴿ ار ٍد
(For beauty) and for guard against all obstinate rebellious evil spirits,
﴾٨﴿ ب َ ُُون إِلَى ْال َمإَل ِ اأْل َ ْعلَى َويُ ْق َذف
ٍ ِون ِمن ُكلِّ َجان َ اَل يَ َّس َّمع
(So) they should not strain their ears in the direction of the Exalted Assembly but
be cast away from every side,
ْ ف ْال َخ
﴾١٠﴿ ٌطفَةَ فَأ َ ْتبَ َعهُ ِشهَابٌ ثَاقِب َ إِاَّل َم ْن َخ ِط
Except such as snatch away something by stealth, and they are pursued by a
flaming fire, of piercing brightness.
ٍ فَا ْستَ ْفتِ ِه ْم أَهُ ْم أَ َش ُّد َخ ْلقًا أَم َّم ْن َخلَ ْقنَا إِنَّا َخلَ ْقنَاهُم ِّمن ِطي ٍن اَّل ِز
﴾١١﴿ ب
Just ask their opinion: are they the more difficult to create, or the (other) beings
We have created? Them have We created out of a sticky clay!
ِ بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن الر
َّح ِيم
ِ ْت َواأْل َر
ض ِ َنس إِ ِن ا ْستَطَ ْعتُ ْم أَن تَنفُ ُذوا ِم ْن أَ ْقط
َ ار ال َّس َم
ِ اوا ِ ِ يَا َم ْع َش َر ْال ِجنِّ َواإْل
﴾٣٣﴿ طا ٍن َ ون إِاَّل ِبس ُْل
َ فَانفُ ُذوا اَل تَنفُ ُذ
O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it be ye can pass beyond the zones of the
heavens and the earth, pass ye! not without authority shall ye be able to pass!
بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِيم
ِ هُ َو هَّللا ُ الَّ ِذي اَل إِلَهَ إِاَّل هُ َو َعالِ ُم ْال َغ ْي
﴾٢٢﴿ ب َوال َّشهَا َد ِة هُ َو الرَّحْ َم ُن ال َّر ِحي ُم
Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- Who knows (all things) both
secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
رIُ ك ْالقُ ُّدوسُ ال َّساَل ُم ْال ُم ْؤ ِم ُن ْال ُمهَ ْي ِم ُن ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َجبَّا
ُ ِهُ َو هَّللا ُ الَّ ِذي اَل إِلَهَ إِاَّل هُ َو ْال َمل
﴾٢٣﴿ ون َ ْال ُمتَ َكبِّ ُر ُسب َْح
َ ان هَّللا ِ َع َّما يُ ْش ِر ُك
Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the
Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety,
the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah. (High is He)
above the partners they attribute to Him.
ِ ص ِّو ُر لَهُ اأْل َ ْس َماء ْال ُح ْسنَى يُ َسبِّ ُح لَهُ َما فِي ال َّس َما َوا
ت َ ئ ْال ُم ِ َق ْالب
ُ ار ُ ِهُ َو هَّللا ُ ْال َخال
﴾٢٤﴿ ض َوهُ َو ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم ِ َْواأْل َر
He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him
belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth
declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِيم
﴾١﴿ ي أَنَّهُ ا ْستَ َم َع نَفَ ٌر ِّم َن ْال ِجنِّ فَقَالُوا إِنَّا َس ِم ْعنَا قُرْ آنًا َع َجبًا ِ ُقُلْ أ
َّ َوح َي إِل
Say: It has been revealed to me that a company of Jinns listened (to the Qur'an).
They said, 'We have really heard a wonderful Recital!
َ َوأَنَّهُ َك
﴾٤﴿ ان يَقُو ُل َسفِيهُنَا َعلَى هَّللا ِ َشطَطًا
'There were some foolish ones among us, who used to utter extravagant lies
against Allah.
بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِيم
بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِيم
َّ هَّللا ُ ال
﴾٢﴿ ص َم ُد
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِيم
ِ َقُلْ أَ ُعو ُذ بِ َربِّ ْالفَل
﴾١﴿ ق
Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn
بِس ِْم هّللا ِ الرَّحْ َم ِن ال َّر ِح ِيم
ِ َّك الن
﴾٢﴿ اس ِ َِمل
The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
ِ َّإِلَ ِه الن
﴾٣﴿ اس
The God (for judge) of Mankind,-